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Lesson 73-74The way to King Street.What did they do?

重点:不规则动词的一般过去式,一些副词,一般过去式提问:What did they do?


lost one’s way 迷路

ask sb the way(向某人)问路

say to oneself 心中暗想。talk to oneself 自言自语地说the way(to)......(去......的)路

























Lesson 75-76Uncomfortable shoesWhen did you......?

重点: 表示过去时间的词语,1、重点短语:

Apair of一双

fashion=fashionable 流行的2、部分动词不规则动词的过去式形式




Last month= a month ago上个月

This week这周last week 上周the week before last 上上周This month这个月last month 上个月the month before last上上个月This year今年last year去年 the year before last前年AGO 以前long long ago很久很久以前。

Lesson 77-78Terrible toothacheWhen did you......?



make an appointment 预约,约会

have an appointment(with sb)与某人有约


feel awful 难受极了

at the moment此时此刻,现在wait till this afternoon等到下午


I want to see the dentist please.Do you have an appointment?

I feel awful.I have a terrible toothache.The dentist is very busy at the moment.Can you wait till this afternoon?


1)at :后加具体时间点

eg.at 7 o’colck

(固定短语:at noon 在中午、at midnight 在午夜、at the moment现在)

2)in: 后加年、月、季、上午、下午、晚上

eg.in 1987、in summer、in May、in the morning/afternoon/evening)on: 后加星期、节日、具体的某日、具体某日的上午/下午/晚上eg.on Monday、on May 1st、on Children’s Day、on the morning of National Day

第二篇:新概念英语第一册Lesson 133 Sensational news

Reporter: Have you just made a new film, Miss Marsh? Miss Marsh: Yes, I have.Reporter: Are you going to make another? Miss Marsh: No, I'm not.I'm going to retire.I feel very tired.I don't want to make another film for a long time.Kate: let's buy a newspaper, Liz.Listen to this!“Karen Marsh: Sensational News!By our reporter, Alan Jones.Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today.She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.She told me she had just made a new film.She said she was not going to make another.She said she was going to retire.She told reporters she felt very tired and didn't want to make another film for a long time.” Liz: I wonder why!New Word and expressions 生词与短语 reporter n.记者 sensational adj.爆炸性的,耸人听闻的 mink coat 貂皮大衣 本文参考译文

记 者:您刚拍完一部新电影吗,马什小姐? 马什小姐:是的,我刚拍完。记 者:您准备再拍一部吗?

马什小姐:不,我不准备拍了。我准备退休了。我感觉累得很。我早就不想再拍片子了。凯 特:我们买份报纸吧,莉兹。你听这段:

“卡伦·马什:爆炸性新闻!由本报记者艾伦·琼斯报导。卡伦·马什今天到达伦敦机场。她穿着一身蓝色的套装和一件貂皮大衣。她告诉我她刚拍完一部新片子。她说她不准备再拍电影了。她说她准备 退休。她告诉记者她感到很疲劳,早就不想再拍电影了。” 莉 兹:我很想知道为什么。【课文】

Reporter: Have you just made a new film, Miss Marsh? Miss Marsh: Yes, I have.Reporter: Are you going to make another? Miss Marsh: No, I'm not.I'm going to retire.I feel very tired.I don't want to make another film for a long time.Kate: let's buy a newspaper, Liz.Listen to this!“Karen Marsh: Sensational News!By our reporter, Alan Jones.Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today.She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.She told me she had just made a new film.She said she was not going to make another.She said she was going to retire.She told reporters she felt very tired and didn't want to make another film for a long time.” Liz: I wonder why!【课文翻译】

记 者:您刚拍完一部新电影吗,马什小姐? 马什小姐:是的,我刚拍完。记 者:您准备再拍一部吗?

马什小姐:不,我不准备拍了。我准备退休了。我感觉累得很。我早就不想再拍片子了。凯 特:我们买份报纸吧,莉兹。你听这段:


退休。她告诉记者她感到很疲劳,早就不想再拍电影了。” 莉 兹:我很想知道为什么。【生词】 reporter n.记者

adj.爆炸性的,耸人听闻的,sensational mink coat 貂皮大衣

【上期作业回顾】 中英互译。

1)I've heard so much about Egypt, such as the pyramid, the mummy and the Pharaoh.So I'm going to spend my summer vacation in travelling across Egypt.关于埃及,我已经听过不少了,像金字塔,木乃伊和法老。所以,我打算利用暑假游遍埃及。


My grandma was ill, and I have to take good care of her in the hospital.My grandma fell ill, so I have to look after her well in the hospital.3)每天搭公共汽车上学得花费我20分钟的时间。

It takes me 20 minutes to go to school by bus every day.4)—How are you going to go to Taiwan? By plane, or by sea?

— 你打算怎样去台湾呢?乘飞机还是乘船?

—I'm going to go there by air.—我打算乘飞机去那儿。



1)reporter n.记者

report v.报道,报告

同时journalist 但更侧重于新闻工作者。

2)sensational adj.爆炸性的(sensational news);轰动的,耸人听闻的(sensational crime)3)mink coat 貂皮大衣

我们常说的皮草(fur coat)

4)retire v.退休,隐退 retire from 从...上退休

我爸爸去年从公司退休了。My dad retire from his company last year.(二)【语法讲解】 直接引语&间接引语



2.用自己的话加以引述,被转述的话不放在括号里,成为间接引语。当直接引语变成间接引语时,注意人称,时态变化,用陈述句的语序。e.g.① She said, 'I am very happy to help you.“

② She said that she was very happy to help you.也有记者的意思,(变化中,人称 I→she;am →was)

① ”We won't be free.“

② The students said they wouldn't be free.(变化:人称we →they, won't→ wouldn't)注意:



(例:now变为then, yesterday。变为 the day before)


(例:this 改为that)三【课后作业】


1)He said,”My parents visited me yesterday.“ 2)She said,”I am going to buy a mink coat for winter.“ 3)Tom said, ”I don't know this man."



第三篇:新概念英语第一册Lesson 3 Sorry教案

Lesson 3 Sorry, sir 教学重难点:

1、a/an 的用法区别



1、umbrella n.伞

an umbrella 一把伞

2、here adv.这里(前面不用介词:at、in、on、beside、behind、above、under...)

put the book here 把书放在这里

put the book on the desk 把书放在桌子上

3、ticket n.票

a movie/film ticket 一张电影票

4、number n.号码


Number five= No.5 No.28 bus


5、sir 先生,多单独使用


6、living room 客厅

bathroom 浴室

bedroom 卧室

kitchen 厨房

dining room餐厅




若单词以元音开头,前面用an.例如:an umbrella 一把伞

A red umbrella 一把红色的伞



例如:my pencil 我的铅笔

your rubber 你的橡皮



1,excuse me.打扰了,对不起。用于与陌生人搭话,打断别人的说话或是从别人身边挤过等等。


3,pardon? = I beg your pardon?请你再说一遍。请求对方把刚才说的话再重复一遍。

4,Nice to meet you.-----------How do you do?很高兴见到你/你好!


5,6,What’s your job?你是做什么工作的?

7,What nationality are you ?=where are you from? =where do you come from?你来自哪个国家?/你来自哪里? 8,How are you?你好吗?这是朋友或是相识的人之间见面时向对方身体情况的寒暄话。

一般回答:Fine ,thank you或是 Not bad/so,so /terrible很好,谢谢/不是很好/老样子/很糟糕

9,Nice to see you.见到你很高兴。见面时的客气话。

10,Whose is this?这是谁的?

11,What colour is this ? 这是什么颜色?

12,come upstairs and see it.到楼上去看看吧。

一般表示目的用to, 但这是用and也是表示目的。例如:come and see me.来见我。

13,Here you are.给你。

14,What’s the matter ?怎么啦?

What’s the matter with you /her?你/她怎么啦?

15,Look at the blackboard.看着黑板。

16,17,Give me a book.给我一本书。Give sb sth= give sth to sb给某人某东西/把某东西给某人 18,Which book?哪一本书?

Which +n.哪一种东西

19,A big man------alargeman大人物/ 个高的人

20,The books on the shelf架子上的那些书

the teacher in the classroom教室里的老师/

/the man in the hat戴着帽子的男人/

/the smile on my face/我脸上的微笑

a boy with glasses / /戴着眼镜的男孩

a girl in my heart/我心中的女孩

21,On the wall在墙上/

/ on the right /left 在右边/在左边/

in the middle of /在…中间/

near the window /靠近窗户

22,What must I do?我应该做些什么?

Must 表示不可逃避的义务或是不可推缷的责任。

23,Make the bed /the tea/coffee/ friend/bookcase/money铺床/沏茶/煮咖啡/交朋友/做书架/赚钱

24,Shut /open the door关/开门打开或关上具体物,如门,窗等

25,Put on /take offthe shirt穿上/脱下午衬衫如果是代词可以放在中间例如:

put it on强调进行的动作

wear a shirt穿着衬衫表示状态

26,Turn on /turn off(the stero)开 / 关(立体音响)打开或关上的是抽象物体及电器;比如水,电

27,Sweep the floor扫地

clean the blackboard擦黑板

dust the cupboard掸茶桌上的灰尘

empty the cup 使茶杯清空

28,Read the newpaper/magazine看报/杂志等

29,Sharpen these knives使这些刀锋利

30,Run after /run across追逐,追赶/ 穿过

31,Where’s sb? 某人在哪里?

32,What’s sb doing? 某人正在做什么?(正在进行时态)

33,There are some clouds in the sky.天空中飘着几朵白云。()

34,On a river靠近河边On 是“靠近“,”邻近“的意思

on the desk在桌子上On是 “在„„之上“的意思

35,My friends and I我和我的朋友们

He and his friends他和他的朋友们这两个主要是区别 第一人称和第三人称说法的表达方式 这短语

如果做主语后面的be 动词必须用复数/实意动词用不+S。

36,Come out of the classroom从教室里走出去

go into the park走进公园

37,Beside a park在公园的旁边

38,Be going to do打算/准备/按计划 做表将来

39,Paint sth pink给某物漆粉色

40,Be careful!小心点!当心!

41,Don’t drop it!不要掉下来了/别摔了

42,Show sb sth=show sth to sb给某人看某东西

send sb sth=send sth to sb送给某人某东西

give sb sth=give sth to sb给某人某东西

take sb sth=take sth to sb带给某人某东西

43,A loaf of一条

a bar of一块

a bottle of一瓶

a pound of一磅

half a pound of半磅

a quarter of a pound of1/4磅

a tin of一罐/一盒

44,Make the tea/ friends/money/bookcase/coffee沏茶/交朋友/赚钱/做书架/煮咖啡

45,Hurry up!赶紧!祈使句,用来催促他人。

46,next door隔壁

47,type this letter for sb为某人打信

48,black coffee/white coffe不加牛奶或咖啡伴侣的咖啡(黑咖啡)/ 加牛奶的咖啡(白咖啡)

49,Do you want sth?你想要些„„? 一般用在商店的服务员问顾客,卖主问买家 ;也可以在买东西时说

想买,例如:I want some biscuits.我想买一些饼干。

50,To tell(you)the truth老实说,说实话

51,52,What’s the climate like in your country? 你们国家的天气怎么样?

What’s sth/sb like? 什么事/某人怎么样?

53,At ten o’clock在十点钟

in 2010 /in 3 month在2010年/在3月

on Sunday在星期天

54,In the North在北部(特指英国的北部)

55,The sawyers索耶一家定冠词+ 姓氏S是指某人一家

56,Go to school/go to the school上学 / 去学校

In bed /in the bed睡觉 / 在床上

57,At noon = midday正午/at night 在夜晚in the morning/afernoon/evening在早上/下午/晚上 58,By car乘汽车on foot 步行

59,At the moment此刻

60,What else do you want?您还要什么吗?

Anything else? 还有什么事?

Anyone else? 还有其他人吗?

61,I want my change.我要找的零钱

Things always change.万物总是有变。

Keep the change不用找了

Tip the change给小费

62,Do you want the large size or the small size?选择疑问句:你要大的还是小的?

63,From ten o’clock to twelve o’clock从10点到12点

64,Ten past five(5:10)fifteen to eleven(11:45)half past one(1:30)a quarter past eleven(11:15)

时间是由小到大来写 并且过了半之后用to,半小时内用past.65,He feels ill.他觉得不舒服

He looks ill.他看上去生病了

I look/feel/smell/taste/sound这五个感官动词也叫做半系动词后面直接+ 形容词


66,I have a dream.我有一个梦想。I have an bad cold.我得了重感冒。Have a temperature 发烧 67,Take an aspin = have an aspin吃一片阿斯匹林

68,For about two hours each day每天可达2小时

for another two days 还要再2天这里的for是“达“的意思,从事情开始到某个时间点

at the weekend在周末

69,Keep the room warm使房间保持暧和的70,You mustn’t get up yet.你仍不可以起床。mustn’t表示禁止。

71,Play with matches玩火柴

72,Make a noise发出响声/制造噪音

73,The key to the front door前门的匙钥介词短词作定语修饰名词


enjoy + n./doing好好享受„„

75,Come home /be home /get home/arrive home(adv.)回家/在家/到家/到家

76,We listened,but could hear nothing.我们注意听,可是什么也听不到。

We looked for them,but could find nothing.我们努力找,却什么也没找着。

前者是强调听/找的动作,后者是强调听/找的结果。Look for a work /find a work找一份工作/找到一份工作 77,How are you all keeping? 你们身体都好吗?

78,Aren’t you lucky!你们真幸运啊!否定疑问形式的感叹句,为了加强语气,尽管形式上是否定却表示强


79,Spend three days in the county.花费三天时间在乡下

Spend +时间+地点 花费时间在某地

Spend +时间+(in)+doing花费时间做某事情

spend leiture time reading books.80,On the way home在回家的路上

81,Telephone sb-----answer the phone打电话/接电话

82,Arrive at +小地点arrive in +大地方

arrive at changan./arrive in china 到长安/到中国

arrive home(adv.)到家

第五篇:新概念英语Lesson three 知识点总结

新概念英语 知识点总结

Lesson Three:

1.send:v.(→sent→sent)~ sb sth = ~ sth to sb 寄,送,派遣~ a letter寄信,~ a postcard寄明信片send for a taxi找车,send for a doctor请医生来,send for sb to repair the TV 请人来修电视

2.post:⑴n.①柱子,桩,标杆 gate~s门柱,a lamp-~路灯柱,a sign~ 路标②职位 He was appointed to

the ~ of general manager.他被任命为总经理。③(US: mail)信件包裹等There was lots of ~ this morning;邮政邮递send sth by ~邮寄某物;the Post Office邮局,postbox邮筒邮箱,postcard


⑵v.投寄(信件等),邮寄Could you ~ this letter for me?

3.card:n.⑴薄纸板,卡片 a Christmas ~ 圣诞卡,name~名片,postcard明信片⑵ 纸牌 play ~s 玩牌

4.spoil:v.(→spoilt或spoiled)⑴毁坏,破坏 The bad weather spoilt the holidays.⑵娇惯,宠坏,溺爱 The little girl is terribly spoilt.小女孩被惯坏了。

5.public:adj.公共的,公众的 a ~ place公共场所,a ~ park/library/school // 反义词→private adj.私人的in public(副词词组)公开地 appear in public for the 1st time 第一次公开露面

6.lend:v.(→lent→lent)借出,借给 ~ sb sth 或~ sth to sb;borrow:v.借入,借来 ~ sth from sb

7.decide:v.做决定,下决心(~ to do)He decided not to go alone.他决定不单独去。

decision:n.决定make a ~ to do sth 下决心做某事 = make up one’s mind to do sth

8.whole:adj.整体的,全部的 three ~ days三整天,the ~ country = all the country 整个国家

n.整体,全体 as a ~ 整体,普遍说来;on the ~ 总的说来;whole-hearted adj.全心全意的 ~ support

9.single:adj.① 单一的,单个的 a ~ card→ 反义词double 双的②独身的,未婚的 ~ men and women 未婚男女→反义词married 已婚的③ 一人用的 a ~ bed/room 单人床/房间→反义词 a double bed/room 双人床/房间④ 单程的 a ~ ticket 单程票→反义词 a return/round ticket 往返票

10.课文词句: spoil my holidays破坏我的假日,visit museums 参观博物馆,sit in public gardens 坐在公共花园里,a friendly waiter 一个友好的服务员,teach me a few words of Italian 教我几句意大

利语,read a few lines 读了几行,My holidays passed quickly.我的假期过得很快,send cards

to my friends 寄明信片给我的朋友们,make a big decision 做了一个重大决定,spend the whole

day in my room 在我的房间里度过了一整天。

11.课后词句: hit the post 撞到柱子上,run across the road 跑过马路,be afraid of the dog 害怕狗,get out

of the car 下车,shout at me 朝我喊,be angry with me 对我生气,pass the salt to me 把盐

递给我,buy a tie for me 给我买了一条领带,make a cake for me为我做了一个蛋糕,hand the prize

to me 把奖品交给我,The shop assistant found some curtain material for me.店员为我找了

一些窗帘料,do sb a big favour帮某人一个大忙,promise a reward to the finder 承诺报酬给

拾到者,teach English to us 教我们英语,offer me a cigarette 提供给我一支烟,order some soup

for you 为你点了一些汤,owe him a lot of money欠他很多钱,in a friendly way 用一种友好的方式,all day 一整天, on the last day 在最后一天,make a wish 许愿



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