
时间:2019-05-12 08:49:45下载本文作者:会员上传




Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name.Their family name comes last.For example, my full name is Jim Allan Green.Green is my family name.My parents gave me both of my other names.People don’t use their middle names very much.So “John Henry Brown” is usually called “John Brown”.People never use Mr, Mrs or Miss before their first names.So you can say John Brown, or Mr Brown;but you should never say Mr John.They use Mr, Mrs or Miss with the family name but never with the first name.Sometimes people ask me about my name.“When you were born, why did your parents call you Jim?” they ask.” Why did they choose that name?” The answer is

they didn’t call Jim.They called me James.James was the name of my grandfather.In England, people usually call me Jim for short.That’s because it is shorter and easier than James.1.Most English people have____ names.A oneB twoC threeD four

2.____ is Jim’s family name.A JimB GreenC AllanD James

3.English people use Mr, Mrs or Miss with ____.A the family nameB the first name

C The middle nameD the first name and the middle name

4.The teacher’s name is Mary Joan Shute.Her students call her ____.A miss MaryB Miss JoanC Miss Mary JoanD Miss Shute

5.People usually call the writer Jim instead of James because _____.A It’s the name of his grandfatherB It’s easier for people call him

C It’s the name that his parents chose for himD It’s more difficult than James





1、表示时间的(at、on、in、at、before ,after、by、until、through、from、since、within)

(1)at:用于表示时刻,时间的某一点。at noon在午时at present目前

(2)on:用于星期,某天,某一天的上午、下午、晚上on sunday morning 在星期天的上午


in 1999在1999年in november在11月份

in summer在夏季in the afternoon在下午


i think he will be back in an hour.我想他一小时后就会回来。


Lily got up before 7 o’clock this morning.今天早晨,lily在7点之前起床了。


after that ,no noe should ever kill a seagull.从那时起,任何人不得捕杀海鸥。


by the time i arrived ,she had already gone.在我到达之前,她已经走了。


florence often worked for twenty-four hours without rest.弗洛沦斯常常工作24小时而不休息。


the worders were made to work from 7 in the morning to 7 in the evening.工人们被迫从早7点工作到晚7点。

2、表示地点(at、in、on、under、over、above、below、near、by、between、among、around、around、in front of、behind、in、into、out of、along、across、,through、to、for、from)


at school上学at home在家at 320 xinfu district 在新抚区320号at the station 在火车站


she will arrive in shanghai at ten.10点她将到达上海。

(3)表示地点方向的on ,under ,over ,above ,below

①on:在……上面,有接触面on the table 在桌子上面


sometimes juliana could hear planes above the trees.有时朱莉安娜能听到树林上空的飞机声。


over these tombs ,they built pyramids.在这些坟墓上,他们建起了金字塔。


the twin sisters put the basket under the tree.这姐俩把篮子放到了树下。⑤below:在……下方,(不一定是正下方)

three thousand metres below her ,she could see nothing except the thick jungle.3000米以下,除了茂密的丛林之外,她什么也看不见


On Christmas Eve-----the night before Christmas Day children are very happy.They put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed.They want Father Christmas to give them some presents.Mr Green tells his children that Father Christmas is a very kind man.He comes on Christmas Eve.He lands on top of each house and comes down the chimney into the fireplace and brings them a lot of present.Christmas Day always begins before breakfast.The children wake up very early.They can’t wait to open the presents in their stockings.Then they wake up their parents and call: Merry Christmas!’’

Do you know what Christmas means? Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Christ.When Christ was born, many people gave him presents.So today, people still do the same thing to each other.1.Christmas Eve is _____.A the night before December 24B the night after December 25

C the night of December 25D the night of December 24

2.Father Christmas often puts the presents_____.A into children’s hatsB into children’s stockings

C under children’s bedsD into children’s shoes

3.Father Christmas comes into the house through the___.A windowB front doorC chimneyD back door

4.On the morning of Christmas Day, children wake up their parents very early and say____.A Good morning!B Happy New Year!

C Best wishes for you!D Merry Christmas!

回家听写准备:[try your best ☺]


empty the trash清空垃圾cook the meals 烧饭water the flowers 浇花 sweep the floor扫地wash the window 清理窗户

clean the bedroom打扫卧室do housework做家务


What can you do?你会干什么?

I can clean the bedroom.我会打扫房间。






如:small→smaller→smallest short→shorter→shortest

tall→taller→tallest great→greater→greatest


如:clever→cleverer→cleverest narrow→narrower→narrowest


如:large→larger→largest nice→nicer→nicest able→abler→ablest


如:big→bigger→biggest hot→hotter→hottest fat→fatter→fattest


如:easy→easier→easiest heavy→heavier→heaviest

busy→busier→busiest happy→happier→happiest


如:beautiful→more beautiful→most beautiful

different→more different→most different

easily→more easily→most easily

注意:(1)形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副词最高级前可不用。

例句: The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.(2)形容词most前面没有the,不表示最高级的含义,只表示“非常”。

It is a most important problem.=It is a very important problem.6.有少数形容词、副词的比较级和最高级是不规则的,必须熟记。

如:good→better→best well→better→best

bad→worse→worst ill→worse→worst


many/much→more→most little→less→least

far →further/farther→ furthest/farthest


1.“A + be +形容词比较级 + than + B” 意思为“A比B更„„”。


如:This tree is taller than that one.这棵树比那棵树高。


① 在含有连词than的比较级中,前后的比较对象必须是同一范畴,即同类事物之间的比较。


如:A watermelon is much bigger than an apple.③ very, quite一般只能修饰原级,不能修饰比较级。

2.“比较级 + and + 比较级”或“more and more +原级”表示“越来越„„”

如:It becomes warmer and warmer when spring comes.春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。

It is getting cooler and cooler.天气越来越凉爽。

The wind became more and more heavily.风变得越来越大。

Our school is becoming more and more beautiful.我们的学校变得越来越美丽。


如:Who is taller,Tim or Tom? 谁更高,Tim还是Tom?

4.“the +比较级„„, the+比较级”,表示“越„„越„„”。

The more money you make, the more you spend.钱你赚得越多,花得越多。

The sooner,the better.越快越好。


句子中有表示范围的词或短语。如:of the three, in our class等等。

如:He is the tallest in our class.他在我们班里是最高的。6.比较级与最高级的转换:

Mike is the most intelligent in his class.Mike is more intelligent than any other student in his class 【练习】



big ______ ______ small ______ ________ new ______ ________ tall ______ ______ short______ ________ old______ ________ weak ______ ______ strong ______ ______ fat______ ________ hot ______ ______ cold ______ ________ thin ______ ________ nice ______ _____ good ______ ________ high______ ________ bad ______ ______ much ______ ________ low______ ________ good______ ______ far ______ ________ dirty_____ ______ cheap______ ______ easy ______ ________ ugly ______ ________ heavy ______ ______thin ______ ________ clean_______ _______ early ______ _____ tidy______ ________ bright______ ________ large ______ ______ happy ______ _______ pretty______ ________ young _______ _______wet _____ _______

long______ _______ famous________ __________

interesting ________ __________ important ________ ____________

delicious _________ __________


1.Fred is the __________(short)in his class.2.My book is ________(new)than my sister’s.3.That piece of chicken is the ___________(heavy)in the fridge.4.Her rule is ______(long), and it’s the _______(long)of ours all.5.Is a fish _________(thin)than a bird ? 6.A rose tree isn’t _______(short)than a pear tree.7.The leopard can run _______(fast), but the cheetah can run _____(fast)than it.It can run ________(fast)in the world.8.Is she the ________(old)woman in the world ? 9.Which is _______(big), a dinosaur or a blue whale ?

The blue whale is _________(big)than a dinosaur , it is the _______(big)animal in the world.And elephant is the ________(big)animal on land.10.My father leaves home _______(early)than me.11.This zoo is much _______(good)than the old one.第二课--比较级、最高级

12.My brother is much _______(tall)than my cousin.13.The shoe shop is _________(near)the park.14.This bag is very ________(heavy), but that one is _______(heavy)than this one.It’s the ________(heavy)of all.15.Jiamin is _______(tall).But Yongxian is _______(tall)than him.16.Our library has ________(many)books than before.17.I sing the _________(good)in class.18.The woman is the ________(fat)of the three.19.The cat is _________(fast), the horse is _______(fast)than the cat.The leopard is the _______(fast)of the three.20.Chinese homework is ________(easy).Maths homework is _______(easy)than it.And English homework is the ______(easy)of all.21.Which is ___________(heavy), a tiger , a lion or a bear ? 22.Who jumps ________(high), a kangaroo or a monkey ?

三.填空。(用所给单词的正确形式填空,并作出回答)1.Who is ________(tall), Sally or Tom? Sally is taller than Tom.2.Which is _______________(strong),Tom or Tim? _____________________________________________.3.Which is ___________(bright),this room or that one? ________________________________________________.4.Who runs ______________________,(fast), Linda or Jack? ________________________________________________.5.Who is _____________________(tall)of the three,Sue May or Ann? ________________________________________________.6.Which is ________________(fast),rabbit or turtle? ________________________________________________.7.Which is ___________(hot)the sun or the moon? ________________________________________________.第二课--比较级、最高级

8.Who is ________________(beautifull),the white flower or the red flower? ________________________________________________.9.Which is ________________________(long)river,Liao river, Huang he river or Changjiang river? ________________________________________________..用适当形式填空:

1.Bob is _________(young)than Fred.but ___________(tall)than Fred.2.Almost all the students' faces are the same ,but Li Deming looks _______(fat)than before after the summer holidays.3.Which is _________(heavy), a duck or a chicken?

5.--How _________(tall)is Sally?

--She' s 1.55 metres ________(tall).What about Xiaoling?

--She' s only 1.40 metres ________(tall).She is much _______(short)than Sally.She is also the _______(short)girl in the class.6.He is ______(bad)at learning maths.He is much _______(bad)at Chinese and he is the _________(bad)at English.7.Annie says Sally is the ________(kind)person in the world.8.He is one of the_________(friendly)people in the class, I think.9.A dictionary is much _________(expensive)than a story-book.10.An orange ia a little ______(big)than an apple, but much ________(small)than a watermelon.11.The Changjiang River is the _______(long)river in China.12.Sue is a little ___________(beautiful)than her sister.14.--How difficult is physics?

--I' m not sure.--Is it ________(difficult)than maths?

--I don' t think so.15.--Annie plays the piano very ___________(well).--Sue plays it _____(well)than Annie.And Sally plays it the __________(well).16.Saturday is my _________(busy)day in a week.17.Her mother is getting ____________(fat)and ________(fat).18.I think it' s too expensive.I' d like a _____________(cheap)one.19.He comes to school much ____________(early)than I.21.Your classroom is __________(wide)and ___________(bright)than ours.22.Practise as __________(much)as you can.23.The ________(much), the ____________(good).24.Nowadays(现在)English is __________(important)than any other subject, 1 think.25.Most of the students think a lion is much ________(dangerous)than a bear and

It is the __________(dangerous)animal in the world.




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Unit 1 My new teacher



Old-youngfunny smart

常用句型:-Who is your Chinese teacher?


-What’s he like?

-He’s tall and thin.He’s very strict, but he’s very funny.-Is he tall strong ?

-Yes, he is.No, he isn’t.话题作文:用几句话介绍你最喜爱的老师。(长得怎样?高还是矮?强壮还是瘦弱?年轻还是年老?性格特征等等。)



B: Our English teacher is Mr.Carter.A: ____________________________________________

B: He’s from Canada.A: _____________________________________________

B: He’s tall.He has a big mouth and short hair.A: Look!________________________________________

B: She’s our music teacher.2、Who’s your principal?__________________________________

3、What is your English teacher like?________________________

4、Is your math teacher quiet?_____________________________

5、Is your mother strict?__________________________________

6、Do you have new teachers? _______________________________

7、Is your Chinese teacher young? ____________________________

8、A: _____________________________________________________?

B: No, she isn’t.She’s very active.9、A: _____________________________________________________?

B: Yes, he is, but he’s very kind.10、How old is your father? ___________________________________


a an English teacher Mr Carter funny tall kind from student father

Zhang Peng has ____ new _______.They are a science teacher, ___ art teacher and an _________ teacher.______ _______ is his English teacher.He’s ______ Canada.He’s ______ ______ and very _______.He’s Mike’s __________.三、阅读,回答问题。

Hello, my name is Betty.I have two new teachers.They are Mr Wang and Miss Zhao.Mr Zhang is a math teacher.He’s tall and thin.He wears glasses.He is not young.He’s very strict.Miss Zhao is an art teacher.She is very pretty.She is active.Her class is so much fun.She is very kind, too.I like her very much.Who is Betty’s math teacher?

____________________________________________________What’s Betty’s art teacher like?

_____________________________________________________Is Miss Zhao quiet?

_____________________________________________________Is Miss Zhao kind?

_____________________________________________________Is Mr.Wang short?


Unit2 My days of the week

Class: Math活动:Do homework

EnglishWatch TV

P.E.Read books

MusicDo housework


句型:-what day is it today?

-It’s Monday.-What do you have on Monday?

-We have Chinese, English, Math and Music.-What do you do on Saturday?

-I do my homework

-What about you?

-I do my homework, too.一、按要求完成下列词组。


3.做作业(翻译)4.read books(翻译)


1.What day is it today?(根据今天的考试时间回答)

2.Wednesday, you, on,What, have, do(?)(连词成句)

3.What day is the first day of a week?(回答问题)

4.I watch TV on Sundays.(写出问句)

5.It’s time to go to bed.(写出中文意思)


()1.What day is it today?A.I watch TV.()2.What do we have on Monday?B.I like English.()3.What do you have on Thursday?C.I have math and P.E.()4.What classes do you like?D.We have music.()5.What do you do on Sunday?E.It’s Sunday.四、用英语写写你一周的课程和周末的安排,不少于30个单词。

例如:I have English and math on Monday…..I often watch TV on Sunday….









4、英语成绩优异,希望使自身学习水平进一步拔高,在考试中取 得更优异的成绩的学生;







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