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《The Philadelphia Story》

Andrew and Joe are two young lawyer in Philadelphia, they work hard and have a bright future.However, Andrew did not dare to tell the boss that he is a homosexual, and infected with AIDS.As he had been promoted soon, because the boss found a secret document on the grounds of his lost fired him, Andrew found Joe wanted him to accept the case.Joe was originally rejected, but his wife Louise and Andrew scolding the request agreed.Andrew's family went to court to support him.Trial, a number of demonstrators gathered outside the court, a request to the legitimate interests of homosexuals are not allowed to discriminate against people with AIDS.However, the defendant insisted that for this reason does not recognize Andrew's dismissal.Andrew debilitating body has been unable to withstand the intense anti-AIDS drugs intravenously, he had a premonition that I was going to die.But he is still strong enough to survive the fierce court defense.To the day of judgment, the jury verdict was finally subjected to unfair dismissal Andrew plaintiff, the defendant shall be responsible for damages.Andrew finally won.Joe went to the hospital to the news told Andrew and his family, but Andrew is not longer supported anymore, he is slowly dying.Hollywood has always been a vast world of entertainment films, because of lack of seriousness of the Films business benefits without being optimistic, the major film companies are reluctant to

spend money Toupai.However, 94 years, this situation has been turning suddenly, a group of historical reflection on the theme of social concern serious film appearance, in which the “Philadelphia,” the most attention, response was tremendous.“The Philadelphia Story” tells the story of an AIDS patient with a legal right to protect their interests in the story, it is called “Hollywood face of AIDS,” the movie.It marks the Hollywood no longer evade social reality, while flooding the United States formally declared war on AIDS.Video calls on people to care about helping people with AIDS, people with AIDS, also praised the fighting spirit of self-improvement, caused widespread concern in the community.In order to play AIDS emaciated body, his approach to weight loss with diet 30 pounds, and personally with homosexuals, AIDS, human contact, direct experience of life;to show the desperation of people with AIDS unique mind, he trained every day for modeling But back home and then that restore self, suffering inner torment.More valuable is that he is not only performed a patient, it is a strong struggle with the love of his family and friends, his career and a great role in society as a whole.For this reason, Tom Hanks won the 66th Oscar for Best Actor and the 44th Berlin Film Festival Silver Bear for Best Actor.Probably because Tom Hanks played the protagonist Andrew, and speech is a gradual dying man, so viewers can easily generate sympathy for him.Hanks of this role is his twice Oscar-winner for the first time.Look out, it has paid no small effort, a lot of meticulous touching performances.Movie “Andrew” is a shrewd, articulate characters, and the following year in “Forrest Gump” image contrast and performance style but also with “Forrest Gump” very different, it is “Andrew” and “A Gan ”two shaping the character, so that Hanks' acting school" image popular.So look at this his first Oscar-winner film is still worthwhile.


Wuthering Heights which has long been one of the most popular and highly regarded novels in English literature, it has a secure position in the canon of world literature.As a shattering presentation of the doomed love between the passionate Catherine and Heathcliff, it remains one of the most haunting love stories in all of literature.In Wuthering Heights, Nature is represented by the Earnshaw family and especially Catherine and Heathcliff.These characters are governed by their emotions, not by reflection or ideals of civility.Wuthering Heights symbolized a similar wildness.On the other hand, Thrushcross Grange and the Linton family represent culture, refinement, convention, and cultivation.Wuthering heights, through a love tragedy, presented a picture of deformity of the social life and Outlines a kind of humanity twisted by society and all kinds of terrible events.The story ended with Heathcliff’s suicide.He died for love and his death shows his love to Katherine.He gave up the revenge to the younger generation after he knew that young Catherine and Harleton had fallen in love with each other shows that he was kind in nature.It was the cruel reality that twisted his humanity and made him become brutal and heartless.This kind of recovery of humanity was sublimation in spirit and it glared a kind of humanitarian ideal of the author and endows the terrible love tragedy some hope.Therefore, Heathcliff’s change of “love---hate---revenge---a recovery of humanity” is not only the essence of the novel but also a clue throughout the whole novel.According to the clue, the author arranged an unpredictable scene for us.Sometimes it was the moor full of clouds, sometimes it was courtyard with a sudden rain and wind.The story has always been shrouded in a kind of mysterious and horrible atmosphere.The novel is actually structured around two parallel love stories, the first half of the novel told about the love between Catherine and Heathcliff, while the rest dramatic second half told developing love between young Catherine and Harleton.In contrast to the first, the latter tale ends happily, restoring peace and order to Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange.The most important feature of young Catherine and Harleton’s love story is that it involves growth and change.Early in the novel Harleton seems brutal, savage, and illiterate, but over time he becomes a loyal friend to young Catherine and learns to read.Catherine and Heathcliff’s love, on the other hand, is rooted in their childhood and is marked by the refusal to change.In choosing to marry Edgar, Catherine seeks a more genteel life, but she refuses to adapt to her role as wife, either by sacrificing Heathcliff or embracing Edgar.Catherine and Heathcliff’s love is based on their shared perception that they are identical.As Catherine declares, “I am Heathcliff,” while Heathcliff, upon Catherine’s death, said that he cannot live without his “soul,” meaning Catherine.Catherine’s betrayal and her bitter destiny was the turning point of the whole story.It made Heathcliff change his love to hate.After Catherine died, the hate became the motivation of his revenge.He successfully attained his objective.Not only he let Edgar and the Linton died in desolation and possessed their property but also let their innocent younger generation experience the hardships.This kind of crazy revenge clearly showed his uncommon and rebellious behavior.This special spirit of revolt was formed by the special environment and his special character.Heathcliff’s love tragedy was a tragedy of the society and that time.Wuthering Heights was known as “most strange novel” in the history of English literature and it was an unpredictable “strange book”.The reason is that it was different from the sentimentalism that lies in the works of the same age.It replaced the deep sadness and depression with intense love, brutal hate and ruthless revenge.It just like a strange lyric poem, imagination and intensive emotion existed among the words and between the lines and it had a kind of amazing artistic power.








As fair / art thou / my bon/nie lass,So deep / in luve / am I :

And I / will luve / thee still,/ my dear,Till a` / the seas / gang dry:

Robert Burns(1759-1796): My Luve Is like a Red,Red Rose

注;art=are luve=love bonnie=beautiful a`=all gang=go




Tyger!/ Tyger!/ burning / bright In the / forests / of the / night William Blake: The Tyger 3.抑抑扬格(轻轻重格)Anapaestic foot: 每个音步由两个非重读音节加一个重读音节构成。如:三音步抑抑扬格??-/??-/??-

Like a child / from the womb,Like a ghost / from the tomb,I arise / and unbuild / it again.4.扬抑抑格(重轻轻格)Dactylic foot: 每个音步由一个重读音节加两个非重读音节构成。如:两音步扬抑抑格-??/-??

?Touch her not / ?scornfully,?Think of her / ?mournfully.-Thomas Hood


O ?hush thee / my ?babie / thy ?sire was / a knight.在同一首诗中常会出现不同的格律,格律解析对朗读诗歌有一定参考价值。现代诗中常不遵守规范的格律。





I shot an arrow into the air,It fell to earth,I knew not where;

For,so swiftly it flew,the sight

Could not follow it in its flight.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: The Arrow and the Song


Sunset and evening star,And one clear call for me!

And may there be no moaning of the bar,When I put out to sea,Alfred Tennyson(1809-1892): Crossing the Bar



The woods are lovely,dark and deep,But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.Robert Frost(1874-1963): Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening


The fair breeze blew,the white foam flew,The furrow followed free,We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea.T.S.Coleridge: Rime of the Acient Mariner 3.内韵(同元音):指词与词之间原因的重复形成的内部押韵。


Spring,the sweet spring,is the year„s pleasant king;

Then blooms each thing,then maids dance in a ring,Cold dath not sting,the pretty birds do sing:


Thomas Nashe(1567-1601): Spring,the Sweet Spring




后来,怀亚特(ThomasWyatt,1503-1542)将十四行诗引人英国,五音步抑扬格,全诗三个四行一个二行,前三节提问,后二句结论。斯宾塞(EdmundSpenser,1552-1599)用韵脚 abab,bcbc,cdcd,ee.莎士比亚(WilliamShakespeare,1564-1616)用韵脚abab,cdcd,dfdf,gg,称英国式或莎士比亚式。举例见本文第四部分。


1)There was a young lady of Nigger

Who smiled as she rode on a tiger;

They returned from the ride

With the lady inside,And the smile on the face of the tiger.2)A tutor who taught on the flute

Tried to teach two tooters to toot,“Is it harder to toot,or

Said the two to the tutor,To tutor two tooters to toot?“

3.无韵体(Blank Verse):五音步抑扬格,不押韵诗体。

Across the watery bale,and shout again,Responsive to his call,and gazed-but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft,when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

Ans then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.Notes: a crowd,a host of: many sprightly:happy glee:joy

jocund:happy bliss:complete happiness pensive:sadly thoughtful



3.Song of Myself

I celebrate myself,and sing myself,And what I assume you shall assume,For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.I loafe and invite my soul,I learn and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.My tongue,every atom of my blood,form„d from this soil,this air,Born ere of parents born here from parents the same,and their parents the same,I,now thirty seven years old in perfect health begin,Hoping to cease not till death.Creeds and schools in abeyance,Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are,but never forgotten.I harbor for good or bad,I permit to speak at every hazard.Nature without check with original energy.Notes: a spear of: a piece of school:学说,流派 hazard:chance

abeyance: the condition of not being in use for a certain time

惠特曼(Walt Whitman,1819-1892),美国诗人。此诗选自其巨著。本文是Song of Myself 一诗的第一部分,采用自由诗体,语言接近当时的美国口语。





学院:化学与环境学院 专业:应用化学 班级:094 姓名:李静学号:2090322118(周二晚班)






第五篇:双城记 赏析 英文

Full of romantic elements in the suspense novel---a Tale of Two Cities

1.1 Strong romantic elements in Dickens’ novel It is generally regarded Dickens as a realist, but not a romantic writer.However, French historian Kazha thinks that Dickens is essentially a romantic, he classified Dickens and the Bronte sisters as a romantic writer,to Thackeray called realists.His argument on the later research on Dickens is very enlightening.British novelist, George Gissing and Jester Dayton found the romanticism in Dickens’ creations, Gisssing think that Dickens and Shakespeare, are the supreme idealist, he even directly called Dickens a “romantic realism ” [1 ];Jester Dayton that shaped the characters of Dickens is not a person like“ God ”, he called England Dickens,“ the last myth of writers, perhaps the greatest myth of writers ” [2].Modern British poet T.S.Eliot said that “Dickens's characters and the characters Dante and Shakespeare, like, all belong to the scope of poetry” [2].Indeed, the spirit of idealism to the romantic way Dickens can never exclude.In his work, romantic love is often described;the struggle of good over evil is romantic;figure of joys and sorrows of life and death is often romantic parting.Specific to the “Tale of Two Cities,” the novel, Carlton and Pross complete of their noble acts are on the very romantic, even when Cruncher from bad to good are also very impassioned, romantic and exciting atmosphere.A Tale of Two Cities is a true reflection of the times that all kinds of conflict and discord, quirks, depression, vitality and their unusual wealth.Although the details of Charles Dickens described unique, the characters sharp and detailed observation of the external characteristics, he may be described as a “realist” is not appropriate.1.2A suspense novel with wonderful story Dickens is good at creating suspense..A Tale of Two Cities is particularly successful in dramatized the plight of individuals with personality conflicts by a good structure and the tense atmosphere in the social historical background.At the beginning , the writer didn’t tell us the reason why Dt.Manette as a prison for 18 years.When Charles Darnay ask to Dr.Manette that he want to marry Lucie, Manette seemed to be aware of what cause for alarm, again and again to stop Darnay, asked him to repeat the morning of the marriage;the same evening, Manette again fall ill, the spirit of it Lost in the days of the Bastille.Even wondered for a moment the reader, however, not be explained Dickens.Readers can not help asking: what is the link of Darnay's life experience and Manette? Until the end of the book, people knows the link of Damay and Manette.By use of suspense, Dickens make the Manette as a person who see the bright side of human nature, and bring a wonderful story and the beauty of works of art for readers.The benevolence spirit and in the novel.2.1The justification of the revolutionA Tale of Two Cities“ was written in the 19th century 50's, a period of rapid economic development of capitalism.The capitalist development brings evils and impoverishment of working people's lives lead the British society to the edge of the outbreak of a social revolution.As early as 30~40years in 19c , the working class to fight for political rights, on a grand scale across the country launched a ”charter movement.“ Which Lenin called asthe world's first broad, truly mass, political, proletarian revolutionary movement[3] And this makes Dickens clearly aware of the 50's Britain and 18th century French society is very similar.For this reason,he decided to create a novel set in the French Revolution to Criticize the British social reality, provide a reference for the contemporary English, it is the background that the novel ”Tale of Two Cities“ in 1859 come out.”Tale of Two Cities“ is a historical theme of the novel, but Dickens's focus is firmly targeted at the real life.Works of the late 19th century French and British social life, extensive descriptions of the French Revolution broke out to explore the root causes are to the French Revolution's various social crisis and the reality of British society together, in an ancient metaphor for the modern use of way, warned the British rulers of the bourgeoisie: the cruel exploitation and oppression, the people's extreme poverty is the root of the revolution, if not alleviate the suffering of the civilian population, then the current outbreak of revolution in Britain is inevitable.Novels to social conflicts before the French Revolution shows very detailed and real, whether in cities or in rural areas ”, hunger rampant everywhere“, the majority of the people to ”mulberry grass“ for the food, while the upper class is extravagant, bully Pa women, among the country do not see ”a face with any respect,“ unbearable oppression, the people are ready to ”hang with a rope and pulley to the enemy.“ In

1859, Charles Dickens On the ”Tale of Two Cities“ creative experience, said: ”I spent a lot of time and effort to create“ Tale of Two Cities ”, after numerous changes, finally satisfied.Able to repay my creation your effort in any way any money and other things, but the novel's theme of the meaning and the joy of creation is complete.“[4] Indeed, the deep thinking of this for Dickens, regardless of their historical significance revealed and social significance, or possess its own aesthetic values are worthy descendants mining and exploration.2.2 Forgiveness Thought and the benevolence spirit ”Tale of Two Cities“ is a controversial novel, the lower revolutionary image Madame Defarge of the novel impact assessment is an important factor.Liang Shiqiu said: ”Dickens read the card depends on which of the“ French Revolution ”, was deeply moved and determined to try to write a history of the Romans.Karay and sent two cars for his reference book, but most are not Charles Dickens Canada used because he did not want to write the history of the revolution have been Carey and the best structure in the former, not to write the necessary, as long as he captures the atmosphere of that era, with a story to illustrate the bloodshed will only lead to more bloodshed, only love can save the hearts of catastrophe.“[5] This is insightful.Dickens is the French Revolution as the only carrier to reflect the sharp class antagonisms and intense class struggle, as reflected in this class antagonism and class struggle has shown a wide range of people and human nature, the expression of specific events that goes beyond and have a more general sense of things.Dickens in the novel shaped the way Lucie, Manette ,Darnay and Carlton the ideal of humanitarian character, in that they embodied a kind of humanity as the core of the Christmas spirit.Best embodies the spirit of this love to be part of the British lawyer Carlton, purely for love, his unconditional practice the ”I want for you and your loved ones and make all the sacrifices“ of the promise, help Lucie's husband escape the prison to arrange a road away from the danger , while he replace Darnay on the guillotine.The Lord said: I am the resurrection, life is in me;believes in me, though dead, yet he will live;whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”intended to emphasize the spirit of Carlton's benevolence and altruism world forever.Conclusion

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens shows effectively the novelist’s aim to point out the injustice of oppression and the justification of the revolution.However, Dickens shows his strong criticism on the excess of bloodshed during the French Revolution, especially in his consideration of the innocent(like Charles Darnay)being punished along with the guilty.He feels that the old ways of oppression must be changed, and that much oppression and much misery inevitably lead to revolution, but when the revolution actually comes, he thinks that it is too violent and that the less bloodshed the better.The chief and the best portrayed figure is the benevolence spirit the leader of the revolution.



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