
时间:2019-05-12 01:36:07下载本文作者:会员上传



交际教学的重要环节。教师要充分激发学生的兴趣,坚持循序渐进的原则,按照自我表述式(起始阶段)—— 表演问答式(发展阶段)——话题讨论式(提高阶段)的英语训练过程来培养学生的口语能力。

分类号 H319.9

高中学生素质的培养主要体现在以下几个方面:一是心理素质,包括勇敢精神、应变能力;二是个性塑造 ;三是自我意识的树立,包括主体意识、竞争意识和潜意识的发掘;四是道德素质。为了实现上述目标,在英 语课堂教学中,必须运用所学语言,通过交际发掘学生能够再创造、再发展的智力。在教学中教师必须完全走 出以“我”为核心的误区,实施“大学生、小教师”的原则,以兴趣引路,在口语上作文章。教师还必须广开 思路,寻求多种生动、活泼的途径并持之以恒,定会受益深广。笔者行之有效的途径之一便是“课前交际十分 钟”。具体分以下三个步骤:


提高学生“说”的素养首先要使学生有说的动机,即强化自我表达的心理倾向。但教师不应对学生提出过 高的要求,不能超越他们的接受能力,否则,可能产生逆反心理。在高一新生入学的第一节课,我没有急于讲教材,而是先向学生介绍自己和学校的情况,同时表达了对新 生强烈的喜爱之情。随之课堂上呈现出热烈、愉悦、轻松的气氛,我便随意地走到几位学生面前问几个简单的 诸如名字、毕业学校等问题。然后让同学们4人一组互相介绍自己。下课前的十分钟里让同学们随便站起来向全 班同学谈自己、谈学校、谈自己想谈的任何问题,一些勇敢的学生纷纷发言,这时完全形成了Free Talk的那种 随意、轻松的气氛,为下一步的课前交际打下了良好的基础。最后要求从下节课开始每天必须有一人进行3-5分 钟的Free Talk。规定所谈内容有二:一是必须谈当天的天气和出缺习情况及原因(1分钟左右);二是向新同 学介绍自己,包括毕业学校、家庭、英语学习情况、新学校及新同学印象。必须在向新同学尽可能地展示自己 方面下功夫。每个同学都进行了认真的准备。为了很好地表现自己,他们力求在语言上、形式上给同学们以新 鲜感。在这5分钟里毫无枯燥乏味之感,气氛热烈,说的认真,听的专注。一个轮回下来每个人都完成了入高中 的第一篇写实作文,每个同学都完成了45篇听力训练(班级共46人),至此就整体而言,班级已初步形成了语 言交际的氛围,为随意交谈奠定了良好的基础。


提高学生“说”的素质要以循序渐进为原则。主要从强化“兴趣、情感、竞争”三大机制入手。教师应充 分发挥其“引导、点拨”的角色作用,落实“大学生、小教师”的原则。完成起始阶段后可以针对下一轮Free


具体为:时间不超过10分钟,每次表演人数不得超过3人,内容必须自编,表演时间为3分钟左右,余下时 间全班参与讨论。首先,同学们向表演的同学就表演内容即席地提出问题,解答之后,由表演的同学每人再提 出至少三个问题,逐一讨论或辩论。这三个问题必须层次不同,将全班各类学生都引入竞争的“漩涡”。例如 两个同学表演喜剧小品,内容是一位应聘者与招聘老板的一段对话。应聘者对同学们提出的问题是:①Now cl ass,can you cell me why I come here talking with the old man?②What do you think of me?③Do you think I am the most suitable person the boss asked for?④If you were the boss,would you like to accept me?please gave wo reasons at least.⑤Judging from the words and actions what the boss sho wed you,do you like to work for him?The reason!这种方式趣味性强,形式活泼,能够大面积地调动、激发 学生的参与意识,能够激活学生的思维。即兴

答辩,学生十分喜爱,表演的同学事先极其认真地准备,借助道 具、面具、录音机,想说就说,想唱就大唱起来,所涉话题广泛,重在讨论,意在口语表达自如。


“说”的素质还包括思维的敏捷性和条理性以及表达的灵活性。口头表达的特点是“想”和“说”几乎是 同步进行。随着学习的深入,必须使学生逐渐摆脱“心译”。教师应再度充分发挥其“启发、转化”的角色作 用。虽然老师的表面作用越来越小了,但学生的能量越来越大了。在表演问答训练进行了一个学期之后,我又 采取新的做法使Free talk在实际意义上达到一个新的高度。具体形式是话题讨论式,每次由一个人主持。主持 人事先想好话题(别人谈过的话题不许重复),用两三分钟引出主题,引子要精彩,不得少于七句话,然后精 心设计大话题下的具体问题,要求设计出能引发同学们广泛参与讨论的问题。最后主持人简短归纳其话题的意 义,抒发自己的感受。由于高二学生的思想已很深刻,所想话题往往很抽象,为便于学生及早进入话题思维,要求主持人头一天晚上公布Topic,但具体问题守口如瓶。同学们开动脑筋,话题丰富多采,无所不涉,由具体 “你所喜爱的球星、歌星、老师、同学”到抽象的“青春、友爱、早恋、理想、择业、污染、世界杯预测”。由微观的“学校中午盒饭质量”、“历史老师教法讨论”、“你的同桌忧伤难过时,你采取哪种方式安慰他(她)”到宏观的“假如我是校长”、“广告印象”、“中东问题及印巴核试验”。现举几例如下:

例1:My topic is very easy for you to discuss.So I Kept it secret.Now do as I tell you.First stretch your right hand!put it in your pocket!Grasp as much as you can in your packet.Now take y our hand out!Show your neighbour what is in your kand.同学们全部认真按主持人的要求做,结果大多数 人拿出来的是钱。主持人引出主题“Pocket Money”。随后她立即调查几位同学每周获得多少零用钱后,总结出 三类经济水平状况,然后提出问题讨论,步步深入,引到希望工程。这例的特点是形式新颖,由浅入深,话题 上口,寓意深刻。例2:“泰坦尼克号观后感”。问题的设置:①Do you like the film?②Can you tell us the reason why you like it?③Did you cry when seeing it?④What made you moved most?⑤Do you thi nk Jack is really lucky when he got the ticket?why?⑥What do you think of the love between the t wo persons?⑦Do you admire the girl(boy)?why?⑧If you run a risk with a boy who would you like t o choose in our dass to go with you?And give the reason.此例特点是“交际问当先”。全体同学争先恐 后举手辩论,气氛热烈、风趣。

课前交际十分钟这个专题节目被学生深深地喜爱着。他们那活泼的争辩、淋漓的表达,真可谓是开课前的 兴奋剂。为更好地推动这一活动的展开,操作期间还需要时时总结,阶段性地评比出最佳话题、最佳主持、最 佳表演、最佳辩手,使活动效果更理想。

课前交际十分钟是实现高中英语教学从应试教育向素质教育转变的行之有效的手段之一,是交际教学结构 的开场部分,这是中国现时环境下实施交际教学的一个重要环节。




三分钟演讲稿 蝉的哲学

2007-10-21 11:53









2009年09月05日 星期六 19:44






最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!i have found mine a good many times.sometimes this was expected--often it was unexpected.i know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor.i never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room.i should be at the end of the room facing all the audience.if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me.you ought never to have any part of the audience behind you;you never can tell what they are going to do.ill sit down.中文:







请在 网上 申请报名”

洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英语是中国专业在线英语培训机构,通过电话英语、视频英语与外教一对一的模式提高学员英语口语水篇二:10分钟英语演讲稿 programming and life there is a man who stays at home and does his own work by himself day and night, but just has few friends.these images shown above probably are what people think of programmers as, in fact, programmers indeed give us a bad impression sometimes.however, people just have a partial understanding of programmers’ life, not to mention that they can know the fun of programming.there is no doubt that programs affect all aspects of our lives in an obvious or potential way, especially they are reflected in electronic products that we use nowadays.when you are so proud of possessing an iphone, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you get confidence to show off the advanced mobile phones thoroughly.when you needn’t worry about hot summer and cold winter owing to an air-conditioner, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you share the machine’s intelligent.when you release your pressure by playing varies of online games, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you enjoy the great entertainment in life.。。。(software one i made,introduce its function and application)

。。。(software two i made,introduce its function and application)

。。。(software three i made,introduce its function and application)i love programming, because of its powerful function.i love programming, because of its abundant application.i love programming, because of its terrible challenge.i love programming, but i am not intend to be an outstanding programmer, nor making a great researching achievement.i just want to know it and do what i want with it.i hope you firstly remove the horrible psychology upon programming, and then try to get in touch with it.at last, i hope programming gives you much happiness in life!译文:



















Programming and life

A window is opened up at the crack of dawn, beside which one man is overlooking the the mess of buildings outside, breathing the fresh air cosily.But just after a little while, he steps to his seat, staring at the computer screen till the night.This man is very likely a programmer.There is a man who concentrates on his computer, but doesn’t care about however he dresses, or even whether he washes his face.There is a man who has a good knowledge of computer language, but has a low EQ and makes a bad relationship with others.There is a man who stays at home and does his own work by himself day and night, but just has few friends.These images shown above probably are what people think of programmers as, in fact, programmers indeed give us a bad impression sometimes.However, people just have a partial understanding of programmers’ life, not to mention that they can know the fun of programming.There is no doubt that programs affect all aspects of our lives in an obvious or potential way, especially they are reflected in electronic products that we use nowadays.When you are so proud of possessing an iphone, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you get confidence to show off the advanced mobile phones thoroughly.When you take advantage of computers to cope with problems in life, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you seek the convenience of computer.When you needn’t worry about hot summer and cold winter owing to an air-conditioner, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you share the machine’s intelligent.When you release your pressure by playing varies of online games, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you enjoy the great entertainment in life.As people’s thoughts control their bodies, computer programs play a leading role in the modern times.Both Social progress and human evolution depend on the computer programs.In the practical application, a software consists of different programs and then combines with hardware to develop into a high-tech Electronic product.There are many kinds of electronic products found everywhere in our daily life.Nearly all the time do we make use of these products to conduct our passion.Yes, it is definitely right that programming is a hard work because of its special characteristics---complicated, time-wasted, logical.To make a program needs our continual patient and confidence, and we should accept failure again and again in most cases.But once you go into further understanding of computer programs, you will be surprised at the programs’ wander.In detail, through programming a heap of date or a computing model can be easily solved we expected, such as a number wanted, or the model’s parameters.The magical power of program appeals to all the programmers, certainly including me.It is of great convenience for us to simplify or model our complex questions by programming.Furthermore, studying and using programs can enforce us to form our ability of analyzing and logic.Computer language has its regular grammar.How to organize the language into a reasonable calculating method in a high efficiency like speaking easy-understanding and breath-saving words, is an awful challenge for us, and it will be very funny.。。。(Software one I made,introduce its function and application)

。。。(Software two I made,introduce its function and application)

。。。(Software three I made,introduce its function and application)

Now, software is more and more important in our life, therefore programmer becomes a popular profession, which is one urgent need in the society.For our country, it’s very important to ensure our national security from others, such as Japan.Enhancing military strength makes us pay more attention to the informationalized war that attached intensely to the fundamental function of program and software.It is truth that China has a huge population of 1.4 billion, which means messy things from all the people every day.Also, to govern the society orderly all benefit from information composed by programs.Take a more closer example, in the classroom, we are graduate students of engineering, and will be occupied in researching and designing work.Thus, not only is programming our tool in study, but also become a weapon that promoting science and technology and producing invention and innovation.I love programming, because of its powerful function.I love programming, because of its abundant application.I love programming, because of its terrible challenge.I love programming, but I am not intend to be an outstanding programmer, nor making a great researching achievement.I just want to know it and do what I want with it.I hope you firstly remove the horrible psychology upon programming, and then try to get in touch with it.At last, I hope programming gives you much happiness in life!























A window is opened up at the crack of dawn, beside which one man is overlooking the the mess of buildings outside, breathing the fresh air cosily.But just after a little while, he steps to his seat, staring at the computer screen till the night.This man is very likely a programmer.There is a man who concentrates on his computer, but doesn’t care about however he dresses, or even whether he washes his face.There is a man who has a good knowledge of computer language, but has a low EQ and makes a bad relationship with others.There is a man who stays at home and does his own work by himself day and night, but just has few friends.These images shown above probably are what people think of programmers as, in fact, programmers indeed give us a bad impression sometimes.However, people just have a partial understanding of programmers’ life, not to mention that they can know the fun of programming.There is no doubt that programs affect all aspects of our lives in an obvious or potential way, especially they are reflected in electronic products that we use nowadays.When you are so proud of possessing an iphone, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you get confidence to show off the advanced mobile phones thoroughly.When you take advantage of computers to cope with problems in life, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you seek the convenience of computer.When you needn’t worry about hot summer and cold winter owing to an air-conditioner, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you share the machine’s intelligent.When you release your pressure by playing varies of online games, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you enjoy the great entertainment in life.As people’s thoughts control their bodies, computer programs play a leading role in the modern times.Both Social progress and human evolution depend on the computer programs.In the practical application, a software consists of different programs and then combines with hardware to develop into a high-tech Electronic product.There are many kinds of electronic products found everywhere in our daily life.Nearly all the time do we make use of these products to conduct our passion.Yes, it is definitely right that programming is a hard work because of its special characteristics---complicated, time-wasted, logical.To make a program needs our continual patient and confidence, and we should accept failure again and again in most cases.But once you go into further understanding of computer programs, you will be surprised at the programs’ wander.In detail, through programming a heap of date or a computing model can be easily solved we expected, such as a number wanted, or the model’s parameters.The magical power of program appeals to all the programmers, certainly including me.It is of great convenience for us to simplify or model our complex questions by programming.Furthermore, studying and using programs can enforce us to form our ability of analyzing and logic.Computer language has its regular grammar.How to organize the language into a reasonable calculating method in a high efficiency like speaking easy-understanding and breath-saving words, is an awful challenge for us, and it will be very funny.Now, software is more and more important in our life, therefore programmer becomes a popular profession, which is one urgent need in the society.For our country, it’s very important to ensure our national security from others, such as Japan.Enhancing military strength makes us pay more attention to the informationalized war that attached intensely to the fundamental function of program and software.It is truth that China has a huge population of 1.4 billion, which means messy things from all the people every day.Also, to govern the society orderly all benefit from information composed by programs.Take a more closer example, in the classroom, we are graduate students of engineering, and will be occupied in researching and designing work.Thus, not only is programming our tool in study, but also become a weapon that promoting science and technology and producing invention and innovation.I love programming, because of its powerful function.I love programming, because of its abundant application.I love programming, because of its terrible challenge.I love programming, but I am not intend to be an outstanding programmer, nor making a great researching achievement.I just want to know it and do what I want with it.I hope you firstly remove the horrible psychology upon programming, and then try to get in touch with it.At last, I hope programming gives you much happiness in life!



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