
时间:2019-05-12 14:28:50下载本文作者:会员上传









(1)商务英语信函经常以意义相同或相近的书面词语代替基本词汇和口语词汇,如以inform或advise代替tell,以duplicate代替copy,以dispatch代替send,以otherwise代替or;以介词短语代替简单的介词,如以as for,in respect to,in connection with和with regarding to等代替about等。例如:

We are pleased to advise you that your order NO.105 has been dispatched in accordance with your instruction.我们很高兴地通知你们:第105号订单货物已遵照你方指示运出。

We will meet you half way by offering a discount of 5% in view of our long pleasant relations.鉴于我们之间长期愉快的业务关系,本公司将酌情考虑给予5%的折扣。

(2)商务信函中经常使用here/there +介词构成的复合词,如hereafter,hereby,hereunder,hereto,hereinafter,herewith,thereafter,therein,therefrom等。例如:

All offers and sales are subject to the terms and conditions printed on the reverse side hereof.所有报盘和销售均应遵守本报价单背面所印的条款。

In such a case, Seller is bound to reimburse Buyer for any loss or damage sustained therefrom.在此次情况下,卖方负责偿还买方由此所遭受的损失。




例如:“By this letter we would ask you to consider our proposal.”就不如”Please consider our proposal.” 简洁;而“Please let us know whenever we can be helpful.” 则比“Whenever there is any way in which we can be of assistance, please feel free to contact us.”表达好一些。




We shall cover TPND on your order.我们将为你方的货物投保盗窃和提货不着险。

It would be appreciated if you would let us know by returning your lowest possible price for the following goods on FOB London.请报下列商品伦敦船上交货之最低价。


拉丁语的status quo(现状),意大利语的del credere(保付货价的),汉语中的litchi(荔枝),tungoil(桐油),mango(芒果)等。



Offer, quotation表示“报价,发盘”

Pamphlet, brochure, booklet, sales literature



Financial standing/reputation/condition/position


Fulfill/complete/execute an order用于表示“执行订单”

A draft contract或a specimen contract 表示“合同样本”






例如:“We have obtained your name and address from the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, who have told us that you wish to import electric goods manufactured in China.”原译为:“我方从新加坡商会处获悉贵方的名称和地址,得知贵方有意进口中国制造的产品。”此句的翻译应该说非常通顺,注重了信函的语言特点,但是它并没有做到忠实的原则,译文中漏译了“electric”。再如:“I have the honor to notify you that we have commenced a business as commission agents for British goods.” 原译为:“我很荣幸地告知你我们已经开始了一项业务,来作为英国货物的代理”。这句的翻译中绝对忠实于原文,但却不能够达到通顺的要求,让人读起来感到特别生硬,须调整语序译为:“我们已经开始了经营代销英国货物的业务,特此通告。”



John Wanamaker68Fifth StreetPhiladelphia 11U.S.A

美国费城第十一邮区第五大街68号 约翰·华纳麦克先生November 20062006年11月2日



英文信函中常用的是“Dear Sir(s)/Madam/Gentlemen/Ladies”等,此处的“Dear”只是一种表示对收信人的尊称,是一种礼貌的习惯性表达方法,并不等同于汉语中的“亲爱的”,因此,根据汉语习惯我们可以套译为:“尊敬的阁下/先生/女士/夫人”,有时也可以套译为:敬启者、谨启者、执事先生、尊鉴、台鉴等。


结尾敬语的表达方式有很多,例如:Yours faithfully,Faithfully yours,Yours truly,Best regard,Sincerely,Best wishes,Yours sincerely,Kind regards等等。它们可以直接套译为:“谨上、敬上、谨启、顺致敬意”等,而不能直接按照字面意思进行翻译。



频繁使用 appreciate,esteem,favor,grateful,kindly,oblige,please,pleasure,Allow us...,Permit us to...,May we...等等。而汉语中常用的一些敬辞包括:“您鉴、贵方、贵国、贵公司、阁下、敬复、敬悉、惠请、惠函、惠顾、赐复、奉告、承蒙、恭候”等等;常见的一些谦辞包括:“敝人、敝公司、敝处、卑职、愚见、拙见、拙作、拜读、过奖”等等。例如:

We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your esteemed favor of the 8th May.敬悉贵公司5月8日来函。

Kindly provide us with all possible information on your market.惠请告知你方市场详情。





Should you desire, we would be pleased to send you catalogs together with export prices and estimated shipping costs for these items.若贵方需要,本公司将乐意寄上目录以及这些项目的出口价格以及预估的运输费。



We were pleased to know from your letter of 24th October of your interest in our products and enclose the catalogue and pricelist asked for.Also enclosed you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment.奉读10月24日来函,欣悉你们对我们的产品有兴趣。兹附上你们所要求的商品目录和价目表,并附上我们的售货条件和付款方式。



We have gone into the matter and we are prepared to make you a reasonable compensation, but not the amount you claimed, because we cannot see why the loss should be 50% more than the actual value of the goods.我们已对此事进行调查,愿意对贵方给予合理赔偿,不过不是贵方索赔的金额,因为我们看不出损失何以超过货物实际价值的一半以上。


At any rate, we deeply regret to learn from you about this unfortunate incident and should it be necessary we shall be pleased to take the matter up on your behalf with the shipping company concerned.不管怎样,从贵方闻悉发生这一不幸事件,我们深表遗憾。如有必要,我们将很乐意代为贵公司向船方提出交涉。



1.Dear Mr.Blake,I am sorry that we cannot accept your request for delay in delivery.Our project is in great need of these builiding materials, otherwise we cannot complete the task.If it is impossible for you to deliver them on time, we shall have to cancel the order.We are sorry to cause you any inconvenicence.Thank you for your understanding.Yours sincerely,CON Build Company






2.Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to request further information about your latest products.May i ask you to provide me with their detailed information on prices, delivery costs and the like?

I wonder if there are any discounts available for bulk order.In addition, do you

accept an overseas order?

I appreciate your early response.Yours sincerely,Bill Smith



我方想知道大宗订单能否有折扣?另外,请问贵公司接受海外订单吗? 及早回复不胜感激。







Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to request some information about your product.We would like to know the price of your digital cameras.Moreover, if we place a large order, is it possible for you to give us any discount? If so, how much discount do you usually allow for such a large order?

Kindly let us have your reply at your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely,Ted Hans


Business Interpretation

Thanks 致谢

尽量避免用big words, 用commonly used words and phrases

拜访 call on/at visit, drop in(顺便)

写信致谢 write sb.…my thanks

及时(收到)duely on/in(due)time

相差十万八千里 we’re worlds apart

欢迎某人到某地 welcome adj.一般不用被动态(对某一举动表示欢迎)

随时欢迎 always at any time

深深感谢 a car-load appreciation

感谢be grateful


Thank you in anticipation/advance.Looking forward to your favorable reply.I would be grateful if my application could be taken into favorable


Your favorable consideration of my application would be greatly appreciated.如蒙即复,不胜感谢。

A prompt reply will be greatly appreciated.如蒙及时报价,不胜感激。

Your timely quotation will be greatly appreciated./We would be very gracious if you could quote timely/promptly.恭候佳音

Your favorable/early reply will be appreciated./ We would appreciate it if you could…


Your interest in our company and products is greatly appreciated.请随函附上贵方的价格单和一切必要的说明。

Please enclose your price list and all the necessary illustrations.请告大批订货的折扣。

Please inform us of the discount for a large order.请速寄备有存货的中等品质棉花样品和价格单,不胜感激。

We would appreciate your sending us immediately samples and sheet of your medium-quality cotton available from stock.请告贵方产品的规格细目。

Would you please let us have the particulars(and specifications)of your products?


(We)wish to draw your attention to the fact that our clients/customers are in urgent need of the contracted goods.请寄贵公司产品图解目录一份为荷。

It would be appreciated if you could send us an illustrated catalog of your products.According to the request in your letter, we are sending you a catalogue of our products.根据贵方来函要求,现寄上本公司产品目录一份。

We are pleased to inform you that goods have been dispatched today.货物今日业已启运,特此告知。

We hope to have the pleasure of serving you soon.希望能早日为贵方效劳。

In reply to your inquiry of 10th May, we are pleased to offer you the following.回复贵方5月10日报价,特报盘如下。


Your prompt reply will be highly/greatly appreciated.恳请贵方从速办理本订单。

You’re kindly requested/asked to pay prompt attention to/deal with/handle this order promptly.请说服贵方客户接受我方销售条件,我们已与贵地其他客户按此条件做成了相当多的交易。We should be grateful if you could persuade your clients to accept our sales terms on which we have already concluded considerable businesses with clients at your end.请将货样及产品小册子一并寄来。

Please kindly send us samples and products packet/catalogue/pamphlet.建立贸易关系


I am here to establish trade relations with you.与贵方建立贸易关系是我们多年来的愿望。

It is our long-standing hope/wish to establish/that we might …/The

establishment of …is what we have hoped for years.我们写这封信是为了要和贵方建立业务关系。

We are writing to you in order to establish/ in the hope of establishing… 我们愿在平等互利、互通有无的基础上与贵公司建立业务联系。

On the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchanging one has for what one needs,…


If you are interested in establishing/setting up …in this line, please let us know your specific requirements.本公司经营此项业务已有多年。

We have been in this line of business for many years.兹向您自我介绍,敝公司系国营单位,以经营轻工产品为主。

We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-run/state-owned/state-operated corporation dealing exclusively in light industry products.本公司致力于与各国和各地区的贸易和金融界的贸易往来。

We aim to/are active in /are specialized in trade and finance circles of different countries and regions/districts.本公司产品的出口是我省创汇的主要渠道之一。

The export of our goods contributes one of the major sources of /channels of making foreign exchanges in our province.我公司开业于1935年,因此对我们所经营的业务有着广泛的经验。

We have been in business since 1935 and therefore have wide experience in all the lines we handle/deal with.询盘和报盘


We thank you for your inquiry of July 5 and are sending you, under separate cover, a sample of our leather shoes together with our price list.本公司各种电器一应俱全。

Our company can offer a full line of electric appliances.现另封寄上我方价格单,望能使贵方感兴趣。

We are now pleased to send you, under separate cover, our price list which we hope might be of interest to you/ might interest you.报价时请说明可供数量及最早交货期。

When you make offer/quotation, please indicate/specify the quantity available as well as your earliest time of delivery.感谢贵方六月七日的询价,现寄上带有插图的目录及价格明显单,对贵方询问的细节进行答复。

…we are sending you our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you asked for.这是我方最新型电脑的销售说明书。

Sales specifications/brochure/pamphlet

Sales literature(商品较大时)

of our latest model


We would like to know what you can offer in this line as well as your terms of sales.兹寄上我方形式发票第12号,按贵方要求一式三份。

We are pleased to send you herewith our Proforma Invoice No.12 in triplicate as requested.形式发票指的是对外贸易业务中卖方开给买方的假定发票,供进口商品以申请进口证或外汇。


As the parts and accessories are urgently needed, we wish to receive your proforma invoice by return.应贵方之请求,今寄上我方报价单一式三份,并望能尽快收到贵方(长期)订单。

As requested, we are sending our quotation sheet in triplicate, and wish you would place your(long-term)order with us as soon as possible.这是我方报价单,请你方过目。

This is our inquiry(sheet)for your check/consideration.我方报价是经精确计算而且相当合适的。由于产品质量优异,在欧洲市场上十分畅销,我们已按此价格与其他客户做成了可观的生意。

The prices we quoted/our quotations are closely calculated and considerably moderate.Since these articles are best-selling in European markets thanks to their superior quality, considerable business/deal has been done with other customers at these prices.本报盘以你方本月底前接受为条件。

This offer is subject to your acceptance before the end of this month.我们现报盘如下,以你方答复九月五日(含九月五日)前到达为条件。

We are making you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching here on or before Sept.5th.本报盘有效期五天。

This offer holds good/ remains firm/open/valid for 5 days.在实盘情况下,我们通常保留有效期三天。

In case of firm offers, we usually keep our offers open for 3 days.以上报盘为虚盘(无约束力),所有订货将以我方书面接受为准。

The above offer is made without engagement(non-firm offer), and all orders will be subject to our written acceptance.他们就下列货品向我们报了虚盘。

They have made us a non-firm offer of the following items.订购、付款、交货

We are too heavily committed to be able to entertain fresh orders.我方承约太多,不能接受新的订单。

You are kindly requested to take into consideration when quoting the price that we may place regular orders for large quantities.贵方报盘时请考虑我们长期大量订货的可能性。

If you can place regular orders with us, we shall be willing to cut down our price.贵方若能长期订货,我们愿意降价。

Your order is receiving our immediate attention and you can depend on us to effect delivery well within your time limit.贵方订单正在及时处理中,请相信我们将在贵方时限内发运此货。


The minimum amount/quantity of an order for our goods is 10 tons.We accept orders only for quantities of 10 tons and up.由于你方没能如期交货,我们不能再接受你方货物,特此取消订单。

Due to your delay in delivery, we are no longer in the position to accept your goods.We hereby cancel our order.All business is to be transacted against confirmed and irrevocable letters of credit.所有交易都应采用保兑的不可撤销的信用证支付。

Payment is to be made by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit to be opened in our favour.我方要求以保兑的不可撤销的以我方为抬头的信用证付款。


As we need the goods urgently/the goods are urgently needed, we will set the end of July as deadline for delivery.由于一般公认的“不可抗力”原因而导致的迟交货或不能交货,卖方将不负任何责任。The seller will not be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery of goods owing to generally recognized Force Majeure.我们通常用结实的新木箱作外包装。这种包装能防湿、防潮、防锈、不怕震动并经得起粗暴搬运。

We usually use new strong wooden cases for outer packing.Such packing can be well protected against dampness, moister, rust, and is able to stand shock and rough handling.Thank you for your attention and cooperation!

Wish you great success in life and career!



商务信函的文体特点 1.词语使用特点 1)用词规范正式


We are pleased to advice you that your order No.103 has been dispatched in accordance with your instruction.In accordance with your request, we are sending you herewith our price list and some pamphlets.We will meet you half way by offering a discount of 5% in view of our long pleasant relations.All offers and sales are subject to the terms and conditions printed on the reverse side hereof.In such a case, Seller is bound to reimburse Buyer for any loss or damage sustained therefrom.2).表意准确、专业性强

大量使用专业术语,行话,外来借词,缩略语及一般词汇在商务语境中的特殊用法。Trimming charges平仓费 Insurance policy 保险单 Coverage 险别 Premium 保险费 Underwriter 保险人 Establishment 开证 Counteroffer 还盘

Proforma invoice 形式发票

We shall cover TPND on your order.我们将为你方的货物投保。

It would be appreciated if you would let us know by return your lowest possible price for the following goods FOB London.Average is of two kinds;General Average and Particular Average.The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by June 15.The market here for this product is active, and the best price we can offer is US $ 150 or over per long ton.3).用语朴素,淡于修饰 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your interest in our fireworks.In reply to your enquiry of November 10, we are really sorry to say that we cannot divulge any of our sales information.We hope this will not bring you too much inconvenience.Yours truly,2.句子结构特点 1)句式正规完整


In order to facilitate business in consideration of the present monetary stringency, the corporation, on behalf of which I am studying this proposition, is willing to base transaction on trade by barter and would import any articles, which you would ship to the United States.2)用陈述句表示委婉的祈使意义。

We should be glad to have your immediate shipping instructions.We should be obliged if you would send us by air a copy of the packing list for the shipment to be dispatched by sea.3)大量使用套语


We have not received your payment of the balance of US& 5 000.We regret having to remind you that we have not received your payment of the balance of US $ 5,000.使用please Please see to it that your goods meet our requirements.使用be grateful(obliged)We should be grateful/ obliged if you could provide us with all possible information on your market.使用invite We wish to invite/ draw/ call your attention to the fact that the buyers are in urgent need of the contracted goods.Thank you for your letter of June 6 and we enclose our Order No.2245 for ladies’ shoes.With reference to your letter of May 6, we are pleased to give an order for the following.This is a trial order.Please send us 35 sets only so that we may tap the market.If successful, we will give you large orders in the future.If you can accept &275 and send us a proforma invoice, we will open a letter of credit for 1 000 sets.商务信函翻译要点


The duplicate shipping documents including bill of lading, invoice, packing list and inspection certification were airmailed to you today.Please be informed that, on account of the fluctuations of foreign exchanges the quotations is subject to change without previous notice.Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated.We are looking forward to a favorable reply.Would you let us know what your terms of payment are? We should be grateful if you would give us further details of Chinese leather shoes.Please inform us how soon you can make delivery.1)熟悉普通词语的特殊表达意义

The product will find a good market in USA.At present, we cannot entertain your counteroffer, as our price is quite reasonable.You claim should be supported by sufficient evidence.We shall take out insurance at this end under our Open Policy.2)理解原文结构,语法和逻辑关系

The goods we received contrary to our instructions are packed in wooden cases without iron hoops.Please note that the 200 machine tools you ordered on September 15 will be dispatched tomorrow by rail to San Francisco for shipment by s.s Sichuan, which leaves for Shanghai on October 28.we enclose our invoice and shall draw on you at sight against this shipment through Bank of China here, as agreed.We ask you may place with us will always be carefully attended to.翻译下列信件: Dear Sirs, Our market survey informs us that you are a big buyer of Cotton Piece Goods.As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we take this opportunity to express our wish to establish direct business relations with you at an early date.In order to give you a general idea of the various kinds of Cotton Piece Goods now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a price list.Quotations and sample books will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.We look forward to your favorable reply.Yours faithfully, Gentlemen, I have been informed that MARBLE is being imported and used in your country in the manufacture of figures, art objects, architectural ornaments and for many other purposes.There are quantities of this item here, in different weights and sizes, with varied colours and shapes.The price is very reasonable and the quotations will be given upon request.In order to promote business of mutual benefit, I am willing to exchange goods with you.I’ll be glad to hear from you at an early date and possibly, with all particulars.You will have my immediate attention.Yours Sincerely,Dear Sirs, Your inquiry of Sept.10 has received our attention, and thank you for your interest in our leather

shoes and handbags.A copy of our illustrated export catalogue will be sent to you today.All the goods we supply are made from leather of the very best quality.The bright colors and elegant designs together with the super workmanship can meet the requirement of a fashion trade such as yours.A representative of our company is now in Hong Kong.He will be pleased to call on you next week with a full range of samples of our hand-made lines.He is authorized to discuss the terms of order with you or negotiate a contract.We shall be most grateful if you will give him the benefit of your advice and assistance.Your truly, Dear Sirs, We have carefully studies your letter of Dec.14.As our two firms have done business with each other for so many years, we should like to grant your request to lower the prices of our underwear.But there are difficulties.Our cost of raw materials has risen sharply in the past three months and to reduce prices by 5% you mentioned could not be done without considerably lowering our standards of quality.This is something we are not prepared to do.Instead of 5% reduction on underwear, we suggest a reduction of 3% on all lines.On orders of this size we would manage to make the reduction without lowering our standards.We hope you will agree to our counter-suggestion and we look forward to receiving orders from you as in the past.Yours truly, Shipping instructions Gentlemen, We are in receipt of your telegram of May 6, from which we understand that you have booked our order for 2 000 dozens of shirts.In reply, we have the pleasure of informing you that the confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit No.7634, amounting to $ 17 000, has been opened this morning through the Commercial Bank, Tokyo.Upon receipt of the same, please arrange shipment of the goods booked by us with the least possible delay.We are informed that s.s.“Wuxi” is scheduled to sail from your city to our port on May 28.We wish that the shipment will be carried by that steamer.Should this trial order prove satisfactory to our customers, we can assure you that repeat orders in increased quantities will be placed.Your close cooperation in this respect will be highly appreciated.In the meantime we look forward to your ship advice.Yours sincerely,Dear Sirs, We are writing to you at the suggestion of our Commercial counselor’s Office of the Embassy in your country.We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Europe and Japan.We are specialized in the above business and recall that many years ago, considerable business was done with your country on such items.Now that the diplomatic relation between our two countries has been established, we are desirous of establishing direct business relations with your corporation, knowing that you are the buyer of silk piece goods.We shall be grateful if you will let us know whether you are interested in the above items.If so,please inform us of the quality required.Yours faithfully

Dear Sirs, We hae received with thanks your letter dated March 17, 2006 and wish to extend you our warm welcome for your desire to establish business contact with us.We are a state-operated enterprise, and wish to carry on trade with manufactures and merchants of all countries on the basis of quality and mutual benefit for the development of commercial relations with people of different nations.In compliance with your request, we are enclosing herewith our catalog and a range of pamphlets for your guidance.If you find any of the articles illustrated in the pamphlets of interest, please let us have your specific enquiries so as to enable us to send you our quotations.Yours faithfully,August 15, 2006 Vemeer Manufacturing Company P.O.Box 200/3840 New Sharon Road Pella, Iowa 50129 U.S.A Gentlemen, From the samples sent us on June 5, we have made selections, and have the pleasure of handing you the following order, which we commend to your immediate and best attention, viz:

500 chests of Ceylon Black Tea,500 sacks of Brazilian Coffee, not ground.Kindly forward these by fast freight, Enclosed please find a draft as per price list you sent us.Yours truly,F.McFARLAND & Co.(signature)President Dear Sirs, From your letters of April 2 we note that you wish to have a change in payment terms.We regret that we cannot accept your proposal because our usual terms of payment by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit remain unchanged in all ordinary cases.For future shipment, however, we shall do our best to fulfill your orders within the time we agreed.We trust you will appreciate our cooperation.Yours sincerely,Dear Mr.Johnson, Would you please quote for delivery and installation of new furniture for the refectory and office of our company? 1.The refectory area is approximately 30mX20m and we require six dining tables, each with four chairs from your No.4 range, and twelve “Junior Executive” chairs.2.Would you please quote price inclusive of transportation and insurance, and informs us when

delivery will take place? We look forward to receiving quotation soon, as we shall need to make a final decision in the matter before the end of this financial year.Yours sincerely,Purchasing Department Manger 答复函

Dear Mr.Holmes, “Export Guides for Asia” is being mailed to you today with our compliments.If you need additional copies, just let me know.You’ll see in the circular enclosed that International Air Cargo also has available export guides to other areas.If you have to use any of the guides listed, just drop me a note and I’ll send them.Please be assured, Mr.Holmes, that if there is any way that International Air Cargo can assist you with your exporting problems, we’d be delighted to hear from you.Thank you for your writing.Yours sincerely, 答复函 Dear sirs, We are delighted at the receipt of your letter of 7th April and note what you write.We note with pleasure that you are sending us samples of imitation Fancy Earl Necklaces and Earrings, on receipt of which we shall examine same along with the price-list you have furnished us with, and if your designs are quite acceptable to our clents and prices competitive, we shall immediately pass on our orders.We have also received Price-list of Toys and Pens, but we would say that we should like to have some latest designs, which have not yet come to our market, and if you can furnish us with such items, we shall be obliged if you will kindly let us have a couple of samples of these, as our clients would like to see samples before placing their orders.You can rest assured that we shall do our best to pass on our orders.Yours faithfully,Martin Thomas

President of California Trading Company 拒绝函 Dear Sirs: We are informed in your letter of October 22 that our price for the above article is too high, since Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 10% lower than that quoted by us.Although we do not doubt about what you say, we are of the opinion that the quality of other makes does not measure up to that of our products.Desirous as we are to expand our business with you, we feel very regretful that we cannot accept your counteroffer or even meet your half-way.The best we can do is to make a reduction of 2% in our previous quotation.We hope you will direct the attention of your users to the superior quality of our products.We hope to hear from you soon.Yours truly


第七讲 英语商务信函的翻译






建立业务关系函(cooperation intention);


资信查询函(credit inquiry)


发盘还盘函(offer and counter-offer)







Nov.11, 2005

Dear Mr.Li,We are considering providing each of our sales representations with a pocket calculator.We saw your Model AMB displayed at Guangzhou Commodities Fair last month and found that it would fill your needs very well.We know that AMB costs US $36.2 each, but we wonder whether there is a trade discount for fairly large quantities.Our first order would be 200.Besides the price information, we also need complete details about your services, warranties, carrying case, battery-any information that may help us in making the purchase decision.Your prompt reply would be appreciated.Cordially yours,Max Wolf

Deputy Manager



我公司正在考虑为每位销售代表配备一台袖珍计算器。而我们从上月举行的广交会上看到贵方展出的AMB 型,认为这款计算器能满足我方要求。

据我所知,AMB 每台售价36.2 美元,不知大批订购是否另有优惠,我方首批订货将为200台。





马克斯 ﹣沃尔夫





Eg:We are sending you herewith our quotation sheet for cotton tablecloth Article Nos.510 and 514.The respective quantities available for prompt shipment are indicated therein.Enclosed please find the quotation sheet.All offers and sales are subject to the terms and conditions printed on the reverse side hereof.An order blank and addressed envelope are enclosed herein for your convenience.In view of the fact that your violation of the contract has caused us undeserved losses.We regret to say that we have concealed the contract and we reserve the right to claim damages.2.用词礼貌客气


We are pleased to have received your trade inquiry of ~~~


Please kindly let us know whether you would like additional brochures or any of the materials that were handed out at the convention.可能因一时疏忽,支票还未签名,现寄还贵方,烦请补签。

Probably through an oversight, the check was not signed, and we are returning it to you for your kind signature.Please kindly send us your price list and catalogue.In reply to your enquiry of Jan 7, 1999, I respectfully offer my latest quotation herewith.Much to our regret, we have not been given a reply, nor have we received your L/C up to the time of writing.Your priority to the consideration of the above request will be appreciated.3.用词专业准确

Eg:We shall cover TPND on your order.我们将为贵方货物投盗窃和提货不着险。

The credit shall be payable against presentation of the draft drawn on the opening bank and the shipping documents specified in Article 13 hereof.信用证凭开户银行所开汇票和第十三款规定的装运单据支付。

货款必须用以我方为受益人而开立的、不可撤销的即期信用证支付。Payment shall be made by irrevocable L/C at sight to be opened in our favour.只承担水渍险和战争险,如要求其他附加险别,额外保险费得由贵方承担。

Insurance covers WPA and WR only.Should additional insurance coverage be required, all extra premium thus incurred shall be for your account.4.多用肯定句,少用否定句。

a.Your letter is not clear at all and I cannot understand it.b.If I understand your letter correctly, I would immediately accept your offer.a.We cannot fill your order because you failed to send your check.b.We shall be glad to fill your order as soon as we receive your check.如蒙惠告上述货物更多详情,则非常感激。

We should be very grateful if you would furnish us further details of the goods mentioned above.很高兴寄送贵方第2090号询价单所列货物样品供贵方参考,望贵方感兴趣。

We have pleasure in sending you the samples of the goods listed on your inquiry sheet No.2090 for your consideration, and hope that they will be of interest to you.Nov.11, 2005

Dear Mr.Li,We are considering providing each of our sales representations with a pocket calculator.We saw your Model AMB displayed at Guangzhou Commodities Fair last month and found that it would fill your needs very well.We know that AMB costs US $36.2 each, but we wonder whether there is a trade discount for fairly large quantities.Our first order would be 200.Besides the price information, we also need complete details about your services, warranties, carrying case, battery-any information that may help us in making the purchase decision.Your prompt reply would be appreciated.Cordially yours,Max Wolf

Deputy Manager



June 20, 2003

Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of June 8, 2003, offering US $18 per dozen.In reply, we very much regret to say that we find your price rather high and out of line with prevailing market level.Such being the case, it is impossible for us to accept your price, as the goods of similar quality are easily obtainable here at a lower figure.Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by, say, 5%, we might come to terms.It is in view of our

long-standing business relationship that we make you such a counter-offer.As the market is declining, we hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorably and answer us as soon as possible.Sincerely yours, Peter Johnson.(Trade Department)




新西兰坎特伯雷8633电话:04-4721388电子邮件:Labels @ govert.com.nz








亚 • 杰 • 科尔





 A.本公司系国营单位,专营轻工产品,愿与贵公司建立业务往来,另航邮寄上我公司可供出口的产


Our company is state-owned and deals exclusively in light industrial products.We are willing to establish trade relations with you.We are sending you by airmail a brochure on our products now available for exports. B.请将下列货品的最低价格赐知。

Kindly quote us your lowest prices for the goods listed below. C.我方对贵方的丝绸制品感兴趣。请寄送商品目录并告知你方最低FOB价格。

We are interested in your silk product.Please send a catalogue and inform your lowest price on FOB basis. D.现报盘如下,以你方在9月24日前答复有效。

We make you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching us before September 24. E.一俟收到你方具体询价单,我们马上寄送样品并报最优惠的价格。

Samples and quotations at favorable prices will be immediately sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquiry. F.兹答复三月二十五日询价,并报盘如下。

In reply to your inquiry of 25th March, we are pleased to offer you the following.2)信函篇章翻译








Dear Sirs,We received your letter of March 10, 2005 and appreciate your intention to push the sales of our vacuum cleaner in your country.We regret that we are unable to consider your request for payment on D/A(Documents Against Acceptance)

terms- as a routine, we usually ask for payment for L/C.But in view of our friendly relationship, we will, as an exceptional case, accept payment for your trial order on D/P(Documents Against Payment)basis.We hope the payment terms above will be acceptable to you and expect to receive your trial order in due course.We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,2.催促信





Dear Sirs,Subject: Urging establishment of Letter of Credit

With reference to the 4000 dozen shirts under our Sales Confirmation No.C215, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching, but we still have not received your covering Letter of Credit.Please do your utmost to expedite the establishment of L/C, so that we may execute the order smoothly.In order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.Faithfully yours


长吨(British long ton)、短吨(US short ton)、英担(British long hundredweight)、美担(US short hundredweight)、英制1长吨=20英担(CWT)1英担=50.8024公斤美制1短吨=20短担(CWT)1短吨=100磅=45.36公斤




锡箔50长吨,每长吨成本加运费到上海价124.2美元,七月装船。我们将寄去有关此定货的第HXAS 4748号购货确认书一式两份,请尽快回签一份,以备我方存查。



Gentlemen,Subject: Confirming an order

We are appreciative of your cable response dated June 3 to our request for an 8%reduction in price and through your full-cooperation we have been able to confirm the following order:

Fifty long tons of Tin Foil Sheets at $124.2 per long ton CFR Shanghai for shipment during July, for which we are sending you our Purchase Confirmation No.HXAS 4748 in duplicate.Please sign and return one copy for our file at your earliest convenience.We are arranging for the establishment of the relative L/C with the Bank of China, Shanghai, and shall let you know as soon as it is opened.As we are in urgent need of the goods, we hold it necessary to stress the importance of making punctual shipment within the validity of the L/C;any delay in shipment would be detrimental to our future business.4.投诉索赔信







Dear Sirs,Subject: Claim on short weight

The shipment of 1500 cartons of canned mushroom under the Contract No.FA7708 has arrived(have been shipped to the destination)per “YONGFENG” steamer on 10th April.Unfortunately we have found 145 cartons missing.The shipping company told us that only 1.355 cartons had been shipped on the steamer.mushroom were loaded on ship in whole at the port of shipment.We await your early reply.Sincerely yours,源自拉丁语的介词 ex 与 per 有各自不同的含义。英译由某轮船“运来”的货物时用 ex,由某轮船“运走”的货物用 Per,而由某轮船“承运”用 by。



















November 29, 2011


Subj.: Fenghua Sweater

Thank you for your letter of November 14 asking us to make a firm offer of the captioned goods.In compliance with your request, we are making you the following offer subject to your decision.Commodity: Fenghua sweater in different color/pattern assortments.Size: Large(L), Medium(M), Small(S)

Packing: Each coat is wrapped in a polybag and 5 dozen packed in a standard export cardboard carton.Price: CIF3% New York per dozen in US.Dollars:

L: US$ 300

M: US$ 280

S: US$ 240

Shipment: From January to March, 5000 dozen for each size per month, the L/C shall reach the seller one

month prior to shipment.Payment: By confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight.This offer is firm subject to your reply reaching us by the 15th next month.We are awaiting your early reply.Faithfully yours,尊敬的撒丁先生:



20” 男车每辆 25 美元

20” 女车每辆 27 美元

26” 男车每辆 27 美元

26” 女车每辆 29 美元


装运时间:2010年10月/ 11月,以本月底收到贵方信用证为准





Dear Mr.Satin,Thank you for your telegram of 10 April, inquiring for Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles.Based on your requirement, we are quoting as follows:

20” Men’s styleUS$25 per set

20” Women’s styleUS$27 per set

26” Men’s styleUS$ 27 per set

26” Women’s styleUS$ 28 per set

Payment terms: By L/C at sight to be opened through a bank which is to be approved by us

Shipment: October/ November 2010, provided the L/C reaches us by the end of this month.The above prices are on a CIF(to Cairo)basis.Please note that we do not allow any commission on our bicycles, but a discount of 5% may be allowed if the quantity for each specification is more than 1,000 sets.The above quotation is made without engagement and is subject to our final confirmation.We look forward to your early reply.Faithfully yours


Dear Sirs,Subject: Our Policy No.VH599

When the S.S.”HENG QING” arrived at our port on April 2, it was noticed that one side of the case No.6

containing the DVD players was split.We therefore opened the case, four of which were seriously damaged.Enclosed we hand you the certificate of survey and the policy, for which your kind and amicable settlement

will oblige.Yours very truly,敬启者:










Dear Sirs,Subject: Your Policy No.VH599

We have received your letter of May 19, regarding a claim for 4 damaged DVD players per S.S.”HENG QING”.We have pleasure in enclosing you a check for US$1000 in settlement of your claim.We guarantee it will not happen again, and hope to have your receipt in due course.Yours very truly











Dear Sirs,Subject: Our Order for 6,000 Dozen Shirt

We dispatched to you this order as per yesterday’s cable: “6000 DOZ SHIRT APRIL SHIPMT DIRECT STEMAER


Particular care shall be taken about the quality and the packing of the goods to be delivered in this first order.It is the usual practice that each shirt should be put into a box and twenty boxes are packed to a carton.If this initial order proves to be satisfactory, there will be a flow of orders.We are enclosing our Confirmation of Purchase in duplicate.Please sign one copy and return to us for our file.Upon receipt of your confirmation, we will open an L/C through National Westminster Bank of London.We trust this order will be the first of a series of deals between us.Yours truly,9.还盘








Dear Sirs,Subject: Tin Foil Sheets

We wish to thank you for your letter of November 12 offering us 65 long tons of the captioned goods at $165 per long ton, CFR Shanghai, usual terms.In reply, we very much regret to state you that our end-users here find your price too high and out of line with the prevailing market level.Information indicates that some parcels Japanese make have been sold at the level of $158 per long ton.In such case, it is impossible for us to persuade our end-users to accept your price, as material of similar quality is easily obtainable at a much lower price.Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by, say 8%, we might come to terms.It is in view of long-standing relationship that we make you such a counter-offer.As the market is declining, we hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorable and cable us acceptance as soon as possible.We are anticipating your early reply.Yours faithfully,



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    将下列信函译为英语 先生: Dear Sirs: 从贵处商会获悉贵公司行名和地址,并得知你们是一家大的钢铁出口商,具有多年经营经验。此类产品属于我公司业务范围,特致此函,以期与贵公......


    商务信函Business letter 英文信头写法 Heading 信头也称信端,其内容包括发件公司的名称、标志、通信地址、电话号码、传真号、电子邮箱等。书写信头的目的是为了方便收件人......


    1. 称呼和结束句:Dear SirYours faithfully Dear MadamYours faithfully Dear SirsYours faithfully Dear MadamYours faithfully Dear MadamYours faithfully Dear Ms Brown......


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    常用商务信函及格式 你知道怎样写英文信函信头吗? 英文信函的信头也称信端,其内容包括发件公司的名称、标志、通信地址、电话号码、传真号、电子邮箱等。书写信头的目的是为了......


    1. 邀请函 模板: Dear_____, I am writing this letter to invite you to ______________________. I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in_________......