
时间:2019-05-12 16:38:14下载本文作者:会员上传




我们为能在此设宴招待Smith先生以及各位来宾而深感荣幸和愉快。我愿借此机会向你们表示热烈的欢迎。我此时的心情可以用孔子在«论语»中的一句话表达 “有朋自远方来,不亦乐呼?”




A short speech with the toast

Your Honor Mr.Smith,Our distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen,It’s our honor and great pleasure to host this banquet in honor of Mr.Smith and other

distinguished guests.I would like to take this opportunity to extend our warm welcome to you all.A remark in The Analects of Confucius best express what I feel now.“It’s such a delight that we have friends visiting from afar.”

Evidently, Mr.Smith’s current visit has demonstrated his determination to further enhance the friendly and cooperative relations between our two companies.We greatly cherish this close relationship, and also greatly value the position we enjoy as one of your most important trading partners.I sincerely wish that we could continue to work closely together to ensure a sustained growth in our cooperation of economy, finance and trade.On the occasion of this reception, I wish Mr.Smith and all our guests present here tonight good health!

Thank you.尊敬的市长先生和夫人,中国朋友们,女士们,先生们:


Your honor Mr.Mayor and Mrs.Mayor,Chinese friends,Ladies and gentlemen,I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr.Chen for such a sumptuous banquet on behalf of all the members of our mission.Thank you very much for your friendly welcome.Everyone in the world is looking forward to visit China, one of the greatest civilized ancient countries.Therefore, I feel very honor to visit here.Meanwhile, I am very pleased that this visit gave me an excellent opportunity to convey the warm salutation and earnest wishes of our government and people to Mr.Mayor and your people.Though we are so far away from each other, distance is not the key factor especially in today’s world that is getting smaller and smaller.A poem of farewell to friends that was written by a poet in Tang Dynasty of your country says: “Long distance separates no bosom friends.”


As the nation with the fastest growing economy in the world, China is appealing to more and more commercial and financial giants to invest.Just on the basis of this fact, we are looking for better ways where we can cooperate further in economy and finance.One purpose of my trip is to conclude our agreement of investment protection.We also wish that we can work closely together to establish consultancy service organizations for multi-national companies in Tanzhou.So another purpose is to find out the feasibility of this plan.最后,我此行的又一项重要任务是向潭州市长面呈访问我市的正式邀请,希望市长阁下在方便的时候访问旧金山市,以便使我们能有机会来回报我们在这里受到的热情款待。现在我提议:


The last but not the least, another important task of this trip is to extend in person our formal invitation to Mr.Mayor to visit to San Francisco at his earliest convenience so as to give us an opportunity to return the warm reception and hospitality we enjoyed here.In closing, I would like to propose a toast:

To the health of Mr.Mayor and Mrs.Mayor,To the health of all our distinguished guests,To our cooperation and friendship,Cheer!































































欢聚世博盛会 共创美好未来——在上海世博会欢迎晚宴上的祝酒辞

中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛(2010年4月30日,上海)A Joyful Gathering for A Better Future ——Toast by H.E.Hu Jintao President of the People's Republic of China At Welcoming Dinner of Expo 2010 Shanghai China Shanghai, 30 April 2010 尊敬的国际展览局蓝峰主席、洛塞泰斯秘书长,尊敬的各位国家元首、政府首脑、议长和王室代表,尊敬的各位国际组织代表,尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们: Your Excellency Jean-Pierre Lafon, President of the International Exhibitions Bureau, Your Excellency Vicente Loscertales, Secretary General of the International Exhibitions Bureau, Distinguished Heads of State and Government, Speakers of Parliament and Representatives of Royal Families, Distinguished Representatives of International Organizations, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, 今晚,2010年上海世界博览会将隆重开幕。我谨代表中国政府和人民,对各位嘉宾莅临上海世博会,表示热烈的欢迎!对给予上海世博会真诚帮助和大力支持的各国政府和人民,对国际展览局和有关国际组织,对所有为上海世博会作出贡献的朋友们,表示诚挚的谢意!

The grand opening of Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be held this evening.On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I wish to extend a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests who have come to Shanghai for this event.I would like to express heartfelt thanks to the governments and people of all countries for the sincere help and strong support they have given to the Shanghai Expo.My thanks also go to the International Exhibitions Bureau(BIE)and other international organizations, and to all the friends who have contributed to Expo 2010 Shanghai.世博会是荟萃人类文明成果的盛会,也是世界各国人民共享欢乐和友谊的聚会。诞生159年来,世博会把不同国度、不同民族、不同文化背景的人们汇聚在一起,沟通心灵,增进友谊,加强合作,共谋发展。世博会给国际社会留下了追求进步、崇尚创新、开放共荣、倡导和谐的宝贵精神财富,为推动人类文明进步发挥了重要而独特的作用。

The World Expo is a grand event to showcase the best achievements of human civilization.It is also a great occasion for people from around the world to share joy and friendship.Over the past 159 years since its inception, the World Expo has brought together people from different countries, ethnic groups and cultural backgrounds for sincere exchanges, friendship, cooperation and development.It has given us a valuable spiritual asset of pursuing progress, innovation, openness, common prosperity and harmony.And it has played an important and unique role in advancing human civilization.上海世博会是第一次在发展中国家举办的注册类世博会。这是中国的机遇,也是世界的机遇。上海世博会将向世界展示一个拥有5000多年文明历史、正在改革开放中快速发展变化的中国,搭起中国学习借鉴国外先进经验、同世界交流合作的桥梁。上海世博会更属于世界,未来6个月,世界各国各地区将以世博会为平台,围绕“城市,让生活更美好”的主题,充分展示城市文明成果、交流城市发展经验、传播先进城市理念,相互学习、取长补短,为新世纪人类的居住、生活、工作探索崭新的模式。我相信,上海世博会将书写中国人民同各国人民交流互鉴的新篇章,也将书写人类各种文明交流互鉴的新篇章。

Expo 2010 Shanghai is the first registered World Expo hosted by a developing country.It is an opportunity for China and also for the world.This Expo will present to the world a China, a country with a five-thousand-year civilization, that is enjoying fast development and changes through reform and opening up.It will serve as a bridge for China to learn the good experience of other countries and engage in exchanges and cooperation with the rest of the world.More importantly, Expo 2010 Shanghai belongs to the world.In the coming six months, focusing on the theme Better City, Better Life, the Expo will offer a platform for all countries and regions to fully exhibit their achievements in urban civilization, share best practices and spread advanced ideas on urban development.We will learn from each other, draw on each other's strengths and explore new models of housing, living and working for mankind in the new century.I believe that the Expo will add a new chapter to the annals of interactions and mutual learning between the Chinese people and people of other countries and between different civilizations.女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, 8年来,中国政府和人民怀着高度热忱,举全国之力,集世界智慧,全力筹办上海世博会。现在,上海世博会即将呈现在我们面前。我相信,在有关各方共同努力下,世界各国人民一定能够共享一届成功、精彩、难忘的盛会。我也相信,只要我们继承并不断创新世博会给我们带来的宝贵文明成果和精神财富,我们生活的城市一定会更加美丽,我们共同拥有的地球家园一定会更加美好,我们的未来一定会更加光明。

Over the past eight years, the Chinese government and people have worked with great enthusiasm and made tremendous efforts in preparation for Expo 2010 Shanghai.We have mobilized resources throughout the country and pooled the wisdom of the world.Now, the Expo is about to open.I am confident that, with concerted efforts, people around the world will witness a successful, splendid and unforgettable World Expo.I am equally convinced that if we carry forward and build on the invaluable achievements of human civilization shown by the World Expo and its spiritual legacy, we will make our cities more beautiful, the Earth-our common home better and our future brighter.女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, 中国人民正在满怀信心地推进改革开放和社会主义现代化建设。我们既要不断创造13亿中国人民的美好生活,又要为人类和平与发展的崇高事业作出新的更大的贡献。中国将高举和平、发展、合作旗帜,始终不渝走和平发展道路,始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,坚持在和平共处五项原则的基础上同所有国家发展友好合作,同各国人民一道推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。

The Chinese people are moving forward with full confidence in reform, opening up and the socialist modernization drive.We will make continued effort to improve the livelihood of the 1.3 billion Chinese people and at the same time make greater and new contribution to the noble cause of world peace and development.We will hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation and remain committed to the path of peaceful development and a win-win strategy of opening up.China stands ready to develop friendly relations and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and work with people of other countries for a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.现在,我提议:

Now, I wish to propose a toast, 为举办一届成功、精彩、难忘的世博会,To a successful, splendid, and unforgettable World Expo, 为世界各国人民的团结和友谊,To the solidarity and friendship of people of all counties, 为人类文明发展进步,To the development and progress of human civilization, and

为各位嘉宾和家人身体健康,To the health of all the distinguished guests and your families.干杯!Cheers!

外交部长杨洁篪在2011年新年招待会上的祝酒辞 2010年12月7日,钓鱼台国宾馆芳菲苑

Toast by Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi At the New Year Reception Fangfeiyuan, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, 7 December 2010


Your Excellency State Councilor Dai Bingguo, Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys, Representatives of International Organizations and Your Spouses, Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,今天,我们再次在这里欢聚一堂,共迎新年。令我们特别高兴的是,戴秉国国务委员和有关部门的负责人拨冗出席今天的晚会,与各位使节和新老朋友共叙友谊。一年来,各位驻华使节和夫人以及各位外交官们为增进相互了解、促进友好合作付出了辛勤的劳动,做出了宝贵贡献。我谨代表外交部并以我个人名义,向各位来宾致以最美好的节日祝福,向所有关心和支持中国外交的朋友们表示衷心的感谢!

We are once again gathered here on this joyful occasion to celebrate the New Year.And we are especially pleased to have with us today State Councilor Dai Bingguo and officials of relevant government agencies to renew friendship with Your Excellencies and other friends, old and new.Over the past year, Your Excellencies Ambassadors and your spouses and other diplomats have worked tirelessly to enhance our mutual understanding and promote friendship and cooperation and made invaluable contributions.On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in my own name, I wish to extend festive greetings to you and express heartfelt thanks to all the friends who have shown care and support for China's diplomacy.2010年是世界经济总体摆脱金融危机阴霾、步入复苏轨道的重要一年。国际经济体系改革深入推进,多边主义和互利共赢的理念更加深入人心。同时,世界经济复苏的脆弱性和不平衡性仍然存在,气候变化、能源安全、粮食安全、防灾减灾等全球性挑战更加突出,热点问题时有升温,影响和平发展的因素更加复杂多元。面对国际形势的复杂深刻变化,各国努力以合作谋和平,以稳定促发展,表现出和衷共济、共迎挑战的坚定决心。

The year 2010 has been an important year for the overall world economy to emerge from the shadow of the financial crisis and embark on the track of recovery.Reform of the international economic system has gathered momentum, while multilateralism and win-win cooperation have won greater popular support.On the other hand, the world economic recovery remains fragile and uneven.Global challenges such as climate change, energy security, food security and disaster prevention and reduction have become more pronounced.Hotspot issues have heated up from time to time, and factors bearing on peace and development have got more complex and diverse.In the face of complex and profound changes on the world scene, all countries have worked hard to pursue peace through cooperation and promote development through enhanced stability, displaying a strong resolve to meet challenges with concerted efforts.在这一过程中,中国与各国的互利合作得到进一步(深化)①,(政治、经济、人文等各领域)②交流得到新的拓展,在国际体系改革和国际多边事务中的协调合作得到不断增强。2010年是中国与世界联系更加密切、互动更为加强、合作进一步提升的一年,是中国为(世界的和平稳定与发展)③做出新的贡献的一年。

During this process, the mutually beneficial cooperation between China and other countries has further deepened, our exchanges in the political, economic, cultural and other fields expanded, and our coordination and cooperation in the reform of the international system and multilateral affairs strengthened.This has been a year marked by closer links, greater interactions and stronger cooperation between China and the world, and by China's new contributions to world peace, stability and development.【注】:

外交部长—— foreign minister 新年招待会—— the New Year reception 祝酒辞—— toast 国宾馆—— State Guesthouse 尊敬的—— Your Excellency, 另外也可译为Your Honor,这两种都用以对高级官员的称呼 国务委员—— State Councilor 代表—— representatives of international organizations, 注意这里虽然原文并未明指,但译员通常会根据现场来将指代或细节补充完整以避免不必要的误解 【注】:

有关部门负责人—— officials of relevant government agencies 外交部—— the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 以个人名义—— in one's own name 拨冗出席—— take the time out of your business to attend, 另外,“百忙之中抽空前来”译法也类似,只是将business换成busy schedual而已

新老朋友—— old and new friends, 注意中英语序上的区别

共叙友谊—— renew friendship,这里自然不能把“叙”直译为talk或 chat这样的词,renew “赋予新的活力与生命”、“加强”这样的涵义更能体现讲话人的想法 增进相互了解—— enhance our mutual understanding 促进友好合作—— promote friendship and cooperation *关于增进、促进这样的高频词汇,这里将列举一些简易词备用:further/give an impetus to/contribute to/encourage

除了词汇短语以外,本文也出现了很多口译必背的句型们,下面,让我们来have a look!

1、欢聚一堂—— 常以gather的各种动词形式表示 例:今天,我们怀着愉快的心情同„欢聚一堂。

We are joyfully gathering here today with…

2、谨代表„—— on behalf of „


on behalf of …, I wish to welcome our friends who have come to visit China.3、向„致以节日祝福—— extend festive greetings to „

向„表示衷心的感谢—— express heartfelt thanks to „



Allow me, first of all, to express our heary welcome to our distinguished guests coming from a far.【注】

摆脱阴霾—— emerge from the shadow 金融危机—— financial crisis 国际经济体系—— international economic system 多边主义—— multilateralism 互利共赢—— win-win cooperation(延伸)互利合作—— mutually beneficial cooperation平等互利—— equality and mutual benefit 双赢战略—— win-win strategy 深入人心—— win great popular support 脆弱性—— fragility(n.), fragile(adj.)词性转换是常用的翻译技巧 不平衡性—— imbalance(n.), uneven(adj.)气候变化—— climate change 能源安全—— energy security 粮食安全—— food security 防灾减灾—— disaster prevention and reduction 热点问题—— hotspot issues 升温—— heat up 和衷共济—— make a concerted effort

热词点击——bear,bear实际上意思众多,相应短语也是颇为丰富: bear off —— 赢得;驶离

bear on—— 靠在„上;对„产生影响 bear out —— 证明,证实

bear away—— 夺取;改变航道 bear up——支撑,支持住

bear down—— 克服;全力以赴 例:台湾问题事关中国的主权和领土完整,是中国的核心利益。

The Taiwan issue is China's core interest as it bears on the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity.“面对国际形势的复杂深刻变化”实际上属于在外交上的常用句型,译法也随着组合方式的不同而具有多样性。


In the face of the complex and volatile international situation,China has adhered to its independent foreign policy of peace.2.国际形势正在发生复杂而深刻的变化。

The international situation is undergoing complex and profound changes.【注】

协调合作—— coordination and cooperation 多边事物—— multilateral affairs


The year 2010 has also been an eventful year in the course of China's peaceful development.We have overcome such natural disasters as the Yushu earthquake and the massive Zhouqu mudslide.We have ensured the steady and relatively fast economic development, successfully hosted the Shanghai World Expo and the Asian Games in Guangzhou, and accomplished the Chang'e-2 lunar probe mission.In all these efforts, we have received broad understanding and sincere help from other countries.I wish to take this opportunity to express heartfelt thanks to all the governments and to you, diplomatic envoys in China, for the valuable support.【注】

青海玉树地震—— Yushu earthquake 舟曲特大泥石流—— massive Zhouqu mudslide 自然灾害—— natural disasters 上海世博会—— Shanghai World Expo 广州亚运会—— Asian Games in Guangzhou 嫦娥二号卫星探月任务—— Chang'e-2 lunar probe mission


①、深化—— deepen是中式英语大行其道的又一例证,这个官场必备的场面话更为地道的表达有intensify/promote/facilitate等词。例:我们要深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育。

We will intensify the educational reform and promote the quality-oriented education in an all-round way.②、政治、经济、人文等各领域:并列词出现在不同句子里时,要注意是名词形式好,还是形容词形式更适合,当然词性统一最为重要。例:经济、贸易、科技和文化合作

economic/trade/scientific/technological cooperation

③、世界的和平稳定与发展,确保经济平稳较快发展(ensure the steady and relatively fast economic development)(一起来记吧)


We will appropriately balance reform, development and stability, and maintain steady and rapid economic growth.女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen,2011年是新世纪第二个十年的开启之年。世界多极化趋势将继续发展,世界经济复苏和变革进程将继续演进,各国围绕后危机时期转变发展方式、提高综合国力的合作与互动将继续深化。2011年也是中国“十二五”规划的开局之年。中国将进入全面建设小康社会的关键时期和深化改革开放、加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期。

The year 2011 marks the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century.The world will continue to move towards multi-polarity, while the process of global economic recovery and reform will further evolve.Countries will engage in deeper cooperation and interactions as they endeavor to transform their economic development patterns and enhance overall national strength in the post-crisis era.Next year marks the start of the implementation of China's 12th five-year plan.We will enter a crucial period in our effort to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, deepen reform and opening-up and accelerate the transformation of the economic development pattern.【注】

经济复苏—— economic recovery 后危机时期—— post-crisis era 发展方式—— development patterns 综合国力—— overall national strength 中国“十二五”规划—— China's 12th five-year plan 全面建设小康社会—— build a moderately prosperous society in all respects 关键时期/攻坚时期—— a crucial period 改革开放—— reform and opening-up

中国与世界的发展目标一致,合作领域更加广阔,面临着新的历史机遇。我们将积极顺应国际国内形势的新变化新要求,始终不渝走和平发展道路,始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,坚持和平发展、科学发展、合作发展、共赢发展,与国际社会一道,为促进世界和平、稳定与繁荣作出新的贡献。With the same development goals, China and the rest of the world will enjoy a wider arc of cooperation and face new historic opportunities.We will proactively adapt ourselves to the new developments and needs of the domestic and international situation, stay committed to the path of peaceful development, unswervingly follow the win-win strategy of opening-up, pursue peaceful, scientific, cooperative and win-win development, and work with other countries to make greater contributions to world peace, stability and prosperity.【注】

新的历史机遇—— new historic opportunities 国际国内形势—— domestic and international situation 始终不渝—— stay committed to/ unswervingly


1、开启之年 开局之年 —— 这样的词汇不必拘泥四字格的形式,注重其义才是更好的处理方式。无论是开启或是开局,终究还是一个“开始”的表现形式。译文里灵活地使用了 beginning及start,表义清晰,与原文也有异曲同工之妙。另外,本段中的“关键时期”与“攻坚时期”亦同理。


persue peaceful, scientific, cooperative and win-win development 当然,这样的句式有时候也可以选择完整表达,争取下文的翻译时间 例:推动经济建设、政治建设、文化建设与和谐社会建设全面发展

promote simultaneously our economic development, political development, cultural development and the development of a harmonious society



always follow an independent foreign policy of peace


With the beginning of the new year, everything takes on a new look.We look forward to continuing our good cooperation in the coming year for the sustained growth of our relations.现在,我提议:


I now propose a toast, to our common cause of world peace and development, to greater friendship and cooperation between China and other countries, and to the health and happiness of you all.Cheers!

词汇辨析: career/cause 千万别看到事业就是career,看到cause就是导致、理由,实际上,cause才是更偏重大环境的事业,而career则是职业、生涯方面的事业。为了加深理解,小编特地附上两词相关的英文解释及例句,供大家体会。

career: the particular occupation for which you are trained 例:My uncle entered upon a diplomatic career at the age of thirty-five.我伯父35岁时开始了外交官的生涯。

cause: a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end 例:World peace is a cause we should all work for.争取世界和平是一项我们都应该为之而努力的事业。


Remarks in an Exchange of Toasts at State Dinner 在欢迎胡锦涛主席国宴上的致辞

I'm told that there is a Chinese proverb that says:(If you want one year of prosperity, then grow grain.If you want 10 years of prosperity, then grow trees.But if you want 100 years of prosperity, then you grow people.)


And so I propose a toast,to our people, the citizens of the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America,May they grow together in friendship.May they prosper together in peace.And may they realize their dream of the future for themselves, for their children, and for their grandchildren.所以我提议我们一起举杯,为了中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国的公民, 让他们在友谊中共同成长,在和平中共同繁荣。



China will Keep its Door Open Forever ——温家宝总理在第110届中国进出口商品交易会开幕式暨中国加入世界贸易组织10周年论坛上的讲话

--Speech by Premier Wen Jiabao at Opening Ceremony of the 110th Session of the China Import and Export Fair and the Forum on the Tenth Anniversary of China's Accession to the WTO


Distinguished guests, Dear friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,今天我们欢聚一堂,共同庆祝第110届中国进出口商品交易会(广交会)隆重开幕。我对各位嘉宾表示热烈欢迎,对长期以来为中国外贸事业发展做出贡献的各界人士表示崇高敬意!

Today we are joyfully gathered here to celebrate the opening of the 110th session of the China Import and Export Fair, known as the Canton Fair.I wish to begin by extending my warmest welcome to all the distinguished guests present, and paying my high tribute to the people from all circles who have made contribution to the development of China's foreign trade over the years.广交会是中国政府在1957年创办的。50多年来,广交会顺应时势变化,不断创新办展理念和办展方式,不断优化参展企业和参展商品,始终保持着旺盛的生命力和蓬勃的发展势头,成为中国历史最久、规模最大、声誉最佳的国际著名展会,成为中国对外贸易发展的缩影。一部广交会的历史,就是一部生动的新中国对外开放史。

The first Canton Fair was held in 1957 by the Chinese government.For more than 50 years, the Canton Fair has adapted itself to the changing world by constantly innovating its exhibition concept and modality and improving the quality of participating enterprises and commodities, thus maintaining its vigor and growth momentum.It has become the longest-standing international exhibition in China with the largest participation and the best reputation, as well as the microcosm of the development of China's foreign trade.The history of the Canton Fair is indeed the history of New China's openness coming alive.展望未来,随着中国经济快速发展和改革开放不断推进,广交会面临更加广阔的发展前景。我们相信,广交会一定会办得更具特色、更上水平、更有成效,为促进我国对外贸易发展做出更大的贡献。

Looking ahead, with China's rapid economic development and steady deepening of reform and opening-up, the Canton Fair is faced with an even broader prospect of development.We are confident that the Fair will be elevated to higher levels with greater effectiveness and more of its unique styles, thus making a greater contribution to China's thriving trade with the rest of the world.女士们,先生们:

Ladies and Gentlemen,再过两个月,我们就将迎来中国加入世贸组织10周年,这是中国对外开放进程中值得纪念的大事。如果说创办广交会是中国向世界打开了一扇窗,那么加入世贸组织就是中国向世界开启了一扇门;如果说创办广交会是中国向世界伸出一只手,那么加入世贸组织就是中国拥抱整个世界。

In two months' time, China will mark the 10th anniversary of its accession to the World Trade Organization, a momentous event in China's opening to the outside world.If we describe the Canton Fair as a window China opened to the world, then the accession to the WTO can be seen as a door China opened to the world.If we describe the Canton Fair as China extending a hand to the world, then its WTO membership is its full embrace of this world.加入世贸组织10年来,中国的面貌发生了重大变化,中国对外经贸关系发生了重大变化,中国在世界大家庭中的地位和作用也发生了重大变化。回顾这10年历史,我们可以得出三个重要结论:

Over the past ten years since WTO accession, China has undergone stupendous changes, so have its trade relations with the outside world and its standing and role in the world family of nations.Looking back, we may draw three important conclusions.第一,中国是说话算数的国家,兑现了加入世界贸易组织时作出的郑重承诺。

First, China is a country that honors its words and has fulfilled all its solemn commitments upon WTO accession.10年来,我们全面履行诺言,逐步降低进口产品的关税税率,取消所有进口配额、许可证等非关税措施,全面放开对外贸易经营权,大幅降低外资准入门槛。中国关税总水平由15.3%降至9.8%,远远低于发展中国家的平均水平;中国服务贸易开放部门达到100个,接近发达国家的水平。

Over the decade, we have completely fulfilled our commitments by gradually lowering tariffs on imported goods, abolishing all import quotas, licenses and other non-tariff measures, liberalizing access to foreign trade operation, and substantially reducing the threshold for foreign investment.China's overall tariff rate has gone down from 15.3% to 9.8%, far lower than the average of developing countries.One hundred service trade sectors have been opened, which is the level close to the developed countries.我们在扩大市场开放的同时,还致力于提高对外开放政策的稳定性、透明度和可预见性。10年来,中央政府共清理各种法律法规和部门规章2300多件,地方政府共清理地方性政策和法规19万多件,使国内涉外经济法律法规与我国加入世贸组织承诺相一致。

While making our market increasingly accessible, we have strived to ensure the stability, transparency and predictability of our opening policy.In ten years, China's central government has sorted out more than 2,300 pieces of laws, decrees and departmental regulations, with the local governments sorting out over 190,000 pieces of local policies and regulations, thus making China's domestic laws and regulations on foreign economic relations consistent with its WTO accession commitments.第二,中国是勇于担当的国家,积极承担着与自身发展水平相称的国际责任。

Second, China is a responsible country that has actively shouldered international responsibilities commensurate with the level of its development.10年来,中国坚定支持世贸组织多哈回合谈判,积极参与国际宏观经济政策协调,参与20国集团等全球经济治理机制建设,推动国际金融体系改革,以实际行动反对贸易保护主义。在国际金融危机蔓延的时候,我国及时实施强有力的内需刺激政策,组织30多个大型采购团赴海外采购,我国进口和对外投资加快增长,为世界经济复苏做出了重要贡献。中国是最早制定并实施《应对气候变化国家方案》的发展中国家,也是近年来节能减排力度最大的国家之一。中国认真落实联合国千年发展目标,是全球唯一提前实现贫困人口减半的国家,并根据自身能力积极开展对外援助。近10年累计对外提供各类援款1700多亿元人民币,免除50个重债穷国近300亿元人民币到期债务,承诺对最不发达国家95%以上的输华产品实行零关税,为173个发展中国家和13个地区性国际组织培训各类人员6万多名,显著增强了受援国的自主发展能力。

Over the decade, China has firmly supported the WTO Doha Round negotiations, taken an active part in international macro-economic policy coordination, participated in the development of the G20 and other global economic governance mechanisms, promoted reform of international financial system and taken concrete steps against trade protectionism.At the time of raging international financial crisis, China adopted timely and forceful policies to stimulate domestic demand, sent more than 30 large buying missions abroad, and stepped up import and outbound investment, thus making important contribution to world economic recovery.China was the first developing country to formulate and implement a National Climate Change Program, and has been among the champions in recent years in terms of strong efforts of energy conservation and emission reduction.Earnestly implementing the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)of the United Nations, China is the only country in the world that has reduced its poor population by half ahead of schedule, and has actively offered foreign aid as its ability permits.In ten years, China has altogether provided over 170 billion RMB yuan in foreign assistance and exempted nearly 30 billion RMB yuan of matured debts incurred by 50 heavily indebted poor countries.What is more, China has pledged zero-tariff treatment to over 95% of imports from the least developed countries, and trained over 60,000 personnel from 173 developing countries and 13 regional organizations.All this has significantly built up the capacity of the recipient countries for independent development.第三,中国是致力于共同发展的国家,始终奉行平等互利、合作共赢的对外开放政策。

Third, China is dedicated to common development while always pursuing an opening-up policy based on equality, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.加入世贸组织对中国的积极影响是巨大而深远的。最显著的是,极大地促进了我国开放型经济发展,提升了我国经济的整体竞争力。10年来,中国货物贸易额由世界第六位上升到第二位,其中出口跃居第一位;累计吸收外商直接投资7595亿美元,居发展中国家首位;对外直接投资年均增长40%以上,2010年当年已达688亿美元,居世界第五位。各个产业在激烈的国际竞争中经受了考验。加入世贸组织给中国人民带来许多看得见、摸得着的好处,更重要的是开阔了人们的视野,改变了人们的思想观念,促进了中国体制改革和制度创新,大大增强了中国发展的内在动力。

The accession to the WTO has had huge and far-reaching impacts on China, the most obvious one being that China's open economy receives a great boost for development and its overall competitiveness improves.During the decade, China rose from the sixth to the second place in the world in terms of volume of trade in goods with export ranking the first.FDI totaled US$759.5 billion, the highest among developing countries.Overseas direct investment reached US$68.8 billion in 2010, the fifth largest in the world, which represented an average annual growth of over 40%.Our various industries have weathered the fierce international competition.The WTO membership has brought the Chinese people many tangible benefits.More importantly, it has widened the horizon of our people, changed their way of thinking and promoted China's structural reform and institutional innovation, thus enhancing the inherent drive for China's future development.中国加入世贸组织也为世界各国带来了实实在在的利益。这10年,中国每年平均进口7500亿美元的商品,相当于为贸易伙伴创造1400多万个就业岗位。在华外商投资企业累计汇出利润2617亿美元,年均增长30%。中国对外投资企业聘用当地员工接近80万人,每年在当地纳税超过100亿美元。中国物美价廉的商品为国外消费者带来了巨大实惠,由于进口中国商品,美国消费者过去10年共节省开支6000多亿美元,欧盟每个家庭每年可以节省开支300欧元。

China's WTO accession has also brought tangible benefits to many countries around the world.During the decade, China imported US$750 billion worth of goods each year on average and created more than 14 million jobs for its trading partners.Foreign invested enterprises in China remitted a total of US$261.7 billion in profits, representing an average annual growth of 30%.Chinese enterprises operating overseas employed nearly 800,000 people locally and paid over US$10 billion in taxes every year.The quality and affordable Chinese products have benefited consumers from around the world.During the decade, thanks to imported goods from China, American consumers saved more than US$600 billion in spending.Every family in the EU saved up to 300 euros every year by the same token.实践证明,中国扩大对外开放,惠及13亿中国人民,也惠及世界各国人民。中国的发展,是和平的发展、开放的发展、合作的发展、共赢的发展。中国加入世贸组织大家庭,是中国的成功,也是世界的成功!

Facts have shown that a more open China has benefited not only the 1.3 billion people of China, but also the people around the world.China's development is peaceful, open, cooperation-based and win-win-oriented.A WTO family with China on board is a success story for both China and the world.女士们,先生们:

Ladies and Gentlemen,当今世界是开放的世界,经济全球化和科技革命为各国提供了互利合作、共同发展的有利条件。要开放、不要封闭,要发展、不要停滞,是大势所趋、人心所向。特别是在应对国际金融危机冲击的过程中,发展国际贸易、促进国际投资成为推动世界经济复苏的关键因素。令人忧虑的是,受种种因素干扰,全球多边贸易体系发展坎坷,多哈回合谈判一波三折、徘徊不前,贸易投资保护主义明显抬头,反倾销、反补贴等贸易救济措施屡遭滥用,贸易摩擦政治化倾向日益突出,给世界经济复苏蒙上浓厚的阴影。

The present-day world is an open one with economic globalization and revolution in science and technology creating conditions favorable for countries to engage in mutually beneficial cooperation geared to common development.It has become the general trend and desire of the people for the world to stay open and keep developing rather than become closed and stagnant.Moreover, as we are in the middle of resisting the international financial crisis, promoting trade and investment among countries holds the key to early world economic recovery.What worries us is that due to various factors, the development of global multilateral trading regime is anything but smooth sailing.The Doha Round negotiations have bogged down, trade and investment protectionism is raising its head with frequent abuses of anti-dumping, countervailing and other trade remedies, and the tendency of politicizing trade frictions has become more salient.All this has cast a dark shadow over world economic recovery.历史经验证明,自由、开放、公正的国际贸易,能够促进社会分工,提高劳动效率,扩大市场规模,增加就业机会,符合世界各国的根本利益;相反,贸易保护主义只会拖累世界经济复苏步伐,最终受损的是各国人民。在当前国际金融市场急剧动荡、世界经济不稳定和不确定因素显著增加、主要经济体复苏步伐明显放缓的关键时刻,国际社会应当携起手来,同舟共济,以更大的诚意和决心进一步扩大市场开放,以更加鲜明的态度和行动共同抵制形形色色的保护主义,以更加理性的办法妥善处理国际贸易摩擦。惟有这样,才能尽快驱散国际金融危机的阴霾,才能增强国际社会抵御各种风险的能力,才能实现世界经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长。

History shows that international trade that is free, open and fair can improve division of labor, increase productivity, enlarge the marketplace and expand employment, which serves the fundamental interests of all countries.Trade protectionism, conversely, can only drag the feet of the world economic recovery and hurt people of all countries in the end.At this critical juncture characterized by volatile international financial markets, rising economic instability and uncertainty and marked slowdown of recovery of major economies, the international community should join hands and work closely together to open their markets still wider with greater sincerity and determination, reject protectionism of all forms and manifestations with a clear-cut attitude and concrete actions, and find proper and more rational solutions to trade frictions.That is the only way to break the spell of the global financial crisis, improve the risk preparedness of the international community, and achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy.坚定不移地实施对外开放的基本国策和互利共赢的开放战略,是中国人民作出的自主抉择。我们从自身发展的经验教训中深深懂得“关起门来搞建设是不能成功的”。中国仍然是一个发展中国家,人口多、底子薄、发展不平衡,科学技术相对落后,经济体制和政治体制还不完善,是我们的基本国情。这就需要不断解放思想,与时俱进,以无比坚定的决心和勇气继续推进改革开放,以海纳百川的胸襟学习借鉴国外一切文明成果。今天的中国,扩大开放的基础更加牢固,条件更加成熟,人民群众的意愿更加强烈,对外开放的道路越走越宽广。我们刚刚制定了“十二五”规划,明确提出实行更加积极主动的开放战略,清楚地表达了中国政府和人民坚持对外开放的巨大勇气和决心。

Our state policy of unswervingly opening to the outside world and our win-win strategy of opening-up are the free choices made by our people.We have learned from our own experience, including bitter lessons that one cannot succeed in development behind closed doors.China is still a developing country with a big population, weak economic foundation, uneven development, relative backwardness in science and technology, and far from complete economic and political institutions.These are our basic national conditions.That is why we need to constantly free our mind, keep pace with the times, press ahead with reform and opening-up with rock-solid determination and courage and strive to draw on the achievements of all civilizations with an open mind.Thanks to much improved conditions for opening-up and even greater support from the people, China's opening to the outside world is promised with a bright future.The recently-formulated 12th Five-Year Plan has clearly outlined a more proactive opening strategy, which gives expression to the tremendous courage and resolve of the government and people of China for continued opening-up.——我们将把扩大进口与稳定出口结合起来,努力促进国际收支基本平衡。中国始终坚持开放的贸易政策,既重视出口,也重视进口,不刻意追求贸易顺差。五年前,广交会更名为中国进出口商品交易会,增加了进口展区,就是中国促进平衡增长的最好诠释。经过我们的努力,中国进出口正朝着更加平衡的方向发展,2009年贸易顺差比上年减少1000亿美元,2010年又进一步减少126亿美元,预计今年顺差占GDP的比重将下降到3%以内。今后5年中国进口总规模有望超过8万亿美元,这将给世界各国带来更多商机。我们愿意加强与主要顺差来源国的金融与经济合作,用发展的办法逐步解决贸易不平衡问题。我们也希望有关国家尽快承认中国市场经济地位,放松高新技术产品对中国出口管制,为双边贸易平衡发展创造条件。

----We will combine expanding import with stabilizing export in an effort to make our international payments more balanced.China follows an open trade policy, emphasizing both export and import and refraining from pure trade surplus.Five years ago, the Canton Fair changed its name to the China Import and Export Fair and added the International Pavilion, which is a remarkable testimony to China's desire for a balanced growth in trade.Thanks to our efforts, China's import and export have been moving towards greater balance.For example, our trade surplus in 2009 went down by US$100 billion compared with the previous year.It further went down by US$12.6billion in 2010.This year, the share of trade surplus in GDP is expected to come under 3%.By our estimate, China's total import in the next five years will top US$8 trillion, which will offer a lot more opportunities for businesses around the world.We are ready to strengthen financial and economic cooperation with countries that have substantial trade deficit with China and resolve the issue of trade imbalance gradually in the course of continued development of trade.We also hope that relevant countries will lose no time in recognizing China's market economy status and relax their control on high-and new-tech exports to China so as to create conditions for a more balanced growth of trade.——我们将把吸收外资与对外投资结合起来,拓展国民经济的发展空间。中国的资金和外汇比较充裕,这是我们的发展优势,但不能忽视利用外资的作用,国际投资中搭载的技术创新能力、管理经验和市场机会,不是用钱就能买到的。我们将一如既往地欢迎各国投资者来中国兴业,特别是到中西部地区投资。更加重视引进先进技术、人才和智力资源,更加重视保护知识产权。继续为国内外各类市场主体营造开放的法制环境、政策环境和市场环境,清理相关法律、规章和其他政策措施,确保与世贸规则相一致。我们将加快实施“走出去”战略,鼓励有条件、守信誉的各类企业对外投资,重视开展有利于改善不发达国家民生和增强自主发展能力的合作,注意承担社会责任和义务,造福当地人民。

----We will combine absorbing foreign investment with investing abroad in an effort to enlarge to room for economic development.China is now relatively rich in capital and foreign exchange reserves, which is an advantage of China's development.But we must not overlook the role of foreign capital.The technological innovation, managerial expertise and market opportunities that are often associated with foreign investment are not what one can buy with money.We will continue to welcome investors from all countries to China, especially to the central and western parts of the country.We will attach greater importance to bringing into China advanced know-how, human talents and intellectual resources and to protecting intellectual property rights.We will continue to cultivate an open legal, policy and market environment for all types of market entities at home and abroad by sorting out relevant Chinese laws, regulations, policies and measures and ensuring their consistence with the WTO rules.We will speed up the implementation of the “going global” strategy, encourage more capable and credible Chinese firms to invest overseas, pay attention to the cooperation schemes aimed at improving the livelihood of the underdeveloped countries and enhancing their capacity for independent development, and stress the need to undertake relevant social responsibilities in the interest of the local communities.——我们将把深化沿海开放与扩大内陆和沿边开放结合起来,进一步优化区域开放格局。沿海地区要加快培育新的国际竞争优势,由世界工厂向研发设计、品牌营销和服务外包基地转变,由国际产业链低端向产业链高端发展。内陆地区要发挥资源和劳动力丰富的比较优势,着力改善投资环境,积极承接国际产业和沿海产业转移,培育高水平的加工制造基地。沿边地区要充分发挥地缘优势,实行特殊的开放政策,加快重点口岸、边境城市、边境经济合作区和重点开发开放实验区建设,努力提高对外开放的水平。

----We will combine deepening openness in the coastal areas with greater openness in the hinterland and border areas in an effort to further improve China's regional opening-up layout.The coastal areas must accelerate the development of new international competitive edge, transforming the themselves from being a world factory to being a base for R&D, design, brand marketing and service outsourcing, and moving up the international value chain.The hinterland areas should bring out their comparative advantages of rich natural resources and labor, work hard to improve their investment environment, actively receive relocated industries from overseas and China's coastal areas and build up more high-caliber manufacturing and processing bases.The border areas should give full play to their geographical advantages, put in place special opening-up policies, speed up the building of major ports, border cities, border economic cooperation zones and key development and opening-up experimental zones with a view to increasing to overall level of openness.——我们将把经济领域开放与其他领域开放结合起来,以开放促改革促发展促创新。经济领域依然是我国对外开放的基础和重点。我们将稳步扩大服务业对外开放,继续推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,扩大人民币跨境使用,逐步实现人民币资本项目可兑换。同时,我们也将积极扩大教育、科技、文化、卫生等领域的对外交流与合作,在扩大开放中促进我国社会事业改革与发展。

----We will combine openness in economic field with openness in other fields in an effort to promote reform, development and innovation.Economy remains the basis and key priority of China's opening-up program.We will take steady steps to widen the openness of our service industry, keep up the reform in the RMB exchange rate forming mechanism, expand the cross-border use of RMB and gradually make RMB convertible under the capital account.At the same time, we will step up exchanges and cooperation with other countries in education, science, technology, culture, health and other areas so as to promote reform and development of China's social programs through ever enlarged openness.——我们将把向发达国家开放与向发展中国家开放结合起来,扩大同各方利益的汇合点。中国与发达国家处于不同的发展阶段,经济互补性强,互利合作前景广阔。要加强战略对话,增进战略互信,拓宽合作领域,妥善处理经贸摩擦。广大发展中国家蕴藏着巨大的发展潜力,是我国实施市场多元化战略和“走出去”战略的重点。无论是富国还是穷国,无论实行何种社会制度,我们都愿意在平等互利基础上与他们开展经贸合作。

----We will combine opening to the developed countries with opening to the developing countries in an effort to expand the convergence of interests with all parties.China and the developed countries are at different stages of development with strong economic complementarities and broad prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation.It is necessary for both sides to step up strategic dialogue, increase strategic trust, broaden areas of cooperation and properly handle their trade frictions.The developing countries are blessed with an enormous potential for development and they occupy an important position in China's market diversification and “going global” strategies.We are ready to engage in economic cooperation with all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, irrespective of their wealth or social systems.——我们将把多边开放与双边开放结合起来,继续在国际经济体系中发挥建设性作用。我们愿意以更加积极的姿态,参与多边经贸事务和全球性问题治理,与世界各国一道,共同分享发展机遇,共同应对各种挑战。我们也愿意继续推动区域合作进程,积极与有关国家和地区商建自由贸易区。我愿再次呼吁,各方应坚持世贸组织多哈回合谈判的发展授权,关注最不发达国家利益,在锁定既有成果的基础上,务实推进谈判进程。中方始终是支持谈判的积极力量,衷心期待谈判早日取得实质性成果。

----We will combine openness in the multilateral context with openness in the bilateral context while continuing to play a constructive role in the international economic system.We are ready to engage more actively in multilateral economic and trade affairs and management of global issues, sharing out development opportunities with other countries and taking on the challenges together.We are also ready to push forward regional cooperation process and explore the possibility of establishing free trade areas with relevant countries and regions.I wish to take this opportunity to repeat my call for all parties to uphold the development mandate of the WTO Doha Round negotiations, pay attention to the interests of the least developed countries and advance the negotiations in a results-oriented way on the basis of locking in the existing outcomes.China has always been supportive of the negotiations and sincerely looks forward to substantive outcomes at an early date.女士们,先生们:

Ladies and Gentlemen,中国对外开放30多年来的实践告诉我们:只有开放兼容,国家才能富强,人民才能过上幸福美好的生活。我们要倍加珍惜和维护对外开放的成果,将对外开放贯穿于我国现代化建设全过程,奋力把对外开放的伟大事业推向前进,为建设一个富强民主文明和谐的国家、为世界的繁荣发展和文明进步不懈努力!

China's opening to the outside world in the past 30 years and more tells us that only an open and inclusive country can be strong and prosperous and achievements in opening-up, keep the policy in place throughout our modernization process, vigorously move the great cause forward and work tirelessly to build a prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious China and to ensure prosperity, development and progress in the world.谢谢大家!

Thank you.


I am a student from X X Middle School.We met some difficulty.Our teacher, Ms Wang, told us that we could write to you for help.We are eager to get your early answer.We will appreciate any of your help.Yours sincerely,Li Hua



Why we learn English

The English language has become an international language because it is used by people in the most countries in the world now.English is very important to us, but many students don't know why;hey should learn it.I hope that all the students should pay more attention to English study and use it freely.(133 words)





Lighten The Burden On Students

Teachers, please get rid of homework and examinations.Examinations are nothing but anxiety-makers.Homework is nothing but interest-killers.My dear teachers, can you hear me? Please lighten the burden on students.(150 words)






My Experience In Examination

In my opinion, examinations are one of the important activities in school life.I have gone through all sorts of examinations since my primary school.I have tasted the flavor of happiness and sadness.我的考试履历





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