
时间:2019-05-12 11:10:41下载本文作者:会员上传


1.Cas well as 在语法功能上相当于介词,所以在句中要接动名词leading to。

2.C句子的主语为solar power or fission power,谓语是may give, collected by satellite circling the earth是后置定语修饰solar power,其中circling the earth 又是现在分词短语修饰satellite,“环绕地球的卫星”,相当于the satellite which circles the earth。其他选择项均不符合句子语法结构要求。

3.C句中已给出频次状语several times,说明要用完成时态,同时句子的时态定位是现在时they are wakened,显然不能用过去完成时,所以选C。

4.C这是一个so„that结构表示结果状语的句型,A、D 可以排除。在that从句中又有条件从句,而且应该是虚拟语气结构,B中没有表示条件的连词,是错误的。C虽然也没有连词if,但采用了倒装结构,可以将if省略,又是had done,表示与过去事实相反的假设,时态、结构完全正确,因此是惟一正确的选择。

5.D这是一个含蓄虚拟句,意为“有些妇女完全可以不呆在家里,干一份工作挣得可观的工资,可是她们决定不工作,为的是照顾家庭”,所以选D。should have made意思是“本应该做而实际上没做”,与原句意不够贴切。

6.B相当于A light with no more power than the power that is produced by„。that代替power,表示相比较的事物,而D中没有比较对象,故不对;as表示原级比较,不与than用在一起,故A也不正确;C中缺少that的先行词,也是错误的。

7.C let alone,“更不用说„„”,在用法上相当于并列连词,因此要求填入与前面一样的结构,此处是不定式。

8.D句子要求填一个能够代替these refrigerators 的代词,故排除A、C。the others一般与另一部分相对而言,在此句中不对,所以选the ones。

9.A句子后半句是倒装句,主语是复数its soil and the water of its lakes, rivers and oceans,因为较长,所以后置,故选A。


11.C when引导时间从句:“纳粹上台的时候,他被赶出德国„„”then不是连词, 用在句中不符合句法要求;如果选B, 应为and then;before填入句中句意不通。

12.D句中要求一个能够引导of介词宾语从句的连接词, 所以只有what具有这个功能。

13.A前后两个句子是对比关系: increased和barely growing, 而even if表示让步“即使”;after表示时间;now that表示原因, 故只有whereas正确。

14.D句子讲的是 “人们期待到21世纪前10年时,国际性商业航空交通远远超过当今水平”, 人们现在就期待, 而不是将来期待, 所以A、B是错误的;另外, 表示到将来某一时刻为止已经完成的动作或出现的状态, 应用将来完成时, 按句意, 是指extend这一动作的完成, 所以应该在不定式上体现出来。根据上述分析, 选D符合句意要求。

15.C though 表示让步, 意为“虽然”,全句的意思是: “他的长相挺好, 身体虽然瘦小, 但有点儿运动员的样子。”somehow“不知怎么”、“不知什么原因”。as 可以引导让步从句,但句子结构要倒装, 不用于省略句, 因此在此处不合适。somewhat“有几分”、“有点儿”, 没有让步意味。

16.C动词advocate后接动名词而不接不定式做宾语。D虽然是动名词, 但用其完成式在语义上讲不通。

17.A pulling是现在分词在句中做horses的定语, 相当于which pull。

18.C had been left表示与过去事实相反的假设 “如果情况还像以前那样”。

19.A不定式to find out做结果状语,有意想不到的含义。不定式表示结果时, 用其一般式即可。

20.B no less than “与„„同样(重要)”。全句意为: “放松休息, 就像新鲜空气、纯净水、清洁的食品一样, 是健康的身心所不可缺少的。”

21.B to have a large fortune与to do well a bit of work„是并列不定式。另外,worth, worthy, worthwhile在用法上的区别是:(1)worth是介词, 后接动名词或名词,形成介词短语。接动名词时, 与主语是动宾关系,其形式是主动的,意义是被动的。如: The book is worth reading.(2)worthy是形容词, 置于be动词后或名词后面, 做后位修饰语, 其结构是: be worthy of doing sth., sth.is worthy to be done。(3)worthwhile是形容词,要与形式主语it并用:It is worthwhile to read the book.worth和worthy都不能用于这种结构。

22.A one 指代前面提到的具有泛指含义的可数名词单数, 在该句中指代another nation, 句中属于泛指,可见B是错误的。such指代前面讲过的整个情况,多用作主语。that 指物时常用来指代不可数名词, 指代可数名词时具有特指含义。

23.B whether 引导名词性从句做主语, 谓语动词应为单数。另外,remain一般不用被动式, 所以B为正确选项。

24.C这是there be句型的异化形式,即there be 句型中还可以用be以外的不及物动词,如live, stand, exist, come, remain等。

25.B要填入的成分在从句中做状语, 据此排除A、D。另外,respect要求介词in, 相当于in this respect “在这方面”, 故选in which。

26.D全句用的是一般现在时态, 说明一种情况, go 是非及物动词, 要填入的是with介词短语的一部分,应用动名词形式, 所以选going up。

27.B that引导宾语从句,see在句中的意思是understand。此句切不可从汉语角度理解成 “我怎么错了”或 “我为什么错了” 而错选了A或D。

28.C句子用的是过去时态„were glad„, 不定式完成式to have stayed表示这一动作发生在谓语动词were glad之前, 相当于:The members of the delegation were glad that they had stayed longer than originally planned.29.C句中不定式表示原因: “学生有机会用英语与美国人交谈,很受鼓舞。” 所以应用不定式完成式。如果句子用的是一般现在时are, 那么选A是对的。

30.A tolerate要求动名词做宾语, 只能选A。

31.C动名词being 做students 的逻辑谓语, 相当于„students„ being unable to understand what they read。整个动名词短语做of的宾语,所以只能选C。

32.D这是一个含蓄虚拟条件句,前半部分假设,后半部分真实,因此应选could have caught,意为“我本来能赶上火车的,可是那天早上我睡过头了”。区别这类含蓄虚拟条件句的关键词是but。

33.Ddidn’t have to do it“不用非得洗(碗)”,符合句意。

34.Bnot…any more than„“与„„同样不„„”。本句意为:“摄入的维生素超过了身体所需要的量并不能使身体更好地发挥作用, 就像往油灯中倒入过多的油不能使其更亮一样。” no more„than 与not„any more than同义, 但句中前半部分已有not, 此处再填no是错误的。

35.B此题测试的是平行结构问题, 即在并列或比较结构中,并列或比较的成分在语法形式上应一致。如该句中应为:He spends as much time idling about as he spends(much)time studying.句中does 代替spends, idling与studying平行。

36.D句子用的是just as„so„句型,后半部分要求倒装,所以应选D。

37.C where引导定语从句,在从句中做地点状语,相当于from the top floor。

38.D whoever引导名词性从句,并在从句中做主语,用来指人。they thought 是插入成分。

39.C in that“是因为”,引导原因状语从句,符合句意。by which表示手段;so that引导目的状语从句;provided that引导条件状语从句。

40.A made to do so是it is made to do so 的省略形式。unless是连词,应连接句子,所以除A以外的其他几个选项都是错误的。

41.B此处用过去完成时,是因为本句意指“到那次敲门,已经是第三次有人打搅我了”。句中用词was和that evening都说明指过去发生的事,到过去某一时刻为止已出现的情况用过去完成时。

42.A which在句中是关系代词,要引导一个句子,而B、C、D三个选项中都没有谓语,因此不是句子。本句意为:“政府同意提供服务设施,经费由居民在十年期间偿还。”

43.B there being 做介词of 的宾语,如果是介词for,则用there to be。

44.B此句是含蓄虚拟语气句,暗含的假设条件为:if they hadn’t happened to be short of hands。故应选B。

45.C may have done“(不管我们白天)可能做了些什么”,符合句意。should have done“本该做(但实际未做)”;would have done表示与过去相反的假设;must have done是对已发生的情况作肯定推测。

46.A句中too late相当于too late to catch the train,所以选其他词不合适。

47.C rather than 表示对比,在意思上前后形成对照:take advantage of your generosity…rather than become appreciative of your kindness意为“利用你的慷慨,而不是理解你的好意”。另外,rather than在结构上起并列作用,使take advantage与become appreciative平行。

48.C the one替代the age,还原为:„but must write for the age in which he lives and the ages which are to follow。

49.B in which在定语从句中做状语,相当于in the balance of nature(many square miles of„)。

50.C that引导case的同位语从句,其他连接词都不合适。

51.B for连接一个原因分句,对前面的推测做原因上的解释。请考生记住:无论从逻辑推理还是从语法规则上看,只要前面是表示推测的句子,后面大都用for连接后一句,而不用其他连词。

52.D时间状语thus far“到目前为止”,与现在完成时连用,据此排除B、C。比较从句完整的结构应该是„than the thought which has been given thus far,可以把than 看做关系代词在从句中做主语,也可以把主语看做是省略了。

53.A题句由于主语较长,采用了倒装结构,可还原为:the nation-wide movement to support the Kampuchean people in their

heroic struggle against the aggression of the Vietnamese is of great significance。movement要求不定式做定语,其他选项均不符合语法规则。

54.A looking for„分词短语做came的伴随状语,如果选to look for做目的状语的话,不该有逗号。


56.D can’t have done 表示对已发生的情况作否定推测“一定不是/没„„”,根据句意只能选D。

57.A none but相当于no one but“只有”,通常接表示人的词;nothing but接表示物的词;none other than和no other than两者的意思都是“(不是别的)„„正是„„”,与本题全句意思不符。

58.A as在句中是关系代词,引导非限定性定语从句,其先行词是precautions,其他几个选项都不是关系代词,所以是错误的。

59.C unless“除非”,从主从句的逻辑关系上看是惟一正确选择。句意:“假如发生了水灾或地震,且火车、汽车又无法通至灾区,除非用飞机空投,否则那里的人们就会饿死。”

60.Bt o become在句中做desire的定语,意为“成为一个著名作家的愿望”,其他结构一般不做desire的定语。

61.B不定式to have been working„做主语scientist的补足语,用完成进行式表示:“这个科学家已对如此复杂的问题研究了大约十年,并且还要继续研究下去。”

62.C needn’t have done sth.表示做了不必做的事,此句意为:“你真不必写这么长的文章,老师告诉我们只写200个词,可你写了300个词。”

63.AB、C选项之所以错,主要是由于long的位置不对,应为:B.Being long used„;C Having long been used„。句子前半部分是状语,故D也不对。由此可见A是惟一正确的选择。

64.C other than 的意思相当于except,常用在否定词之后,如nobody other than„,nothing other than等。本句中与no在一起连用,意为“只有在英国„„”。it has been said是插入语。

65.A句中的第一个空白处需要一个引导名词性从句的关系代词,在从句中做write 的宾语;第二个空白处要填一个修饰way的定语从句的关系代词,因此只能选A。注意: 先行词是way, 引导定语从句的关系代词一定不能用how, 可以用in which, 可以用that, 也可以省略不用。

66.A before应该理解成“(几百年过去了,人们)才„„”;如果用after应该是„after centuries passed they took note of the fact„;如果用until, 应该是they didn’t take note of the fact that„until centuries passed。

67.A分词短语做伴随状语, my footsteps与echo的关系是主动的,因此用现在分词。另外, 分词做伴随状语表示与谓语动词的动作同时发生, 所以用其一般式。




英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 日语考研等




New Year’s Eve

For many people in the west, New Year’s Eve is the biggest party of the year.It’s time to get together with friends or family and welcome in the coming year.New Year’s parties can take place in different places.Some people hold a house party;others attend street parties, while some just go for a few drinks with their friends.Big cities have large and spectacular fireworks displays.There is one thing that all New Year’s Eve parties have in common---the countdown to midnight.When the clock strikes 12, people give a loud cheer and sing songs.It’s also popular to make a promise in the New Year.This is called the New Year’s resolution.Typical resolutions include giving up smoking and keeping fit.However the promise is often broken quite quickly and people are back into their bad habits within weeks or days.PARTIILISTENINGCOMPREHENSION












英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 日语考研等









Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?

In recent years, tourism has developed rapidly in China.Many people believe that tourism produce positive effects on economic growth and we should try our best to promote tourism.But what these people fail to see is that tourism may bring about a disastrous impact on our environment.As for me, I'm firmly convinced that too much tourists bring harm to the environment.The bad impact of tourism on the environment has mainly expressed itself in various ways.One way is the process of exploiting a new scenic spot.In order to attract tourists, a lot of artificial facilities have been built, which have certain unfavorable effects on the environment.This process usually breaks the ecological balance of the area.In some mountainous places, trees are being cut down to build hotels for others to see and explore the beauty of the mountains.Then land slides and mud-rock flows come up.Another way the development of tourism has damaged the environment occurs when tourists go to scenic spots.Some tourists don't have the awareness to protect the environment, and ignorantly throw their garbage here and there.Some people even kill the local wildlife to eat, which badly damages the balance of the natural environment.It is wrong to sacrifice the environment for the growth of tourism.We must keep in mind that too much tourists bring harm to the environment.We need to find a balance between satisfying the needs of tourists and reducing the pollution they cause to a minimum.SECTIONBNOTE-WRITING


Apr 23,2009

英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 日语考研等

Dear Lily,I know you’re looking for a part-time job in the coming summer vacation.And I have just seen an ad for a private English tutor for a schoolboy on the campus.Since you’re good at English and like teaching, I think this job is very suitable for you.It not only helps you earn some money but also practice yourselves.So please think about it.Yours,Li Ming


What is a dream for

One theory is that we dream to release the deep, secret desires.We do not express these desires in real life because of the rules of polite society.Another theory is that dreams allow us to solve problems that we can’t solve in real life.We go to sleep with a problem and wake up with the solution.This may be a way to use our dreams rather than a purpose of dreaming.If

you believe that your dreams are important then analysing them may help you to focus on the problem and help you to find the solution.The modern image is that dreams are the brain’s way of cleaning up the computer’s hard disk.Dreams organize the events of the day into folders and delete what is not needed.But we all know that very little of what we dream is concerned with what happened to us that day.听力:

1.A.presents28.B had failed to co2.B sweet potatoesver all the pilots3.C she had been invited4.A she wanted to know 29.C because it may 5.D is increasinghelp6.A Wednesday7.C.30.A balance mail the women8.C 完型 Lack of9.A 31.D wouldprospective32.A nor10.____33.C look after11.D Southern34.B By means of12.C Eastern13A 35.D as much asNorthern parts14.D 36.C thoughmore useful information37.B how15.Ailliteracy38.A persons16.B starting to carry 39.C exists40.B way17.B technology141.D larger8.D yellow42.C goes up19.A throwing43.A But20.Cvisiting44.D always21.Ddigital textbooks 45.B whoare used46.B form22.B247.C too23.A TSA agents48.D collected24.D The security49.B like25.B smoking50.B fairer 26.C to get patients o ccupied单选51.C his27.B to prevent pilots52.__

53.B Deadline

54.A Lucy insisted55.C many

56.B Victoria likes57.D quarter

58.C The school pupils 59.A politics are60.AThe arrival61.B Tony hit 62.D I wish63.A were to

64.B Careless reading65.A remain66.C Adjusting67.A dull

68.B I couldn't understand

69.D did up70.A credit

71.C as far as one can see

72.C point73.D much

74.A if an accident happens

75.C deliver76.C building77.B definite78.D blast

79.B refrained from80.A brightly


81.C it plays

82.A Speeches at world 83.C to advise people 84.D it comes from

85.B The many uses

86.D saw an

87.A snowboarders

88.C he borrowed money

from a mortage 89.B He promised90.part of fashion91.B they had lost 92.Desperate93.__94.A Her friends valued 95.C Understanding gained is96.D determination97.A there were98.A Habit is key99.D techniques to supplement100.A stresses the neural


1.主谓一致 就近原则

1.由并列结构或连词(either…or,neither…nor,not…but,not only…but also,or 等)连接的并列主语,谓语动词与靠近的那个名词或代词保持一致。2.在倒装句和there be句型中,谓语动词与后面的第一个主语保持一致。例句:There is a book and some pens on the desk.桌子上有一本书和几支钢笔。

3.在强调句中,连接代词又在句中作主语,这时它应与被强调的主语保持一致。例句:It is Mary’s brother who was injured in the car accident.是Mary的哥哥在车祸中受伤了。


1.当主语与谓语动词之间插入along with,with,as well as,together with,no less than,besides,except,but,including等短语时,谓语动词不受这些插入语的干扰,依然和主语保持一致。

例句:I, along with my sister, am going to Shanghai next month.我,还有我姐姐,打算下个月去上海。


例句:All of the people in the country have been prepared for the great reformation.这个国家的人都已经为大变革做好了准备。


例句:What I want to say is just “ Take care!”.我只想说:“多保重!” 4.当主语与all,none,any,some等不定代词、形容词连用时,应根据具体句意,来决定其后的谓语动词的单复数。

例句:All I know about this company is what he told me yesterday.我对这家公司的了解都是昨天完他告诉我的。


例句:Most of the water here is clean.大部分的水是干净的。

80% cotton has been sent to America.80%的棉花已经被送往美国。

Half of the apples are red.有一半儿的苹果是红的。

6.词组“a number of,a great/good many,a group of +可数名词复数”的结构作主语时,谓语动词应用复数;如果冠词a变为the,则谓语动词用单数。

例句: A number of ancient buildings are destroyed in the war.许多的古代建筑在战争中被毁。

The number of the visitors has decreased this year.游客的数量今年减少了。

7.英语的集体名词(committee, crowd, family, public, group, party, team, class, club, company, union ,clergy, mankind,militia,police,people,poultry等词),指代“整体”时为单数;指代“其中的各成员”则为复数。

例句:My family was very poor when I was a little girl.当我还是一个小女孩儿的时候,我家很穷。

My family are all looking forward for your coming.我的家人都在期待着你的到来。整体原则


例句:When to leave has not been decided.什么时候离开还没有定下来。

Go shopping on Sunday is one of his habits.周日购物是他的一个习惯。


例句:What he said and what he did were always different.他所说的和他所做的总是不一样。


例句: The novelist and poet is going to Europe next year.这位小说家兼诗人打算明年去欧洲。

The novelist and the poet are going to Europe next year.小说家和诗人都打算明年去欧洲。


例句:The United States was found it 1776.美国成立于1776年。


例句:10 minutes is enough.十分钟足够了。


例句:2 times 3 makes 6.二乘三等于六。个体原则

1.and连结的两个或多个主语前如果有each, every, no等修饰语时(后面的一个有时也可省略),后面的谓语动词用单数形式。

例句:Every man and every woman is busy at working.每个人都在忙着工作。


例句:Neither of us has been abroad.我们谁都没出过国。

3.由some, any every, no构成的复合词(somebody,nobody,everything,anything等)作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

例句:Somebody is waiting for you at the school gate.有人在学校门口等你。

4.many a / more than one + 单数名词,一般接单数谓语动词。

例句:Many a man does not understand Einstein’s relativity.许多人不明白爱因斯坦的相对论。

5.“one and a half + 复数名词”作主语,谓语动词一般用单数。

例句:One and a half hours has passed.一个半小时过去了。

6.成双成对出现的复数名词(glasses,scissors,shoes,trousers,pants,gloves,stockings等)作主语时,通常谓语动词用复数,但如果前面有a /the pair of;a /the suit of等词语时,则谓语动词要用单数。

例句:A pair of scissors is useful tool for a dressmaker.剪刀是裁缝的重要工具。


例句:Mathematics is my favorite subject.数学是我最喜欢的科目 1.Economics, several courses of which I have taken thus far, ______ to be difficult but useful for almost all students.A.prove


C.have been proved

D.are proved

2.A thousand miles no longer _______ much to us today, for modern jets can easily get us to a great distance within a matter of a few hours.A.meant



D.will mean

3.The secretary and treasurer of our company ______ the meeting.A.were to attend B.are to attend

C.is attend

D.is to attend

4.Cattle ______

to graze on the village common.

A.are allowed

B.is allowed



5.Mathematics as well as other subjects ____ a science.A.was



D.belong to 6.Either of these young ladies ____ perfectly qualified to teach Greek, Latin and French.A.were



D.have been

7.Large quantities of water ______

cooling purposes.A.are needed for B.is needed to C.are needed to

D.is needed for

8.Copper as well as most metals____.

A.is a good conductor

B.is a good insulator C.are good conductors

D.are good insulators

9.There used to be some trees by the lake, ____ ?

A.was there B.were there C.weren't there

D.wasn't there

10.Cattle____ to graze on the village common.

A.are allowed

B.is allowed


D.allow 1.[答案]B.[解析]该句考察学生主、谓语一致。其中several courses of which I have taken thus far为设置的干扰项。由于主语为表示学科的单数名词,故谓语应 是单数形式。2.[答案]B.[解析]表示重量、度量、衡量、价值的复数名词作主语,谓语动词常用单数形式。3.[答案]D.[解析]C项结构错误,可先排除;由and所连接的两个名词,如果and后面的名词前没有冠词,谓语要用单数。故D项为正确答案。4.[答案]A.[解析]cattle 是集体名词,在形式上是单数,但在句中往往作复数用,谓语动词用复数。这类名词常见的有:clergy mankind, militia, police, people, poultry等。5.[答案]B.[解析]此题主语是Mathematics,学科做主语时,是表示单数的意义的词,故只能在A、B两项中选择,而A时态不对,D.belong to属于。6.[答案]C.[解析] 当 either, each, neither, everyone等不定代词作主语时,其后谓语需用第三人称单数。例如:a.Neither of these books is very new.这两本书都不新。

B.Each of the students brings a dictionary.学生各自带字典来。

C.Every man and woman is eligible to vote.每个男人或女人都有资格投票。7.[答案]B.[解析]表示数量的名词应做单数看待。8.[答案]A.[解析]as well as 在此并不是表示与主语并列关系,该句主语仅仅是copper.因此,选项A是正确的(conductor 导体,insulator绝缘体)。9.[答案]C.[解析]There used to 句型上相当于there be句型,所以此处用be提问。动词的数应与后面的名词一致。10.[答案]A.[解析]cattle 是集体名词,在形式上是单数,但在句中往往作复数用,谓语动词用复数。这类名词常见的有:clergy mankind,militia,police,people,poultry等。











2.It is(high/about/the)time.........谓语动词用过去式 指现在或将来的情况 表示早该做某事而现在已经有点晚了

3.It is the first(second/third)time后的that从句中,谓语动词要用完成体来表示一种经验

4.as if/though 的虚拟要点





1.can 用于否定句cannot(help)but表示不能不,只能(but后跟不带to的动词不定式)

2.must 表示禁止,一定不要时的否定式为mustn’t 当它表示有把握的推断时 意为一定 准是时 它的否定形式为can’t

3.need doing=need to be done 这个句型表示被动意味

4.need not have done sth 表示本来没有必要做某事

倍数增减的表示法 倍数+形容词/副词比较级+than: three times brighter than the earth.2 倍数+as+形容词/副词+as : three times as fast as the athlete.倍数+名词 例:five times the size/the length of /weight/the 1963figure.ect.动词+百分比或倍数 :the output was 400%up.5 动词+to+数词 :increase to five times.double/triple/quadruple: the figure doubled.7 动词+by+数词/百分比/倍数


1.there to be 和 there being结构用法与区别 there to be:作for 介词补语

作动词(except, want, like, prefer, hate…)的宾语 eg.They planned for there to be another meeting Members like there to be plenty of choice.there being : 作除for外的介词的补语

作主语和状语 eg.John was relying on there being another opportunity.There being a bus stop so near the house is a good advantage.2.存在句的非限定形式与限定形式的转化

eg.For there to be so few people in the street was unusual.= It was unusual that there were so few people in the street.存在句的谓语动词

存在句的谓语动词主要是动词be的某种形式,分限定形式和非限定形式。限定形式:一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成体、过去完成体和情态助动词+不定式。除be外,某些表示存在意义的不及物动词如:exist, remain, occur, stand, lie.等,能用于there存在句。地点状语前移,there可省。

Eg.There can be very little about his guilt.There are many desks in the classroom.There used to be a hospital round the corner.There appears to be no doubt about it.There stands a house behind the tree.Behind the tree(there)stands a house.Tag Question

He must be a clever boy, _______? He must be studying in the room,____? He must have worked hard last night, ____? He must have finished his work, ____? He said he would go with Mary, _____? If he had worked hard, he would have passed the examination, ____? I think he is a good student, ____? I don’t think he is a good student, ___? You have a new book, ____? He had to go now,____? I have read the book , ____? Mary has milk for breakfast everyday,____? We used to live in the country,___? We never used to live in the country, ___?



1)more…than…是…而不是,与其说是…不如说是 eg.She is more been than wise.He is more a writer than an artist.“more + than+原级形容词(副词)”结构,这是将不同性质加以比较,其中的“more”有“rather”的意思。

It is more than probable that he will fall.“more than +动词”结构,这种结构表示动词的程度,可译为“异常”,“岂止”,“十二分地”等。

This more than satisfied me.2)not so much …as与其说是…不如说是

eg.It wasn’t so much that I disliked her as that I just wasn’t interested.3)not more/er than与 no more/er than eg.He is no richer than I= as poor as He is not richer than I 4)more than 不止,超过

eg.She is more than pretty.5)more than 简直不

eg.My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing.6).Not… any more than 不能..正如…不能

One cannot learn to sketch and express himself graphically only by reading about it any more than one can learn to swim while standing by the pool.7)no more …than…

A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.8)“Nothing is more…than”和“Nothing is so …as”结构

“Nothing is more…than”和“Nothing is so …as”都具有最高级比较的意思,“Nothing I”可换用“no”,“nobody”,“nowhere”,“little”,“few”,“hardly”,“scarcely”等等,可译为“没 有……比……更为”,“像……再没有了”,“最……”等。

Nothing is more precious than time.9)“not so much…as”和“not so much as …”结构,“not so much…as”=“not so much as …”,其中as有进可换用but rather,可译为:“与其说是……毋须说是……”。而“not so much as”=“without(not)even,”可译为“甚至……还没有”。

The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.◆only(not, all, but, never)too …to do so “和”too ready(apt)+ to do“结没有否定意义,凡是”not“,”all“ ”but等字后+“too…to,”不定式都失去了否定意义,在“too ready(apt)+to do”结构中也没有否定意义。

You will be but too glad to get home.◆“cannot…too…”结构

“cannot…too…”意为“It is impossible to overdo…”或者,即“无论怎样……也不算过分”。“not”可换用“hardly”,“scarcely”等,“too”可换用“enough”,“sufficient”等

You cannot be too careful.◆ “否定+but ”结构

在否定词后面的“but”,具有“which not”,“who not”,“that not”,等等否定意义,构成前后的双重否定。可译成“没有……不是”或“……都……”等

Nothing is so bad but it might have been worse.◆ “not so…but”和“not such a …but”结构 这两个结构和“否定+but”的结构差不多,不同之点是这两个结构中的“but”是含有“that…not”意味的连续词,表示程度。可 译为“还没有……到不能做……的程度”,“并不是……不……”,“无论怎样……也不是不能……”等。

He is not so sick but he can come to school.◆only(not, all, but, never)too …to do so “和”too ready(apt)+ to do“结没有否定意义,凡是”not“,”all“ ”but等字后+“too…to,”不定式都失去了否定意义,在“too ready(apt)+to do”结构中也没有否定意义。

You will be but too glad to get home.◆“cannot…too…”结构

“cannot…too…”意为“It is impossible to overdo…”或者,即“无论怎样……也不算过分”。“not”可换用“hardly”,“scarcely”等,“too”可换用“enough”,“sufficient”等

You cannot be too careful.◆ “否定+but ”结构

在否定词后面的“but”,具有“which not”,“who not”,“that not”,等等否定意义,构成前后的双重否定。可译成“没有……不是”或“……都……”等

Nothing is so bad but it might have been worse.◆ “not so…but”和“not such a …but”结构 这两个结构和“否定+but”的结构差不多,不同之点是这两个结构中的“but”是含有“that…not”意味的连续词,表示程度。可 译为“还没有……到不能做……的程度”,“并不是……不……”,“无论怎样……也不是不能……”等。

He is not so sick but he can come to school.◆ “good and …”的副词用法,译为“非常”,“很”等。

类似还有“nice and …”, “fine and …,” “lovely and …”, “bright and …”, “rare and …”, “big and …”等,均表示程度。

The apples are good and ripe.◆ “and that”结构,这个“and that”应译为“而且……”,表示对它前面陈述部分的语气加强,“that”代表前面的整个陈述部分。

Return to your work , and that at once.◆ “at once…and”结构,这个结构译为“既……又……”,起相关连接的作用,相当于“both…and…”。

The novel is at once pleasing and instructive..◆ “in that…”结构,这个结构的意思是“在那一点上(方面)”,可译为“因为”。类似的结构还有“in this…”。

The budget is unrealistic in that it disregards increased costs.多个形容词的排列顺序:

A, brown, charming, French, oak, old, round, small, writing desk A charming small round old brown French oak writing desk



Many, wool, green, Chinese, large, beautiful, carpets Many beautiful large green Chinese wool carpets 非谓语动词与独立主格:短语,句子(或者句子,短语)当短语部分有独立主语,并且该主语不同于句子主语,这时短语结构称为独立主格。(它最明显的特点是短语部分有独立的主语)。

独立主格的结构1:名词(代词)+ 分词 [现在分词、过去分词] 现在分词表示主动的,正在进行的行为;过去分词表示被动的,已经完成的行为。作题时要通过判断动作与名词(代词)之间的关系来确定是使用现在分词还是过去分词。当动作由名词(代词)发出时使用现在分词,而名词(代词)是受动者时则用过去分词。

1).Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _B_ it closely.A followed

B following

C to follow

D being followed 2).All things _A_, the planned trip will have to be called off.A considered

B be considered

C considering

D having considered call off 取消; cancel vt.取消; 四级中的考点就是现在分词和过去分词的区别。

独立主格的结构2:with + 名词(代词)+ 分词 [句子当中作状语] 1).After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well as boys _C_ to go to school.A to be encouraged

B been encouraged

C being encouraged

D be encouraged as well as 和(相当于and); be encouraged不会考。

动词不定式有预示将来行为的含义。to be encouraged 将要被鼓励; been encouraged 已经被鼓励完了,与主句的谓语动词相对;being encouraged 正在被鼓励


句子的主语决定非谓语动词中的分词是用主动还是被动形式。如果是句子的主语发出动作,则使用现在分词;如果动作不是由句子的主语发出,则使用过去分词。2).No matter how frequently _A_, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.A performed

B performing

C to be performed

D being performed perform vt.表演,演出,演奏;

to be performed 将要被演奏; being performed 正在被演奏; 倒装:倒装有全部倒装和部分倒装。







1.There be句型(表示有);

2.以There或now开头的句子,且句子谓语动词为come或go; There you go again.你又去那里了。3.以Here开头的句子,且句子谓语动词为系动词be; Here you are.拿去。4.以副词out, in, up, down, away开头的句子;




nor, neither放在句首时表示承前否定,句子也用部分倒装;

2.省略了引导词if 的虚拟条件从句,可以把从句中的had, should, could, were中的任何一个提到从句最前面的位置,构成部分倒装;

3.as, though表示“尽管”时引导从句,从句中的表语可以置于引导词之前构成部分倒装;


例如:She is beautiful.They are students.四级考试中出现的是由动词的过去分词转变的形容词作表语的形式。

例:._B_ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.A Being published

B Published

C Publishing

D To be published 当题干是as引导一个从句,且as前为一个空格时他表示的就是尽管,空格处要填的就是表语。

being published 正在被出版; to be published 将要被出版。此句恢复正常语序应为: As it was published at such a time … 4.表示否定含义的单词或短语放在句首,句子用部分倒装;

常见的一些表示否定含义的单词:never, little, few, hardly(… when), scarcely(… when);

seldom 难得,不常;nowhere 哪里都不。

常见的一些表示否定含义的短语:in no way 决不; on no account 决不; under no circumstances 在任何情况下都不。5.only + 状语放在句首,句子用部分倒装;(如果only去掉就是全部倒装)例:.Only under special circumstances _C_ to take make-up tests.A permitted are freshmen

B freshmen are permitted C are freshmen permitted

D are permitted freshmen

freshmen 新生; make up for 弥补,补偿; make-up tests 补考(缓考)。

6.注意两个表达形式:come what may 无论发生什么情况; say what you will 畅所欲言。




【2007-51.】 There are as good fish in the sea ________ ever came out of it.A.asB.likeC.thanD.so


【2007-52.】 All the President's Men ________ one of the important books for historians who study the Watergate Scandal.A.remainsB.remainC.remainedD.is remaining

All the President's擦,它是本书,主谓一直,谓单,很显然的选择

【2007-53.】 “You ________ borrow my notes provided you take care of them,”I told my friend.A.canB.shouldC.mustD.could


【2007-54.】 If only the patient ________ a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might still be alive now.A.had receivedB.receivedC.should receiveD.were receiving 虚拟语气,从句虚拟过去,时态倒退,完成时也

【2007-55.】 Linda was ________ to experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.A.to have startedB.to startC.to be startingD.to have been starting

Be to do表示已经计划好,马上要做的事情,而be(过去式)to have done表示过去的事情对现在的影响,过去将来完成时呀,可惜是一种没有做成的事呀,犹记得高中intend to have done的纠结„„

【2007-56.】 She ________ fifty or so when I first met her at the conference.A.must have beenB.had beenC.could beD.must be 2009-53,又是两年周期,绝对的坑爹呀,不解释

【2007-57.】 It is not ________ much the language as the background that makes the book difficult to understand.A.soB.asC.thatD.very

not so much A as B= more B than A与其说是A,不如说是B

not so much A as B A甚至连B都不如 区别于固有观念,青年在于更容易学习和吸收先进的思想和知识呀呀

【2007-58.】 The committee has anticipated the problems that ________ in the road construction project.A.will ariseB.ariseC.aroseD.have arisen

anticipate 预料,预计,故而从句应为将来时,当然这种不伦不类的幼稚傻逼的题目是我很怕的题型

【2007-59.】 The student said there were a few points in the essay he ________ impossible to comprehend.A.had foundB.findsC.has foundD.would find


【2007-60.】 He would have finished his college education, but he ________ to quit and find a job to support his family.A.hadB.hasC.had hadD.would have


【2007-61.】 The research requires more money than ________.A.has been put inB.have been put inC.being put inD.to be put in


【2007-62.】 Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race.Yet it is probably ________ a threat to the human race than environmental destruction.A.not moreB.no moreC.even moreD.much more

not more A than B 与其说是A不如说是B

no more A than BA与B两者都不

【2007-63.】 It is not uncommon for there ________ problems of communication between the old and the young.A.to beB.would beC.beD.being

介词后跟存在句(there be句型),需用there to be,这就是规则呀

【2007-64.】________ at in his way, the situation does not seem so desperate.A.Looked.B.lookingC.Being looked.D.to look

什么非谓语,什么独立主格,什么逻辑主语,知道被动排除B和D,doing有一直这样的意思,自然也舍去,坑爹的是我做的时候竟然楞的选了being looked,好桑心呀„„

【2007-65.】 It is absolutely essential that William ________ his study in spite of some learning difficulties.A.continueB.continuedC.will continueD.continues


【2007-66.】 The painting he bought at the street market the other day was a ________ forgery.A.crudeB.naturalC.man-madeD.real

forgerynoun.伪造;伪造品;赝品,crude的意思为“粗糙的,未加修饰的,拙劣的” crude oil原油

【2007-67.】 She's always been kind to me –I can't just turn ________ on her now that she needs my help.A.my backB.my headC.my eyeD.shoulder

turn one’s back on sb“背弃,抛弃,拒绝帮组某人”。既然是固定搭配,那我就也不多说什么了,但坑爹还是要骂的„„

【2007-68.】 The bar in the club is for the ________ use of its members.A.exclusiveB.extensiveC.inclusiveD.comprehensive exclusive意为“专用的,独占的”inclusive意为“包含的,包括的”


【2007-69.】 The tuition fees are ________ to students coming from low-income families.A.affordableB.payableC.reachableD.approachable affordable意为“支付得起的” approachable意为“可以接近的”


【2007-70.】 The medical experts warned the authorities of the danger of diseases in the ________ of the earthquake.A.aftermathB.consequenceC.resultsD.effect


【2007-71.】 This sort of rude behavior in public hardly ________ a person in your position.A.becomesB.fitsC.supportsD.improves

become熟词僻意,典型的坑爹呀vt.适合(某人),(与„„)相称 fit主要指大小、尺寸、形状等的适合,suit指颜色的适合,match和go with是物与物的搭配

【2007-72.】 I must leave now.________, if you want that book I'll bring it next time.A.Incidentally..B.Accidentally.C.Eventually.D.Naturally.incidentally 1)=by the way顺便提一句 2)偶然地,不经意地=accidentally

【2007-73.】 After a long delay, she ________ replying to my e-mail.A.got round toB.got back atC.got backD.got away with get round to doing sth意为“(较重要之事处理完毕后)处理某事”

get away with意为“逃避责罚” get back表示“(一度失去后)恢复力量,东山再起”get back at sb意为“报复某人”

【2007-74.】 Personal computers are no longer something beyond the ordinary people;they are ________ available these days.A.readilyB.instantlyC.promptlyD.quickly

readilyadj1.)乐意地,欣然2.)轻而易举地,容易地,便利的prompt adj.立刻的,迅速的,准时的(特别适用与千钧一发有人溺水当机立断下河救人)

【2007-75.】 In my first year at the university I learnt the ________ of journalism.A.basicsB.basicC.elementaryD.elements

basics 意为“基础知识”basement地下室 element要素,原理

【2007-76.】 According to the new tax law, any money earned over that level is taxed at the ________ of 59 percent.A.rateB.percentageC.proportionD.ratio

ratio是比率,如机械效率等 in the proportion of意为“按„„比例”

【2007-77.】 Thousands of ________ at the stadium came to their feet to pay tribute to an outstanding performance.A.spectatorsB.participantsC.audienceD.Observers

2010-68即使答案不同,但神似呀呀spectator意为“(到现场观看比赛的)观众”,audience也是“听众,观众”的意思,但属于泛指,没有特指是现场的【2007-78.】 We stood still, gazing out over the limitless ________ of the dessert.A.expanseB.spaceC.stretchD.land


expanse意为“广阔的区域”,句中gazing out over含有“对什么感到惊讶,感叹、感慨而凝视”的意思,limitless这里也是无边无垠的意思了

【2007-79.】 Doctor often ________ uneasiness in the people they deal with.A.senseB.hearC.smellD.tough

sense意为“感知,了解”sense uneasiness意为“感受到不自在”

【2007-80.】 Mary sat at the table, looked at the plate and ________ her lips.A.smackedB.openedC.partedD.separated

smack意为打巴掌与咂嘴 smack one’s lips意为“(馋得)咂嘴,垂涎三尺” open lips与part one’s lips都有“展开嘴”的意思,这题考的很坑爹呀呀



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