初中英语一般过去时和there be句型讲义和习题详解

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第一篇:初中英语一般过去时和there be句型讲义和习题详解


一般过去时表示过去某一时候或某一段时间所发生了的事情或存在的状态。常与过去时间yesterday, this morning, just now, a moment ago, in May, last night / year / week, once upon a time, the other day, before „, when – clause, in the past连用。

如:What did you do yesterday? 昨天你干了什么? I met Lin Tao this morning.今天上午我会到了林涛。I was there a moment ago.刚才我在那儿


1表示在过去某个时间所发生的动作或所处的状态。常与yesterday, last week, in 1989, just now, a moment ago, the other day等连用。

如:He was here just now.他刚才还在这里。

What did you do yesterday? 你昨天做了什么事? 2在过去一段时间内的经常性或习惯性动作。

如:We often played together when we were children.我们小时候常在一起玩。注:表示过去经常发生的动作还可用used to 和would。

如:He used to smoke a lot, but he doesn’t now.他过去经常抽烟,但现在不抽了。

Whenever we were in trouble, he would help us.每当我们遇到困难,他都会帮助我们。


如:At that time she was very good at English.那时她英语学得很好。4用在状语从句中表示过去将来。

如:He said he would wait until they came back.5一般过去时有时可以表示现在,多与 want, hope, wonder, think, intend 等动词连用,使语气更委婉。

如:I wondered if you could help me.不知你能不能帮我一下。有时用一般过去时也是时态一致的需要。

如:I didn’t know you were here.没想到你在这里。注意:

1.表示一系列的动作,尽管有先后,都用一般过去时,最后两个动词之间用and连结。如: He opened the door, rushed out and then disappeared.他打开门,冲了出去,然后就消失了。


如:—Your phone number again? I didn’t quite catch it.—It’s 2566666.请再说一次你的电话号码,好吗?我刚才没听清楚。是2566666。



(1)一般在动词后加-ed。如:play—played, offer—offered, weigh—weighed, destroy— destroyed, sign—signed.(2)在以字母e结尾的动词后,只加-d。如:like—liked, provide—provided, hate — hated, date—dated。

(3)在以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词后,则改y为i,再加—ed。如:supply—supplied, fly—flied, study— studied.(from www.xiexiebang.com)(4)在以单短元音的重读闭音节结尾且,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词后,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-ed。如:plan—planned, refer—referred, regret—regretted, ban—banned.四、特别说明

有些动词的过去时,如:expect, hope, intend, plan, wanted 等一般过去时,后接不定式的完成时;或它们的过去完成时接不定式的一般式,都可表示过去未曾实现的意图、打算或希望。

如:I hoped to have been invited to his wedding party.—I had hoped to be invited to his wedding ceremony.我本希望他来邀请我参加他的婚礼。

I intended to have joined their games.—I had intended to join their games.我本打算参加他们的比赛。


一、单项选择: 从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

()1. My father______ill yesterday.

A. isn't

B. aren't

C. wasn't D. weren't()2. ______your parents at home last week﹖

A. Is

B. Was

C. Are D. Were()3. The twins______in Dalian last year. They______here now.

A. are;were

B. were;are

C. was;are

D. were;was()4. ______your father at work the day_____yesterday(前天)﹖

A. Was;before

B. Is;before

C. Was;after

D. Is;after

()5. —Who was on duty last Friday﹖


A. I am

B. I was

C. Yes, I was

D. No, I wasn't


1.I _________(have)an exciting party last weekend.2.---_________ she _________(practice)her guitar yesterday?

---No, she _________.3.They all _________(go)to the mountains yesterday morning.4.She _________(not visit)her aunt last weekend.5.She ________(stay)at home and _________(do)some cleaning.6.Jenny喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本英语书。

Jenny likes _________ __________.She _________ an English book last night.7.Emma每天都看电视。可是昨天他没有看。

Emma__________ TV every day.But he _________ ________ ________ yesterday.四、改写句子:

1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy ________ _______ her homework at home.2、He found some meat in the fridge(冰箱).(变一般疑问句)

___________ he __________ ___________ meat in the fridge?


1.How is Jane yesterday? _____________________

2.He go to school by bus last week.____________________________ 3.He often goes home at 6:00 last month.____________________________ 4.I can fly kites seven years ago.______________________________ 5.Did you saw him just now.____________________________________

一、单项选择:1---5 CDBAB





三、2.reading books;read 3.watches;didn't watch TV

4.did;do last;did their;went shopping 5.had to cook breakfast;wasn't at home

四、1.didn't do

2.Did;find any

3.Was;any 4.Did;read


3.goes------went 4.can-------could


六、1----5 DBCBA

6------10 DBCDC

there be 【考点聚焦】 there be句型是初中阶段的重要语法项目之一,从近年来中考的试题来看,对there be句型的考查主要集中在下列几点:

1、各种句型转化。变成否定句时在be后加not即可.2、be可以有现在时(there is/are)、过去时(there was/were)、将来时(there is/are going to be或there will be)和完成时(there have/has been);还可用there must be ,there can’t be, there used to be等


4、主谓一致:There be 结构中的be动词要和后面所跟名词保持一致,遵循就近原则。注意:

1)句型中含有some时,变为否定句、疑问句时一般要改为any。2)对数量提问:How many +可数名词复数 + are there +…? How much +不可数名词 + is there +…?

3)对句中 sth.部分提问一般用What’s +地点状语?有时也用 What’s there +地点状语? 4)与have句型的区别

there be 表示“某地某时存在某人某物”,而have则表示“某人某地方拥有”。

比较:There is a bus in our school.(只表示存在,bus不一定属于学校)Our school has a bus.(表示我们学校拥有bus这一财产)

5)there be 句型中有时不用动词be,而用come , live ,stand , lie, seem to be , happen to be ,等

【技巧点拨】 考查there be 句型的常见题型有单项填空、完型填空、句型转换和改错等。做这类题时,必须首先认真理解全句的意思,看是表示“存在”的“有”还是“拥有”来决定是否用there be还是用其他句型。【考例剖析】

例 1:1.There ____ many new words in Lesson One.It is very easy.(2007南通)A.is B.aren’t C.isn’t D.are 剖析:句子主语(many new words)是复数,先排除A、C。而后面说第一课容易,所以文中应该是几乎没有新的生词,故D也不正确。答案:B 例 2:There is little ___ in the fridge.Let’s go and buy some.(2007河南)

A.apples B.eggs C.vegetables D.milk 剖析:备选答案A、B、C均为可数名词复数,而题中谓语是is,所以要么选可数名词单数,要么选不可数名词,所以排除A、B、C。答案:D 例 3:---There ______ a concert this evening.(2007福州)---Yeah.Exciting news!

A.are going to be B.is going to be C.is going to have D.will have 剖析:该题考查的是动词have和句型there be的区别。C, D都是句型there be 和动词have的混合,都是错误的。而there be句型中的be的单复数取决于后面的名词,题中a concert属于单数,故排除A。答案:B 例 4:There ____ a knife and a fork on the table.(2007黄冈)A.seems to be B.seem to be C.is seeming to be D.are 剖析:根据就近原则,首先排除B、D,而 there be 句型中有时不用动词be,而用come , live ,stand , lie, seem to be等,所以答案应从A、C中选。感官动词一般不用进行时,故C也不正确。答案: A 例 5:根据中文填空:

我的CD机出毛病了,你能帮我修好吗?(2007济南)There’s ______ ______ my CD player.Can you put it right for me? 剖析:这是一个句型:There is something wrong with …? 表示“某物出了什么毛病”,答案: something wrong with

There be【实地演练】将下列句子变成否定句和一般疑问句。1.There is some water in the bottle.2.There are many apples in the box..单项填空。

()3.There ___ any rice in the bowl.A.are B.is C.isn’t D.aren’t

()4.There___ not ____ milk in the cup on the table.A.are, many B.are , much C.is ,many D.is ,much()5.There ___ many apples on the tree last year.A.have been B.were C.are D.is

()6.There ______ great changes in such kind of computers in the last few years.A.is B.are C.will be D.have been()7.There _____ a film tomorrow evening.

A.will have B.have C.is going to be D.has()8.There ________ a football match on TV this evening.A.will have B.is going to be C.has D.is going to have()9.There''s going to ____ in tomorrow''s newspapers.A.have something new B.have new something C.be something new D.be new something()10.How many boys ____ there in Class one?

A.be B.is C.are D.am()11.There ____ a lot of good news in today''s newspaper.A.is B.are C.was D.were()12.There ____ pencil-box, two books and some flowers on the desk.A.is a B.are some C.has a D.have some()13.There ____ an apple and ten bananas in the basket.You can take any of them.A.are B.is C.has D.have()14.____ any flowers on both sides of the street?

A.Is there B.Are there C.Has D.Have()15.----There is no air or water on the moon?

----____.A.Yes, there are B.No, there isn''t C.Yes, there isn''t D.No, there is()16-There ____ a bottle of orange and some oranges.A.is B.are C.was D.were()17.____ any flowers on both sides of the street ?

A.Is there B.Are there C.Has D.Have()18.____ is there on the table?

A.How many apples B.How much bread

C.How much breads D.How many food

()19.There isn''t ____ paper in the box.Will you go and get some for me?

A.any B.some C.a D.an()20.How many ____ are there in your classroom?

A.desks B.desk C.chair D.door


36.我能为你做点什么吗? 37.山脚下有一棵大树。38.你们班有多少学生? 39.桌子上放着什么?


34)There is a car in front of the house.35)There is not going to be a meeting tonight.36)Is there anything I can do for you ? 37)There stands a tall tree at the foot of the mountain.38)How many students are there in your class? 39)What’s on the table ? 40)How much money is there in the purse you have lost ?



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1.Nice to meet(see)you!或Glad to meet(see)you!见到您很高兴!这种表达方式为It's nice(glad)to meet(see)you!的略写。

2.It's time to do sth./ It's time for sb.to do sth./ It's time for sth.某人做某事的时间到了。例如:

It's time to get up.It's time for class.3.Welcome to somewhere.(欢迎到某地)

Welcome back to somewhere.(欢迎回到某地)例如:

Welcome back to school.4.Let sb.do sth.(让某人做某事)例如:

Please let me help you.Now let me call your names.5.May I do sth.?(我可以做某事吗?)例如:

May I have a piece of paper?

May I borrow a pencil, please?

6.like doing sth.(喜欢做某事。)例如:

Uncle Wang likes making things.I like walking.7.call sb.(sth.)…(把某人或某物称做……)例如:

Please don't call me Lily.We can call it Mid-Autumn Day.8.Would…like sb.to do sth..(愿意叫某人做某事)

I'd like you to meet my parents, too.Would you like to come to have supper?

9.Why don't you do sth.?(为何不做某事)也可说:Why not do sth.?例如:But why don't you come with me?

10.help sb.with sth./ help sb.(to)do sth.(帮助某人做某事)例如:We're going to help some farmers with their work..I'll help him mend his clothes.11.sth.is hard(easy…)to do


Some of the apples are hard to reach..English is not difficult to learn.12.Shall we do sth.?或Let's do sth., shall we?


Shall we go to the park?

13.What about sth.? What about doing sth.?


What about a quarter past two?

What about having a short rest?

14.like better(较喜欢)like best(最喜欢)例如:

Which animal do you like best?

Which do you like better, tiger or panda?


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15.have a good time / enjoy oneself(过得愉快)例如:

They are having a good time.We enjoyed ourselves during last summer holiday.16.be good at…(擅长……)do well in…(在某方面做或学得好)例如:Some are very good at it.Li lei is very good at football.She does better than me in Maths.17.love to do sth.(爱好做某事)例如:

Children often love to play this game.18.had better do sth.(最好做某事)例如:

You'd better catch a bus.You'd better ask that policeman over there.19.be good(bad)for sth..(对某事有好或坏处)例如:

Is watching TV too much good or bad for your health?

20.be late for…(迟到)例如:

How often are you late for school?

21.be away / be not here(不在此处)

Who was away yesterday?

22.have sth.for breakfast(lunch, supper)(早、午或晚餐吃的是……)例如:The twins had eggs and porridge for breakfast this morning.23.enjoy doing sth.(喜欢做某事)例如:

Are you enjoying living here?

24.want to do sth.(想做某事)例如:

My father wanted to work in China.25.on one's way to…(在去某地的路上)例如:

On her way home she bought a new pen in a shop.On my way to school this morning I found a little girl crying.26.be out / be not in / be not at home(不在家,出去了)

I'm afraid he's out at the moment.27.ask sb.to do sth.(叫某人做某事)

Could you ask him to call me ? Ask him to speak more loudly.Please ask him not to talk in class.28.How do sb.do sth.…?(某人怎样做某事?)例如:

How do you spell that, please? How do you usually come to school?

29.need to do sth.(需要做某事)例如:

They needed to climb up the trees with ladders.You need to wear warm clothes.30.be different from(与……不同)例如:

Your coat is different from mine.31.start(begin)to do sth.(开始做某事)例如:

Everything begins to grow.The flowers start to come out.32.get ready for sth./ be ready for sth.(为某事做好准备。)例如:

The farmers are all busy getting ready for the next year.33.like A better than B(与B相比,更喜欢A)例如:

I like summer better than spring.初中英语短语和句型归纳三

2007-07-04 18:05

34.learn to do sth.(学做某事)例如:

I'm learning to skate.35.forget to do sth.(忘了做某事,即此事还没做)例如:

Oh, dear ,I forgot to tell you.36.thank sb.for(doing)sth.(为或做某事而感谢某人)例如:

Thanks a lot for asking me to your party.Thank you very much for asking me to Ann's party.Thank you for inviting us.37.There's no(little, a little, much, a lot of)time to do sth.(没有/几乎没有/有点或有许多时间做某事)例如:

There's no time to think.It's early, there's much time for us to visit the Great Wall.38.so + be(have,助动词或情态动词)+主语,表示前面情况也适合于后者。例如:“I'm here.” said Jim.“And so is Polly!”

She saw it, and so did I.He can ride a bike, and so can I.39.get…back(取回)例如:

I'm going to get it back.You want to get your TV set back, don't you?

40.be far from…(离某地很远)

His home isn't far from here.41.go for a walk / take a walk(散步)

Let's go for a walk.42.must be(一定是)例如:

Mmm, it must be more delicious.Let's hurry up.They must be waiting for us.You must be more careful.43.worry about sb.(sth.)(为某人或某事而担忧)例如:

I'm worried about my party.Don't worry about me.Everything goes well.44.may be(可能是)

It may be in that pocket.They may be working on the farm.45.be pleased / be glad(高兴)例如:

Other people will not be pleased.46.It is + adj.+ doing sth.(做某事很……)

例如:It was nice talking to you.47.not…until…(直到……才……,不到……时不……)例如:

You mustn't eat any thing until you see the doctor.48.every +时间(每隔……时间)例如:

I have to sit down and rest every five minutes.49.There's something wrong with sb.(sth.)(某人或某物出了毛病)There's nothing wrong with sb.(sth.):(某人或某物没什么毛病)例如There's something wrong with my bike.初中英语短语和句型归纳四

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50.keep sth.+ adj.(保持某物……)例如:

You must keep it cool.keep everything clean and tidy.Don't keep your books open until class is over!

51.take sb.to sb.(somewhere.)(带领某人去见某人或去某地)例如:So one day they took him to a doctor.Our Party is taking us to a strong, rich and modernized(现代化的)country.52.do nothing to do sth.(无能为力的做某事)例如:

The doctor said he could do nothing to help him.53.take sb.to do sth.(带领某人做某事)例如:

So they took the boy to visit him.Our teacher take us to know the world.54.look+adj.(看起来……)例如:

He looks young.After lunch Aunt Huang came in and looked worried.55.比较级+ and +比较级(越来越……)例如:

But she looked at me and cried harder and harder.Summer comes and days get longer and longer.56.stop doing sth.(停止做某事)例如:

She stopped crying and listened to the music.

第三篇:初中一般过去时和there be句型讲解及答案解析


一、单项选择: 从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

()1. My father______ill yesterday.

A. isn't

B. aren't

C. wasn't D. weren't()2. ______your parents at home last week﹖

A. Is

B. Was

C. Are D. Were()3. The twins______in Dalian last year. They______here now.

A. are;were

B. were;are

C. was;are

D. were;was()4. ______your father at work the day_____yesterday(前天)﹖

A. Was;before

B. Is;before

C. Was;after

D. Is;after

()5. —Who was on duty last Friday﹖


A. I am

B. I was

C. Yes, I was

D. No, I wasn't


1.I _________(have)an exciting party last weekend.2.---_________ she _________(practice)her guitar yesterday?

---No, she _________.3.They all _________(go)to the mountains yesterday morning.4.She _________(not visit)her aunt last weekend.5.She ________(stay)at home and _________(do)some cleaning.6.Jenny喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本英语书。

Jenny likes _________ __________.She _________ an English book last night.7.Emma每天都看电视。可是昨天他没有看。

Emma__________ TV every day.But he _________ ________ ________ yesterday.四、改写句子:

1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy ________ _______ her homework at home.2、He found some meat in the fridge(冰箱).(变一般疑问句)

___________ he __________ ___________ meat in the fridge?


1.How is Jane yesterday? _____________________

2.He go to school by bus last week.____________________________ 3.He often goes home at 6:00 last month.____________________________ 4.I can fly kites seven years ago.______________________________ 5.Did you saw him just now.____________________________________

There be【实地演练】将下列句子变成否定句和一般疑问句。1.There is some water in the bottle.2.There are many apples in the box..单项填空。

()3.There ___ any rice in the bowl.A.are B.is C.isn’t D.aren’t

()4.There___ not ____ milk in the cup on the table.A.are, many B.are , much C.is ,many D.is ,much()5.There ___ many apples on the tree last year.A.have been B.were C.are D.is

()6.There ______ great changes in such kind of computers in the last few years.A.is B.are C.will be D.have been()7.There _____ a film tomorrow evening.

A.will have B.have C.is going to be D.has()8.There ________ a football match on TV this evening.A.will have B.is going to be C.has D.is going to have()9.There''s going to ____ in tomorrow''s newspapers.A.have something new B.have new something C.be something new D.be new something()10.How many boys ____ there in Class one?

A.be B.is C.are D.am()11.There ____ a lot of good news in today''s newspaper.A.is B.are C.was D.were()12.There ____ pencil-box, two books and some flowers on the desk.A.is a B.are some C.has a D.have some()13.There ____ an apple and ten bananas in the basket.You can take any of them.A.are B.is C.has D.have()14.____ any flowers on both sides of the street?

A.Is there B.Are there C.Has D.Have()15.----There is no air or water on the moon?

----____.A.Yes, there are B.No, there isn''t C.Yes, there isn''t D.No, there is()16-There ____ a bottle of orange and some oranges.A.is B.are C.was D.were()17.____ any flowers on both sides of the street ?

A.Is there B.Are there C.Has D.Have()18.____ is there on the table?

A.How many apples B.How much bread

C.How much breads D.How many food

()19.There isn''t ____ paper in the box.Will you go and get some for me?

A.any B.some C.a D.an()20.How many ____ are there in your classroom?

A.desks B.desk C.chair D.door





2)Who is _____________________________today?今天谁值日?

3)Here is a card for you______________________.送您一张卡片,表达我们最良好的祝愿。

4)Thank you_________________________________!谢谢你把英语课变得如此有趣!

5)For example, Jim ___________________________James.例如,Jim就是James的昵称。

6)Why don’t you ____________________________a card? 你为什么不给他做张贺卡呢?

7)You can give him your________________________.你可以向他致意。

8)He _____________ want to do it__________________.他不想再做那件事。

9)East Lake has many ________________________fish.东湖有许多不同种类的鱼。

10)They have some problems______________________.他们想要到达那里是有一些困难的。

11)Jill often_____________________________.常常走错路。

12)Many families eat their dinner outside_____________________.许多家庭在露天吃晚餐。

13)Why not meet_______________________________? 为什么不早一些见面呢?

14)Let’s ________________________________half past nine.让我们把时间定在9:30吧。

15)I ______________________________________r them.我为他们感到难过。

16)Walk along this road, and ______________________on the left.沿着这条路走,在第四个路口向左拐。

17)You’d better _________________a bus.你最好去坐车。

18)He often ___________policemen _______________help.他经常向警察求助。

19)You must look after yourself and__________________.你必须照顾好自己,保持健康。

20)I _____________________to help me remember things.我写日记以帮助自己记住事情。

21)I ___________________________calls.我(经常)打许多的电话。

22)Good luck_______________________.祝你的汉语(学习)能有好运。

23)Good luck_________ you.祝你好运。

24)Last month we helped them with the rice harvest.We really __________________on the farm.上月我们帮他们收割了水稻。我们真喜欢这次在农场的劳动。

25)Thanks a lot for__________________________________ your party.I’d love to come.感谢你邀请我参加你的晚会。我愿意来(参加)。

26)Can I ________________________________you? 我能为你带个口信吗。

27)I am ___________________________my exams.我在努力应对考试。

28)We’ll have _____________fun.Oh, I can’t wait!我们将过得很开心。哦,我简直等不及了。


1).__________________________________some soup.随便喝点汤吧。

2).______________my father ___________my mother _____________ dinner on weekdays.在工作日时,要么是我父亲要么是我母亲做饭。

3).I like Chinese tea _______________________.我喜欢中国的清茶,什么都不加。

4).May I ________________________ now? 你现在要点什么菜吗?

5).It’s __________the post office ___________ the hospital.它在邮局和医院之间。

6).Go on____________ you reach the end.一直走,直到你到达终点。

7).Take the second turning ________________.在第二个路口向左拐。

8).Liu Mei ___________________ the cinema.刘梅正在往电影院去的路上。

9).We’d better catch a bus.我们最好乘公共汽车去。

10).You can __________these books ____________ two weeks.这些书你可以借两个星期。

11).I can’t find ___________________my bike.我找不到我自行车的钥匙了。

12).Everyone ____________________ the woman’s mistake.每个人都嘲笑那女人犯的错。

13).You mustn’t ______________________you see the doctor.直到看了医生你才能吃东西。

14).She _____________________________ anything.她不想吃任何东西。

15).If you want to be thinner and healthier, you have to________________________________.如果你想减肥、想更健康点的话,那你就必须少吃食物多锻炼。

16).Let’s__________________ our boat out of the water.让我们把船从水里拖上来。

17).________________________you’ll find it somewhere.你迟早会在某个地方找到它的。

18).As they were very hungry, they _________________all the food very soon.因为饿极了,他们很快就吃光了所有的食物。

19).I can’t ________________ my baby ___________________.我不能把我小孩单独留下。

20).____________________ she woke up and began to cry.半小时后她醒过来然后开始哭了。

21).I began to_______________________ and the baby didn’t cry any more.我开始做鬼脸,接着小孩就不再哭了。

22).He can ________________________your babies.他能很好地照料你们的孩子。

23).Lily __________________ her bike and hurt herself badly.Lily从她的自行车上摔下来,并伤得很厉害。

24).__________taught her.She taught herself.没有人教她。她是自学的。

25)._______________, he found the girl blind.令他感到惊讶的是,他发现那女孩是盲的。

26).They both ____________________ in the beautiful music.他们都陶醉在优美的音乐中了。

27).Would you____________ come along? 你想一起去吗?

28).Don’t______________anything _________________.别把东西落下了。

29).Do you __________________________the sports meeting? 你积极参加运动会吗?

30).All the runners _____________________________ run.所有的选手都在为跑步做准备。

31).John began to ____________________ Jim.John 开始追上Jim。

32).Study hard, or you will __________________your classmates.要努力学习,否则你就要落在你同学后面了。

33).They reached the end ______________________.他们同时到达终点。

34).He got up and _________________________ running.他爬起来继续跑。

35).You can’t win every time, but I know you _____________________.你不可能每次都赢,但我知道你尽力了。

36).They are __________________________ English.在英语方面,他们是不分上下。

37).The train is going __________________________ 200 kilometres an hour.火车正在以每小时二百公里的速度行驶。

38).What can we_____________________Bill Gates? 我们能向比尔·盖茨学习什么?

39).I want __________________in the future.我想未来成为一名科学家。

40).______________________13, Bill Gates started to play with computers.十三岁时,比尔·盖茨开始玩弄电脑。

41).He ___________________________maths and science.他对数学和科学很感兴趣。

42).We couldn’t________________________________ that difficult maths problem.我们无法解答出那道难的数学题。

43).He and some of his friends spent lots of time doing unusual things ____________________.用这台旧电脑,他和他的几个朋友花了很多时间做了不同寻常的事情。

44).I _______________________ visit Beijing next week.我计划下周去北京参观。

45).Bill Gates ____________________ some medicine for the poor people.比尔·盖茨决定给那些穷人买写药。

46).Mark Twain liked to ____________________ his friends.马克·吐温喜欢开他朋友的玩笑。

47).Don’t laugh at those who are ___________________.不要嘲笑那些陷入困境的人。

48).Bill Gates _________________________ 21 billion dollars that year.那年比尔·盖茨捐赠了二百一十亿美元。

49).How are you ________________________your work? 你近来工作如何?

50).He ______________________ his boss.他和老板关系很融洽。

51).He __________________________the man upstairs.他对楼上的那个男人非常生气。

52).He was ________tired___________he fell asleep at once.他这么累以至于很快就睡着了。

53).He came into the room and______________his coat.他走进房间,脱下外套。

54).They ______________________ their neighbour because he often shouted at night.他们对邻居非常不满,因为他老是在晚上大喊大叫。

55).Please go there _____________________ you can.请你尽可能快地赶去那里。

56).______________________, or you will be late.快点!否则你就要迟到了。

57).The boy _______________________at six in the morning.那男孩是早上六点出发的。

58).Could you ________________________________ my books? 你能腾个地方给我放书吗?


1.一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的事、存在的状态或经常发生的动作。说话的侧重点只在于陈述一件过去的事情,不强调对“现在”产生的影响。如:He visited Guilin in 1998.他1998年参观过桂林。(只说明去桂林的时间,现在干什么和你和我和大家无关,只是说明他以前去过.)

2.现在完成时表示动作发生在过去,对现在造成了影响或产生了结果。不与确定的过去时间状语连用。如:Jill has bought a new computer.吉尔买了一台新电脑。(是过去买的,但着重点是现在,现在有了一台新电脑了.已经买了,不用再买了.)


(1)一般过去时的谓语动词用过去式,而现在完成时的谓语基本构成是“助动词have /has +过去分词”。

(2)一般过去时通常与表示过去的时间状语连用。如:yesterday, last week, two years ago, just now, in 2002等;而现在完成时则常与just, already, ever, never等副词和these days, this week, since..., for...等表示一段时间的状语连用。


① Have you seen the film?(A)

Did you see the film?(B)

[说明] 你看过这部电影吗?(A)句强调的是被问者对剧情是否了解;(B)句强调的是看这部电影的动作是否发生过,并不强调是否知道其内容。

② How has he done it?(A)

How did he do it?(B)


③ He has lived in Beijing for 8 years.(A)

He lived in Beijing for 8 years.(B)


如果你只是要陈述你做了什么,陈述的东西和目前状况没有太大影响,就用一般过去时。比如说 i washed the plate.我洗盘子了,topic基本到此打住,基本没有下文。还有一种最简单的过去时情况就是,如果别人用过去时问你,你自然要用过去时回答。


i have washed the plate.我已经洗好盘子了。强调做过,完成了。还有意思是,既然我已经洗好盘子了,我就该干什么什么了,或者你就应该履行什么承诺之类的,你可以好好感觉一下,这个语感是和汉语通用的,我感觉。



1.构成现在完成时是由助动词 have(has)+动词的过去分词构成。助动词说明该谓语是属于现在时范围。它和主语的人称、数要保持一致。过去分词是主要的谓语动词,说明句子的意义。


(1)表示动作发生在过去某个不确定的时间,但对现在留下了某种影响和结果。常被just、already、yet 等副词修饰。如:

-Have you had lunch yet?-Yes,I have.I've just had it.你(已经)吃午饭了吗? 我刚刚吃过。(现在我不饿了)

(2)表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态。这个动作可能刚停止,可能仍然在进行。常带有for和since等表示一段时间的状语。如:He has taught here since 1981他自1981年就在这儿教书。(可能还要继续教)

I have't seen her for four years.我有四年没见到她了。

(3)表示说话前发生过一次或多次的动作,现在成为一种经验,一般译为汉语“过”,常带有twice,ever,never,three times等时间状语。

如: I have been to Beijing twice.我去过北京二次。



Sunday,in1990,three years ago等。但是,在强调动作产生的后果和影响时,可以和一些表示不确定的时间状语连用。

a.用副词already和yet。already一般用于肯定句中,yet一般用于否定句和 疑问句中。如:We have already finished our homework.我们已完成作业了。

They haven't finished their homework yet.他们还没有完成作业。

b.用ever 和never。多用于否定或疑问句中,表示“曾经”或“从未“等。如:-Have you ever been to the Great Wall?你曾经去过长城吗?

-I have never been to the Great Wall.我从未去过长城。

c.用表示到说话为止的过去时间状语,如just,before,up to now,the past few years等。例如:I have seen her before,but I can not remember where.我以前见过她,但记不起在哪里见过。

He has been there three times the last few days.近几年他去过那里三次了。

d.用包括“现在”在内的时间状语,如:now,today,this morning(month,year,term)等。例如:-Have you met him today?-No,I haven't.今天你见过他吗?我 没有。

How many times have you been there this year?


(2)现在完成时可以和带有since或for等表示“一段时间”的状语连用,表示动作或状态从某一时刻开始,一直持续到现在。如:I haven't seen him for two years.但是,像come,arrive,buy等终止性动词不能与表示“一段时间”的状语连用。要用,必须改为“be(在)”等延续性动词来表述。现归纳总结一下由非延续性动词到延续性动词的转换:

arrive→be herebegin(start)→be on

die→be dead

fall ill(sick,asleep)→be ill(sick,asleep)

get up→be upgo out→be out

finish →be overput on→wear 或be on

open→be openjoin→be in或 be a member of…

close→be closedgo to school→be a student


catch(a cold)→ have(a cold)get to know →know

begin to study→studycome to work→work等

如:He has been a soldier for three years.他参军三年了。

His father has been dead for two years.他父亲去世二年了。

The film has been on for ten minutes.电影已开始十分钟了。

We have studied English for three years.我们(开始)学英语已三年了。



I have lost my new book.我把新书丢了。(现在还未找到)

I lost my new book yesterday.我昨天把新书丢了。(昨天丢的,现在找到与否没说明)


(1)have been(to)与have gone(to)的区别:have been(to)表示“去过某地(现在已经回来了)”,可用于各人称;have gone(to)表示“去某地了(说话时某人不在当地)”,常用于第三人称,前者可与once ,never,several times等连用,后者则不能。如:They have been to Beijing twice.他们去过北京两次。

He has gone to Beijing.他去北京了。

(2)如单纯表示一段时间,或强调一段时间,虽有since一词,也不必用完成时。如:It is two years since his father died.=His father has been dead for twoyears.他父亲去世已有三年了。


如:I haven't left here since 1997.自从1997年以来,我一直没有离开过这

when, while和as的用法:


I met an old friend of mine as / when / while I was walking along the street.(当我沿街散步时,碰见了我的一个老朋友。)


It was raining hard when we got to the airport.(当我们到达机场时,天正下着大雨。)(不能用while 引导)


She sang as she went along.(她边走边唱。)

Please listen to me carefully while I read.(我朗读的时候,请仔细听。)

When he reached home, he had a little rest.(回到家以后,他休息了一会儿。)



(一)一般说来,also用于比较正式(formal)的场合,语气比too庄重; too是惯熟(familiar)的用语,使用范围较广。

(二)also在句中的位置要紧靠动词; too在句中的位置比较灵活,有时插入句中,前后用逗号分开,有时放在句末。



The Hong Kong Chief Executive also heads the university as Chancellor.


Reading books is learning,but application is also learning and the more important form of learning. 读书是学习,买践也是学习,而且是更重要的学习。

We have not heard such a thing.,we also have never seen such a scene.


请注意,一般说来,also在句中的位置应紧靠动词,但有时为了强调其意,也可以将它放在句首或句末。Here,too,the colon must be followed by a dash.


Mary,too,can play the piano.


Could you speak Japanese?—Yes,and Spanish too.



The lady washed the children and also gave them dinner.(书面语)

The lady washed the children and gave them dinner too.(口语)

as well as也;和…一样;不但…而且

作并列连词相当于not only…but also和no less…than,但not only…but also侧重在后项,no less…than 侧重在前项。例如:

We must learn to look at problems all-sidedly, seeing the reverse as well as the obverse side or things.A true man should be practical as well as far-sighted.我们必须学会全面地看问题,看到它的反面正面的或事情。


在否定句中,as well as 的位置不同,句意往往有很大差别。比较下面的句子:

He, as well as she, will not come.他将不来,她也将不来。

He will not come as well as she.她将来,但他将不来。(否定前者,肯定后者)

Henry, as well as his brother, doesn''t work hard.亨利同他弟弟一样,工作不努力。

Henry doesn''t work hard as well as him brother.亨利工作不努力,但他弟弟努力。

as well as 连接的应是平等成分,都作主语或都作宾语等。例如:

She was there as well as me.(误)

She was there as well as I.(正)


other 是形容词性,所以other修饰名词。other people。


主要地是adj, pron

剩余的,其余的,多 余的;其他的;不同的Where's my other glove?


John and the others are here.约翰和其他人都在这儿。

I haven't brought many cakes.Could you get some others?


Think of others as well as yourself.不仅要想到自己,也要想到别人。

else 只修饰两类词

修饰 不定代词 如 someone / someplace/ anything来指代另外一个,而不特别指明哪一个。如: i had nothing else to do

修饰 wh-word。如what /who/where等

如 what else do i need to do我需要做什么其他的?



下载初中英语一般过去时和there be句型讲义和习题详解word格式文档
下载初中英语一般过去时和there be句型讲义和习题详解.doc


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    一.一般将来时: _____________________________________The door bell is ringing. Ok, I will answer the door. Mom is busy cooking. I will help. Be going to 表将来: (1)......


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    一般过去时 含义:表示过去发生的动作或状态。 句子结构: 主语+动词过去式+其他 提示词:yesterday,last Sunday,in 2001, when I was 9.... 动词过去式的规则变化: 1. 直接在词......


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    There be句型和have

    There be句型和have/has的区别 there be:表示某地有某物,指没有生命的物体有。例如:There are many books in the schoolbag. have/has: 表示有生命的人或者动物有。 例如:I......


    一,按要求改写句子。 1, They have already had lunch. (改为一般疑问句) (就划线部分提问) 3, Lily and Lisa have heard the news. (改为否定句)4, We have painted the room......


    现在完成时和一般过去时的区别 1. 现在完成时和一般过去时都表示在过去完成的动作, 但现在完成时强调这一动作与现在的关系, 如 对现在产生的结果、影响等,而一般过去时则表......


    现在完成时和一般过去时专项练习一、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.--_____ you _____ (have) lunch yet?---Yes,--- When____ you _____ (have) it?---I______ (have) it a......