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Part I Listening Comprehension 20 minutes)

Section A

1.A)They are both anxious to try Italian food.B)They are likely to have dinner together.C)The man will treat the woman to dinner tonight.D)The woman refused to have dinner with the man.2.A)It’s only for rent, not for sale.B)It’s not as good as advertised.C)It’s being redecorated.D)It’s no longer available.3.A)Colleagues.B)Husband and wife.C)Employer and employee.D)Mother and son.4.A)She contacts her parents occasionally.B)She phones her parents regularly at weekends.C)She visits her parents at weekends when the fares are down.D)She often call her parents regardless of the rates.5.A)The next bus is coming soon.B)The bus will wait a few minutes at the stop.C)There are only two or three passengers waiting for the bus.D)They can catch this bus without running.6.A)The assignment looks easy but actually it’s quite difficult.B)The assignment is too difficult for them to complete on time.C)They cannot finish the assignment until Thursday.D)They have plenty of time to work on the assignment.7.A)The man will go to meet the woman this evening.B)The man and the woman have an appointment at 7 o’clock.C)The woman can’t finish making the jam before 7 o’clock.D)The woman won’t be able to see the man this evening.8.A)She’s learned a lot from the literature class.B)She’s written some books about world classics.C)She’s met some of the world’s best writers.D)She’s just back from a trip round the world.9.A)The exam was easier than the previous one.B)Joe is sure that he will do better in the next exam.C)Joe probably failed in the exam.D)The oral part of the exam was easier than the written part.10.A)She is tired of driving in heavy traffic.B)She doesn’t mind it as the road conditions are good.C)She is unhappy to have to drive such a long way every day.D)She enjoys it because she’s good at driving.Section B Compound Dictation

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 you are required to fill in the missing information.You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.It’s difficult to imagine the sea ever running out of fish.It’s so vast, so deep, so(S1)_______.Unfortunately, it’s not bottomless.Over-fishing,(S2)_________ with destructive fishing practices, is killing off the fish and(S3)_________ their environment.Destroy the fish, and you destroy the fishermen’s means of living.At least 60(S4)_______ of the world’s commercially important fish(S5)_________ are already over-fished, or fished to the limit.As a result, governments have had to close down some areas of sea to commercial fishing.Big, high-tech fleets(S6)_________ that everything in their path is pulled out of water.Anything too small, or the wrong thing, is thrown back either dead or dying.That’s an(S7)_________ of more than 20 million metric tons every year.(S8)____________.In some parts of the world, for every kilogram of prawns(对虾)caught, up to 15 kilograms of unsuspecting fish and other marine wildlife die, simply for being in the

wrong place at the wrong time.True,(S9)____________________________, then catch them in a way that doesn’t kill other innocent sea life.2003年1月大学英语四级试题答案



S1.mysterious S2.coupled S3.ruining S4.percent

S5.species S6.ensure S7.average

S8.When you consider that equals a quarter of the world catch, you begin to see the size of the problem.S9.some countries are beginning to deal with this problem, but it’s vital we find a rational way of fishing

S10.It would make sense to give the fish enough time to recover, grow to full size and reproduce







A)Christmas-time attacks made by Somali rebels.B)An explosion at a bus station in central Nairobi.C)The killing of more than 70 Ugandans in Kampala.D)Blasts set off by a Somali group in Uganda’s capital.原文:

Kenyan police say one person was killed and 26 injured in(Q1)an explosion at a bus station in central Nairobi.肯尼亚警方表示,内罗毕中部一个巴士停车场发生的爆炸造成1人死亡,26人受伤






9.推荐几个NEWS APP,有用。China Daily / BBC NEWS/ CRI~每天,就是看看推送,也有进步。






flight 航班

wait for further notice 等候进一步通知

gate 登机口

seat belt 安全带

minor mechanical errors 轻微的机械故障

terminal 候机大厅

sign 标志

parking lot 停车场

maintain 保养

break down 抛锚

garage 修车场

scratches 刮蹭

highway 高速公路

single lane 单行道

No-parking sign 禁止停车标志

bus stop 车站

passengers 乘客

crowded 拥挤的sleeper 卧铺

be supposed to 应该

view 景色

scenery 景色


interview 面试

finance 金融

suit 西装

accounting 会计

tie 领带

brush up on 温习,复习

resume 简历

working experience 工作经历

hand in 上交

travel 出差

annual vacation 年假

email 邮件

attachment 附件

log in 登录

forward the mail to 把邮件转发给

log off 登出

appointment 约会

move on to 继续

confirm 确认

the next item 下一议题个

cancel 取消

presentation 陈述,解释,示范

come in one’s place 代表某人来

replace 取代

on behalf of 代表


inquire about 询问

furnished(公寓)带家具的apartment 公寓(美国英语)

double-bedroom 两室的flat 公寓(英国英语)

brochure 册子 house developer 房产开发商

Italian restaurant 意大利餐馆

popular 受人喜爱的environment 环境

crowded 拥挤的on diet 节食

dessert 甜点

contain 含有

salad 沙拉

steak 牛排





circus act 马戏节目

classical literature 古典文学

classicism 古典主义,古典风格

collection 收藏

comedy 喜剧

contemporary literature 现代文学

copyright 版权,著作权

costume 服装

critic 批评家

criticism 评论

dialogue 对白

drama 话剧

edition/printing 版

episode 轶事

essay 随笔

exhibition 展览

existentialism 存在主义

expressionism 表现主义

figure 塑像

film festival 电影节

film industry 电影工业

film society/film club 电影协会

film star/movie star 电影明星

firework display 焰火

first-run cinema 首轮影院

float 彩车

folklore 民间文学

futurism 未来主义

Gothic 哥特式

hymn/anthem 颂歌,国歌

impressionism 印象派;印象主义

inspiration 灵感,启发

light literature 通俗文学

masterpiece 杰作

naturalism 自然主义

neoclassicism 新古典主义

novel 长篇小说

original version 原著

paper lantern 纸灯


play 剧本

popular literature 大众文学

premiere 首映式

psalm 赞美诗


Global theatre 环球剧院

drama 戏剧

Grand theatre 大剧院

impressive 令人印象深刻的too dramatic to be true 太假了

audience 观众

play the boss 扮演老板

out of the way 太远了

the greatest hit 大片

a long queue 长队

appreciate 欣赏

sold out 卖完了

basketball season 篮球赛季

tennis 网球

camping 野营

badminton 羽毛球

jogging 慢跑

performance 表现

fishing 钓鱼

keep fit 保持健康

scenery 风景

Greek style 希腊风格

lawn 草地

museum 博物馆

column 柱子

statue 塑像


apply for 申请

business degree 商学院学位

pay your own way 自己支付各种费用

semester 学期(美国英语)

biology 生物学

term 学期(英国英语)

registration 注册

course 课程

class permit 听课证

optional course 选修课

literature class 文学课

professor 教授

briefing 剪报

lecturer 讲师

barely stay awake 几乎不能保持清醒

complicated 复杂

extra copies 多余的篇子

informative 信息量大

presentation 陈述,解释,示范

mission 任务,使命

nervous 紧张的contest 比赛

calm平静的contestant 参赛选手

a large audience 一大群观众

talk of the town 镇上谈论的焦点

shaking all over 浑身发抖

not a big deal 不是什么大不了的事情

beyond me 超出我的理解范围

reading assignment 阅读任务

selectively 有选择地

chapter by chapter 一章一章地

theory 理论

read through 从头到尾地读

plot 情节

cover a few chapters 涉及了几个章节

intensively 精细地

character 人物角色

typing errors 打字错误

revise 修订

quality paper 好纸

get it published 出版

proofread 校对

paragraph 段落

final exam 期末考试

fail 不及格,失败

mid-term 期中考试


stay up 熬夜

release 发布(分数)

two sleepless nights 两天两夜没睡觉

be through with 结束,完成





inquire about 询问

furnished(公寓)带家具的apartment 公寓(美国英语)

double-bedroom 两室的flat 公寓(英国英语)

brochure 册子 house developer 房产开发商

Italian restaurant 意大利餐馆

popular 受人喜爱的environment 环境

crowded 拥挤的on diet 节食

dessert 甜点

contain 含有

salad 沙拉

steak 牛排


circus act 马戏节目

classical literature 古典文学

classicism 古典主义,古典风格

collection 收藏

comedy 喜剧

contemporary literature 现代文学

copyright 版权,著作权

costume 服装

critic 批评家

criticism 评论

dialogue 对白

drama 话剧

edition/printing 版

episode 轶事

essay 随笔

exhibition 展览

existentialism 存在主义

expressionism 表现主义

figure 塑像

film festival 电影节

film industry 电影工业

film society/film club 电影协会

film star/movie star 电影明星

firework display 焰火

first-run cinema 首轮影院

float 彩车

folklore 民间文学

futurism 未来主义

Gothic 哥特式

hymn/anthem 颂歌,国歌

impressionism 印象派;印象主义

inspiration 灵感,启发

light literature 通俗文学

masterpiece 杰作

naturalism 自然主义

neoclassicism 新古典主义

novel 长篇小说

original version 原著

paper lantern 纸灯


play 剧本

popular literature 大众文学

premiere 首映式

psalm 赞美诗


Global theatre 环球剧院

drama 戏剧

Grand theatre 大剧院

impressive 令人印象深刻的too dramatic to be true 太假了

audience 观众

play the boss 扮演老板

out of the way 太远了

the greatest hit 大片

a long queue 长队

appreciate 欣赏

sold out 卖完了

basketball season 篮球赛季

tennis 网球

camping 野营

badminton 羽毛球

jogging 慢跑

performance 表现

fishing 钓鱼

keep fit 保持健康

scenery 风景

Greek style 希腊风格

lawn 草地

museum 博物馆

column 柱子

statue 塑像



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