
时间:2019-05-12 04:59:14下载本文作者:会员上传




Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure(20 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your mastery of the usage of vocabulary and grammar.There are 3 sections in it.Section A Directions: This section is to test the use of vocabulary.There are 10 incomplete sentences in it.You are required to complete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase from the 4 choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.16.He has got the habit of ______ a little money in case of emergency.A)taking in B)adding up to C)summing up D)putting aside 17.An increasing number of people can now ______ to eat outside, thanks to the economic reforms.A)approve B)approach C)affect D)afford 18.You should fill in the application form ______ before sending it in.A)properly B)generally C)regularly D)simply 19.The American and the British not only speak the same language but also ______ a large number of social customs.A)represent B)preserve C)share D)bear 20.When Rabbit was driving down to the office he ______ Eathorn's car.A)overturned B)overlooked C)overtook D)overthrew 21.The foreign minister ______ his country at the conference.A)presented B)replaced C)represented D)stood 22.______ how effective the original layout(安排)is, changes are sure to happen.A)Except for B)Regardless of C)Allowing for D)According to 23.In Britain the father is more involved with ______ children, often because the mother goes out to work.A)bringing out B)bringing up C)bringing forth D)bringing about 24.Neil ______ that he broke the window, but I'm sure he did.A)defines B)denies C)depends D)relies 25.The town lacks ______ facilities such as a swimming pool or a bowling alley.A)pleasure B)measure C)leisure D)treasure Section B Directions: This section is to test the use of grammar.There are 10 incomplete sentences in it.You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.Write the word or wods in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.36.A series of cultural programmes(hold)____________ in Shanghai to celebrate this largest national sports meeting in history.37.It's much(easy)____________ to talk about your problems than it is to solve them.38.When the courses(complete)____________.the trainers are tested to find out what they have learned.39.The soldier's(brave)____________ was fully demonstrated when he jumped into the icy water to save the drowning child.40.We find it hard to stand him any longer;he behaves so(change)____________.41.(believe)____________, the little boy can speak three foreign languages.42.As people are excited about new space technology, they enjoy(see)____________ movies about adventures in space.43.Unless he(tell)____________ us who he is, we won't let him in.44.Could you help me to understand what it is about her(complain)____________ that upset you? 45.I'd like to go with you, but with so much work to do today I'm(able)____________ to.Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability.There are some tasks for you to fulfill.You should read the given materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 46 through 50.For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C)or D).You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter in the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.We use both words and gestures to express our feelings, but the problem is that these words and gestures(手势)can be understood in different ways.It is true that a smile means the same thing in any language.So does laughter or

crying.Fear is another emotion that is shown in much the same way all over the world.In Chinese and in English literature, a phrase like 'he went pale and began to tremble suggests that the man is either very afraid or he has just got a very big shock.However, 'he opened his eyes wide' is used to suggest anger in Chinese whereas in English it means

surprise.In Chinese surprise can be described in a phrase like 'they stretched out their tongues!' Sticking out your tongue in English is an insulting(侮辱)gesture or expresses strong dislike.Even in the same culture, people differ in their ability to understand and express feelings.Experiments in America have shown that women are usually better than men at recognizing fear, anger, love and happiness on people' faces.Other studies show that older people usually find it easier to recognize or understand body language than younger people do.46.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A)It is difficult to tell what people's words or gestures really mean.B)Gestures can be understood by most people but words can not.C)Words can be better understood by older people.D)We can easily understand what people's gestures mean.47.People's facial expressions may be misunderstood because ____________.A)people of different sexes may understand a gesture differently B)people speaking different languages have different facial expressions C)people from different cultures use different facial expressions D)people of different ages may have different interpretations 48.In the same culture, people ____________.A)hardly fail to understand each other's ideas and feelings B)are equally intelligent even if they have different backgrounds C)almost have the same understanding of the same thing D)may have different abilities to understand and express feelings 49.From the passage, we can conclude that ____________.A)words and gestures can both be used to express feelings B)gestures are more effectively used than words C)words are often more difficult to understand than gestures D)words are used as frequently as gestures 50.The best title for this passage can be ____________.A)Gestures and Feelings B)Words, Gestures and Feelings C)Words and Feelings D)Culture and Understanding Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as task 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 51 through 55.When the early settlers, especially the English, arrived in the New World, the hardships, and dangers awaiting them were totally unexpected.Had it not been for some friendly Indians, the colonists never would have survived the terrible winters.They knew nothing about planting crops, hunting animals, building solid houses, or making clothing from animal skins.Life in England had been much simpler, and this new life was not like what the Spanish explorers had reported.The settlers did introduce iron tools, muskets(步枪)for hunting , domesticated animals, and political way to the Indians.In exchange, the settlers learned to build canoes(独木舟)for water transportation and snowshoes for winter traveling.The Indians also taught them to penetrate through the forest, to hunt large animals and trap smaller ones, and to catch fish in the lakes and streams.The natives also introduced to the settlers typical local food.Everything possible was done in order to make their new settlement resemble the homes they had left behind.51.Which of the following did the new settlers teach the Indians? A)New means of water travel.B)How to trap animals.C)New methods of fishing.D)New political ways.52.What can we learn about some local foods in the new land from the passage? A)They were preferred to eat raw.B)They were soon exported to England by the settlers.C)They were the main foods for Indians.D)They were also common in England.53.The Indians mainly taught the settlers to ____________.A)survive on the new land B)change their former habits C)cooperate with them D)live a better life 54.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A)The settlers had difficulty making friends with the Indians.B)The settlers soon became accustomed to the new world.C)The settlers evidently found the winters severe.D)The settlers were well prepared to encounter hardships.55.From the last sentence of the passage we can learn that ____________.A)the settlers hated to live in the new land B)the settlers had a deep love for their old homes C)the settlers would like to forget their old life D)the settlers made every effort to improve their new life Task 3 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions(No.56 through No.60)to it.You should give brief answers to these questions.The answers should be no more than 8 words.Write them in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.Investment is a key way for business to grow and for investors to make money.Numerous studies have shown that, on average, high-risk investors make more than low-risk ones.Over time the stock market rewards them for taking a risk, sometimes makes them suffer from heavy losses.Even during the 1980s, the decade of the stock market crash, one study shows that over the whole of the ten years shares profited higher than lower-risk fixed interest and property investments.This brings us to the first basic rule relating to risk: high risk equals high return.If you want to maximise your savings, take some risk with at least some of your money.Keep in mind, though, the second rule relating to risk: diversity, or spread your eggs around lots of baskets.This is partly so you won't be hurt too badly if one company fails.Research also shows that you won't be rewarded with high returns for the all-eggs-in-one-basket type of risk.In short, you're mad not to spread your money around.56.What is the possible title of this passage?


57.What disadvantage may high-risk investors have?

High-risk investors may_________________________________________ than low-risk ones.58.What is the first basic principle about risk?


59.Which word has a meaning close to “spreading your money around'? _________________________________________________________________

60.What does the author think is the best way of making investment? _________________________________________________________________ Task 4 Directions: After reading the following passage, you are required to complete the outline below it(No.61 through No.65).You should write your answers briefly on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Antarctica is for the most part a vast, icy emptiness, some 14 million square kilometres of which is almost completely covered by an ice sheet with an average thickness of over 2,000 meters.Only about 2% of the land mass is ice-free, and about half of this is in the Ross Dependency comprised of land, ice-shelf and islands between 160 degrees east and 150

degrees west.The largest single ice-free area lies in South Victoria Land, about 100 kilometres from New Zealand's scientific research station, Scott Base on Ross Island.The United States also has a large base at the South Pole, known as the Amundsen-Scott Base and named after two of the most important early 20th century explorers who helped

bring world attention to the continent.Only a very small proportion of the coast is easily accessible, mostly along the coast of Victoria Land and Ross Island.61.___________________________________ 62.___________________________________ 63.___________________________________ 64.___________________________________ 65.___________________________________ Task 5 Directions: Here you will find 6 sentences(marked A, B, C, D, E and F)and an incomplete short passage following them.Read them carefully and insert(插入)5 of the sentences into the passage so that it will become a meaningful complete one.One sentence will have to the dropped.Write the letter to the selected sentence in the corresponding brackets on the Answer Sheet.A: During the first months, I was immersed(沉浸)in happiness and curiosity.B: My mind was like a floating cloud, moving swiftly all the time.C: At the beginning, most of the local people thought I was too young to be a doctor.D: Then there, I felt terribly homesick.E: A few months later, I found everything seemed to have changed.F: Like a transplanted tree, I was facing the challenge of surviving in new surroundings.Dreaming of a romantic life, looking forward to a better future, I arrived in Canada in spring 1996.66.___________________ 67.______________________This kind of enthusiasm was soon gone with the wind.68.____________________ Besides language, there were other invisible cultural barriers, which, I felt, were hard to conquer.69.___________________ Moreover, the cold weather was tough for me, a student who was used to living in

a subtropical(亚热带)zone.I sensed I was unfit for life abroad.70.___________________So I told my grandfather I wanted to go home.He did not criticize me at all, he just said: ”Let's go and have a look at the Bethune Memorial Hall this morning."

66.()67.()68.()69.()70.()Part Ⅳ Translation—English into Chinese(20 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese.There are 4 sentences, numbered 71 through 74, and a short paragraph(No.75)in this part.Write your translation in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.71.Equal pay for equal work is still not necessarily a reality for some women.____________________________________________________________________ 72.Other apartments in the same neighborhood and under the same management rent as high as $200.00 a month.____________________________________________________________________ 73.Labor costs in Hong Kong are one fifth those of the United States.____________________________________________________________________ 74.The following qualifications are required from the candidates for the above position.____________________________________________________________________ 75.Financial management includes the search for adequate sources of capital and the management of the capital already invested.It requires estimating the amount of cash the company will need in its operations, deciding whether to use short-term or long-term credit, choosing the right time to issue stock or sell bonds, etc.____________________________________________________________________ Part Ⅴ Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.发 信 人:王强

收 信 人:美国Vesta公司Mr.John Granger 内 容:本酒店在5月10日至15日期间可以提供10个双人房间,全部位于28层,价格为128美元/天,包括免费早餐。如果要求房价8折优惠,则不包括免费早餐。对你们的咨询表示感谢,欢迎光临。


Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure(16~35题每题0.5分, 36~45每题1分, 共20分)16.D 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.C 21.C 22.B 23.B 24.B 25.C

36.have been held 37.easier 38.have been completed 39.bravery 40.changeably 41.Unbelievably 42.seeing 43.tells 44.complaints 45.unable Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(46~55题每题2分, 56~70题每题1分, 共35分)46.A 47.C 48.D 49.A 50.B 51.D 52.B 53.A 54.C 55.B 56.Investments 57.suffer from heavier losses 58.High risk equals high return 59.Diversity 60.Spread your money around 61.The average thickness of the ice sheet 62.2% of the land mass 63.Between 160 degrees east and 150 degrees west 64.Amundsen and Scott 65.Along the coast of Victoria and Ross Island 66.A 67.B 68.E 69.F 70.D Part Ⅳ Translation—English into Chinese(71~74题每题2分, 75题7分, 共15分)71.对有些妇女来说(0.5分),同工同酬仍然未必成为现实(1分)。(全句结构0.5分)(省略译)72.在同一街区由同一机构管理服务的其他公寓(0.5分),月租金高达200美元(1分)。(全句结构0.5分)(比较句)73.香港的劳动力成本(0.5分)是美国的五分之一(1分)。(全句结构0.5分)(倍数)74.应聘以上职位(0.5分),需具备下列资格(1分)。(全句结构0.5分)(被动句)75.财务管理包括募集充足的资金和管理好已投入的资本(2分),它要求对公司未来运营中所需的现金进行估算(2分),对使用短期还是长期贷款作出决断,选择适当的时机发行股票或出售债券等(2分)。(整段印象1分)Part Ⅴ Writing(15 分)

评分标准: 1.本题15分;

2.格式不当,酌扣1~3分; 3.关键词语译错每个扣1分;









通知:实用英语第一册 158页

便条:实用英语第一册 138页

邀请函及回函:实用英语第一册 198页


简短私人信函:实用英语第一册 56页(信封)、77页(私人信函及业务信函写作要点)实用英语第二册 59页(证明信),79页(介绍信),98页(邀请信),117页(感谢信),138页(道歉信),159页(慰问信),181页(投诉信)


个人资料表单:The Application Form

私人信函:A Letter of Reply, A Letter to Insurance Company,A Letter to Mr.John Smith, A Letter to Good Friend

便条:Telephone Message

通知:Notice of Meeting


(一)个人资料表单:The Application Form(from multinational company)


















电话留言:Mary打电话找Smith,你接的电话。请写便条,告诉Smith:Mary已经帮他安排了与IBM公司公关部经理Mr.White 的会议,时间是下周二上午10:00,地点是公司第三会议室。





1)Writing(25 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing

should be based on the following instruction.根据下列信息和要求写一封信。所写内容应不少于80词。






2)Writing(25 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing

should be based on the following instruction.根据下列信息和要求写一封应聘信。所写内容应不少于80词。

你正在申请国外某大学奖学金(scholarship)。申请信需说明你希望攻读什么专业、你申请该专业具备那些条件、学成后希望获得什么资格(如bachelor's / master's /doctor's degree),将来如何利用所获得的资历(qualifications)及所学知识报效祖国。

3)Writing(25 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing

should be based on the following instruction.根据下列信息和要求写一封信。所写内容应不少于80词。






4)Writing(25 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing

should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper

form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.欢迎您来我校作报告。关于报告的日期,我想六月二日(星期三)或六月九日(星期



5)Writing(25 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing

should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper

form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.发 信 人:王强

收 信 人:美国Vesta公司Mr.John Granger


6)Writing(25 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing

should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper

form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.发信时间:1999年9月25日

发 信 人:李明

收 信 人:美国玩具公司


6)Writing(25 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing

should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper

form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.发 信 人:王强

收 信 人:美国Vesta公司Mr.John Granger


7)Writing(25 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing

should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper

form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.发 信 人:王强

收 信 人:美国Vesta公司Mr.John Granger


8)Writing(25 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing

should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper

form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.发 信 人:王强

收 信 人:美国Vesta公司Mr.John Granger



9)Writing(25 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing

should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper

form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.发 信 人:王强

收 信 人:Tom






大纲要求所涵盖的内容: 表格填写:个人资料表单

模拟套写:名片、贺卡、通知,便条、邀请函及回函,个人简历,简短私人信函。个人资料表单:包括个人求职申请表……….名片和贺卡:实用英语第一册 118页 通知:实用英语第一册 158页 便条:实用英语第一册 138页

邀请函及回函:实用英语第一册 198页 个人简历: 简短私人信函:实用英语第一册 56页(信封)、77页(私人信函及业务信函写作要点)实用英语第二册 59页(证明信),79页(介绍信),98页(邀请信),117页(感谢信),138页(道歉信),159页(慰问信),181页(投诉信)考过的类型:

个人资料表单:The Application Form 私人信函:A Letter of Reply, A Letter to Insurance Company, A Letter to Mr.John Smith, A Letter to Good Friend 便条:Telephone Message 通知:Notice of Meeting 写作练习:

(一)个人资料表单:The Application Form(from multinational company)

(二)名片:1)请为河海科技开发有限公司的周宝山副总经理译写一张名片。地址:海河市和平区文化路三号巷15号 电话:3890760(办)3914387(宅)传真:011-3890434 邮编:114709 2)请为北京市天创网络公司的人力资源部经理李元译写名片。地址:北京市北四环中路110号 邮编:100080 办公电话:86-10-63306606 手机:*** 电子邮件:leeyuan@skynet.com.cn


(四)通知: 会议通知 会议内容:计算机辅助设计 会议时间:2003年5月10日 会议地点:主楼12层第二会议室

要求参会人员:计算机系所有大一和大二的学生 发布通知单位:计算机系办公室

(五)便条 电话留言:Mary打电话找Smith,你接的电话。请写便条,告诉Smith:Mary已经帮他安排了与IBM公司公关部经理Mr.White 的会议,时间是下周二上午10:00,地点是公司第三会议室。海淀走读大学京南校区






1)Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing should be based on the following instruction.根据下列信息和要求写一封信。所写内容应不少于80词。

你有一年多的时间未与老客户联系,写一封信 1.提及一年多未接触; 2.回顾过去的交往;

3.简述本公司的最新发展; 3.表示继续互利性来往的愿望。

2)Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing should be based on the following instruction.根据下列信息和要求写一封应聘信。所写内容应不少于80词。

你正在申请国外某大学奖学金(scholarship)。申请信需说明你希望攻读什么专业、你申请该专业具备那些条件、学成后希望获得什么资格(如bachelor's / master's / doctor's degree),将来如何利用所获得的资历(qualifications)及所学知识报效祖国。3)Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing should be based on the following instruction.根据下列信息和要求写一封信。所写内容应不少于80词。

你正在联系去某校学习深造,此次补寄一份在本校学习的成绩单,并写信 1.说明按要求寄去成绩单; 2.对寄成绩单的耽搁表示歉意;

3.对成绩单上的某一点作出说明(如成绩的划分,某一门课的确切内容等); 4.问是否还缺少有关材料。

4)Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.欢迎您来我校作报告。关于报告的日期,我想六月二日(星期三)或六月九日(星期三)都是可以安排的日子。但如果这两天都不合适,请您提一个更方便的日子。如果您有可能接受这个邀请,烦请您告知什么日期和时间能来我校。当然,我们会派车前往宾馆接您。

我知道您的工作一定很忙,但我确实希望您能在百忙中光临指教。5)Writing(25 minutes)海淀走读大学京南校区


Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.发 信 人:王强

收 信 人:美国Vesta公司Mr.John Granger 内容:本酒店在5月10日至15日期间可以提供10个双人房间,全部位于28层,价格为128美元/天,包括免费早餐。如果要求房价8折优惠,则不包括免费早餐。对你们的咨询表示感谢,欢迎光临。

6)Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.发信时间:1999年9月25日

发 信 人:李明

收 信 人:美国玩具公司

内 容:看到贵公司的广告,我想申请销售员工作。本人24岁,会说英语和粤语(Cantonese),懂经商知识,有销售技巧。与当地玩具销售人士有来往。如被聘用,定能为公司提高玩具销售量。如需要,可提供所需证明材料。

6)Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.发 信 人:王强

收 信 人:美国Vesta公司Mr.John Granger 内 容:我们对贵公司产品代号为5670至5683的新产品非常感兴趣。我们在与贵公司签定正式合约之前,需要对新产品进行测试。上述每种产品我们需要10件样品,请尽早答复我们的查询。

7)Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.发 信 人:王强

收 信 人:美国Vesta公司Mr.John Granger 内 容:收到贵公司10月8日来函,得知我公司产品在你们市场很畅销,非常高兴。明年我公司将有新产品上市,代号为0029-0040,我公司备有样品及产品介绍,欢迎来函索取。

8)Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing 海淀走读大学京南校区


should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.发 信 人:王强

收 信 人:美国Vesta公司Mr.John Granger 内 容:我们很遗憾地通知贵公司,我们不得不取消第5号定单。我在休假期间,一个


9)Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Your writing should be based on the following instruction.You are required to put the following messages into English in the proper form.You should do your task in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.发 信 人:王强

收 信 人:Tom 内 容:非常高兴地告诉你,我已经出院了,并于昨天开始正常工作。在我住院期间多亏了有你的细心照顾和关心,我才能这样快地恢复健康,感激之情无以言表。希望能当面向你表示谢意。








Words for reference: 洋娃娃 baby doll


询价信函的写作要注意按以下模式进行: 第一步,表明信息来源或者自我介绍;第二步,表明感兴趣的商品以及想了解的信息,包括目录、价格、支付条件等等;第三步,表明合作意向(若价格合适就订货),同时期盼尽快回复。

Dear Sir or Madam,From “Children's Toys” in February, 2011, we learn that you are a leading exporter of baby dolls.We’re very interested in those goods and would appreciate you if you can send us catalogues and samples.Meanwhile, please provide us your latest prices, discounts and terms of payments.Should your price be found competitive and goods be up to standard, we intend to place a large order on a regular basis.Hope to hear from you soon!

Truly yours, Peter

NBW Co.Ltd.商务信函

(二)你是美国一家公司的经理John Smith。2014年2月17日你收到中国一家公司给你的来信,信中附有该公司的真丝产品和价格表。今天(5月2日)你给该公司回信表明你对该类产品很感兴趣,美国的许多客户经常来信向你询问此类产品。如果价格合理的话你将大量订货。同时请对方寄来样品并提供最优惠的条件。

注意:必须 包括对收信人的称谓,写信日期、发信人的签名等基本 格式。Words for reference:

General Manager总经理;a catalog and a price list of the silk product真丝产品目录和价目表;give considerable orders大量订货;the most favorable terms最优惠条件

Dear Sir,th

We have received your letter of Feb 17, 2014 with a price list and a catalogue of your silk products enclosed.We have much interest in your products, and we often1

received inquiries about them from our customers in the United States.We will give you considerable orders if your prices are reasonable.If possible, please send us some samples and give us most favorable terms.Waiting for your earliest reply.Yours faithfully,The General Manager

John Smith


给你的朋友Jenny写一封邀请信,邀请她于6月25日晚八点和你一起去北京音乐厅听圣诞音乐会。写的时候注意写清楚说明时间,地点。而且在信中要表达非常希望对方能够一起去。注意以下词汇:圣诞音乐会 Christmas concert。

June 15

Dear Jenny,I have two tickets for a famous Christmas concert at Beijing Concert Hall on Friday, June 25.I heard it was a wonderful concert and I made great effort to get the ticket.Will you join me? I’ll be waiting for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the concert hall, so don’t disappoint me!Warmest regards.Alice






Dear Mr.Zhang,Thank you very much for your kind invitation.It is with greatest pleasure that I accept your invitation to attend the American Culture Forum on June 28 at Beijing International Convention Center.I am expected to arrive in Beijing on June 25.I look forward very much to seeing you and other participants.Sincerely yours,Jason


说明:你是EB公司的Kate,刚从英国出差回来,在英国期间得到了LH公司的Anne Green小姐的照顾,你想写一封电子邮件表示感谢,内容包括:





April 10, 2011

Dear Anne Green,I’m writing this mail to thank you for your kindness and hospitality during my stay in Britain!It was really an unforgettable experience!

Through this business visit, I have known your country much better.The beauty of this city really impresses me.Everything goes on well during this trip and we keep good relationship with you.I do hope we can strengthen our further cooperation.Hope I have the chance to give you a reception in the near future.With many thanks.Sincerely yours,Kate

EB Company 求职信



1)说明你从何处得到招聘信息; 说明:你叫王凯,于3月30日在智联招聘网(Zhaopin.com)上看到HW公司招聘销售经理



Dear Sir or Madam,Learning from Zhaopin.com that you’re looking for a sales manager, I would like to apply for the position.I’m a graduate student from Management College of Southeast University.Though only 28 years old, I’m rich in working experience, sales knowledge and management skills.What’s more, I have once worked as a sales manager in ZX Company for 2 years.Activism and self-confidence encourage me to face up to any challenge.For more about me, please see the resume attached.I would appreciate it if you can offer me a chance of interview.Look forward to your earliest reply!

Sincerely yours,Wang Kai



Dear Sir,Yesterday I found in the ad that you want a Chinese teacher during summer holiday.I’m from China and I’ve studied in Canada for three years.I had been a Chinese teacher for five years in a middle school before I left for Canada.I think I’m quite qualified for this job.I really appreciate if you give me this opportunity.Yours truly,Wang Lin




June 23, 2010

Dear Sir or Madam,I learned from the newspaper that your company wanted to hire an English translator.I’m interested in this job very much and I wish I could get this job.Now I’d like to introduce myself to you.My name is Li Xia.I’m 30 years old and I’m in excellent health condition.I like swimming, singing and dancing in my spare time.I graduated from Nanjing University in 2002.Since then, I have been teaching in Nantong No.1 Middle School.I can work hard and get along well with others.I’m good at English and especially my spoken English is very good.I’ve translated many Chinese books into English.I can understand German and I can talk to foreigners in German freely.If you agree with me, please write a letter to me.I live at No.1 Renmin Road, Nantong city.My telephone number is 87654321.I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration of my application.Yours faithfully,Li Xia 通知

(一)说明:以学生会的名义于2011年5月15日写一张讲座的通知,请大家积极参加。演讲人:著名教授Mark Blair先生







May 15, 2011

There is going to be a lecture on Changes of World Economy in the lecture hall at 7:00 p.m.next Friday.The lecture will be given by Prof.Mark Blair, who has got his doctor’s degree at Cambridge University.He is famous for analyzing world economy, and has published several books in this field.He will tell, in his own humorous style, huge changes about the world economy, from which you will learn a lot.All students are welcome to attend this lecture.•

Students’ Union


(二)假设你是英语系学生会主席,你系决定于6月3日(星期一)下午6:30在大礼堂举行“毕业晚会”,将有精彩的文艺演出,要求全系学生参加。请写一则通知,告诉大家准时参加。Words for reference:大礼堂:auditorium毕业晚会:graduation party 文艺演出:program of entertainment

● 审题概述●

这是一则通知,考生应先构思通知的框架结构;接下来,应将每个中文信息点组成完整的句子,这些句子应包含所有信息,不能有遗漏;然后考生应对句子进行语法分析,旨在将句子 完善成准确通畅的英文句子。


All the students of English Department are required to attend the Graduation Party at 6:30 on June 3(Monday).There will be wonderful programs of entertainment.All the students are requested to be at the auditorium on time.Student Union of the English Department








内容:美国国际贸易公司销售经理Bill Smith将于近期来南京,希望和Mark总经理:




Words for reference :

南京云锦 Nanjing brocade美国国际贸易公司 America International Trading Company


To: Mark, General Manager

From: Jennifer, Secretary

Date: Feb.1, 2011

Subject: Making an Appointment

Mr.Bill Smith, Sales Manager of America International Trade Company, will come to Nanjing for a business trip recently.He hopes to see you and would like to know when and where you could meet each other.He will sign up the trading contract for Nanjing Brocade discussed with us before.And he also hopes to further strengthen our cooperation.




Part V Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to complete the Field Trip Report according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:请根据所给信息,完成下列《现场考察报告》。写报告人:李俊杰 接受报告人: 王晓林

送交报告日期:2017年12月24日 考察地点: JUK工厂

考察时间:自2017年12月4日至2017年12月8日 参加考察人员:李俊杰及其团队成员 内容要点:


words for reference: 废水处理 waste water treatment Field Trip Report Report to: Mr /Ms.(1)Report from: Mr /Ms.(2)Date :(3)

Trip destination:(4)

Trip period: from December 4.2017 to(5)Participants: Li Junjie & His team members Summary ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 【参考范文】 Field Trip Report Report to: Mr/Ms.(1)Wang Xiaolin Report from: Mr/Ms.(2)Li Junjie Date:(3)December 24th, 2017 Trip destination:(4)JUK Factory

Trip purpose: to know the water pollution Trip period: from December 4.2017 to(5)December 8, 2017 Participants: Li Junjie & His team members Summary In order to know the water pollution, we have visited JUK factory for a week.We have known the major source of the pollution and the engineers there have introduced several ways of waste water treatment.The visit is very helpful for our research.2017年6月(B级)

Part V Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to complete the Guest Experience Card according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:假定你是张建林,根据所给内容填写下列顾客意见反馈表。顾客姓名:张建林

顾客邮址:zhangjl999@163.com 抵达日期:2017年6月15日 抵达时间:上午11:30 内容:

酒店员工非常友好,提供了良好的服务,尤其是一位名叫John Chen的员工。酒店的房间干净整洁,餐厅的食物美味可口,住店的体验很不错。

但是酒店里市中心较远,建议酒店增设从酒店到地铁站的班车(shuttle bus),为客人提供方便。

Guest Experience Card We value your feedback Name:(1)Email address:(2)Date of visit:(3)Time of visit:(4)Did our Team Members exceed your expectation? __Yes_ If yes, Please provide their names:(5)Comments: ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Thank you for choosing our hotel.If you would like to talk to us about your experience today Please contact the Guest Service Department at 1-888-601-1616.PartⅤ

【参考范文1】 Guest Experience Card We value your feedback Name: Zhang Jianlin Email address:zhangj1999@163.com Date of visit: June 15th,2017 Time of visit:11:30 AM

Did our Team Members exceed your expectation? __Yes_ If yes, Please provide their names: John Chen Comments: Hotel staff are very friendly, providing good services for us, especially John Chen.Hotel rooms are very tidy and clean, the food is very delicious, and experience of living rooms is nice.But the hotel is far away from the downtown, I suggest that increasing the shuttle bus between the hotel and the railway station.It can provide convenient for customers.Thank you for choosing our hotel.If you would like to talk to us about your experience today, please contact the Guest Service Department at 1-888-601-1616.【参考范文2】 Comments: The staff of your hotel are very friendly, especially John Chen, offering us good services.The rooms in your hotel are clean and tidy.The dishes are delicious.It is a fantastic experience.However, it’s too far away from downtown.Would you please add shuttle buses from your hotel to the subway station? That will make guests convenient.2016年12月(B级)

Part V Writing(25minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to complete an application form according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:假定你是人力资源部的员工李建新,请根据下列内容填写一份加班申请表。申请日期:2017年3月1日

部门:人力资源部(Human Resources Department)加班时间:2017年3月5日9:00a.m.– 5:00p.m.总加班时间:不超过8小时

加班原因:公司最近需要招聘各类员工。人力资源部一周前登了招聘广告,并已收到很多求职信(application letter)。为了协助各部门安排面试,本人需要在周六加班 一天,了解应聘人员情况,并安排面试。Overtime Request Form Request Date:(1)Employee’s Name:(2)Department:(3)Date of Overtime: March 5, 2017 Overtime needed: from(4)to 5:00p.m.Total Overtime: not to exceed(5)Hours Reasons for Overtime Required: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 【参考范文1】

Request Date:1)March 1, 2017/ Mar.1st, 2017 Employee’s name: 2)Li Jianxin 员工姓名 Department:3)Human Resources Department Date of Overtime加班:March 5,2017 Overtime needed:from 4)9:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.Total overtime: not to exceed超过 5)8 hours Reasons for Overtime Required: Our company has been recruiting all kinds of workers recently.The Human Resources Department posted recruitment advertisements a week ago and received many application letters.In order to help all kinds of departments arrange the interview, I need to work overtime for one day on Saturday.Also, I want to know some information about applicants, and arrange an interview.【参考范文2】

Reasons for Overtime Required: Our company has recently planned to recruit some employees of different departments.Human Resources Department has posed a job advertisement one week ago, and received many application letters.So, I need to work extra hours on this Saturday, get to know candidates’ personal information, and assist other departments to arrange the whole interviews.2016年6月(B级)Part V Writing

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to complete a form according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:假定你是东方职业学院的学生李明,即将毕业,想应聘 ABC 公司销售员的职位,请根据以下内容完成求职申请表。1.填表日期:2016 年 6 月 19 日 2.家庭住址:南京市新华路 50 号 3.家庭电话:020-123**678 4.手机号码:150***6789 5.电子邮箱:liming123@163.com 6.期望月薪:约 3000 元

7.能力与爱好:我能熟练使用计算机,并具有较强的英语口语能力。我还有较强的沟通能力与团队合作精神。我爱好阅读、运动和旅游。我愿意加班与出差。Employment Application Personal details Date of Application:(1)Name of Application:(2)Address:50XinhuaRoad,Nanjing Personal Contact Home telephone:020——123**678 Mobile:(3)Email Address:(4)Applied position:(5)Expected Salary:About3000yuan Education Background 2013-2016 Dongfang Professional Technical College Skills & Hobbies: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 【参考范文1】

Employment Application Personal details Date of Application:(1)June19,2016 Name of Application:(2)Ming Li Address: 50 Xinhua Road, Nanjing Personal Contact Home telephone: 020——123**678 Mobile:(3)150***6789 Email Address:(4)liming123@163.com Applied position:(5)Salesman Expected Salary: About 3000 yuan Education Background 2013-2016 Dongfang Professional Technical College Skills & Hobbies: I am skilled at using the computer and speaking English.Besides I have a good communication skill and team cooperation spirit.I am fond of reading, sports and traveling.I am willing to work overtime and go on business.【参考范文2】 Skills & Hobbies: Operating computer skillfully;Owning a strong ability of spoken English;Having strong communication skills and team work spirit;Being keen on reading, sporting and traveling;Being willing to work overtime and away on business.2015年12月(B级)

Part V Writing(25minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to complete a form according to the following information given inChinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.说明:假定你是李俊,请根据下列内容填写请假申请表。姓名:李俊员工号:120485所在部门:市场部(Marketing Department)请假类别: 病假(Sick Leave)拟请假日期:2016年1月10日— 24日请假理由:在过去数周,本人身体一直不适,由于本人在外地出差,无法及时就医。出差回来后,根据医生建议,需住院检查并治疗。请假时间为2周。Leave Request Form EmployeeInformation Name:(1)

EmployeeNumber: ____(2)______ Department:______(3)_______ LeaveType: ______(4)______ StartingDate : ______(5)________ ResumptionDate: January 25th, 2016 Reasonfor Leave: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Signatureof Applicant: Li Jun


写请假申请表时需尤其注意格式的规范,包括称呼、日期、事由、联系方式等。在陈述事由时,可具体阐述请假的原因,措辞应礼貌得体。【参考范文1】 Leave Request Form Employee Information Name: Li Jun Employee Number: 120485 Department: Marketing Department Leave Type: Sick Leave Starting Date : January 10th, 2016 Resumption Date: January 25th, 2016 Reason for Leave:

This letter is to ask you for 2 weeks of sick leave, as my doctor advised me to be treated in the hospital.Actually, I didn’t feel well in the pass few weeks.But I didn’t see a doctor in time due to a business trip off this city.I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this leave and look forwarp89 to being return to the office as usual once I have sufficiently recovered.Signature of Applicant: Li Jun 【参考范文2】 Reason for Leave:

I have been not well in the last weeks, and I haven't immediately seen the doctor due to being on business in other city.After I came back, the doctor made a check on me and suggested me to be under treatment in the hospital.Therefore, I ask for two weeks' leave.Signature of Applicant: Li Jun


PartⅤ Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required tocomplete a MEMO according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.说明:根据所给信息完成以下备忘录。送达:全体员工 发自:经理



内容:公司去年取得很大业绩,每位员工下月将收到奖金$500, 与下月工资一起发放。希望大家继续努力工作,为公司的发展做出新的贡献。祝愿公司明年取得更大的成绩。

签名:Joan Blackburn Words for reference: 奖金: bonus 业绩: achievement

做贡献: make contributions MEMO Date: _____________ From: ______________ To: _____________ Re: ______________ Message: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________ 【参考范文1】. Part Ⅴ Writing MEMO Date: June 14, 2015-6-30 From: Manager To: All the staff Re: The Bonus Message : Great achievements have taken place in our company in the last year, so each of the staff will receive a bonus of $500 next month, which will be released together with the salary.So you are hoped to keep working hard in the coming year, and make great contributions to the development of the company.So we hope a better achievement in the coming year.Signature: Joan Blackburn


inform通知make achievement 取得成就issue发放,发行feel free to do sth.自由做某事,不要拘束做某事contact联系proposal建议 MEMO Date: June 14, 2015 From: Manager To: All staff Re: About bonus Message:

I feel happy and honored to inform you that our company made great achievements last year.It has been decided that each employee will receive a bonus of $500, which will be issued together with next month’s salary.I hope you can continue to work hard and make new contributions to the development of the company.Wish our company greater success next year.Please feel free to contact me if you haveany further proposals.Signature: Joan Blackburn 【参考范文3】 MEMO Date: June 14, 2015 From: Joan Blackburn To: All employees Re: Rewards to the employees Message:

Our company made great achievements last year.Therefore, each employee will receive a bonus of 500 dollars, which will be given to you together with your next month's salary.I hope that all of us will keep working hard to make more contributions to the development of our company.Wishing that we can make more magnificent achievements next year.Signature: Joan Blackburn


Part V Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to fill in the Employee Complaint Form according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:假定你是陈军,公司销售部员工,向本部门经理张明写一封投诉信。内容:


2.原因:4台电脑坏了,其余6台速度很慢,部门员工的工作已经受到影响,部门员工一个月前就已经报告了; 3.要求:购买10台新电脑。抄送:公司采购部

写信时间:2014年12月21日 Words for reference: 采购部门:Purchasing Department Employee Complaint Name of Department(1)Name of Department Manager(2)Job Title Clerk cc(3)Date of Complaint(4)Describe in detail the nature of your complaint: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Employee Signature(5)

【参考范文1】 Employee Complaint Name of Department(1)Sales Department Name of Department Manager(2)Li Jun Job Title Clerk Cc(3)Purchasing Department Date of Complaint(4)December 21st, 2014 Describe in detail the nature of your complaint: Two computers are out of use, and the other four are very slow.This situation has affected the employees’ work greatly.Some employees in our department had reported this one month ago, but received no reply.................................投诉内容

I hope the six computers can be replaced by new ones as soon as possible.................................要求的解决方法 I’m looking forward to your reply.................................结束语 Employee Signature(5)Wang Jun 【参考范文2】

Describe in detail the nature of your complaint: Several computers need to be replaced.Two computers have broken down, and the other four are rather inefficient, thus having greatly reduced the employees’working efficiency.What’s worse, this situation had been reported one month ago, but no reply was received.I hope six computers can be bought to replace the old ones as soon as possible.I’m looking forward to your early reply.【参考范文3】 Describe in detail the nature of your complaint: Two computers in our department had been broken for a long time, and the other four run quite slowly now.As a result, the work of some of our employees in our department has been influenced greatly.The employees in our department had reported this as early as one month ago, but unfortunately, nothing is done to deal with it.We advise the Purchasing Department to buy six new computers to replace the old ones, so that we can work much more efficiently..2014年6月(B级)

Part V Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to complete the Memo(备忘录)according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:假定你是部门秘书Alice Wang,以部门办公室(Department Office)的名义给全体员工发送一份内部通知,并抄送(CC)给公司人力资源部(HR Department)。内容如下:


2.部门决定举行野餐(annual department picnic); 3.举办时间为7月1日;

4.提供全部餐饮,还有奖品(prize); 5.欢迎带配偶(spouse)和孩子; 6.联系方式:秘书电话555-2345;

7. 6月25日(星期三)前告知是否参加以及参加人数。

Memo Date(1)To(2)From(3)Subject(4)CC(5)Message_____________________________________________________________________________________ 【审题构思】本文要求写一篇备忘录,告知公司全体员工野餐的有关事项。写作时要简练扼要地将题目中所提供的信息表达出来,注意不要遗漏所给信息。语言应简洁、准确、易懂,且较为正式。【参考范文1】 Memo Date(1)June 15, 2014 To(2)All the staff From(3)Department Office Subject(4)Annual department picnic cc(5)HR Department Message Our company is going to hold the annual department picnic on July 1.We will provide all the food and beverage, as well as attractive prizes.Your spouses and children will also be welcomed.All the staff is required to tell us before June 25 whether you will take part in the picnic or not and how many people you are going to bring with you.You can call 555-2345 to contact the secretary.【闪光词汇】annual department picnic 野餐food and beverage 食物和饮料spouses and children 配偶和孩子take part in 参加contact 联系secretary 秘书 【参考范文2】 Message The annual department picnic will be held on July 1st.Free food and drinks are available.Prizes will be awarded to winners of the games.Your spouse and children are warmly welcomed.For more details, please contact the secretary at 555-2345 before Wednesday, June 25th and tell her if you will attend it and how many people you will bring.2013年12月(B级)

Part Ⅴ Writing(25 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to fill in the Application Form according to the following information given in Chinese.Re-member to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:请根据下列内容填写一份求职申请表。申请人:王军

申请日期:2013年l2月22日 联系地址:海东市东方路450号 联系电话:*** 电子邮件:xialei000@163.Com 申请职位:机械工程师

可开始工作日期:2014年1月1日 预期工资:不低于人民币5000元/月

个人经历:2003年毕业于东方学院;现在在SFG公司工作,担任机械工程师,负责维护机器设备。工作期间,接受过国内与国外的技术培训。优点:善于沟通,并能很好地与团队成员合作。Words for reference:机械工程师mechanical engineer维护maintain APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Date of Application:(1)PERSONALINFORMATION Name:(2)

Address: 450 Dongfang Road,Haidong Contact Information: 1)Mobile:(3)2)Email:(4)

Available Start Date:(5)

Desired Monthly Pay: no less than RMB¥5000 Position Applied for: Mechanical Engineer Education and work experience:(6)______ Strong points:(7)______ 【审题构思】本文属于应用文写作中的求职信写作。只要简单地将题干中所提供的信息一一对应地翻译出来并填入相应的位置就行。难点在于工作经历中职位与所从事工作的翻译,注意题干中所给的信息不要遗漏,也不要译错。另外,还应注意求职信的用语,要简明扼要、条理清晰。【参考范文1】

APPLICATIONFOR EMPLOYMENT Date of Application: December, 22nd, 2013 PERSONALINFORMATION Name: Wang Jun

Address: 450 Dongfang Road, Haidong Contact Information: 1)Mobile: *** 2)Email: xialei000@163.com Available Start Date: January,1st, 2014

Desired Monthly Pay: no less than RMB ¥ 5000 Position Applied for: Mechanical Engineer Educational and work experience: Graduated from Dongfang College in 2003, now I am working as a mechanical engineer in SFG company, in charge of maintaining the machines and equipment.During my work period, I have received technical trainings both at home and abroad.Strong points: I’m rather adept in communicating and cooperating with my teammates.【闪光词汇】graduate 毕业mechanical engineer 机械工程师in charge of 负责,主管maintain 维护,维修machines and equipment 机器设备technical training 技术培训at home and abroad 国内外be adept in 擅长,善于cooperate with 与……合作


Educational and work experience: Graduated from Dongfang College in 2003;now working as a mechanical engineer in SFG company, responsible for the maintenance of machinery and equipment;receive domestic and foreign technical training during the period.Strong points: Good at communication, operating with team members perfectly.2013年6月(B级)

Part V Writing Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You arerequired to fill in the Telephone Message according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:假设你是Lucy,接到找Peter Johnson的电话,请根据下列内容填写电话留言。

来电日期:2013年6月23日 来电时间:上午10:00 来电人:SPK公司的Mr.James Brown 接电话人:Lucy 留言:James Brown 先生曾经寄来他们公司的新产品,想了解我们使用的情况。希望你提出意见和建议。他们公司最近有人来访,希望我们能安排会面。James Brown先生下周不在公司,你可以拨打他的手机***。

TELEPHONE MESSAGE For Peter Johnson Date(1)


(tick)A.M.¨ P.M.WHILE YOU WERE OUT(tick)Mr.¨Mrs.¨Miss(3)of SPK Company ¨Phone¨ Fax(tick)Mobile


TELEPHONEDPLEASE CALL tick CAME TO SEE YOUWILL CALL AGAIN tick WANTS TO SEE YOUURGENTRETURNED YOUR CALLSPRCIAL ATTENTION Message_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signed(5)


TELEPHONE MESSAGE For Peter Johnson Date(1)June 23, 2013 Time(2)10:00(tick)A.M.¨ P.M.WHILE YOU WERE OUT(tick)Mr.¨Mrs.¨Miss(3)James Brown of SPK Company ¨Phone¨ Fax(tick)Mobile


*** TELEPHONEDPLEASE CALL tick CAME TO SEE YOUWILL CALL AGAIN tick WANTS TO SEE YOUURGENTRETURNED YOUR CALLSPRCIAL ATTENTION Message Mr.Brown has sent us some latest products of his company.He wants to know our impression on their products and it would be nice if we can provide some suggestions.They will pay us a visit soon and hope us to arrange a meeting with them.Because Mr.Brown won’t be at his office next week, he prefers you to contact him via mobile phone.Signed: Lucy 【闪光词汇】latest 最新的impression on 对…的印象via通过 【参考范文2】 Message Mr.Brown has sent us some latest products of his company.He would like to know our impression on the products and it would be nice if we can provide some suggestions.They will pay us a visit soon and wish to have a meeting with us.As Mr.Brown won’t be at his office next week, he prefers you to contact him via mobile phone.Signed: Lucy

2012年12月 Part V Writing(25 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to fill in the Resume(简历)according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:将所给信息填入下面的简历中。


从2006年9月至2009年7月就读东方市第一中学。自2009年9月至2012年7月在东方职业技术学院学习,专业为电气技术。曾获得2010年、2011奖学金,并于2011年通过计算机考试,获得证书。2012年1月至4月在ABC公司实习。个人的兴趣爱好是阅读和旅游。Words for reference 东方职业技术学院Dongfang Vocational College 电气技术electrical technology 证书certificate 奖学金scholarship 实习internship Part ⅤWriting 【难点分析】


【参考范文】 Resume Name:(1)Wang Xiaohua Sex:(2)Male

Date of Birth:(3)June 15, 1992 Address: 56 Binhai Road, Dongfang Mobile phone:(4)*** E-mail:(5)wangxiaohua@163.com Educational Background Studied in NO.1 Middle School of Dongfang City from Sep.2006 to Jul.2009

Majored in Electrical Technology in Dongfang Vocational College from Sep.2009 to Jul.2012

Won annual scholarship twice, in 2010 and 2011 respectively Passed computer test in 2011 and acquired a certificate Work Experience Jan.to Apr.2012, ABC company, Internship Hobbies & Interests Reading and traveling


Part ⅤWriting(25 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to fill in the Reservation Form(预订表)and write a Fax according to the following information given in Chinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:假定你叫王洪,拟在某酒店举办一个会议.请根据下列内容填写登记表. 内容:




4.联系电话:010-79968090, 传真:010-79968090;

5.电子邮箱:wanghong7080@163.com 6. 特别要求:



3)6月26日至6月28日租用酒店会议室一间,需计算机、投影仪等设备. Reservation Form Name: __(1)__ Check in: __(2)__ Check out: June 29th, 2012 Room type: Single Room Number of rooms reserved: __(3)__ Payment: Cash Tel.number: __(4)__ Fax number: 010-79968080 Email: __(5)__ Special Requests:

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Words for reference: 投影仪 projector Part V Writing 【参考范文】 Reservation Form Name:(1)Wang Hong Check in:(2)June 25th,2012 Check out: June 29th ,2012 Room type: Single Room Number of rooms reserved:(3)20 Payment: Cash Tel.number:(4)010-79968090 Fax number: 010-79968080 Email:(5)wanghong7080@163.com Special Requests: There will be 20 participants and the hotel should serve them breakfast, lunch and supper.Internet access will be required in each room.A meeting room will with a computer, a projector and other equipment will be rented from June 26th to June 28th.2011年12月

Part Ⅴ Writing Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a Letter of Application according to the following instructions given in Chinese.Remember to do the writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:假定你是秘书Linda Wang, 请按下列内容填写给经理John Brown 的电话留言。内容:

1.来电人:APP公司Mr.Peter Margin 2.来电时间:12月13日上午10:30 3.来电内容:Mr.Peter Margin 将于下周一去纽约,下周没有时间与您见面。他希望在本周五 9:30能见到您,讨论双方合作事宜。您是否有空?希望您收到留言后尽早回电给Mr.Peter Margin


□PLEASE CALL BACK □CALLED TO SEE YOU □WILL CALL AGAIN □WANTS TO SEE YOU □URGENT Message:(5): Signed by: 【参考范文】(1)December 13(2)10:30 a.m.(3)Mr.Peter Margin in APP Company(4)Manager John Brown(5)Mr.Peter Margin will go to New York next Monday, so he has no time to meet you next week.Instead, he hopes to see you at 9:30 a.m.this Friday, and at that time talk with you about the details of the cooperation between our two parties, Do you have time at that time? Please call Mr.Peter Margin as soon as possible after reading the message.(6)Linda Wang


Part V Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a business letter according to the following instructions given in Chinese.Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:拟定你是销售部经理王明,根据下列信息写一封信。写信日期:2011年6月19日 收信人:Mr.John Blown 内容:

1.感谢对方订购了你公司的最新产品; 2.所订购的货物已发出,大约一周后到达; 3.收到货物后请回复; 4.希望能继续与对方合作。注意信函格式!Words for reference: 订购 order 货物 goods 发出 deliver v.合作 cooperate v.cooperation n._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参考范文】 June.19.2011 Dear Mr.John Brown, Thank you very much for ordering the latest product of our company.The goods which you have ordered have been delivered, and you can pick them up in a week.Please give us a reply after receiving the goods.The efforts you have made impress me a lot.Thanks again for your contact with us and we are looking forward to cooperating with you again very soon.Yours sincerely, Wang Ming Sales Manager



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