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1.The responsibilities of college students大学生的责任

2.The difficulties of finding a job after college graduation大学毕业后找工作的困难

3.My views on the expansion of college enrollment我对大学生扩招的想法

4.My ideal transportation tool我理想的交通工具

5.China in 20 years

6.If I had a time machine,...如果我有一个时光机

7.The role of the Internet for college students因特网对大学生的作用

8.How to balance study and a part-time job?如何平衡学习和兼职

9.Challenges faced by Chinese college students中国大学生面临的挑战

10.The rich cultural diversity of China中国文化的多样化

11.If I were a billionaire,...如果我是亿万富翁

12.My views on blogging我对博客的想法

13.People who have influenced our life对我们的生活产生影响的人

14.What the world will be like at the end of the 21st century.在21世纪末世界将会怎样

15.Wine culture:China v.s.USA 酒的文化

16.Table manners(餐桌礼仪):China v.s.USA

17.Urbanization in China都市化中国

18.The Most Livable City in China中国最适宜居住的地方


英语读书报告格式要求范文 there is no standard form for a book report.however, every book report should contain the following four parts: 1.identification.give the title and author’s name.if the book is one with which your readers may not be familiar, identify it further.give the name of the publisher, the place and year of publication, the price, and the number of pages.writing book reports can be a valuable exercise in clear thinking and precise writing.it also gives you the opportunity to improve your writing and to develop a style of your own.注意:

题目统一为: a book report on 英文书名(斜体),标题居中,正文两端对齐; 内容的几个部分可以成若干个段落写,但不能出现1,2,3,4序号字样;

英文中没有书名号, 书名斜体;注意其他英文标点符号使用及字母大小写的规范; 字体为times new roman, 字号为小四号,行距为固定值20磅;


字数要求:about 400 words 常见的表达法:简写本 simplified version/abbreviated version 故事大意如下 the gist of the story is as follows 主人公 leading role/leading character/hero/heroine 以„„为背景 it is set on the eve of„/it is set on the background that„ 其他:可参见课本p183页要求。

格式可参考以下范文: sample 1 a book report on the black tulip by huang xin, class 0901 this novel took 17th century dutch bourgeois revolutionary period of intense political struggle and the turbulent life as its background.firstly, in order to obtain happiness, you should achieve your successful work;in order to achieve your successful work, you should go through thick and thin.as the writer said, “those who have suffered much, have a right to be happy.” take the two leading characters for example.they eventually reach happiness after suffering a lot both psychologically and physiologically.secondly, your happiness should live in your contribution towards others’ happiness, but not on the contrary, in destroying others’ happiness.if you get your happiness by taking advantage of others or by hurting others, you won’t be happy with it for long, at least, you won’t enjoy the real happiness.people will think you’re a mean person.boxtel was a typical case.he would never gain happiness.thirdly, wealth obtained through dishonest means doesn’t bring happiness.happiness is not an end, it is a process.it’s a continuous process of honest and productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel you are a useful and worthy person.sample 2 a book report on sons and lovers by cheng xin, class 0901 sons and lovers is a novel written by david herbert lawrence and it was first published in 1913 in london by wyman & sons.d.h.lawrence was born at eastwood, notts, on september 11, 1885, the fourth child of a miner who had been employed at brinsley colliery since he was 7 years old.in 1911, his first novel the white peacock was published.personality and mental health.it is perhaps because of this true picture of life that the novel has won lawrence everlasting reputation.篇二:英文读书报告撰写格式


1.字体均为times new roman 报告题目为3号黑体居中







英文读书报告写作知识 the book report 1.three main parts of a book report generally speaking, a book report consists of the following three main parts: ? information about the author and his times ? a summary of the book a description of the author’s times should be given together with a brief account of his life.it should include the circumstances that led to the writing of the book under discussion and the historical and social background related to the content of the book.to make these things clear, the writer perhaps needs to read some reference material, such as biographies of the author and histories of the period described in the book.2.writing of the book report 1)the summary of the book should be self-contained, clear, and easy to understand.above all, it should be objective.3)the summary of a novel or a play is usually written in the present tense, while that of nonfiction, in the tense of the original work: for example, the past tense should be used for a history, and the present for a scientific work.英语专业读书实践报告


reading report on jane eyre 学 院: 外国语学院

专 业: 英 语

班 级: 2014级1班

姓 名: 张晓琳(201414540116)





时间:2015年10月18日 chapter 1 about the author and the book 王子一 harlotte bronte(1816-1855), english writer noted for her novel jane eyre(1847), sister of anne bronte and emily bronte.the three sisters are almost as famous for their short, tragic lives as for their novels.in the past 40 years charlotte bront?s reputation has risen rapidly, and feminist criticism has done much to show that she was speaking up for oppressed women of every age.jane eyre is a young orphan being raised by mrs.reed, her cruel, wealthy aunt.a servant named bessie provides jane with some of the few kindnesses she receives, telling her stories and singing songs to her.one day, as punishment for fighting with her bullying cousin john reed, jane’s aunt imprisons jane in the red-room, the room in which jane’s uncle reed died.while locked in, jane, believing that she sees her uncle’s ghost, screams and faints.she wakes to find herself in the care of bessie and the kindly apothecary mr.lloyd, who suggests to mrs.reed that jane be sent away to school.to jane’s delight, mrs.reed concurs.once at the lowood school, jane finds that her life is far from idyllic.the school’s headmaster is mr.brocklehurst, a cruel, hypocritical, and abusive man.brocklehurst preaches a doctrine of poverty and privation to his students while using the school’s funds to provide a wealthy and opulent lifestyle for his own family.at lowood, jane befriends a young girl named helen burns, whose strong, martyrlike attitude toward the school’s miseries is both helpful and displeasing to jane.a massive typhus epidemic sweeps lowood, and helen dies of consumption.the epidemic also results in the departure of mr.brocklehurst by attracting attention to the insalubrious conditions at lowood.after a group of more sympathetic gentlemen takes brocklehurst’s place, jane’s life improves dramatically.she spends eight more years at lowood, six as a student and two as a teacher.after teaching for two years, jane yearns for new experiences.she accepts a governess position at a manor called thornfield, where she teaches a lively french girl named adèle.the distinguished housekeeper mrs.fairfax presides over the estate.jane’s employer at thornfield is a dark, impassioned man named rochester, with whom jane finds herself falling secretly in love.she saves rochester from a fire one night, which he claims was started by a drunken servant named grace poole.but because grace poole continues to work at thornfield, jane concludes that she has not been told the entire story.jane sinks into despondency when rochester brings home a beautiful but vicious woman named blanche ingram.jane expects rochester to propose to blanche.but rochester instead proposes to jane, who accepts almost disbelievingly.the wedding day arrives, and as jane and mr.rochester prepare to exchange their vows, the voice of mr.mason cries out that rochester already has a wife.mason introduces himself as the brother of that wife—a woman named bertha.mr.mason testifies that bertha, whom rochester married when he was a young man in jamaica, is still alive.rochester does not deny mason’s claims, but he explains that bertha has gone mad.he takes the wedding party back to thornfield, where they witness the insane bertha mason scurrying around on all fours and growling like an animal.rochester keeps bertha hidden on the third story of thornfield and pays grace poole to keep his wife under control.bertha was the real cause of the mysterious fire earlier in the story.knowing that it is impossible for her to be with rochester, jane flees thornfield.cousins.jane immediately decides to share her inheritance equally with her three newfound relatives.at ferndean, rochester and jane rebuild their relationship and soon marry.at the end of her story, jane writes that she has been married for ten blissful years and that she and rochester enjoy perfect equality in their life together.she says that after two years of blindness, rochester regained sight in one eye and was able to behold their first son at his birth.chapter 2 preparations 刘思静篇四:英语读书报告范文

英语读书报告范文 there is no standard form for a book report.however, every book report should contain the following four parts: 1.identification.give the title and author’s name.if the book is one with which your readers may not be familiar, identify it further.give the name of the publisher, the place and year of publication, the price, and the number of pages.later to relocate quotations or other information.4.evaluation.your opinion is the most important part of the report.it may be either your immediate reaction to the book or a judgment based on further study.in either case, your opinion impression of the material after you have finished the book.writing book reports can be a valuable exercise in clear thinking and precise writing.it also gives you the opportunity to improve your writing and to develop a style of your own.*** 题目统一为: a book report of thirty-nine steps 内容的四个部分可以成四个段落写,不能出现1,2,3,4字样; 英文中没有书名号, 每个词用大写就可以或再加上下划线表示,不用引号;省略号为三点;

常见的表达法:简写本 simplified version/abbreviated version 故事大意如下 the gist of the story is as follows 主人公 leading role/leading character/hero/heroine 以„„为背景 it is set on the eve of„/it is set on the background that„

sample 1 a book report of the black tulip by li minli, class 5, 2005 the black tulip is a novel written by alexandre dumas pere, simplified by micle wester, and was published by shanghai translation press in 1983.the story is set in the 17th century in holland when fierce political conflicts prevailed while the society rioted.in this story, cornelius van baerle being so crazy about tulips tries to grow a black tulip without any other color on it at all in order to gain quite a substantial sum of money offered to the winner.however, boxtel, a man living in the next door, also has a crush on the money.he then supervises every movement of cornelius secretly for fear that cornelius may grow better tulips than his own.besides this, he also carries out many surreptitious activities to destroy cornelius’ tulips by all means.once a while, he accuses cornelius of harbouring letters that might be harmful to the government so that cornelius is sent to the prison without giving provocation.this nearly causes him to death.even here, cornelius manages to grow tulips with the help of rosa, the daughter of the prison-keeper.but unfortunately, their first black tulip is stolen by boxtel.it’s rosa who proves the truth and saves coenelius by herself!it’s a happy ending in this novel as it says “those who have suffered much, have a right to be happy.” this quotation brings the whole story to an end and will certainly motivate readers to go on.rosa herself will remain as quite a good example, too.besides, “justice could defeat evil however difficult it is and whatever the process would be” can be easily seen as the author’s deep philosophy towards life.by reading it, the reader can both enjoy the plots and be stimulated!sample 2 a book report of the black tulip by huang xin, talents class, 2006 i have recently read the simplified version of the black tulip published by shanghai translation press.this novel was written by the distinguished french writer alexandre dumas pere, the pioneer of the romanticism literature movement in france.he was so popular that his works had been translated into several languages this novel took 17th century dutch bourgeois revolutionary period of intense political struggle and the turbulent life as its background.dream and achieves happiness at last.earned through your own honest efforts.firstly, in order to obtain happiness, you should achieve your successful work, in order to achieve your successful work, you篇五:英语系读书报告


清一切革命问题的基本根据。文章的后部分叙述了共产党的革命运动和革命方针,剖析了革命对象、责任、动力、性质和前途。中国革命的对象是外国帝国主义和本国封建主义,在日本侵略武力侵入中国以后,中国革命的主要敌人就是日本帝国侵略主义和勾结国外侵略者的一切汉奸和反动派。中国革命在现阶段的任务是对外推翻帝国主义的民族压迫的民族革命和对内推翻封建地主压迫的民主革命,而最主要的任务是推翻帝国主义的民族革命。看完之后不禁感慨, 中国共产党的成立太不容易了;要找到一条适合中国发展的道路多么艰难!我认为《中国革命和中国共产党》对推动中国革命事业的发展起了重要作用。毛泽东同志对“中国革命”深入的认识、独到的见解、精辟的分析,给人我留下了深刻的印象.如果现在问起来:为什么中国在当时的资产阶级民主革命只能是新民主主义的革命?我想,这就由中国当时的实际国情决定。而毛泽东能站在最宏观的位置考虑中国国情,并从分析中国社会着手,以此为基础,对中国革命的对象、任务、动力、性质、前途等问题逐一进行了详细的论述,应用了唯物论—一切从实际出发、辩证法—全面辨证的看问题的方法,以及用归纳与演绎、分析与综合、抽象与具体、逻辑与历史统一的科学思维方法清晰地把握住了中国的实际情况,在当时来说这真是不简单。



纵观中国的历史,历次的农民革命、资产阶级的改良革命都以失败而告终,一直到孙中山领导的辛亥革命来临,结束了两千多年的君主专制制度,革命也逐渐深入人心,但是革命成果被袁世凯夺取,中国仍受制于帝国主义的控制。1919年在巴黎和会上中国受到的不公平待遇,激起了中国人民的强烈不满,五四运动首先引起了学生罢课,而后工人罢工,商人罢市的大面积反抗,五四运动进入高潮,工人阶级登上了历史的舞台,由此五四运动促进了马克思主义在中国的发展、传播及其与中国工人运动的结合。这时一群青春、激情、奋斗、献身的中华儿女,用他们的青春与热血,谱写出辉煌壮丽诗篇,描绘出了一个新生的中国,创建了中国第一个无产阶级的政党。九十多年前,中国共产党为黑暗的中国点起了一盏明灯,照亮了漫漫革命之路, 只有共产党才能救中国!只有共产党才有新中国!这早已成为颠扑不破的真理,在中国历史上留下了不可磨灭的伟绩。《中国革命和中国共产党》让我们对信仰又有了更深刻的理解,是的,为了心中的信仰,革命先烈不惜抛头颅洒热血,他们不怕流血牺牲,为了建立新中国,他们甘愿赴汤蹈火!真的很感谢先辈们冒着生命危险为我们建立新中国!真的很感动先辈们与国家同呼吸共命运的这种大无畏的精神!忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠,展未来任重道又远。我们要以时代为己任,把自己的一切献给党,要把实现自身的人生追求同党的事业、国家的富强紧密联系在一起,沿着正确的方向不断前进。为社会主义现代化建设贡献出自己的力量。


A Team U Were Part Of

Describe a team you were part of.You should say:

when the team was formed

who else participated in it

what you did there

and explain why you became part of the team.What do children(or, young people)usually do in groups?

Do you like co-operating with others?

What qualities(attributes)does a person need to be able to co-operate with others?

Which is more popular in your country, team sports or individual sports?

Do you think co-operation between countries is important? A Small Successful Company

Describe a small company that you think is successful.You should say:

what the name is

how you know about it

what does this company do

and explain why do you think it is successful.Do you think it's easier to be an employee in a company or to be a company owner?

What are the advantages of owning your own business?

How do small businesses attract customers(or clients)?

Do you think it's easy to have your own business(your own company)in China?

What can be done to ensure that customers' rights and interests are not encroached upon? Describe a special thing you want to buy in the future

You should say:

what it is

why you want to buy it

how long do you want to have it and explain how to get it.What things are people buying nowadays in China?

Which do you think are better, big shops such as department stores or small shops?

Do you think supermarkets create a problem for some small shops?

Do you think small shops might disappear in the future?

Do you think men and women have the same shopping habits? An Exciting Sport

Describe an exciting sport you know.You should say:

what the sport is

how you know about it

is it difficult

and explain why you think it is exciting.How do you think of extreme sports?

Should governments ban dangerous sports for young people?

Would you encourage young people to do these sports?

What kinds of ball games do Chinese people like to do?

What kinds of sports can people in your country watch on TV? A Change To Improve Local Area

Describe a change that will improve your local area.You should say:

what the change is

why the change is needed

whether there will be any problems associated with change and explain how it will improve your local area.Does everyone like changes to their hometown?

In general, what are some of the reasons why changes occur to cities?

Do you think government should consult the views of the people before these changes are carried out?

What effects does a fast-growing population have on a city?

What are some differences between young people in the past and at present? An Activity U Do To Keep Fit

Describe an activity you do to keep fit.You should say:

what you do

when you started doing it

how much time you spend doing it

and explain how this activity helps you keep fit.Do you think most Chinese people lead a healthy lifestyle nowadays?

What are the advantages or disadvantages of spending your leisure time with your work colleagues?

Do you think employers should provide recreational facilities for their employees?

How is the time and length of annual holidays decided in China?

At what age do people retire in China? An Electronic Equipment

Describe an electronic equipment you are familiar with.You should say:

what the equipment is

when you bought it

what you can do with it

and explain why it is special to you.Do you think it's important for employees(in industry)to be trained to use the equipment at work?

What do you think are the benefits of using modern equipment and devices(in the home)?

Do you agree that older people have difficulties in using(advanced)modern equipment?

How can we help elderly people to use these modern devices?

Do you think that the use of so much labour-saving equipment in the home tends to make people lazy? A Special Toy

Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.You should say:

what it was

who give it to you

How often you played it

and explain why it was special to you.What kind of toy would you give if you had children?

Compared with the toys that children play nowadays, is there any toy you didn't have when you were young?

Do you think children should pay with hi-tech toys? An Educational TV Program

Describe an educational TV program.You should say:

what the program is

what type of program it is

what contents it has and explain what you learned from the program.What kinds of programs are the most popular(in China)?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV for both adults and children?

Would you say, for adults, watching TV is a good way to relax?

How are TV programs today different to those of the past?

What are the differences between watching the news on TV and reading the news in a newspaper.A Book U Liked To Read

Describe a book you liked to read in your childhood.You should say:

who wrote this book

what it is about

when you read it

and explain why you liked it.Do children prefer to read or to watch TV?(Why?)

What kind of books do children like reading(today)?

What are the benefits that children derive from reading?

How can parents encourage their children to read more?

What are the differences between watching TV and reading? A Time You Got Lost

Describe a time when you got lost.You should say:

when and where it happened

who was there with you

how you felt when you got lost

and explain how you eventually found your way.Why do some people get lost easily but others don't?

Is digital map important? Would people rely more on digital maps?

Why do people like travelling?

What kind of preparation do people need to do? An Ambition

Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet.You should say:

what it is

when you first had this ambition

why you had this ambition

and explain why you haven't achieved it yet.Do you think children should have ambitions?

Do you think parents should stop children form thinking too big?

What's the importance of having ambition?

What are the advantages feeling ambitious towards your work? A Stage Of Life

Describe an age or a stage of life that was enjoyable to you.You should say:

when it was

what you did during that period of life

who was with

and explain why you think it was enjoyable to you.What's the legal marriage age in China?

Do you think these age limits might be changed in the future? Why? Changed to what ages? Why not?

In China, is there any special celebration when people become adults?

Do people in China celebrate retirement from work?

What's the attitude in China towards old people? An Old Person You Respect

Describe an old person you respect.You should say:

who this person is

what he or she look likes like

how do you know this person

and explain why you respect him or her.Why do companies usually not hire old people for work?

In your country, at what age do people usually retire from work?

Is this retirement age a law or is it just the custom in your country?

Do you think this is a suitable age to retire?

Do you think many old people would like to continue working after they retire?

What problems do you imagine some old people have as a result of retiring from work?

Why do some employers think that hiring old people has advantages?

What do you think is the role of old people in the family today? Has this role changed, compared to the past?

Do you think that old people should live with their children(and grandchildren)?

What are the benefits of this? Something You Learned On Internet

Describe something interesting you learnt from the internet.You should say:

what you learnt

what website you learnt it from

how you learnt it and explain why you think what you learned was interesting.How has the internet changed your country?

What would happen when the internet couldn't work in your country?

Would libraries disappear in the future?

Why is weibo popular in China?

Do you think information from weibo is more valuable than those from other sources?

A Good Leader

Describe a friend who you think is a good leader.You should say:

who this friend is

how you first met

how other people behave towards him or her

and explain why you think he or she is a good leader.Part 3

In your culture, what kinds of people can be leaders?

Has there been a change in the characteristics that leaders should have?

Many women are earning more money now, does it mean that they can be leaders? A Historical Building

Describe a historical building.You should say:

where it is

when and who you went with

what it is like

and explain why you think you wanted to visit it.Do you think we should repair old buildings?

How to attract more people to visit historical places?

How to protect historical buildings?

What's the most important historical building in your country? How to make people more interested in history?


Debate topic: Should college students be allowed to bring the cell phone or not? Positive side: should Negative side: should not

Debate topic: Which is more important for hunting a job, the personal ability or interpersonal relationships? Positive side: the personal ability

Negative side: interpersonal relationship

Debate topic: Can money buy happiness? Positive side: can Negative side: cannot

Debate topic: Are pets good or bad for mankind? Positive side: good Negative side: bad

Debate topic: Is it necessary to pass CET4 or CET6 in the university? Positive side: necessary Negative side: unnecessary

Debate topic: Is it good for people to grow up in adverse circumstances.Positive side: good Negative side: bad

Debate topic: Should different cultures merge into each other or maintain their unique features? Positive side: should Negative side: should not

Debate topic: Is it good to fall in love as a college student? Positive side: good Negative side: bad

Debate topic: What does work mean to people? Work to live or live to work? Positive side: work to live Negative side: live to work

Debate topic: Should we learn English well? Positive side: should Negative side: should not




1.Staying in China or going aboard for education becomes more and more popular for several years.Do you think which is better? 2.Should middle school students be allowed to bring the cell phone or not? 3.Is it good or not to observe the experience 4.City or village, which one is the best place to live in 5.Can money buy happiness? 6.Should we diet in order to keep fit? 7.Is puppy love good or bad for studying? 8.Does criticism do more harm than good to people? 9.Is it good or not for Yunnan to cancel the senior high school entrance examination


1.Is it good or not for Yunnan to cancel the senior high school entrance examination 2.Is it good or not for Kunming to build the underground 3.“Piracy” means the publishing, reproducing of a book, CD, VCD, tape, etc.without permission.Are you in favor of piracy or against piracy? 4.Do you think cosmetic surgery have a positive or negative influence on our society? 5.Should different cultures merge into each other or maintain their unique features? 6.Which is more important for hunting a job, the personal ability or interpersonal relationships? 7.Does advertisement play a positive or negative role in our society? 8.Is it good to use Internet words instead of using traditional words 9.When we see the old lying on the ground, lend a hand or not?


1.Is it a right and smart way for Americans to take up the Wall Street and even Washington D.C 2.Foreign culture has great effect on Chinese culture.Does the advantage of such effect outweigh the disadvantage or does the disadvantage outweigh the advantage? 3.What does work mean to people? Work to live or live to work?

English Corner



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    趣味英语 趣味英语题目 第一组:脑筋急转弯 quick thinking 1. What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?) Silence. (沉默) 2. What always goes up a......


    Group 1, For Side: Advertisements should be controlled. Group 1, Against Side: Advertisements should be encouraged. Group 2, For Side: Junior students should......


    1. why are people tired on April Fool's Day? 为什么在四月一日愚人节人们都很累? 答案:Because they have just had a long March因为他们刚度过了一个很长的三月(行军)mar......


    after the class, he had personal talks with me several times. he indicated a great interest in in view of his previous achievements in this college, i am firm......


    八、【2011•东营】书面表达(共1题,计20分) 初中三年的学校生活就要结束了;回顾三年的学校生活;你(Jack)感慨万分。校园网的英语论坛开辟了“My School Life”专栏,供同学们发......


    第一部分,传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions) 1,What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?) 这一问题如果面试没有安排自我......


    第六届英语演讲比赛翻译题目 1、When she had been searching for half an hour, she came across a shop that was selling inexpensive but beautiful umbrellas. 她寻找......


    1.FTP客户端软件flashfxp使用方法之研究。 2.FTP客户端软件leapftp使用方法之研究。 3.FTP服务端软件Serv_U使用方法之研究。 4.音频软件Goldwave使用方法之研究。 5.音频软......