
时间:2019-05-12 14:02:15下载本文作者:会员上传



With the development of modern society, an increasing number of people from all walks of life are concerned about the problem that 主题句, which has stimulated a heated discussion.原因型:

There are a great of factors that may account for it, and the following are the most conspicuous aspects.To start with,原因1.what is more, 原因2.Last but not least,原因3.正反观点型:

Before rendering the opinion of my own, I’d like to first of all have a glance at the two opposite views towards this issue.On the one hand, some people hold the idea that 观点A.A case in point is that 例子.On the other hand, others may have a different view.According to them,观点

B.The most typical example is that 例子.描述型(正方两面):

主题句 will have a great influence on our work, study and daily life.On the one hand, 描述1.A case in point is that 例子.But on the other hand,描述2.the most typical example is that例子.解决问题型:

Confronted with 主题句, we should take a series of effective measure to cope with the situation.(1)(2)(3)


In a word,总结.As far as I am concerned, the more we understand the situation, the better we can do to improve it in the future.Given all these points above, I hold the opinion that 自己观点.

第二篇:论文答辩自述 本人已过























第 1 页 我还是十分的感谢萍,当我说出“谢谢”二字时,萍却装做毫不在意地说“傻丫头,你可是我的死党耶!我不帮你,我帮谁去'''”







所以,我相信,她总有一天还会和以前一样来找我,一起玩,第 2 页 跟我一起开心地笑。


第 3 页


Good morning, my dear teachers.It’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson.I’ll try my best.I’m number ____, Today I’ll talk about _____,my content is made up of 8 parts.Analysis of the teaching material Analysis of the students material

Teaching aims and important, difficult points.Teaching aids Teaching methods Teaching procedure And conclusion

Well firstly, I’ll talk about part 1, analysis of the teaching material.This lesson is mainly about ______.The topic is related to our life, so it’s easy to arouse students’ interest.As we all know, interest is the best teacher for students.Then, I will talk about part 2,analysis of the students.They have learned English for some years, so they can understand some words and simple sentences.They’re active, interested in new things, so I’ll design some interesting actives to attract their attention.Next, I’ll talk about teaching aims.There’re knowledge aims, ability aims and emotional aims.Knowledge aims are to enable students to master new words, phrases _____and the sentences pattern , such as _____.Ability aims are to improve students’ speaking and listening ability, they can use words and phrases to talk about something in our life.Emotional aims are to develop the spirit of cooperation by pair work and competition.Well, next important and difficult points.Important and difficult points are to develop students’ speaking and listening ability , and master the usage of key sentences correctly.Another part , teaching methods.In this lesson , I’ll mainly use “Task-based teaching methods” and situational approach, using different can make the class active.Now, I’ll talk about the most important part-teaching procedure.There’re 5 steps in the part.Step 1 warming up It will cost 3 minutes

In this step , I’ll ask students to have a free talk with the knowledge they have learnt last lesson.in this way , students will pay their attention to our class easily , and their speaking ability will be improved.Step 2 leading in It will cost 2minutes.I’ll show some pictures about(development , pollution English ,spaceship), and tell something about _________, these can form a relaxing atmosphere and let the students get ready for the next step.Step 3 presentation It’ll cost 20 minutes

I’ll show some words and sentences ,and ask students to guess the meaning of new words , with the help of PPT.I’ll set a real situation to help the class learn new words and sentence pattern.students can follow the tape recorder reading words and text.Situational approach is used here.Step 4 practice It’ll cost 10 minutes

In this step , I’ll divide the whole class into 4groups to have a competition by reading the dialog and role-playing.Then ,I’ll ask students to make a new dialog to check if they can use new words and sentence pattern correctly.Task-based teaching method is used here ,and students’ cooperation ability will be well developed.Step 5 summary It’ll cost 5 minutes.In this step ,I’ll guide students to conclude key words and sentence pattern to wide their knowledge

In the end ,I’ll give some homework ,go over today’s lesson and preview next lesson , go to the library or search the internet for some information ,then write a short passage.And ,this is my layout design.Ok ,that’s all for my lesson ,Thank you a lot for listening.


Good morning everyone.It’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson.I’ll try my best.I’m number ____, Today I’ll talk something about the spirit of marathon, my content is made up of 8 parts.Analysis of the teaching material Analysis of the students material

Teaching aims and important, difficult points.Teaching aids Teaching methods Teaching procedure And conclusion

Well firstly, I’ll talk about part 1, analysis of the teaching material.This lesson is mainly about Marathon.The topic is related to our life, so it’s easy to arouse students’ interest.As we all know, interest is the best teacher for students.Then, I will talk about part 2,analysis of the students.They have learned English for some years, so they can understand some words and simple sentences.They’re active, interested in new things, so I’ll design some interesting actives to attract their attention.Next, I’ll talk about teaching aims.There’re knowledge aims, ability aims and emotional aims.Knowledge aims are to enable students to master new words, phrases _____and the sentences pattern , such as _____.Ability aims are to improve students’ speaking and listening ability, they can use words and phrases to talk about something in our life.Emotional aims are to develop the spirit of cooperation by pair work and competition.Well, next important and difficult points.Important and difficult points are to develop students’ speaking and listening ability , and master the usage of key sentences correctly.Another part , teaching methods.In this lesson , I’ll mainly use “Task-based teaching methods” and situational approach, using different can make the class active.Now, I’ll talk about the most important part-teaching procedure.There’re 5 steps in the part.Step 1 warming up It will cost 3 minutes

In this step , I’ll ask students to have a free talk with the knowledge they have learnt last lesson.in this way , students will pay their attention to our class easily , and their speaking ability will be improved.Step 2 leading in It will cost 2minutes.I’ll show some pictures about(development , pollution English ,spaceship), and tell something about _________, these can form a relaxing atmosphere and let the students get ready for the next step.Step 3 presentation It’ll cost 20 minutes

I’ll show some words and sentences ,and ask students to guess the meaning of new words , with the help of PPT.I’ll set a real situation to help the class learn new words and sentence pattern.students can follow the tape recorder reading words and text.Situational approach is used here.Step 4 practice It’ll cost 10 minutes

In this step , I’ll divide the whole class into 4groups to have a competition by reading the dialog and role-playing.Then ,I’ll ask students to make a new dialog to check if they can use new words and sentence pattern correctly.Task-based teaching method is used here ,and students’ cooperation ability will be well developed.Step 5 summary It’ll cost 5 minutes.In this step ,I’ll guide students to conclude key words and sentence pattern to wide their knowledge In the end ,I’ll give some homework ,go over today’s lesson and preview next lesson , go to the library or search the internet for some information ,then write a short passage.And ,this is my layout design.Ok ,that’s all for my lesson ,Thank you a lot for listening.



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