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Teaching objectives: Knowledge objective: Train the students’ reading ability.Ability objective: Enable the students to realize...Emotional objective: Stimulate the students’ interest and...Teaching procedures: Step1

Lead-in Use some pictures of...to lead in the topic.Step 2

Pre-reading 1.Play a guess game:...2.Play another guess game:...Step 3

Predict 1.Ask the students to predict what the reading passage talks about according to the title and illustrations of passage.The teacher can give some clues by talking about the illustrations:......Step 4

Skimming 1.Let the students skim the whole passage to get the main idea, and then evaluate their predictions.During this activity, the teacher should give some guidance(指导)on reading skills.Main idea of the passage:...2.Let the students skim the passage and divide it into different parts to find out the main idea of every part and the topic sentences.Part 1(paragraph 1...)......Step 5

Careful reading...(问题)

Ask the students to scan the second part and complete the chart(图表)with information from the passage.Ask the students to read carefully and finish the following tasks:......(设计一些问题或判断对错等)


Knowledge aims 1.To listen to and understand the listening materials.2.Students can master the following expressions:...(一些句型)Ability aims 1.Enable students to catch and understand the listening materials.2.Develop students’ ability to get special information and take note while listening.3.Get students to learn and use the expressions of...Emotional aim 1.Enable students to know more about...2.Develop students’ sense of...Teaching procedures Step 1

Lead-in Play a game...1.Divide students into pairs.Give them each two minutes to think of......(游戏过程)

Step 2

Pre-listening 1.Tell students that they will listen to a dialogue about...2.Give students some directions and make them predict what the listening text is about.Step 3

While-listening 1.Ask students to listen to the tape first to get the main idea and decide whether their prediction is right or not.2.Ask students to listen to the tape again.Let them listen and answer some questions.(Show the questions on the blackboard)3.Students exchange the information and listen to the tape a third time for checking.Let them have the correct answers.Step 4

Post-listening 1.Give 2-3 minutes to students to ask questions if they have any.2.Show students the listening text and let them read it aloud.3.Let students read aloud the questions and expressions on the blackboard:...(之前目标里的句型)4.Make sure they will understand and enable to use them.Then let them discuss in pairs...5.Get some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the class.Step 5

Homework 1.Make sentences with the expressions in the lesson.2.Surf the internet to find out more information about...3.给一篇文章用来讲语法的课堂设计

Teaching objectives Knowledge objectives To learn the use of...(语法点)Ability objectives

To use...(语法)correctly and properly according to the context.Emotional objectives

1.To become interested in grammar learning.2.To develop the sense of group cooperation Teaching important points Get students to learn and master the new grammar item:...(语法)Teaching difficult points Enable students to learn how to use...correctly.Teaching procedures Step 1

Revision 1.Check the homework exercises.2.Let students dictate some new words and expressions.Step 2

Discovering useful structures 1.Ask students to read through the passage..., pick out the sentences where...(语法)are, and then underline...(语法)

2.Let students work in pairs to translate these sentences and try to understand the use of...3.Have students observe the sentences and draw the conclusion:...Step 3

Understanding and summarizing

1.Ask students to work in pairs to finish the following exercises on how...are used.(Show the following on the screen)...Step 4

Using structures(Show the following exercises on the screen or give out exercises papers.)Answer the following questions using......1.Ask students to work in group of four.2.Give them four minutes to finish the work and ask each group to choose the best answers.3.Ask students to choose the best sentences.Step 5

Playing the game Get into groups and play the game: Step 6

Closing down by a quiz.(Show some exercises on the screen.)Let students finish them within a few minutes, and then check the answers with the whole class.4.写作课的教学方案

Teaching objectives Knowledge objectives By the end of this lesson the students: 1.will have a better understanding of the structure and characteristics of ….2.will grasp some useful words and expressions to describe … such as(写出具体的单词、短语或者句型)Ability objectives 1.To grasp the use of persuasive sentences.2.To improve the ability of in gathering, analyzing, comparing and making conclusion.emotional objectives 1.To improve the students’ learning motivation.2.To make the students become confident.3.To improve their ability of cooperating with each other through discussing.Teaching important points Task-based approach, cooperating approach and communicative approach.Teaching difficult points Using the new expressions in the passage properly.Teaching procedures Step 1

lead-in Discussing 1.Show students 4 pictures of...2.Ask 3 students to report their work, show them the pictures of...Step 2

Pre-writing 1.Show them the sample...2.Read the...and think over what are the characteristics of..., encourage some students to analyze and tell their opinion.Step 3

While-writing 1.Ask students to read the requirements on the text.2.Ask them to write the topic sentence first, and then write at least 6 supporting sentences to...Step 4

Post-writing Let them swap their passage with each other and recommend 3 most successful...Step 5


1.Polish students’ writing and write some more aspects of...Their final work will be modified and selected, and then the most successful ones will be put up on the English Corner.2.Review the words and expressions in this unit.



一,描写 记述(与一般的课文一样)


五, 英文通知











切题:用足所给材料,写作最简单的英文句子,千万别漏了所给的“要点材料” 句子结构:人(物)+ 干(是)….+(宾语或表语)+ 其他

动词的时态:依据文义或句子的 意义,确定使用正确的时态并使用准确的动词形式(最重要)












被动式:is/ are + done


被动式:was / were + done

用于将要发生的事件中:will + do 或 be

going to do ,常见错误是,will 或 to 之后不使用动词原形;

被动式:will be + done;is / are going to be done






称 呼

落 款


假设你是Li Ping,潍坊十八中的一名学生.请根据提示写一封约120个词的英文信和一个英文信封.信息提示:




438King Street New Tom,Sydney Australia


Li Ping


188 East Dongfeng Street Weifang,Shandong China






Li Ping

188 East Dongfeng Street

Weifang, Shandong, China


438 King Street, New Town

Sydney, Australia








188 East Dongfeng Street

Weifang, Shandong, China

June 23, 2002

How are you I'm very glad to write the letter to you.My name is Li Ping.I'm a Chinese boy.I'm from Weifang, China.Do you know Weifang It's a beautiful city in Shandong.It's a kite city.I study in No.18 Middle School.Our school is very beautiful.I'm in Class 1, Grade 3.There are 24 classes in our school.We study Chinese, maths, English and other subjects.I like English very much.I like playing computer games,football and watching TV.I have many good friends.We help each other.There are three people in my family.They are my father, my mother and I.I want to make friends with you.Please write to me soon.Welcome to Weifang.Yours Li Ping


Dear Jim,B)假如你是李雷,你收到英国朋友Jack的一封信,他希望交一些中国笔友.你给他写一封回信,将你的朋友魏华介绍给他.内容应包括“出生年月,生活地方,父母情况,他的兴趣爱好,最擅长的科目,你们在一起常做些什么和他长大后准备干什么”.根据以上要求,请你用60—70个单词来完成这封短信.要求意思连贯,符合逻辑.信的开头和结尾已写在试卷上.(本题共10分,广东02年中考)

No.9 Minzu Road,Zhongshan City,Guangdong, China 528400

June 22nd,2002

Dear Jack,I am glad to receive your letter and know you want to have some pen friends in China.Now let me tell you something about my friend, Wei Hua, a student of Class 3, Grade 2 in Yucai Middle School.He would like to know something about your school life and your country.I m sure you will be good friends soon.Yours,Li Lei





请代为韩梅给英语老师Mr Smith出写一张病假条,可选用下列单词或短语(有的要作必要的变动).请假条的开头部分已给出.(字数50—70)

catch a bad cold, go swimming, doctor, tell me, go to school, can not, stay in bed for two days, today and tomorrow, hope, get well, because)June 20,2002

Dear Mr Smith,I'm sorry to tell you that…


Dear Mr Smith,I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not feeling well today.I have caught a bad cold because I went swimming in the river yesterday afternoon.The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days.So I can't go to school today and tomorrow.I hope I' 11 get well very soon.Thank you.Your student Han Mei





假定你是新华中学的学生李华,你的美国朋友Tom一周前给你发电子邮件,询问你暑假里的打算,但你因准备期末考试未能及时回复。请你根据下面要求给他回一封邮件,要点如下: 1.未及时回信的原因。


注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Tom,I’m so sorry that I haven’t replied to your last email in time because I have been busy preparing for my final exam.Certainly, I’d like to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer holiday.On the one hand, I’ll make some money in this way.On the other hand, I’ll gain some work experience.Besides, I’ll go to visit Mount Tai with my friends, enjoying the beautiful scenery of my motherland.What about your summer holiday? If possible, I’d like to invite you to join us, going traveling together.I’m sure we’ll have a great time.As you know, our summer holiday will last about 8 weeks, so I’ve intended to do something as follows.First, I plan to do a part-time job in a KFC restaurant for a month.I’m looking forward to your early reply.Yours, Li Hua



假定你是李华,现在是华南师范大学(South China Normal University)大一新生你高三时在王老师的帮助下,英语进步很大,为表示感谢,给王老师写一封感谢信。要点如下: 1.梦想成真,考上理想大学。


注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Mr.Wang,I am writing to express my thanks for helping me improve my English.Without your help, I would not be a student of South China Normal University.I still remember the days when you taught me English in Grade 3 of senior school.My English was once poor, but you were very patient with me and tried to tutor me after class.My English was greatly improved because of your encouragement.Without your help, I wouldn’t have realized my dream.I wish more and more of your students could go to their ideal colleges.Wish you have a healthy body and lead a happy life!

Again, I sincerely thank you for your help!

Yours,Li Hua 3.道歉信




假定你是李华,你的美国老师Mr.Evans要求你们明天下午去听一个英国历史的讲座。你因故不能参加。请你写一封信向Mr.Evans道歉并说明情况。要点如下: 1.表示歉意。


注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Mr.Evans,I am indeed sorry to tell you that I won’t be able to attend the lecture on English history tomorrow afternoon.My mother suddenly fell ill and was taken to hospital last night and my father is on a business trip to Beijing now.I am afraid that I will have to take care of her these days.However, I am actually very interested in English society and history.I wonder if it is possible for the talk to be recorded, and if so, could I borrow the tape? It would mean a great deal to me to listen to the tape and learn what is covered in the talk.Please allow me to say sorry again.I sincerely hope that you will be able to understand my situation and accept my apology.Yours sincerely,Li Hua







参考词汇:“汉语桥”世界大学生中文演讲比赛 “Chinese Bridge” Chinese speech contest Dear Peter,I would like to express my congratulations to you on your receiving the first prize of “Chinese Bridge” Chinese speech contest.I know that you were not good at Chinese at first.However, you practiced speaking Chinese every day.As the saying goes, “Everything comes to him who waits”.Finally, you succeeded!In my mind, this match is very difficult for a foreign student.So I’m so surprised that you become champion of this competition.If you go on studying Chinese harder, you will have the opportunity to study in China.At last, I hope to see you and communicate with each other.Sincere congratulations to you again!

Yours, Li Hua 5.建议信

文体概述: 建议信是向别人提出合理的建议,让对方接受自己的想法、主张,解决有关问题。建议信不是投诉信,观点要合情合理,注意礼貌当先。同时,建议信要简洁明确、理由充足,具有合理性和说服力。通常包括: 1.说明写信目的。


假定你是李华,最近你们班从英国转来了一名新生Jenny。这是她第一次远离家乡,她很想念父母及家人,有时候思念至深,常常独自一个人深夜哭泣。对此,请你给Jenny写一封建议信,要点如下: 1.鼓励Jenny坚定求学信念,志存高远,四海为家。2.就Jenny的目前状况,提两到三个建议。

注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Jenny,I am so glad to have a talk with you.I understand your present situation for I have had a similar experience before.People often miss their parents the first time they leave home.Most people do have to leave home for higher education or employment.I think you should realize that present separation will help with your academic development and your improvement of personal ability.Try to make friends on your school campus, and share ideas with your classmates who are physically closest to you now.Maybe you will still miss your parents, but your new friends will bring happiness and joy to your new life.Also I suggest you take an active part in different kinds of activities in school.You will get much pleasure from it.Wish you happy every day.Yours faithfully,Li Hua 6.约稿信


假定你是李华,你校英文报“英语之声”栏目拟刊登外国笔友介绍怎样学好英语的文章。请你给英国朋友Jack写一封约稿信向他约稿。要点如下: 1.怎样练习听说读写。2.怎样记单词。


注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Jack,I would like to ask you to write an article for our school’s English newspaper.The “Voice of English” section in our newspaper is very popular among us students.It carries articles written by foreign friends about “How to learn English well”.Would you please write something about the learning methods of listening, speaking, reading and writing? And we would especially welcome articles about the best way to remember new words.Would you keep a vocabulary notebook? By the way, your article may have a title made up by yourself.About 300 words would be fine.Could I have your article before April 20th?

I am looking forward to hearing from you.Yours, Li Hua


文体概述:邀请信包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、婚礼等各种邀请信件。要求叙事一定要清楚、明白,要写清楚三个方面的内容: 1.邀请对方参加活动的具体内容、时间和地点。2.邀请对方的原因。3.期待对方接受邀请。范文: 假定你是学生会主席李华,学生会将举办迎新联欢晚会,你希望外籍教师Tom能参加,于是你给他写一封邀请信。要点如下: 1.晚会开始、结束时间以及举办地点。2.表演内容。


注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Tom,How are you doing? Currently, in order to welcome the new students, an evening party will be held in our school.As the chairman of the Students’ Union, I’m writing to invite you to join us.Here is a brief schedule.First, it will be held in the school meeting hall from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.next Sunday.Additionally, there will be many wonderful performances presented by the teachers and students, such as singing, dancing, performing plays and so on.Everyone is longing for your coming, and it would be more cheerful if you could give a performance.I sincerely hope that you can accept our invitation and I have the confidence that we students would be extremely delighted to see you.Please let me know your decision if it is convenient for you.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua 8.投诉信

文体概述:投诉信是人们在遇到一些不文明现象、所购商品质量差、售后服务不满意等情况下解决问题的一个方法。在语言方面,要注意把握分寸,要公平、公正。投诉信应包括三个方面的内容: 1.表明写信目的,投诉的内容。2.投诉的具体原因。3.希望得到的结果。

假定你是李华,上周六,你有一次不愉快的就餐经历,对餐厅的服务员态度非常不满意。于是你给该餐厅老板写一封投诉信。要点如下: 1.问题:牛肉面有苍蝇,服务员态度粗鲁。2.要求:餐厅赔礼道歉。

注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Sir,I am Li Hua, a frequent customer in your restaurant.I have been pleased with your excellent service for years but now I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction about the poor service of your waiters.Last Saturday, I went to your restaurant to have lunch but I had an awful experience.When having beef noodles, I suddenly found there were two flies in them, which disgusted me a lot.So I asked the waiter to change another dish.Out of my expectation, he didn’t change it but said in a rude manner that he was too busy to solve the problem.Needless to say, such a way of treating customers is unacceptable.It’s my sincere hope that you can investigate the matter seriously and make a formal apology to me.I look forward to a better service next time.Sincerely yours, Li Hua 9.慰问信


假定你是李华,你的好友李明参加了今年的中国好声音(The Voice of China)比赛,没有进入决赛,感到很伤心。请你给他写一封慰问信,要点如下:



注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Li Ming,I am deeply sad to hear that you could not enter the finals of The Voice of China of this year.I quite understand how you feel now.You have been doing well and your failure is not your own fault, I am sure.However, as we know, failure is the mother of success.I do hope you won’t lose heart and will get ready to try again.Still you have many more chances to try for you are so young.Fate(命运)only can be changed by working hard, so if you go on practising singing, I am sure you will succeed next year.Best wishes!

Yours sincerely, Li Hua 10.咨询信





2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Sir/Madam,I have read your advertisement in the newspaper.You mentioned in it that your instructors are fully qualified and you ensure that learners will be able to swim well after one week’s training.I can swim a little but I’m not very confident in the water.So I’m interested in taking part in the training course.Fortunately, the summer holiday is around the corner.I’m writing to inquire when and where the course will be given, and how long the training course will last each day.I also want to know how much you will charge me for that.Besides, would you be so kind as to tell me whether there is anything special that should be prepared or does your company provide everything necessary?

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely, Li Hua


文体概述:求职信是写信人就某一职位向收信人提出请求的信件。求职信的语言属于正式用语,要用词简洁准确,语气礼貌自信,所给信息要具有可信度。通常包括三部分内容: 1.要阐述清楚招聘信息的来源与所申请的职位。2.简述个人信息。


假定你是李华,你看到某跨国旅游公司在中山市当地招聘暑期工的广告,你想利用高考结束到大学入学前这段时间去打工。于是你写一封求职信申请该职位,要点如下: 1.年龄:18

2.毕业学校:中山市一中 3.电子邮箱:lihua1998@126.com 4.相关工作经验。

注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Manager,I have learned from your advertisement that you are in need of a tour guide.I have the intention of finding a part-time job in your company during this summer vacation.I’m Li Hua, a boy aged 18 and I have just graduated from Zhongshan No.1 Middle School.Therefore, I can speak fluent English as well as standard Chinese.Besides, I once worked as a tour guide for a month and was highly praised for my good service and have rich experience.Young and energetic, I’m keen on traveling.Grown up in this city, I’m familiar with many beautiful places in Zhongshan.Thus, I’m convinced that I’m qualified for the job.Once hired, I would be very grateful and I would devote myself to the post.Please email me at:lihua1998@126.com.Look forward to your reply.Yours sincerely, Li Hua


文体概述: 推荐信包括为别人写的推荐信和为自己写的自荐信两种。信的开头通常先向对方阐明从何种途径获得该职位的消息,有时也可直接介绍要推荐的人的姓名。接着向对方介绍被推荐人的相关信息(如学历、学习状况、兴趣爱好、特长等),这些信息必须是正面的,而且与招聘的职位的性质有关。最后,重申被推荐者是该职位的合适人选,并且能胜任该职位。范文:

假定你是大一新生李华,你在校园的海报上看见校学生会的各个部门将在校内招新。你对学生电视台的新闻记者一职非常感兴趣。因此,你要给学生电视台的台长写一封自荐信。要点如下: 1.自我介绍(包括个性特长、兴趣爱好等)。2.高中时参加各类社团和学生课外活动的经历。3.表达乐意为学生电视台作出贡献的意愿。

注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Chairman,I am Li Hua, an 18-year-old freshman.I am very interested in the position in your poster.I faithfully look forward to becoming a member of the school TV station, so I write to recommend myself to you.When in senior high school, I was also a journalist of the school’s newspaper.That is why I am good at writing.The reports written by me were often praised by most of my fellow schoolmates and teachers.In addition, working as a journalist helps me to grow as an outgoing, independent and sociable person.More importantly, I am curious as well as enthusiastic about everything happening in and around our campus, so I am sure I will devote myself to working in the school TV station whole-heartedly.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely, Li Hua


文体概述:求助信是当个人遇到一些自己无法解决的问题或困难时向别人请求帮助的一种书信。通常包括三部分内容: 1.表明写信目的,请求帮助。2.要清晰陈述请求帮助的具体内容。

3.希望得到帮助。注意语气委婉、真诚,并要向收信人表示感谢。范文: 假定你是李华,你正在为高考紧张复习,但最近你遇到了一些问题导致无法集中精力学习。于是你给你校的外籍心理老师Kate写一封求助信寻求帮助。要点如下: 1.作业多,没有时间运动。2.压力大,难以入睡。3.希望得到Kate的帮助。注意:1.词数100左右。

2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Kate,I am Li Hua, a Senior 3 student.Recently, I’ve been busy preparing for my College Entrance Exam, but unfortunately I find it quite hard to concentrate on my study.So I’m writing to ask you for help.I’m encountering some problems which trouble me a lot.First, I have to spend so much time on my homework that I hardly have time to take sports.Moreover, the high expectation from the teachers and my parents makes me extremely stressful because I don’t want to let them down.What troubles me most is that it’s difficult for me to fall asleep every night.Faced with the above problems, I’m anxious to get your help.Could you please offer me some advice on how to solve these problems?

Sincerely yours, Li Hua



随着经济的发展,人们的生活水平日益提高,一些中学生的消费问题成了一个热门话题。他们花钱大手大脚,令学校难以管理。请写一篇短文对这种现象进行分析。要点如下: 1.存在的现象。2.引起此现象的原因。3.你的呼吁。



Today, it’s a common phenomenon that some middle school students are extremely lavish in spending money, which has aroused wide concern.Generally, there’re several factors contributing to the phenomenon.First, with the improvement of people’s living standard, middle school students, the treasure of their parents, can get lots of pocket money from their parents.Second, some students spend less on their regular meals and necessities to save their pocket money, with which they buy snacks, cellphones, fashionable clothes, etc.Third, young as they are, they learn to blindly worship those with much pocket money, which causes them to compare with each other on something unrealistic.To help the students, I call on schools and parents to take measures to cultivate the students’ correct value of consuming.15.观点表达



国庆长假,不同的人有不同的安排,有的愿意待在家里,有的会外出旅游。请写一篇短文谈谈你的看法。要点如下: 1.一些人的观点。2.其他人的观点。3.你的看法。



The National Day is coming.Different people have different plans about what to do during the holiday.Some are in favor of staying at home.They say it is both convenient and comfortable.What’s more, they can set aside money for other purposes.But they will lose the chance of getting to know the outside world.However, others prefer to go out traveling as it can enrich their knowledge and broaden their views.But they will spend more money and go through some trouble while traveling.In my opinion, it would be much better to stay at home.When staying at home, I can do what I like, such as reading books, watching TV, and doing sports, etc.In short, to stay at home is better than to travel.16.利弊分析


现在越来越多的人进行网上购物,网购有它的优势也有它的弊端。请写一篇短文谈谈你对网上购物的看法。要点如下: 1.网购的优势。2.网购的弊端。3.你对网购的态度。注意:1.词数100左右。


Nowadays many people prefer to shop online.Generally speaking, its advantages can be seen as follows.First, it’s convenient for us to shop online.Second, it helps save much time, with which we can do more other important things.But just as the saying goes, “Every coin has two sides”.Its negative aspects are also apparent.One of the disadvantages is that we are not sure whether the goods we buy are of good quality.Moreover, buyers may be cheated online.Through the above analysis, I believe the positive aspects of shopping online far outweigh the negative ones.Therefore, I would like to shop online.17.问题分析


随着手机的普及,越来越多的中学生有了手机。但他们却整天低头玩手机,严重地影响了他们的学习、生活与健康。对此,你写一篇短文提出解决办法。要点包括: 1.问题的现状。2.具体的解决办法。注意:1.词数100左右。


In recent days, we have to face the problem that more and more students lower their heads to play mobile phones all day, which seriously affects their study, life and health.Confronted with the problem, adults should take a series of measures to cope with the situation.First, schools should strictly forbid students to bring mobile phones to school.Second, teachers should make students understand that playing phones heavily influences learning because it takes up much time.Finally, students should be told that bowing their heads for a long time can cause a variety of severe health problems.I believe that as long as we let students realize these facts, the phenomenon will be greatly improved.18.节日介绍 文体概述



假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Tom写信告诉你他们全家想来中国过春节,现在你回信欢迎他们并向他介绍春节。要点如下: 1.春节的时间和意义。



2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Tom,I am very happy that you are planning to have your vacation in China during the Spring Festival.The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China, which lasts 15 days from the first day of lunar calendar to the 15th.People are busy doing cleaning, putting on the spring couplets and buying flowers.On the New Year’s Eve, people have a big dinner with their family, talking and laughing.Dumplings are the most popular food, for people believe they can bring good fortune.People, wearing new clothes, visit relatives and friends with the words “Happy New Year” on the first day and enjoy the traditional entertainment called lion and dragon dance, which dates back to 2,000 years.I am sure you will like it.I am looking forward to your coming.Yours, Li Hua


文体概述 :项目介绍就是介绍某个项目,可以介绍一个运动项目、一个组织、一个活动、一种风俗习惯等。此话题属于说明文,通常采用一般现在时来介绍,也可以采用过去时或一般将来时。写作时要注意词性的正确使用。范文:

假定你是李华,你的美国朋友David来信询问第25届全国图书交易博览会(the 25th National Book Expo)的情况。请你给他写一封回信,简介该博览会。要点如下: 1.举办时间和地点:2015年9月25~27日,山西省太原市。2.展出图书:约26万种。3.博览会的其他活动。


2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear David,I’m glad that you are interested in the 25th National Book Expo.Now I’d like to tell you about it.The 25th National Book Expo was held from September 25 to 27, 2015 in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province.At the Expo, about 260,000 titles were exhibited, with more than half being new books.The Expo included academic discussions, new releases and recitation contests.Some famous authors like Wang Meng and Cao Wenxuan were invited to the Expo to share their experience and pleasure in reading with readers.During the three days, over 290,000 people visited the fair and more than 120 million copies of books were sold.The annual book expo not only promotes nationwide reading among Chinese, but also provides readers with a platform to have cultural activities and exchange views on different subjects.If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me.Best wishes!

Yours, Li Hua




假定你是李华,最近你的美国朋友Peter发来邮件,他为了了解中国文化,希望你给他推荐一部中国电影。请你根据以下信息给他回复邮件,要点如下: 1.你推荐的电影及其导演。2.该电影的主要内容。3.推荐该电影的理由。注意:1.词数100左右。

2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Peter,I am glad to share with you one of my favorite movie.My favorite movie is Hero, an action film, which is directed by famous director Zhang Yimou and starring Li Lianjie, Zhang Ziyi, Chen Daoming and so on.The film is set after what happened in the late period of the Warring States and it mainly tells us a story that the King of Qin, the largest of six Chinese states, is trying to conquer an empire.To resist him, three men try to kill the King of Qin.For one thing, the beautiful language in this movie may contribute to your study of Chinese in listening, speaking and writing.For another thing, the cultural elements will equip you with foreign cultural background and, above all, enrich your daily life.Yours, Li Hua






假定你是学生李华,现在有外国学生来你校交流学习。请你用英语写一篇介绍稿向他们介绍国宝——大熊猫。要点如下: 1.大熊猫的习性。2.大熊猫的象征意义。


2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语已为你写好。参考词汇:竹笋 bamboo shoots Dear friends,It’s a great honor for me to introduce our national treasure — the panda.The panda is a world-famous wild animal born in China.It only inhabits the forests in the west part of China.It has lived on the earth for over 10,000 years.Although they have fat figures, pandas are better at climbing trees than any other animalPandas like drinking much water, so when finding water, they’ll drink like crazy.Originally, the name “panda” was given by a Frenchman.As is known, the panda is the symbol of luckiness and friendship, and the messenger of peace.Finally and interestingly, the panda tends to lose its temper easily when disturbed.The favorite food they depend on for living is bamboo shoots.22.地点介绍




3.避免开头指代不明。若文章没有给出写作对象或设定情景,避免用it作主语引导第一句,而应该具体写出描述的对象,如the Great Wall, Hong Kong等。范文:

假定你叫李华,是一名导游,你将带领一个外国旅游团游览广东省。请你用英语写一个发言稿简介广东。要点如下: 1.地理位置。2.历史。3.特产。4.其他方面。


2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to Guangdong Province.I’m Li Hua.And I’m more than glad to be your guide.Guangdong Province, also called Yue for short, has a long history and is known for the saying, “Don’t hesitate to have meals here.” Located by the South Sea in the southeast part of mainland China, it has quite a few islands off its coastline, which has a total length of 3,368 kilometers.Known as a fruit king, Guangdong Province is famous for its high-quality bananas, sugar cane, lychees and pineapples.It is also one of the most developed industrial provinces in South China, with convenient transportation both on land and water.It has several special economic zones such as Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and so on.Finally, I sincerely hope every one of you will enjoy yourself here.23.人物介绍





Mr.Zhang, a middle-aged man in his forties, is my math teacher.Ordinary-looking as he is, he is extraordinary in his work.I used to be poor at math.Seldom did I pass math examinations.However, he never looks down upon me, nor does he become fed up with my “silly” questions.Instead, he explains the knowledge to me patiently, keeps encouraging me and sparking my interest in learning math with lots of novel ways and ideas.Gradually, my math improved.I express my gratitude to him not only because of his profound knowledge as well as humorous teaching style, but also his devotion to work and patience with his students.He is really a good teacher who deserves my admiration and respect.24.经历感受


1.表示时间:once upon a time, one day, the next day, last Friday, on the morning of April 5。

2.表示先后:at first, then, after that/afterwards, ten minutes later, soon, immediately, during, at last, in the end, finally, when, while, after, before。

3.表示感受:amazed, amused, annoyed, delighted, disappointed, embarrassed, puzzled, regretful, relieved, satisfied, ashamed, sorrowful, surprised等。


假定你是学生李华,你校组织志愿者去常青藤特殊教育学校(Evergreen Special School)开展“关爱自闭症儿童(children with autism)”活动,请你写信给你的美国朋友Jack,跟他分享你的经历和感受。要点如下: 1.活动时间和地点。2.参加人员。3.活动形式。4.你的感受。

注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Jack,Thank you for your last letter.Now I’d like to tell you what I did.Last weekend, the volunteers in our school were organized to care for the children with autism in Evergreen Special School.We brought some candies and fruits to the children with autism.Upon arrival, we set to work immediately.First, we cleaned the windows and swept the floor.Then we sang and danced.After that, we played with the autistic children.We tried our best to make them happy.Although we were tired, we felt very happy.From my point of view, it is our duty to care for the autistic children and respect them.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours, Li Hua



1.while 和when ● when 解析〔引导时间状语从句〕(1).表明一个动作发生的时候,另一个动作正在进行之中。例如:

When the teacher came into the classroom,we wereplaying.当老师走进教室时,我们正在玩闹。(2).表明当某一动作正在进行时,另一动作发生了。如:

When Lily was flying a kite,she found a child crying on the ground.莉莉正在放风筝时,她发现操场上有个小孩哭。

〔特别提示〕当when从句放在主句之后时,它更强调某一动作的突然性,此时的when相当于and then,and suddenly,just at that time。

I was taking a walk when I came across Lily.我正在散步时,(没想到)遇见了莉莉。


We were doing my homework at home last night when the lights went out.昨天晚上我正在家写作业时,灯(突然)灭了。


1.一„„就„„(=as soon as)

We will stand up when the teacher comesin.老师一进来我们就起立。


We had only five boxes when we needed eight.我们需要八个箱子,可是只有五个。


It is always very hot here when it is summer.每当夏季,这儿总是很热。


Why did you come here on foot when you know you should come by bike?既然你知道该骑自行车来,你为何还要步行呢?

● while 解析



While I was playing the game,she was readcing.我在玩游戏,她在读书。


While I was reading,I fell asleep.我读着读着就睡着了。



(1).只要(=as long as)

There will be life while there is water and air.只要有空气和水,就会有生命。


He is a driver while I'm a teacher.他是司机,而我是老师。


While I see what you say,I can't agree with you.虽然我能理解你说的话,但是我不能同意你。


Just wait a while and then I will help you.等一下,我会来帮你的。

2.不定冠词与定冠词 不定冠词a(an)是“一个”的意思。a用于辅音音素前,一般读作[e],而an则用于元音音素前,一般读做[en]。

1)表示“一个”,意为one;指某人或某物,意为a certain。

A Mr.Li is waiting for you.李先生正在等您。2)代表一类人或物

Mr.Smith is an poor.史密斯先生是穷人。


Mr.Smith is an theacher.史密斯先生是老师


定冠词的用法: 1)特指双方都明白的人或物:

Take the medicine.把药吃了。2)上文提到过的人或事:

He bought a house.I've been to the house.他买了幢房子。我去过那幢房子。3)指世上独一物二的事物:

the sun,the sky,the moon,the earth

4)单数名词连用表示一类事物,如:the dollar 美元;the fox 狐狸;或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人:the rich 富人;the living 生者。5)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词only,very,same等前面: Where do you live? I live on the second floor.你住在哪?我住在二层。6)与复数名词连用,指整个群体:

They are the teachers of this school.指全体教师)They are teachers of this school.(指部分教师)7)表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前:

She caught me by the arm..她抓住了我的手臂。

8)用在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级、等专有名词前: the United States



She plays the piano.她会弹钢琴。

10)用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人:the Greens


in the day, in the morning(afternoon,evening), the day after tomorrow

the day before yesterday, the next morning,in the sky(water,field,country)

in the dark, in the rain, in the distance,in the middle(of), in the end, on the whole, by the way, go to the theatre 3.beside和besides Beside在„旁边

besides除„之外 4.—ed和—ing 人用—ed物和事用—ing 5.易混用词语

6.名词单复数形式。注意不可数名词 7.时态 8.连词

though不与but连用,because不与so连用等 9.形容词、副词

误用形容词修饰形容词,误用副词修饰名词,误用形容词修饰动词,误用形容词或副词的原级、比较级和最高级以及误用带-ly的副词与不带-ly的副词等,特别注意根据上下文该用比较级而未用的“暗中比较”。高中阶段去e加ly的只有ture 10.代词

形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的误用,关系代词、连接代词的误用,代词主格与代词宾格的误用,代词单数与代词复数的误用,各个不定代词之间的误用,反身代词与代词宾格之间的误用,代词的指代错误,定语从句中多用代词等 11.主谓一致 12.句法


I hope everything are ok with you.are 改为is 2名词性从句;

A man came up to him and asked what he needed.3定语从句;

This would save the life of many animals, some of which have almost died out.4强调句型;It is/was +被强调的部分+that/who„




电话中常遇见的家长类型 我们按家长的性格特征和行为方式把家长分为四种类型,并分别用这四种动物来表示。⑴老鹰型






孔雀型的人基本上也属于做事爽快,决策果断。但与老鹰型的人不同的是,他们与人沟通的能力特别强,通常以人为中心,而不是以任务为中心。如果一群人坐在一起,孔雀型的人很容易成为交谈的核心,他们很健谈,通常具有丰富的面部表情。他们喜欢在一种友好的环境 下与人交流,社会关系对他们来讲很重要。你对他的印象可能会觉得他平易近人,朴实,容易交往。这样的家长多为女性。做决策时往往不关注细节,凭感觉做决策,做决策也很快。





猫头鹰型的家长在往往讲话不快,音量也不大,音调变化也不大。他们往往在交往中并不太配合。不管咨询师说什么,可能经常会“嗯,嗯”,让你显得无从下手。他们讲起话来,一般毫无面部表情。如果你表现得很热情的话,他们往往会觉得不适应。猫头鹰型的家长很难 看得懂,他们不太容易向对方表示友好,平时也不太爱讲话,做事动作也缓慢。对很多人来讲,猫头鹰型的人显得有些孤僻。





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    常 见 病 句 类 型 归 纳 一、搭配不当 (一)主语和谓语搭配不当 ①它每年的发电量,除了供给杭州使用外,还向上海、南京等地输送。 解析:“发电量”和“输送”搭配不当。因为“输......


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    常见病句类型及修改 1、 搭配不当 (1)动宾搭配不当如 ·实施素质教育以来,我校开设了丰富 多彩的活动。 ·古代唯物主义者的著作,对后来的哲 学家们起了很有益的影响。 (2)主谓搭......


    小标题常见如下类型: 1、序数式 一 二 三 四 甲 乙 丙 丁 A b c d ㈠ ㈡ ㈢ ㈣ 2、内容式 《兴趣》 古韵之趣 风雅之趣 水墨之趣 《把握自述》 采访李世民 采访邓稼先 采访监......


    初中常见病句类型 一、 语序不当 语序不当,是指句子语序错乱,造成病句。 示例1。博物馆展出了几年前刚出土的文物。(应改为:博物馆展出了刚出土的几年前的文物。) 示例2.赵老师亲......


    常见的病句类型 一、语序不当 1、定语位置不当。如: 我国棉花的生产,长期不能自给。 (定语与中心语位置颠倒,应该为:我国生产的棉花,长期不能自给。)2、状语位置不当。如: 语......


    常见病句类型示例 语 序 不 当 类型:1。定语次序不当 2、状语次序不当 3、谓语次序不当 4.主客体次序不当 5、对应次序不当 6、分句次序不当 (1)定语次序不当 1、 物馆展出了一......