[Scene: A Restaurant, Monica and Paul are eating.]
Monica: Oh my God!Paul: I know, I know, I'm such an idiot.I guess I should have caught on when she started going to the dentist four and five times a week.I mean, how clean can teeth get? Monica: My brother's going through that right now, he's such a mess.How did you get through it? Paul: Well, you might try accidentally breaking something valuable of hers, say her-Monica:-leg? Paul:(laughing)That's one way!Me, I-I went for the watch.Monica: You actually broke her watch? Wow!The worst thing I ever did was, I-I shredded by boyfriend's favorite bath towel.讲解
在倾听Paul讲述自己被甩的经历时,Monica不时地发出Oh,my God!(天哪!)Wow!(哇!)的惊叹声。英语口语中类似表示惊叹的句子还有很多。如果某天突然遇到多年没有音信的老友,想必你也会这样惊叹道:For the love of Mike,I didn’t expect to meet you here!(老天爷!我做梦也没想到竞在这儿遇见你!)当然你也可以像Monica那样用Oh,my God!(天哪!)Wow!(哇!),或用I can’t believe it!(真叫人难以置信!)My goodness!(天哪!)Oh,that's incredible!(哦,简直不可思议!)What a surprise!(真出人意料!)Gee!(哎呀!)等等来表达你此时惊讶的心情。
记得前些日子与朋友聊起生活中的奇闻轶事。当听说有人活吞了一只老鼠时,朋友两眼圆睁,脱口而出:What,eat a rat alive?(什么!活吞一只老鼠?)类似的表达方式还有:Oh,no!How dreadful!(哦,不!太可怕了!)Youmust be kidding!(你一定是开玩笑!)Really?(真的吗?)It can't be!(这不可能!)等等。
女友跟别人好上了,自己却浑然不知。Paul说:I'm such an idiot.(我真是个大白痴。)Monica由此想起了哥哥Ross由于跟同性恋的妻子分手而整日魂不守舍,便说:My brother's going through that right now,he's such a mess.(我哥哥正被此事所扰,他真是不可救药的大笨蛋。)mess一词在此并不是指我们通常所理解的脏或乱的状态,而是形容某个人是不可救药的傻瓜或笨蛋。比如说:Honey,I can never follow what you really mean.I'm a mess.意思是说:亲爱的,我总不能领会你的本意,我好混啊!
但就像我们一直所强调的那样,任何事都不能枉下论断。前几日正在陪宝宝玩耍的丈夫跑过来喊道:Come on,there's a mess in our baby's diapers.(快过来呀,宝宝在尿布上拉屎了。)如果此时你把mess理解成傻瓜,在别人眼里你岂不turn into a mess?(成了不可救药的蠢蛋?)关于mess一词的其他用法,请参考本书“5-24每个人都会紧张”这一单元。经典对白及讲解之二:
故事梗概 本集的另一情节围侥Ross展开,由于Ross的妻子Carol是同性恋,两人离了婚.但Ross为此深受打击,无法面对现实,认定自己再婚无望,整日一付失魂落魄的样子.Chandler和Joey竭力宽慰Ross,鼓励他“不要在一棵树上吊死”,要鼓起勇气重新寻找幸福„„
Chandler: Look, Ross, you gotta understand, between us we haven't had a relationship that has lasted longer than a Mento.You, however have had the love of a woman for four years.Four years of closeness and sharing at the end of which she ripped your heart out, and that is why we don't do it!I don't think that was my point!Ross: You know what the scariest part is? What if
there's only one woman for everybody, y'know? I mean what if you get one woman-and that's it? Unfortunately in my case, there was only one woman-for her...Joey: What are you talking about? 'One woman'? That's like saying there's only one flavor of ice cream for you.Lemme tell you something, Ross.There's lots of flavors out there.讲解:
Chandler想规劝Ress放弃婚姻的念头,因为:Four yvars of closeness and sharing at the end ofwhich she ripped your heart out...(四年之中你们亲亲密密,有福同享,有难同当,可到头来她却让你如此心碎„„)英语中我们通常也用break one's heart来表示“令某人心碎”。但相对而言,rip one's heart out所表示的程度更强烈些。
Heart一词非常活用,它能跟其他词构成多种常用的表达方式。如果有人跟你说:You know what?Yesterday 1 witnessed a car accident,and my heart was in my mouth when I saw the bloody scene.(你知道吗?昨天我目睹了一场车祸,那血淋淋的场面把我吓得要命。)这句话千万不能根据字面意思直接翻译过来理解,否则会闹出笑话。如果你想夸赞一个人有一副好心肠,可以说:You've got a heart of gold.反之则为:You've got d heart of stone.(你真是铁石心肠。)相互钟情的男女都会彼此wear their heart on their sleeve(流露爱意);单相思
(lovesickness)的人往往set his heart on love(渴望得到爱情);被恋人.Dump(甩掉)的人则会cry his heart out(痛哭流涕)。和heart相关的词语还有很多,大家可以在学习中多多积累。You get what you put in.(种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。)
Ross担心:What if there's only one woman for everybody?(假如一个男人一生中只能有一个女人怎么办?)那离婚后的他岂不永远成为孤家寡人?为打消Ross的顾虑,Joey说:What are you talking about?One woman?That's like saying there's only one flavor of ice cream for you.Lemme tell you something.Ross.There's lots of flavors out there.(你在说什么呢!只有一个女人?你这就等于说你只能吃一种口味的冰激凌。Ross听我说,有千百种口味的冰激凌等着挑选呢。)Joey想通过冰激凌这个比喻来让Ross明白男人不能在一棵树上吊死,女人千千万,关键他得有勇气变换不同的口味,尝试去跟不同的女人交往。
美国最有名的冰激凌是Howard Johnson's公司的二十八种口味(28Flavors)及Baskin Robbins公司的三十一种口味(3l Flavors)冰激凌。冰激凌的容器叫dish,我们常说a dish ofice cream(一盘冰激凌),但是冰激凌店零售外卖时则用a scoop ofice cream(一勺冰激凌),不能说a bowl ofice cream或a glass of ice cream。我们在KFC及冰激凌店常见的圣代英文叫Sundae,是指加有压碎的坚果、水果、果汁、糖浆等的冰激凌。香蕉船的英文名字叫Banana Split,是将一根香蕉劈成两半,平放在玻璃容器内,上面放三种不同口味的圣代,看起来像是一只香蕉船。Baked Alaska有人翻译成火烧冰激凌,这是一种冰激凌及果冻的组合物,上面覆以海绵蛋糕及一层厚厚的蛋白甜糕,食用前先放在烤箱中烤成黄褐色,也可以加上各种新鲜水果作为点缀。想必这些描述已经make your mouth water(让你直流口水了),那就赶紧去stuff your face(吃个痛快)吧!
Rnchel以逃跑的新娘(runaway bnide)形象出现在众人面前。就在自己的婚礼开始之前,Rnchel逃离了婚礼现场,前来投奔她惟一认识的高中校友Monica。此时的Rnchel没有工作,手头拮据。然而,找工作连遭失政的命运似乎并没有影响她购物的欲望。仰仗由父亲买单的信用卡,Rachel花钱依然大手大脚。大家都劝Rachel马上毁掉信用卡以便早日独立„„ 经典对白3:
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone is sitting around the kitchen table.Rachel's credit cards are spread out on the table along with a pair of scissors.]
Rachel: Oh God, come on you guys, is this really necessary? I mean, I can stop charging anytime I want.Monica: C'mon, you can't live off your parents your whole life.Rachel: I know that.That's why I was getting married.Phoebe: Give her a break, it's hard being on your own for the first time.Rachel: Thank you.一直依赖父母生活的Rachel并不想马上自立,为此Monica鼓励她把信用卡都毁掉以便独立:c'mon,you can’t live off your parents your whole life.(动手吧,你总不能靠父母一辈子呀。)美国人有强烈的独立精神。他们通常不仰仗个人的社会背景或家庭出身去获得成功。如果你靠pull some strings,也就是我们中国人所说的靠“走后门”来出人头地定会遭到多数美国人的鄙夷,因为他们坚信个人的学识(knowledge)、智慧(wisdom)、创造精神(creativity)以及良好的品性(moral character)才是成功必不可少的条件。
因此Monica他们一再鼓励Rachel跟信用卡说bye-bye。C’mon是come on的缩略形式。曾经听一位在美国留学的同学抱怨说在那里说英语似乎总是比听懂英语容易。造成这个问题的主要原因是缩略形式在英语中的广泛运用。毫无准备的听者往往听不懂这些词,加上缩略语使得语速加快,理解英语便成了大难题。相信不懂缩略语的读者很难猜出这句话的意思:dj’ask’cr yet?其实这句话用标准英语表达很简单:Did you ask her yct?再比如:Dushi speak English?相当于:Does she speak English?其他常见缩略形式包括:va=are you,’cause=because,dunno=don't know,gimme=give me,’n=and等等。C’mon,不管是缩略语还是英语中的其他困难,只要你能keep your chin up(不灰心丧气),Everything's gonna bc fine.(一切都会好起来的。)
尽管大家再三给Rachel加油鼓劲,她仍然犹豫不决。这时Phoebe说道:Give her a break,it's hard being on your own for the first time.(别逼她了。你们第一次独立的时候不也费了好大的劲。)
break用作名词时会使很多人联想英语课堂上老师常说的一句话:Time is up.Let's have a break.意思是说:本堂课结束了,课间休息一下吧。break在此的意思为“课间休息”,“间歇,停顿”。比如说现在很多公司都给员工提供tea break(用茶休息时间);电视台靠break for the commercial(插播商业广告的间歇)盈利;如果你work for 10 hours without a break before computers(不间断地在电脑前工作10小时)则对你的健康极为不利。然而如果照此意思来理
解give sb.a break就会大错特错。give sb.a break用于口语,其意思是“给某人一个机会;放某人一马;不难为某人”。作为老师每每考试之后都会听到学生说类似的话:老师帮帮忙让我过了吧,否则我就得重读二年级了。这句话用英文表达就是:Give me d break and pass me,or else I’ll have to bc a sophomore again.但万事都不是绝对的,有时一句Give me a break!或Gimmc a break!则表示不相信别人胡诌乱编,相当于:得了吧!别拿我当傻子!收起你那套噱头!因此对英语语言的理解不能take everything for granted(把一切都想当然),否则会让人笑掉大牙。
后来工作了几年,因为一直野心勃勃的要去美国公干,所以从那个时候开始重新FAN F6,很长一段时间过去,学下来,感觉有些许体会了,上来冒个泡。
这第三遍,我可以用老牛拉破车来形容,实在是很慢很无聊,要花费大量的时间,特别是一开始,记得101背到我想吐,莫尼卡的那句 “THERE IS NOTHING TO TELL”可以直接当减肥药了,一听到就想吐!但是,有一点保证,以后老外用多快的速度,我都能听懂她在说“THERE IS NOTHING TO TELL”而且可以和她说的一样快,一样纯正的美国纽约音。兄弟们~~~代价惨重阿~~~~~`你可以算一下,一集大约20分钟,每句话重复10遍,那是什么概念,就是一集学下来要200分钟,折合3个多小时,如果你特别笨的话,多跟几遍,时间又上去了,我经常会思想溜号,A-B的时候不知道想什么去了,就要多重复几遍。我当初算了一下,我大约要跟到第7遍的时候才有感觉,前面不是语速慢了,就是快了,要么就是停顿不对,也可能我比较笨?加上笨的原因,加上溜号,大约有4个小时一集把.下面分析一下他们六个人的口音语速,RACH,我最喜欢的角色,她的口音不很好学,因为她经常会发出很可爱.CHANDLER这个家伙经常会把我逼疯的,他太贫了,语速又快,最难学了,最好学的是PHEEBS,很喜欢她,她的发音很圆润,语速也很正常,MONIKA 可以用她来练长句子,她经常会一口气说很多,JOEY,他反映慢,语速适中应该是最好学的一个,可是他的声音太低了,不适合女生学,我学他太吃力了,男生的话是个首选~~~~
1994年开播、连续播出了10年的一部幽默情景喜剧。由华纳兄弟公司〈Warner Bro.〉出品。整部戏由三男三女共六位俊男美女担纲演出,不时请到明星与设计师等各界名流客串参与,播出以来一直为NBC电视网的招牌戏之一。
瑞秋·格林(Rachel Green)----珍妮佛·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)
莫妮卡·盖勒(Monica Geller)----柯特妮·考克斯·阿凯特(Courteney
Cox Arquette)
钱德·宾(Chandler Bing)----马修·派瑞(Matthew Perry)
乔伊·崔比昂尼(Joey Tribbiani)----麦特·雷布兰克(Matt Le Blanc)
经典回放:第二季第14集 莫妮卡到新餐厅面试新工作
INTERVIEWER: Well, this all looks good.MONICA: Great.INTERVIEWER: And if I want to call for a reference on your last job?
MONICA: Oh, that's there on the bottom, see the manager, Chandler Bing.INTERVIEWER: Alright, let’s see if you're as good in person as you are on paper.Make me a salad.MONICA: A salad? Really I, I could do something a little more complicated if you like.INTERVIEWER: No, just a salad will be fine.MONICA: You got it.INTERVIEWER: Now, I want you to tell me what you're doing while you're doing it.面试官:嗯,看上去不错
莫妮卡: 沙拉? 其实我可以做一些难度比较高的菜的面试官: 不用 沙拉就可以了
1.面试的时候考官通常会问你一些关于你从前工作的问题,call for a reference on one’s last job意为参考一下你上一份工作的工作情况。
2.通常,面试官会边看你的简历边提问你一些问题,也会让你实际操作一下,莫妮卡是在餐厅里接受的面试,面试官就让她做一份菜给他瞧瞧看,于是就有了这句话 ”let’s see if you are as good in person as you are on paper.” 一般情况下如果面试官对你说了这句话就代表他接下来会向你提问一些专业性的知识了。
3.“I could do something a little more complicated if you like”,莫妮卡说出这句话是因为她觉得面试官给她出的题目实在是小菜一碟,对她毫无挑战力,面试过程中说出这句话可以显示出你的自信,当然,前提是你必须要有很强的实力哦!
4.“You got it!” 这是非常地道的一句美式英语,有“知道了!”、“没问题!”、“明白了!”等多种意思。一般上司交给你一项任务,你一句爽快的”You got it!”不仅会让你的上司安心的把任务交给你,也会显示出你自己的自信。
经典回放:第五季第17集 瑞秋去Ralph Lauren面试
Chandler: Oh hey, how'd the interview go?
Rachel: Ugh, horrible!I did the stupidest, most embarrassing thing!
Joey: What happened?
Rachel: All right, we were shaking hands and he kind of leaned toward me… You know maybe he was going to open the door, but I totally miss read him and I uhhh… Joey: You kissed him?!
Monica: Hey Rach, a guy from Ralph Lauren called, you got a second interview!Rachel: I can't believe it!I got a second interview!
Monica: He probably wants you back because you're right for the job.钱德勒:面试怎么样?
莫妮卡:瑞秋 拉尔夫劳伦的人打电话来让你去复试
1)询问别人面试怎么样时可以用”How did the interview go?”
2)瑞秋闹出了笑话却依然接到了复试的通知,于是莫妮卡便安慰她,”right for the job”意为适合这份工作,在面试中的自我介绍时可以用来表明你自己的信心。
3)a second interview意为复试、第二次面试
How’s your interview? 面试怎么样?
Rachel: Now you're probably going to hire one of the people who did not yell at you and storm out, and I think that's a big mistake and here's why.I made a huge fool of myself and I came back, that shows courage.When I thought you wanted sex in exchange for this job, I said no.That shows integrity.And, I was not afraid to stand up for myself and that shows courage.Okay umm, now I know I already said courage, but you know you got to have courage.And umm, and finally when I thought you were making sexual advances in the workplace, I said no and I was not litigious.So there you go, you got, you got courage, you got integrity, you got courage again, and not litigious.Look Mr…
Mr.Zelner: Zelner.Rachel: Zelner!Right!I knew that!I really, really want this job and I think, I think I would be really good at it.Mr.Zelner: You know what? I may regret this but uh, I'm going to give you a shot.瑞秋:你大概不会雇佣一个对你大喊大叫又摔门而去的员工,但我觉得这样的决定并不明智,原因如下:我出了丑还敢回来,这说明我有勇气,当我以为你把工作机会当做性交易,我拒绝了,这证明我是正直的,另外,我敢于挺身而出,为自己争取机会,这说明我有勇气,没错,我把“勇气”说了两遍,但“勇气”确实很重要。最后,当我以为你想在公共场合占我便宜时我仅是拒绝并没有告你性骚扰,所以我的优点有:勇敢、品格高尚、还是勇敢、而且不爱告状。您叫什么来着…
1)storm out 冲出去、摔门而去
2)make fool of oneself 出丑、出洋相
3)in exchange for 交换、做交易
4)stand up for oneself 挺身而出
5)give someone a shot给某人一个机会,一般在面试中如果你听到面试官对你说出了这句话,那就代表你已经通过了面试得到了这份工作。
1)hire [动] 雇佣
5)litigious[形容]喜欢诉讼的、好争论的文化解说:第三次面试,瑞秋在道歉之后,对招聘官说,应该录用自己,因为:第一,她在骂了他之后还敢回来,表现了自己的勇气(courage)。第二,她认为他有性要求而她宁肯不要工作也不答应,说明了自己的正直(integrity)。第三,在他提出“性要求”后她只是选择走掉而不是投诉,证明自己不好讼(not litigious)。
A:Give me a summary of your current job description.B:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years.To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.A:Why did you leave your last job?
B: Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position.If opportunity knocks, I will take it.A: What contribution did you make to your current organization?
B: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.A: 对你目前的工作,能否做个概括的说明。
B: 我干了五年的电脑程序员。具体地说,我做系统分析,解决问题以及软件供应方面的支持。
A: 你为什么离职呢?)
B: 我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住。
A: 你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?
B: 我已经完成三个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在这份工作上。
Ok, so this is pretty much what things happened so far.Ross was in love with Rachel since forever,but every times he tried to tell her,something got in the way, like cats,Italian guy.And finally Chandler was like,”forget about her!” When Ross was in China,Chandler let it slip that Ross loved Rachel.She was like “Oh,my god!”So she went to the airport to meet him when he came back.But what she didn’t know was Ross was getting off the plane with another woman.So that’s pretty much everything you need to know.第一幕:机场
(Flight number 475 from Beijing now arriving.)(Ross和Julie下飞机,两个人很亲热的样子,Rachel在一边拿着花很惊讶和惊慌失措)
Rachel: Oh my god,Oh my god!(转头,边惊慌失措边推开等候的人群)Move move move!Excuse me.Emergency please!Excuse me!(踩上一个椅子试图越过去然后不小心摔倒,爬起来继续赶紧往外走)
Ross:Rach!(Rachel 转过身满脸堆笑)Rachel:Oh there you are!(两人相拥)
Rachel:So..so..How was China.YOU!(用花打Ross)
Ross: It was great.(注意到Rachel摔倒流血了)Oh,what happened?You’re bleeding.Rachel: I am?Oh look at that yes I am.Ok enough about me,enough about me,Mr.Back From The Orient.Come on,I wanna hear everthing!EVERTHING!(说完盯着Julie堆笑)
Ross: Well, where shoud I start?Umm..well this is Julie,this is Rachel.Rachel:Hi!(R和J 握手)Umm..(突然注意到手上的花束)oh,these are… are…(Ross刚想一把接过花)aren’t for you!(指的是Ross)And these are for you!(指的是julie)Welcome to our country!
Julie:Thank you!I’m from New York.Rachel:Oh well,not a problem,I just use them to stop the bleeding~Ok baggage claim?
Ross & Julie:OK!(三人一起拉着行李回去)
Monica:(对Chandler)I’m telling you she went to the airport and she’s gonna go for it for Ross.Phoebe: Oh my god!This is huge!This is bigger than huge!This is like…What’s bigger than huge?
Joey: This?
Pheobe: That’s it.(Monica突然注意到两个男生剪了头发)
Monica: Guys, you got new haircut?!
Chandler & Joey: Yes we did.Thanks to Vodal Buffay!
Pheobe: Cuz you know,”if you don’t look good,we don’t look good.”Oh I love that voice~(此时Rachel破门而入气喘吁吁)
四个人 : Oh Rach!
Rachel: Airport.Airport!Ross… not alone…Julie…Arm around her!Ooooh,cramp,cramp cramp!(捂着肚子蹲下,跑的岔气了)
Chandler:I guess she’s trying to tell us something.Quick ,get the verb!(Rachel打了Chandler一巴掌,指着他)
Rachel: YOU!YOU!You said he liked me!YOU!YOU!(Ross和Julie提着行李走进来)
Rachel: You slowpokes!(对Ross)
Ross:that’s alright,we got the bags.Hi!Hello!(和Monica拥抱一个)Julie, this is my sister Monica,this is Chandler,Phoebe,and Joey.Everyone,this is Julie.Rachel:(轻声)Julie!
Julie: Hi!But I’m not here,you haven’t met me.I’ll make a better impression when I don’t have 20 hours of plane on me.Ross:And bus.Julie:Oh my god!With the sreaming guy and the spitting!
Ross: You gotta hear the story.Julie: We’re on the bus that’s 200 years old.Ross:200 at least.Julie:And a…
Rachel:And the chiken poops in her laps!(所有人看着Rachel尴尬,Rachel大笑。捂嘴)
Rachel:I’m so sorry.I just gave away the ending didn’t I?I just heard this story in the cab and it’s all I can think about.Monica:…This is amazing.How..how did this happened?
Julie:well,Ross and I were in grad school together.Ross: But we haven’t seen each other since then.I land in China,guess who’s in charge for the dig?
Rachel:JULIE!Isn’t that great?
Ross: We just wanna come and say a quik hi,then we’re gonna see the baby,then get some sleep.In China,It’s 6:00 tomorrow night,our time.Julie:So see you everybody~
Ross: Bye!(Rachel关门,大家很无奈地面面相觑)
(Rachel ,Joey和Ross正在看电视,这时电话铃响了,Ross去接电话)
Ross:Hey Julie!(然后拿着电话走开了)(Rachel白了他一眼,继续看电视。过了一会儿,Ross回来了,继续听电话并在Rachel旁边坐下)
Ross:Oh,that is so sweet!No,no, you hang up.No..Ok ok,one two three…(对Rachel做“嘘“的动作)You didn’t hang up either!(对Rachel说)She didn’t hang up.(Rachel假笑)No, no,you hang up,YOU,YOU,YO..(Rachel抢过来电话一把按挂掉递还给Ross)
Rachel: Sorry I thought that you talked to me.Ross:Rachel…I just call her back.Oh sweetie we just got disconnected.(Ross走去阳台和Julie继续通话调情.)
Rachel:Ok ok ok,how did this happen to me?A week ago,2 weeks ago,I was fine.Ross was just Ross,just this guy.Now all of a sudden he’s ROSS…a really great guy I can’t have!
Monica: Oh sweetie,I want you to have him too.Rachel: I know you did.I’m just gonna deal with it,I’m just gonna deal with it.(Ross此时走过来那一个苹果走边打电话边和Julie调情)Rachel:I gotta get out of here!
(咖啡馆里Monica,Phoebe,Joey,Chandler,Rachel在聊天,突然Phoebe看到窗外 Ross和julie在亲热)
Phoebe: Oh Rachel,don’t look.Rachel: What?(一笑而过)Come on guys,I don’t care,I have a date tonight.Joey: Oh oh oh,you have a date?!
Rachel: Yeah~Monica’s setting me up.Monica: Yeah~A client of mine.Joey: OK,what about Ross and…Umm..Rachel: You mean my whole insane jealousy thing?Well you know,as much fun as that was I decided to opt for sanity.Chandler: So you really OK about all this?
Rachel: Oh yeah,come on,I’m moving on.They can do whatever they want.I don’t care anymore!
(Rachel约会一直灌闷酒喝得微醺)Waiter: Would you like some dessert?
John: No,no dessert.Just the check please.Rachel: You don’t have fun,do you?
John: No,I do.Just because we have a lot of drinks.Rachel: Oh look at me.I’m on a date with a really great guy,but all I can think about is Ross,and his Julie.I just wanna get over him,why can’t I do that?
John: Look,I’ve been through a divorce,trust me,you’re gonna be fine.You can’t see it because you haven’t had closure…
Rachel: Closure!That’s what it is!That’s what I need!God,you’re brilliant!Why didn’t I think of that?How do I get that?
John: Well there’s no one way.Whatever it takes so that you can finally tell him:I’m over you.Rachel: Over you,that’s what it is.(掏出手机打电话.电话接通)Machine,wait.John: Good.Rachel: Ross,hi,it’s Rachel.I’m just calling you to say that everything is fine.And I’m really happy for you and Julie.So obviously I’m over you.I AM OVER YOU.And that’s what my friend called closure.第六幕:公寓里
Ross:Why are you looking me like that?
Rachel: sorry I don’t know.Did we speak on a phone last night?Did you call me?
Ross: No I stayed at julie’s last night.I haven’t been home yet do you mind if I check my messages?
Rachel: Oh yeah go ahead.Ross: Rach I’ve got a message from you.What do you mean you’re over me?
Rachel: Oh god.Ross: When were you … under me?
Rachel: OK OK.basically lately,I’ve sort of had some feelings for you.Ross: You…you had feelings for me?
Rachel: Yeah what?You had feelings for me first!
Ross: well, but you know,I have Julie.Julie,that’s…oh god!I need to lie down.No I’m gonna stand.I’m gonna walk.I’m walking and standing…So now you’re over me?
Rachel: Are you over me?
Ross: Umm…I don’t know…Oh oh,Julie’s waiting for me!I gotta go.I gotta go.Rachel: OK OK…
Ross: What am I gonna do?It’s like a complete nightmare!
Chandler: I know this is so hard.Two women love you.They are both gorgeous.Joey: Listen Ross,I’ve got two words for you,Threesome.Chandler: OK,let’s get logical about it.We’ll write down a list,”Rachel and Julie,pros and cons.”
Joey: Let’s start with the cons because they are both more fun.Rachel first.Ross: I don’t know.She’s a little spoiled sometimes.I guess she’s a little ditzy sometimes you know.And I’ve see she’s a little too into her looks.And Julie we have a lot in common because we are both paleontologists,but Rachel’s just a waitress.Chandler: Waitress.What else?
Ross: I don’t know…
Chandler: OK,what about Julie?
Ross: Ehhh…She’s not Rachel.(Rachel进来)
Rachel: Hey guys do you have…(看见Ross)Hi you’re here too.(Chandler和Joey发现大事不妙手忙脚乱把清单藏起来)
Rachel: What are you hiding?
C&J: Nothing,Just a resipe.Rachel: well,it seems you guys stick my back, I wanna have a look at it.Now!(C和J很不情愿把单子给Rachel看了)
Rachel: Oh I see.I’m spoiled,ditzy, over into my looks and I’m just a waitress.Ross: Let me complaine this,I’ve loved you for 10 years.And I found I can’t find someone to take place of you in my deep heart even Julie,you know,She’s not you.That’s the only con she has.Rachel: You mean you have a stronger feeling for me than her?
Ross: Yes.I mean,It’s always been you.(Ross和Rachel拥抱。剧终。)
Next, I will bring my deepest feelings of American cultural values that I learn from the sitcom, or more precisely, I will compare them with Chinese cultural value, the comparison was to make my own relatively deep feelings of cultural values and do simple analysis The first one is friendship.Through the whole movie is the six persons’ touching friendship, the friendship between them is to keep their private space and feelings, respect each other's life habit, everyone has their own way of life, never intervene and interfere in other people's private life.They are seeking to develop their own career, never to impose their own personal views to other people.They don’t rely on anyone on the economy, but when friends need help out, they are always the first one to give a helping hand.Friendship is very difficult to establish but easy to destroy, all events can destroy friendship, they also have contradictions.But, worth learning is that friendship of the six characters is reliable, their friendship is more than the story needs, but also because they know the highest principles of getting along with a friend is trust, tolerance and support.The second is individualism.Individualism is the real core of American culture, Professor Hu Wenzhong once pointed out that: “if you do not understand individualism, you cannot understand American behavior”.The personal life and work is responsible by themselves, do not rely on their parents and others.In the Americans, their work achievements are the most glorious, but rely on other is disgraceful.Based on the archaeological obsession Ross has been working as an university professor of paleontology diligently.Although Phoebe is a massage therapist, she don’t felt inferiority but proud.Therefore, American individualism, believes the value of the individual existence of everyone, and pay attention to the value of self-realization.Next is the view on love and marriage.For Americans, sex is a manifestation of life and dignity;the media that men and women show their own charm, no sexual partners, sexual ability, and sexual charm is a great shame.People talk about sex openly.Frankly, it is regarded as normal such as eating and drinking, an important means of mood regulation, many times sexual behavior is just a cure sexual behavior, rather than the behavior of love and marriage.Many people in the East Chinese is difficult to accept the ideas, so we see in this comedy, we always feel puzzled on their attitudes.And many traditional old people think that the idea is shameless, secular is not permitted.The last one is view of life.When Rachel, Rachel’s sister and Joey’s sister, the decision they made is to born, not abortion.According to the survey results of the “Losangels times”, most Americans think abortion is tantamount to murder.This phenomenon is very different from China, in modern society, abortion advertisements can be seen everywhere, thus, abortion is widely allowed, even to a certain extent is encouraged.It is related to the basic national conditions of the two countries, not to say who is right and who is wrong, but at least the respect to life is worthy learning.