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Communiqué of the Washington Nuclear Security Summit April 13, 2010 华盛顿核安全峰会公报全文 2010年4月13日

Nuclear terrorism is one of the most challenging threats to international security, and strong nuclear security measures are the most effective means to prevent terrorists, criminals, or other unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear materials.核恐怖主义是对国际安全最具挑战性的威胁之一,强有力的核安全措施是防止恐怖分子、犯罪分子及其他非授权行为者获取核材料的最有效途径。

In addition to our shared goals of nuclear disarmament, nuclear nonproliferation and peaceful uses of nuclear energy, we also all share the objective of nuclear security.Therefore those gathered here in Washington, D.C.on April 13, 2010, commit to strengthen nuclear security and reduce the threat of nuclear terrorism.Success will require responsible national actions and sustained and effective international cooperation.除了在核裁军、核不扩散及和平利用核能方面有共同目标之外,我们在核安全方面也有共同的目标。因此,我们于2010年4月13日齐聚华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,承诺加强核安全和减少核恐怖主义威胁。这方面的成功需要负责任的国家行动以及持续和有效的国际合作。

We welcome and join President Obama’s call to secure all vulnerable nuclear material in four years, as we work together to enhance nuclear security.基于我们为增进核安全而共同努力,我们欢迎并与奥巴马总统共同呼吁在4年内确保所有易流失核材料安全。

Therefore, we: 鉴此,我们:

1.Reaffirm the fundamental responsibility of States, consistent with their respective international obligations, to maintain effective security of all nuclear materials, which includes nuclear materials used in nuclear weapons, and nuclear facilities under their control;to prevent non-state actors from obtaining the information or technology required to use such material for malicious purposes;and emphasize the importance of robust national legislative and regulatory frameworks for nuclear security;


2.Call on States to work cooperatively as an international community to advance nuclear security, requesting and providing assistance as necessary;


3.Recognize that highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium require special precautions and agree to promote measures to secure, account for, and consolidate these materials, as appropriate;and encourage the conversion of reactors from highly enriched to low enriched uranium fuel and minimization of use of highly enriched uranium, where technically and economically feasible;


4.Endeavor to fully implement all existing nuclear security commitments and work toward acceding to those not yet joined, consistent with national laws, policies and procedures;


5.Support the objectives of international nuclear security instruments, including the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, as amended, and the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, as essential elements of the global nuclear security architecture;


6.Reaffirm the essential role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the international nuclear security framework and will work to ensure that it continues to have the appropriate structure, resources and expertise needed to carry out its mandated nuclear security activities in accordance with its Statute, relevant General Conference resolutions and its Nuclear Security Plans;


7.Recognize the role and contributions of the United Nations as well as the contributions of the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and the G-8-led Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction within their respective mandates and memberships;


8.Acknowledge the need for capacity building for nuclear security and cooperation at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels for the promotion of nuclear security culture through technology development, human resource development, education, and training;and stress the importance of optimizing international cooperation and coordination of assistance;


9.Recognize the need for cooperation among States to effectively prevent and respond to incidents of illicit nuclear trafficking;and agree to share, subject to respective national laws and procedures, information and expertise through bilateral and multilateral mechanisms in relevant areas such as nuclear detection, forensics, law enforcement, and the development of new technologies;


10.Recognize the continuing role of nuclear industry, including the private sector, in nuclear security and will work with industry to ensure the necessary priority of physical protection, material accountancy, and security culture;


11.Support the implementation of strong nuclear security practices that will not infringe upon the rights of States to develop and utilize nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and technology and will facilitate international cooperation in the field of nuclear security;and


12.Recognize that measures contributing to nuclear material security have value in relation to the security of radioactive substances and encourage efforts to secure those materials as well.12、确认有助于核材料安全的措施对于放射性材料安全具有价值,并鼓励为确保此类材料的安全作出努力。维护有效的核安全需要各国在国际合作协助下持续努力,并在自愿基础上采取行动。我们将通过与所有国家开展对话和合作,促进加强全球核安全。

Maintaining effective nuclear security will require continuous national efforts facilitated by international cooperation and undertaken on a voluntary basis by States.We will promote the strengthening of global nuclear security through dialogue and cooperation with all states.为保持有效的核安全,各国必须在自愿基础上通过国际合作采取持续的国家行动。我们将与所有国家进行对话与合作,推动加强全球核安全。

Thus, we issue the Work Plan as guidance for national and international action including through cooperation within the context of relevant international fora and organizations.We will hold the next Nuclear Security Summit in the Republic of Korea in 2012.鉴此,我们发表《峰会工作计划》以指导各国和国际行动,包括在相关国际论坛和组织框架下的合作。我们将于2012年在韩国举行下一届核安全峰会。



Communiqué of the Washington Nuclear Security Summit

April 13, 2010



Nuclear terrorism is one of the most challenging threats to international security, and strong nuclear security measures are the most effective means to prevent terrorists, criminals, or other unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear materials.核恐怖主义是对国际安全最具挑战性的威胁之一,强有力的核安全措施是防止恐怖分子、犯罪分子及其他非授权行为者获取核材料的最有效途径。

In addition to our shared goals of nuclear disarmament, nuclear nonproliferation and peaceful uses of nuclear energy, we also all share the objective of nuclear security.Therefore those gathered here in Washington, D.C.on April 13, 2010, commit to strengthen nuclear security and reduce the threat of nuclear terrorism.Success will require responsible national actions and sustained and effective international cooperation.除了在核裁军、核不扩散及和平利用核能方面有共同目标之外,我们在核安全方面也有共同的目标。因此,我们于2010年4月13日齐聚华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,承诺加强核安全和减少核恐怖主义威胁。这方面的成功需要负责任的国家行动以及持续和有效的国际合作。

We welcome and join President Obama’s call to secure all vulnerable nuclear material in four years, as we work together to enhance nuclear security.基于我们为增进核安全而共同努力,我们欢迎并与奥巴马总统共同呼吁在4年内确保所有易流失核材料安全。

Therefore, we:


1.Reaffirm the fundamental responsibility of States, consistent with their respective international obligations, to maintain effective security of all nuclear materials, which includes nuclear materials used in nuclear weapons, and nuclear facilities under their control;to prevent non-state actors from obtainingthe information or technology required to use such material for malicious purposes;and emphasize the importance ofrobust national legislative and regulatory frameworks for nuclear security;


2.Call on States to work cooperatively as an international community to advance nuclear security, requesting and providing assistance as necessary;


3.Recognize that highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium require special precautions and agree to promote measures to secure, account for, and consolidate these materials, as appropriate;and encourage the conversion of reactors from highly enriched to low enriched uranium fuel and minimization of use of highly enriched uranium, where technically and economically feasible;


4.Endeavor to fully implement all existing nuclear security commitments and work toward acceding to those not yet joined, consistent with national laws, policies and procedures;


5.Support the objectives of international nuclear security instruments, including the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, as amended, and the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, as essential elements of the global nuclear security architecture;


6.Reaffirm the essential role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the international nuclear security framework and will work to ensure that it continues to have the appropriate structure, resources and expertise needed to carry out its mandated nuclear security activities in accordance with its Statute, relevant General Conference resolutions and its Nuclear Security Plans;


7.Recognize the role and contributions of the United Nations as well as the contributions of the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and the G-8-led Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction within their respective mandates and memberships;


8.Acknowledge the need for capacity building for nuclear security and cooperation at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels for the promotion of nuclear security culture through technology development, human resource development, education, and training;and stress the importance of optimizing international cooperation and coordination of assistance;


9.Recognize the need for cooperation among States to effectively prevent and respond to incidents of illicit nuclear trafficking;and agree to share, subject to respective national laws and procedures, information and expertise through bilateral and multilateral mechanisms in relevant areas such as nuclear detection, forensics, law enforcement, and the development of new technologies;


10.Recognize the continuing role of nuclear industry, including the private sector, in nuclear security and will work with industry to ensure the necessary priority of physical protection, material accountancy, and security culture;


11.Support the implementation of strong nuclear security practices that will not infringe upon the rights of States to develop and utilize nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and technology and will facilitate international cooperation in the field of nuclear security;and11、支持实施强有力的核安全操作规范,同时这些操作规范不应侵害各国为和平目的开发和利用核能和核技术的权利,并将促进核安全领域的国际合作;以及

12.Recognize that measures contributing to nuclear material security have value in relation to the security of radioactive substances and encourage efforts to secure

those materials as well.12、确认有助于核材料安全的措施对于放射性材料安全具有价值,并鼓励为确保此类材料的安全作出努力。维护有效的核安全需要各国在国际合作协助下持续努力,并在自愿基础上采取行动。我们将通过与所有国家开展对话和合作,促进加强全球核安全。

Maintaining effective nuclear security will require continuous national efforts facilitated by international cooperation and undertaken on a voluntary basis by States.We will promote the strengthening of global nuclear security through dialogue and cooperation with all states.为保持有效的核安全,各国必须在自愿基础上通过国际合作采取持续的国家行动。我们将与所有国家进行对话与合作,推动加强全球核安全。

Thus, we issue the Work Plan as guidance for national and international action including through cooperation within the context of relevant international fora and organizations.We will hold the next Nuclear Security Summit in the Republic of Korea in 2012.













US President Obama’s Closing Remarks, Press Conference at Nuclear Summit

Washington Convention Center

April 13, 2010

Good afternoon, everybody.We have just concluded an enormously productive day.大家好。我们刚刚结束了成就斐然的一天。

I said this morning that today would be an opportunity for our nations, both individually and collectively, to make concrete commitments and take tangible steps to secure nuclear materials so they never fall into the hands of terrorists who would surely use them.我在上午说过,今天我们各国面临一个机会,可以分别和共同作出具体承诺和采取明确措施,确保核材料的安全,防止核材料落入那些无疑会利用它们的恐怖主义分子手中。

This evening, I can report that we have seized this opportunity, and because of the steps we’ve taken--as individual nations and as an international community--the American people will be safer and the world will be more secure.今晚,我可以这么说,我们成功地把握了这一机遇,作为具体的国家和国际社会,我们已经采取了措施,美国人民将因此更安全,世界将更稳定。

I want to thank all who participated in this historic summit--49 leaders from every region of the

world.Today’s progress was possible because these leaders came not simply to talk, but to take action;not simply to make vague pledges of future action, but to commit to meaningful steps that they are prepared to implement right now.我谨在此感谢出席这一具有历史意义的峰会的全体代表,来自世界各地区的49位领导人。今天之所以能取得进展,是因为这些领导人不仅与会发言,而且采取行动;不是含糊地承诺在未来采取行动,而是承诺他们准备立即实施的有意义的步骤。

I also want to thank my colleagues for the candor and cooperative spirit that they brought to the discussions.This was not a day of long speeches or lectures on what other nations must do.We listened to each other, with mutual respect.We recognized that while different countries face different challenges, we have a mutual interest in securing these dangerous materials.我还要感谢各位同仁在讨论中所表现的坦率与合作精神。今天并无冗长的讲话,亦无要求别国如何是从的训诫。我们互相倾听、互相尊重。我们认识到,虽然不同国家面临不同的挑战,但我们有着共同的利益,即确保这些危险核材料的安全。

So today is a testament to what is possible when nations come together in a spirit of partnership to embrace our shared responsibility and confront a shared challenge.This is how we will solve problems and advance the security of our people in the 21st century.And this is reflected in the communiqué that we have unanimously agreed to today.因此,当许多国家本着合作精神走到一起承担我们共同的职责和应对共同的挑战时,就能大有作为,今天这一点得到了验证。这将是我们在21世纪解决问题和增进人民安全的途径。这也体现在今天我们一致通过的公报之中。

First, we agreed on the urgency and seriousness of the threat.Coming into this summit, there were a range of views on this danger.But at our dinner last night, and throughout the day, we developed a shared understanding of the risk.首先,我们就这一威胁的紧迫性和严峻性达成了共识。在参加本届峰会之际,人们对这一威胁众说纷纭。然而,经过昨天晚餐席间乃至今天全天的讨论,我们对这一威胁达成了共同的理解。

Today, we are declaring that nuclear terrorism is one of the most challenging threats to international security.We also agreed that the most effective way to prevent terrorists and criminals from acquiring nuclear materials is through strong nuclear security--protecting nuclear materials and preventing nuclear smuggling.今天,我们宣布核恐怖主义是国际安全所面临的最具挑战性的威胁之一。我们还一致认为,防止恐怖主义分子和罪犯获得核材料的最有效方法就是加强核安全——保护核材料和防止核贩运。

Second, I am very pleased that all the nations represented here have endorsed the goal that I outlined in Prague one year ago--to secure all vulnerable nuclear materials around the world in four years’ time.This is an ambitious goal, and we are under no illusions that it will be easy.But the urgency of the threat, and the catastrophic consequences of even a single act of nuclear terrorism, demand an effort that is at once bold and pragmatic.And this is a goal that can be achieved.第二,我非常欣慰的是,所有与会国对我一年前在布拉格所阐述的目标予以支持,即在四年时间内确保世界所有易失散核材料的安全。这是一项宏伟目标,我们非常清楚达到这项目标并非易事。然而,由于该威胁的紧迫性,还由于哪怕一次核恐怖主义攻击即可导致巨大灾难,我们需要作出既大胆又务实的努力。这是一个能够实现的目标。Third, we reaffirmed that it is the fundamental responsibility of nations, consistent with their

international obligations, to maintain effective security of the nuclear materials and facilities under our control.This includes strengthening national laws and policies, and fully implementing the

commitments we have agreed to.第三,我们重申,根据各国的国际义务,各国承担着基本的责任,必须以有效的方式保障我们控制之下的核材料及核设施的安全。这包括加强国家法律和政策,全面履行我们一致同意的承诺。

And fourth, we recognized that even as we fulfill our national responsibilities, this threat cannot be addressed by countries working in isolation.So we’ve committed ourselves to a sustained, effective program of international cooperation on national [sic] security, and we call on other nations to join us.第四,我们认识到,即使在我们履行各自的国家职责时,也需要各国通力合作才能消除这一威胁。因此,我们已承诺致力于持久而有效的计划,就国家安全进行国际合作,我们呼吁其他国家与我们携手努力。

It became clear in our discussions that we do not need lots of new institutions and layers of

bureaucracy.We need to strengthen the institutions and partnerships that we already have-— and make them even more effective.This includes the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the multilateral partnership that strengthens nuclear security, prevent nuclear trafficking and assist nations in building their capacity to secure their nuclear materials.我们的讨论得出的一项明确结论是,我们并不需要太多的新机制和重叠的机构。我们需要加强现有机制与合作关系,使它们更有效。这包括联合国、国际原子能机构、以及加强核安全、防止核贩运、协助各国建设核材料安全保障能力的多边伙伴关系。

But as I said, today was about taking tangible steps to protect our people.So we’ve also agreed to a detailed work plan to guide our efforts going forward--the specific actions we will take.I want to commend my partners for the very important commitments that they made in conjunction with this summit.Let me give some examples.然而如上所述,今天的任务是采取明确步骤保护我们的人民。所以我们还就一项具体的工作计划达成一致意见,为我们未来的努力——即我们将采取的具体行动——指引方向。我谨在此对我的合作伙伴们在这次峰会期间作出十分重要的承诺表示赞扬。让我试举数例。

Canada agreed to give up a significant quantity of highly enriched uranium.Chile has given up its entire stockpile.Ukraine and Mexico announced that they will do the same.Other nations--such as Argentina and Pakistan--announced new steps to strengthen port security and prevent nuclear smuggling.加拿大同意放弃相当数量的高纯度浓缩铀。智利已放弃其全部库存。乌克兰和墨西哥宣布也将这样做。阿根廷、巴基斯坦及其他一些国家公布了新的措施,以加强港口安全和防止核贩运。

More nations--including Argentina, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam--agreed to join, and thus strengthen, the treaties and international partnerships that are at the core of our global efforts.A number of countries-— including Italy, Japan, India and China-— will create new centers to promote nuclear security technologies and training.Nations pledged new resources to help the IAEA meet its responsibilities.包括阿根廷、菲律宾、泰国和越南在内的更多国家同意加入,从而加强了作为全球努力核心内容的国际条约和伙伴关系。意大利、日本、印度和中国等许多国家将建立新的中心促进核安全技术和培训。各国承诺提供新资源帮助国际原子能机构(IAEA)履行其职责。

In a major and welcomed development, Russia announced that it will close its last weapons-grade plutonium production reactor.After many years of effort, I’m pleased that the United States and Russia agreed today to eliminate 68 tons of plutonium for our weapons programs-— plutonium that would have been enough for about 17,000 nuclear weapons.Instead, we will use this material to help generate electricity for our people.一项重大、颇受欢迎的进展是俄罗斯宣布将关闭最后一座武器级钚生产反应堆。经过多年的努力,我很欣慰地看到美国和俄罗斯今天同意销毁原定用于制造武器的68吨钚——这些材料足以制造17000件核武器。相反,我们将用这些材料来帮助我们的人民发电。

These are exactly the kind of commitments called for in the work plan that we adopted today, so we’ve made real progress in building a safer world.这些正是我们今天通过的工作计划所要求的承诺,所以我们在建设一个更安全的世界方面取得了切实的进展。I would also note that the United States has made its own commitments.We are strengthening security at our own nuclear facilities, and will invite the IAEA to review the security at our neutron research center.This reflects our commitment to sharing the best practices that are needed in our global efforts.We’re seeking significant funding increases for programs to prevent nuclear proliferation and trafficking.我还要指出,美国已做出了自己的承诺。我们正在加强我们自己的核设施的安全,并邀请国际原子能机构审查我们的中子研究中心的安全。这表明我们致力于分享全球努力所需要的最佳做法。我们正在寻求为防止核扩散及核贩运的项目大量增加资金。

And today, the United States is joining with our Canadian partners and calling on nations to commit $10 billion to extending our highly successful Global Partnership to strengthen nuclear security around the world.今天,美国与其加拿大合作伙伴共同呼吁各国承诺100亿美元,为世界范围内的核安全扩大我们已经非常成功的全球伙伴关系。

So this has been a day of great progress.But as I said this morning, this can’t be a fleeting

moment.Securing nuclear materials must be a serious and sustained global effort.We agreed to have our experts meet on a regular basis —-to measure progress, to ensure that we’re meeting our commitments and to plan our next steps.所以今天是一个取得重大进展的日子。但正如我今天上午所说,这不应当是昙花一现的瞬间。确保核材料的安全必须是一个认真和持续的全球性努力。我们同意让我们的专家定期举行会议——评估进展情况,确保我们履行我们的承诺,并规划后续步骤。

And I again want to thank President Lee and the Republic of Korea for agreeing to host the next Nuclear Security Summit in two years.我还要再次感谢李总统和大韩民国同意两年后主办下一届核安全峰会。

Finally, let me say while this summit is focused on securing nuclear materials, this is part of a larger effort-— the comprehensive agenda that I outlined in Prague last year to pursue the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.Indeed, in recent days we’ve made progress on every element of this agenda.最后我希望指出,虽然这次峰会的重点是确保核材料的安全,但这只是在更大范围内努力的一部分——我去年在布拉格概述的全面议程是在一个没有核武器的世界里实现和平与安全。事实上,近日来我们已经在这一议程的各个部分取得了进展。

To reduce nuclear arsenals, President Medvedev and I signed the historic new START treaty —-not only committing our two nations to significant reductions in deployed nuclear weapons, but also setting the stage for further cuts and cooperation between our countries.为了减少核库存,梅德韦杰夫总统和我签署了历史性的《削减战略武器新条约》——不仅要求我们两国承诺对已部署的核武器进行实质性削减,而且为两国进一步削减与合作打下基础。

To move beyond outdated Cold War thinking and to focus on the nuclear dangers of the 21st century, our new Nuclear Posture Review reduces the role and number of nuclear weapons in our national

security strategy.And for the first time, preventing nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism is at the top of America’s nuclear agenda, which reaffirms the central importance of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.为了摆脱过时的冷战思维,着眼于21世纪的核危险,我们新的《核态势评估报告》降低了国家安全战略中核武器的作用和数量。我们在历史上第一次把防止核扩散及核恐怖主义置于美国核议程的首位,再度肯定了《不扩散核武器条约》的核心重要性。

And next month in New York, we will join with nations from around the world to strengthen the NPT as the cornerstone of our global efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons even as we pursue greater civil nuclear cooperation.Because for nations that uphold their responsibilities, peaceful nuclear energy can unlock new advances in medicine, in agriculture, and economic development.下月在纽约,我们将联合世界各国,加强《不扩散核武器条约》,使之成为我们在进一步开展民用核能合作的同时在全球防止核武器扩散的基石。这是因为,对恪守己任的国家来说,和平利用核能可以促进医学和农业的进步以及经济的发展。

All of these efforts are connected.Leadership and progress in one area reinforces progress in

another.When the United States improves our own nuclear security and transparency, it encourages others to do the same, as we’ve seen today.When the United States fulfills our responsibilities as a nuclear power committed to the NPT, we strengthen our global efforts to ensure that other nations fulfill their responsibilities.所有这些努力都是相互关联的。一个领域的领导作用和进步会强化另一个领域的进步。正如今天我们看到的情况,当美国提高自己的核安全和透明度,就会鼓励其他人也这样做。当美国作为致力于遵守《不扩散核武器条约》的核国家履行自己的义务,就会加强我们确保其他国家尽职尽责的全球努力。

So again, I want to thank my colleagues for making this unprecedented gathering a day of

unprecedented progress in confronting one of the greatest threats to our global security.Our work today not only advances the security of the United States, it advances the security of all mankind, and preventing nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism will remain one of my highest priorities as President.因此,我要再次感谢我的同事们把这次史无前例的聚会变成我们在应对全球安全最大威胁方面取得前所未有的进展的一天。我们今天的工作不仅增进了美国的安全,还增进了全人类的安全。在我的总统任期内,防止核扩散和核恐怖主义将始终是我的首要任务之一。

第五篇:中英双语 二十国集团领导人杭州峰会开幕辞



构建创新、活力、联动、包容的世界经济Towards an Innovative, Invigorated, Interconnected and Inclusive World Economy ——在二十国集团领导人杭州峰会上的开幕辞Opening Remarks by H.E.Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of China At the G20 Hangzhou Summit(2016年9月4日,杭州)Dear Colleagues,各位同事:

The G20 Hangzhou Summit now begins.我宣布,二十国集团领导人杭州峰会开幕!

It gives me great pleasure to meet you here in Hangzhou, and I wish to extend a warm welcome to you all.很高兴同大家相聚杭州。首先,我谨对各位同事的到来,表示热烈欢迎!extend a warm welcome to对…表示热烈欢迎

The G20 Summit in Antalya last year was a big success.I wish to use this opportunity to thank Turkey once again for its outstanding job and the positive outcomes achieved during its presidency.Under the theme “Collective Action for Inclusive and Robust Growth”, Turkey brought about progress in inclusiveness, implementation and investment.China highly commends[1] Turkey’s efforts on various fronts during its G20 presidency.去年,二十国集团领导人安塔利亚峰会开得很成功。我也愿借此机会,再次感谢去年主席国土耳其的出色工作和取得的积极成果。土耳其以“共同行动以实现包容和稳健增长”作为峰会主题,从“包容、落实、投资”三方面推动产生成果,中国一直积极评价土耳其在担任主席国期间开展的各项工作。

outstanding job and the positive outcomes出色工作,积极成果Collective Action for Inclusive and Robust Growth共同行动以实现包容和稳健增长on various fronts各方面,各项工作 [1]commend [k?'mend]to formally praise someone or something 赞扬,称赞,表彰The judge commended her for/on her bravery.法官称赞了她的勇敢。For a low-budget film, it has much to commend it(= it deserves praise).作为一部低预算影片,它有不少值得称道之处。It says on the back cover of the book 'highly commended'.书的封底上写着“隆重推荐”。Last November in Antalya, I talked to you about Hangzhou by quoting a Chinese saying, “Up in heaven, there is paradise;down on earth, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.” And I said that I trust the Hangzhou Summit will be a unique setting where history is blended with modernity.I am glad you have accepted my invitation and come to Hangzhou.Present here are old and new friends of mine, and we will discuss ways to sustain global growth.去年11月,我在安塔利亚向大家介绍,上有天堂,下有苏杭,相信杭州峰会将给大家呈现一种历史和现实交汇的独特韵味。今天,当时的邀请已经变成现实。在座的有老朋友,也有新朋友,大家齐聚杭州,共商世界经济发展大计。Up in heaven, there is paradise;down on earth, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou上有天堂,下有苏杭a unique setting where history is blended with modernity一种历史和现实交汇的独特韵味

In the next two days, under the theme of the Summit, we will have discussions on strengthening policy coordination, breaking a new path for growth, more effective and efficient global economic and financial governance, robust international trade and investment, inclusive and interconnected development, as well as other issues affecting the world economy.未来两天,我们将围绕峰会主题,就加强宏观政策协调、创新增长方式,更高效的全球经济金融治理,强劲的国际贸易和投资,包容和联动式发展,影响世界经济的其他突出问题等议题展开讨论。

strengthening policy coordination加强(宏观)政策协调breaking a new path for growth创新增长方式global economic and financial governance全球经济金融治理international trade and investment国际贸易和投资 Eight years ago, at the height of the international financial crisis, the G20, acting in a spirit of unity and partnership, pulled the world economy back from the precipice[2] and pushed it onto the track of stability and recovery.Thanks to this daring initiative, unity prevailed over differences and common good prevailed over selfish interests.The crisis focused global attention on the G20 and established it as the premier forum for international economic cooperation.8年前,在国际金融危机最紧要关头,二十国集团临危受命,秉持同舟共济的伙伴精神,把正在滑向悬崖的世界经济拉回到稳定和复苏轨道。这是一次创举,团结战胜了分歧,共赢取代了私利。这场危机,让人们记住了二十国集团,也确立了二十国集团作为国际经济合作主要论坛的地位。

at the height of在…的高度;在…的高潮中,在…的最盛时期the daring initiative创举@LearnAndRecordunity prevailed over differences团结战胜了分歧common good prevailed over selfish interests共赢取代了私利

[2]precipice ['pres?p?s]a dangerous situation that could lead to harm or failure 险境,危局a very steep side of a cliff or a mountain 悬崖,峭壁This latest tax increase may push many small companies over the financial precipice.最近的这次增税可能会使许多小公司的财务陷入险境。The film opens with a shot of a climber dangling from a precipice.电影开始时是一个登山者悬在峭壁上的镜头。

Today, eight years on, the global economy has again reached a critical juncture.The conventional engines driving global growth over the past decades, such as scientific and technological progress, population growth and economic globalization, have entered a transitional period, and their ability to stimulate global growth is notably weaker.The growth momentum generated by the last round of scientific and technological progress is diminishing, while the new round of scientific and industrial revolution has just started.8年后的今天,世界经济又走到一个关键当口。科技进步、人口增长、经济全球化等过去数十年推动世界经济增长的主要引擎都先后进入换挡期,对世界经济的拉动作用明显减弱。上一轮科技进步带来的增长动能逐渐衰减,新一轮科技和产业革命尚未形成势头。

reach a critical juncture到了一个关键时刻scientific and technological progress科技进步population growth人口增长economic globalization经济全球化enter a transitional period 进入换挡期the growth momentum增长动能

Population aging is happening in all major economies, and the decline in population growth puts economic and social pressure on countries.Economic globalization is suffering setbacks, protectionism and inward-looking trends are on the rise, and the multilateral trading regime is under pressure.Despite notable progress made in financial regulatory reform, the risks of excessive leverage and bubbles continue to build up.To ensure that the financial market effectively meets the need of the real economy while maintaining stability remains a major challenge to the international community.主要经济体先后进入老龄化社会,人口增长率下降,给各国经济社会带来压力。经济全球化出现波折,保护主义、内顾倾向抬头,多边贸易体制受到冲击。金融监管改革虽有明显进展,但高杠杆、高泡沫等风险仍在积聚。如何让金融市场在保持稳定的同时有效服务实体经济,仍然是各国需要解决的重要课题。the multilateral trading regime 多边贸易体制financial regulatory reform金融监管改革excessive leverage and bubbles高杠杆、高泡沫

Under the impact of all these factors, the global economy, while still on the road to recovery, faces multiple risks and challenges such as weak growth momentum, sluggish demand, volatility in the financial market and low growth in international trade and investment.在这些因素综合作用下,世界经济虽然总体保持复苏态势,但面临增长动力不足、需求不振、金融市场反复动荡、国际贸易和投资持续低迷等多重风险和挑战。weak growth momentum增长动力不足sluggish demand需求不振volatility in the financial market金融市场反复动荡low growth in international trade and investment国际贸易和投资持续低迷

The G20 consists of the world’s major economies.Its critical role and impact place the G20 at the forefront of the global efforts to tackle risks and challenges and expand the space of growth.The international community has great expectation for the G20 and places high hopes on the Hangzhou Summit.In response, we should find solutions to the problems we face through both individual and collective efforts.I hope the Hangzhou Summit will build on previous progress to provide a solution that addresses both the symptoms and root causes of the global economic problems and achieve strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive global growth.二十国集团聚集了世界主要经济体,影响和作用举足轻重,也身处应对风险挑战、开拓增长空间的最前沿。国际社会对二十国集团充满期待,对这次峰会寄予厚望。我们需要通过各自行动和集体合力,直面问题,共寻答案。希望杭州峰会能够在以往的基础上,为世界经济开出一剂标本兼治、综合施策的药方,让世界经济走上强劲、可持续、平衡、包容增长之路。tackle risks and challenges应对风险挑战expand the space of growth开拓增长空间place high hopes on寄予厚望 First, in the face of these challenges, we should strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination and jointly promote global growth and uphold international financial stability.The G20 members should pursue more comprehensive macroeconomic policies in keeping with their own national realities and employ various policy tools, including fiscal, monetary and structural reform policies, to expand aggregate global demand, improve the quality of supply and bolster the foundation of growth.We should, in conjunction with the formulation and implementation of the Hangzhou Action Plan, continue to strengthen policy coordination, reduce negative spillovers, and work together to uphold financial stability and boost market confidence.第一,面对当前挑战,我们应该加强宏观经济政策协调,合力促进全球经济增长、维护金融稳定。二十国集团成员应该结合本国实际,采取更加全面的宏观经济政策,使用多种有效政策工具,统筹兼顾财政、货币、结构性改革政策,努力扩大全球总需求,全面改善供给质量,巩固经济增长基础。应该结合制定和落实《杭州行动计划》,继续加强政策协调,减少负面外溢效应,共同维护金融稳定,提振市场信心。@LearnAndRecord strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination加强宏观经济政策协调jointly promote global growth合力促进全球经济增长uphold international financial stability维护金融稳定expand aggregate global demand扩大全球总需求improve the quality of supply改善供给质量bolster the foundation of growth巩固(经济)增长基础in conjunction with连同,共同;与…协力reduce negative spillovers减少负面外溢效应

Second, in the face of these challenges, we should break a new path for growth and generate new growth momentum.The G20 should change its policy approach, and place equal importance on both short-term and medium-to long-term policies and both demand-side management and supply-side reform.This year, we have agreed on the G20 Blueprint on Innovative Growth and made the unanimous[3] decision to break a new path and expand new frontier for the world economy through innovation, structural reform, new industrial revolution and the development of digital economy.We should stay committed to these initiatives to remove the root cause of sluggish recovery and weak growth that plagues[4] the global economy, and lay a solid foundation for achieving a new round of global growth and prosperity.第二,面对当前挑战,我们应该创新发展方式,挖掘增长动能。二十国集团应该调整政策思路,做到短期政策和中长期政策并重,需求侧管理和供给侧改革并重。今年,我们已经就《二十国集团创新增长蓝图》达成共识,一致决定通过创新、结构性改革、新工业革命、数字经济等新方式,为世界经济开辟新道路,拓展新边界。要沿着这一方向坚定走下去,帮助世界经济彻底摆脱复苏乏力、增长脆弱的局面,为世界经济迎来新一轮增长和繁荣打下坚实基础。place equal importance on both short-term and medium-to long-term policies短期政策和中长期政策并重make the unanimous decision to一致决定

[3]unanimous [ju?'n?n?m?s]If a group of people are unanimous, they all agree about one particular matter or vote the same way, and if a decision or judgment is unanimous, it is formed or supported by everyone in a group.(团体)意见一致的;(决定或裁决)一致通过的,获得全体支持的The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty after a short deliberation.陪审团经过短时间商讨后一致裁决有罪。After a lengthy discussion we reached a unanimous decision on the proposal.经过长时间讨论,我们对这一提案作出了一致决定。[4]plague [ple?g]to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over a period of time 不断困扰;折磨;使受煎熬Financial problems have been plaguing their new business partners.财政问题一直困扰着他们的新商业合作伙伴。Third, in the face of these challenges, we should improve global economic governance and strengthen institutional safeguards.The G20 should continue to improve the international monetary and financial systems and the governance structure of international financial institutions and fully leverage the role of the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights.We should strengthen the global financial safety net, and enhance cooperation in financial regulation, international taxation and combating corruption to boost the resilience of the world economy against risks.This year, we have restarted the G20 International Financial Architecture Working Group.I hope that the working group will continue its work and become more effective.第三,面对当前挑战,我们应该完善全球经济治理,夯实机制保障。二十国集团应该不断完善国际货币金融体系,优化国际金融机构治理结构,充分发挥国际货币基金组织特别提款权作用。应该完善全球金融安全网,加强在金融监管、国际税收、反腐败领域合作,提高世界经济抗风险能力。今年,我们重启了二十国集团国际金融架构工作组,希望继续向前推进,不断提高有效性。

improve global economic governance完善全球经济治理strengthen institutional safeguards夯实机制保障improve the international monetary and financial systems完善国际货币金融体系the governance structure of international financial institutions国际金融机构治理结构fully leverage the role of充分发挥...作用

Fourth, in the face of these challenges, we should build an open global economy and continue to promote facilitation and liberalization of trade and investment.Protectionism is like drinking poison to quench one’s thirst: It may ease a country’s internal pressure in the short term, but will only inflict severe damage to the country itself and the world economy in the long run.第四,面对当前挑战,我们应该建设开放型世界经济,继续推动贸易和投资自由化便利化。保护主义政策如饮鸩止渴,看似短期内能缓解一国内部压力,但从长期看将给自身和世界经济造成难以弥补的伤害。

build an open global economy建设开放型世界经济promote facilitation and liberalization of trade and investment推动贸易和投资自由化便利化drinking poison to quench one’s thirst饮鸩止渴

The G20 should resolutely oppose the beggar-thy-neighbor policy, and advocate and promote the building of an open global economy.We should honor our commitment of not adopting new protectionist measures, strengthen coordination and cooperation on investment policies and take credible steps to stimulate trade growth.Infrastructure connectivity should be enhanced so as to bring developing countries and small and medium-sized companies into the global value chain and make the global economy more open and integrated.二十国集团应该坚决避免以邻为壑,做开放型世界经济的倡导者和推动者,恪守不采取新的保护主义措施的承诺,加强投资政策协调合作,采取切实行动促进贸易增长。我们应该发挥基础设施互联互通的辐射效应和带动作用,帮助发展中国家和中小企业深入参与全球价值链,推动全球经济进一步开放、交流、融合。

take credible steps to采取切实行动Infrastructure connectivity基础设施互联互通

Fifth, in the face of these challenges, we should implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and promote inclusive development.To achieve common development is the shared aspiration of all peoples, especially those of the developing countries.According to the relevant statistics, the Gini coefficient has exceeded the widely-recognized alarm level of 0.6 and reached around 0.7 globally.This is something that we must pay close attention to.This year, development is high on the G20 agenda, and we have committed ourselves to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and formulated an action plan.第五,面对当前挑战,我们应该落实2030年可持续发展议程,促进包容性发展。实现共同发展是各国人民特别是发展中国家人民的普遍愿望。据有关统计,现在世界基尼系数已经达到0.7左右,超过了公认的0.6“危险线”,必须引起我们的高度关注。今年,我们把发展置于二十国集团议程的突出位置,共同承诺积极落实2030年可持续发展议程,并制定了行动计划。

We will also support industrialization in Africa and the least developed countries, expand energy access and improve energy efficiency, encourage more consumption of clean and renewable energy, promote financial inclusion and encourage the young people to start their own businesses.Through these means and more, we can reduce the inequality and imbalance in global development and deliver the benefits of global growth to people of all countries.同时,我们还将通过支持非洲和最不发达国家工业化、提高能源可及性、提高能效、加强清洁能源和可再生能源利用、发展普惠金融、鼓励青年创业等方式,减少全球发展不平等和不平衡,使各国人民共享世界经济增长成果。

expand energy access提高能源可及性improve energy efficiency提高能效promote financial inclusion发展普惠金融 Dear Colleagues,各位同事!The G20 carries high expectation of the international community and shoulders a heavy responsibility.We must ensure that the G20 fully plays its role of keeping the world economy on the track of prosperity and stability.二十国集团承载着世界各国期待,使命重大。我们要努力把二十国集团建设好,为世界经济繁荣稳定把握好大方向。

shoulder a heavy responsibility承担重大责任,使命重大 First, the G20 must keep up with the changing times and lead the way forward.The G20 should adapt itself to the needs of the global economy and further transform itself from a mechanism of crisis response to one of long-term governance.When major issues emerge, the G20 has the responsibility to play a leading role and, with strategic vision, set the direction and blaze the trail for global growth.第一,与时俱进,发挥引领作用。二十国集团应该根据世界经济需要,调整自身发展方向,进一步从危机应对向长效治理机制转型。面对重大突出问题,二十国集团有责任发挥领导作用,展现战略视野,为世界经济指明方向,开拓路径。

keep up with the changing times与时俱进lead the way forward发挥引领作用blaze the trail for开拓路径

Second, the G20 should fully honor its commitment.As a Chinese saying puts it, one thousand promises do not count as much as one real action.We should make the G20 an action team instead of a talk shop.This year, we have formulated action plans for many areas such as sustainable development, green finance, energy efficiency and combating corruption, and each and every plan should be implemented.第二,知行合一,采取务实行动。承诺一千,不如落实一件。我们应该让二十国集团成为行动队,而不是清谈馆。今年,我们在可持续发展、绿色金融、提高能效、反腐败等诸多领域制定了行动计划,要把每一项行动落到实处。

honor its commitment恪守承诺;履行承诺one thousand promises do not count as much as one real action承诺一千,不如落实一件We should make the G20 an action team instead of a talk shop.我们应该让二十国集团成为行动队,而不是清谈馆。

Third, the G20 should become a platform of cooperation built through joint efforts that delivers benefits to all.We should continue to strengthen the institutional building of the G20 to sustain and deepen our cooperation.We should solicit[5] proposals for improvement and heed[6] the views of all countries, especially the developing countries, so as to make the G20 more inclusive and better respond to the demand of people of different countries.第三,共建共享,打造合作平台。我们应该继续加强二十国集团机制建设,确保合作延续和深入。广纳良言,充分倾听世界各国特别是发展中国家声音,使二十国集团工作更具包容性,更好回应各国人民诉求。[5]solicit [s?'l?s?t]to ask someone for money, information, or help 请求,索求,乞求to solicit donations for a charity呼吁人们向一个慈善机构捐款It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favours.公务员利用职务之便索要他人钱物是非法的。[6]heed [hi?d]to pay attention to something, especially advice or a warning 注意,听从(尤指建议或警告)The airline has been criticized for failing to heed advice/warnings about lack of safety routines.该航空公司因没有理会针对其日常安全工作不力提出的建议/警告而受到了批评。

Fourth, the G20 should stick together as partners in meeting challenges.Partnership is the most valuable asset of the G20.The G20 countries differ in national conditions, stages of development and face different challenges.But we all share a common goal of pursuing stronger growth, meeting challenges and achieving common development.So long as we stick together, we can navigate the heavy waves of the global economy and sail towards a future of growth.第四,同舟共济,发扬伙伴精神。伙伴精神是二十国集团最宝贵的财富。我们虽然国情不同、发展阶段不同、面临的现实挑战不同,但推动经济增长的愿望相同,应对危机挑战的利益相同,实现共同发展的憧憬相同。只要我们坚持同舟共济的伙伴精神,就能够克服世界经济的惊涛骇浪,开辟未来增长的崭新航程。stick together在一起;团结一致;互相支持navigate the heavy waves of the global economy克服世界经济的惊涛骇浪sail towards a future of growth开辟未来增长的崭新航程 Dear Colleagues,各位同事!@LearnAndRecord In preparing for the Hangzhou Summit, China has followed the principle of openness, transparency and inclusiveness, and maintained close contact and coordination with all other members.We have also held dialogue of various forms with the United Nations, the African Union, the G77, the least developed countries, landlocked countries and small island states to brief them and all the people who show an interest in the G20 on our preparation.We have listened to the views and proposals of various parties and benefited greatly from them in making preparation for the Hangzhou Summit.在杭州峰会筹备过程中,中国始终秉持开放、透明、包容的办会理念,同各成员保持密切沟通和协调。我们还举办了各种形式的外围对话,走进联合国,走进非盟总部,走进七十七国集团,走进最不发达国家、内陆国、小岛国,向世界各国,以及所有关心二十国集团的人们介绍杭州峰会筹备情况,倾听各方利益诉求。各方提出的意见和建议对这次峰会的筹备都发挥了重要作用。

landlocked countries内陆国

I hope that during discussions in the coming two days, we will pool our vision and create synergy so as to enable the Hangzhou Summit to fulfill its mandate of boosting global growth, strengthening international economic cooperation and promoting the future growth of the G20.我期待在接下来两天的讨论中,我们能够集众智、聚合力,努力让杭州峰会实现促进世界经济增长、加强国际经济合作、推动二十国集团发展的目标。

pool our vision and create synergy集众智、聚合力

Let’s make Hangzhou a new departure point and steer the giant ship of the global economy on a new voyage from the shore of the Qiantang River to the vast ocean.让我们以杭州为新起点,引领世界经济的航船,从钱塘江畔再次扬帆启航,驶向更加广阔的大海!

steer the giant ship of the global economy引领世界经济的航船 Thank you!谢谢大家。······



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