
时间:2019-05-12 11:51:12下载本文作者:会员上传


1.a dog in the manger占着茅坑不拉屎的人

出自《伊索寓言》(Aesop's Fables),有一篇狗站马槽的故事,说的是一头狗躺在堆满稻草的马槽里,狗是不吃草的动物,而当马或牛一走进稻草时,这头狗却朝着马,牛狂哮,不准食草动物享用。因此,“狗站马槽”就成了一个家喻户晓的成语而进入英语中,常用来比喻a person who prevents others from enjoying sth that is useless to himself;a churlish fellow who will neither use a thing himself nor let others use it,讽刺那些占据说职位或某些物质却不做事的人。

a dog in the manger是个名词性短语,常与系动词连用,充当表语(主语补足语)

eg: He borrowed a lot of books from the library, but he didn't read a book.He was really a dog in the manger.There are some officials who are only the dogs in the manger.Smith was a dog in the manger over that roll of wire;it was no use whatever to him, but he wouldn't let us have it.$

2.bell the cat自告奋勇去冒险;老虎头上拍苍蝇

bell the cat系成语to hang the bell about the cat's neck的简略,愿意是“给猫的脖子上挂铃”。它来自《伊索寓言》(Aesop's Fables)中的《老鼠会议》(The Mice in Council),这篇寓言讲的是:一群老鼠在鼠洞里举行会议,讨论如何对付凶狠的猫。白胡须老鼠提出:“我有个方法,在猫的脖子上挂一个铃。这样,猫一走动铃就响,我们就可以闻铃声而逃避了”,群鼠一致同意这个建议,欢呼:“That's a capital idea.We will bell the cat!No more fear of the cat!”但是,谁去给猫挂铃铛呢?没有一只老鼠敢去,一个个都溜掉了。老鼠会议豪无结果,它们不安全的境况当然也无法改善。


bell the cat常用来比喻to do sth dangerous in order to save others;to step forward bravely to face the danger;to take a risk for the good of others.eg: Everybody made suggestion, but no one actually offered to bell the cat.We didn't know who would put him this delicate question when my friend offered to bell the cat.3.cry wolf虚发警报;慌报险情;危言耸听

cry wolf来自《伊索寓言》:《牧童和狼》(The Shepherd boy and the wolf)'

有个牧童在离村子不远的山坡上放羊,有一次,他为了开心作乐,突然大喊:“Help!Help!The wolf!”全村的人都闻声跑来援助他时,才知道这只是开玩笑。如此恶作剧搞了两三次。后来,狼真的来了,那个牧童再呼号求救时,谁也不理会他了。于是,狼把他的羊吃了。

这篇寓言的意义很清楚:爱说谎话的人,即或在他说真话时,也没人相信他。由此,人们用to cry wolf 来概括这篇寓言的基本情节及其教诫意义,用以比喻

to give false alarms;to warn of danger where there is none之意。按其比喻意义,这个成语相当与汉语中出自《东周列国志》的典故:烽火戏诸侯。周幽王为博得宠妃褒泥一笑,竟然把军国大事当儿戏,烽火报警戏诸侯,使各路诸侯仓促发兵,驰援京师,结果收到嘲笑。后来犬戎进犯,幽王再举烽火调兵,谁也不来了,结果周幽王遭到杀身亡国之祸。这2个典故的情节虽不同,寓意却完全不一致,都是表示“一朝说假话,一世无人信”

eg: Nobody will believe he is in trouble because he has cried wolf so many times.Is she really sick of is she just crying wolf?

The newspaper placards that had cried “wolf” so often, cried “wolf” now in vain.4.Fish in Troubled Waters浑水摸鱼;趁火打劫;陷于混乱

Fish in Troubled Waters直译是:“浑水里捕鱼”,出自《伊索寓言·渔夫》/ 这篇寓言讲的是:有个渔夫在河里张网捕鱼,他把鱼网横栏在河道里,然后拿了一条缚着石块的绳子,不停的拍击河水,使泥沙泛起,河水浑浊,鱼儿在慌乱中纷纷自投罗网,渔夫用这个方法捕得了好多鱼。但住在附近的人指责渔夫说:“我们饮水全靠这条河,你把水搞得这么浑,叫我们到哪里去找清水饮用呢?”渔夫回答说:“可是,我若不把水搞浑,那就非饿死不可了”:

因此,人们常用to fish in trouble waters 比喻to try to win advantages for oneself from a disturbed state of affairs;to make use of sb's misfortune to serve one's own ends.并因此产生了谚语it’s good fishing in troubled waters(混水好摸鱼)。

在英语中,to fish in troubled waters 也可写成to fish in the muddy waters,而且water必须做waters。

eg: The man who interferes in South American politics is fishing in troubled waters

I refused to let them come here because i knew they only wanted to fish in troubled waters5

Those who made large profits out of illegally selling rationed goods during World War II were fishing in troubled waters.5.cat's paw 被他人利用的人;受人愚弄者

cat's paw 也坐cat's-paw或cat’s paw,字面意思“猫爪子”,出典17世纪法国著名的寓言作家拉·封丹的《猴子与猫》。讲的是狡猾的猴子哄骗头脑简单的猫儿,替它从炉火中取出烤熟的栗子来。猫儿应命去做,结果猫爪子被火烧伤了,而取出的栗子却被猴子吃光了。)


cat's paw常用来比喻a person used as a tool by another;one who is used merely for the convenience of a cleverer or stronger person之意。按其内涵,这个成语与汉语成语“为虎作伥”所比喻的意义相似,仅是动物的形象不同

cat's paw除了单独做复合名词使用外,还构成to make a cat's paw of sb(利用某人做为工具或爪牙)

eg: It is easy for him to be used as a cat's paw of evil-doing.I am afraid that he is making a cat's paw of you




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A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth.43


A little thing in hand is worth more than a great thing in prospect.53 抓在手中的东西虽小,也胜过美妙的幻想。

All must work together or the Body will go to pieces.29


An immense number of coins flying all over the place.41


Any excuse will serve a tyrant.02


Appearances are deceptive.39


Be content with your lot;one cannot be first in everything.33


Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear.07

宁可安安心心地吃蚕豆和咸肉,也不愿胆战心惊地享用糕饼和麦芽酒。Better humble security than gilded danger.78


Better no rule than cruel rule.13


Better one safe way than a hundred on which you cannot reckon.38 一种安全的方法胜过一百种靠不住的法子。

Better starve free than be a fat slave.28


Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.03 记住:切莫追逐幻影而丢失已有的东西。

Clumsy jesting is no joke.10


Cunning often outwits itself.59


Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin.12


Distrust interested advice.65


Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.76


Do not trust flatterers.08


Enemies promises were made to be broken.46


Example is the best precept.48


Familiarity breeds contempt.34


Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool.49


Gratitude and greed go not together.05


Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.23


Greed often overreaches itself.57


He that has many friends, has no friends.70


He that is neither one thing nor the other has no friends.24


If you allow men to use you for your own purposes, they will use you for theirs.32

如果你为了自己的目的允许别人利用你,那别人迟早也会为了他们自己的目的来利用你。Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten.06


It is best to prepare for the days of necessity.36


It is easier to get into the enemy's toils than out again.73


It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.16


It is easy to despise what you cannot get.31


It is easy to propose impossible remedies.67


It is foolish to give their enemy the means of destroying themselves.27


It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds.21


It is useless attacking the insensible.26


Kindness effects more than severity.60


Little by little does the trick.55


Little friends may prove great friends.11


Love can tame the wildest.71


Men often applaud an imitation and hiss the real thing.80


Much outcry, little outcome.14


Nature will out.77


Never believe a captive’s promise;that’s one thing.Then again: keep what you have.And a third piece of advice is: Sorrow not over what is lost forever.58


Never soar aloft on an enemy's pinions.47


Never trust a friend who deserts you at a pinch.50


Never trust the advice of a man in difficulties.82


No gratitude from the wicked.17


Nothing escapes the master's eye.30


Obscurity often brings safety.37


One bad turn deserves another.19


Only cowards insult dying majesty.09


Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth.20


People often grudge others what they cannot enjoy themselves.40


Please all, and you will please none.62


Plodding wins the race.68


Precious things are for those that can prize them.01


Self-conceit may lead to self-destruction.22


There is always someone worse off than yourself.15


The gods help them that help themselves.61


The strong and the weak cannot keep company.51


Train up a child in the way he should go;and when he is old he will not depart therefrom.44 要教导孩子从小走正路,长大就不会走邪路。

Union gives strength.72


United we stand, divided we fall.52 团结就是胜利,分裂必然失败。Vices are their own punishment.54 恶有恶报。

Wealth unused might as well not exist.63 有钱不用,等于没有。


The Wolf and the Lamb

Any excuse will serve a tyrant.The Dog and the Shadow

Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.The Lion’s Share

You may share the labors of the great, but you will not share the rewards.The Wolf and the Crane

Gratitude and greed go not together

The Man and the Serpent

Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten.The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear.The Fox and the Crow

Do not trust flatterers.The Sick Lion

Only cowards insult dying majesty.The Ass and the Lapdog

Clumsy jesting is no joke.The Lion and the Mouse

Little friends may prove great friends.The Swallow and the Other Birds

Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to be your ruin.The Frogs Desiring a King

Better no rule than cruel rule.The Mountains in Labor

Much outcry, little outcome.The Hares and the Frogs

There is always someone worse off than yourself.The Wolf and the Kid

It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.The Woodman and the Serpent

No gratitude from the wicked.The Bald Man and the Fly

You will only injure yourself if you take notice of despicable enemies.The Fox and the Stork

One bad turn deserves another.The Fox and the Mask

Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth.The Jay and the Peacock

It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds.The Frog and the Ox

Self-conceit may lead to self-destruction.Andr ocles and the lion

Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts

He that is neither one thing nor the other has no friends.The Hart and the Hunter

We often despise what is most useful to us.The Serpent and the File

It is useless attacking the insensible.The Man and the Wood

Beware what you give to future enemies.The Dog and the Wolf

Better starve free than be a fat slave.The Belly and the Members

All must work together.The Hart in the Ox-Stall

Nothing escapes the master’s eye.The Fox and the Grapes

It is easy to despise what you cannot get.The Horse, Hunter, and Stag

If you allow people to use you for your own purposes, they will use you for theirs.The Peacock and Hera

One cannot be first in everything.The Fox and the Lion

Familiarity breeds contempt.The Lion and the Statue

We can easily represent things as we wish them to be.The Ant and the Grasshopper

It is best to prepare for the days of necessity.The Tree and the Reed

Obscurity often brings safety.The Fox and the Cat

Better one safe way than a hundred on which you cannot reckon.The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Appearances are deceptive.The Dog in the Manger

People often grudge others what they cannot enjoy themselves.The Man and the Wooden God

Luck is made by yourself.The Fisher

When you are in a person’s power you must do as they bid.The Shepherd’s Boy

A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth.The Young Thief and His Mother

Teach a child well.The Man and His Two Wives

Yield to all and you will soon have nothing to yield.The Nurse and the Wolf

Enemies’ promises were made to be broken.The Tortoise and the Birds

Never soar aloft on an enemy’s wings.The Two Crabs

Example is the best precept.The Ass in the Lion’s Skin

Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool.The Two Fellows and the Bear

Never trust a friend who deserts you at a pinch.The Two Pots

The strong and the weak cannot keep company.The Four Oxen and the Lion

United we stand, divided we fall.The Fisher and the Little Fish

A little thing in hand is worth more than a great thing in prospect.Avaricious and Envious

Vices are their own punishment.The Crow and the Pitcher

Little by little does the trick.The Man and the Satyr

The Goose With the Golden Eggs

Greed often overreaches itself.The Laborer and the Nightingale

Sorrow not over what is lost forever.The Fox, the Rooster, and the Dog

Cunning often outwits itself.The Wind and the Sun

Kindness effects more than severity.Hercules and the Wagoneer

Fate helps them that help themselves.The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey

Please all, and you will please none.The Miser and His Gold

Wealth unused might as well not exist.The Fox and the Mosquitoes

The Fox Without a Tail

Do not trust interested advice.The One-Eyed Doe

You cannot escape your fate.Belling the Cat

It is easy to propose impossible remedies.The Hare and the Tortoise

Plodding wins the race.The Old Man and Dea th

We would often be sorry if our wishes were gratified.The Hare With Many Friends

She that has many friends, has no friends.The Lion in Love

Love can tame the wildest.The Bundle of Sticks

Union gives strength.The Lion, the Fox, and the Beasts

It is easier to get into the enemy’s toils than out again.The mule’s Brains

Wit has always an answer ready.The Eagle and the Arrow

We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction.The Milkmaid and Her Pail

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.The Cat-Maiden

The Horse and the Mule

Better humble security than gilded danger.The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner

Words may be deeds.The Buffoon and the Countryman

People often applaud an imitation and hiss the real thing.The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar

What memories cling around the instruments of our pleasure.The Fox and the Goat

Never trust the advice of a person in difficulties.




Read a book Aesop, makes me feel a lot to, I was always thinking of the contents of this book, the characters constantly emerge in front of my eyes.The author is Aesop, he is ancient Aesop legendary characters, he wrote for life is a phenomenon of criticism, enlightenment and lessons.The most familiar with all the example of a few fable.The Wolf and the lamb is an allegory of the lamb to eat: Wolf, with various methods to and lamb excuses.Expose the darkness of society.But the results of an allegory, everybody knows, is the tortoise wins.Because he unremitting efforts, for the victory.But the rabbit was proud and arrogant.Underestimate others, always thought of myself the most severe, actually has the self-confidence is good, but not too confident, because it will not confident and proud of that.What struck me most is the story of the coward, he spoke a little courage, and living conditions, but very good money, total want the tendency of property.One day, he cut up.So tired, carry wood down and went home.At the foot of the mountain path, see a golden lion, he daren“t touch, I thought: this is the living, or statue.The lion is motionless, nor the voice that must be statue, it is the gift of god to me, and see my poor, want me to sell a good price.He around to patrol again, make sure no one, he grabbed lion front PAWS and claw, but it is too heavy, take up.He seemed very smart people to: if more power? I went to the family together to move.Later, he ran home.He put the home, both men and women were found, the golden lion has disappeared.He told people, work must be decisive, not delay.Otherwise, everything becomes very bad.There is a good, said the efficiency is money.If you do want to pay attention to efficiency, slow, just do what also do not.This is called nothing.The gods of the people is broken, I think the most interesting story, you might as well listen to listen.One of the poor, he gave a large hammering, somebody else do groom, the somebody else is very rich, he asked his master: how rich?

Owners thought that a problem is very complex, never solution doesn”t open math, but he seemed very understand appearance say: want to buy a home for the gods, can become rich.Groom.After a few days, the rich began to food and drink piao, the money has been spent.But before he died in the gods are a lot of gold.He will die, the son call to him and say: you don“t sell, rather than the gods nor sold off.He said that his father in the son, no nonsense.But he”s not poor.Home only the gods, he sold to groom.The groom put him home.In the past year, he still not rich.The groom flay, gods.At this moment, gold COINS.He is angry of say: I respect you, but you pretending you broke, I just know that when you help me.Truth: to become rich, industrious, with our own hands and brain to earn money, to rich, not depend on others.I want to tell you a story-a donkey and a horse, in ancient times, there is always a state of war, people are so at home, and to raise horse riding in the war.A young man, a very good horse and a very ordinary donkey, horse everyday eat well.And the donkey, eat every day to do hard work than the horses.Donkey don“t understand, he asked horse: why are you eating well, also don”t work? And I grew very tired?

I don“t know why should master so good to me, but I know every one is to do hard work.Donkeys say anything.No days, and war.Young people from the battlefield, young people close to fight on horse riding.Donkey run to see, he saw all in battle.At that time, his master being cut down dead, horse around him very sad.Don”t look past the enemy, also cut down dead.Donkey returned home, sadly, know why to master horse so good, it also does not dispute.A life of ease is behind the risk happens momently, the price is too high, and busy life, seemingly difficult but it shall be well.The story is so funny, also want to listen to one? Then I will tell a story of herdsmen and donkeys.A shepherd in hunting, found a small Wolf, he saw it, and put it on, and dogs home together with, they grew up, he care sheep.One day, a Wolf come away at the sheep, and the Wolf went to chase, but the sheep have been killed, it and then a Wolf ate sheep, it was found that this is so delicious mutton.After coming home, it don“t feel like eating anything.And one day, the Wolf to steal the sheep, and the house will pretend to chase the Wolf, run out, and the Wolf ate and sheep.Wolves won”t come for a few days, the Wolf and sheep in dog eat together.All this was a panoramic view of the shepherd, the next day, he took the Wolf to kill.People can“t believe something evil words, have a leopard cannot change its spots.It is so.伊索寓言英文读后感

(二)Reading the Aesop”s Fables, this book, so I put it down, with many feeling that their hearts are always thinking about the contents of this book, which people always come in my eyes.Aesop“s Fables, the author of Aesop”s ancient Greek, he is a legendary figure, he has written are a phenomenon of life, criticism, inspiration and lessons learned.With everyone is most familiar with, for example several fables to you.The wolf and the lamb in this parable is talking about: the wolf wanted to eat lamb, by all means come and lamb sophistry.To expose the darkness of society at that time.



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