
时间:2019-05-12 14:28:55下载本文作者:会员上传



If you would like to have more details, please let us know.Thank you for your inquiry for

You company was kindly rocommended by

As for our credit standing,please refer to


商务信函结尾回复语 1.等候回复

We are waiting for your early/favorable/definite reply.We trust to receive your prompt reply.We shall appreciate your opinion.We shall be glad to have your reply.We look forward to your good news.Interest to receiving your comments.Will you let us have your satisfactory reply.We await hearing from you in this connection at an early opportunity.We are waiting to hear from you in this respect without delay.We trust that we may/shall hear from you in this matter as soon as possible.We shall be glad to hear from you on the subject very soon.We await the pleasure to hear from you about the quotation at once.2.提请关注,关照

Your prompt attention in this report/to this matter will be highly appreciated.Your attention to this matter and compliance shall be much obliged.We request you to give the above your prompt attention.We are confident that you will give the matter your careful attention.We shall appreciate your giving this your prompt attention.We sincerely hope that you will give the matter your favorable consideration and are awaiting your reply at your earliest convenience.We hope we may receive your further favor.We hope to receive a continuance of your kind patronage.3.承诺再次联系

You will be hearing from us again shortly.We shall revert to this matter at a later date.We shall communicate with you again as soon as possible.4.请求支持惠顾

Your kind patronage is highly appreciated.We solicit a continuance of your kind patronage.We request you to favor us with a continuance of your kind support.We solicit a continuance of your valued favor.5.感谢对方合作

Your cooperation is of great help to us.We thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter.We take this opportunity of thanking you for your support in the past.We extend our gratitude toward you for your cooperation.Your cooperation in this regard is highly appreciated.We are very much appreciate your cooperation.6.保证合作

Please be assured of our continued cooperation.You may rely on us to give our cooperation in every possible way.You may rely on us for support and cooperation to the best of our ability.You may rest assured that we shall offer you our cooperation.7.请求协助

We request your assistance in this matter.We should be grateful if you would give us your assistance.We should appreciate it if you could cooperation with us in this matter.We reckon on your help in this matter.8.祝愿

May friendship between our two peoples be evergreen.We wish that friendship and cooperation between our two companies be further developing in the future.We believe that our business with you will develop as time goes on.We are convinced that with joint efforts business between us will be increasingly developed to our mutual benefits.We are confident that this first transaction between us will lead to more in future.9.致歉

Please excuse this clerical error.We request you to accept our apologies for the error of our clerk.We sincerely ask you to accept our apologies for the inconvenience this error may have caused you.We regret that we are unable to meet your requirements.10.乐意服务

We are always ready at your service.We assure you of our best service at all times.We shall spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of service to you.We shall be pleased to be of service to you at all times.11.问候语

With best regards.With the season's greetings.With the compliments of the season.With best New Year Wished.With kind personal regards.With best wishes for Happy New Year.With my most hearty greetings and sincere good wishes for you and your family for the coming year.May all your plans and wishes come true.Heaps of Christmas wishes.Wishing you a merry Christmas.With kind remembrances and good wishes for a Merry Christmas and bright future.








委婉语的英文是euphemism,这个词最早出现在希腊字典中。Eu是good的意思,phemism是speech的意思,所以euphemism的意思是nice words,也就是“好听的话”。




2.1 委婉词汇



E.g.1 we highly appreciate your sincere cooperation.E.g.2 thank you for your quotation of June 24 for 1000 tons of liquid.E.g.3 we are extremely grateful to you.在以上三个例句中,appreciate、thank、grateful这些词汇不仅仅传达出了句子的基本含义,也传达给对方一种愉悦感。但是需要注意的是,适当的感激词可以锦上添花,如果过多的使用感激词有可能让对方感到不真诚,弄巧成拙。



E.g.4 we were more than pleased to receive your order NO.23 for TV.E.g.5 we regret to say that we cannot accept your offer.例4中的more than很好的表达出了无比感激之情。例5中的regret一词在避免直接拒绝的情况下表达出了我方对对方报价的不认同。这两个模糊词的使用均让交易双方处于愉快的合作氛围当中。



E.g.6 it would be very kind if you could send samples to us.例6中的would一词很好的传达了我方希望对方寄来小样的意愿。同样地,在使用情态动词时应注意实际语境,根据语境要求使用合适的情态动词。



E.g.7 the broken glass was due to improper packing.在例7中,货物破损是双方都不愿意看到的结果,也会对双方利益造成损害,但是写信放并没有直接指责对方的原因是不良包装引起的,错不在己,但写信方没有直接指责对方的在包装材料或方式上的处理失误,而是用improper一词,在既不伤对方的面子的情况下,又给对方一个台阶下,从这里可以看出写信方的严谨态度和体谅之心。既委婉地表达了卖方的过失,也暗示写信方愿意继续与对方进行贸易往来,从而推动合作的成功。

2.2 委婉句式




E.g.8 however,we should remind you that this claim should have been submitted within four days of the accident in accordance with the terms of the policy.被动语态通过省略主语使对方关注点转移到事情上,例8中should have

been submitted的使用避免了直接指责对方的过失,不仅委婉地表达了我方立场,也避免了语言生硬,有利于达成双方交易。



E.g.9 if it were not for the regular orders we receive from a number of our customers,we could not have quoted for supplies even at those prices.例句中虚拟语气的使用大大地缓和缓和了交易双方的紧张氛围。礼貌含蓄的表达可以避免直接正面表达可能带来的冲突,从而促成交易达成,实现合作共赢的目标。由此看来,虚拟语气在商务信函中的作用不可忽视。



E.g.10 we are very sorry not to be in a position to accept your order,but hope that you will understand our situation.不难看出,如果直接用refuse一次来拒绝对方的要求,将会影响双方的长期友好合作关系。



E.g.11 it would not be fair if the loss be totally imposed on us as the liability rests with both parties.过去式可以淡化语气,使意见或建议委婉并易于接受,从而让沟通有回旋的余地,进而保证双方的友好洽谈和磋商。








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[4]Huang,X.Discussion on communicative function of euphemism in business letters.Economic Research Guide,2012,7(4),298299

[5]Li,Y.The courtesy of indirect speech act in business letters.Market Modernization.2009,564(7),186187

[6]Lu,Q.Analysis of the function of euphemism in business letters.Economic Research Guide,2012,36(2),312313

[7]Ma,J.Grammatical structure means of euphemism in business letters.Journal of Jixi University,2011,10(1),129130

[8]Wang,S.Analysis of the classification of euphemism.Journal of Examination,2010,36(5),221223



To inform one of;To say;To state;To communicate;To advise one of;To bring to one's notice(knowledge);To lay before one;To point out;To indicate;To mention;To apprise one of;To announce;To remark;To call one's attention to;To remind one of;etc.1.We are pleased to inform you that

2.We have pleasure in informing you that

3.We have the pleasure to apprise you of

4.We have the honour to inform you that(of)

5.We take the liberty of announcing to you that

6.We have to inform you that(of)

7.We have to advise you of(that)

8.We wish to inform you that(of)

9.We think it advisable to inform you that(of)

10.We are pleased to have this opportunity of reminding you that(of)

11.We take the advantage of this opportunity to bring before your notice

12.Please allow us to call your attention to

13.Permit us to remind you that(of)

14.May we ask your attention to

15.We feel it our duty to inform you that(of)


1.The purpose of this letter is to inform you that(of)

2.The purport of this line is to advise you that(of)

3.The object of the present is to report you that

4.The object of this letter is to tell you that5.By this letter we Purpose to inform you that(of)6.Through the present we wish to intimate to you that 7.The present serves to acquaint you that(3)惠请告知某某事项,等1.Please inform me that(of)2.Kindly inform me that(of)3.Be good enough to inform me that(of)4.Be so good as to inform me that(of)5.Have the goodness to inform me that(of)6.Oblige me by informing that(of)7.I should be obliged if you would inform me that(of)8.I should be glad if you would inform me that(of)9.I should esteem it a favour if you would inform me that(of)10.I will thank you to inform me that(of)11.You will greatly oblige me by informing that(of)12.We shall be obliged if you will inform us that(of)13.We shall be pleased to have your information regarding(on, as to;about)14.We shall deem it a favour if you will advise us of15.We shall esteem it a high favour if you will inform us that(of)(4)特确认,本公司某月某日函件等1.We confirm our respects of the l0th May

2.We confirm our letter of the l0th of this month3.We confirm our last letter of the l0th June4.We had the pleasure of writing you last on the l0th of this month5.We confirm our respects of the l0th June6.We confirm the remarks made in our respects of the l0th July7.We confirm the particulars of our enquiry by telephone of this morning8.In confirming our telegram of this morning,--9.Confirming our respects of the 10th May,---10.Confirming our last of the 10th June,---(5)贵公司某月某日函电,敬悉等l.We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your esteemed favour of the 3rd May2.We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your favour of the lst June3.We have to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 5th July4.Your letter of May 5 was very welcome5.Your letter of April l0 gave me much pleasure6.Your esteemed favour of 7th May was duly received by us7.Your favour of the 5th June is duly to hand8.Your favour of the l0th is to(at)hand9.We are in due receipt of your favour dated the 7th June10.We are in receipt of your letter of the 7th July11.We are in possession of your letter of the 5th April

12.We have duly received your favour of the 5th March

13.Your letter of yesterday's date is duly to(at)hand

14.Your esteemed communication of yesterday's date is just to(at)hand

15.We thank you for your favour of the 5th May

16.We are obliged for your letter of the 5th May

17.Many thanks for your latter of the 5th June

18.Very many thanks for your letter of May 5

19.In acknowledging receipt of your letter of the 5th June,...20.Your favour of the 5th May has just reached me

21.Your favour of the 5th May is duly received

22.Your favour of the 5th May is now before me

23.Your promised letter under date(of)the 5th June has just reached us


1.I have the pleasure of stating, in answer to your inquiry of the 4th inst, that

2.In reply to your letter of the 5th of May, I have to inform you that(of)

3.I hasten to answer your inquiry of the l5th May, by stating that

4.We are in receipt of yours of the 5th June, in reply to which we are pleased to state that

5.In reply to yours of the l0th May, relative to..., I would say that

6.I am in receipt of your favour of the 7th May, and in response I inform you that(of)

7.In response to your letter of l0th May, I wish to say that

8.In answer to your favour of the 5th May regarding...I reply as follows:

9.Answering your letter of the 8th of February re..., I would say that

10.In reply to your letter of February 8th, I inform you that(of)

11.Replying to yours of the 8th of February regarding..., I would say that

12.Replying to your favour under date of February 8th re..., I say that



先生: Dear Sirs:

从贵处商会获悉贵公司行名和地址,并得知你们是一家大的钢铁出口商,具有多年经营经验。此类产品属于我公司业务范围,特致此函,以期与贵公司建立兴旺互利的贸易关系。We have got your name and address from your Chamber of Commerce and learned that you are a large exporter of iron and steel with many-year experiences in this field.As these products happen to fall in our line, we are glad to write to you in the hope of establishing our mutually beneficial business relationships


If you can assure us an acceptable price, excellent quality and speedy delivery, we might be able to place a large order.We, therefore, suggest that you should send us a complete set of your latest catalogues together with a price list of all your export products.It will be greatly appreciated if you will pay your attention to it as soon as possible.至于我们的信用情况,可向当地的中国银行查询。

As to our credit standing, we suggest you refer to the Bank of China at your end.谅能惠予合作,预致谢意。

We are looking forward to your cooperation and thank you in advance.谨上

Yours faithfully,



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