英语口语:每日口语第206期 关于再见的情景会话

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第一篇:英语口语:每日口语第206期 关于再见的情景会话

英语口语:每日口语第206期 关于再见的情景会话学习英语,关键还是在于单词和短语的掌握。必克每日英语,为你精心准备的实用英语大餐!每日短语并不难!难的是每天掌握一则短语。下面一起和必克达人来学习吧!Farewell.再见。



Jane: Once you arrive at the American airport, please call me.珍妮:你一到美国机场,就马上给我打电话。

Tom: OK, don't worry about it.I will.汤姆:好的,不用担心,我会的。

Jane: Take care of yourself, farewell.珍妮:照顾好自己,再见。


Farewell是句很地道的口语表达,其意为“再见,再会”,常含有永别或不容易再见面的意思。大家都知道“再见”最常见的是Goodbye, farewell是表达再见的一种更正规,更书面的用法。在和别人道别时,使用farewell更恰当。

原文来自 必克英语




A:Excuse me ,are you Xiaoqian from American.请问,你是从美国来的小倩吗? B:Yes,I am.是的,我是

A: How do you do?May I introduce myself?I’m xiaoli。


B:Glad to meet you.很高兴见到你。

A:Glad to meet you too.Welcome to Qingdao


B:Thank you.It’s very nice of you to meet me at the airport.谢谢,谢谢您到机场来接我。

A:You are welcome.Did you have a good flinht.别客气,您旅途愉快吗? B:Not bad.还好。

A:How long did the flight take?飞机飞了多长时间?

B:16hours non-sstop.16个小时直飞。

A:You must be tired and hungry.您一定又累又饿吧。

B:It is.是的。

A:Let’break for lunch now.我们休息一会吃午餐吧。

B:That is a good idea.好主意。

A:Do you prefer Chinese or Western food.你喜欢中餐还是西餐? B:Eiher one is OK whit me.我都可以。

A:Let’s go我们走吧


C:Hello,welcome,is two what


A:Yes.是的C:Come here,please sit dome.请来这边,请坐。

A:Thank you.Please sit down谢谢,请坐吧

B:Thank you.谢谢。

A:Miss we’d like to order.小姐,我们要点菜。

C:Yes.I’ll be with you right away.好的,我马上就来。

A:What do you like to eat,你喜欢吃什么?

B:That’s very kind of you,just a little非常感谢,随便一点就好。A:OK.That Qingdao features seafood.好的,那就青岛特色海鲜。C:OK,please wait a moment.好的,请稍等。

A:We have to eat.我们开吃吧。

B:Thank you very much for preparing such a splendid lunch specially for me.谢谢您为我特意准备如此丰盛的午餐。

A:Don’t mention it.What would you like to drink?别客气,想喝点什么? B:Juice,please.果汁

A:OK.Let’s begin.To our friendship!



A:Now let’s try some of this chicken.来吃点鸡肉吧。

B:Thank you.It’s delicious.谢谢,味道很好。

A:Help yourself,please.请随意。



A:Would you like to visit Qingdao?你想参观一下青岛吗?

B:Yes.I am eager to take a look at it.是的,特别想参观一下。

A:OK.I’ll show you around.好的,我来给你带路吧。

B:It’s really great!太好了!

A:Where shall we go first?从哪里开始好呢?

B:If you give me an introduction,will it take you much time?


A:I think you may be interested in to the sea.How ahout starting from the sea.我想你应该对大海感兴趣,那我们从大海开始怎么样?

B:Good.Other places we hit it.好啊,其他的地方逛逛就可以了。A:The scenery here is very beautiful.这里的风景很漂亮。


A:Would you like the scenery here?你喜欢这里的风景吗?

B:Yes,I very like.是的,我非常喜欢。

A:You can pick the one you like,you can give your chlidren.您可以挑选您喜欢的,可以给您的孩子带回去。

B:Too good,I think so too.太好了,我也是这样想的。

A:This toy bear is really very cute.这个玩具熊真的很可爱。

B:Yes,the children will be like.是的,孩子会很喜欢的。

A:Is this good?就这个了好吗?

B:OK,I like it very much.好的,我非常喜欢。


A:How much this toy bear?这个玩具熊多少钱?

D:It sells at one hundred yuan.卖100元。

A:Can be in cheaper?能在便宜些吗?

D:It’s the latest fashion,very popular.这是最新款,非常流行。A:Is this the sale price?这是减价后的价格吗? D:Yes.It is preferential price.是的,这是优惠价。

A:OK,This is price.Please pack out.好的,就这价吧,请包一下吧。D:Wait a second.稍等一下。

A:Thank you.谢谢。

D:Welcome to come again next time.欢迎下次再来。

B:I’m sorry,make you expensive.真不好意思,又让你破费了。A: It's my pleasure这是我的荣幸。

A:This is the 5.4 square.这是五四广场。

B:There really is very beautifui,very vibrant city.这里真的是很漂亮,很有朝气的一座城市。

A:The style of the building and the like.这里的建筑风格和欧洲一样 A:It’s getting late,then we go back?时间不早了,那我们回去吧。

B:OK.Later come again when you have time.好的,以后有时间再来吧。酒店:前台E

A:This is I give you order of hotel,do you like it.这是我给你订的饭店,喜欢吗? B:Thank you.It looks very beantiful.谢谢,它看起来非常漂亮。

E: Welcome.Wtat can I do for you.欢迎光临,有什么需要我帮忙的吗? A:I’d like to check in.我要办理入住手续.E:OK.It is your room card, on the two floor, please come with me.好的,这是您的房卡,在二楼,请跟我来。

A:Good,thank you very much.好的,非常感谢。

E:You’re welcome.Enjoy your stay.不用客气,祝您入住愉快。A:This is your room.这就是你的房间了。

B:Oh my God.So spacious so sweet.天呢,如此的宽敞如此温馨。A:See you so like me very happy.看到你如此喜欢我很高兴。B:Once again thank you for your hospitality.再一次感谢你的热情款待。A:Hi!What are you reading?喂,在看什么? B:Harry Potter.《哈利.波特?》

A:OK.What do you think of it?


B:Well.I like it very much.If I may say so, it’s the best book I’ve ever read.哦,我很喜欢它。如果没有错,这是我看过的最好的一本书。

A:Really?Is it that good?真的吗?有这么好吗?

B:Yes.You should read it.真的呀,你也应该看一看。

A:I think I will.Can you lend it to me?我想我会看的,能借给我吗? B:Sure,but not now.You can have it after I’ve finished reading.当然可以,但是现在不行。我看完了再借你。

A:OK!Thank you.好的,谢谢你。

B:You are welcome.不客气

A:May I ask you a question?我可以为一个问题吗?


A:Do you like music?你喜欢音乐吗?

B:Yes.是的A:Wha kind of music do you like?你喜欢什么样的音乐?

B:I like type of rock music.我喜欢的类型是摇滚音乐。

A:Can you tell me more about it.你可以告诉我更多有关它的事? B:Yes,it is a such kind of music can let me feel that I live in this world!


A:Why you think of that?你为什么这么认为呢?

B:It is because I afraid be alone.这是因为我害怕独处。

A;Okay,I promise I will be your best friend and if you have anythings, can you tell me ?好吧,我保证我将会是你最好的朋友,如果你有事,你能告诉我吗? B:Thanks,I will.谢谢,我会的。

A:Then you take a rest,I come to see you again tomorrow.那你休息吧,明天再来看你。



A:Good morning,did you sleep well last night.早上好,昨晚睡得还好吗? B:Yes,very good.是的,非常好。

A:Where do you want to go today.今天你想去哪呢?

B:I don’t know.where can be我也不知道,哪都可以?

A:Why don’t we go to see the musical today.不如我们今天去看音乐剧吧 B:Too good,don’t know what kind of.太好了,不知道是什么类型的 A:Let’s go take a look.我们去看看吧。


F:May I help you、请问需要帮助吗?

A:Excuse me, the concert is what kind of today.请问今天的音乐会是什么类型的 F:Rock.摇滚

A:Really?I didn’t listen to wrong?真的吗?我没有听错吗?

F:Yes.How many ticjets do you want?是的,你需要几张票

A:I buy two pieces.我买两张。

F:OK.Please wait a moment.好的,请稍等一会。

A:Good.好的F:Give your ticket,please take your ticket.给您票,请拿好您的票

A:Let’s go.我们进去吧。



B:Today is really happy.Thank you again.今天真是太开心了,再一次感谢你。A:You’re welcome,rest early.不客气,早点休息吧。

B:Goodbye 再见


B:Thank you for seeing me at the airport,xiaoli小丽,感谢你到机场来送我。A:Don’t mention it.That is the least I can do.别客气,这是我应该做的。B:How time flies!时间过得真快啊!

A:Yes,I really enjoyed the time we spent together.是啊,我们在一起的时间我很愉快。

B:So do I.You really gave me a lot of help when I worked in your company.我也是。在我在你公司工作期间,你的确给了我很多帮助。

A:You are welcome,That is what I should do.别客气,这是我应该做的。B:And if by any chance you go to American,please don’t forget to call me.I’ll meet you at the airport.My parents and I would be very giad to have you visit my home.如果你有机会来美国一定别忘了打电话给我。我会到机场接你。我和我的父母会很高兴让你到我家看看。

A:Thank you.I would visit your home if possible.谢谢你。如果可能的话我会去的。

B:OK.I will be looking forward to your coming.。我期待着你的到来。A:It’s time to board the plane.Hope to see you again.Goodbye.该是登机的时间了。希望能再次见到你。再见。





A: Have you heard about the Dragon Boat Races to be held this afternoon? A: 你知道今天下午有龙舟比赛吗? B: Yes, it is part of a holiday, right? B: 知道啊,是为了庆祝什么节日对吧?

A: Yup, Duan Wu Festival, but it’s also just simply called the Dragon Boat Festival.It’s among the three major traditional holidays celebrated by Chinese.A: 是的,是端午节,不过(英文中)通常叫做龙舟节。它是中国三大传统节日之一。

B: Other than the Dragon Boat Races, what’s special about this day? B: 除了龙舟赛,这一天还有什么特别的活动吗?

A: Traditionally, it was thought to be a time for warding off evil spirits, but now it’s just thought of a time to remind family members to take care of their health.A: 在传统上,这一天一直被视为是驱凶避邪的日子,不过现在它的意义已经只是提醒家人注意身体健康了。

B: Sounds great!I think I’ll join in on the boat competitions.B: 听起来不赖!我想我会去参加龙舟比赛。

A: After you’ve worked up an appetite, you can eat Zongzi.Everyone eats them during the Dragon Boat Festival.A: 等你划船累到肚子饿的时候,就可以吃粽子。端午节的时候大家都会吃粽子。B: Eating is a really important part of Chinese culture, huh? B: 吃真是中国文化中很重要的一部分,对吧?

A: Yes, perhaps one of the most important aspect.Don’t worry though;there are no surprises in Zongzi.They are just rice with either meat or sweet red bean paste wrapped inside.They are quite yummy!A: 没错,或许是最重要的之一。不过别担心,粽子里面没什么特别的东西,只是米饭包着肉或豆沙而已。好吃极了!NOTES

1.join in on 通常指加入某个已经计划要进行的活动,成为其中的一员。例: You should join in on our family’s New Year’s celebration.你应该来跟我们家人一起庆祝新年。Come join in(on)the fun!一起来同乐吧!

2.work up an appetite 引起食欲,胃口大增。例:

He worked up an appetite after a long day of chopping wood.在砍了一天柴后,他食欲大增。

You need to work up an appetite first, then we’ll go to the buffet.你得先让自己饿得饥肠辘辘,然后我们再去吃自助餐。


Chapter 1 Sociality 社交活动 1 Inquiries 询问信息 Conversation 1 T:Hi,bob.嗨,鲍勃

B:Hi,Tom.How are you doing? 嗨,汤姆。你好吗? T:Fine,And you? 很好。你怎么样?

B:Great.What’s happening with you these days? 非常好,你最近怎么样?

T:Nothing much.I’m just taking one day at a time.没什么,我只是过一天是一天。B:That’s OK.Everybody else does,too.See you later.没关系,大家都是这样。再会。Conversation 2

M:You have so many stamps.你的邮票真多。

M1:I began to collect stamps ten years ago.10年前我就开始集邮了。

M:Would you mind telling me some ways of collecting stamps? 你介意给我讲讲集邮的方法吗?

M1:Of course not.当然不介意。M:That’s great.那太好了。

M1:Do you get letters from your friends? 你朋友给你写信吗? M:Yes,I do.是的。

M1:You can get some stamps from them.你可以从中获得一些邮票。M:Any other ideas? 还有什么方法吗?

M1:Sometimes it is necessary to buy some new stamps.有时有必要买一些新的。M:I See.Thank you for your suggestions.我知道了,谢谢你的建议。M1:You are welcome.不用客气。Conversation 3 P:Hello,John.How are you? 你好,约翰。还好吗? J:I’m fine,thanks,and you? 我很好,谢谢。你呢?

P:Very well,thanks.Nice to see you again.I haven’t seen you for a long time.What have you been doing lately? 我也很好,谢谢。很高兴再次见到你。很久不见了。你最近在忙什么? J:Oh,nothing much really.And how is everything with you? 噢,没什么事。你最近怎么样? P:Fine,thanks.I’ve been busy lately.我很好,谢谢。最近很忙。J:What have you been doing? 在忙些什么?

P:I’ve been studying for my exams.My school exams will begin next month.我一直都在为考试做准备。学习下星期开始考试。

J:Really? Good luck for you!真的吗?祝你好运!

P:Thanks.And how are your parents? 谢谢,你的父母亲还好吗? J:They’re both very well,thanks.他们都很好,谢谢。P:Where are you gong now? 你现在要去哪里?

J:I’m going to do some shopping.Why don’t you come with me? 我去买东西。你干吗不和我一起去呢?

P:I can’t.I have to meet someone.我不能去。我约了人见面。J:It’s been nice talking to you.和你聊天真好。

P:Goodbye.See you again sometime.再见。以后再聊。Conversation 4 M:Hi,Grace, how are you getting on these days? 嗨,格蕾斯,你最近过得怎么样? G:Mike!Hey,how are you? 迈克!嗨,你好吗?

M:Not bad.Where are you going? 还不错。你要去哪里? G:Over to Jerry’s.How about you? 去杰瑞家。你呢?

M:Oh,I just got off work.Boy,I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse!噢,我刚刚下班,我现在饿的能吃下一匹马!

G:Where are you working now? 你现在在哪儿工作?

M:J&L Steel.It’s real pain.But I guess I shouldn’t complain.Lots of guys are out of work these days.J&L钢铁厂。真的很累的。不过我想我不该抱怨。现在很多人都失业了呢。

G:Yeah,that’s the truth.Well,I’d better let you go and get some supper.是,这是事实。好了,快去吃晚饭吧。

M:Yeah.It was great seeing you again.Maybe we could get together sometime.好的,再次见到你真高兴。或许什么时候我们可以再聚一聚。

G:Sounds good.I’ll give you a call.好主意。我会给你打电话的。

M:OK.Great.Well,I’ll be seeing you.。好,太好了。我期待着和你见面。G:OK, Mike.Enjoy your meal.好的,迈克。祝你用餐愉快 M: Thanks,Bye.谢谢。再见。G:Bye.再见。Conversation 5 L:Hey!Are you Josh Epstein? 嗨,你是乔西。艾普斯坦吗? J:Yes?Who are you? 是的,你是哪位?

L:It’s me,Laura Larsen.是我啊,萝拉。拉尔森。J:Gosh!You look…different!天哪!你看起来。。变了好多!L:Well…Maybe I’m a little larger… 喔。。可能我有点发福了。。

J:Nonsense!You look fine.How are you? 胡说!你看起来很好。你好吗? L:Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢!

J:Are you still in sales? 你还在做推销员吗?

L:Yeah,I’m selling computers…I’m sorry,I forgot.What do you do? 是的,我在卖电脑。。很抱歉,我忘记了,你现在在做什么?

J:I own a health food store in San Francisco.I sell a lot of diet foods and vitamins.我在旧金山经营一家健康食品店,卖很多种减肥食品和维生素。L:Oh…Diet foods,huh? 喔。。减肥食品吗?

J:It’s a living.What are your children doing?How old are they now? 图个温饱而已。你的孩子们在做什么?他们现在多大了?

L:Ah,wow.My son Roger is 26.He’s a engineer.My daughter Rose is 29.She’s a nurse.Is your wife still in television? 呃,哇。我的儿子罗杰26岁。他是一名工程师。我的女儿罗斯29岁,是一名护士。你的太太还在工作吗?

J:Yeah.She’s the host of the local talk show,the Liz Moody-Burns Show.是啊。她主持本地脱口秀节目,丽莎。慕迪波恩脱口秀。

L:Like Oprah? 像欧普拉脱口秀一样吗?

J:Ha!I wish she were as popular!I could retire!哈!我倒希望她有那么受欢迎!那样我就可以退休了!Introduction 介绍再见和他人 Conversation 1 P:Shall I introduce you to her? 我介绍你和她认识怎么样? O:Oh,thank you.哦,谢谢。

P:Polly,this is my friend Oliver.波莉,这位是我的朋友奥利弗

P1:Hello,Oliver.Pleased to see you.你好,奥利弗。见到你真高兴。O:Hello,Polly.I’m delighted to meet you.你好,波莉。很高兴认识你。

P1:Does anything seem strange to you about the meals here? 你对这里的饮食有什么不习惯的吗?

O:Yes,I can’t get over how early you eat dinner.是的,想不到你们晚饭吃的那么早。Conversation 2

P:Excuse me,You’re Linda, aren’t you? 对不起,你是琳达吗? L:Yes.我是。

P:Hi!My name is Peter.I’m a friend of Paul’s.You remember me, don’t you? 你好!我是皮特。保罗的朋友。你还记得我吗?

L:No.I’m sorry.对不起,不记得了。

P:We met at Paul’s birthday party.我们在保罗的生日宴会上见过面。

L:Oh, now I remember.Nice to see you again.噢,现在我想起来了,很高兴再次见到你。Conversation 3 J:Did you ever meet Tom? 你见过汤姆吗?

J1:No,but I wouldn’t mind.Can you introduce him to me? 没见过,不过没关系。你能为我介绍一下吗?

J:Sure.Why don’t you come with me? Tom, this is John, one of my best friends.Jhon,this is Tom.当然可以,你何不和我一起来?汤姆,这是约翰,我最好的朋友之一。约翰,这位是汤姆。T:It’s nice to meet you.John, I’ve heard a lot about you.很高兴见到你,约翰。我听过很多有关你的事

J1:All good, I hope.Anyway, I’m glad to finally have a chance to meet you.我希望说的都是我的好话!不管怎么说,很高兴终于有机会见到你。T:Me too.我也一样

J’Why don’t we go and have a cup of coffee and get to know each other better? 我们何不去喝杯咖啡,这样可以互相更了解一些。Conversation 4 L:Jane, I’d like you to meet John.He is our business fellow.珍妮,我想让你认识一下约翰,他是我们的生意伙伴。

J:I;m very delighted to meet you,Mr.John.Here is my business card.很高兴认识你,约翰先生,这是我的名片。

J1:Nice to meet you, Miss Jane.Thank you for your card, and please accept mine.很高兴认识你,珍妮小姐。谢谢你的名片,也请手下我的。

J:Is this your first time in Xi’an? 你是第一次来西安吗?

J1:Yes.Pretty easy to tell,huh? 是的。是不是很容易看出了?

J:No,not really.We don’t see many Americans.不,其实我们见到的美国人不多。J1:Actually,I’m English.事实上,我是英国人。

J:Oh,well, if you need a tour of the city,we will be glad to help.哦,如果你想在城里转转,我们愿意效劳当导游。Conversation 5 N:Hello.你好。

J:Oh.Hello!哦,你好!N:Please allow me to introduce myself.My name is Noel.请允许我自我介绍一下,我叫诺尔。J:Pleased to meet you.My name is Jim Peter.Did you just move in next door? 见到你很高兴。我叫吉姆。彼得。你是刚刚搬到隔壁的吗?

N:Yes, I did.Have you lived here long? 是的,我刚搬过来。你在这住很久了吗?

J:Me? I guess so.I’ve lived here for about 6 years now.Well, Noel, it was good to meet you.我?我想是的。我在这儿住了大约有6年了。嗯,诺尔,认识你很高兴。N:It was good to meet you, too, Jim.吉姆,认识你我很高兴。J:See you around!再见!

N:Goodbye, Jim!再见,吉姆!





A:It’s your weekend soon.What are you going to do?

B:I’m not going to do anything.What about you ?

A:I’m going to the cinema with my parents.B:What film are you going to see?

A:The Lion King.It’s really good.B:Would you like to go with us?

A:Yes ,I’d love to.But I’d better ask my parents.B:OK!See you then!

A:See you!



A:Where would you like to go on holiday

this weekend?

B:I’d like to go to Beijing.Beijing is the

capital of China.I’ll visit the Great Wall.It’svery famous.It’s a good place to visit.Where would you like to go?

A: I’d like to go to Wellington.Wellington is a

quiet city.The mountains and the sea are

beautiful.Do you know where is it in?

B: I know.It’s the capital of New Zealand.3、由于天气下雨,你很无聊,想邀请你爸爸跟你去踢球,但你 爸爸拒绝了你,你又不喜欢跟你的妈妈去购物,最后你去了朋友家玩电脑游戏。


A:It’s raining.I’m so bored.Would you like to playfootball

with me?

B:I’m sorry ,I can’t.It’s raining outside.We’ll get wet.A:Mum,I’m bored.I’m not going to do anything.C:I’m going shopping now.Do you want to go with me? We

could buy some hamburgers fou lunch.A: But mum!I don’tlike shopping.It’s so boring.D: Hi ,xx!Wha are you doing now?

A:I’m so bored.I’m doing nothing.D:Would you like to come to my house? We could playcomputer games.A:Great!Can I go to xx’s house,dad?

E:Of course you can.

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