
时间:2019-05-12 17:28:33下载本文作者:会员上传



(一)大足区上游小学 蒋友琴




本课时的教学重、难点:a, an并能在实际情景中准确表达。




a, an的用法选择: 元音字母开头的单词用an,辅音字母开头的单词用a.练习:1.I am____(a,an)student.2.There is____(a,an)elephant in the zoo.3.You are____(a,an)good boy.4.I have_____(a,an)orange.5.This is____(a,an)new book.6.My father is(a,an)doctor.7.There is____(a,an)apple on the table.




1.He often ________(have)dinner at home.2.Daniel and Tommy _______(be)in Class One.3.We _______(not watch)TV on Monday.4.Nancy ________(pick)up oranges on the farm last week.5.I ________(make)a model ship with Mike yesterday.6.We all ______(have)a good time last night.7.Nick _______(not go)to the zoo on Sunday.8.______ they ________(like)the World Cup?

9.They _______(have)the same hobby.10.My aunt _______(look)after her baby carefully.11.You always _______(do)your homework well.12.What do you usually do at weekends? I usually __________(watch)TV and____________(catch)


13.It‘s Friday today.What _____she _________(do)this weekend? She ______________(watch)TV and _____________(catch)insects.14.What ___________(d0)you do last Sunday? I ____________(pick)apples on a farm.What ______________(do)next Sunday? I ______________(milk)cows.15.Mary ____________(visit)her grandparents tomorrow.16.Liu Tao ____________(fly)kites in the playground yesterday.17.David ______________(give)a puppet show next Monday.18.I ________________(plan)for my study now.19.I _______(be)ill.I’m staying in bed.20.She _______(go)to school from Monday to Friday.21.Liu Tao _______(do)not like PE.22.The child often _______(watch)TV in the evening.23.Su Hai and Su Yang _______(have)eight lessons this term.24.-What day _______(be)it today?

- It’s Saturday.25.The boy __________________(draw)a picture now.26.Listen.Some girls _______________(sing)in the classroom.27.My mother _________________(cook)some nice foodnow.28.What _____ you ______(do)now?

29.What _______they often _______(do)on Saturdays?

30._______ your parents _______(read)newspapers every day?

31.Look at that desk.Those book are on _________.(it)

32.The girl behind _________ is our friend.(she)

33.The girl _______(teach)us English on Sundays.34.She and I ________(take)a walk together every evening.35.There ________(be)some water in the bottle.36.Mike _______(like)cooking.37.Look.They _______________(have)an English lesson.38.They ____________(not ,water)the flowers now.39.Look!the girls ________________(dance)in the classroom.40.What is our granddaughter doing? She _________(listen)to music.41.It’s5o’clock now.We _____________(have)supper now

42.______Helen____________(wash)clothes? Yes ,she is.43.Today is a sunny day.We ___________________(have)a picnic this afternoon.44.My brother _______________(go)to Shanghai next week.45.Tom often ______________(go)to school on foot.But today is rain.He ______________(go)to school by bike.1.He _________(live)in Wuxi two years ago.46.The cat ________(eat)a bird last night.47.We _______(have)a party last Halloween.48.________ don’t know her name.Would you please tell _________.(we)

49.So many dogs.Let’s count _________.(they)

50.I have a lovely brother._________ is only 3.I like _________ very much.(he)

51.May I sit beside _________?(you)

52.He ________(jump)high on last Sports Day.53.Helen ________(milk)a cow on Friday.54.She likes ______ newspapers, but she ______ a book yesterday.(read)

55.My brother is two years __________(old)than me.56.Tom is as ________(fat)as Jim.57.They ________(play)chess in the classroom last PE lesson.58.My mother _______(cook)a nice food last Spring Festival.59.The girls ________(sing)and _______(dance)at the party.60.It ______(be)Ben’s birthday last Friday.61.Is your sister __________(young)than you? Yes,she is.62.Who is ___________(thin),you or Helen? Helen is.63.Whose pencil-box is __________(big),yours or hers? Hers is.64.Mary’s hair is as __________(long)as Lucy’s.65.Ben ______(jump)________(high)than some of the boys in his class.66.He _______ football now, but they _______ basketball just now.(play)

67.Jim’s mother _________(plant)trees just now.68._______ they ________(sweep)the floor on Sunday? No, they _____.69.I _______(watch)a cartoon on Monday.70.We ___________(go)to school on Sunday.71._____ Nancy sing __________(well)than Helen? Yes, she _____.72.Fangfang is not as _________(tall)as the other girls.73.My eyes are __________(big)than ________(she)..74.Which is ___________(heavy),the elephant or the pig?

75.Who gets up _________(early),Tim or Tom?

76._____the girls get up_______(early)than the boys?No,they______.77.Jim runs _____(slow).But Ben runs _____(slow).78.The child doesn’t______(write)as ____(fast)as the students.79.That is not _______ kite.That kite is very small, but _________ is very big.(I)

80.The dress is _________.Give it to _________.(she)

81.That is not _________ camera._________is at home.(he)

82.Where are _________? I can’t find _________.Let’s call _________ parents.(they)

83.Don’t touch _________._________ not a cat, _________ a tiger!

84._________ sister is ill.Please go and get _________.(she)

85.Is this _________ watch?(you)No, it’s not _________.(I)

86.________is my brother._______name is Jack.Look!Those stamps are _________.(he)

87._________ dresses are red.(we)What colour are _________?(you)

88。Here are many dolls, which one is _________ ?(she)

89.I can find my toy, but where’s _________?(you)

90.Show _________ your kite, OK?(they)

91.I have a beautiful cat._________name is Mimi.These cakes are _________.(it)

92.Are these _________ tickets? No, _________ are not _________._________ aren’t here.(they)

93.Shall _________ have a look at that classroom? That is _________ classroom.(we)

94._________ is my aunt.Do you know _________ job? _________ a nurse.(she)


Welcome to San Diego Zoo.Our zoo is a good place to.You can see lots of animals there.Let’sthe pandas first.There are two pandas from China.is Lingling and the other is Jianjian.Peoplethem a lot and many people come to see them.They are very shy, so please be.Do you like elephants? They are the pandas and the lions.They are from Africa.They are cute and friendly., they are playing happily.Do you want to see the lions? They are from South Africa.Some people don’t like them because they are and scary.OK!Let me you to see the koalas.They come from.They…













Michael: Hi, John!

John: Hi, Michael.Michael: Do you want to come to my home this afternoon? We can watch a video.John: OK.Where’s your home?

Michael: It’s on Bridge Street.It’s a quiet street on Fifth Avenue.John: OK, I know there.There’s a new hotel on the street.Is that right?

Michael: Yes, and there’s a small park behind the hotel.My home is just next to the park.John: Can I take a bus?

Michael: No, there’s no bus to my neighborhood.You can take a taxi.John: OK, I’ll see you at two-thirty.根据对话内容选择正确答案。

()56.What can they do this afternoon?

A.watch TV shows.B.watch a football game.C.watch a video.D.see a movie.()57.Does John want to Michael’s home?

A.Yes, he does.B.No, he doesn’t.C.We don’t know.D.He stays at home.()58.Michael’s home is on a _________ street.A.busy.B.quietC.newD.old

()59.What’s in front of the hotel?

A.A book store.B.A bank.C.A supermarket.D.A small park

()60.John can take _______ to Michael’s home.A.a busB.a bikeC.a taxi.D.a car.B

Bob: I’m Bob.I’m fifteen years old.I’m from France.I like playing sports.I run every morning.My favorite color is black.My favorite subject is P.E.because our P.E.teacher often plays games with us.David: I’m David.I’m from Canada.I’m thirteen years old.I like playing basketball and tennis.My favorite color

is red.My favorite subject is history.I think it’s very interesting.Jessica: My name is Jessica.I’m from the United Kingdom.I’m twelve years old.I like playing soccer.My

favorite soccer player is Beckham.My favorite color is blue.My favorite subject is math.I like Chinese food very much.Miyoko: I’m Miyoko.I’m fourteen years old.I’m from Japan.I go to school five days a week.I like playing

computer games(电脑游戏).My favorite day is Thursday because we have a computer class on Thursday.I like comedies.My favorite subject is physics.It’s very difficult, but I like it.()61.Who is from the United Kingdom?

A.Bob.B.David.C.Jessica.D.Miyoko.()62.What is Jessica’s favorite sport?

A.Basketball.B.Tennis.C.Soccer.D.Baseball.()63.What subject does David like best?

A.P.E.B.History.C.Math.D.Physics.()64.Bob’s favorite color is ______.A.Black.B.Red.C.Blue.D.Yellow.()65.When does Miyoko have a computer class?

A.On Sunday.B.On Saturday.C.On Monday.D.On Thurday.C

I’m going to see a movie with my friends this weekend.We love seeing movies, but e all like different kinds.I like to see thrillers and science fictions, my friend Sam loves action movies and comedies and my best friend, Lee, loves a good romance.Because we like different kinds of movies, it can be difficult to choose(选择)one to see.So we usually take turns(轮流)to choose the movie.It’s my turn to choose this weekend, so we’re going to see Harry Potter II, a new movie.It’s number one at the box office, and everyone is saying what a great movie it is.I can’t wait!

()66.How many kinds of movies does the writer talk about in the story?

A.Six.B.Five.C.Four.()67.Harry Potter II is ________movie right now.A.a boringB.a popularC.an action

()68.How do the writer and his friends choose which movie to see?

A.They like different kinds of movies.B.They let Lee choose which movie to see.C.They take turns to choose a movie to see.()69.What is the main idea(中心意思)of the story?

A.Choosing which movie to see can be difficult.B.It’s a good thing to see movies with friends.C.Everyone likes the new movie Harry Potter II.


英语作文常见过渡词(1)表并列关系的过渡词: and, not only…but also, both …and, either … or, neither…nor(2)表递进关系的过渡词:

besides, in addition(加之,除……之外), moreover(此外,而且), what’s more(3)表转折对比的过渡词: but, however, although,on the one hand …on the other hand, some…others…(4)表原因的过渡词: because, because of, thanks to, due to(由于)(5)表结果的过渡词: so, therefore, as a result, so that, so…that, such…that(6)表条件的过渡词: if, unless, as/so long as(7)表时间的过渡词: when, after, before, until, as soon as, later, from then on, at the same time, finally, at last, form now on, at present(8)表特定的顺序关系的过渡词: first, second, third, firstly, secondly, thirdly, above all,first of all, then, next, finally, in the end, at last(9)表换一种方式表达的过渡词: in other words, that is to say(10)表进行举例说明的过渡词: for example, like, such as(11)表陈述事实的过渡词:

in fact, actually, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth(12)表强调的过渡词:

above all, most important, in fact, no doubt, without any doubt, obviously(13)表目的的过渡词: for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order to, so as to(14)表总结的过渡词:

in a word(总之,简言之), in conclusion, in summary




a red-letter day喜庆的日子

roll out the red carpet for sb.隆重欢迎某人 red faced脸红, 难为情 see red勃然大怒

catch somebody red-handed当场捕获,当场捉住 be in the red 出现赤字(负债)be(get)out of the red不亏空

red book指电话号码簿是因其封面为红色的缘故 red meat指牛羊肉,亦是因其肉色发红之故

red alert就是指表示空袭、暴风雨或台风的“紧急警报” red figure/ink赤字

red-light district 红灯区或妓院色情区(非常形象地向人们发出危险信号,这是因为红灯是危险,停止前进的信号)

red tape繁文缛节,官样文章,烦琐和拖拉的公事程序,官僚的形式主义等 red rag(激励因素)却源自斗牛时激牛发怒的红布

red ruin 火灾

paint the town red 狂欢、胡闹 red herring 无关紧要的题外话

red-eye 廉价的威士忌酒

a red battle 一场血战

red card 红牌,以示罚球员下场 His ideas are red.他的思想激进。


blue是忧郁、悲伤之色 in a blue mood情绪低落

—— She looks blue today.What’s the matter with her? —— She is in holiday blue.她今天显得闷闷不乐,出了什么事情?


blue music即指调子忧伤、低沉、舒缓的音乐 a bolt from the blue晴天霹雳 out of the blue突然

once in a blue moon 千载难逢之事

blue book(蓝皮书)是刊载知名人士,尤其是政府官员名字的书 blue film黄色电影

blue jokes不正当的笑话

blue blood高贵的门第和血统 blue ribbon 更是荣誉的象征,源自英国最高荣誉Carter嘉德勋章的蓝色绶带。而今在美国大小比赛的优胜者也常常被授予蓝色缎带,因而 blue ribbon代表的是荣誉,是实力。标有 blue ribbon的产品,对消费者来说是极具吸引力的 blue-eyed boys:受到管理当局宠爱和特别照顾的职工 blue button:喻指有权进入股票交易的经纪人

Blue stocking是另一个具有特殊文化意义的词,原指英国18世纪时那些喜爱穿蓝色高筒袜的受过良好教育的知识女性。她们虽然名噪一时但毕竟无法扭转西方现代社会要求女性丢掉自我,附属于男性的时代趋势,因此这个词现在成为贬义词,用来讽刺那些自视甚高的知识女性。

blue print本义是指复制建筑物图样的蓝图,现可引申来指任何周详的计划。blue pencil则意为“用蓝铅笔来删除或删改”,该词组用作动词,它源于美国编辑常用蓝色铅笔来删改稿件的习惯 blue chip 绩优股

drink till all is blue 喝得酩酊大醉

His face was blue from the cold.他的脸冻得发紫。


He is too yellow to stand up and fight.他太胆怯,不敢奋起战斗。He has a yellow stream in him.他生性怯懦。

I dislike Tom for he is a yellow dog.我讨厌汤姆,他是个卑鄙小人。


Yellow Pages黄页(电话号码簿,用黄纸印刷)Yellow Book黄皮书(法国等国家的政府报告,用黄封面装帧)yellow boy(俗)金币


the Green Party指“绿党”,其宗旨为保护郊野、大气等免遭污染和危害;Green指“绿党党员”

a green hand 生手,新手 green meat 鲜肉

as green as grass表示幼稚 green-eyed 嫉妒的

be green with envy 嫉妒 green bean云豆(不是绿豆)greengrocer,水果商 greens绿色食品

green fingers, a green thumb园艺能手 green house 温室、花房

greenhouse effect称为“温室效应”,指由于空气中二氧化碳含量增加而引起地球大气逐渐变暖的现象。

green room(剧场中的)演员休息室 go green 晕船,呕吐

fresh green memory 清新而栩栩如生的回忆

green back美钞(因为美元背面为绿色,用于口语)green power“金钱的力量”或“财团”

green stamp指美国救济补助票,因印成绿色而得名 green sheet指政府预算明细比较表 be in the green of one’s years 年轻力壮时

a green Christmas/ winter无雪或夏绿犹存的圣诞节;暖冬

What’s wrong with you?You are looking green.你怎么啦?你看上去脸色很苍白。give sb.the green light 准许某人做某事;get the green light 获准做某事

It’s a good plan.The manager will give you the green light.这是个好计划,经理将会批准你的。


white elephant累赘物

white hope人们寄予厚望者

white wedding西方国家一般可在家中或家里花园内、或婚姻注册所举办婚礼,新娘穿着白色婚妙按宗教仪式在教堂里举行的婚礼称作“白色婚礼” white lie没有恶意的谎言

white goods 指白布做成的生活用品,如白被单、白色毛巾被,白色桌布;二指是体积大、单价高的家用电器用具,这类物体常刷成白色,故名。如炉灶、冰箱、洗衣机等。现在中国对“白色家电”已经不陌生了。

white-collar crime白领犯罪,又称绅士犯罪、斯文犯罪。white bread精粉面包 white coffee 牛奶咖啡 white horse大海的浪涛

white trash美式英语中的贬义词,指没有文化、且穷困潦倒的白人,他们是白人中社会地位最低的一个阶层

white war 没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争”

the white way 白光大街(指城里灯光灿烂的商业区)

white feather 胆怯(如:show the white feather 示弱;胆怯)white-livered 怯懦的

white paper 白皮书(关于某一问题的官方报告)。white man 善良的人,有教养的人

a white Christmas/ winter银装素裹的/大雪纷飞的圣诞节;严冬

a white day 吉日 a white room 无尘室 white smith 银匠

white magic 戏法,魔术 white sale 大减价

white meat 鸡、鸭禽类的胸脯肉或鱼肉 white alert 解除警报

a white night 不眠之夜

see the white 见世面,长世故 call white black 颠倒黑白


black tea 红茶

black coffee 不加牛奶或糖的浓咖啡 a black stranger 完全陌生的人 black despair 绝望 black diamonds 煤 black smith 铁匠 blackmail 敲诈

black eye 被打得发青的眼圈 a black lie 不可饶恕的谎言

black money:黑钱(指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱)black market:黑市交易或黑市(意为暗中进行政府禁止买卖的商品或外汇的交易,或指进行违法的投机市场);由此派生出black market price黑市价格。

black Friday指1869年9月24日和1873年9月19日开始的经济危机。现在用来比喻某个倒霉的日子 black power黑人人权运动

black Panthers黑豹党,该党于60和70年代支持黑人获得合法权力进一步得到社会善待。

black figure/in the black盈利、顺差 black figure nation国际收支顺差国 black and blue 青一块紫一块 black in the face 脸色铁青

to look black at someone 怒目而视 black tidings 噩耗,不幸

black ball却是指盛装舞会,也有别于着装随便,五彩缤纷的disco舞会 black art(or black magic)不可思议的巫术

black sheep 害群之马,败家子。它源于英国古代的迷信传说。过去英国认为黑色羊毛的羊羔是魔鬼的化身,因此牧羊人总觉得一只黑羊挤在白羊中很不吉利。黑色的羊毛也值不了多少钱,被当作无用的东西。这样black sheep就转义为“无用之人、败家子”了,相当于汉语的“害群之马,不肖之子”。


be born in the purple 出身于王室或显贵之家 marry into the purple 嫁入名门望族 raise somebody to the purple 升为主教


grey area灰色地区(指失业严重地区)gray hairs/gray heads 老年人

stand in the gray中立(因为gray是由黑色和白色混合调配而成的一种颜色,处于黑与白之间)the gray of the dawn/the gray of the morning 黎明时分 gray collar 服务性的行业 gray experience 成熟老练


brown goods 棕色货物,指电视、录音机、音响等外壳为棕色的电子产品。Brown sugar红糖 brown bread 黑面包


be in the pink(of health)身体健康 in a brown study 苦思冥想




1.Wouldn’t it be ______ wonderful world if all nations lived in ____ peace with one another?


2.A new ________ bus service to Pudong Airport started to operate two months ago.A.normalB.usualC.regularD.common

3.The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to _______ its

reality.A.make upB.figure outC.look throughD.put off

4.For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, ______ New York is an example.A.for whichB.in whichC.of whichD.from which

5.He must have stayed up late last night, _________?

A.didn’t heB.hasn’t heC.mustn’t heD.needn’t he

6.It tookbuilding supplies to construct these energy-saving houses.It took brains, too.A.other thanB.more thanC.rather thanD.less than

7.------Who told you about Dad’s illness?--------The doctor in A.connectionB.turnC.publicD.charge

8.Finally, the thief handed in everythinghe had stolen to the police.A.whichB.whatC.whateverD.that

9.The artist made up his mind to devote all he could his English before going abroad.A.improveB.to improveC.to improvingD.improving

10.______ more and more trees cut down, the forest won’t be suitable for animals to live in.A.AsB.BecauseC.Because ofD.With

11.The police _______ the stolen jewellery and returned it to the owner.A.searchedB.huntedC.inventedD.recovered

12.You should make it a rule to leave things _______ you can find them again.A.whenB.whereC.thenD.there

13.Mike his wedding for a whole month and hopefully everything will be ready tomorrow.A.preparesB.is preparingC.has preparedD.has been preparing

14.I really hate __________ when I have to finish ______ job within such a short period.A.that, such tough aB.it, that tough aC.it, so a toughD.that, a so tough

15..---It’s said that Mr.Smith got run by a car last night

---Where on earth did you ___________ ?

A.put that upB.take that upC.make that upD.pick that up



16.As a boy of his age, he needs to learn to live __________________(独立地).17.It was a real ___________(难事)for me to remember all these new words within three

hours.18.The nurse _________________(弯腰)down and kissed the child.19.You will need a lawyer to ________________(辩护)you.20.I failed my exam.I should have ________________(集中注意力)on my studies.21.To desire a slim figure, the girl even ______________(跳过)meals during that period.B.根据首字母提示及上下文写出单词。(共6题)

22.The accident was the boy’s f_____________.He didn’t obey the traffic rules.23.In most people’s opinion, good work d_______________ good pay.24.We read newspapers to keep ourselves i______________ of what is happening in the world.25.If you a____________ of the idea, please nod your head.If not, shake your head.26.Please make good use of your time.As you know, every second c____________.27.According to the newly passed law, smoking is f____________ in public places.C.根据对话语境写出单词。(共8题)

28.---As I know, the weather is usually cool at this time of year.---Yes, it’s quite abnormal that the temperature these days is well above _______________.29.---We students can borrow books from our library for ______________.---Oh, that’s good.We needn’t pay anything.30.---The yearly art festival is on the way.---Great!We should make some ___________________ for it.31.---We have only one hour for the meeting.---So we’d better _______________each speech to 10 minutes.32.---Who will take part in this activity?

---Most of them are ______________, who are between the age of 13 and 19.33.---The boy knows nothing about how to keep things in order.---That’s why his room is always in a ___________.34.---I regret to tell you that you didn’t do well in the test.---Oh, I’m really _______________ of making those silly mistakes.35.---The village was almost destroyed by the terrible earthquake.---Exactly.Perhaps it needs a long time to completely _______________ from the disaster.三、同义句转换。(共15题)

36.It is well known that this park will host an art festival next weekend.is well known, an art festival will be held in this park next weekend.37.No matter what happens, we shouldn’t change our plan.happens, we shouldn’t change our plan.38.How can I convince you that he is honest?

How can I convince you of his____________________?

39.The room is 7 meters long.The room is 7 meters in _________________.40.Most of his time was spent on chatting on line.His time was ______________ spent on chatting on line.41.You can keep fit by taking regular exercise.You can keep fit by exercising ____________.42.Because he lost himself in thought, he nearly ran into the car in front of him._________ in thought, he nearly ran into the car in front of him.43.Have you told the manager about the progress of the work?

Have you _______________ the manager of the progress of the work?

44.It is very important to learn a foreign language.It is of much _______________ to learn a foreign language.45.You ought to finish the paper before 9:00 a.m.You are _______________ to finish the paper before 9:00 a.m.46.She can’t wait to go to a foreign country to receive further education.She is _______________ to go to a foreign country to receive further education.47.It is quite possible for me to make mistakes when I’m in a hurry.I ____________ to make mistakes when I’m in a hurry.48.He turned out to be a cheat.___________ turned out that he was a cheat.49.Tom insisted on being sent to work there.Tom insisted that he __________ sent to work there.50.The medicine has some bad effects on your body.The medicine _______________ you body badly.四、短文填空。(共6题)

job.During summer vacation, this will increase to 72 percent.College students are working as tutors, waiters or salesmen.a little money to help and buy whatever they want.By doing part-time jobs, college students can gain some social and broaden to know the outside world.[Answers]51____________________ 52.___________________ 53.__________________

54.___________________ 55.____________________56.__________________







26.counts27.forbidden28.average29.free30 preparations




41.regularly42.Lost43.informed44.importance 45.supposed






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