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初三第一轮复习九年级Unit 8

基础知识巩固 一.词组

1.打扫干净clean up2 分发 give /hand out3 推迟做某事put off4 建立 set up想出think up /come up with6 与…相像take after7 修理,修补fix up8 张贴 put up产生结果,做出 work out10 要求,请求 ask for11帮助某人解决困难help(sb.)out12 立刻,马上 at once 13.使。。高兴cheer …up14 使我的生活充满快乐fill my life with pleasure 15.用光 run out of16。谢谢你支持我们thank you for supporting us 17.帮助训练一支儿童足球队 help train a soccer team for little kids 18.去拿我的书 fetch my book 二.句子

1.我们不能推迟制定计划。We can’t put off making a plan.2.我们将建立一个食物银行来帮助饥饿的人们。

We’re going to set up a food bank to help hungry people.3.这份志愿者工作花费他们每个人一周几个小时。

This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week.4.我不仅觉得帮助别人是好的,而且我还将时间花在了我喜欢做的事情上。

Not onlybut I get to spend time doing what I love to do.5.我修理好自行车并把它们捐出去。I fix up bikes and give them away.6.他还张贴了一些收购自行车的告示。He also put up some signs asking for old bikes.7.他想出的策略很有效。The strategies that he came up with worked out fine.8.非常感谢您的捐赠,这钱将会很好地用来帮助像我这样的残疾人。

Your donation is greatly appreciated and the money is well used to help disabled people like me.三、解疑

1、Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.我不仅对帮助别人感到很满足,而且我还渐渐地花时间做自己喜爱做的事情。not only...but also(also可省略)置于句首时,not only后面从句的主谓要倒装。翻译:他不仅去过加拿大,而且还认识许多加拿大人。

2、The strategies that he came up with worked out fine.他想的那些办法获得了成功。Work out 还有其他用法:计算出;解答


The problem is so difficult that nobody can _____ ______ ______.3、….who has filled my life with pleasure.使我生活充满快乐的人 fill… with … “用… 装…”


注意:被动语态be filled with … 表状态。相等于be full of…



1.My pet has filled my life with ____________ /’plеʒə/.2.Children are always _________ /’similə/ to their parents.3.I want to get a _________ /’spеʃəli/ trained dog for my blind sister.4.My pet dog can play balls with me and can also _________ /fеʧ/ my books for me.5.Will he _________ /kəuʧ/ China’s national football team next year?


1.I can use my arms and legs well.(否定句)I _______ use my arms _______ legs well.2.Both Jim and I are interested in painting.=_______ _______ Jim _______ _______ I _______ interested in painting.3.My sister is ill in hospital.I’d like to make her happy.=My sister is ill in hospital.I’d like to _______ her _______.4.The girl has run out of her money to buy books.=The girl has _______ _______ her money to buy books.5.The twins are similar to their father.=The twins _______ _______ their father.6.He made faces and the baby stopped crying.=He made faces and the baby _______ _______ _______ _______.7.He is calling up his friends.=He is _______ _______ his friends _______ the phone.8.They studied English very hard.(感叹句)_______ _______ they _______ English!



She has _______ many interesting books _______ Harry Porter.Her books has _______ children’s life _______ _______.2.他不但对于从事志愿者工作感觉很好,而且还经常帮助别人。

_______ _______ _______ he feel good _______ _______ a volunteer, but he often _______ others _______.3.我的朋友告诉我要学会面对如何面对挑战,并且表示她将会一直支持我。

A friend of _______ told me to learn _______ _______ _______ the _______ and said that she _______ _______ me all the time.4.作为一名残疾人,他无法轻松地使用双手。

Being a _______ person, he _______ _______ _______ use his hands easily.5.多亏了大家好心的捐助,在经历了一年的修建之后,这个村里的希望小学终于落成了。_______ _______ people’s kind _______, the Hope School in this village _______ _______ _______ after a year of _______.中考链接

1)My parents want to go __________ on vacation.A.somewhere peacefulB.dangerous somewhereC.somewhere boringD.fascinating somewhere

2)They ____--___ all over the country.So they plan ____-___ some other country.A.have traveled, visitB.traveled, to visit

C.traveled, visitingD.have traveled, to travel

3)Some robots are _______ to do the same things _______ people.A.enough smart, asB.enough smart, with C.smart enough, asD.smart enough, for 4)---Must I go out for a walk now?---No, you __________.A.mustn’tB.can’tC.needn’tD.may not


BI Unit8 语音


1.A.honor B.problem C.wonder 2.A.pity B.in C.right 3.A.accept B.refuse C.bed 4.A.presence B.let C.be 单项选择

Would you like to go out for a walk with us?---, but I must finish my homework first.A.Yes, please.B.Sorry.C.I’d love to D.I’d love 2.What are you going to do this Sunday?---I’d like some reading.A.doing B.will do C.do D.to do 3.I wonder you like to accept my advice.A.if B.why C.whether D.what 4.Would you honor with a visit? A.I B.me C.my D.mine 快乐交际

1.Sorry, I’m late.A.No, I am not.2.Would you like to take a walk with me? B.You’d better not next time.3.Are you free tomorrow? C.Yes, I will.4.Will you come to our meeting? D.Yes, I’d love to.语音


1A.party B.car C.hear 2.A.beach B.head C.heavy 3 A.cook B.look C.food 4.A.visitor B.hi C.in 单项选择

1.You should make an apology your teacher for being late.A.for B.as C.to D.about 2.Did you finish the book? A.read B.reading C.to read D.reads 3.The boy swimming last Sunday.A.didn’t go B.doesn’t go C.don’t go D.not go 4.I’m sorry.A.keep you waiting B.to keep you waiting C.keep you wait D.to keep you wait 快乐交际

1.Was Xiaoming born in Shandong? A.Yes, he was.2.Did his parents live in Shandong 30 years ago? B.No, they didn’t.They lived in Jiangsu.3.When did he get his first job? C.At the age of 20.4.Was she a teacher last year? D.No.She was a nurse.单项选择--Hello ,Peter!___very hot today ,isn't it ?---Yes,it's hot and sunny.A This is B It's C The day D That's It's nine thirty.The student _______an English class.A have B having C are having D are haveing 3It's cloudy.A What B How C What's D How's 4 Dont's sing here.My parents ______.A sleep B is sleeping C are sleeping D sleeping 5--It's raining.______take an umbrella ?---All right.A How about B What about C Why not D How's 6--It's windy.Are the children flying the kites?--_________.A Yes ,they do B No,they don't C Yes,they are D No,they are.7 It's hot in Tianjin.The ___there is 24C—32C.A weather B temperature C season D day 8--What's the weather like ehere ?---It's ______.A rain B rains C raining D rainning 9--What's the best season to travel to Jinan ?---You'd better _____here in autumn.A come B coming C comes D to come 10 What nice _________!Let's go for a picnic.A weather B day C today D winter 11 He often ________in summer.A swim B swims C swimming D is swimming。

。_____is the best season in Qingdao? A Which B What C How D When 13 How is the weather ________Jinan ? A about B at C for D in 14 Don't make any nosiy ,they _____ the teacher.A listen to B are listening to C are listening D listening to 15 It's raining hard.You'd better _______umberlla with you.A take an B take a C to take an D to take a 16 Listen!Somebody ______the piano.A is playing B are playing C play D plays 17 It’s raining ________.Don’t go out.A hardly B heavy C heavier D hard 18---What’s the weather like today ?----It’s __________.A sun B sunny C wind D fog 19 The weather is neither too cold ________too hot.A and B but C or D nor 20---________your favorite season ?--Summer.A What’s B How is C What are D How are



一、1.---Why not __her a doll?---__too boring.A.get, They’re B.getting, They’re C.get, That’s D.getting, That’s 4.The work is ___.You can finish it by yourself.A.easy enough B.enough easy C.difficult enough D.enough difficult 5.They spent too much time ___ stamps.A.collect B.to collect C.collecting D.for collecting8.They don’t have ____ to travel.A.enough time B.too time C.many time D.many money9.Please remember __ your homework.A.finish B.to finish

C.finishing D.not finish 10.—What else does your son like doing?—Besides __ computer games, he likes chatting online.A.to playB.playsC.playingD.play11.—When did your brother get a computer? —On his__birthday.A.twentiethB.twentithC.twentythD.twenty

二、Mother’s Day was first celebrated in the USA.It’s also a holiday in England, India and 31 countries.It is a day 32 mothers.On that day, many people 33presents of love to their mothers.In China, people do the same on the day for mothers.And in some cities, somebody sometimes asks for 34 to be broadcast on the radio for his or her mother only.This might 35 some money, but as it is said, “36is invaluable(无价的).” Where did the idea for the holiday37 ? We should thank Miss Anna Jarvis.She brought up the idea of having38.She lived in West Virginia.Her mother died on May 9th, 1905.She had a deep love 39 her mother.She wrote letters to some important people.In her letters she 40 that there should be a day for all mothers.Then Mother’s Day was to be celebrated on the second Sunday in May in the USA in 1913.31.A.the other B.any other C.many otherD.another32.A.thank B.thanksC.thanking D.to thank

33.A.putB.sendC.writeD.post34.A.a giftB.a songC.some flowersD.some clothes

35.A.spendB.payC.cost D.take 36.A.LoveB.FriendshipC.MoneyD.Time

37.A.come fromB.happenC.take placeD.come true 38.A.moneyB.such a dayC.holidaysD.mothers 39.A.for B.withC.to D.from40.A.allowed B.letC.made D.suggested

三、Hi, everyone!Our teacher, Mrs.Li, will retire(退休)in three weeks.She said she and her husband were going to travel around the world.What kind of present should we send her? And how much does it cost? Please write down your ideas on the following bulletin board(公告牌).Hugo: I think we should buy Mrs.Li some flowers, because flowers look very beautiful.And it will not cost too much.Li Wei: Hey, Hugo!I don’t agree with you.Flowers will wither(枯萎)soon.I think we should buy her a good dictionary, because a dictionary is more useful.How about spending RMB 150? Peter: As an English teacher, Mrs.Li has many dictionaries.Since she likes reading, I think we should get her some books.I think RMB 200 is enough.Stella: How about a camera? There is a nice one on sale only for RMB 500.Ken: She’s got a good camera and RMB 500 is a lot of money for a gift!I don’t think we should spend so much.What about a scarf? RMB100 should be enough.Xinyu: She has many scarves, Ken!Why don’t we get her a photo album of our class? Then she can remember us.We won’t spend more than RMB 100.Lisa: I agree with Xinyu’s idea.It’s creative enough.Neal: Mrs.Li loves collecting pictures very much.I’m sure she will be satisfied to get our photos.Sending her a picture of us is really a good idea.41.The students want to send Mrs.Li a present because ___.A.her birthday is coming B.she teaches them well C.she will retireD.she will travel around the world 42.Li Wei suggests buying a___ present.A.beautifulB.usefulC.cheapD.creative43.The underlined words “on sale” means __ in Chinese.A.削价出售B.批发C.卖价为 D.抢购 44.Mrs.Li has a hobby of __.A.traveling the world B.collecting picturesC.taking picturesD.teaching English 45.According to the passage, the students probably get ___ for Mrs.Li.A.some flowersB.a dictionaryC.a scarf D.a photo album

四、51.I’m going to give my brother a football as a birthday p__.52.With his help, I have made great p__in my subjects.53.My grandma is n__eighty years old, but she is very healthy.54.Tom likes coffee r___than tea.55.Could you hear me c___?

五、66.星期天动身去加拿大怎么样?67.安娜对唱英语歌感兴趣。68.安德鲁建议我们应该为2008年奥运会做点事情。Andrew ___ __ we __ do something for the 2008 Olympics.69.会议室空间足够大,能容纳200人70.很多人不是把钱留给自己而是捐给了慈善机构。Many people give money to charity ___ ___ leave it to themselves.






三、校园生活(春游、校规、科目、学习方法,学习困难,同学之间的关系,高兴或伤心之事 的经历,等)

四、课外生活(家庭生活、家务劳动、个人爱好,与父母之间的关系,高兴或伤心之事的经 历等)







1.书信、电子邮件2.记叙文3.议论文和说明文 4.应用文5.演讲稿6.日记7.留言、请假条等

常见的英语作文类型写作模式: 1书信、电子邮件型 Dear..., I’m glad to receive your letter......________________________________ _________________________________________ Best wishes!

Yours,(sincerely/truly)Lucy a书信开头常用语

1)I am very glad to hear form you.收到你的信很高兴。2)Hello, Jane.How is it going?(你好)3)I’m writing to you for some advice on how to…我写信想征求关于„„的建议

4)I’m writing to ask if you can...我写信是想问一下你是否能„„

5)How time flies!It has been months since we last met.时间过的真快,从上次见面已几个月了

6)Thank you for inviting me to „.谢谢你邀请我„„ b 书信结尾常用语

Best wishes(to you).祝万事如意 Wish you good luck.祝好运

I am looking forward to hearing from/seeing you soon.盼望不久收到你的信/见到你。图表、数字比例型

(提出讨论或调查的事实)Last week, our class had a class meeting on(how to)„ Here are the results.上周,我们班开了一次班会,讨论关于„„的事,下面是讨论的结果。(表达不同观点)Most students think „ While „ 20% of them choose to„.Another 15 believe„ There are also some„ saying that„(表达个人看法)As for me, I agree to… 3 说明利弊型

Nowadays(现在,当今)„ is becoming more and more popular.It has many advantages.First, 优点1„ ,Second, 优点2…Besides,...However, It also brings us bad influences.On the one hand, 缺点1„ On the other hand, 缺点 In my opinion,个人观点 „ 不同观点型

We made a survey about whether we should „提出矛盾问题.Different people hold different ideas.Some believe …正方观点.First, 原因1„ Besides, 原因2…

While others don’t agree.They think„反方观点.On the one hand, 原因1„ On the other hand, 原因2…

As for me,个人观点 „ 5 解决问题型

Recently, the „ problem has been more and more serious.„should do something to solve it.(提出问题需要解决)

First, 方法1„ Second, 方法2„ Third, 方法3„Finally, 方法4…(阐明解决方法)I am sure if everyone can make a contribution to „, the „ will become better and better.(总 结)

巧用连接词,赋予语言灵气 比较下面几个句子:

1.I played football on the playground.I fell down and hurt my legs.(good)

When I was playing football on the playground, I fell down and hurt my legs.(better)

2.We are good friends.We should help each other.(good)

We are good friends and we should help each other.(better)

As we are good friends, we should help each other.(best)

3.I was deeply moved(感动)and I couldn’t say a word.(good)

I was too moved to say a word.(better)



1)First, then/next, after that/ next, finally 2)soon, suddenly, as soon as, from now on, at the same time, not...until, when , while, during 表示举例 for example,such as 表示递进besides(另外)/ what’s more(更重要的是)/ what’s worse(更糟糕的是)Luckily/unluckily/unfortunately…

表示转折 however, but,though, instead of 表示原因 thanks to, because of,because 表示结果 as a result(of), so...that, such...that, 表目的 so that„;in order that„;in order to„;表比较 the same as, than, be different from 表示并列not only...but also, both...and, either...or, neither...nor,on the one hand„on the other hand

表示对比:while;;prefer…to…;would rather do…than do…;表示总结: in a word;(总而言之,一句话)表示利弊:be good/bad for ….;„have great/much influence on 表示喜爱:love/like/enjoy„;be interested in„;;be good at;作文万能句式 开头经典句型:

1).As we all know,...becomes more and more....2)Many people say that....But I don’t think so 3)I will never forget the...结尾经典句型:

1)At last/ Finally/in the end...最后 2)I believe if we can...,...will be....3)What a...!/ How...!4)I will work hard to make my dream come true.我要努力实现我的梦想 5)I hope your dream will come true one day.我希望你的梦想会实现

6)In a word,...总而言之 7)In short,...简言之 8)We hope that··· 我们希望 9)Let’s try our best to....作文万能词组

1.It takes sb.+时间+to do…花费某人多少时间做某事

2.Sb.spend+时间/钱+on sth./(in)doing sth.某人话时间/钱买某物/做某事 3.It’s important/necessary/useful/useless/common„(for sb.)to do…对某人来说做某事是重要的/必要的/有用的/无用的/常见的„„

4.It’s nice/kind of sb.to do...某人做某事是„„ 5.It’s time for sb.to do sth.是做某事的时候了

6.Great changes have taken place in…发生了巨大变化

7.It seems/seemed that…好像是

8.It is said /reported/believed that…据说/据报道/大家都相信„„ 9.I have made up my mind to …我已下决心„„ 10.I am sure that…我确信„„

11.I am not sure whether/if…我不确信是否„„ 12.too + adj./adv.to do太„„而不能

13.I would rather do….than do…我宁愿做„„不愿做„„ 14.Thank you for v-ing.为„„感谢

15.If everyone can make a contribution to the earth/ nature/ society, our life will be better and better.如果大家都对„„做出贡献,我们的生活将会越来越好 16.be/get used to(doing)sth.习惯于做某事 17.learn from…向„„学习

18.be proud of/ take pride in…以„„感到自豪 19.agree with sb.同意某人 20.with the help of sb.=with one’s help(反义:without one’s help)在某人的帮助下 21.pay attention to doing…注意 22.take good care of …照顾好

23.make friends with…和„„交朋友

24.get on/along well with …与„„相处的好 25.wish you success 祝你成功 26.as time goes by…随着时间的流失 27.graduate from…从„„毕业

28.looking back to the past three years,…(用现在完成时态)回顾过去的三年 29.make up one’ mind to do sth.(on sth.)下决心做某事 30.make a decision to do下决心做某事 31.work hard at English 努力学英语 32.from then on 从那时起 33.in the future在将来 34.in fact实际上 35.at first首先

36.have trouble/difficulty in(doing)sth.做某事有困难37.have experience in(doing)sth.有做某事的经验 38.follow one’s advice/suggestions 按照某人的建议 39.ask sb.for help向某人寻求帮助 40.can’t wait to do迫不及待

41.be supposed to do应该做,被要求做 42.encourage sb.to do 鼓励某人做 43.deal/do with …处理

44.work out/solve the problems解决问题 45.come up with good ideas想出好主意

46.be surprised at sth.(to do sth.)对„„感到惊讶 47.in order to 为了 48.keep healthy/fit 保持健康

49.a good way to do…做某事的好方法 50.keep(on)doing…坚持做某事 51.worry about…/ be worried about…担心某事 52.in one’s spare/free time 在某人的空闲时间 53.be kind/friendly to对„„好 54.be strict with sb对„„严格 55.help others帮助别人

56.have fun/enjoy oneself/have a good time玩的高兴 57.plenty of 大量的 58.be popular with…受欢迎 59.share sth.with sb.和„„分享

60.know little/much about …对„„了解少/多 61.do/try one’s best to do…尽力 62.be/feel sorry for…感到遗憾

63.help sb.(to)do sth./ with sth.帮助某人 64.teach sb.to do sth.教某人做某事 65.raise money募捐

66.have an influence on对„„有影响 67.pass the exam 考及格



1、He is tall and strong.He has short / long hair.He often wears a pair of glasses.他高大强壮,有着短(长)发,戴眼镜。

2、He/ She is outgoing / easygoing / funny / active / lovely / smart / creative.他/她外向(随和、风趣、活跃、可爱、聪明、有创造力)。

3.He/She is a bright and lively boy/girl.He/She is popular with everyone.He/She is polite to others.他/她聪明活泼,受人欢迎,对人礼貌。

4、I want to be an artist / a scientist / a musician in the future.我将来想成为一名艺术家(科学家、音乐家)

5、I like reading, chatting with friends and flying kites.我喜欢看书、聊天和放风筝。6.I take an active part in sports.I am interested in soccer / basketball.我积极参加运动,对足球(篮球)感兴趣。

7.I have lots of hobbies , especially I am good at English and drawing.我有很多爱好,尤其擅长英语和画画。

8、We get along well with each other.我们彼此相处融洽。

9、I am friendly to others.I am ready to help others.我对人友好,乐于助人。

10、I am strict with myself.I am hard-working.我对自己要求严格,学习勤奋。


1.I have so much homework to do that I can’t find any time for my hobbies.2.I have a lot of hobbies like singing, reading, playing basketball and so on.3.My hobbies make me feel relaxed and make my life more colorful.4.I am not allowed to watch TV, surf the Internet or listen to my favourite music.5.I have difficulty studying Math./ I am not good at … 6.I hope you can give me some useful advice.7.I often stay up late doing my homework and feel sleepy in class.8.I don’t have enough time to do my own things..9.Some students will tell their teachers or parents about their problems 10.I think we’d better ask our teachers, parents and friends for help when we are in trouble.11.I failed in the last exam, I feel so stressed.12.If I try my best to study , I will do it better.13.we’ll be too nervous to work well in the exam 与父母的沟通

1.My parents don’t think it is necessary for me to spend much time on my hobbies.2.2.They think spending time on hobbies will have a bad influence on my study.3.If you have different ideas , you can tell her what you are thinking about and listen to hers.4.4.If she doesn't take your advice , just keep silent and give her a smile.好友、亲情与感恩

1.I am very thankful to my friend xxx 2.Thanks to their help/ with their help , I have made much progress in the past three years.3.They helped me with my studies 4.They will always tell me what to do when I am in trouble.5.They won’t go to bed until I finish my homework in the night.6.We always help each other.7.Thank you for teaching us so well, I have learnt a lot from you.8.Though sometimes we made you angry , you always help us with our studies.9.you are one of the best teachers in my heart, you can always make your class lively.10.you give us good advice , you are not only my teacher but also my best friends.推荐信

1.He is tall and strong, he always has short hair , he likes wearing white T-shirt.2.He is helpful(generous kind confident creative organized…)3.He has many hobbies, like swimming ….4.He is always willing to help others.运动与健康

1、It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle.有一个健康的生活方式是容易的。1.It’s important to sleep eight hours a night.每晚 8 个小时的睡眠是重要的。2.It’s important to eat a balanced diet.饮食均衡是重要的。3.You should exercise to stay fit.你应该通过锻炼来保持健康。

4.You should eat fruit and vegetables and drink lots of water.你应该吃水果蔬菜并喝大量的水。5.You should also listen to music to relax.你也应该听音乐放松。6.You shouldn’t stay up.你不应该熬夜。7.Don’t get stressed out.不要有压力。

8.You’re easy to be ill if you eat too much junk food.吃太多的垃圾食品容易生病。

9.I like sports , such as swimming, jogging(慢跑), playing basketball.10.My favourite sport is …./ I like ….best / I enjoy/like playing basketball.11.We should do some exercise every day..12.Doing sports every day can make us healthy and strong.13.Some students go to school without breakfast, as a result, they often feel hungry in class and can’t listen to the teachers carefully.14.I think it’s good for our health.15.Do sports make us strong and keep us energetic , so we can have more energy to study hard.环境与城市变化

1.Great changes have taken place in our city in the past 10 years.2.Our city used to be small and it wasn’t as beautiful as it is now.3.There were only several streets in our city, but now there are so many wide streets and there are so many modern shops.4.In the past , people lived in small , low houses.Now most of us have lived in bright flats in tall buildings.5.People used to go out by bike or by bus , but now more and more people have their own cars.6.There are some beautiful parks in our city.We have planted more and more flowers and trees in the city.7.We mustn’t break the traffic rules and talk loudly in public.8.We can pick up the litter and keep the environment clean.9.In order to live a better life, something must be done to stop the pollution.10.It’s a good idea for us to go to school by bus or by bike.节约与环保

1.It's our duty to protect our environment.保护环境是我们的责任。

2.It is really important to take care of our environment爱护环境确实重要

3.We should plant more trees我们应该多植树

4.We shouldn’t waste our food.我们不应该浪费食物

5.We should save electricity ,we’d better turn off lights if we leave a room 我们应该节约用电,当离开房间的时候,最好把灯关上。

6.Saving water is also important.节约用水也很重要。7.We should turn off the shower while we are washing hair 洗头发时应该把淋浴器关上 8.We should take our own bags when we go shopping购物是应该带自己的包 9.People should stop riding in cars and start riding bikes 人们应该停止开小轿车,骑自行车

10.We can also recycle books and paper我们还可以回收书本和纸张。

11.We shouldn't use paper towels or napkins so that we can stop more trees from being cut down.我们不应该使用纸巾和餐巾纸,以便阻止更多的树木被砍伐

12.If everyone cares about protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful 如果大家都能来关心保护环境,我们的世界将会更美好。13.I suggest we should recycle books and paper.14.We’d better not use the plastic bags any more, and use less paper and water.15.When we go out , we’d better take a bus , ride a bike or even just walk.慈善活动

1.I want to be a volunteer to help those who need help.2.I want to raise some money for / donate some money to the poor children in the poor areas


1.Many parents allow their children to use mobile phones.2.The mobile phones play an important part in our daily life.3.They also have a bad influence on us.4.They think it is bad for students to bring a mobile phone.Because the students will use mobile phones to play games, sent messages, watch movies, etc.如何度过节假日

1.Learning and relaxing are very important to us during the summer holiday 2.We often help our parents do some housework.3.I like to do some reading when I am free on Sunday.4.I will do some exercise during summer holiday.And I will have more time for my hobbies.5.I can surf the Internet or watch TV, at night , I can watch TV plays with my parents.6.I will have a trip to the mountains or to the sea , I want to enjoy the beauty of the nature.学校和校园生活

1.There are many flowers in my school , it looks like a beautiful garden.2.I hope our school can have a big library and it has a lot of nice book or magazines in it.3.I hope our school can organize more after-class activities , and we can have more time for sports,art or music.4.I suggest our school should have fewer exams.5.I hope our teachers will be our friends and make our class more lively , then we will be more interested in studying.参观旅游

1、We’ll meet at the school gate at 8 am on Sunday.星期六早上 8 点在校门口集中。

2、I’ll show you around some places of interest.我带你参观名胜古迹。

3、Don’t take photos.We mustn’t talk loudly.不准拍照,禁止大声喧哗。

4、We’ll go there by bus / on foot.乘车(步行)前往。

5、Remember to get ready for everything.动身前准备好一切物品。

6、It’s better to take an umbrella / a pen and notebook with us.最好带一把雨伞(笔和笔记本)

7、Be on time.Don’t be late.要守时,不要迟到。

8、We should take our own foods and drinks.自备食物和饮料。

9、I hope everyone will have a great time / have fun / enjoy yourselves.I wish you a good trip.祝大家玩得开心,旅途愉快

10、I plan to go hiking / swimming / fishing / boating / bike riding.我准备去爬山(游泳、钓鱼、划船、骑自行车)。


1、Don’t stay too late outside at night.夜间不要在外逗留得太晚。

Don’t go anywhere alone without permission.未经许可不要独自去任何地方。

2、You’re easy to have an accident if you cross the road in a hurry.慌慌张张过马路容易发生事故。

3、Be careful when getting on and getting off the bus.Don’t push others.上、下车时注意安全,不要推挤。

4、Be careful on the way to school.Be sure to look at the traffic lights when crossing the road.上学的路上注意安全,过马路时要看红绿灯。

5、We should help each other when we’re in trouble.遇到麻烦时应互相帮助。表达自己观点的句型:

1.I(don’t)think it’s a good idea/ necessary for us to do…./ it’s good / helpful / wrong of us to do… 2.If we can…., we will / it will ….3.I hope / believe ….can do …









课题: Unit8 Section A 1a-2c课型 : 新授课年级 :八年级教者:zlp教学目标:


2.学习already ,yet 在现在完成时的用法。

过程与方法:课前检查—自主学习—听力检测 —语言运用与展示—合作探究







4、already ,yet 在现在完成时的用法。



2、自学完成Section A 1a,学科组长检查。







翻译:1.充满_____________2.借入______________ 3.出海______________

4.英国5.书的封面 ___________6.在岛上_____________

自主、合作、探究: Task1.1、通过自主学习1a-1c,并完成1a.2、听听力,完成1b练习,老师核对答案;听2a、2b录音,完成听力练习。Task 2.合作学习1c, 2c 小组训练,课堂展示, 老师点拨知识点.四、实践创新,知识反馈(升华板—拓展延伸训练)


1.He has just ________(copy)all the words.

2.When you finish _________(read)the book, please remember ___________(return)it to the library on time.

3.Last year, they __________(buy)a new computer. 4.Have you ________(pack)the camera yet?

5.I have already _________(put)it in my suitcase.


()1.—Have you ever read English novels? —____

A.Yes, I doB.Yes, I haveC.No, I haveD.No, I don’t()2.Have you done most of your jobs?

—Not ________, I will do them in a minute

A.reallyB.at allC.alreadyD.yet

()3.He does business in Shanghai.He ______ Shanghai the day after tomorrow.

A.leaves forB.is leaving forC.left toD.is leaving to

()4.Beijing __________ a lot in the past ten years.Now it has become one

of the biggest modern ________ in the world.

A.changes;citiesB.changed;cityC.has changed;citiesD.changed;cities



We ______ already _______ the classroom.It’s clean and tidy everywhere.2.我已经看完这部电影。

I _______ _______ the movie already.3.这支钢笔我只用过三次。它仍然是好的。

I ________ ________ this pen only three times.It is still good.4.我的叔叔是一位作家,自从1990年以来他已经写了10多本书了。

My uncle is a writer.He ________ ________ more than ten books since 1990.五、板书设计:




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