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Ⅰ.听音排序,将其序号填在横线上。(本题共10小题, 每小题1分,共10分)















spacespentstudyvideoproud 形式不对的扣1分



1.dollars2.study3.Enjoy4.students5.make mistakes6.falling down7.have a picnic

8.hot dog9.in the sky10.useful

Ⅵ.阅读短文,判断正误。正确(T)错误(F)(本题共5小题,每题2分,共10分)TTFFT Ⅶ.连词成句。(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


1.He is playing but then the telephone rings.2.What do you want to eat?

3.The name of the spaceship is Shen Zhou ⅴ.4.Are you going to go to middle school?

5.I can’t carry them all.


资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 小学六年级英语期末试卷及答案


1.Her sister works in a restaurant.She is a w_________.2.He often goes to the library to b_________ some interesting books.3.H________ is one of the most interesting subjects.I like it a lot.4.If you want to c_______ a street, you must wait for the green light.5.It’s too d________ to play football in the street.(B)根据括号内的汉语,用适当的英语单词填空。

6.The book “ Who Moved My _______(奶酪)? ” is a very good one, I think.7.I want to buy some _______(土豆).8.Who picked _______(更少些)apples, Tom or John? 9.His family moved to Beijing because he found a good _______(工作)there.10.You must be more careful.That car _______(差点儿)hit you.(C)根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。

11.All the _______(visit)must wait in the waiting room.12.It’s not far.It’s only five _______(minute)walk.13.It’s easy to get _______(lose)in a big city like Shanghai.14.They are _______(friend)to each other.15.Don’t talk in class.The teacher will not be _______(please)if you talk.二、单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

()16.You mustn’t play football in the street because there’s _______ traffic.A car may hit you.A.much too B.too much C.too many D.many too()17.—My daughter ate a lot of ice cream in school.—_______.A.So did she B.She did so C.So she did D.So was she()18.I’ll call you when my mother _______ Wuhan tomorrow.A.get to B.arrives C.reaches D.arrive at()19.The headmaster stopped ______ to us because there was a call for him.A.talking B.to talk C.saying D.to say()20.I haven’t heard from Bill _______ he left here.A.when B.before C.since D.while()21.—How long may I _______ this book? —Two weeks.资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ A.keep B.borrow C.lend D.buy()22.This book _______ Lucy’s.Lo ook!Her name is on the book cover.A.must be B.may be C.can’t be D.mustn’t be()23.You will stay healthy _______ you do more exercise, such as running and walking.A.if B.when C.before D.where()24.Everyone _______ here.Let’s start our class.A.am B.is C.are D.be()25.I can’t find the key _______ my bike.So I have to walk home.A.of B.for C.to D.on()26.—Can I have a look at your picture? —Certainly._______.A.Here is it B.Here it is C.Here they are D.Here are you()27.She _______ come tomorrow, or she _______, I’m not sure.A.can, can’t B.may, can’t C.must, mustn’t D.may, may not()28.Tonight we will have _______to eat.A.something delicious B.delicious something C.anything delicious D.delicious anything()29.I bought _______ exercise-books with _______ money yesterday.A.a few, a few B.a few, a little C.a little, a few D.a little, a little()30._______ Lily _______ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.A.Not, but B.Neither, nor C.Both, and D.Either, or


31.They are very happy to see each other.(改为感叹句)_______ _______ they are to see each other!32.All the workers had to stay there last year.(改为反意疑问句)All the workers had to stay there last year, _______ _______? 33.The lady went to the hospital because her back hurt.(对划线部分提问)_______ _______ the lady go to the hospital? 34.I’d like to have dinner with them.(改为一般疑问句)_______ _______ like to have dinner with them? 35.Both you and he are good at swimming.(改为否定句)_______ you _______ he is good at swimming.(B)根据上句完成下句,使上下两句意思相同或相近,每空一词(含缩写)。

资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 36.They had a good time yesterday in the park.They _______ _______ yesterday in the park.37.How can I get to the bookshop? Can you tell me the _______ _______ the book-shop? 38.Hurry up, or you won’t catch the early bus._______ you _______ hurry up, you won’t catch the early bus.39.She bought nothing for her son yesterday.She _______ buy _______ for her son yesterday.40.Chinese food is more delicious than any other kind of food, I think.Chinese food is _______ _______ delicious of all the food, I think.四、补全对话。(每小题1分,共5分)用下面所给的句子填空,使对话意思完整。A.Would you like some? B.It’s very kind of you!C.Oh, no.D.Another cup of tea? E.It must be delicious.A:It’s very cold this morning.Would you like a cup of hot tea? B:Yes.41 A:With sugar? B: 42 I don’t like sugar.A:But you had tea with sugar last year, didn’t you? B:Yes, but the doctor has told me it’s bad for me to have that.A:I see.Here’s something cooked at home.43 B: 44 But I had breakfast half an hour ago.I am full now.A: 45 B:No, thanks.That’s enough.五、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Peter telephoned his girl-friend Joan.He said, “ I’ve got two tickets 46 the film tonight.Please 47 me outside my office.We’ll get 48 to eat and then go to the cinema.”

Joan was 49.She liked going to the cinema.Joan met Peter outside his office.First they had a 50 in a small restaurant and then 51 their way to the cinema.It took them half an hour to get there.At the entrance Peter took out his wallet to get the tickets, 52 they weren’t in it.“ 53 they are in your pockets.” said Joan.They were not there, either.资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ “ What’s 54 ? Where are the tickets? ” asked Joan.Peter thought for a moment.Then he said, “I remember now.I must put them in my desk.I’ve 55 them in the office.I’m very sorry, Joan.”

“It doesn’t matter.It’s fun to have a walk at night, isn’t it?”()46.A.at B.of C.for D.into()47.A.phone B.drive C.help D.meet()48.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing()49.A.happy B.sorry C.worried D.right()50.A.seats B.breakfast C.meal D.things()51.A.did B.made C.moved D.left()52.A.but B.and C.so D.or()53.A.May B.Must C.Maybe D.Will()54.A.matter B.that C.it D.wrong()55.A.left B.forgotten C.threw D.caught

六、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容选择最佳答案。A Mrs.Jones gave music lessons at a school.She had a good voice and enjoyed singing.The only problem was that some of her high notes(音符)sounded like a gate that someone had forgotten to oil(上油).Mrs.Jones knew this and practiced these high notes when she was free.As she lived in a small house in a faraway place, she often went for long walks along the country roads and practiced the high notes there.Every time she heard a car or a person coming along the road, she stopped and waited until the car or the person was in front of her.One day a car suddenly stopped and a man jumped out and began to look at his car carefully.To his great surprise, he couldn’t find anything wrong with it.He got back into the car and drove off()56.Mrs.Jones was _______.A.a music teacher B.an art teacher C.a bus driver D.a singer()57.If she heard a car or a person coming along the road, she would _______.A.go for a walk along the country road B.stop singing and wait C.keep on practicing D.make a sound like a gate that someone had forgotten to oil()58.It was difficult for the woman _______.A.to sing low notes B.to sing high notes C.to have a good voice D.to enjoy singing

资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/()59.The driver didn’t hear the woman singing, did he? A.Yes, he did.B.No, he didn’t.C.We didn’t know.D.He heard the song.()60.Why did the driver stop his car suddenly? A.Because he thought there was something wrong with his car.>B.Because he drove too fast.C.Because he wanted to say hello to Mrs.Jones.D.Because he enjoyed Mrs.Jones’ voice.B Bob was clever, but he never worked hard at his lessons.“I must make Bob work more and play less,” his father said to himself.“I must let Bob know I care about his study very much.” So he wrote down some questions.He was going to ask Bob two or three questions each day, and decided to begin with the simplest ones.That evening when Bob came home from school, his father brought up the first question.“Bob,” said his father, “how many letters are there in the alphabet?” “I don’t know,” Bob said.“You don’t know?” the father looked unhappy.“You started school two years ago, and you don’t even know how many letters there are in the alphabet?”

“Is that so surprising? Well, let me ask you a question, Dad.You started to work in the post office five years ago, didn’t you?” “Yes?” Bob’s father was confused(迷惑的).“Then can you tell me how many letters there are in the letter-box over there?”()61.Why was Bob bad at his subjects? A.Because he wasn’t clever enough.B.Because he never went to school.C.Because he didn’t work hard at his lessons.D.Because his father had no time to help him.()62.What did the father decide to do? A.He decided to give Bob some easy homework to do every day.B.He decided to ask Bob to write down some questions each day.C.He decided to begin with the hardest questions.D.He decided to ask Bob a few questions each day.()63.What’s the Chinese meaning of “ alphabet ” ? A.It’s “词典”.B.It’s “字母表”.C.It’s “邮局”.D.It’s “音标”.()64.How long was Bob at school?

资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ A.Five years.B.Two weeks.C.Four seasons.D.Twenty-four months.()65.Which of the following is right? A.Bob learned something very slowly.B.The father didn’t work in a post of

fice.C.Bob knew the answer to his father’s question.D.The father could not answer his son’s question.C I’ve loved my mother’s desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as Mother sat writing letters.Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the most wonderful thing in the world.Years later, during her final illness, Mother kept different things for my sister and brother.“But the desk,” she said again, “it’s for Elizabeth.”

I never saw her angry, never saw her cry.I knew she loved me;she showed it in action.But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter.They never happened.And a gulf opened between us.I was “too emotional(易动感情的)”.But she lived “on the surface(表面)”.As years passed I had my own family.I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family.I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive(原谅)me.I posted the letter and waited for her answer.None came.My hope turned to disappointment(失望), then little interest and, finally, peace—it seemed that nothing happened.I couldn’t be sure that the letter had even got to mother.I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.Now the present of her desk told, as she’d never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work.I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside—a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded(折叠)and refolded many times.Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose.Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.()66.The writer began to love her mother’s desk ______.A.after Mother died B.before she became a writer

资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ C.when she was a child D.when Mother gave it to her()67.The passag

e shows that _______.A.Mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter B.Mother was too serious about everything her daughter had done C.Mother cared much about her daughter in words D.Mother wrote to her daughter in careful words()68.The word “gulf” in the passage means _______.A.deep understanding between the old and the young B.different ideas between the mother and the daughter C.free talks between the mother and the daughter D.part of the sea going far in land()69.What did mother do with her daughter’s letter asking forgiveness? A.She had never received the letter.B.For years, she often talked about the letter.C.She didn’t forgive her daughter at all in all her life.D.She didn’t answer her daughter’s letter.()70.What’s the best title of the passage? A.My Letter to Mother B.Mother and Children C.My Mother’s Desk D.Talks Between Mother and Me 【试题答案】

1.waitress 2.borrow 3.History 4.cross 5.dangerous 6.Cheese 7.potatoes 8.fewer 9.job 10.nearly 11.visitors 12.minutes’ 13.lost 14.friendly 15.pleased 16—20.BCCAC 21—25.AAABC 26—30.BBABD 31.How happy 32.didn’t they 33.Why did 34.Would you 35.Neither, nor 36.enjoyed themselves 37.way to 38.If, don’t 39.didn’t, anything 40.the most 41—45.BCAED 46—50.CDAAC 51—55.BACDA 56—60.ABBAA

资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 61—65.CDBDD 66—70.CABDC

资料来源:中国教育在线 http://www.xiexiebang.com/




1C2A 3A4B5B


1---D2---C3---B 4---A5----F6---E


1sometimes,2,never3 usually4,always5,often七.连词成句

1,Wait at a yellow light.2, How can I get to the park?

3, Remember the traffic rules2 页答案 七,连词成句

4,Look at the traffic lights 5,You can go by the NO.10 bus 八,根据短文判断正误

×√√×× 九,补全对话how 2,by 3,can ,4,if ,5,not3 页答案

四,为下列对话选择相应图片 1 D 2,A 3,B 4,E,5C 五,选出正确答案


六、将下列英文与其中文连线 1C2D3A4E5B


1,Drivers drive on the left side 2,You can go by the NO.15 bus 3,Come to my home by bike.四页答案

4,I usually go to beach by car.5,Where’s your uncle’s home?

八,读一读,选择合适的句子完成对话 1E 2 C3D4B5A 九,阅读理解 1 T 2,T 3,cF,4,F ,5,T5页答案


六,看图,用east ,west ,north,south 表达他们的相


1,east 2,west 3,north 4,south


1, Excuse me.Where is the library ,please?2, It’s next to the post office 3,在电影院向左拐4,它在左边 6页答案

5,get off at the hospital




1、She is from Australia

2,on foot3,by plane4,Zhang Peng5,by bus 7 页答案


1-C2-D3B4-A5-G6-H7-F8-E 五,选出正确的答案

1B2A3A4A5C6C六,看一看,选择恰当的回答 1B2E3C4D5A8 页答案 七,连词成句Thank you all for coming3 Is it west of cinema!4,How can I get to the museum? 5,Go straight for five minutes 八,根据对话内容判断正误

FTFFT 9 页答案


1C2D3 B4A5D 五,选择正确的答案

1C2B3B4A5B 六,请为下面的句子重新排列顺序


七选词填空1,to 2, for 3,to ,4,after 5,by 10 页答案


1,Where is the hospital?2,How can I get to the cinema?3,Walk straight for the post minutes4,It is next to the post office 九,根据短文内容,选择正确答案 1C2C3B4B5C



1.is,am---was是(单数)2.are---were 是(复数)

3.do---did 做4.don’t,doesn’t---didn’t 没有做(否定)

5.go---went 去6.see---saw 看见

7.eat---ate吃8.buy---bought 买

9.have,has---had 有10.wear---wore 穿,戴







1.play---played 玩

3.clean---cleaned 打扫



9.watch---watched 观看



15.climb---climbed 爬


19.happen---happened 发生

12.learn---learnt, learned 学习制作 16.run---ran 跑 18.win---won 赢得20.put---put 放 22.hurt---hurt 受伤2.stay---stayed 停留4.finish---finished 完成6.help---helped 帮助8.phone---phone 打电话10.paint---painted 画画12.walk---walked 走路14.print---printed 印刷16.want---wanted 想要18.worry---worried 担心20.bump---bumped 碰,撞14.make---made


My Hobby

Everyone has his own hobby.For example, someone likes reading;someone likes swimming and someone likes painting.For me, singing songs is my hobby.I started to listen to music many years ago.I often learn to sing by watching TV or listening to the radio.I have two teachers—my mother and my music teacher.My mother teaches me when I am at home on Sundays.My music teacher teaches me in her classes.I am busy with my study, but I still sing songs every day.My friends like my songs very much.I’ll sing forever.I am sure I can be a good singer.My Favourite Festival

My favourite festival is the Spring Festival.Why? Because I have lots of fun at the Spring Festival.In China, we all like the Spring Festival.It’s in January or February.My parents usually go shopping with me.We buy some nice food and clothes.In the evening, our family gets together and has a big family dinner at my grandfather’s home.I always eat a lot of delicious food.After the dinner, we often watch TV at home.The next morning, we say “Happy New Year” to each other.My cousin and I will get red packets from our grandparents.I’m happy at the Spring Festival.My Bedroom

My bedroom is small, but it’s very clean and beautiful.There is a bed in my room.It’s got 2 meters long.So it’s very big.There is also a bedside table;my socks are in the bedside table.And there is a book table.I’ve got lots of books in it.It is very big too.And I’ve got a closet.The clothes, shoes, T-shirts are in the closet.Every day, I will clean my bedroom.So, it’s very clean.Oh, I have got a clock.I get up at 6:35 every day.This is my bedroom.Do you like it?

My Pen Friends

I have a pen friend.Her name is Linda.She is in Beijing.She studies in No.3 Middle School.She has long black hair, big eyes and small nose.She is tall and very beautiful.She likes listening to music, reading books and drawing.And she is good at drawing pictures.She is very kind and always ready to help others.We often write letters to each other.Sometimes we also chat on line.We are not only pen friends but also good friends.



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