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Unit 12 Which is your favorite? I.Analysis of students

In the teaching program, the partners are Grade eight students who are about 14 years old.After one years` learning, some of them gained a lot of basic knowledge and became more confident, but a few of them seems could not follow their step and they lost their confidence in the class.So, it is very important to ask them to do preview.Junior students always full of energy and they are eager to know more things and want to express themselves ,so if teachers can apply interesting and appropriate ways in classes and encourage them at most of time, especially in the listening and speaking class, students will be more interested in English and more confident than before.II.Teaching objectives

A.Knowledge Objectives: 1.By the end of the class, students will be a master of the following words and expressions:

favorite January February March April May June July August September October November December

2.By the end of the class, students will be able to use the following sentence patterns:

a.what’s your favorite…

b.I like … best of all.c.I like….,I like…., but my favorite is..d.what’s date is it today?

e.what day is it today?

3.By the end of the class, students will be able to

B.Ability Objectives:

1.By the end of the class, students will be able to talk about what’s their favorite food or sports.2.By the end of the class, students will know the pronounce and the spelling of each month.3.By the end of the class, students will be able to use the right form of verb in different situations.4.By the end of the class, students will be able to use some common words of our daily life.C.Emotion Objectives: By the end of the class, students will know what are their favorite and insist on it.III.Teaching Key Points and Difficulties 1.Teaching Key Points:

a.learn to talk about what are their favorite b.the words of each month c.past tense of verbs and plural form of nouns 2.Teaching Difficulties: a.learn to talk about what are their favorite b.the words of each month and pronounce

c.past tense of verbs and plural form of nouns

IV.Teaching Procedures: Step1.Lead-in(4miutes)Purpose: The lead-in part is the prelude of this lesson.Daily greeting turn students` attention to the English class and create a pleasant atmosphere in which students are able to be involved in English learning.And the following questions lead in the topic.(Do you like basketball? Do you like football? Do you like pingpang? But what’s your favorite? Lead in the topic.)Activity1: Daily Greeting.Purpose: Give students the information that class is begin, draw their attention to the class, also, it can reduce the distance between I and students, so that make the teaching process going smoothly.In this part, I will greet all the students, and the students will response.Activity2: I love words Purpose: Check students` learning situation about new words of this unit.Before learning new contents, we should be familiar with the new word, so that the teaching activities can go smoothly.In this part, I will ask students play the word chant.Activity3: Answer questions Purpose: Lead in today’s topic In this part, firstly, I will ask students “Do you like basketball? Do you like football? Do you like pingpang? But what do you like best?”, and after students replied, I will say“so … is your favorite, the same as: … is your favorite sports.”and explain the meaning and use of favorite and let students follow my sentence, in this way, I can lead in this class successfully.Step2.Presentation(8 minutes)Purpose: The presentation part is used to introduce the topic and give the students clear instructions on what they will study.Activity1.How to ask the day? Purpose: present a picture which have twelve words of each month and I will read for them also explain the meaning of each word and ask them follow me to read, and after students replied, I will teach them a phase “ what’s the date is it today?”, and show the difference with “what day is it today ?”and also teach them the representation method of the date.(give an example :December 1st 1997, December 1 1997, Dec.1,1997.1st December,1997)And especially tell them: before the date, we should use a “the”.Activity2.Teach sentences.Purpose: still follow today’s central contents.In this part, I will teach students the following sentences:

I have a meeting this afternoon

She has a meeting this afternoon

I am having a meeting now

I had a meeting last night

After doing this, I will ask a question that “can you tell me the difference and the relations of these four sentence? You may find answers and more example on our text book, so, let’s read the statements in 4a and circle it together”.In this way, I can guide students into the next activities naturally.Activity3.Read the statement in 1a and circle it.Purpose: Present new key pints: do does did doing In this part, I require students read these sentences on 4a with me, they will find the new key points.And during the reading, students can make a deep impression on the new, and can find the usage of the new expressions.I explain the meaning and teach them the past tense of verbs, third person singular form of verbs, and the present form of verbs.Then follow this way go on the other 5 sentences.After this, students can generally use this expression.Activity4.Read the six sentences again.Purpose: Deepen the impression.Step 3: Speaking Practice(16 minutes)Purpose: The core purpose is to train students’ speaking ability under the guidance of CTL.As we all know, the most important reason to learn language is to be able to communicate with other people.Most of these communications happened in the form of spoken language.So speaking practice part in this class is crucial to improve the students’ oral language.Activity1.Make a list Purpose: Make a prelude for next activity In this part, I will ask students make a list of things they like to do best and their birthday.The list is prepared for the next speaking practice.Activitiy2.Speak out your list Purpose: Encourage students open their mouse, so that cultivate students` speaking ability.In this part, I will ask students discuss their list in groups, 2 guys a group, and use the phrase “what’ your favorite things? and what’s the date is your birthday ”.When students sharing with their partner, they will be more relax and they can practice the phrase.Activity3.Show your list Purpose: Give chance to students to perform and also check their learning situation.In this part, I will let 2 group of student show their conversation, admire their good performance also correct the mistakes they made in their conversation.Step 4: Listening Practice(6 minutes)Purpose: The listening practice is used to enhance their listening competence through the process of completing a succession of tasks.Activity1.listen to the type and work on 4b Purpose: Check the listening competence of students.In this part, firstly I will let students read these sentences in 4b, then, let them listening to Mike and his mother’s talking and finish 4b.after they do it, I will check the answer with them.Step 5: Pair-work(8 minutes)Purpose: This part is to consolidation, it will help students have a review of today’s content especially the key points and difficult points.Activity1.Pairwork Purpose: Practice make perfect, through this process, students will have a review of today` content especially the key points and difficult points.In this part, I will ask them look at the statement in 4c and 2 guys a group make conversations, use the phrases in the box below.When students are making conversations, I walking on the classroom listen.Activity2.Show your sentence.Purpose: Give students opportunity to show their conversation, also can check how much the mast of today’s contents.In this part, I will point 2 groups of students to show their conversation.Step 6: Homework(3 minutes)Activity1.Share a word

Purpose: The class not only teaches student knowledge but also some principles In this part, I will show a sentence-Rules like an umbrella, protect every one of us on my PPT, and ask volunteers to tell me It’s meaning, which aim to students can gained something in this word.Activity2.Show the homework on the ppt.Purpose: Practice make perfect, homework is the complement of the teaching process, and it’s very useful for students to review what they have learnt in the class.Desired Effect: This lesson is designed in accordance with the above steps.Students are expected to be actively involved in a series of tasks that the teacher prepared before class.By means of accomplishing these activities, students can ask the date in English and use the English to describe the date and express what is their favorite thing fluently both in oral and written English and improve their integrated competence, especially listening and speaking skills.Bibliography:

[1]覃先美,李阳.英语专业毕业论文写作教程[M].长沙:湖南师范大学出版社,2012.2 [2]靳玉乐.现代教育学[M].成都:四川教育出版社,2011.1



I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude towards all people who helped me during the writing of this thesis.A special acknowledgement should be shown to Professor Qin, from whose lectures I benefited greatly.I am also particularly indebted to my roommate Mr.wang, who gave me kind encouragement and useful instructions all through my writing.Finally I wish to extend my thanks to the library assistants who supplied me with reference materials of great value.

第二篇:英文对话《my idol》教学设计

(T:teacher ;S:student)


T:Let’s begin our class!

S1:All rise!

T:Good morning boys and girls!

Ss:Good morning,Miss Lu

T:Sit down ,please。

T: Today, befor our new lesson, I’d like you to listen to a song…now, everyone, please look at here, let’s enjoy it!<播放音乐ppt:my heart=“" will=”“ go=”“ on=”">


T:Do you know the song?


T:What is the name of the song?


T: It came from the film Titanic, but the name of the song is “My heart will go on”

(Write down “Titanic” &“My heart will go on” on the blackboard)

Ss: My heart will go on.S1: In chinese是叫“我心永在”吗?

T:That’s right!“我心永在”。

T: ok, one more questione!Who is the singer of the song? You know what’s the meaning of the word “singer”?

(Write down“singer” on the blackboard)


T:Yes!Who is the singer?

Ss: I don’t know…

T: I will tell you: Her name is Celine Dion.(Write down the name”Celine Dion “on the blackboard)

Ss: Celine Dion!

(打出Celine Dion的ppt图片,加深印象)

T:Is she beautiful?

Ss:Yes!Very beautiful。

T:Can you guess how old is she?(Write down the word”guess” on the blackboard)

S1: 30!


S3: Maybe 40.……

T:Ok,she was born in 1966.How old?


T:Very good!

T:Ok,let’s go on!look at the ppt,we know that Celine has a lot of……


T:Yes,she is very successful,and some of her fans are……


T:Very good!So we know the words “fan”&“super-fan”,and also we know some……



T:Yes,good!They are superstars!

Ss: Superstars!

T:Yes,good!This man is……(打出超人的图片)


T:Yes,very good!Remember these words:fan, super-fan, superstar,superman.Ss: Fan, super-fan, superstar,superman.T:Ok,good!Now,let’s come to today’s new words.Please read them after me, one,two,begin~

idol,world-famous, wonderful, guess, fan, super-fan, successful, favourite, fantastic, have no idea, make it.(Ss read the new words after teacher)

T:Ok,good!Try to remember them.Now,boys and girls,let’s listen to the tape and then answer my questions:

Question 1::How can Celine Dion become world-famous?

Question 2:Who is Babara’s favourite idol?

Now,let’s begin!


T:Ok.Question time.Who can answer question 1:How can Celine Dion become world-famous?

S1:She sang a song called“my heart will go on”and became world-famous.T:Very good!Sit down please!

T:Now,question 2:who is Babara’s favourite idol? Any volunteer?

S1:I want to try…

T:Yes,very well!Go on,please!

S1:I think her favourite idol is Celine Dion…

T:Everyone,is she right?

Ss:Yes!She is right!

T:Ok,good!So we know that Babara’s favourite idol is also Celine Dion!Right?


第三篇:8A UNIT 1 FRIENDS教学设计英文(范文)

第一部分:教学设计 unit goals ● to develop some ideas about making friends


he has a good sense of humour.step 2 a listening task step 3 reading 2)explain the language points briefly.b.do you think eddie is a good friend? step 5 talking about your best friend step 6 qualities of a good friend a.have the students finish part a(page 3).a good friend should be helpful.he/she helps you solve problems.a good friend shares your joy.he/she shares your sadness, too.it is very important for my good friend to be polite.it is not important for my good friend to be good looking.it is very important for my good friend to….it is quite important for my good friend to….b.try to read your notes about the qualities of good friends.if possible, think of other qualities a good friend should have.period 2: reading i step 1 let’s talking about your best friends



betty is _____________.max is ____________.may is _____________.betty max may

slim short hair

tall, poor eyesight glasses – smart

small straight, shoulder – length hair pretty


generous , helpful

a good sense of humour

a true friend

funny kind

betty max(he is very tall---almost 1.75metres.his small, round glasses make him look smart.)may 1.read after the tape five times.your parent’s signature is needed.period 3: reading ii ● to explain the language points in the passages step 1 reading the passages together

as slim as

have short hair

be ready to



give seat to people in need

future plan




almost 1.75 meters

the tallest

make sb.look smart

humorous have a good sense of humor

tell funny jokes;make sb.happy

long legs

they don’t fit under the desk

shorter than i am

very small

everyone thinks she is pretty.personality

have straight, shoulder-length hair

personality may

a true friend


1.as … as …

she is as slim as i am.she is as tall as i am.i am as tall as she is.i run as fast as she does.she runs as fast as i do.6.… and they make him look smart./ they: the glasses look smart(adj.)/ make sb.do sth./ make me laugh 11.think of …

12.everyone thinks she is pretty.step 5 saying something about making friends

step 1 a guessing game

step 3 boys or girls?

boys: good-looking, handsome, smart girls: beautiful, good-looking, handsome, lovely, pretty, smart first.let’s talk about one’s hairstyle.round, square, oval, small, big third, let’s talk about one’s eye.fourth, let’s talk about one’s nose.big, small, flat, hooked fifth, let’s talk about one’s ear.finally, let’s talk about one’ s mouth.step 6 a summary

eyes: big, small, round, bright, smiling nose: long, short, big, small period 5: grammar i step 1 having a revision

jimmy is a tall boy.sandy is a pretty girl.jimmy is tall.sandy is pretty.spring is here.trees turn green.he seems happy today.funny, lazy, pretty, easy, early slim, big, hot, fat, thin little, less, least old, elder/older, eldest/eldest far, farther/further, farthest/ furthest get the students to finish part b1 on page 9.step 5 finishing part b2 on page 10 step 6 summary

a is_______ ______b.(tall)a is_______ ______b.(slim)a is _______ ______b.(heavy)english is_____ _____ ________maths.(interesting).a is _____ ______ b at english.(good)

sam is____ ____ of the three.(tall)the bag is ____ _______ of all.(heavy)

•than •superlative •in + 范围、项目 •of + 同类的东西

than jim.tom is _________ of the three.(tall)this story is ____________ than that one.(interesting)

period 6: grammar ii a is longer than b.b is shorter than a.step 2 talking about the table

millie is 1.5 meters tall.sandy is 1.5 meters tall, too.millie is as tall as sandy.amy is 40 kg.kitty is 40kg, too.amy is as heavy as kitty.millie is not as tall as peter.millie is shorter than peter.step 3 filling in the blanks

a b





maths test

englih test

get the students to talk about millie’s opinion first.hiking is as interesting as skiing.skiing is as dangerous as diving.step 5 a summary

i.fill in the blanks



我认为如果我们小心,所有户外活动都不危险。period 7: integrated skills

be kind/helpful/popular make money to help more people step 2 listening to the tape step 3 read the passage b.she tries her best to help her friends.step 4 listening to the tape step 5 read the passage together

a.she thinks it is great to sing for people.b.she’d like to make people happy.period 8: study skills step 1 enjoy yourselves!

step 3 reading to find the main point

period 9: main task ● to help the students to prepare notes on their best friends ________ is my best friends.he/ she is ____________.eyes: big, small, round, bright, smiling nose: long, short, big, small

is his friend a boy or a girl? step 3 reading the passage silently

personality & abilities

i like her bright, smiling eyes.they make her look really pretty and kind.= her bright, smiling eyes make her look really pretty and kind.vote for my monitor.please vote for him/her.dear mike: yours simon 1.我的朋友和我一样的苗条。my friend is as slim as i am.2.我的妈妈很幽默。my mother has a good sense of humour.7.他们经常帮助需要帮助的人。they often help people in need.8.我妹妹的视力很不好,她看不清黑板上的字。


第一单元 我的电脑世界 活动3 规范英文输入 教学设计

















教学重难点 教学重点:











教学过程 1.导入


提问:如果我请大家写出这几个字符,你们需要准备哪些东西呢? 回答:纸、笔

教师:对,但是现在需要大家在电脑中输入这几个字符,那“纸”“笔”分别是什么呢? 引出记事本相当于“纸”,键盘相当于“笔”





通过游戏“键盘小能手(基本功)”中的学一学、练一练、玩一玩、测一测,熟练掌握8个基准键的操作 请学生仔细对照书中“手指分工图”和实际键盘,试着以基准键为出发点,练习用正确的指法操作主键盘区中的按键(输入26个小写英文字母,正序和反序各一遍)


学生自学“键盘分区示意图”和知识库中关于各分区的介绍 教师通过提问,点出自学内容中的重点


学生操作(大部分学生都已经掌握),提醒学生观察按Caps Lock键时状态指示灯区的变化,从而了解此时是否是大写输入状态




教师:我们都知道如果输入错误,可以按退格键删除光标左边的字符,那么如何删除光标右边的字符呢? 学生在“常用的特殊功能键”表格中找到答案,了解Delete删除键的使用。



:):_D +_+ =_= @_@ %>_<%(^0^)/(=^^=)






1.high low voice 玩法(1):老师大声读,幼儿小声读,反之,老师小声读,幼儿大声读。

参考用语:when i read loudly, you must read softly ,and when i read softly ,you must read loudly.玩法(2):根据图片的高低来读,如果老师高高的举起图卡,幼儿就大声读,老师将图卡变低位置,幼儿声音就随之变小,也可不用图卡,根据老师手势的高低来读。

参考用语:when i raise the card,you speak loudly,when i put down the card,you speak in a low voice.2.follow me


参考用语:let’s play a reading game,you should to follow my voice and my action,let’s have a try.玩法(2):老师读单词并用手势出示所读次数,幼儿根据老师读出的次数和手势,跟读相应的次数。参考用语:follow me ,when i read apple once,you will read apple.when i read apple apple ,you must read the word twice,you have to listen very carefully and count how many times i have read.玩法(3):老师读单词,但不配手势,幼儿根据老师读出的次数跟读相应的次数。

参考用语:follow me ,when i read apple once ,you will read apple,when i read apple apple.you must read the word twice,you have to listen very carefully and count how many times i have read.3.what’s missing? 玩法:首先,将单词图贴在黑板上,或将实物摆放在地上,老师带幼儿复习一遍后,请幼儿闭上眼睛,将贴在黑板上的词卡或实物抽走一个,藏在黑色神秘袋中,再请幼儿睁开眼睛,看一看,猜出哪个图卡或实物不见了。如回答正确将图卡或实物暂时送给幼儿并及时给予表扬。

参考用语:let’s play a game.look ,what on the blackboard, close your eyes.Open you eyes,oh my dear, what’s missing ,i don’t know, who can help me ?

4.drive the train 玩法(1):老师手持方向盘,当火车司机,玩开火车的游戏(可以伴有歌曲the wheels on the train),当火车开到任意幼儿面前停下时,表演所学单词的动作,让幼儿儿来猜,或提问,请幼儿回答,幼儿回答正确可以上火车,火车再开往下一位幼儿面前,继续游戏。

参考用语:hello,i am a driver of the train,ok ,let go , the wheels on the train, go round round round ,round and round.....Who am i ?mommy, great ,get on the train ,let’s go.玩法(2):老师头戴大盖帽当司机,手拿方向盘做转动姿势,边装火车的声音边绕着幼儿慢慢走动,然后停下来问幼儿,想坐我的小火车吗?只要你能回答我的问题就可以坐火车啦,当幼儿回答正确后,就可以上火车并和老师一起唱歌一起开火车。

参考用语:look,i am a train driver,i can drive the rain ,ha ha ,oho wants to go by train?but you need to answer my question first, if your answer is right ,you can go by train.5.passing game 玩法(1):老师将幼儿所学单词卡放入一个盒子中,听音乐玩游戏,当音乐响起时,幼儿一个接一个地传递盒子,当音乐一停,幼儿必须停下,这时手持盒子的幼儿,在盒子中抽出一张图卡进行练习(可以说单词,也可以练习句子),老师对回答正确的幼儿给予表扬。参考用语:let’s pass the magic box,ok? Pass on by one listen to the music.Stop aha,you can take out a card, who is he ?he’s daddy, yes,great,let’s go on.玩法(2):老师让幼儿围成圈坐好,把卡交给第一个幼儿,再请另一位幼儿,到前面来蒙眼,并敲鼓,其他幼儿听着鼓声从第一位幼儿开始向下一个传递,鼓声停,手持图卡的幼儿就要念出单词或句子,再交换,游戏继续。参考用语:listen to the drum and pass the card,when the drum stops ,you must stop passing the cards.who get the cards must say the words loudly or answer my question loudly,are you ready?

6.one by one 玩法(1):幼儿手拿单词卡片,在音乐的伴奏下,从一个幼儿的手中依次传给下一个幼儿。同时幼儿一定要大声朗读该单词卡片的内容。

参考用语:please pass the card one by one and tell us what it is when you are passing.are you ready?let’s begin.go!玩法(2):一排幼儿中,第一个幼儿问第二个幼儿,请其回答,第二个幼儿再问第三个,以此类推,问答接龙。

参考用语:please answer my question first and then ask your neighbor the same question.7.puppet talks 玩法(1):请幼儿闭上眼睛,老师布置小舞台来制造气氛,然后请幼儿睁开眼睛,并观看对话或短剧表演。表演者要装扮成手偶的声音。再让幼儿一起模仿表演。参考用语:everybody close your eyes.one two ,three ,open your eyes(开始表演)hello,i am midi,hello ,i am candy,how are you ,candy,i am fine,thank you.Read after me ,how are you ?i am fine ,thank you.8.London bridge 玩法(1):请一位老师和幼儿手拉手高举起来当小桥,再请其它幼儿依次从小桥下经过,当唱到最后一句时,小桥落下,被套住的幼儿要说出单词,句子或回答老师提出的问题,之后继续游戏。参考用语:are you ready,let’s sing a song, London bridge is falling down............i catch you ,answer my question.9.TPR 玩法(1):让幼儿上来听指令做动作。

参考用语:now ,listen to me ,when i say something,you must do the action, for example,when i say,sit down,you must sit down,when i say,cat,you must act like a cat.10.Simon says 玩法(1):老师说单词或指令语,当老师在单词或指令语前加Simon says时,幼儿要做相应的动作,没有加时,幼儿就不用做动作,如,老师说Simon says ,come here时,幼儿就要走到老师跟前,如果老师只说了come here,幼儿就定着不动,幼儿可边做动作边说内容。参考用语:let’s play a game,listen to me carefully,when i say,.......玩法(2):老师教孩子们读单词,句子及指令语,当老师在前面加simmon says则跟读,不加时可 以不用跟读

参考用语:let’s play a reading game,when i say Simon says.....,you must read after me ,when i say........you cant read,listen to me carefully,ok?

11.Two ups 玩法(1):按座位顺序进行单词抢答比赛,每次两个幼儿同时站起来,抢答单词和句子,说得又对又快的幼儿为胜,继续和下一个幼儿比赛,输了的幼儿坐下。最后看看每个幼儿能打败几个对手,表扬打败对手多的幼儿。


参考用语:you two answer ,you are out,sit down,you win ,go on please.12.Guessing game 玩法(1):老师把实物放到袋子里,然后请幼儿猜出单词或实物,最先说对的幼儿胜出,可以取得实物或该单词卡,稍后还给老师。参考用语:what is in the bag?guess....玩法(2):老师把实物放在黑色袋子里,然后请幼儿伸手进袋子触摸,根据感觉猜出实物并用英文说出来,说对的幼儿胜出,胜出的幼儿可以当小老师去问下一名幼儿。

参考用语:what is in the bag?use your hand to touch it.can you feel it?what is it?can you tell me? 玩法(3):老师把let’s do 句子以身体动作的形式表现出来,让幼儿猜let’s do 的句子 参考用语:look at me ,what am i doing?can you tell me?

13.Touching game 玩法(1):老师抟单词图卡摆放在地板上,幼儿分成3-4人小组进行游戏。每组幼儿手持小锤,听老师命令,当老师念到哪个词时,幼儿就快速地跟到图卡前,并用小锤子敲打,一边打一边大声说出来,看谁反应快,再换下一组幼儿游戏。

参考用语:are you ready?ok,let’s begin(全体幼儿大声读出命令中的单词)

14.Duck duck goose 玩法(1):全体幼儿围成一个圈站好,老师手持单词卡,在圈外一个接一个的拍着幼儿的头走,同时,口中念Duck duck.....goose,当念到goose时,此幼儿要读出图卡上的内容,表扬答对的幼儿。参考用语:let’s play a game,let’s say duck duck goose,when you say goose,you must answer my question.玩法(2):全体幼儿围成一圈站好,老师手持单词卡,在圈外一个接一个的拍着幼儿的头走,同时,口中念Duck duck.....goose,当念到goose时,老师把卡放在这名幼儿的身后,迅速沿圈跑回此幼儿的位置,这位幼儿要转身去追老师,如果能追到老师,并能说出图卡的单词,幼儿就赢了,否则先要说出单词卡内容,再扮成老师刚才的角色,继续游戏。

参考用语:let’s play a game,let’s say duck duck goose„„catch me ,if you catch me,answer the right question,you are win

15.Music chair 玩法(1):请幼儿围成圆坐好,当音乐响起时,幼儿起立在教室里一边自由走动,一边唱歌,当音 乐停止时,幼儿与老师要尽快抢一把椅子坐下,请没有抢到椅子的幼儿出局并回答老师的问题,减少一把椅子,游戏继续,再慢慢减少椅子,直到最后只有一把椅子。

玩法(2):老师在幼儿的面前放上五张椅子,排成一个圈,老师请六位幼儿来进行游戏(最好男生和女生各进行一轮)。当音乐响起时,幼儿们绕着排成圈的椅子走,当音乐停下时,6个幼儿开始抢椅子,并坐下,最后没有椅子的幼儿要回答老师的问题,再换另6名幼儿继续游戏。参考用语:ready,go(music),now ,stop stop,answer my question.16.Happy clock 玩法(1):老师将单词卡片置于转盘上不同的位置,旋转转盘,当停下时,看指针指向哪个单词,请幼儿迅速读出所指的单词。

参考用语:now ,please look at the dial,i will turn it ,look carefully, What’s it?who can tell me ?

17.Whisper 玩法(1):将幼儿分成两组,分别请各组的第一名幼儿上来,老师将句子悄悄告诉两名幼儿,两名幼儿返回后,用接力的方式一个接着一个传给同组的其它幼儿,各组最后一名幼儿听到句子后迅速跑到老师面前说出句子,哪组最快最准,哪组赢。参考用语:let’s play whisper game Listen to me carefully,you will hear a word or sentence ,please whisper it to your friend sitting next to you,are you ready?

18.Treasure hunt 玩法(1):老师站在宝物旁边(宝物装在大蓝子里),将幼儿分成两队,排列在离老师5米开外的地方(每队前面摆一个小蓝子),老师发指令come here时,幼儿跑过来拿一件物品,在宝物周围原地不动,老师接着说go back时,幼儿拿物品跑回去,放到本队的小篮子内,并说出所拿宝物的英文,再换下一个幼儿游戏。

参考用语:there are so much treasure, do you want to get my treasure? Yes Ok ,let’s play a game, are you ready? Yes Now,three two ,one begin

19.Who is speaking 玩法(1):请一个幼儿上前蒙上眼睛,另一幼儿说出一个词,句子或唱首歌曲,之后,被蒙上眼睛的幼儿取下蒙眼布,根据声音判断,找到说话的幼儿,同时,所有幼儿一起说单词,句子或唱歌曲。参考用语:now ,let us listen and judge who is speaking?

20.Cross the river 玩法(1):老师利用方块型的积木搭出一座小桥,并将单词图卡放在小桥旁边,幼儿每走一步都要通过一张图卡,说出其内容,说对了就通过,说错了就掉进水里,被鳄鱼吃掉。

参考用语:ok ,let’s cross the river,but if you cat say the word correctly,you will fall off the bridge and you will be eaten by the crocodile, are you ready?

21.Frozen man 玩法(1):幼儿在教室的大空间随意站着,音乐一响幼儿就跟着音乐随意跳舞,做自己喜欢的动作或摆各种姿势,当听到FREEZE时,就要停下来,保持自己最后的一个动作不准动,直到音乐结束,那些不小心动了的幼儿,就要留下,请其回答问题,方能结束游戏。

参考用语:listen to the cd and let’s dance.when you hear FREEZE,you must stop moving.22.Echo

玩法(1):老师读单词或句子一遍,全班幼儿读三遍,而且一遍比一遍小声,装成是老师的回声。参考用语:after i read the word for one time ,you must read it three times ,and the first time you read loudly,second time you read lower,third time you read lowest ,just like the echo of me ,23.Listen and mime 玩法(1):老师说单词或let’s do 句子,让全班幼儿用动作或声音表现出来。如果该单词是动物就装动物叫声或标志性的动作,如果该单词是水果就把水果形状比划出来,如果let’s do 句子是drink some water那幼儿就做喝水状。

参考用语:i will say a word or a sentence,please try to act it out with an action, you cant say the word or sentence,listen to me carefully.24.Quick response 玩法(1):老师从身后拿出单词图卡,看谁反应最快,最先说出单词。

参考用语:kid ,look at the picture,what’s this?who can say it as soon as possible,are you ready?begin!玩法(2):老师迅速指到一个单词图卡,哪个幼儿最先读出,就为胜,并给予奖励。参考用语:what’s this,who an tell me ,good job,you are the first one.玩法(3):两名幼儿背对背站好,听老师口令同时转身,说出对方拿的图卡内容,快者胜。参考用语:stand back to back ,when i say 1 2 go ,please turn back and speak out the word.玩法(4):老师提一个问题,看谁答得又快又好 参考用语:who can answer my question first?

25.Bend down 玩法(1):几名幼儿双手拿图卡站好,老师说单词或句子,拿着对应图卡的幼儿要蹲下再站起,同时说出相应单词或句子

参考用语:listen to me,when i say the word apple(老师举例,指到拿图卡的幼儿说),you should bend down and speak out the word.26.Lip reading 玩法(1):老师只做嘴形,不发出声音,让幼儿观察老师的嘴型,说出单词。参考用语:look at my mouth,speak out the word what i said

27.Ask and answer 玩法(1):老师问幼儿问题,幼儿回答问题,要先说ask ask 再问问题answer answer再回答,也可以是幼儿问,幼儿答,可一个问一个答,也可一人问多人答。

参考用语:let’s play a game,the game is ask and answer ,if i say ,ask ask ,i’ll ask a question,you must say ,answer,answer and answer the question.28.Taboo


参考用语:let’s play a game,ok!cat is the word of taboo,when i point to cat ,you cant say cat but meow,follow me ,please ,are you ready,one two go!Ks:meow,dog rabbit ,bird ,fish........29.Role play 玩法(1):请幼儿扮演各种不同的角色进行对话或情境表演,并配以表情及相应动作 参考用语:look,who is he?who wants to be coco?let’s enjoy the story and have a role play, Ks:you are candy ,and you are midi,ok ,act out the story now.30.Songs chain 玩法(1):进行歌谣歌曲的句子接龙,练习对整个歌谣的把握,例如老师说第一句,幼儿说第二句,老师说第三句,幼儿说第四句。

参考用语:let’s play songs chain,i say the first sentence,you say the second sentence,are you ready? 玩法(2):一排幼儿中,第一个幼儿唱歌曲的第一句,接着第二个幼儿唱歌曲的第二句,第三个幼儿唱第三句,以此类推,幼儿一个接一个的传下去,顾及全体幼儿,也可以边传小球边唱,参考用语:k1 sing the first sentence,k2 sing the second sentence ,k3 sing the third sentence,and pass the ball while singing,ok?

31.listen to the ring 玩法(1):老师出示一张单词图卡,请幼儿听铃鼓声,老师拍铃鼓,拍一下幼儿说一遍,拍两下说两遍,谁反应快就请谁拍铃鼓,依次说完所有的单词。

参考用语:look at me ,i will play the drum,when i pat one,you say once,i pat two,you say twice,ok? 玩法(2):老师准备打击乐器,幼儿和老师一起转成一圈坐在地止,游戏一开始老师用打击乐器敲打出声音,根据声音的次数,幼儿用英语说出数字,可以随时 更换打击乐器,提升幼儿参与的积极性。

参考用语:do you like the music?listen ,nice music Now ,let’s count,listen carefully.One two three,yes,you are great.32.A big hug 玩法(1):幼儿手拉手围圈站好,一个幼儿站在中间,与外围的幼儿不同方向边唱边转动,歌声停,两个幼儿抱在一起,没有换到伙伴拥抱的幼儿,必须根据老师的指令说出相应的内容,或者作出相应的动作。

参考用语:stand up ,hand in hand,make two circles and sing the song ,when the music stops ,you should give another kid a big hug.33.Lucky dice 玩法(1):老师把单词图卡贴在dice的六面,让一个上来扔,然后根据面朝上的单词图卡做出回答,在游戏的过程中可以替换图卡。

参考用语:let’s play lucky dice,throw the dice and speak out the word

34.Hot music 玩法(1):幼儿围坐成一圈并小声唱歌谣,老师在中央赵兰劝并用hammer轻轻敲一名幼儿的头或身体,被敲到的幼儿需要站起来大声接唱歌谣部分。如此加快速度敲幼儿增强趣味性,同时训练幼儿反应能力

参考用语:let’s make a circle and sing the chant together,when i touch you ,you should stand up and speak out the chant loudly,are you clear

35.Choose the cards 玩法(1):老师带上礼帽变成魔法师,请幼儿上前抽图卡,然后让幼儿读出单词或回答相关问题,如果回答正确,则将图片暂时送给幼儿,如果错误,幼儿必须把正确答案说5遍才可解除咒语。参考用语:look here ,there are many cards,you can choose any card you like,but you must answer my questions.36.Yes or no 玩法(1):老师把单词图卡放在幼儿面前的地板上,老师提问或说一个句子,请两名幼儿抢答并在地板上找出正确的图卡,放在相应的座位上,没有迅速回答并拿到正确图卡的幼儿出局。参考用语:do you like the cat,yes(找出cat并放在yes椅子上)no(找出cat并放在no椅子上)

37.Dancing carpet 玩法(1):请一名幼儿站在集体前,将五张单词卡放在地上,摆在这名幼儿的周围,老师说一个单词,这名幼儿用一只脚踩向相应的图卡,幼儿不要踩到图卡上,以免踩坏图卡,同时说出英文单词,老师说单词的速度可以越来越快,可越来越快或由一个单词变两个增加难度和趣味性,幼儿踩图卡动作类似跳跳舞毯。



参考用语:stand up ,walk to the door ,turn on the light ,turn off the light,walk to your seats,turn left ,jump,read ,sleep

39.Counting game 玩法(1):让幼儿报数,把幼儿分成两组,从1开始,一直报到19,轮流进行报数比赛,老师计时,看哪组用的时间短。

参考用语:let’s play the counting game,you count from 1 to 19one by one ,let’s see which group is faster,ok?

40.I spy

玩法(1):老师把手放在额头,左右移动,做仔细寻找,查看的动作,说出自己看到的东西(挑幼儿学过的,数量在1-20之间的)看看幼儿是否也能看到,说出准确的数字。参考用语:i say some bags,how many bags are there? Let’s count ,yes ,i spy 20 bags,41.Listen to the order 玩法(1):幼儿围坐成一圈并小声唱歌谣,老师在中央走动并用hammer发指令,被敲到的幼儿需站起来大声接唱歌谣部分,如此加快速度敲打幼儿增强趣味性,同时训练幼儿反应能力。

参考用语:listen to the chant and act it out ,when i touch you ,you should stand up and say the chant loudly

42.Throw the ball 玩法(1):老师先请配课老师示范,一边把球扔给配课老师,一边说good morning,同时,配课:good morning teacher,接下来,老师把球扔给其他幼儿,边扔球边问,good morning,接到球的幼儿回答good morning teacher!参考用语:look,a ball,do you want to play ball with me?yes Ok ,let me see,good morning(一边抛球一边说,接球的老师同时也回复)

43.Who is the best commander 玩法(1):可让幼儿发指令,分组进行操练,A组的幼儿一起发指令,B组的幼儿一起做动作,然后B组的幼儿一起发指令,A组的幼儿一起做动作,评选最佳小指令员。

参考用语:group a say sentence,group b do the actions,let’s see who is the best commander.44.Run run run


参考用语:when i say boy ,you should run to the card,and say the word loudly.45.the wolf and the rabbit 玩法(1):老师扮演大灰狼,幼儿为小兔子,请幼儿离开座位指定一个地方为他们的家,大灰狼装成兔妈妈敲门,小兔子开门,发现大灰狼后逃跑,被大灰狼抓住的幼儿回答问题,回答正确可在回家,回答错误就被大灰狼吃掉。

参考用语:knock,knock,knock(who is it)It;s mommy ,open the door(come in,please,oh ,no run run run)

46.I am a commander 玩法(1):请幼儿上桌,每个幼儿发3-4个桌面玩具雪花片,幼儿听老师的口令,幼儿将桌面玩具当自己的小士兵。

T:stand in a line.幼儿将雪花片排成一队。

T:walk one by one幼儿将雪花片一个一个移动。幼儿熟练句子后,自己给玩具发指令。参考用语:let’s be commanders,are you ready?

47.Jump jump jump 玩法(1):老师在地板上划出多个连在一起的大方格或者呼拉圈,把单词卡片按顺序摆放在方格里面,将幼儿分成两组,每组各派一个幼儿出来跳方格,其他幼儿齐声说are you ready,jump jump jump,跳方格的幼儿边念出图卡的单词边跳方格,念得 对跳得快的幼儿获胜。参考用语:you are team a,you are team b,let’s have a match,who wants to try? You should jump jump jump into the square and read the word out.48.Go fishing 玩法(1):老师用卡纸制作一些热带鱼,在每条鱼下面写着一个单词,背后贴上一个磁铁,另外制作两支钓鱼秆,尾端绑上磁铁,分别让幼儿上来玩钓鱼的游戏,钓上来的鱼要读出它身上的单词,比一比谁最快钓到鱼及读出单词

参考用语:let’s go fishing,you should catch the fish quickly and read the word out.49.Trick game 玩法(1):老师说的和做的一致,幼儿们要跟读模仿,不一致时,幼儿们不能出声也不跟着表演动作。

参考用语:if i am right,follow me ,if i am wrong,keep silent,are you clear,50.Listen and circle 玩法(1):请幼儿根据听到的单词将对应的图卡用手画个圈出来。参考用语:listen to the word or sentence,and circle it out.51.Find out the card 玩法(1):老师把一单元所有的单词卡片放在一起,教师说一个单词,请幼儿马上从单词图卡堆里找出对应的单词图卡,谁先找出并找对为赢。参考用语:listen to the word and find out the card.52.One two three 玩法(1):老师扮演魔鬼去抓幼儿,当幼儿说ghost时,鬼就被定住,同时魔鬼开始数数,数到three又可以继续抓幼儿了 参考用语:now,i am a ghost,i will catch you ,when you say ghost,i can;t move,and after i finish saying 1 2 3,i can move again,are you clear?

53.Rickety tickety 玩法(1):老师把手放额头,左右移动,做仔细寻找,查看的动作用,并说:rickety,tichety,look at me 引起幼儿注意,再说出自己看到的东西,看看幼儿是否也能看到,并说出准确的数字,参考用语:rickety,tichety,look at me ,how many boys can you see? I can see 10 boys, yes ,can see 10 boys.54.Listen and seek 玩法(1):将一名幼儿的眼睛蒙上,老师悄悄地把一张卡片藏在一个角落里,其他幼儿不能告诉他,只能用声音的大小提示他,幼儿睁开眼睛听声音找卡片,其他幼儿与老师不停地说单词,幼儿离图片越近,声音就越大,反之声音就越小,直到找到卡片为止。

参考用语:let’s play a game,i will hide a card in our classroom,you must find the card,we can help you ,when you close the card,the voice is high,far from the card ,the voice is low,who wants to try?

55.Change seats 玩法(1):请5名幼儿坐下,其他幼儿在外面围着这5名幼儿按顺时针方向走动,大家一起唱儿歌,当老师叫停止后,坐着的与前面正对着站着的幼儿交换位置,看看每次哪5位幼儿最幸运。游戏再继续进行。

参考用语:ready,go ,now ,stop,please change your seats with the friends in front of you.56.Big wind blows 玩法(1):让参加游戏的每位幼儿都拿一张卡片,T:big wind blows,K:blows what?T:blows the cup,这时拿杯子图片的幼儿立即交换座位,没有座位的幼儿代替老师发下一回的指令。参考用语:let’s play a game,big wind blows,ready,go,big wind blows K:blows what?T:blows the cup T:sorry,you are out,come here.57.jump and touch 玩法:老师将单词图卡举过幼儿的头顶,请幼儿跳起来并拍到此图卡,同时其余的幼儿一起说单词图卡上的单词。

参考用语:tell me the word and touch it

58.Wolf wolf ,what can you see? 玩法:让一句幼儿扮演狼,4-5名幼儿戴上头饰或拿着卡片扮演小动物,其余幼儿一起问大灰狼wolf wolf,what can you see?大灰狼用完整的句子说i can see a hen/......被大灰狼说到的小动物要跑到老师设置的房子里躲起来,动作慢的被大灰狼抓住吃掉。参考用语:let’s ask the wolf,wolf wolf what can you see?ok?i f the wolf say ,i can see a rabbit,all the rabbits should go home quickly,are you clear.59.Clap hands 玩法:老师将单词卡片贴在黑板上,请幼儿听老师念单词,并根据黑板上不同位置的单词图卡在相应的位置拍手。

参考用语:now,let’s play clap hands,when i say a word,you should run to the card of the word and clap your hands,ok?

60.Radio game 玩法:老师在黑板上画出录音机的播放,暂停,快进,快退,大小声键,请幼儿按老师所指的键用相应操作念单词。

参考用语:let’s play the radio game.look,this is a radio,when i touch this one ,you should say the word,sentence loudly,when i touch this one,you should say the word ,sentence slowly,are you ready

61.Memory game 玩法:空间记忆游戏,老师先带幼儿复习单词几遍,让幼儿认真观察并记忆各图卡排放的顺序,将图卡背面朝上,来猜出依次顺序,增大难度可再次移动,训练幼儿空间记忆力

参考用语:let’s play a game.open your eyes,look at my cards carefully,what’s no 1?remember te order,please,,do you still remember what is number one...62.I am a magician 玩法:老师扮演一个有趣的魔术师,她要把自己或幼儿不喜欢的东西变成喜欢的东西,她动作快时,可换成另一张卡,变完后给幼儿看,幼儿告诉魔术师图卡名称,有时她又变不出来,但只要幼儿能把相应的单词准确重复5遍,她就可变出来。

参考用语:(1)T:hi ,everybody ,i am back ,do you like the tiger? Ks:no,i don’t T:haha,turn turn turn ,look no more tigers ,what are these?Ks:now,they are lions ,you are a great magician.we love you.(2)T:i don’t like the parrot,turn turn turn ,aha,look ,what’s this?//parrot//T:ah(disappointed)turn turn turn,look,what is it?//great,it’s kangaroo//

63.Bowling 玩法(1):老师将塑料玩具或塑料瓶,充当保龄球,摆成一排,每次请5-8个上来游戏,幼儿手持皮球,排队站在玩具对面4米的位置,当老师说开始的时候,幼儿就一个接着一个把球滚向对面的塑料玩具,打不中的幼儿要说出数字或回答老师所提的问题。参考用语:who wants to play the game?//i want to try// Ok, let’s begin,one two three go!玩法(2):请一个幼儿上来戴上闹钟的头饰,用小皮球扔保龄球,如果他击中数字1,其他幼儿问excuse me,mr clock,what time is it?该幼儿回答,如果击中数字4,就可去抓其它幼儿提问。参考用语:excuse me,mr clock,what time is it.//it’s 1:00//

64.Stamp the shadow 玩法:天气好的情况下,带幼儿到户外踩影子,先将单词卡片,如不同的职业,发给5名幼儿,将图卡贴在幼儿的背上,幼儿听老师说职业,带着所说职业图卡的幼儿在老师规定的范围内跑动,其他幼儿2-5人去追带有此卡的幼儿,踩他的影子,之后老师再换其它卡片,注意安全。参考用语:stand up,stand in a line, attention,let’s go outside,don’t push,let’s go When i say,teacher,you find the kids with teacher and then run to stamp the kid’s shadow

65.Lucky window 玩法:准备一个A3大小的纸板,上面写上lucky window,中间开两个小窗口,窗口后贴上一个袋子,可以放上面或实物,将食物图卡放在小窗户的袋里,老师提问,请两名幼儿回答问题,然后每人打开一扇窗户,摸出一张图卡或一个实物,若正好与所答相符,则是幸运窗口。参考用语:what do you want to eat?//meat// Please open the window,yes or no,?yes ,meat!wow,it’s a lucky window,great,give me five,bingo

66.Hunting blocks 玩法:把积木放进一个大圈内,将幼儿分成两队,老师喊一个数字(1-12),两队各派出2名幼儿跑进圈内捡出与老师所说数目相符的积木,再跑回各自队伍中,其余幼儿大声重复老师所说数字,最后大家一起大声地数数看捡出的积木数目是否正确,正确的队伍便可得分。

参考用语:let’s work in pairs,are you ready?5 blocks..let’s check ,how many blocks are there?

67.What time is it,Mr wolf 玩法:老师前面走,孩子边走边问wolf wolf what time is it?当老师回答it’s dinner time时,幼儿往回跑,被抓到的幼儿出局。

参考用语:wolf wolf,what time is it?it’s...o’clock,.......it’s dinner time.68.Huge clock 玩法:玩法同飞腿指针,请幼儿将1-12的数字卡依照实际钟面位置摆在地上,并在外围以粉笔画一个大圆圈,圆圈半径为幼儿腿的长度,使之成为一个大钟面,请两幼儿站在钟面中心,用一只脚踩圆心,当老师说到2 o’clock时,幼儿另一只脚像时针一样指向2(踩在2的旁边,不要踩到图卡上),看谁反应快。

参考用语:look at the clock,you use one foot stamp here,listen carefully,when i say 1 o’clock,you use another foot to stamp 1 o’clock

69.What are you scared of 玩法:老师手持卡片在前面走,幼儿跟在后面问:what are you scared of?老师回答cat。Policeman.....当说到monster时,幼儿赶紧回座位,跟得慢的幼儿被monster抓回家。

参考用语:i ‘m scared of monsters,what are you scared of? Monsters are terrible,when we say monsters,the monsters will come to catch you ,you have to run back to your seats.70.Word web 玩法:让幼儿自由说学过的同类单词,先让幼儿轮流说,一个幼儿只说一个,说不出来时可给适量的帮助。

参考用语:we have learned a lot of animals ,what animals do you know?who can tell me?please tell me one by one.71.The big worm 玩法:幼儿排成两组,一组扮演毛毛虫,坐着提问题,一组扮演吃毛毛虫的鸟,站着回答问题,两组面对面,中间离2-3米远,一组问what’s your favorite animal?另一组看老师手上的图片回答正确后往前跳,回答若干次后看谁最先跳到坐着的幼儿面前,跳到目的地后,站着的幼儿要把坐着的幼儿吃掉,被吃的幼儿要装死,装成有趣或可怕的死状,直到大毛毛虫最后被 吃光,幼儿复活,游戏结束

参考用语:let’s play a game.i divide you into two groups,ok, group a come here and sit down,you are the big worm,group b can eat the worm,you must stand here.Group1:what’s your favorite animals?group2:my favorite animal is mouse

72.Magic box 玩法:老师扮成witch施展魔法变出糖果,当witch在变的,悄悄地把糖果从小口塞进盒子,当展示给幼儿看时,引出句子give me a candy,并引导幼儿集体说出,说的好的幼儿可以得到糖果,作为奖励。

参考用语:i am a witch,i have a magic box,do you know what is in the box?a car?an apple?candy?let’s see ,ha ha ,a candy,who wants this candy? //me//ok if you want ,you must say ,give me a candy //give me a candy,give me a candy//here you are,//thank you//you are welcome.73.Walk forward 玩法:幼儿分成两组,站成两排,面对面,在两队中间划一条线,老师出示单词卡片,哪组先说出来,全体幼儿向前走一步,看哪组先走到对方的区域为胜。参考用语:ok,if you can say the word or sentence as soon as possible,you can walk forward for one step,are you ready?

74.Hot potato 玩法:请幼儿站成一个圆圈,或站成一行,把右手或左手握成拳头伸出来,老师当hot potato,幼儿跟着歌曲的节奏,点数其他幼儿的拳头,当念到more时,被点到的幼儿立刻把拳头放到背后,保证不被抓到,就为胜,谁的拳头被抓到了,就要回答问题 参考用语:let’s make a circle and play a game ok? Now ,put up your right hand ,and when you hear more,you must put your right hand back,be careful,don’t be caught by me ,are you ready? 13



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