
时间:2019-05-12 23:20:54下载本文作者:会员上传



(一)姓名___________ 用am, is, are填空。

1.I _______going to borrow a new book.2.We _______ going to come back tomorrow.3.He ______ going to watch TV.4.What _________ you going to do? 5.I________ a nurse.She _______ a nurse, too.6.She _______ going to go shopping.7.Today ______ Wednesday.Tomorrow______going to Thursday.8.What _______ Miss Li? She _______a policeman.9.They ______ going to go to the cinema.10.I ________ going to the café.11.My father ________ at work now.12.Mary and Tony _______ going to go to the city.13.This ____a picture.It _____ a dog.14.What ____ Tom going to do next Friday? 15.When _______ Tom’s father going to go to Beijing? 16._______ they pupils?

Yes, they _____.17.Why ______ Tom’s mother going to see the doctor? 18.How old ______ you? I _____ten.19.Where ________ Kate going to go next week? 20.He ______ going to the hospital.be动词的练习题


一、用am, is, are,填空。

1.It ______ going to be windy tomorrow.2.Jim ______ going to go to the zoo today.3._________ you going to watch TV ? No, I _____ not.4._______ Jim going to watch the film ? Yes , he ____.5._______ they going to watch the football match tonight? Yes, they______.6._________Sally and Betty going to watch the weather report tonight? 7.I _______ going to do my homework first.8.She _______ at school this morning.9.Sally and Amy _______ going to go swimming.10.Liu Dong _____ going to play football.11.She _____ at school this morning.12.Lucy and Tony ______ going to ride their bikes.13.They ______ at work this morning.14.Li Lei ______ going to draw picture.15.Helen ______ going to go fishing.16.What _______ you going to do? We _____going to go to the park.17.I _____ going to make the cake myself.18.I ______ watching TV now.My brother ______ flying a kite.be动词的练习题


一、用am, is, are填空。

1.The man_____________ in the street.2.Their classroom_____________big and nice.3.The blackboard_____________on the wall.4.Look there, the girl___________Kim.She____________my friend.5.We _____________students of this school.6.Miss Zhang and Mr.Wood _____________your teachers.7.This _____________a desk.It_____________Mr.Wood’s desk.8.You _____________ten years old.9.Some paper_____________in my desk.10.The Great Wall _____________near our school.11.You and I _____________ good friends.12.The postman _____________tall and strong.13.Bob, you _____________a teacher.I _____________a teacher, too.14.My brother _____________Peter.He _____________not a pupil.15.His father _____________a businessman.16.Many desks and chairs _____________in the classroom.17.Our home _____________near the river.18.The nurses_____________behind the tree.19.Some pigs _____________on the farm.20.Rose and John _____________at home now.


一般将来时(附练习题及答案)一般将来时(The future indefinite tense)一般将来时主要有以下几种表现形式:

由助动词shall或will加动词原形构成,shall 用于第一人称,will用于第二、三人称。除英国外的说英语的国家,在陈述句中,即使在第一人称一般也用will,在英国也有这种趋势。在口语中,常用shall, will的缩写形式为‘ll, 如:I‘ll, you‘ll等。Shall not的缩写式为:shan‘t, will not 的缩写式为:won‘t.肯定句:I/We shall/will go.You/He/She/They Will go.否定句:I/We shall/will not go.You/He/She/They Will not go.疑问句:Shall I/we go? Will you/he/she/they go?


(1)一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或情况。例如:I will(shall)arrive tomorrow.我明天到。

Will you be free tonight? 你今晚有空吗?

We won‘t(shan‘t)be busy this evening.我们今晚不忙。(2)在一般将来时的句子中,有时有表示将来时间的状语,有时没有时间状语,这时要从意思上判断是否指未来的动作或情况。例如:

Will she come? 她(会)来吗?

We‘ll only stay for two weeks.我们只待两星期。

The meeting won‘t last long.会开不了多久。


a.Where shall we meet? 我们在哪儿碰头?

b.Shall we have any classes tomorrow?明天我们有课吗?

在这类问句中,近年来也有不少人用will,特别是在美国。例如: How will I get there? 我怎么去?(4)be going to+动词原形

a.表示打算、准备做的事。例如: We are going to put up a building here.我们打算在这里盖一座楼。

How are you going to spend your holidays?假期你准备怎样过?


I think it is going to snow.我看要下雪了。

There‘s going to be a lot of trouble about this.这事肯定会有很多麻烦。

c.―will‖句型与―be going to‖句型,前者表示纯粹将来,后者表示打算、计划、准备做的事情,更强调主语的主观意愿。例如:

Tomorrow will be Saturday.明天是周六了。

We are going to visit Paris this summer.今年夏天我们打算游览巴黎。


()1.There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going to B.will going to be going to be D.will go to be()2.Charlie ________ here next month.A.isn‘t working B.doesn‘t working

C.isn‘t going to working D.won‘t work

()3.He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.A.will be;is;is C.will be;will be;will be()4.There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A.was going to have C.will have going to be()5.–________ you ________ free tomorrow? – No.I ________ free the day after tomorrow.A.Are;going to;will B.Are;going to be;will C.Are;going to;will be D.Are;going to be;will be()6.Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.A.will gives B.will give D.give()7.– Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? –________.(不,不要。)

A.No, you won‘t.B.No, you aren‘t.C.No, please don‘t.D.No, please.()8.– Where is the morning paper? – I ________ if for you at once.A.get getting get D.will get


1.I ______(leave)in a minute.I ______(finish)all my work before I ______(leave).2.—How long _____ you _____(study)in our country? —I _____(plan)to be here for about one more year.—I _____(hope)to visit the other parts of your country.—What ______ you ______(do)after you ______(leave)here? —I ______(return)home and ______(get)a job.3.I ______(be)tired.I ______(go)to bed early tonight.4.Mary‘s birthday is next Monday, her mother _____(give)her a present.三、句型转换。

1.People in the north often go skating in winter.(next winter)

2.There are two cinemas in that town.(next year)

3.He comes back late.(in two days)

4.She is a conductor of a train.(soon)作业


()1.The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.A.will watching watching going to watch()2.There ________ a birthday party this Sunday.A.shall be B.will be C.shall going to be D.will going to be()3.They ________ an English evening next Sunday.A.are having B.are going to have C.will having going to have()4.________ you ________ free next Sunday? A.Will;are B.Will;be C.Do;be D.Are;be()5.He ________ there at ten tomorrow morning.A.will C.will be your brother ________ a magazine from the library? A.Are;going to borrow B.Is;going to borrow C.Will;borrows D.Are;going to borrows


1.I am afraid there ______(be)a meeting this afternoon.I can‘t join you.2.Mike ______(believe, not)this until he ______(see)it with his own eyes.3.Most of us don‘t think their team ______(win).三、句型转换。

1.China is a modern and strong country.(in twenty years)

2.Do you study hard?(from now on)

3.She didn‘t speak English at the meeting.(before long)

Ⅰ.单项选择()1.— How long have you been in this city, Mr Smith? — It

ten years since I came B.was

C.will be

D.may be()2.— Where‘s Mary?

— I think she

in the library.You know she never wastes time.A.has gone

B.has been studying

D.will stay()3.— Have you repaired your bike, Bob?

— Yes, I

it twenty minutes ago.A.have repaired

C.had repaired

D.repaired()4.— Shall we go shopping now? — Sorry, I can‘t.I

my skirts.A.wash


C.washed washing()5.—

you ever

to the USA? — Yes, twice.A.Have;gone



D.Were;going()6.— Tom, can I borrow your magazine? — Sorry, I

it to Mary.A.lent

B.have lent C.had lent

D.lend()7.— The film Founding Ceremony is really interesting.— Yeah, I

it twice.A.have seen


C.will see

D.had seen()8.— How about your trip to Japan? — We haven‘t decided yet.But I‘ll let you know as soon as we

the final decision.A.make B.made

C.will make

D.are making()9.— What did the teacher say just now? — He said that the earth

around the sun.A.go



D.will go()10.By the time I

back to school, my classmates

for their P.E.class.A.came;have left

B.came;had left C.come;left

D.had come;left Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.A serious car accident

(happen)in this street last Sunday.2.— What will the weather be like this coming Saturday?

— I hope it

(be)a fine day for our picnic!I can‘t wait!3.— Do you like junk food, Linda?

— That‘s my favourite.The more junk food I

(have), the happier I

(be).4.— What did your mother say about this?

— She

(say)that she

(try)her best to help me with my English next term.5.— Don‘t get off the bus until it

(stop), Tom.— I won‘t, Dad.Don‘t worry about me.6.— Is your father a doctor?

— Yes, he is.He

(work)in the Children‘s Hospital.7.— I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer.— Oh, I‘m sorry.I

(have)dinner at my friend‘s at that time.8.— Is this jacket yours, Linda?

— No, I think it

(belong)to Maria.She has a red one.9.Bill is a good student.He always

(finish)his homework on time.10.By the end of last term, they

(work)there for ten years.Ⅲ.阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可添加助动词或情态动词。(A)Have you ever heard of the song 1.(call)―Is there anyone who told you‖? It may be impossible for you 2.(not know)the song and its singer.It 3.(sing)by the famous ―Happy Boy‖ Chen Chusheng, who appeared on Hunan Satellite TV.He caught everyone‘s attention.Before the competition he was just a farmer‘s son who 4.never

(get)professional training of any kind.As a child, Chusheng wasn‘t a good student, but he was very interested in music.He liked to listen to and sing his favourite songs again and again.Like many other parents, his parents also wanted him 5.(go)to college, but he failed.Chusheng had no choice but to help his brother repair bicycles and motorbikes.In Sanya, a small city in Hainan Province, Chen worked during the daytime while he 6.(sing)in different bars in the evening.He lived like that until the year 2000.In 2000, Chen went to Shenzhen.He never thought that his first job in this new place 7.(be)delivering(递送)food.He went on 8.(work)in the daytime and sang in the evening.His life was hard at that time.In the bar called Star-making Factories he 9.(meet)many famous local musicians.In the following several years, Chen, with his musical dream, attended many music contests throughout the country, winning prizes many times.Today, when we think about his success, we 10.(not help)thinking that if one wants to be successful, he should work harder than others.(B)An eight-year-old boy came up to an old man in front of a well, 1.(look)up into his eyes and asked, ―I understand you‘re a very wise man.I‘d like 2.(know)the secret of life.‖ The old man looked down at the little boy and replied, ―I 3.(think)a lot in my lifetime, and the secret can be summed up(总结)in four words: ―The first is ‗think‘.Think about the values you wish 4.(live)your life by.―The second is ‗believe‘.Believe in yourself, based on the thinking you 5.(do)about the values you‘re going to live your life by.―The third is ‗dream‘.6.(dream)about the things that can be, based on your belief in yourself and the values you‘re going to live by.―The last is ‗dare‘.Dare to make your dreams 7.(become)a reality, based on your belief in yourself and your values.‖ And with that, Walter E.Disney said to the little boy, ―Think, believe, dream, and dare.‖ 【指点】


一般现在时: always, usually, often, sometimes, every week(day, year, month …), once a week, on Sundays, …;

一般过去时: three days ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, month …), in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time, …; 现在进行时: now, at present, these days, …;

过去进行时: at this time yesterday, at that time或when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语从句等;

现在完成时: recently, lately, since …, in the past few years, …; 过去完成时: before, by the end of last year(term, month …), …; 一般将来时: tomorrow, next day(week, month, year …), soon, in a few minutes, the day after tomorrow, …;

过去将来时: the next day(morning, year …), the following month(week …), …。



5.时态对比之一:一般过去时和现在完成时 试比较:

I borrowed a book from John just now.我刚才从约翰那儿借了一本书。(事情发生了,强调发生在过去。)I have just learned five hundred English words.我刚学了500个英语单词。



作对现在造成的影响;一般过去时表示动作发生的时间在过去。6.will和be going to的用法区别:

will常表示带意愿色彩的将来,或者询问对方是否愿意或者表示客气的邀请或命令,还表示客观的将来。be going to常用于口语中,主要用来表示说话人的打算,计划要发生的事,还可以表示根据某些迹象判断可能或将要发生某事。试比较: Look at the black clouds.It‘s going to rain.看那些乌云,要下雨了。I will be twenty-two years old next year.明年我就22岁了。



6-10 BAABB

Ⅱ.1.happened 2.will be

3.have;will be 4.said;would try

5.stops 7.was having


9.finishes 10.had worked Ⅲ.(A)1.called 2.not to know sung

4.had;got(gotten) go

6.sang 7.was


9.met 10.can‘t help

(B)1.looked know

3.have thought live 5.have done




1.I ______(leave)in a minute.I ______(finish)all my work before I ______(leave).2.—How long _____ you _____(study)in our country? —I _____(plan)to be here for about one more year.—I _____(hope)to visit the other parts of your country.—What ______ you ______(do)after you ______(leave)here? —I ______(return)home and ______(get)a job.3.I ______(be)tired.I ______(go)to bed early tonight.4.Mary‘s birthday is next Monday, her mother _____(give)her a present.5.It is very cold these days.It ______(snow)soon.6.—_____ you _____(be)here this Saturday? —No.I ______(visit)my teacher.7.—______ I ______(get)you a copy of today‘s newspaper?

—Thank you.8.I am afraid there ______(be)a meeting this afternoon.I can‘t join you.9.Mike ______(believe, not)this until he ______(see)it with his own eyes.10.Most of us don‘t think their team ______(win).参考答案 leaving;will finish;leave

2.will;study;plan;hope;will;do;leave;will return;get;will 4.will give 5.will snow 6.Will, be;will visit 7.Shall;get 8.will be 9.won‘t believe;sees 10.will win


1.There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going to B.will going to be going to be D.will go to be 2.Charlie ________ here next month.A.isn‘t working B.doesn‘t working

C.isn‘t going to working D.won‘t work

3.He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.A.will be;is;is C.will be;will be;will be 4.There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A.was going to have C.will have going to be 5.–________ you ________ free tomorrow? – No.I ________ free the day after tomorrow.A.Are;going to;will B.Are;going to be;will C.Are;going to;will be D.Are;going to be;will be 6.Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.A.will gives B.will give D.give 7.– Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? –________.(不,不要。)

A.No, you won‘t B.No, you aren‘t.C.No, please don‘t D.No, please.一8.– Where is the morning paper? – I ________ if for you at once.A.get getting get D.will get 9.________ a concert next Saturday? A.There will be B.Will there be C.There can be D.There are 10.If they come, we ________ a meeting.A.have B.will have C.had D.would have 11.He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next B.gave C.will giving going to give 12.He ________ to us as soon as he gets there.A.writes B.has written C.will write D.wrote 13.He ________ in three days.A.coming back B.came back C.will come back going to coming back 14.If it ________ tomorrow, we‘ll go roller-skating.A.isn‘t rain B.won‘t rain

C.doesn‘t rain D.doesn‘t fine

15.– Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow? – No, ________(不去).A.they willn‘t B.they won‘t.C.they aren‘t D.they don‘t.16.Who ________ we ________ swimming with tomorrow afternoon? A.will;go;go C.will;going D.shall;go 17.We ________ the work this way next B.will do C.going to do D.will doing 18.Tomorrow he ________ a kite in the open air first, and then ________ boating in the park.A.will fly;will go B.will fly;goes going to fly;will goes D.flies;will go 19.The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.A.will watching watching D.are going to watch 20.There ________ a birthday party this Sunday.A.shall be B.will be C.shall going to be D.will going to be 般21.They ________ an English evening next Sunday.A.are having B.are going to have C.will having going to have 22.________ you ________ free next Sunday? A.Will;are B.Will;be C.Do;be D.Are;be 23.He ________ there at ten tomorrow morning.A.will C.will be 24.________ your brother ________ a magazine from the library? A.Are;going to borrow B.Is;going to borrow C.Will;borrows D.Are;going to borrows 25.– Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon? –________(好的).A.Yes, please B.Yes, you will.C.No, please D.No, you won‘t.26.It ________ the year of the horse next going to be going to

C.will be D.will is 27.________ open the window? A.Will you please B.Please will you C.You please D.Do you 28.– Let‘s go out to play football, shall we?

– OK.I ________.A.will coming going to come C.come coming 29.It ________ us a long time to learn English well.A.takes B.will take C.spends D.will spend 30.The train ________ at 11.A.going to arrive B.will be arrive going to arriving 参考答案:

1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.B 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.A 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.D 将来时练习题及答案

()1.There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going to B.will going to be going to be D.will go to be()2.Charlie ________ here next month.A.isn‘t working B.doesn‘t working C.isn‘t going to working D.won‘t work

()3.He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.A.will be;is;is C.will be;will be;will be()4.There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A.was going to have C.will have going to be()5.–________ you ________ free tomorrow? – No.I ________ free the day after tomorrow.A.Are;going to;will B.Are;going to be;will C.Are;going to;will be D.Are;going to be;will be()6.Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.A.will gives B.will give D.give()7.– Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? –________.(不,不要。)

A.No, you won‘t.B.No, you aren‘t.C.No, please don‘t.D.No, please.()8.– Where is the morning paper? – I ________ if for you at once.A.get getting get D.will get()9.________ a concert next Saturday? A.There will be B.Will there be C.There can be D.There are()10.If they come, we ________ a meeting.A.have B.will have C.had D.would have()11.He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next B.gave C.will giving going to giving()12.He ________ to us as soon as he gets there.A.writes B.has written C.will write D.wrote()13.He ________ in three days.A.coming back B.came back C.will come back going to coming back()14.If it ________ tomorrow, we‘ll go roller-skating.A.isn‘t rain B.won‘t rain C.doesn‘t rain D.doesn‘t fine()15.– Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow? – No, ________(不去).A.they willn‘t.B.they won‘t.C.they aren‘t.D.they don‘t.()16.Who ________ we ________ swimming with tomorrow afternoon? A.will;go;go C.will;going D.shall;go()17.We ________ the work this way next B.will do C.going to do D.will doing()18.Tomorrow he ________ a kite in the open air first, and then ________ boating in the park.A.will fly;will go B.will fly;goes going to fly;will goes D.flies;will go()19.The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.A.will watching watching going to watch()20.There ________ a birthday party this Sunday.A.shall be B.will be C.shall going to be D.will going to be()21.They ________ an English evening next Sunday.A.are having B.are going to have C.will having going to have()22.________ you ________ free next Sunday? A.Will;are B.Will;be C.Do;be D.Are;be()23.He ________ there at ten tomorrow morning.A.will C.will be your brother ________ a magazine from the library? A.Are;going to borrow B.Is;going to borrow C.Will;borrows D.Are;going to borrows()25.– Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon? –________(好的).A.Yes, please B.Yes, you will.C.No, please.D.No, you won‘t.()26.It ________ the year of the horse next going to be going to C.will be D.will is()27.________ open the window? A.Will you please B.Please will you C.You please D.Do you()28.– Let‘s go out to play football, shall we? – OK.I ________.A.will coming going to come C.come coming()29.It ________ us a long time to learn English well.A.takes B.will take C.spends D.will spend()30.The train ________ at 11.A.going to arrive B.will be arrive going to arriving 答案:

1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.B 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.A 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.D



()1.There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going to B.will going to be going to be D.will go to be()2.Charlie ________ here next month.A.isn’t working B.doesn’t working

C.isn’t going to working D.won’t work

()3.He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.A.will be;is;is

C.will be;will be;will be()4.There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A.was going to have

C.will have going to be()5.–________ you ________ free tomorrow? – No.I ________ free the day after tomorrow.A.Are;going to;will B.Are;going to be;will

C.Are;going to;will be D.Are;going to be;will be()6.Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.A.will gives B.will give D.give()7.– Shall I buy a cup of tea for you?


A.No, you won’t.B.No, you aren’t.C.No, please don’t.D.No, please.()8.– Where is the morning paper? – I ________ if for you at once.A.get getting get D.will get()9.________ a concert next Saturday? A.There will be B.Will there be

C.There can be D.There are()10.If they come, we ________ a meeting.A.have B.will have

C.had D.would have()11.He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next B.gave

C.will giving going to giving()12.He ________ to us as soon as he gets there.A.writes B.has written

C.will write D.wrote()13.He ________ in three days.A.coming back B.came back

C.will come back going to coming back()14.If it ________ tomorrow, we’ll go roller-skating.A.isn’t rain B.won’t rain

C.doesn’t rain D.doesn’t fine()15.– Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow?

– No, ________(不去).A.they willn’t.B.they won’t.C.they aren’t.D.they don’t.()16.Who ________ we ________ swimming with tomorrow afternoon? A.will;go;go

C.will;going D.shall;go()17.We ________ the work this way next B.will do

C.going to do D.will doing()18.Tomorrow he ________ a kite in the open air first, and then ________ boating in the park.A.will fly;will go B.will fly;goes going to fly;will goes D.flies;will go()19.The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.A.will watching watching going to watch()20.There ________ a birthday party this Sunday.A.shall be B.will be

C.shall going to be D.will going to be()21.They ________ an English evening next Sunday.A.are having B.are going to have

C.will having going to have()22.________ you ________ free next Sunday? A.Will;are B.Will;be

C.Do;be D.Are;be()23.He ________ there at ten tomorrow morning.A.will

C.will be your brother ________ a magazine from the library? A.Are;going to borrow B.Is;going to borrow

C.Will;borrows D.Are;going to borrows()25.– Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon? –________(好的).A.Yes, please B.Yes, you will.C.No, please.D.No, you won’t.()26.It ________ the year of the horse next going to be going to

C.will be D.will is()27.________ open the window? A.Will you please B.Please will you

C.You please D.Do you()28.– Let’s go out to play football, shall we?

– OK.I ________.A.will coming going to come

C.come coming()29.It ________ us a long time to learn English well.A.takes B.will take

C.spends D.will spend()30.The train ________ at 11.A.going to arrive B.will be arrive going to arriving()31.The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.A.will watching

C.are watching going to watch()32.There ________ a birthday party this Sunday.A.shall be B.will be

C.will have D.will going to be()33.They ________ an English evening next Sunday.A.are having B.are going to have

C.will having going to have()34.________ you ________ free next Sunday? A.Will;are B.Will;be

C.Do;be D.Are;be()35.He ________ there at ten tomorrow morning.A.will

C.will be your brother ________ a magazine from the library? A.Are;going to borrow B.Is;going to borrow

C.Will;borrows D.Are;going to borrows

二、动词填空。1.I ______(leave)in a minute.I ______(finish)all my work before I ______(leave).2.—How long _____ you _____(study)in our country? —I _____(plan)to be here for about one more year.—I _____(hope)to visit the other parts of your country.—What ______ you ______(do)after you ______(leave)here? —I ______(return)home and ______(get)a job.3.I ______(be)tired.I ______(go)to bed early tonight.4.Mary’s birthday is next Monday, her mother _____(give)her a present.5.I am afraid there ______(be)a meeting this afternoon.I can’t join you.6.Mike ______(believe, not)this until he ______(see)it with his own eyes.7.Most of us don’t think their team ______(win).三、句型转换。

1.People in the north often go skating in winter.(next winter)_______________________________________ 2.There are two cinemas in that town.(next year)_____________________________________________ 3.He comes back late.(in two days)_________________________________________________________ 4.China is a modern and strong country.(in twenty years)__________________________________________ 5.Do you study hard?(next term)______________________________________________________________ 6.She didn’t speak English at the meeting.(tomorrow)______________________________________________ 7.She is a conductor of a train.(soon)__________________________________________________________


一般将来时练习一 填空。


I_____ _______ _________ have a picnic with my friends.I ________ have a picnic with my friends.2.下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。

What ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ next Monday? I _______ ______ _____ play basketball.What _________ you do next Monday? I ________ play basketball.3.你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。

_____ your mother _______ ________ go shopping this ___________? Yes, she _________.She ______ ________ __________ buy some fruit.4.你们打算什么时候见面。What time _______ you _________ __________ meet? 二 改句子。

5.Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定)Nancy ________ going to go camping.6.I’ll go and join them.(改否定)I _______ go ______ join them.7.I’m going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改一般疑问句)________ _______ ________ to get up at 6:30 tomorrow? 8.We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.(改一般疑问句)_______ ________ meet at the bus stop at 10:30.9.She is going to listen to music after school.(对划线部分提问)________ _______ she ________ ________ _________ after school? 10.My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow.(同上)_________ _________ going to see a play the day after tomorrow.三 用所给词的适当形式填空。

11.Today is a sunny day.We ___________________(have)a picnic this afternoon.12.My brother _______________(go)to Shanghai next week.13.Tom often ______________(go)to school on foot.But today is rain.He ______________(go)to school by bike.14.What do you usually do at weekends? I usually __________(watch)TV and ____________(catch)insects? 15.It’s Friday today.What _____she _________(do)this weekend? She ______________(watch)TV and _____________(catch)insects.16.What ___________(d0)you do last Sunday? I ____________(pick)apples on a farm.What ______________(do)next Sunday? I ______________(milk)cows.17.Mary ____________(visit)her grandparents tomorrow.18.Liu Tao ____________(fly)kites in the playground yesterday.练习:填空。


I_____ _______ _________ have a picnic with my friends.I ________ have a picnic with my friends.2.下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。

What ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ next Monday? I _______ ______ _____ play basketball.What _________ you do next Monday? I ________ play basketball.3.你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。

_____ your mother _______ ________ go shopping this ___________? Yes, she _________.She ______ ________ __________ buy some fruit.4.你们打算什么时候见面。What time _______ you _________ __________ meet? 改句子。

5.Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定)Nancy ________ going to go camping.6.I’ll go and join them.(改否定)I _______ go ______ join them.7.I’m going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改一般疑问句)________ _______ ________ to get up at 6:30 tomorrow? 8.We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.(改一般疑问句)_______ ________ meet at the bus stop at 10:30.9.She is going to listen to music after school.(对划线部分提问)________ _______ she ________ ________ _________ after school? 10.My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow.(同上)_________ _________ going to see a play the day after tomorrow.用所给词的适当形式填空。

11.Today is a sunny day.We ___________________(have)a picnic this afternoon.12.My brother _______________(go)to Shanghai next week.13.Tom often ______________(go)to school on foot.But today is rain.He ______________(go)to school by bike.14.What do you usually do at weekends? I usually ________(watch)TV and ________(catch)insects? 15.It’s Friday today.What _____she _________(do)this weekend? She ______________(watch)TV and _____________(catch)insects

16.What ___________(d0)you do last Sunday? I ____________(pick)apples on a farm.What ______________(do)next Sunday? I ______________(milk)cows.17.Mary ____________(visit)her grandparents tomorrow.18.Liu Tao ____________(fly)kites in the playground yesterday.19.David ______________(give)a puppet show next Monday.20.I ________________(plan)for my study now.Ⅰ.请在下列各题空格处填入shall或will。1.You ______ not drive through a red light.2.I ______ do everything for her.3.______ you help me with this heavy bag, John? 4.______ I help you with that heavy bag, Madam? 5.Let's go and take a walk after dinner, ______ we? 6.No one ______ leave the classroom if I haven't said Okay, said the teacher.7.It ______ soon be over, I am sure.8.Do what you ______ , but don't go out.9.I ______ take you there with me, if it's OK with your mother.10.Rain or shine, I ______ come.六、同义句:be going to = will

I am going to go swimming tomorrow(明天).= I will go swimming tomorrow.练习:



I_____ _______ _________ have a picnic with my friends.I ________ have a picnic with my friends.2.下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。

What ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ next Monday? I _______ ______ _____ play basketball.What _________ you do next Monday? I ________ play basketball.3.你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。

_____ your mother _______ ________ go shopping this ___________?

Yes, she _________.She ______ ________ __________ buy some fruit.4.你们打算什么时候见面。

What time _______ you _________ __________ meet?


5.Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定)

Nancy ________ going to go camping.6.I'll go and join them.(改否定)

I _______ go ______ join them.7.I'm going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改一般疑问句)

________ _______ ________ to get up at 6:



1.I want to play table tennis with Gan Shan.(把主语改为第二人称单数)______________________________________________________________ 2.Tom usually plays basketball with my friends.(把主语改为第一人称复数)______________________________________________________________.3.What do you usually do on Sundays?(把主语改为Helen)______________________________________________________________.4.She reads magazines after school.(把句子改写成否定句)_______________________________________________________________.5.They have the same hobby.(把句子改成一般疑问句并做肯定否定回答)______________________________________________________________ ? ______________________________./ _______________________________.6.My mother usually goes shopping on Sundays._______________________________________________________________? _______________________./_______________________________________.7.I usually make clothes in the evening.(对划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________ ? 8.He likes collecting animal stamps.(对划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________ ?


1.I like collecting Chinese stamps.I usually _______(collect)stamps.2.We ______(go)to school from Monday to Friday.3.My parents________(like)_____(read)science magazines.4.Tom usually________(watch)TV after school, he_______(like)_________(watch)TV.5.She________(want)to _______(go)to the park.6.I usually go_______(swim)after school.B.现在进行时态


play________ run__________ swim _________make__________ go_________ like__________ write__________ski___________ read________ have_________ sing ________ dance_________ put_________ see________ buy _________ love____________ live_______ take_________ come ________ get_________ stop_________ sit ________ begin________ shop___________


1.The boy __________________(draw)a picture now.2.Listen.Some girls _______________(sing)in the classroom.3.My mother _________________(cook)some nice food now.4.What _____ you ______(do)now? 5.Look.They _______________(have)an English lesson.6.They ____________(not ,water)the flowers now.7.Look!the girls ________________(dance)in the classroom.8.What is our granddaughter doing? She _________(listen)to music.9.It’s 5 o’clock now.We _____________(have)supper now 10.______Helen____________(wash)clothes? Yes ,she is.三、句型转换:

1.They are doing housework.(分别改成一般疑问句和否定句)_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2.The students are cleaning the classroom.(改一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3.I’m playing the football in the playground.(对划线部分进行提问)_________________________________________________________________ 4.Tom is reading books in his study.(对划线部分进行提问)_________________________________________________________________



I_____ _______ _________ have a picnic with my friends.I ________ have a picnic with my friends.2.下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。

What ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ next Monday? I _______ ______ _____ play basketball.What _________ you do next Monday? I ________ play basketball.3.你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。_____ your mother _______ ________ go shopping this ___________? Yes, she _________.She ______ ________ __________ buy some fruit.4.你们打算什么时候见面。

What time _______ you _________ __________ meet?


1.Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定)Nancy ________ going to go camping.2.I’ll go and join them.(改否定)I _______ go ______ join them.3.I’m going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改一般疑问句)________ _______ ________ to get up at 6:30 tomorrow? 4.We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.(改一般疑问句)_______ ________ meet at the bus stop at 10:30.5.She is going to listen to music after school.(对划线部分提问)________ _______ she ________ ________ _________ after school? 6.My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow.(同上)_________ _________ going to see a play the day after tomorrow.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.Today is a sunny day.We ___________________(have)a picnic this afternoon 2.My brother _______________(go)to Shanghai next week.3.Tom often ______________(go)to school on foot.But today is rain.He ______________(go)to school by bike.4.What do you usually do at weekends? I usually __________(watch)TV and ____________(catch)insects? 5.It’s Friday today.What _____she _________(do)this weekend? She ______________(watch)TV and _____________(catch)insects.6.What ___________(d0)you do last Sunday? I ____________(pick)apples on a farm.What __________(do)next Sunday? I ______________(milk)cows.7.Mary ____________(visit)her grandparents tomorrow.8.Liu Tao ____________(fly)kites in the playground yesterday.9.David ______________(give)a puppet show next Monday.10.I ________________(plan)for my study now

()1.There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going to B.will going to be going to be D.will go to be()2.Charlie ________ here next month.A.isn’t working B.doesn’t working C.isn’t going to working D.won’t work()3.He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.A.will be;is;is C.will be;will be;will be()4.There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A.was going to have C.will have going to be()5.–________ you ________ free tomorrow? – No.I ________ free the day after tomorrow.A.Are;going to;will B.Are;going to be;will C.Are;going to;will be D.Are;going to be;will be()6.Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.A.will gives B.will give D.give()7.– Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? –________.(不,不要。)

A.No, you won’t.B.No, you aren’t.C.No, please don’t.D.No, please.()8.– Where is the morning paper? – I ________ if for you at once.A.get getting get D.will get()9.________ a concert next Saturday? A.There will be B.Will there be C.There can be D.There are()10.If they come, we ________ a meeting.A.have B.will have C.had D.would have()11.He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next B.gave C.will giving going to giving()12.He ________ to us as soon as he gets there.A.writes B.has written C.will write D.wrote()13.He ________ in three days.A.coming back B.came back C.will come back going to coming back()14.If it ________ tomorrow, we’ll go roller-skating.A.isn’t rain B.won’t rain C.doesn’t rain D.doesn’t fine()15.– Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow? – No, ________(不去).A.they willn’t.B.they won’t.C.they aren’t.D.they don’t.()16.Who ________ we ________ swimming with tomorrow afternoon? A.will;go;go C.will;going D.shall;




由助动词shall或will加动词原形构成,shall 用于第一人称,will用于第二、三人称。除英国外的说英语的国家,在陈述句中,即使在第一人称一般也用will,在英国也有这种趋势。在口语中,常用shall, will的缩写形式为‘ll, 如:I‘ll, you‘ll等。Shall not的缩写式为:shan‘t, will not 的缩写式为:won‘t.肯定句:I/We shall/will go.You/He/She/They Will go.否定句:I/We shall/will not go.You/He/She/They Will not go.疑问句:Shall I/we go? Will you/he/she/they go? 什么叫做一般将来时

(1)一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或情况。例如:I will(shall)arrive tomorrow.我明天到。

Will you be free tonight? 你今晚有空吗?

We won‘t(shan‘t)be busy this evening.我们今晚不忙。


Will she come? 她(会)来吗?

We‘ll only stay for two weeks.我们只待两星期。

The meeting won‘t last long.会开不了多久。


a.Where shall we meet? 我们在哪儿碰头?

b.Shall we have any classes tomorrow?明天我们有课吗?

在这类问句中,近年来也有不少人用will,特别是在美国。例如: How will I get there? 我怎么去?(4)be going to+动词原形


We are going to put up a building here.我们打算在这里盖一座楼。

How are you going to spend your holidays?假期你准备怎样过?


I think it is going to snow.我看要下雪了。There‘s going to be a lot of trouble about this.这事肯定会有很多麻烦。

c.―will‖句型与―be going to‖句型,前者表示纯粹将来,后者表示打算、计划、准备做的事情,更强调主语的主观意愿。例如:

Tomorrow will be Saturday.明天是周六了。

We are going to visit Paris this summer.今年夏天我们打算游览巴黎。


()1.There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going to B.will going to be going to be D.will go to be()2.Charlie ________ here next month.A.isn‘t working B.doesn‘t working

C.isn‘t going to working D.won‘t work

()3.He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.A.will be;is;is C.will be;will be;will be()4.There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A.was going to have C.will have going to be()5.–________ you ________ free tomorrow? – No.I ________ free the day after tomorrow.A.Are;going to;will B.Are;going to be;will C.Are;going to;will be D.Are;going to be;will be()6.Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.A.will gives B.will give D.give()7.– Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? –________.(不,不要。)

A.No, you won‘t.B.No, you aren‘t.C.No, please don‘t.D.No, please.()8.– Where is the morning paper? – I ________ if for you at once.A.get getting get D.will get

二、动词填空。1.I ______(leave)in a minute.I ______(finish)all my work before I ______(leave).2.—How long _____ you _____(study)in our country? —I _____(plan)to be here for about one more year.—I _____(hope)to visit the other parts of your country.—What ______ you ______(do)after you ______(leave)here? —I ______(return)home and ______(get)a job.3.I ______(be)tired.I ______(go)to bed early tonight.4.Mary‘s birthday is next Monday, her mother _____(give)her a present.三、句型转换。

1.People in the north often go skating in winter.(next winter)

2.There are two cinemas in that town.(next year)

3.He comes back late.(in two days)

4.She is a conductor of a train.(soon)



1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D

二、动词填空。 leaving;will finish;leave

2.will;study;plan;hope;will;do;leave;will return;get;will 4.will give


1.People in the north will go skating next winter.2.There will be two cinemas in that town next year.3.He will come back late in two days.4.She will be a conductor of a train soon.习题


()1.— How long have you been in this city, Mr Smith? — It

ten years since I came B.was

C.will be

D.may be()2.— Where‘s Mary?

— I think she

in the library.You know she never wastes time.A.has gone

B.has been studying

D.will stay()3.— Have you repaired your bike, Bob?

— Yes, I

it twenty minutes ago.A.have repaired

C.had repaired

D.repaired()4.— Shall we go shopping now? — Sorry, I can‘t.I

my skirts.A.wash


C.washed washing()5.—

you ever

to the USA? — Yes, twice.A.Have;gone



D.Were;going()6.— Tom, can I borrow your magazine? — Sorry, I

it to Mary.A.lent

B.have lent

C.had lent

D.lend()7.— The film Founding Ceremony is really interesting.— Yeah, I

it twice.A.have seen


C.will see

D.had seen()8.— How about your trip to Japan? — We haven‘t decided yet.But I‘ll let you know as soon as we decision.A.make B.made

C.will make

D.are making()9.— What did the teacher say just now? — He said that the earth

around the sun.A.go



D.will go()10.By the time I

back to school, my classmates class.A.came;have left

B.came;had left

the final for their P.E.C.come;left

D.had come;left Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.A serious car accident

(happen)in this street last Sunday.2.— What will the weather be like this coming Saturday?

— I hope it

(be)a fine day for our picnic!I can‘t wait!3.— Do you like junk food, Linda?

— That‘s my favourite.The more junk food I

(have), the happier I

(be).4.— What did your mother say about this?

— She

(say)that she

(try)her best to help me with my English next term.5.— Don‘t get off the bus until it

(stop), Tom.— I won‘t, Dad.Don‘t worry about me.6.— Is your father a doctor?

— Yes, he is.He

(work)in the Children‘s Hospital.7.— I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer.— Oh, I‘m sorry.I

(have)dinner at my friend‘s at that time.8.— Is this jacket yours, Linda?

— No, I think it

(belong)to Maria.She has a red one.9.Bill is a good student.He always

(finish)his homework on time.10.By the end of last term, they

(work)there for ten years.Ⅲ.阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可添加助动词或情态动词。

(A)Have you ever heard of the song 1.(call)―Is there anyone who told you‖? It may be impossible for you 2.(not know)the song and its singer.It 3.(sing)by the famous ―Happy Boy‖ Chen Chusheng, who appeared on Hunan Satellite TV.He caught everyone‘s attention.Before the competition he was just a farmer‘s son who 4.never

(get)professional training of any kind.As a child, Chusheng wasn‘t a good student, but he was very interested in music.He liked to listen to and sing his favourite songs again and again.Like many other parents, his parents also wanted him 5.(go)to college, but he failed.Chusheng had no choice but to help his brother repair bicycles and motorbikes.In Sanya, a small city in Hainan Province, Chen worked during the daytime while he 6.(sing)in different bars in the evening.He lived like that until the year 2000.In 2000, Chen went to Shenzhen.He never thought that his first job in this new place 7.(be)delivering(递送)food.He went on 8.(work)in the daytime and sang in the evening.His life was hard at that time.In the bar called Star-making Factories he 9.(meet)many famous local musicians.In the following several years, Chen, with his musical dream, attended many music contests throughout the country, winning prizes many times.Today, when we think about his success, we 10.(not help)thinking that if one wants to be successful, he should work harder than others.(B)An eight-year-old boy came up to an old man in front of a well,1.(look)up into his eyes and asked, ―I understand you‘re a very wise man.I‘d like 2.(know)the secret of life.‖

The old man looked down at the little boy and replied, ―I 3.(think)a lot in my lifetime, and the secret can be summed up(总结)in four words: ―The first is ‗think‘.Think about the values you wish 4.(live)your life by.―The second is ‗believe‘.Believe in yourself, based on the thinking you 5.(do)about the values you‘re going to live your life by.―The third is ‗dream‘.6.(dream)about the things that can be, based on your belief in yourself and the values you‘re going to live by.―The last is ‗dare‘.Dare to make your dreams 7.(become)a reality, based on your belief in yourself and your values.‖

And with that, Walter E.Disney said to the little boy, ―Think, believe, dream, and dare.‖ Key:


6-10 BAABB

Ⅱ.1.happened 2.will be

3.have;will be 4.said;would try

5.stops 7.was having


9.finishes 10.had worked Ⅲ.(A)1.called 2.not to know sung

4.had;got(gotten) go

6.sang 7.was


9.met 10.can‘t help

(B)1.looked know

3.have thought live 5.have done




1.I ______(leave)in a minute.I ______(finish)all my work before I ______(leave).2.—How long _____ you _____(study)in our country? —I _____(plan)to be here for about one more year.—I _____(hope)to visit the other parts of your country.—What ______ you ______(do)after you ______(leave)here? —I ______(return)home and ______(get)a job.3.I ______(be)tired.I ______(go)to bed early tonight.4.Mary‘s birthday is next Monday, her mother _____(give)her a present.5.It is very cold these days.It ______(snow)soon.6.—_____ you _____(be)here this Saturday? —No.I ______(visit)my teacher.7.—______ I ______(get)you a copy of today‘s newspaper?

—Thank you.8.I am afraid there ______(be)a meeting this afternoon.I can‘t join you.9.Mike ______(believe, not)this until he ______(see)it with his own eyes.10.Most of us don‘t think their team ______(win).参考答案 leaving;will finish;leave

2.will;study;plan;hope;will;do;leave;will return;get;will 4.will give 5.will snow 6.Will, be;will visit 7.Shall;get 8.will be 9.won‘t believe;sees 10.will win


1.There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going to B.will going to be going to be D.will go to be 2.Charlie ________ here next month.A.isn‘t working B.doesn‘t working

C.isn‘t going to working D.won‘t work 3.He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.A.will be;is;is C.will be;will be;will be 4.There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A.was going to have C.will have going to be 5.–________ you ________ free tomorrow? – No.I ________ free the day after tomorrow.A.Are;going to;will B.Are;going to be;will C.Are;going to;will be D.Are;going to be;will be 6.Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.A.will gives B.will give D.give 7.– Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? –________.(不,不要。)

A.No, you won‘t B.No, you aren‘t.C.No, please don‘t D.No, please.一8.– Where is the morning paper? – I ________ if for you at once.A.get getting get D.will get 9.________ a concert next Saturday? A.There will be B.Will there be C.There can be D.There are 10.If they come, we ________ a meeting.A.have B.will have C.had D.would have 11.He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next B.gave C.will giving going to give 12.He ________ to us as soon as he gets there.A.writes B.has written C.will write D.wrote 13.He ________ in three days.A.coming back B.came back C.will come back going to coming back 14.If it ________ tomorrow, we‘ll go roller-skating.A.isn‘t rain B.won‘t rain

C.doesn‘t rain D.doesn‘t fine

15.– Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow? – No, ________(不去).A.they willn‘t B.they won‘t.C.they aren‘t D.they don‘t.16.Who ________ we ________ swimming with tomorrow afternoon? A.will;go;go C.will;going D.shall;go 17.We ________ the work this way next B.will do C.going to do D.will doing 18.Tomorrow he ________ a kite in the open air first, and then ________ boating in the park.A.will fly;will go B.will fly;goes going to fly;will goes D.flies;will go 19.The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.A.will watching watching D.are going to watch 20.There ________ a birthday party this Sunday.A.shall be B.will be C.shall going to be D.will going to be 般21.They ________ an English evening next Sunday.A.are having B.are going to have C.will having going to have 22.________ you ________ free next Sunday? A.Will;are B.Will;be C.Do;be D.Are;be 23.He ________ there at ten tomorrow morning.A.will C.will be 24.________ your brother ________ a magazine from the library? A.Are;going to borrow B.Is;going to borrow C.Will;borrows D.Are;going to borrows 25.– Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon? –________(好的).A.Yes, please B.Yes, you will.C.No, please D.No, you won‘t.26.It ________ the year of the horse next going to be going to

C.will be D.will is 27.________ open the window? A.Will you please B.Please will you C.You please D.Do you 28.– Let‘s go out to play football, shall we?

– OK.I ________.A.will coming going to come C.come coming 29.It ________ us a long time to learn English well.A.takes B.will take C.spends D.will spend 30.The train ________ at 11.A.going to arrive B.will be arrive going to arriving 参考答案:

1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.B 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.A 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.D习题


1.―The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 o’clock.‖

―But _______ a delay.‖

A.It will be

B.there’d be

C.there will be

D.there is 2.He’ll leave for Paris before you ______ next week.A.will come back

B.will be back

C.come back

D.came back 3.Our next meeting _______ on 1st December.A.has been held

B.will hold to be held holding 4.Where ________ is a will, there is a way.A.there will have

B.has been there

C.there is

D.there has been 5.It ________ be Wednesday going to

B.will about to to


1.I ______(leave)in a minute.I ______(finish)all my work before I ______(leave).2.—How long _____ you _____(study)in our country? —I _____(plan)to be here for about one more year.—I _____(hope)to visit the other parts of your country.—What ______ you ______(do)after you ______(leave)here? —I ______(return)home and ______(get)a job.3.I ______(be)tired.I ______(go)to bed early tonight.4.Mary’s birthday is next Monday, her mother _____(give)her a present.5.It is very cold these days.It ______(snow)soon.6.—_____ you _____(be)here this Saturday? —No.I ______(visit)my teacher.7.—______ I ______(get)you a copy of today’s newspaper?

—Thank you.8.I am afraid there ______(be)a meeting this afternoon.I can’t join you.9.Mike ______(believe, not)this until he ______(see)it with his own eyes.10.Most of us don’t think their team ______(win).三、单项选择

1.There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going to B.will going to be going to be D.will go to be 2.Charlie ________ here next month.A.isn’t working B.doesn’t working

C.isn’t going to working D.won’t work

3.He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.A.will be;is;is C.will be;will be;will be 4.There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A.was going to have C.will have going to be 5.–________ you ________ free tomorrow? – No.I ________ free the day after tomorrow.A.Are;going to;will B.Are;going to be;will C.Are;going to;will be D.Are;going to be;will be 6.Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.A.will gives B.will give D.give 7.– Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? –________.(不,不要。)

A.No, you won’t B.No, you aren’t.C.No, please don’t D.No, please.8.– Where is the morning paper? – I ________ if for you at once.A.get getting get D.will get 9.________ a concert next Saturday? A.There will be B.Will there be C.There can be D.There are 10.If they come, we ________ a meeting.A.have B.will have C.had D.would have 11.He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next B.gave C.will giving going to give 12.He ________ to us as soon as he gets there.A.writes B.has written C.will write D.wrote 13.He ________ in three days.A.coming back B.came back C.will come back going to coming back 14.If it ________ tomorrow, we’ll go roller-skating.A.isn’t rain B.won’t rain

C.doesn’t rain D.doesn’t fine

15.– Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow? – No, ________(不去).A.they willn’t B.they won’t.C.they aren’t D.they don’t.16.Who ________ we ________ swimming with tomorrow afternoon? A.will;go;go C.will;going D.shall;go 17.We ________ the work this way next B.will do C.going to do D.will doing 18.Tomorrow he ________ a kite in the open air first, and then ________ boating in the park.A.will fly;will go B.will fly;goes going to fly;will goes D.flies;will go 19.The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.A.will watching watching D.are going to watch 20.There ________ a birthday party this Sunday.A.shall be B.will be C.shall going to be D.will going to be 21.They ________ an English evening next Sunday.A.are having B.are going to have C.will having going to have 22.________ you ________ free next Sunday? A.Will;are B.Will;be C.Do;be D.Are;be 23.He ________ there at ten tomorrow morning.A.will C.will be 24.________ your brother ________ a magazine from the library? A.Are;going to borrow B.Is;going to borrow C.Will;borrows D.Are;going to borrows 25.– Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon? –________(好的).A.Yes, please B.Yes, you will.C.No, please D.No, you won’t.26.It ________ the year of the horse next going to be going to

C.will be D.will is 27.________ open the window? A.Will you please B.Please will you C.You please D.Do you

28.– Let’s go out to play football, shall we?

– OK.I ________.A.will coming going to come C.come coming 29.It ________ us a long time to learn English well.A.takes B.will take C.spends D.will spend 30.The train ________ at 11.A.going to arrive B.will be arrive going to arriving

四、把下列各句译成英语 1.我叔叔今晚要来。2.他没有打算住那座小屋。3.我们要读这本书。



一、1.选C。此中there is有“其中包括、有”的涵义。本句表达会有延误,而非是个延误。

2.选C。before引导时间状语从句,在状语从句中一般现在时取代一般将来时。且,一个简单句没有连词,不能有两个谓语动词。3.选C。next meeting表将来,will do/shall do/be going to do/ be to/ be about to都可以表示将来时。此中,会议被开要用被动,故,只能选择C。


5.选 B。will do/shall do/be going to do/ be to/ be about to都可以表示将来时。只是,will do/shall do客观;而be going to do/ be to/ be about to都有计划打算的意思。并不是星期三显然是客观事实,并不是打算计划。

二、 leaving;will finish;leave

2.will;study;plan;hope;will;do;leave;will return;get;will 4.will give 5.will snow 6.Will, be;will visit 7.Shall;get 8.will be 9.won’t believe;sees 10.will win

三、1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.B 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.A 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.D

四、1.My uncle will come tonight. 2.He isn't going to live in the small house. 3.We are going to read this book.

4.—Will your father go fishing?—No,he is going swimming. 【指点】


一般现在时: always, usually, often, sometimes, every week(day, year, month …), once a week, on Sundays, …;

一般过去时: three days ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, month …), in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time, …;

现在进行时: now, at present, these days, …;

过去进行时: at this time yesterday, at that time或when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语从句等;

现在完成时: recently, lately, since …, in the past few years, …; 过去完成时: before, by the end of last year(term, month …), …; 一般将来时: tomorrow, next day(week, month, year …), soon, in a few minutes, the day after tomorrow, …;

过去将来时: the next day(morning, year …), the following month(week …), …。2.在复合句中根据时态呼应确定时态。在宾语从句中,如果主句用一般现在时,从句可以根据需要选择时态;如果主句为一般过去时,从句选择相应的过去时态(客观真理除外)。在条件/时间状语从句中,如果主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。


4.时态中的特殊对策。有的句子时态要考虑一些习惯性的东西,如客观真理一般要用一般现在时,在学习的过程中要牢牢记住,多多分析比较一下,时态就会比较明确。5.时态对比之一:一般过去时和现在完成时 试比较:

I borrowed a book from John just now.我刚才从约翰那儿借了一本书。(事情发生了,强调发生在过去。)I have just learned five hundred English words.我刚学了500个英语单词。(说明现在的情况,可能还会学。)


作对现在造成的影响;一般过去时表示动作发生的时间在过去。6.will和be going to的用法区别:

will常表示带意愿色彩的将来,或者询问对方是否愿意或者表示客气的邀请或命令,还表示客观的将来。be going to常用于口语中,主要用来表示说话人的打算,计划要发生的事,还可以表示根据某些迹象判断可能或将要发生某事。试比较: Look at the black clouds.It‘s going to rain.看那些乌云,要下雨了。I will be twenty-two years old next year.明年我就22岁了。



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    be 动词练习题

    王牌家教中心 姓名:时间 :家长签字: 谨记:I am;You are;He is;She is;It is;We are;You are;They are.一、在横线上填上合适的be动词。(am,is,are) 1、Helen____ a student2、This......


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