
时间:2019-05-12 13:44:47下载本文作者:会员上传





The picture jumping into my sight is fairly compelling.In this cartoon , after graduation, a host of graduates may face diverse choices , ranging from postgraduate entrance exam to study abroad to job-hunting and so on.But when approaching a junction , which direction should one choose ? The caption, summarizing the message conveyed by this cartoon in a couple of words , reads : “choice” This picture inspires me hugely.The cartoonist strives to bring home to us a single clear message : making choice matters much for a person’s success.Stated in another way, a folk would be permanently locked out of the league of successful elites if he or she lacks the awareness of choice.To be more specific , on the basis of self-evaluation and development goal in the foreseeable future , different folks possess different options.From my own perspective , option is truly among the most important of elements that drive individuals to success.Losing sight of the crucial importance of option would be a major obstacle to one’s success.Meanwhile , when making every option , we are supposed to take self-evaluation and interest into consideration.On a broader level, a persistent atmosphere of placing a high value on cultivating of making options is sorely needed.Only in this way can we embrace a brighter future.2.关于网络语言的讨论

In such a networked society, people are tend to use hot words on the internet, which has been tagged with fashion and trend.These buzzwords are formed with the popularity of internet, which means that without the internet those works make no sense.But we can’t deny that they do enrich our communication words and contribute a lot in entertaining people.Internet buzzwords are extremely popular in the internet used by netizens, especially in the microblog, even in the students’ examination paper.In my point of view, internet buzzwords are undoubtedly hot and fashionable on the internet, but in the real life people are not so familiar with those words.Some people feel puzzled at those words.In other words, internet buzzwords can only make sense with the context of internet.Therefore, these words are limited in certain condition and can’t be generalized for their unfamiliarity to some people.They aren’t supposed to be encouraged in the students’ examination paper, which is formal and should be taken seriously.3.关于向成功人士学习的讨论

At the first glance,I am strongly intrigued by these two men above the pictuce,how fashion they are.However,on careful observation,I changed my mind.A man in the left picture had a name,which is the famous football star`s name--Beckham, written on his face.While in right piture,I am extremely starled by the man who had spent 300 RMB on the haircut,merely attempt to make his hair like the Backham`s style.I do not know whether to laugh or to cry.A bit exaggerating the picture is,nevertheless,behind the strange senario the message which the cartoonist intends to show us is distinctly obvious:don`t follow the trend blindly.Nowadays,many young people incline to be influenced by some successful man who had achieved big triumphes.These people are in all filds arranged from moive star to businessman.Some youngsters are under the impression that as long as they follow by these men`s behaviors or appearances,they will achieve the goal,too.Nevertheless,some expert studyed in socail phenomenon suggest that this superficial outlook will have a dramatically vicious bearing on youngsters.For one thing,they improperly take their cue from these successful men without paying any considerable attention to their study may lead them to be legged.For the another,some of them just see the splendid appearances these successful men presented in front of the public and have little idea about what they had suffered and experienced behind the scene.Fortunately,this emerging tendency has caused wide public concern.For my part.I strongly reckon we should penetrate the phenomenon to learn the thing`s truth and do not dwell on such a superficial outlook.We should correct our attitude towards the goal what we want to achieve.These successful man who had substantial experiences can be our incentive to acomplish the final success.Then we can transfor potential into practice and bring dream into the reality.4.正确认识自己

The saying,“Being confidence of oneself will exert extremely benign influences on one`s final success”,which is widely shared by many people.In the picture above,however,a goalkeeper and a football player has done a bad example for us.As is the picture distinctly shown that both of them strongly overestimated their opponent,at the same time,they do personally believe that in the presence of such a robust opponent,they seem to become extremely small and never can they combat the opponent,who are just in front of them.A bit exaggerating the picture is,but an instructive one.It is a not tough task for us to deduce that the message,which the cartoonist intends to convey us is the magnitude of the confidence.I boldly guess that many people have got a same experience that we always incline to overestimate the difficulty we encountered.However,some social experts suggest that,the attitude we treated with the difficulty will exert considerable influences on our behaviors.An investigation conducted by this year dramatically exposes that people with passionate attitudes towards the difficulty seem to be lost in the end.While people who are full confidence in themselves always achieve the final success.This finding has stirred a heated debate among the people.So how to deal with the difficulty with the correct attitude?

As far as I am conserned,I reckon the crucial point is that we should upright our attitude towards the

difficulty and be more confidence in ourselves,then confront it with all our passion and brightness.We should brand this instructive experience in our mind,difficulty is not as strong as what it surposed to be.5.关于幸福的话题

As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, a boy is contemplating the true meaning of true meaning of happiness.It is indeed a tough question for him: what on earth is happiness? He is puzzled as to in which circumstance he will feel happy—when he makes money, or wins true love, or is in good health, or what?

It is obvious that happiness is difficult to define.We all know people who have a relatively easy and comfortable life, and yet are essentially unhappy.And we may also have friends who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy.Therefore, happiness is actually of one’s own making.If you have a positive attitude and are determined to find the little happiness of life, you are destined to be jolly, no matter what kind of situation you are in.Happiness is an attitude, not a condition.It lies in the struggle to be happy.People sometimes go to extremes and frantically pursue money, power, high social status, etc., which are all symbols of success—but never of happiness.Perhaps if they shifted their goal from ultimate success to unswerving efforts and to confidence that they will be successful one day, they’d be a great deal happier.6.关于社会公德的话题

In the thought-provoking picture, a young man is sitting on the chair in an autobus that is allocated specially for the old, the weak, the pregnant, the disabled, children and the like.Regrettably, he simply neglects the pregnant lady standing just beside him with great efforts.The scene will set ordinary citizens to think seriously about the nation’s painfully declining moral climate.Some of this can be attributed to the lack of morality, a problem shown particularly in the younger generation.Their sense of moral standards seems to be withering although their material comforts have been considerably enhanced.What makes matters even worse is the fact that such misdeeds as spitting, picking flowers in public gardens or making noises in public places are becoming so pervasive that they are likely to be taken for granted by the public.With today’s worsening morality, social bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on self.That is why new ideas must come forward to improve the nation’s moral climate though the challenge cannot be underestimated.Moral decline will not be reversed until we find new ways to improve our moral standards.For adults, we can make use of every chance to remind young people of the importance of good manners, both as a competent citizen in modern society and as a model for them to follow.Only in this way can the moral climate of our nation be improved, and we sincerely wish that the young man in the picture could realize that he has sit on a “wrong” seat.小作文预测4篇


Dear John,I am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi.If it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, I fear that the consequences might have been much more serious.The doctor says that my broken leg is healing well.In addition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospital bills.Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that Emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.Although nowadays many people talk about the need to be unselfish and to help others, we see very few people practicing what they preach.But you showed by your actions that you are an exception.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Dear friends:

I am very glad to hear that you would come to our school.Firstly I will extend to you our warmest welcome, and we are looking forward to the common learning.Before you come here, I will try to make some useful suggestions for you.First of all, it is better to learn Chinese well as soon as possible.Perhaps it’s not easy to master a language in a short time, but it is very important in your daily life.Secondly, it is necessary to know some cultural differences between two countries.Otherwise, you will meet some unnecessary troubles.At last, you should get to know the weather and prepare for the cloths in each season.We are looking forward to seeing you soon and wish everything goes well.Sincerely yours,Li Ming


Dear John,You asked for advice concerning whether you should study history or computer science at university.I will try making some suggestions.University is preparation for your career.You should consider studying a subject which will best equip you to earn a living.Computer science offers more job opportunities than history.We are now in a high-tech age.For the foreseeable future, it would be necessary for everyone to be equipped with

computer skills merely to earn a living!

Of course, you don't have to devote all your time at university to studying computers and nothing else.I would recommend that you continue reading of history in your spare time.That way, you will find that your leisure hours are enriched while you prepare yourself for a worthwhile career in computer science.Whatever you decide to do, good luck with you studies!

Yours sincerely,Li Ming


I stayed in your hotel on 23rd and 24th of October, in Room 603.When I arrived home, I discovered that I had left one of my bags at the hotel.Could you please check to see if my bag has been found?

The bag is a small black leather case.Inside the bag, you will find several business cards, a small address book, and three copies of a business proposal.These things are not very valuable in monetary terms, but they have a lot of personal value.I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as possible, particularly since I need the proposal for a presentation.If you could send the bag to me by courier service, I would be most grateful.I will arrange to pay for the service.Thank you for your help.Yours sincerely,Li Ming






Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures.In your essay , you should

1)describe the pictures briefly,2)interpret the meaning , and

3)give your comments.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II.范文:

The simple but educational photovividly depicts that an elderly mother received a telephone call, which successfully attracts our attention.After a closer watch, we can find that the so-called “celebrating Mother’s Day” is something so formal because her


children tell her to prepare the dinner for them.Obviously, what the drawing has subtly conveyed should be given more concern.Filial piety has always been the traditional virtue of Chinese culture for thousands of years.Respectingour parents is the first priority.However, ridiculous as it is, the phenomenon in the picture is not infrequent in today’s society.For one thing, enormous economic development brings not only wealth, but also public’s obsession for material possessions.They only care about individual gain and loss, which undermine the once sacred bond between parents and children.For another, people seem to be fond of boasting of how they abide by traditions through holding grand meals for their parents.As a matter of fact, some even compete about the extravagance of the event.I argue that those who behave as the picture miss the essence and profound values of our traditions.Filial piety should not be expressed by means of superficial “performance”, but by ways of children’s genuine care and love for their parents.Thinking about how parents took care of us when we were babies in cradles, we should realize that they all need due attention when aging.Piety is the foundation of all virtues.中外文化交流


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures.In your essay, you should

1)describe the picture briefly,2)interpret its meaning, and

3)give your comments.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II.范文:

As is vividly depicted in the simple but educational photo, two foreigners humbly ask if they can be the students of the Confucius, which successfully captures our eyes.If we give it a closer watch, it is not difficult to find that they are very interested in traditional Chinese culture.Obviously, what the drawing has subtly conveyed should be given more enlightening.http://kaoyan.wendu.com/

The reason why increasingly more foreigners begin to learn Chinese culture is varied.To begin with, the long history and effulgent culture of the Chinese nation contribute to the improvement of human beings, which account to the current enthusiasm of Chinese in the world.What is more, due to the practice of reforming and opening-up policy,our national strengthhas improved the comprehensive national power.So more and more countries, international organizations and people become interested in Chinese culture and come into contact with China.Then studying Chinese is the only road for them to understand China better.According to the above analysis, it is my view that national culture is a priceless spiritual treasure that should be preserved and cherished.Only in this way can we promote cultural development positively and make our society colorful and vigorous.坚定信念(Ⅰ)


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures.In your essay, you should

1)describe the picture briefly,2)interpret its meaning, and


3)give your comments.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET.范文:

As is vividly depicted in the simple but educational photo, the elderly man in the picture makes every effort to remove the mountain with an unbreakable faith that only by continuous endeavor can people achieve what they want, which successfully captures our eyes.And the other man with two extremely heavy burdens of ideals on his shoulders assists the elderly to remove the mountains.Obviously, what the drawing has subtly conveyed should be given more enlightening.Theoretically, several reasons may cause the phenomenon conveyed in the picture, but for my part, the following two are of utmost importance.On the top of the list is that both of them adhere to their primal ideals and beliefs, that is, people should never forget why they started, and their mission can be accomplished.This founding aspiration is what inspires them to advance.In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore.It is universally admitted that people with great determination and courage will succeed eventually, especially when they encounter difficulties.According to the above analysis, it is advisable for us to take steps to reverse this evil trend.Of all the steps, mass media tend to function essentially in the job.Only in this way can we resolve this problem and embrace a bright future.坚定信念(Ⅱ)


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures.In your essay, you should

1)describe the picture briefly,2)interpret its meaning, and

3)give your comments.http://kaoyan.wendu.com/

You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET.范文:

Here are two pictures, interesting and provoking.In the first picture, the man, at the very beginning, makes every effort to dig diamonds with an unbreakable faith that only by continuous endeavor can people achieve what they want.By contrast, the second picture describes that, one year later, he doesn’t persist in his initial unswerving faith, and abandons his original ideas completely.Obviously, what the drawing has subtly conveyed should be given more concern.Theoretically, several reasons may trigger the problem conveyed in the picture, but for my part, the following two are of utmost importance.On the top of the list is that he does not adhere to his primal ideals and beliefs, that is, people should never forget why they started, and their mission can be accomplished.This founding aspiration is what inspires them to advance.In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore.It is universally admitted that the last leg of a journey marks the halfway point and our initial motivation will inspire us to finish the last leg.According to the above analysis, it is advisable for us to take steps to reverse this evil trend.Of all the steps, mass media tend to function essentially in the job.Only in this way can we resolve this problem and embrace a bright future.




重点推荐: the lack of responsibility

范文演示:When the issue of poisonous milk powder gains an overwhelming focus from the public,what are these malefactors doing? As we can see from the depiction,enterprise,milk station,milch cow and even grass are trying to find someone scapegoating for this credit crisis,in my view point,that’s nothing to do with the credit but the problem of responsibility.Responsibility is a keyword that we should never disregard,defined not only as the courage to face every foreseeable risk,but as the braveness to entail every malpractice when it really takes place as well.The causes of the shortage of responsibility or even conscience may be as follows.Firstly,inner cause ascribing probably to the destructive influence emanating from the decay of morality may result in the over-materialism.Furthermore,outerly,deficient supervisal gives rise to the fearless adventurer who is at the risk of anything,not to say to deviate from his own liability,to pursue as many as profits.A case in point is the Melamine-laced Milk Incident which almost destroyed the whole of China’s milk industry.It is imperative that drastic measures should be taken to end this thorny situation,such as enacting related law to reinforce our supervisal mechanism to avoid the behavior of kicking the ball when something bad happen and promoting social entities to regain one of Chinese traditional virtues,which is called “who would enter the hell if I wouldn’t”,that means,undoubtedly,to learn to be responsible for the blunder means sensible unflinchingness.2011考研英语作文预测及范文:瞎子摸到了真象

1.漫画“瞎子摸到了真象”---影射国际对于中国认识的前后变化。范文演示:Introduced as a widely known Chinese fable “Blind men and an Elephant”,it tells us never to draw a conclusion from incomplete data.For tremendous years,people outside China could only get narrow and unilateral knowledge about China,leaving a real China far from being unveiled.Nevertheless,the past 2008 Beijing Olympics was the very and perfect time to lift the curse.For most people who are non-Chinese,they tend to have a picture of Chinese who are just Confucius-like,living in a highly polluted place or even having no freedom to speak in public,etc.Reasons behind are usually the following two: one is that westerners are not so eager to learn about China just as our Chinese do about them,the limited information that reached them are mostly outdated or biased one which were more often than not stipulated by a third party with a special interest;the other is that Chinese government were not so open as the one today and did inadequate publicity about its country,thus the image of China is always kind of mysterious to outsiders,then the image depicted above about China,though misleading,is understandable.However,the grand Olympic Games provide an golden opportunity for people around the world to see a complete and “brand-new”China.Therefore,a better world characterized by harmony between China and all the other countries is to come.附件三:2011年考研英语大作文权威预测三




KEYWORDS: “Shanzhai” or “copycat”(山寨)


As is indicated in the illustration given above, one well-known historical notability named Li Kui is being astonished by his another-self, who is standing in the opposite side, with a disgraceful note in his hand announcing “giving you the parallel experience as the original edition could pay”.So, paid for what? Definitely, he would be paid for his special reputation as a so-called “Copycat Big Star” or “Shanzhai Superstar” which is rampant in today’s China.The trend of the variety of human culture is unchangeable even without the action delivered by human beings ascribing to the various individualities themselves, so is this round of culture revolution.The novelties emanating from the “Copycat Culture”---“Shanzhai Movie”, “Shanzhai Camera” and even “Shanzhai Celebration of Spring Festival” have brought a lot of entertainment to the public to some extent, but what we should never be blind to is their negative influence if they go to extremes hypothetically.Just as the exemplification demonstrated in the cartoon goes, “Shanzhai Star” is taking advantage of the fame or profitable value generating from the true superstar, sometimes this kind of behavior is a typical infringement to the intellectual property indeed, which we can never fail to recognize from TV programs or newspapers always.Then, the question goes to another orientation, that is, whether or not should we admit the existence of “Copycat Culture” or to what extent could we make efforts to protect the rights of original authority? It goes with no denying that the engine of the development of a country is subject to the nation’s creative power, which needs the much strongest protection from no matter government or civilian to fight with any behavior ravaging this kind of ecological balance.Fortunately, the first good news has been coming in---“a unique 15-digit code, the International Mobile Equipment Identity(IMEI), is being applied to China’s more than 200 types of registered mobile phones.The effort will combat “Shanzhai” mobile phones, or copycat phones, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said recently.”




Last year we achieved a 15% increase in the sales of our.we believe that this happy state of affairs can be attributed to two causes.First, we managed to avoid passing on any part of our increased manufacturing costs to our majestic clients.Second, we believe our designs and colors are the most attractive that we have ever produced.And so we are happy to be able to tell you that our new season’s are, if anything, more attractive than last year’s and our prices will compare very favorably with those of any of our competitors.We believe that you will agree that our samples prove the truth of our claims.We look forward for you to favor us an order.订购:

Could you give us some idea about your price?

Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be highly appreciated.It will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples.However, we find that we can obtain a price less by 30% than yours with local firm.投诉信:


1,说明来信目的 2,具体阐述投诉理由




Dear Sir or Madam,I, the undersigned, am a job applicant who had participated in the interview held by your company last Wednesday.I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about this jod-striving experience.The reason for my dissatisfaction has nothing to do with the outcome but the tone of your interviewer, Mr Wang.First, when I was about to illuminating my deep thought, he began to blame on my so-called nonsense according to his perspective.Additionally, his cynical eyesight always made me feel that I am a reject , after all, I am a novice who has stepped into this ruthless carrer world for the first time.I appreciate it very much if you could take my letter into consideration, what I really want is just an apology delivered from him,and I would like to have this matter settled by this Friday.Yours,Li Ming



(1)高举和谐社会大旗(Harmonious Society)

从1998年考研英语大作文命题至今,考题基本锁定和谐社会的大旗,反复变换切入点,而命题方式,除了1999年的图表题之外,已经基本锁定在图画题,这个规律已经延续11年未变,具体来看,1998年的诚信(credit)话题,1999年以及2000年连续两年的人与自然和谐共处的话题(nature),2001年爱心话题(love),2002年的世界文化融合话题(culture),2003年的个人、企业独立成长话题(self-independence),2004年的人生奋斗无止境话题(it ends today but starts tomorrow),2005年的抚养老人话题(to respect elders),2006年的偶像崇拜话题(idol worship),2007年的自信话题(confidence),2008年的残疾人合作奋斗自强不息话题(never give up),2009年的网络对于人类交流亲疏远近之影响(interpersonal relationship immersed in Internet era)以及2010年再次重现的中西文化大融合话题。从这些历年真题中无不察觉出命题者的良苦用心,即完善人格,关注生活,关心他人,最终实现人与人的和谐,个人自身的和谐以及人与自然的和谐。一旦把握此命题思路,在平时的训练时就能真正做到有的放矢,例如,一些阴暗的,过于政治化的话题,就不会成为应试范围,而尚未考察过的一些和谐话题,例如社会责任(responsibility),乐观心态(optimism)亦或平心做人、脚踏实地(to try to grasp your aspiration step by step)等,就应该在平时适当进行练习,这样在走进考场那一刻才能真正实现胸有成足,写作时的素材才会有信手拈来的感觉。





2007年,考查的是主动建议信,再次把考生放在了非常主动的地位上,没人问你意见,你自己跳出来对母校的大学图书馆管理提建议。这封邮件再次使网络上以及很多培训机构的预测失效,因为他们为同学们准备的范文多半是类似于你有一个同学,要去美国读书,写信问你到底是读历史还是计算机。实质上,这属于回复建议信,它的文章开头多半是In respond to your question about whether to „ , I would like to present the following recommendations.而主动建议信的开头却截然不同,因为是主动,所以收信人多半会感觉比较突然,因此需要写信人在开头稍作自我介绍,并不是介绍自己的姓名,而是稍微说明下自己主动提建议的初衷是为对方好,首先取得对方的理解,这才是一封主动建议信所必须具备的,基于此,开头往往会设计为,As a warm-hearted and attentiveness-full 的人,I have spent a lot of time caring about the development of

so that I write this letter to display some of my recommendations with regard to

as follows.因此,如果不能准确使用,则后果会很严重,从第一句话就会暴露你根本没有审题,得分也就可想而知;





(2)影射当年热点话题(hot spot)














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1.漫画“瞎子摸到了真象”—— 影射国际对于中国认识的前后变化。

2.漫画“相互推卸责任”—— 影射食品安全事件中的社会责任感和道德感缺失。

3.漫画“股市大跌”—— 影射投机心态不可有,脚踏实地才是出路。

4.漫画“地震中用自己身躯保护学生的好老师”—— 影射灾难事件中人性的光辉。关于灾难,此命题切入点还有可能为保持乐观心态。

5.漫画“把我整成**明星的样子”—— 影射整容现象以及山寨现象。













As is ridiculously shown above , in the darkness happily runs a man , shouldering the priva

cy of the celebrities as a bomb to attract public’s attention , rushing to the news press, with another one from the news office welcoming his arrival.In the middle of the second picture stands a naked man , astonished by the huge amount of personal privacy pouring out of the mobile phone.There has been a heated discussion about these pictures recently in the newspaper.Simple as the pictures are , they do demonstrate certain thought-provoking social phenomenon.如图所示,黑暗中一个人开心的扛着一个写着名人隐私的炸弹,冲进了报社,而门口的那个人正在欢迎着他的到来。另一幅图的中央站了一个****的人,正吃惊的看着从手机的屏幕中涌出的大量的个人隐私。最近报纸上对这样的图片有着热烈的讨论。尽管图画很简单,但是却揭示了某种令人深思的社会现象。

The pictures tell us that the intrusion on other’s privacy and revealing it in the press are not only harmful but also detrimental.what’s more , our society fails to attach due attention to this problem.Firstly, some practitioners of low moral

standards in the journalism, however, are tempted to focus on other’s privacy , especially some newsworthy celebrities’ , such as love affairs, family relationship, medical history and its like, to attract more readers to buy their magazines or to increase their website’s PV(page view), and ultimately to lure more clients to pour money for advertisements.Secondly, The regulator and the authority turn a blind eye to this situation and make it the a real grey area.Furthermore , the public’s aesthetic taste of elegance is still far behind.这些图画告诉我们窥探他人的隐私并把其暴露于媒体上是非常有害的。我们的社会并没有足够的关注这个问题。首先,有一些道德标准不高的新闻从业者为了吸引更多的读者购买他们的杂志,为了提高他们网站的访问量,并能最终吸引更多的广告客户,他们会去关注其他人的隐私,尤其是有新闻价值的名人的隐私,这些隐私包括绯闻,家庭关系,病史等等。其次,政府和监管者对于这一现象往往是视而不见,这样使其成为了真正的灰色区域。进一步的讲,大众的高雅的审美情趣还远未形成。

In my view , we are deeply convinced that everyone has the right to the privacy , the basic right which should be respected, protected and guaranteed by our laws and regulations under whatever circumstances.Princess Diana shows how bad things could end.It is also imperative that the public’s aesthetic taste be so enhanced and promoted that eventually build up a harmonious scene in which people can enjoy their live tranquilly and.peacefully.在我看来,我们相信每个人都有权拥有自己的隐私。在任何环境下,我们的法律和法规都应该尊重,保护,保障这样的基本权利。戴安娜王妃的事例就已经表明了事情会有多糟糕。同样,大众的审美情趣应该得到足够的提升,这样我们才有可能最终形成一个和谐的场景,人们能安静祥和的享受他们的生活。2011考研英语作文预测五




As is ironically shown above ,in front of a pile of so-called “famous brand” fake leather shoes and under a signboard of “honest dealer” stands a business man, asking an old man “what are looking for ” , with a reply from the old man---honesty/credibility.(with the old man replying that I am looking for honesty/credibility.)


There has been a heated discussion about this kind of pictures in the newspaper.总结一句:

Simple as the picture is, it does demonstrate certain thought-provoking social phenomenon.第二段:


The picture tells us that the credibility remains to be an integral part in our society, especially in the commercial world.第二句

Nowadays, individuals, enterprises and organizations do attach due attention to this issue.第三句

By gaining credibility , people and organization can make money , take profits and even obtain wealth.With credibility and sincerity, not only can they accumulate wealth , bur will also establish their careers, fit into society and finally attain social status.Honesty can promote communication between peopl

e, rid of barriers between people and bridge gaps between people.what’s more, were there no credibility in our society, never could we survive the fierce competition in the age of globalization.第三段:

As a consequence, honesty is not something that we can afford to lose or leave it at large.It is imperative that corresponding regulations and mechanisms with the joint efforts of the media should be introduced and enforced to promote honesty.The awareness of honesty should be enhanced, which will lead us to make every effort to keep our promise and boycott fakes which are shown in the picture.Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to avoid the scene in the cartoon and witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their life to the uttermost.附加学术诚信的语料:

(Honesty is paramount not only in the commercial world but in other domains.In the academic wor

ld, for instance, the plagiarizing of others research results can have damaging effect, which makes it easier to dismiss all scientific pronouncements.when we learn that the distinguished professor assuring us of the safety of a particular product holds a consultancy with the company making it, we cannot be blamed for wondering whether his fee might conceivably cloud his professional judgment.2011考研英语作文预测三

As is shown above , on the sky fly a group of doves symbolizing the volunteers who are deeply involved in the shanghai world exposition.In the middle of another picture happily walks a young volunteer, holding a heart shape symbol representing the spirit of volunteer.Just as a proverb says, the fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.There has been a heated discussion about these pictures recently in the newspaper.Simple as the pictures are , they do demonstrate certain thought-provoking social phenomenon.如图所示,一群象征着志愿者的白鸽正在飞想上海世博会。在另一幅图中,一位志愿者正高举着象征着志愿者精神的标志。下面有一行谚语:送人玫瑰,手有余香。

The picture tells us that volunteer spirit is flourishing in china.Nearly 30 million registered volunteers in China have made the outstanding contributions to the relief for the May 12 earthquake ,the success of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games ,and the wonder of Shanghai World Exposition ,which has left a deep impression on the world.After the devastating earthquake hit southwest China's Sichuan Province, more than one million volunteers plunged into relief work within days.They went all out to save the victims, provide psychological counseling and donate money and materials.The spirit of volunteerism featuring altruism and charity is a social concept held by individuals or groups who are willing to help others and improve society without pay.Just as many volunteers said , they cherish the experience and love the volunteer work, which enriches their lives , enlightens them and brings them spiritual wealth.这两幅图告诉我们志愿者在中国大量涌现。近3000万注册的志愿者在512地震,奥运和当下的世博中都作出了重大的贡献。这给整个世界都留有深刻的印象。四川地震以后,(可以是玉树和舟曲)他们抢救伤员,提供心理救援,捐钱捐物。志愿者精神就是无私的,为他人的,由个人和团体实施的不计回报的旨在促进社会发展的精神。就如很多志愿者说的,他们珍惜和热爱志愿者的工作。这丰富了他们的人生,启发了他们,给他们带来了巨大的精神财富。

In my view, Chinese volunteers are young, promising, proud and patriotic.Their spirit has not only touched Chinese people, but also generated worldwide attention.I believe that China is going to have more and more volunteers, especially the youth.With this spirit ,we are expected to witness a harmonious scene in which the people can enjoy their life to the uttermost.在我看来我们的志愿者确实年轻充满朝气,爱国自豪,这些精神不仅感动了中国人民,还产生了世界性的关注。我相信我们将来还会有更多的志愿者,特



As is shown above , in front of a computer happily sits a teenager ,attempting to work on his homework effortlessly , with the help from the internet finishing the job for him.There has been a heated discussion about this picture in the news paper recently.Simple as the picture is , it does demonstrate certain thought-provoking social phenomenon.如图所示,在电脑前坐着一个年轻人呢,正准备着不花力气就把作业给完成,来自网络的帮助很快就完成了所有的学习任务。最近报纸上对这样图画的讨


The picture tells us that our life has been greatly influenced and changed by scientific and technological advances, an integral part to every aspect of modern life.What’s more, individuals , organizations and governments attach due attention to this phenomenon.On the one hand, the progress can enhance people’s understanding on a subject, improve people’s learning capacity and skills, shrink the distance between cities and even continents;smooth the communication between residents and rid of the barrier between people.Technical advances offer all people in the world a quality of life what was unimaginable when personal computer first appeared 60 years ago.Our factory hum to the rhythm of robot assembly arms.Our banking is done at automated teller terminals that thank us with mechanical politeness for transaction.Our subway trains are controlled by tireless robot drivers.On the other hand, while computers , as have been mentioned above, help students finish the academic job, but this technology ,at the same tim

e , kills their creative thinking and exploration spirit.The effect of board-dependence brought by it causes the young, nowadays, even can seldom spell correctly, let alone the negative effects triggered by porn movies , violent video clips and their like.这幅图告诉我们,我们的生活已经被科技的进步极大地影响了我们的生活,科技是现代生活中重要的一部分。个人,组织,政府都很关注这一现象。一方面科技的进步提高了人们对事物的认识,提高了人们的学习能力和技能,缩短了城市和城市之间,甚至各大洲之间的距离。使人和人之间的沟通更加的顺畅。科技的进步给世界人民带来的生活在60年前第一台个人电脑出现的时候是不可想象的。我们的工厂里轰鸣着机器人组装臂的节奏声;我们的银行业务在自动柜员机完成,他们用礼貌的语言感谢我们办理业务;我们的地铁由不知疲倦的机器人司机驾驶。(来自考研文章真题)但是另一方面,虽然计算机在帮着孩子们完成作业,但是与此同时也在扼杀着他们的创造思维和探索精神。多于键盘的依赖使得很多孩子很少能正确的拼写和书写。就更不提由于色情电影和暴力视频带来的负面影响了。



In my view , while we are enjoying the conveniences of the science and technology, we should keep a watching eyes on those negative practice, and aim to reduce the problems it has caused.Then the benefits of these advances will out weigh the serious problems.在我看来,我们在享受科技的便利的时候,一定要小心负面的应用。并且想办法去克服这些问题,这样才能利大于弊。


As is shown in the first picture , on a mountain of university tiredly climbs a college student, alm

ost finishing his journey in the university, and awkwardly and surprisingly finding that he has to climb another much higher mountain---hunting a job, bus as is shown below, in front of a post board for recruiting government officials stand an ocean of people, with only one in front of the board for hiring waiter.There has been a heated discussion about these pictures recently in the newspaper.Simple as the pictures are , they do demonstrate certain thought-provoking social phenomenon.如图第一幅图所示,在求学的大山上,一个学生疲惫的攀爬着,好不容易快到了山的顶峰,却不得不吃惊且尴尬的发现还有一座高很多的山他必须去爬,那就是找到一份工作。但是在另一幅图中我们看到,在招聘公务员的广告牌前面站着一堆人,而在招聘服务员的牌子前却只有一个人。最近报纸上对这样图画的讨论有很多。这些图虽然简单,但是却确实表明了一个发人深思的社会现象。

The pictures tell us the issue of hunting jobs for college students is increasingly and seriously important in current days.What’s more , individuals, orga

nizations and even the whole society have been attaching due attention to this issue.On one hand, when facing the pressure of finding a job, students are struggling painfully.The burden can cause not only depression but also anxiety and such problems as isolation and solitude.One’s thought , creative thinking and exploration spirit, therefore, have been stifled by pursing measurable high scores and various certificates when confronting this harsh reality.On the other hand , that college students fail to change the conventional view on jobs and to adapt their goals to the reality deepens this problem.Were there no prompt and proper solution to this problem, never would we taste the happiness of the harmonious society.图画告诉我们大学生就业的问题在当今越来越重要了。个人,团体,政府甚至是整个社会都很关注这个问题。一方面,当面对找工作的压力时,学生们痛苦的挣扎着。这样的负担不仅给他们带来了抑郁和焦虑的问题,还带来了像孤单,孤僻这样的问题。这样一来,面对这样的残酷现实,一个人的思考,创造性的思维,开拓的精神很可能因为追求可被量化的分数和证书的而被遏制了。另一方面,大学生没有能改变



What should be done to reverse this situation ? For one thing ,instead of just earning their degrees and high exam scores ,college students are expected to cultivate their potentials such as creation, imagination and coordination.Such qualities , though cannot be measured by their college certificates, really matter in their prospective career.For another thing , the educational institutions are supposed to integrate more practical training in their programs so that more competent college graduates can be produced for our society.Above all ,the new awareness that all jobs are equal in dignity and that fame and excellence can be reached at any occupation should be promoted in the whole society.如何改变这样的现状呢,一方面学生不只是要注重文凭和分数,学生们还需要培养自己的创造性,想




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