九年级英语新目标上 unit 7 重点、难点、考点及疑点注释辅导

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第一篇:九年级英语新目标上 unit 7 重点、难点、考点及疑点注释辅导

本资料来源于大家网中考英语论坛Unit 7Where would you like to visit?


1.Where would you like to go on vacation, Sam?(P52)山姆,你想去哪儿度假呀?

(1)go on是不及物动词词组,意为“继续”,其后不能跟名词或代词作宾语。The teacher asked him to stop talking, but he still went on.老师叫他别讲,可他还是讲个不停

◎go on后面可以接动词不定式或动词-ing形式,但它们的意义不同。

Let’s go on discussing the question.咱们继续谈论这个问题吧。

Let’s go on to discuss the question.咱们接着谈论另外一个问题吧。


go on with表示“继续”,后面可直接跟名词或代词作宾语。

Then Miss Gao went back to her desk and went on with the lesson.然后高老师回到讲桌后边,继续上课。

◎go on with可与go on doing sth 互换。

Go on with your work(=Go on doing your work).继续做你的工作去吧。



Everyone was in his holiday clothes.人人都穿上了节日的盛装。



v-ing型形容词具有主动或进行的含义,是人或物本身所具有的品质。常见的词有:surprise—surprising 令人惊奇的excite—exciting令人兴奋的bore—boring 令人讨厌的interest—interesting 有趣的develop—developing 发展中的move—moving 感人的inspire—inspiring 鼓舞人心的v-ed型形容词具有被动或已完成的含义,是由于受到某种影响而产生的结果。常见的词有:

surprise—surprised感到惊奇的bore—bored 感到厌恶的excite—excited 感到兴奋的interest—interested感兴趣的develop—developed 发达的move—moved 受感动的inspire—inspired受到鼓舞的please—pleased 高兴的3.For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?


(1)Why not+动词原形相当于Why don’t you+动词原形,表示“为什么不„„”,常用来向别人提建议。

Why not study hard? 为什么不努力学习?

Why don’t you ask the policeman for help? 怎么不向那个警察寻求帮助呢?

(2)consider 表示“考虑,细想”,相当于think about,后面接动词时,应用动词的-ing形式。

I first considered writing to him, but then decided to see him.更多精品尽在大家网 http:///


4.Paris is the capital of France, and is one of the liveliest cities in



She is a lively girl.她是个活泼的女孩。

The sports ground is lively with all sorts of ball games.运动场上要进行各种球类比赛,呈现出一派生气勃勃的景象。


◎alive作形容词,意为“活着的,在世的”,常作表语,但有时也作后置定语或补语。He must be alive, for he is still breathing slightly.他一定还活着,因为他还在轻微呼吸。

He is the only person alive in the accident.他是这次事故中惟一活下来的人。An enemy officer was caught alive.一名敌人军官被活捉了。


We now know there are no living things on the moon.我们现在知道月球上没有生物。

Is his grandfather still living/alive? 他的祖父还活着吗?


The cat was playing with a live mouse.这只猫在玩弄一只活老鼠。

Pandas usually live in the south and the southeast of China.熊猫通常生活在中国的南部和东南部。

5.It doesn’t have any beaches or mountains, but there are still many

things to do there.(P54)它没有沙滩和山脉,但是在那儿仍然有很多的事情可做。在本句中连词or连接两个被否定的并列成分。

The world’s favorite food isn’t English, Italian, Indian or Japanese, but

it’s American fast food.世界上最受欢迎的食品不是英国食品、意大利食品、印度食品和日本食品,而是美国快餐。


他没有弟弟, 也没有妹妹。

误:He has no brothers and sisters.正:He has no brothers or sisters.魔力解析

在否定句,or是“也不”的意思,而and表示的却是肯定的意义。因此,上句还可以写为He has no brothers and no



连词or在“祈使句+or+简单句”句型中, 表示“否则,不然”,引出一个相反的结果,本句型可以转换为含否定的if从句。

Get up early, or you’ll be late for school.→If you don’t get up early, you’ll be late for school.早点起,否则你就会迟到。



Either you or I am right.不是你对就是我对。

◎sooner or later意为“迟早”。

Don’t worry.Sooner or later, we can speak English well.别担心,迟早我们能说好英语。

6....including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the

most famous churches in the world.(P54)„„包括埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎圣母院,世界上最著名的教堂之一。


The money I gave you includes Xiao Wang’s.我给你的钱里包括了小王的。

The coins included examples of almost all the types of Chinese coin.这些硬币包括了几乎所有的中国硬币的品种。



The basket contains a variety of fruits.这个篮子里装有各种水果。

These foods should contain some fat, some fiber, a little salt and so on.这些食物应该含有一些脂肪、纤维,还应该有一点盐等等。

(2)本句中的famous 是形容词,常用于be famous as或be famous for结构中,意为“因„„而闻名”。

◎当主语是表示人的名词时,be famous as表示“以某种身份而出名”,be famous for表示“以某种知识、技能或作品而出名”。

Einstein was famous as a great scientist.爱因斯坦以一位伟大的科学家而著名。Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity.爱因斯坦以他的相对论而著名。

7.Isn’t it supposed to be very hot?(P54)难道天气不应该是很热的吗?

(1)这是一个否定形式的一般疑问句,用来表示说话人提出自己的建议或看法,并希望得到对方肯定的答复。有时它也表示惊讶、不相信、挖苦、批评等意义,其构成是:Isn’t(Aren’t,Don’t, Won’t, Can’t, Couldn’t, Didn’t, Haven’t, Hasn’t等)+主语?

Isn’t he a League member? 难道他不是团员吗?

Haven’t you known him yet? I saw you having dinner with him just now.你难道还不认识他吗?刚才我还见你和他一起吃饭了呢。

(2)be supposed to 的意思与should近似,意为“被期望或被要求做某事”。

Am I supposed to clean all the rooms or the single one?


You’re supposed to start work at 8∶30 every morning.你应该每天早晨八点半开始工作。

8.My family and I want to take a trip this summer somewhere in the east

of China.(P56)今年夏天,我和家人想到中国东部的某个地方去旅行。


Have a good trip.一路顺风。

During the four-hour trip, he wandered from car to car.在四小时的旅途中,他在各个车厢之间逛来逛去。

9.I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of

vacations that your firm can offer.(P56)我希望你能给我提供一些贵公司能提供的各种假期旅游的信息。

(1)provide 作动词,表示“供应,供给;预先约定”,可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。

The farm provided them all the food they needed.农场提供他们所需要的全部食物。


He is thinking of starting another firm in Paris.他正在考虑在巴黎另开一家公司。


offer可作名词,意为“提供,提议,提出”,后面接名词或动词不定式作宾语。He offered me a glass of wine.他给了我一杯酒。

The driver offered to drive us to the station.那位司机主动提出送我们去火车站。

10.It would be nice if our hotel had rooms with kitchens so we could

save money by cooking our own meals.(P56)如果我们住的宾馆房间带有厨房那就太好了,那样的话我们可以自己做饭,也就节省钱了。



Mrs Smith is a woman with big eyes and long hair.史密斯太太是一位大眼睛、长头发的妇女。

(2)动词save 在本句中是“节省”的意思。

If you want to save time, you’d better make a list before you go shopping.如果你想节省时间,去买东西之前,先列一张购物清单。



A lot of land has been saved by the Great Green Wall.绿色长城拯救了许多土地。

My father saved a lot of money in the bank.我父亲在银行里存了许多钱。

11.We all dream about things that we would like to do, and things we

hope to achieve in the future.(P58)我们都梦想着自己想要做的事情,以及我们希望将


本句中的in the future意为“将来,未来”,即in the time yet to come。

Who can tell what will happen in the future?


In the future, shopping can be done by videophone.在将来,购买东西能在可视电话中进行。


in future意为“今后”,相当于from now on。

In future, be more careful with your spelling.今后你要更加注意你的拼写。

I advise you not to eat fruit that isn’t ripe in future.我劝你今后不要吃不熟的水果。

12.According to the survey, less realistic dreams are also common...(P58)根据调查得知,不现实的梦想也很普遍„„。


Snow is common in cold countries.在寒冷的国家,下雪是常见的事情。



We followed the usual method of test.我们采用了通常的测试方法。

第二篇:九年级英语新目标上 unit 8 重点、难点、考点及疑点注释辅导


http://club.topsage.com/forum-213-1.html Unit 8

I’ll help clean up the city parks.重点、难点、考点及疑点注释

1.I’d like to help homeless people.(P60)我想帮助无家可归的人。



less后缀通常加在名词的后面,构成形容词,表示与原来名词意思相反的形容词,如groundless 无根据的,odorless 无气味的,careless粗心的,useless无用的。

2.You could help clean up the city parks.(P60)你可以帮着打扫城市公园。

◎clean up是“清除、除去(垃圾、污物)”等,使地方干净。

Please clean up the room after the party.聚会后把房间打扫干净。

We should clean up the dirty parts of the sea.我们应该清除海里的污染部分。

◎clean up还可以表示“挣得,赢得(多少钱)”。

He cleaned up a small fortune.他发了一笔小财。


clean oneself up意为“洗干净”。

Your hands are dirty, you’d better clean yourself up.你的手脏了,你应该洗洗它们。

3.You could give out food at a food bank.(P60)你可以在食品供应站分发食品。

give out在这里是“分发”,“散发”的意思。

Our English teacher gave out the examination papers when the bell rang.我们的英语老师在铃响的时候分发试卷。


After a week their food supplies gave out.一周之后,他们的食物供应用完了。


The sun gives out a lot of heat.太阳能发出热量。

4.He looks sad.Let’s cheer him up.(P61)他看上去很伤心。我们去帮他振作起来吧。

cheer up sb或cheer sb up意为“(使某人)高兴起来,振作起来”。如果是代词做宾语,则将代词放在中间。

Cheer up!The news isn’t too bad.不要发愁啦,这消息不错嘛!

He took her to the ballet to cheer her up.他为了使她高兴起来,便带她去看芭蕾舞。

5.This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week, so it is

a major commitment.(P62)这份义工每周花了他们每个人好几个小时的时间,所以这是一个重大的贡献。

(1)each of them是指“他们中的每一个”。如果做主语,则谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。


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Each has a different book.(强调各有不同。)

Here every child at the age of six can go to school.(侧重整体,无一例外。)


◎each用在代词或复数名词前要用介词of连接,如each of them, each of the boys;

every不能直接跟of连接,如不可以说every of them,而要说every one of them或each of them。

◎every还可以表示“每隔”,后接基数词加名词,如every four weeks, every three


She had a rest every fives minutes.她每隔5分钟就休息一会儿。



误:There are many shops on every side of the street.正:There are many shops on each side of the street.魔力解析


6.Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend

time doing what I love to do.(P62)我不仅对帮助别人感到很满足,而且我还渐渐地花时间做自己喜爱做的事情。

(1)not only...but also(also可省略)是“不但„„而且„„”的意思,当置于句首时,not


Not only has he been to Canada, but(also)he knows some Canadians.他不仅去过加拿大,而且还认识许多加拿大人。

Not only did he teach at school, but(also)he wrote novels.他不仅在学校里教书,而且还写小说。

7.“Don’t put it off,” says HuiPing.“Become a volunteer today!”(P62)


(1)put off 意思是“推迟,拖延”。

Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.今日事今日毕。

They put off the soccer game because of the rain.因为下雨,他们把球赛推迟了。

You should not put off going to see the doctor.你不应该拖延去看医生。

◎put off还可意为“关掉”,相当于turn off。

Please put off the lights before you leave the classroom.在你离开教室之前,请关掉灯。




She became famous in her city.她在她所在城市的成为名人了。


become后可接介词of,构成what becomes of sb/sth 表示“某人/某事进展如何”。

What became of the dreams of our youth? 我们年轻时的理想何在?


系动词get, turn , grow和become都可表示“变得,感到”,其区别是:


The weather gets colder, and the days get shorter.天气变冷了,白天变短了。


His face turned red.他的脸变红了。


It’s growing dark.天渐渐地变黑了。


He became an artist.他成为了一名艺术家。

8.Jimmy takes after his mother.(P63)吉米的言行举止像他妈妈。

本句中的take after sb 表示“长相或举止像(某个长辈)”,不能用于被动语态。

To my surprise, Jack doesn’t take after his father at all.令我惊奇的是,杰克和他爸爸长的一点儿也不像。

Mary really takes after her mother, she has the same eyes, nose, and hair.玛丽长得真像她妈妈,眼睛、鼻子和头发一个样。

9.Jimmy has run out of money.(P63)吉米把钱花光了。

run out of意为“用完”,其主语通常是人,表示主动含义,后面跟宾语。

He has run out of ink.他用完了墨水。

I’m afraid we’re run out of petrol.我们的汽油怕是已用完了。


run out也是“用完”的意思,其主语通常是被使用的事物,如时间、金钱、食物等,但不用于被动语态,同时其后也不能跟宾语。

His money soon ran out.他的钱很快就花完了。

Have you nearly finished? Time is running out.你快做完了吗?时间快到了。

10.I fix up bikes and give them away.(P63)我修理好自行车,然后捐赠出去。

(1)fix up相当于to repair,表示“修理,修补,整理”,其后跟物件名词作宾语。

My watch sometimes gains and sometimes loses.Can you fix it up for me?


My mother is too old to live on her own, so we’re fixing up the spare room

for her.我母亲年龄太大了,不能自己生活,所以我们正收拾这个多出的房间让她住。


如果fix up的宾语是“人”的话,则构成fix sb up with sth句型,表示“为某人安排某件事,向某人提供某物”。

I’ll fix you up with a place to stay.我来给你安排住处。

(2)give sth away 意思是“捐赠,赠送”。



The rich man gave away most of his money to charity.那个富人把他的大部分钱都捐给了慈善事业。


◎give away还可以表示“分发或赠与某物,由于大意而未利用或抓住(时机,机会等)”。

The headmaster gave away the prizes at the school sports day.校长在学校运动会上颁发了奖品。

◎give away还可以表示“有意或无意地泄露某事情或出卖某人”。

The woman gave away state secrets to the enemy.那个妇女把国家机密泄露给了敌人。

11.He even handed out advertisements at a local supermarket.(P64)他甚至在当地的一家超市散发广告。

hand out意为“散发”,其中hand是动词。

The teacher is handing out the maths papers.老师在发数学试卷。


hand in“面交”,“上交”。

The students are handing their papers in.学生们在交试卷。

12.Then he told the teachers at school about his problem...(P64)然后他告诉老师自己的问题„„

tell sb about sth是“把某事告诉某人”的意思,有时表示“嘱咐或语气较轻的命令”,常用于tell sb to do sth结构。

The teacher told us about his story.老师给我们讲了他的故事。

My mother usually tells me to be careful on my way to school.妈妈常常告诉我在去上学的路上一定要小心。

13.The strategies that he came up with worked out fine.(P64)他想到的那些办法获得了成功。

(1)这是一个由that引导的定语从句,先行词是前面的strategies。动词短语worked out在这里作主语the


I wonder how their ideas worked out in practice.我很想知道他们的想法在实践中取得了什么结果。

We didn’t plan it like that but it worked out very well.我们原不是那样计划的,但结果却很好。


work out的其它用法

It was the best solution that he was able to work out at this time.这是他这时能想出的最好的解决办法了。(想出)

I can’t work out the meaning of this poem.我理解不了这首诗的意思。(理解)


◎work on意为“从事”。



Professor Green is working on a new book.格林教授正在写一本新书。

He is working on a maths problem.他正在算一道数学难题。

◎work on后面无宾语时,表示继续工作。

It’s very late, but they were still working on.时间很晚了,但他们仍然在继续工作。


The machine works fine.这台机器运行很好。

Sam is doing fine in his new business.萨姆在他的新业务中一切进展顺利。

14....Who has filled my life with pleasure.(P66)„„使我生活充满快乐的人。


He filled the bag with books.他在书包里装满了书。

Please fill the bottle with milk.请将瓶子装满牛奶。


be filled with表示一个状态,意为“装满了„„”,相当于be full of,其主语通常是人或物。

The room was filled with smoke.房间里浓烟弥漫。

Her eyes were filled with tears.她眼睛里充满了泪水。


Reading gives me great pleasure.读书给了我很多快乐。

It is one of my greatest pleasures.它是我最大乐趣之一。

◎在口语中It’s pleasure.是回答感谢的客套语。

—Thank you for your help.感谢你的帮助。

—It’s a pleasure.不用谢。



The two friends were very pleased to see each other again.这两个朋友非常高兴再次见面。

I was pleased that the manager had decided not to be angry with me.使我高兴的是经理已经不再生我的气了。


It’s pleasant weather today.今天的天气令人愉快。

It’s very pleasant to sit down after standing for hours.站了几小时后坐下来很舒服。


Does the cloth please you? 这布料合你的意吗?

15.Because I can’t use my arms or legs well, normal things like answering the telephone, opening and shutting doors, or carrying things have always been difficult for me.(P66)因为我不能灵活地使用我的手和脚,像接电话、开关门、拿东西这样的事情对更多精品尽在大家网

http:// 于我来说都很难。

(1)本句中的shut意为“关”,在许多情况下可以与close互换,只是后者语气较弱,如close the

door关门(也可能指半开半闭),shut the door关门(指把门关紧)。

That shop shuts at eight pm.那家商店八点钟关门。

He closed his speech with a funny joke.他用一个有趣的笑话结束了演说。


They have closed the road for thick fog.由于大雾,那条公路被关闭。


turn off用来表示“关闭”有开关的东西,如收音机、电视、煤气、水龙头等。

Please turn off the light when you leave the lab.在你离开实验室前关掉灯。

Make sure the gas is turned off before you go to bed.确保上床前把煤气关掉。


She carried a baby in her arms.她怀里抱了一个孩子。

He was carrying a wooden box on his shoulder.他扛着一个木箱。


在后面“Lucky!Fetch my book.”一句中出现的fetch相当于go and bring back,意为“取来,接来”,表示一往一返。

Let’s fetch some water.咱们去打点水来。

People had to walk many kilometers in order to fetch wood.为了取木料,人们不得不走许多公里路。

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Unit 7 WHere would you like to visit

Section A

I 1.educational 2.thrilling 3.to trek through the jungle 4.too stressed out 5.consider asking

II 1.thrillers;thrilling 2.to tour;touristy;tourists;tour 3.relaxing;relaxes;relaxed 4.tired;tiring 5.lively;lived;alive;liveliest

III.1.where there are;with 2.are supposed to 3.who can 4.is supposed to be 5.would like to

Section B

I.1.provide 2.easy 3.light 4.including 5.vacations

II.1.provide us with some useful information 2.In general;junk food 3.Traveling around;by taxi convenient to take;to most places 4.Unless you speak;yourself;it’s best;someone who can translate 5.which is best to travel by

6.give her some suggestions 7.is the most expensive;is 8.get a room with a kitchen



Self Cheak and Reading

I.1.in which thousands of;take part in 2.find out;answers to;as soon as possible 3.According to;the most popular choice of job 4.continue singing;so that;provide better lives for 5.It seems;work as

6.Quite a few;are willing to

7.hold on to;come true 8.On the one hand;on the other hand 9.volunteer translators;translated;for

II.1.as soon as they can 2.provie;with 3.less realistic than 4.were ready to 5.in order that





1.It’s t______ to work long hours.I always feel t_____ after work.2.I’d like to t_____ through the Taihang Mountains during my summer vacation.3.Many people come to Hainan to spend the winter, so it’s usually t______.4.What’s your plan for the vacation? I’m c______ traveling to Hong Kong.5.Paris is one of the l______ cities in Europe.6.Beijing has many fantastic sights, i_______ the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace.7.Parents p______ us with food and clothing.8.I’m looking forward to s______ across the Pacific.9.It is r_______ that a boy was killed in the traffic accident.10.Jim is always d_______ of becoming a famous actor.11.We’re leaving in an hour.Have you p_____ all your things?

12.I’d like to trek through the jungle because I like t______ vacations.13.I don’t want to go to Hawaii this summer.It’s too t______.14.How about Florida beach? I know you would like some where r______.15.I hope you can p______ us with some information about the newest computers.16.I’d like to go to Qufu.Confucius was born there.It’s very e_____.17.I hope to go t________in a jungle in Brazil.18.He hopes that I can p________him with some money.19.Parents should buy some e______ programs for children to study.20.Do you know C______? He’s an important Chinese thinker.21.Tom often s______ the Internet on weekends.22.I like going hiking.I can always e______ new places.23.The diamond ring is really f______.24.How p______ it is in the countryside!

25.My brother told me a t______ story of ghosts.26.Besides zoos, children should also visit some b______ gardens to see some plants in their spare time.27.This underground doesn’t go d______.28.How many official languages are spoken in S______?

29.Hawaii is a_________(tourist)place.30.Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the famous ________ in the world.(教堂)

31.He dreams of being a ___________ in the future.(翻译家)

32.It is very ___________(方便)to go shopping in the supermarket.33._______________(一般而言), American families often give a party at home.34.I really my dream will _______________ some day.(实现,达到)

35.I don’t care about your marks you had ago, but I pay more attention to your __________(态度)1

of study now.36.He is ______________ to buy a English-Chinese dictionary.(省钱)

37.All of us love ______________(和平)。

38.There is a supermarket near our house.It’s very ____________(方便)。

39.Would you like to go to the _____________________(公众注意的中心)to play?

40.Most of children in China can get __________________(教育)from schools.二、用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。

1.Beijing is an e_____________ place where you can learn a lot.(education)

2.The sea is sometimes______________(peace)and__________(fascinate).3.Thousands of _______________ come to visit Huangshan every year.(touristy)

4._____________ China is developing faster than middle China.(east)

5.My brother takes an interest in computer ______________,(program)

6.I want to be a ________________ after I leave university.(translate)

7.Here are some of the ___________ of a survey about hopes and dreams.(find)

8.I like __________ vacations, they always make me feel ___________.(excite)

9.I love places where the people are really __________(friend).10.I want to go there, because I like ___________(excite)vacations.11.Could you please __________(give)me some _________(suggest)for vacation spots?

12.Would you like ___________(drink)some orange juice?

13.You look tired, why not _____________(have)a short rest?

14.His brother is considering ___________(study)abroad.15.We need a ____________(peace)world.We hate wars.16.Sam likes Brazil because he likes ____________(excite)vacations.17.There’s not much ____________(do)in Mexico.18.I’d like to go somewhere ___________(relax).19.Why not ____________(consider)visiting Singapore?

20.Singapore doesn’t have any _____________(beach)or mountains.21.Singapore is a wonderful place for ____________(shop).22.________________(live)in Singapore is quite expensive.23.Hong Kong is very _______________(crowd).24.He is considering _________________(buy)a computer for his son.25.I hope _____________(visit)this place again.26.You'll be all fight to have a good rest in a _____________(relax)place.27.The bookstore was _____________(crowd)with people who wanted to buy books.28.(旅客).29.There are _____________(thousand)of people in the mall on National Day.30.I have dreamed of ______________(travel)all over the world in the future.31.They are willing _______________(work)in my firm.32.Some students reported that they were ____________(will)to work hard ____________(achieve)their dreams.33.Paris is one of the ________________(lively)cities in Europe.四、单项填空

()1.—There is a ticket on the floor, is it yours?

—Oh, yes, it’s mine.—Let me _____for you.A.to pick up itB.to pick it upC.pick up itD.pick it up

()2.The teacher asked the boys ____on the wall.A.to not drawB.don’t drawC.not draw toD.not to draw

()3.Exeuse me, would you please tell me ______buy a digital camera?

A.what toB.where toC.what I canD.where can I

()4.We want to play basketball after school.Would you like to ____us?


()5.The teacher told the students _____in class.A.notB.don’t talkC.didn’t talkD.not to talk

()6.—How about going hiking this weekend?

—Sorry, I prefer _____rather than _____.A.to stay at home, go outB.to go out, stay at home

C.staying at home, go outD.going out, stay at home.()7.Have you decided _________ Shanghai?

A.to visitB.visitC.visitingD.to visit to

()8.Can you provide us _________ some information _______ the computer?

A.for, withB.with, aboutC.about, withD.with, with

()9.Beijing is cold this time _________.You need _______ warm clothes if you go there.A.of the year, to packB.of year, packingC.of year, packD.of year, to pack

()10.They were _________ when they heard the _________ news.A.excited, excitingB.exciting, excitedC.excited, excitedD.exciting, exciting

()11.The two men walked _________ the forest and got to a small house.A.acrossB.throughC.crossingD.over

()12.Could you tell me the shop________ you bought the sweater last week?


()13I don’t know if she________ the work tomorrow.A.will finishB.finishesC.finishD.finished

()14He________ two thousand trees since 1990.A.plantsB.plantedC.will plantD.has planted

()15.—Would you like to go shopping with me?

—________.A.That’s rightB.Yes, I’d love toC.You’re welcomed.D.Yes, I like shopping

()16.He bought a T-shirt.It________ him 20 dollars.A.costB.spentC.tookD.paid

()17Mount Emei is one of _____________ in China.A.the most beautiful mountainsB.most beautiful mountians

C.the most beautiful mountainD.most beautiful mountain

()18There are ____ stars in the sky and you can see them at night.A.thousand ofB.two thousandsC.thousands ofD.two thousands of

()19.The dictionary ________ me $ 5.A.paidB.costC.spentD.took

()20.______ you live, I will find you at once.A.WhateverB.WheneverC.WhereverD.Whichever

()21.They are willing __________ in my firm.A.workB.workingC.to workD.worked

()22.I have dreamed of ______________all over the world in the future.A.travelB.will travelC.to travelD.traveling

()23.Taiwan is _________ south east of China.A.inB.onC.toD.at

()24.Yellow River is one of ____________ rivers in the world.A.the longerB.longerC.the longestD.longest

()25.They were _________ when they heard the _______ news.A.excited, excitingB.exciting, excited

C.excited, excitedD.exciting, exciting

()26.I still remember the village ______ I lived at five years old.A.thatB.whichC.whereD./

()27.The children are allowed ___________ games after an hour’s study.A.to playB.playingC.playD.to playing

()28.Our country provided the people _____ plenty of things during the flood.A.inB.toC.ontoD.with

()29.I would like to sail _________ the Pacific Ocean one day.A.throughB.crossC.intoD.across

()30.The team trekked __________ the jungle to look for tigers.A.throughB.crossC.intoD.across

()31.—I _________ being a policeman _________.What is yours?

—To be a teacher.A.dream;in the future

C.dream about;in future



B.dream of;in the future D.dream as;in futureD.in D.in()32.Don’t plan _________ driving a car in Singapore.B.onC.of()33.I’d like to visit Sydney _________ my next vacation.B.onC.at

()34.Jerry likes to go to the beach to relax himself, so he likes ________ vacations.A.excitingB.educationalC.dangerousD.peaceful

()35.My friend will go to ________ for his winter vacation.A.somewhere warmB.warm somewhere

C.places warmD.warm the places

()36.For your next vacation, why not consider ________ Paris?

A.visitB.visitingC.to visitD.visits

()37.Where would you like to visit ________ vacation?


()38.His father filled his stocking small presents when he slept.A.inB.overC.withD.by

()39.I spend 3 days this letter.A.to writeB.writingC.writeD.with write

()40.What do you want for supper?


()41.Mother was busy food and presents for her son’s birthday party.A.buyingB.buyC.to buyD.buys

()42.She doesn’t live here ____________

A.any muchB.any moreC.some moreD.any many

()43.Do you know why __________ today?

A.Tom hasn’t someB.hasn’t Tom comeC.didn’t Tom comeD.did Tom come

()44.I would like to sail ____ the Pacific Ocean one day.A.throughB.crossC.intoD.across

()45.Our country provided the people ____ plenty of things during the flood.A.inB.toC.ontoD.with

()46.This isn’t________ backpack.Perhaps it’s________.A.my;hersB.mine;Tom’sC.his;her’sD.yours;his

()47.The park is only________ walk from our school.A.ten-minutesB.ten minute’sC.ten minuteD.ten minutes’

()48.I will go to the library with you if I_________ have class this afternoon.A.didn’tB.don’tC.am notD.won’t

()49.Sammy prefers music that________ because he thinks that music with no lyrics is boring.A.has great lyricsB.is so loudC.he can listen to in bedD.is gentle and quiet

()50.Please turn down your radio.The music is too________.A.aloudB.loudC.loudlyD.quiet

()51.I like places ______ the weather is always warm.A.whoB.thatC.whereD.and

()52.-Where would you like to go ?

-I’d like to go ______.A.warm somewhereB.place warmC.somewhere warmD.warm place

()53.We have received several different answers ______ the question.A.ofB.toC.withD.on

()54.Peter works ______ a waiter in the restaurant.A.asB.forC.isD.to

()55.We walked ______ the forest and swam ______ the river.A.across, acrossB.through, throughC.through, acrossD.across, through

()56.We have already planted three ______ trees this spring.A.thousandB.thousandsC.thousand ofD.thousands of

()57.--______ is the natural park?--About thirteen ______ bus ride.A.How long, hoursB.How far, hoursC.How long, hours’D.How far, hours’

()58.The sports meet will continue ______ it rains this afternoon.A.ifB.sinceC.as soon asD.unless

()59.Singapore is also a wonderful place ______ shopping.A.onB.aboutC.toD.for

()60.It was at the railway station ______ we met each other.A.thatB.whichC.whereD.when

()61.Take ______ easy, or you can’t do it well.A.thatB.themC.itD.you

()62.He hopes ________ a trip to Shanghai with his wife some day.A.to takeB.takingC.takesD.took

()63.The young man is very friendly and often offers ________ other people.A.helpB.helpingC.to helpD.help for

()64.We will ________ for a week.Could you please look after my dog?

A.goB.be awayC.leaveD.go out

()65.My parents want to go ______ on vacation.A.somewhere peacefulB.dangerous somewhere

C.somewhere boringD.fascinating somewhere

()66.He wants to look for ________ for four people.A.a big enough roomB.a room big enough

C.a room enough bigD.an enough big room

()67.A group of young men spent half a month ________ the forest.A.trekking acrossB.trekking throughC.to trek overD.trekked through

()68.________ people had to stay at the airport because of the heavy fog.A.Several hundredB.Several hundredsC.Hundred ofD.Hundreds

()69.Mount Emei is one of _______in China.A.the most beautiful mountainsB.most beautiful mountains

C.the most beautiful mountainD.most beautiful mountain

()70.There are_____ stars in the sky and you can see them at night.A.thousand ofB.two thousandsC.thousands ofD.two thousands


1.Check in : 在旅馆的登记入住。

Check out: 在旅馆结账离开。2.By: ①通过…..方式(途径)。例:I learn English by listening to tapes.②在…..旁边。例:by the window/the door ③乘坐交通工具 例:by bus/car

④在……之前,到……为止。例:by October在10月前


例:English is spoken by many people.3.how与what的区别:

how通常对方式或程度提问,意思有:怎么样 如何,通常用来做状语、表语。

what通常对动作的发出者或接受者提问,意思为 什么,通常做宾语,主语。How is your summer holiday? It’s OK.(how表示程度 做表语)How did you travel around the world? I travel by air.What do you learn at school? I learn English, math and many other subjects 4.aloud,loud,loudly 均可做副词。

aloud 出声地 大声地 多与read、speak连用

例如:read aloud 朗读

speak aloud说出声来

loud 大声地 响亮地

loudly 高声地 多指喧闹声和不悦耳的声音。5.voice 指人的嗓音 也指鸟鸣。

sound 指人可以听到的各种声音。

noise 指噪音、吵闹声

6.find + 宾语 + 宾补(名词 形容词 介词短语 分词等)

例:I find him friendly.I found him working in the garden.We found him in bed.He found the window closed.7.常见的系动词有: ①是:am、is、are


③ 转变:become、get、turn ④ ……起来 feel、look、smell、taste、sound 8.get + 宾语 + 宾补(形容词 过去分词 动词不定式)使某种情况发生

例:Get the shoes clean.把鞋擦干净

Get Mr.Green to come.让格林先生进来 I want to get my bike repaired.我想去修自行车 You can’t get him waiting.你不能让他老等着 9.动词不定式做定语


The next train to arrive was from New York.He is always the first to come.②与所修饰的名词构成动宾关系

I have nothing to say.I need a pen to write with.I need some paper to write on.I don’t have a room to live in.10.practice , fun 做名词为不可数名词

11.add 补充说 又说 12.join 加入某团体 并成为其中一员

attend 出席参加会议或讲座

join in与take part in指参加到某项活动中去。

13.all、both、always以及every复合词与not连用构成部分否定。其完全否定为:all---none, both---neither, everything---nothing, everybody---nobody.14.be afraid of害怕 be afraid to害怕 be afraid that恐怕担心,表示委婉语气 15.either:






finish指日常事物的完成 17.a,an 与序数词连用表示“又一”,“再一”。

例:Please give me a second apple.There comes a fifth girl.18.have trouble/difficult/problem(in)doing…..干…..遇到麻烦,困难

19.unless 除非,如果不,等于“if not”本身就表示否定,引导条件状语从句,主句为将来时,条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来。

例:My baby sister doesn’t cry unless she’s hungry.=My baby sister doesn’t cry if she isn’t hungry.Unless you take more care, you’ll have an accident.如果你不多加小心的话,你会出事的。20.instead:adv 代替,更换。

例:We have no coffee, would you like tea instead?

我们没有咖啡了,改喝茶好吗? Stuart was ill, so I went instead.斯图尔病了,所以换了我去。instead of 作为某人或某事物的替换 例:Let’s play cards instead of watching TV.Give me the red one instead of the green one.21.spoken 口头的,口语的。

Speaking 讲话的,说某种语言的。二,短语:

1.by making flashcards 通过做单词抽认卡

2.ask…for help 向某人求助

3.read aloud 朗读

4.that way(=in that way)通过那种方式 5.improve my speaking skills 提高我的会话技巧

6.for example(=for instance)例如

7.have fun 玩得高兴

8.have conversations with friends 与朋友对话 9.get excited 高兴,激动

10.end up speaking in Chinese 以说汉语结束对话

11.do a survey about… 做有关…的调查

12.keep an English notebook 记英语笔记13.spoken English(= oral English)英语口语

14.make mistakes 犯错误 15.get the pronunciation right 使发音准确

16.practise speaking English 练习说英语

17.first of all 首先

18.begin with 以…开始

19.later on 随后

20.in class在课堂上

21.laught at 嘲笑

22.take notes 记笔记

23.enjoy doing 喜欢干…

24.write down 写下,记下

25.look up(v + adv)查找,查询

26.native speakers 说本族话的人 27.make up 编造,虚构,化妆,打扮

28.around the world 全世界 29.deal with 对待,处理,解决 30.worry about(be worried about)担心,担忧 31.be angry with 生某人的气

32.stay angry 生气

33.go by 消逝

34.regard…as… 把…当做…

35.complain about/of 抱怨

36.change…into… 把…变成…(= turn into)37.with the help of 在…的帮助下 38.compare…to(with)…

把…和…作比较 39.think of(think about)想起,想到

40.physical problems身体上的问题 41.break off 中断,突然终止

42.not…at all 根本不,全然不 三,句子

1.How do you study for a test? 你怎样为考试做准备?

2.I have learned a lot that way.用那种方法,我已经学到了很多东西。3.It’s too hard to understand the voice.听懂那些声音太难了。

4.Memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little.记流行歌曲的词也起作用。5.Wei Ming feels differently.卫明有不同的感受。

6.He finds watching movies frustrating.他觉得看电影让人感到沮丧.7.She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all.她又说和朋友对话根本没用。

8.I don’t have a partner to practice English with.我没有搭档一起练习英语。

9.Later on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word.随后,我认识到听不懂每个词并没有关系。

10.It’s amazing how much this helped.我惊异于这些方法竟如此有用。11.My teacher is very impressed.给老师留下了深刻的印象。

12.She had trouble making complete sentences.她很难造出完整的句子。13.What do you think you are doing? 你在做什么?

14.Most people speak English as a second language.英语对于大多数人来说是第二语言。15.How do we deal with our problem? 我们怎样处理我们的问题?

16.It is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers.在老师的帮助下尽我们最大的努力来应对挑战是我们的责任。He can’t walk or even speak.他无法走路,甚至无法说话

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