然而,很多学生依然拘泥于修饰,这可能跟小学以来养成写作习惯于赞美的缘故,华而不实的居多,那么如何预备美国大学申请ESSAY?不妨先进行角色转换,假如自己是一个美国人,很好,美国人习惯对人进行赞美,但解决题目或者进行叙事论述,他们确实喜欢的是直接,喜欢论据,例证!下面,让我们一起来欣赏一篇非常有创意的ESSAY,OK,LET’S GO!
范文:A Boy’s Firsts
The boy is such a common boy.He is so common that only
acquainted friends can notice him among the crowd;he is so common that he does not change his girlfriend one time per month, just as those ***s do;and he is so common that his daily life is no more special than those who listen to rock n’ roll, bet for soccer games and seldom clean their rooms.However, the boy is somewhat special.He usually thinks that, his experience and personal achievements,along with his own happiness and grievances, are enough for him to be unique, though he does not have a face as good-looking as Brad Pitt or Keanu Reeves, or whoever.First Award
It was such a surprising gift for a 12-year-old boy to know that he had won the first prize in the national mathematics competition.The boy clutched the certification and laughed like a sun-flower blooming in a spring morning.He had spent three months preparing for that
competition and had lost5kgweight but he was very happy, as happy as you could imagine.Enjoying the pace of enterprising, he began to believe “No pain no gain” that afternoon.First Setback
Huddling up in the quilt crying, the boy was introspecting himself.For his haughtiness after achieving the second prize in the National Physics Competition, he deserved the rank of last 5% in the final
examination of 7thgrade.Wiping up the tears, he set himself a promise of being humble and sober.The boy kept the promise and became a young man of great maturity.First cooking
“Quite a tough work.” The boy said to himself, smearing soap on a blister caused by the burning oil.But a small blister never could stop him from doing his “cooking research”.The boy stood in front of the
gas-stove again, holding apancake turner in his left hand, he was trying to find out the correct time of adding salt and the appropriate amount of other flavorings.After so many failures, he felt that it was not a *** task of cooking out palatable meals, nut a challenge of surpassing himself.When the boy finally finished working one and a half hours later, he put a sweet smile on his dirty face.The boy wrote in his diary, “keep working and you’ll win.”
First Love
At the age of 16, the boy fell in love with a smart girl.Eating
ice-cream with the girl in the ice-cream bar at the street, walking on the boulevard hand in hand, cycling her home and kissing goodbye, he
regarded love as the holy thing in his life.Thus, the boy demonstrates a love from heart;he cares everyone nearby and wants them to be beatific with their families.As people say, an angelic soul.First Job
The extremely hot summer holiday of 16, the boy was excited when he got a job at the local train station as a ticket-taker.First working day, the boy got up so early that when he arrived at the station, the previous ticket-taker was still on his work, in astonishment of the boy’s
appearance.But the ticket-taker did not know that, the boy was just so eager as to get on the job to show that he had grown up.Soon a common college student will he be.A common one that will
be assiduous in class and passionate in the basketball court;that will
make every effort to run for the Chairman of the Student Union but may still face failure;that is no more special than those who spend half a day in libraries and forget to go to dinner when do researches in labs.But somehow he will be a unique college student, because he will have his own way of fulfilling his dreams.And as you may know, the boy is me.一口气看完了吗?那么我们来品一品它:
温馨提示:专业的事情,交给专业的机构来完成。10年来,监审留学一直致力于留学文书的写作服务,已经帮助过无数留学生申请到理想的大学,擅长美国,加拿大,英国和澳洲的个人陈述和推荐信写作。如果您有写作方面的需求可以 联系QQ:970865017,按时交稿,绝不拖延,再也不用发愁。
一篇essay范文非常有创意,美国大学本科申请ESSAY的写作思维要开阔,要创新,但是在实际写作中,我们中国的很多学生却是以过往的过眼云烟式的表面化写作居多,A Boy’s Firsts这篇ESSAY我们就看不到那些虚华的痕迹,这值得我们鉴戒。
另外,essay需要自我检视和修改润色。essay完成后,放在一边过几天后再次检查自己的作文,写的有趣吗?思路清楚吗?有没有充分展示自我等等。“好的文章不是写出来的,而是改出来的。” 许多有名作家都这样说。所以,一篇好的essay不仅需要你有好的创意和独特的见解,更需要你经过多次的修改和提炼,而一篇出彩的essay就是让你在申请中出奇制胜的法宝。
An example of personal essay:
First of all, it is necessary to know that when I was a child, I was treated as a king-child because I lived alone with my mother almost all my young life and because she was weak with me.I thus have to admit shamefully that I took most advantages possible and that I made a lot of whims.I obtained almost everything that I wished.I was really requiring and tyrannical with my mother but, believe me, I am not proud of it.Another facet of my personality consists in the fact that I am strongly determined.I have set the most ambitious goals and I am convinced that I’ll succeed.I’ll make all which will be in my power to reach my purposes.In order to give you an idea of my objectives I would say:
“I want to become very rich, famous, well-known in the media and reach the highest spheres of the society.”
It can seem paradoxical, nevertheless I am shy and I have a lack of self-confidence.I think that it began when I was between 10 and 14 years and as I was obese.For this reason, most of the guys laughed at me and annoyed me.I was the big little boy that nobody liked.But now that I grew and that I changed a lot, as you can see it, I try to cure my shyness and to open out myself.This period was the worst of my life, that’s why I think school didn’t prepare me well for adult’s life.In conclusion, I would say that they are not the only aspects of my personality.So now, I have said enough, it is your turn to discover who I am, if you want to.
2014年9月—2015年6月准备SAT,IELTS或 TOFEL。
英语基础较好学生,用6 个月的时间准备SAT,IELTS或TOEFL 两个考试比较合适;英语基础相对较弱者要把复习时间提前,同时加大强度。
学生要对自己专业学校进行预先选择,查阅各学校的情况,对自己要申请的学校有一个大概的了解。如果时间紧,也可以把这一步委托中介或代理公司做。2015 年6—7月参加SAT,IELTS或TOFEL考试
如果可能,最迟在7 月份之前完成SAT,IELTS或TOEFL 考试,以便下半年有充足的时间来准备申请。对自己的英语水平不是很有把握的学生,尽量提前复习,提前考试,以防成绩不理想需要重新考试。
第一轮、第二轮的申请结果一般在1 月到4 月之间发布。2016年 5月签证
2016年 6—7月购买机票,准备行李
2016年 8—9月入学
大学申请种类分为Early decision(ED), Early action(EA), 和 regular decision(RD)三种。ED(有些学校发分为ED1和ED2两种)是在11月份左右提交材料,只能申请一所学校,如果被该学校所录取,则不能再参加RD选择其他学校。EA也是在11~12月份左右递交材料,可以申请好几所,如果被学校录取,可以不选择该校或继续申请RD。RD是正常的申请大学程序,一般提交材料申请时间截止在1月份左右。ED、EA并非所有学校都提供,且录取率比RD要低的多。
1.学术类:中学平时成绩,俗称GPA(Grade Point Average), 标准化考试成绩(托福或雅思语言考试成绩,SAT或ACT考试成绩(80名左右以后学校不需要),GPA(高中平均成绩),AP考试成绩(大学预科考试,可选)),学历证书(Diplomas),毕业证(Graduation Certificates)。
2.非学术类:课外活动经历(Activities),实习经历(Internships),社团活动(Clubs and Organizations),志愿者等(Volunteers)。
3.综合类:申请费(Application Fee),申请信(Application Letters)申请表格(Application forms)个人陈述(Personal Statement),作文(Essays),推荐信(Recommendation Letters),银行存款证明(Banking Deposits)
现在,越来越多的美国大学加入了Common Application,这为申请人提供了极大的方便。对于成为common application成员的学校,申请人可以直接通过common的网站邀请counselor和任课老师上传推荐信,推荐人表格和成绩单。一旦上传成功,这几份材料申请人就可以不用单独再邮寄给学校了。对于不属于common成员的学校和无法在线提交推荐信的学校,我们就只能采取邮寄的方式完成推荐信和推荐人表格了。
有关资金的材料,银行存款证明,父母收入证明,担保信(不申请奖学金的申请人提供),国际学生资金表格以及奖学金申请表格,因为美国大学要求申请人提供真实有效的信息,所以,必须通过快递的方式向学校提供以上相关文件的原件。很多美国大学特别是文理学院比如Colgate University,对于申请奖学金的申请人不再要求邮寄四页的International Student Financial Aid Application而是必须在线提交CSS PROFILE Application。对于有这样强制要求的学校我们只能采取在线提交的方式,CSS注册6美金,每提交一所是9美金。