
时间:2019-05-12 23:55:18下载本文作者:会员上传




二.理念:TPR教学, 自然拼读记忆单词,游戏贯穿与整节课,玩中学,学中玩,寓乐与教,轻松学习三.教学目标:

1.掌握六个英语单词dog,cat, horse, elephant, tiger, lion能自己听、读、认出这几个单词.2.能听懂butterfly, ostrich, eagle, kangaroo, swan 3.能听懂句型:What ‘s this? 四.教学重点:

掌握六个英语单词dog,cat, horse, elephant, tiger, lion能自己听、读、认出这几个单词。五.教学难点:

1.能听懂butterfly, ostrich, eagle, kangaroo, swan 2.能听懂句型:What ‘s this? 六.教学工具:PPT 七.教学过程:

Step1.Organization:(2—5分钟)1.Greeting and free talk.(通过师生之间对话,营造英语学习气氛,并使学生进入学习状态)2.Show pictures and go to the zoo(激发学生学习的兴趣)Step2.Presentation:(25—30分钟)

1.模仿秀imitate show(带领学生一起模仿动物进行单词操练)2.拍手停clap hands(教师与学生边拍手边说单词,教师停则学生停,集中学生注意力)

3.火眼金睛eyes and ears(通过观看PPT上缺失的动物身体,猜单词)

4.心有灵犀Say and do(学过单词后,两个同学站前边,听到指令后,两人同时转一圈并同时说出一词,若说出同样的词就获胜)


眼神暗示look and say(读单词时老师的眼睛看着谁,谁就要读单词,这个游戏的使用可以让小朋友们上课注意听讲)



左权县示范小学: 牛彦波

教学目标:1.能拼读单词:fox, wolf, hippo, lion, cow and duck.认读词汇:other animals, grass and make milk.2.能用句型:It has got…

It eats…

It can…

描述动物。教学重点:words and sentences.教学难点:在情境中灵活运用所学句型,并能描述动物。情感目标:1.让学生在快乐中学习知识,并感受成功的乐趣,2.培养学生保护动物,关爱动物的意识。教学流程: Step1.warm up: 1.say the chant: Fly fly fly like a budgie

Run run run like a rabbit

Swim swim swim like a fish Eat eat eat like a hamster

Sit sit sit like a dog

Roar roar roar like a tiger 2.Lead in:(通过动物的局部特征复习身体部位的单词,引出课题 “Animals” 并板书课题。)

Do you like animals? What’s your favourite animal? 学生自由说。

Step2.Presentation and practice: 1.学习六个动物单词;a.Listen, What’s Lisa’s favourite animals?(通过听对话,引出单词“lion”),并且引出句子“It eats other animals”.b.通过创设动物运动会情景,引出别的动物。看狐狸的尾巴,guess, What’s it?引出单词“fox”,听灰太狼“我一定会回来的”的声音引出“wolf”,Yes, the wolf is coming, too.再次说句子“It eats_____.”

c.图片引出单词“cow”引出句子“It eats grass, It can make milk”

d.Hello, I’m a“ duck”,I’m white, I have got two legs, small eyes and a big mouth.I can swim.Do you like me?(以第一人称的口吻引出“duck”,为后面学生的Act做了很好的铺垫。)并且引出句子“ It can_____.It has got________.e.播放动物“hippo”的一段视频,教师用夸张的语气和手势描述,即,It’s my favourite animal, It’s brown, It eats grass, It can swim, It has got small eyes, small ears and a big mouth.I like it very much.It’s a “hippo”.学习“hippo”,并引出句子“It eats_____.It can______..It has got__________.f.以“hippo”为例呈现五个描述动物的基本句子并读两遍。 in groups: It’s a_____.It’s ______.It has got______.It eats _______.It can ________.3.check:

Step3 Guess the animals: T: let’s play, guess the animal.如:It likes sheep, What animal? Step4 Talk about their favourite animals in pairs.T: My favourite animal is a hippo.It’s brown.It has got small eyes, small ears and a big mouth.It eats grass.It can swim.What about you? 1.practise in pairs us Step5.Act it out: T: then let’s act.First, look at me.1.教师先戴动物头饰示范:I’m a snake, I’m green, I have got small eyes, a long body and has got no legs no feet, but I can run fast, I eat other animals.2.think it over and show us.T: Animals are our good friends, but,播放视频(情感渗透)Let’s love animals.Step6.Homework: 1.Talk about your favourite animals with your friends.2.Make a newspaper for animals.

第三篇:Animals in danger教学设计

Unit5 Animals in danger教学设计



一. 教学内容

Join in 六年级上册

Unit 5 Animals in danger 二. 教学目标 1.知识与技能目标:





三. 教学重点和难点 1.能有条理的描写动物。


四. 教学过程 1.Warming up a.利用电子白板播放电影《马达加斯加》片段,检查学生单词拼写。b.快速闪现各种动物图片,让学生回顾已知的动物。2.Presentation a.呈现一张动物侧面图,让学生猜是什么动物。学生听录音,完成练习。通过录音提示猜出是rhino。


3.Practice a.口头描述





T:Do you remember Amy? Can you guess what its favorite animal is? 我顺势提问:大家还记得我们的Amy老师吗?谁能猜猜Amy老师最喜欢的动物。通过我的简短描述,学生猜出是江豚。


5.Homework Do you know any other endangered animals? Try to describe them!你还知道其他哪些濒危动物呢? 试着描述一下它们吧。

第四篇:Animals in the zoo教学设计

《Animals in the zoo》教学设计


樊志妮 教学目标:

1.能听、说、读、写单词:bear, elephant, lion, monkey, panda, tiger。

2.能在图片的帮助下,熟练运用核心句型I like...和Do you like...? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.讨论对动物的喜好。


听、说、读、写单词:bear, elephant, lion, monkey, panda, tiger。教学难点:


Pre-task preparations

1.播放歌曲《The animal sounds song》,通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,并引入本单元话题。

2.出示cat ,dog ,pig , rabbit ,duck的单词卡片,复习这些单词,然后出示老虎,狮子,大象,熊,猴子,熊猫的图片,说一说这些动物和刚才那些动物的不同,引出单元话题《Animals in the zoo》。

T:The cats ,dogs ,pigs, rabbits ,ducks live on the farm ,they are farm animals.(Point to the pictures of bear, elephant, lion, monkey, panda, tiger)We can see these animals in the zoo.Today let’s go to the zoo to have a look.While-task procedures 1.多媒体课件出示熊的图片。

T: Look at this animal, we can call it “bear” in English.Bear ,B-E-A-R , bear.Ss : Bear ,B-E-A-R ,bear.依次出示熊猫、老虎的图片,让学生在理解词义的基础上模仿学习发音,并对所学单词进行拼读。发音较难的单词让学生个别朗读以作纠正。

2.播放大象叫声的录音,让学生猜一猜是什么动物。T:What can you hear? Ss:大象

T:We can say elephant in English.Elephant ,E-L-E-P-H-A-N-T,elephant 用同样的方法学习monkey和lion。3.大小声读单词,巩固单词发音。


4.Look and guess.多媒体课件出示只有每个动物一部分的图片,让学生猜一猜是什么动物。

5.Read and match.让学生把动物的图片和相对应的单词连线。6.Play a game.教师把动物图片贴在黑板上,让学生闭上眼睛,教师拿掉任意一张图片,然后让学生猜猜哪个动物图片不见了。

7.多媒体课件出示图片帮助学生认读新授单词的复数。Post-task activities 1.多媒体课件出示对话,教师教授,学生学习本课重点句型。T: Now we are in the zoo.Look at the picture.(Point to the pandas)I like pandas.Do you like pandas? S1:Yes ,I do./No , I don’t.I like...(提醒学生这里要用复数)2.Pair work


3.Say a chant 以chant的形式出现重点句子,学生进行练习,进一步巩固学生所学内容。



5.Do a survey.学生用所学句型以问答的形式调查小组成员喜欢什么动物,然后在班内汇报。

S1: I like...Do you like...? S2: Yes ,I do./No , I don’t.I like...6.当堂检测



7.播放歌曲《let’s go to the zoo》,让学生学习跟唱,并模仿动物的动作。


1)Spell and copy these words.lion





bear 2)Make sentences.— Do you like …? — Yes, I do.— Do you like …? — No, I don’t.I like … 板书设计:

Animals in the zoo Do you like…? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.I like…

第五篇:Animals 教学设计

Animals 教学设计


1、知识:Understand new words : monkey ,duck ,panda ,cat ,rabbit ,dog

2、能力:Can act like some animals.能让学生学会表演。

3、情感;Can love the animals and protect the animals.培养学生爱动物、保护动物的情感。

教学重点: 1. 单词:monkey ,duck ,panda ,cat ,rabbit ,dog 2. 句子:Act like a monkey……

教学过程: Step1.Warm-up: Organize teaching the class, sing a song.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: Today we’ll study the new lesson.At first, we’ll sing a song together ,OK? Ss: OK.T: Lets sing.Step2:Lead-in(导入新课):The teacher : what animals can you act?(投影出示各种小动物)Ask the students to act like the animal that they like ,Now the students act like the animals.Step3.Presentation(新课展现):

There is a party in the forest.It will start.And now some animals are coming.such as monkeys …(Draw some animals on the blackboard.)Step4:Let’s learn.1.Show out the animals.(用图片出示小动物)Ask the students to look at the picture and tell the teacher what you can see on the picture.The students should know the meaning of the animals.2.Learn to say new words by tape.(通过录音机说单词)Let the students look at words on the Bb.Look and listen carefully ,and learn to say.Play the tape once and let the students listen carefully.Play it second time ,pause it after each utterance and get the students t say out.3.Act like some animals.(表演各种动物)Let the students look at the computer ,repeat the sentences and act out the animals.4.Check: connect with word and picture.(识字检测)Show out the picture and the word ,ask the students to find the good friend ,Let’s do together 5.Play a game.(做小游戏)Have a rest, play a game.Show out the four---six pictures of the animals.Have the students watch carefully, and then close the eyes.At

this time, the teacher take one away, and make the students open the eyes, then guess, what’s missing Step5:Let’do.1.Explain the meaning of” Act like a monkey”.(理解句意)Act out the animals, so as act like monkey…It’s so easy understand the meaning of the sentence for the students.Also, it makes difficult sentence become easy.Of course, the class will be full of the love.2.Listen and do by computer.(在课件的辅导下学习表演)Have the students listen to the tape twice, and then, ask students to do.3.Let’s act.(teacher and students do together)

The teacher joins in the activity of the action, shares the happiness with students.It’s better for the students to study English.We’d better make the students feel the happiness in the class.Step6.Consolidation and extension.(延伸拓展)1. Draw some animals 画动物

Give a piece of paper to students ,and ask the students draw some animals which they like on the paper.2. Say something to each other after class.Have the students continue the active in pairs.Tell the students to find a friend or their parents to practice with.板书设计:

love animals cat duck rabbit 课后反思:


利用教师和学生合作学习,练习Act like a monkey….改变了传统英语课堂中“教师讲学生听;教师问,学生答”这种单




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