
时间:2019-05-12 23:12:54下载本文作者:会员上传


北京市人民政府办公厅 General Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality北京市发展计划委 Beijing Municipal Commission of Development Planning

北京市经济委员会 Beijing Municipal Commission of Economy

北京市教育委员会 Beijing Municipal Commission of Education

北京市科学技术委员会 Beijing Municipal Commission of Science and Technology


Beijing Municipal Commission of Ethnic Affairs(Beijing Municipal Bureau of Religious Affairs)北京市公安局 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Public Security

北京市商业局 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce

北京市国家安全局 Beijing Municipal Bureau of State Security

北京市监察局 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Supervision

北京市民政局 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs

北京市司法局 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice

北京市财政局 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance

北京市人事局 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Personnel

北京市劳动和社会保障局 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Labor and Social Security

北京市规划委员会 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Urban Planning

北京市建设委员会 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Construction

北京市市政管理委员会 Beijing Municipal Administration Commission


Beijing Municipal Administration of State Land, Resources and Housing

北京市农村工作委员会 Beijing Municipal Commission of Rural Affairs

北京市文化局 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture

北京市卫生局 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Health

北京市计划生育委员会 Beijing Municipal Commission of

北京市审计局 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Audit



总公司 Head Office

分公司 Branch Office

营业部 Business Office

人事部 Personnel Department

(人力资源部)Human Resources Department

总务部 General Affairs Department

财务部 General Accounting Department

销售部 Sales Department

促销部 Sales Promotion Department

国际部 International Department

出口部 Export Department

进口部 Import Department

公共关系 Public Relations Department

广告部 Advertising Department

企划部 Planning Department

产品开发部 Product Development Department

研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D)

秘书室 Secretarial Pool



Accounting Assistant 会计助理

Accounting Clerk 记帐员

Accounting Manager 会计部经理

Accounting Stall 会计部职员

Accounting Supervisor 会计主管

Administration Manager 行政经理

Administration Staff 行政人员

Administrative Assistant 行政助理

Administrative Clerk 行政办事员

Advertising Staff 广告工作人员

Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员

Airlines Staff 航空公司职员

Application Engineer 应用工程师

Assistant Manager 副经理

Bond Analyst 证券分析员

Bond Trader 证券交易员

Business Controller 业务主任

Business Manager 业务经理

Buyer 采购员

Cashier 出纳员

Chemical Engineer 化学工程师

Civil Engineer 土木工程师

Clerk/Receptionist 职员/接待员

Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书

Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员

Computer Engineer 计算机工程师

Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员

Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理

Copywriter 广告文字撰稿人

Deputy General Manager 副总经理

Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理

Electrical Engineer 电气工程师

Engineering Technician 工程技术员

English Instructor/Teacher 英语教师

Export Sales Manager 外销部经理

Export Sales Staff 外销部职员

Financial Controller 财务主任

Financial Reporter 财务报告人

F.X.(Foreign Exchange)Clerk 外汇部职员

F.X.Settlement Clerk 外汇部核算员

Fund Manager 财务经理

General Auditor 审计长

常见工作职位职务英文译名(2)General Manager/President 总经理

General Manager Assistant 总经理助理

General Manager‘s Secretary 总经理秘书

Hardware Engineer(计算机)硬件工程师

Import Liaison Staff 进口联络员

Import Manager 进口部经理

Insurance Actuary 保险公司理赔员

International Sales Staff 国际销售员

Interpreter 口语翻译

Legal Adviser 法律顾问

Line Supervisor 生产线主管

Maintenance Engineer 维修工程师

Management Consultant 管理顾问

Manager 经理

Manager for Public Relations 公关部经理

Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程师

Manufacturing Worker 生产员工

Market Analyst 市场分析员

Market Development Manager 市场开发部经理

Marketing Manager 市场销售部经理

Marketing Staff 市场销售员

Marketing Assistant 销售助理

Marketing Executive 销售主管

Marketing Representative 销售代表

Marketing Representative Manager 市场调研部经理

Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师

Mining Engineer 采矿工程师

Music Teacher 音乐教师

Naval Architect 造船工程师

Office Assistant 办公室助理

Office Clerk 职员

Operational Manager 业务经理

Package Designer 包装设计师

Passenger Reservation Staff 乘客票位预订员

Personnel Clerk 人事部职员

Personnel Manager 人事部经理

Plant/Factory Manager 厂长

Postal Clerk 邮政人员

Private Secretary 私人秘书

Product Manager 生产部经理

Production Engineer 产品工程师

Professional Staff 专业人员

Programmer 电脑程序设计师

Project Staff(项目)策划人员

Promotional Manager 推销部经理

Proof-reader 校对员

Purchasing Agent 采购(进货)员

Quality Control Engineer 质量管理工程师

常见工作职位职务英文译名(3)Real Estate Staff 房地产职员

Recruitment Coordinator 招聘协调人

Regional Manger 地区经理

Research & Development Engineer 研究开发工程师

Restaurant Manager 饭店经理

Sales and Planning Staff 销售计划员

Sales Assistant 销售助理

Sales Clerk 店员、售货员

Sales Coordinator 销售协调人

Sales Engineer 销售工程师

Sales Executive 销售主管

Sales Manager 销售部经理

Salesperson 销售员

Seller Representative 销售代表

Sales Supervisor 销售监管

School Registrar 学校注册主任

Secretarial Assistant 秘书助理

Secretary 秘书

Securities Custody Clerk 保安人员

Security Officer 安全人员

Senior Accountant 高级会计

Senior Consultant/Adviser 高级顾问

Senior Employee 高级雇员

Senior Secretary 高级秘书

Service Manager 服务部经理

Simultaneous Interpreter 同声传译员

Software Engineer(计算机)软件工程师

Supervisor 监管员

Systems Adviser 系统顾问

Systems Engineer 系统工程师

Systems Operator 系统操作员

Technical Editor 技术编辑

Technical Translator 技术翻译

Technical Worker 技术工人

Telecommunication Executive 电讯(电信)员

Telephonist/Operator 电话接线员、话务员

Tourist Guide 导游

Trade Finance Executive 贸易财务主管

Trainee Manager 培训部经理

Translation Checker 翻译核对员

Translator 翻译员

Trust Banking Executive 银行高级职员

Typist 打字员

Word Processing Operator 文字处理操作员


浙江省人民政府办公室 General Office of the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province

浙江省发展计划委员会 Development and Planning Commission of Zhejiang Province 浙江省经济贸易委员会 Economic and Trade Commission of Zhejiang Province 浙江省教育厅 Department of Education of Zhejiang Province

浙江省科学技术厅 Department of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province

浙江省民族宗教事务委员 Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission of Zhejiang浙江省计划生育委员会 Family Planning Commission of Zhejiang Province 浙江省公安厅 Department of Public Security Zhejiang Province

浙江省武警总队 Headquarters of Armed Police Force of Zhejiang Province 浙江省国家安全厅 Department of State Security of Zhejiang Province 浙江省民政厅 Department of Civil Affairs ofZhejiang Province 浙江省司法厅 Department of Justice of Zhejiang Province 浙江省财政厅 Department of Finance of Zhejiang Province 浙江省人事厅 Department of Personnel of Zhejiang Province

浙江省劳动和社会保障厅 Department of Labor and Social Security of Zhejiang Province

浙江省国土资源厅 Department of Land and Resources of Zhejiang Province 浙江省建设厅 Department of Construction of Zhejiang Province 浙江省交通厅 Department of Communication of Zhejiang Province

浙江省信息产业厅 Department of Information Industry of Zhejiang Province 浙江省农业厅 Department of Agriculture of Zhejiang Province

浙江省水利厅 Department of Water Resources of Zhejiang Province

浙江省对外贸易经济合作厅 Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Zhejiang Province

浙江省文化厅 Department of culture of Zhejiang Province 浙江省卫生厅 Department of Health of Zhejiang Province 浙江省审计厅 Department of Audit of Zhejiang Province 浙江省国税局 Bureau of State Taxation of Zhejiang Province

浙江省环境保护局 Bureau of Local Taxation of Zhejiang Province

浙江省广播电视局 Radio ,Film and Television Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省体育局 Sport Bureau of Zhejiang Province

浙江省新闻出版局 Press and Publication Bureau of Zhejiang Province

浙江省工商行政管理局 Industry and Commerce Administration of Zhejiang Province 浙江省质量技术监督局 Quality and Technology Supervision of Zhejiang Province 浙江省药品监督管理局 Drug Administration of Zhejiang Province

浙江省乡镇企业局 Rural and Township Enterprises Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省海洋渔业局 Oceanic and Fishery Department of Zhejiang Province

浙江省检验检疫局 Bureau for Entry –Exit Inspection and Quarantine of Zhejiang Province

浙江省通讯管理局 TeleCommunication Administration of Zhejiang Province 浙江省烟草局 Tabacco Monopoly Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省林业局 Department of Forestry of Zhejiang Province 浙江省邮政局 Post Bureau of Zhejiang Province

浙江省电力局 Electric Power Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省气象局 Meteorological Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省地震局 Seismological Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省海事局 Marine Affairs Bureau of Zhejiang Province

浙江省测绘局 Surveying and Mapping Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省文物局 Cultural Heritage Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省档案局 Archives Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省旅游局 Tourism Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省粮食局 Grain Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省物价局 Price Bureau of Zhejiang Province 浙江省统计局 Statistics Bureau of Zhejiang Province

浙江省供销合作社 Supply and Purchase Cooperation of Zhejiang Province

浙江省省直机关事务管理局 Government Office Administration of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government

浙江省人民政府外事办公室 Foreign Affairs Office of Zhejiang Provincial People ’s Government

浙江省政府台湾事务办公室 Taiwan Affairs Office of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government

浙江省人民政府侨务办公室 Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government

浙江省经济体制改革办公室 Economic Restructuring Office of Zhejiang Province 浙江省人民政府法制办公室 Legislative Affairs Office of Zhejiang Province 浙江省人民防空办公室 Air Defence Office of Zhejiang Province 浙江省社会科学院 Social Science Academy of Zhejiang Province



政助理 AdministrativeClerk行政办事员AdvertisingStaff广告工作人员AirlinealesRepresentative航空公司定座员Airlinetaff航空公司职员AlicationEngineer应用工程师AistantManager副经理BondAnalyst证券分析员BondTrader证券交易员BusineController业务主任BusineManager业务经理Buyer采购员Cashier出纳员ChemicalEngineer化学工程师CivilEngineer土木工程师Clerk/Receptionist职员/接待员ClerkTypist&amecretary文书打字兼秘书ComputerDataIutOperator计算机资料输入员ComputerEngineer计算机工程师ComputerProceingOperator计算机处理操作员ComputerSystemManager计算机系统部经理Copywriter广告文字撰稿人DeputyGeneralManager副总经理EconomicResearchAistant经济助究助理ElectricalEngineer电气工程师EngineeringTechnician工程技术员EnglishItructor/Teacher英语教师ExportSalesManager外销部经理ExportSaletaff外销部职员FinancialController财务主任FinancialReporter财务报告人F.X.(ForeignExchange)Clerk外汇部职员F.X.SettlementClerk外汇部核算员FundManager财务经理GeneralAuditor审计长GeneralManager/President总经理GeneralManagerAistant总经理助理GeneralManagerecretary总经理秘书HardwareEngineer(计算机)硬件工程师ImportLiaisotaff进口联络员ImportManager进口部经理IuranceActuary保险公司理赔员InternationalSaletaff国际销售员Interpreter口语翻译LegalAdviser法律顾问LineSupervisor生产线主管MaintenanceEngineer维修工程师ManagementCoultant管理顾问Manager经理ManagerforPublicRelatio公关部经理ManufacturingEngineer制造工程师ManufacturingWorker生产员工MarketAnalyst市场分析员MarketDevelopmentManager市场开发部经理MarketingManager市场销售部经理MarketingStaff市场销售员MarketingAistant销售助理MarketingExecutive销售主管MarketingRepresentative销售代表MarketingRepresentativeManager市场调研部经理MechanicalEngineer机械工程师MiningEngineer采矿工程师MusicTeacher音乐教师NavalArchitect造船工程师OfficeAistant办公室助理OfficeClerk职员OperationalManager业务经理PackageDesigner包装设计师PaengerReservatiotaff乘客票位预订员PersoelClerk人事部职员PersoelManager人事部经理Plant/FactoryManager厂长PostalClerk邮政人员PrivateSecretary私人秘书ProductManager生产部经理ProductionEngineer产品工程师ProfeionalStaff专业人员Programmer电脑程序设计师ProjectStaff(项目)策划人员PromotionalManager推售部经理Proof-reader校对员PurchasingAgent采购(进货)员QualityControlEngineer质量管理工程师RealEstateStaff房地产职员RecruitmentCo-ordinator招聘协调人


accounting assistant会计助理

accounting clerk记帐员

accounting manager会计部经理

accounting stall会计部职员

accounting supervisor会计主管

administration manager行政经理

administration staff行政人员

administrative assistant行政助理

administrative clerk行政办事员

advertising staff广告工作人员

airlines staff航空公司职员

application engineer应用工程师

assistant manager副经理

bond analyst证券分析员

bond trader证券交易员

business controller业务主任

business manager业务经理



chemical engineer化学工程师

civil engineer土木工程师


clerk typist & secretary文书打字秘书

computer data input operator计算机资料输入员

computer engineer计算机工程师

computer processing operator 计算机操作员

computer system manager 电脑系统部经理


deputy general manager副总经理

economic research assistant 经济研究助理

electrical engineer电气工程师

engineering technician工程技术员

english instructor/teacher英语教师

export sales manager外销部经理

export sales staff外销部职员

financial controller财务主任

financial reporter财务报告人

foreign exchange clerk 外汇部职员

f.x.settlement clerk外汇部核算员

fund manager财务经理



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