BBC听力材料文本总结 G20

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第一篇:BBC听力材料文本总结 G20

The Group of 20 nations have a consensus on which way they need to go in terms of currencies.That is the word from Canada's finance minister, Jim Flaherty.He spoke Friday just before the G20 finance ministers and central bank —governors---began their meeting.“Where we're trying to get to is an action plan that will avoid the temptation by some countries to protect their currencies in different ways,” Flaherty said.None of the G20 members, he explained, wants to be confrontational or leave here without an –agreement--.Officials from host South Korea predict some progress will be made on—resolving---the currency issue.There are growing concerns that many nations may competitively depreciate their currencies to protect –exports--.Many economists, however,--caution---not to expect any sort of grand bargain similar to the 1985 Plaza Accord―广场协议‖ 后的美元爆跌, which addressed the value of the U.S.dollar.Ahead of the G20 session, ministers of the G7 economies huddled.Canada's Flaherty, who –chaired--those talks, said there was a “frank exchange of views” at the informal meeting

China, as the number two economy, faces pressure to stop controlling its currency, which the United States, European Union and Japan say is undervalued.The weakened U.S.dollar has prompted more money to pour into Asian currencies where there is a better return on investment.But there are concerns that this flow of money could destabilize economies.But research fellow Jeong Young-Sik at the Samsung Economic Research Institute in Seoul does not envision a unified Asian –stance--at this G20 meeting.Jeong expects that Japan, as a highly developed country, will take a stance closer to that of the United States.South Korea and China, he explains, will be more sensitive to the –appreciation--of their own currencies.Japan's finance minister, Yoshihiko Noda, earlier this month said South Korea's role as –the summer--chair would be called into question if it repeatedly intervened to weaken its currency, the won.But Noda, on Friday, also rebuffed a U.S.proposal that all G20 nations agree on a target for current account balances往来帐余额;经常帐户收支

to ease currency tensions.He called numerical targets “unrealistic.”

U.S.Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in a letter to G20 members, urges countries running big trade surpluses/deficitto change policies to –boost--domestic sources of growth and support global demand.At the same time, he says countries that have trade and budget deficits, such as the U.S., should focus on sustainable policies to cut both.The meeting here, which ends Saturday, is to set the –agenda--for next month's G20 leaders' summit in Seoul.





3.其他:T字路/丁字路;Y字路/双叉路;二股「ふたまた」/双叉路;三叉路「さんさろ」/三叉路;バス通り「とおり」;突き当たり「つきあたり」/路的尽头 4.路口:角「かど」;辻「つじ」;隅「すみ」;隅っこ






※ ~を出て、すぐ右に曲がる / 出~,马上向右转。※ 線路に沿ってしばらく行く / 沿铁路走一段。

※ ~の大きな三叉路で左に曲がる / 走到大三岔路口转左。※ その手前の路地を右に入る / 到前面那个小路转入右边。※ 右へ行って左に行く / 向右,再向左

※ 突き当たりましたら左へ行く / 走到头后向左转。

※ 駅前の横断歩道を渡って、右に行き、三つ目の角を右に入る / 穿过车站前的人行横道,向右走到第三个拐角转入右边。

※ 駅ビルを目印にして探して行く / 以车站大楼为标记找着去。※ 小さな入り口をくぐって中に入る / 穿过一个小门进去。※ にぎやかな商店街を通り抜ける / 穿过一处繁华的商业街。

※ ~(場所)を探しています。~はどこですか。

※ ~(人)に~(場所)を聞いています。~はどこにありますか。※ ~(場所)について話しています。~へはどの道を通りますか。日期、时间的相关词汇和表达: 星期:

※ 月曜日「げつようび」;火曜日「かようび」;水曜日「すいようび」;木曜日「もくようび」;金曜日「きんようび」;土曜日「どようび」;日曜日「にちようび」


※ 当日「とうじつ」;翌日「よくじつ」;前日「ぜんじつ」;先日「せんじつ」;後日「ごじつ」;数日前「すうじつまえ」;ここ数日;近日「きんじつ」;隔日「かくじつ」;平日「へいじつ」;祝日「しゅくじつ」;定休日「ていきゅうび」;一日中

※ 終日「しゅうじつ」;まる一日;半日「はんにち」;毎日;週間「しゅうかん」;徹夜「てつや」;夜中「よなか」

※ 締め切り日「しめきりひ」/截止日期;日付「ひづけ」/(书信、文件等的)落款日期;日取り「ひどり」/举行仪式等的预定日期 表达:

※ 締め切りの期日は明後日だ / 截止日期是后天。※ 約束の期日に仕上げる / 在约定好的日期内完成。※ とっくに日にちが過ぎている / 早就过了日期。※ 期日を延ばす / 推迟截止日期。

※ ~(時間)にします / 定在~(时间)。各种预约、预定常使用的词语:







5、一つおいてとなり:隔壁的隔壁 形状、状态常考词汇:














BBC双语新闻讲解附字幕:医生称舒马赫仍未脱离危险 BBC News with Nick Kelly Both sides in the conflict in South Sudan have agreed to meet for peace talks in Ethiopia to try to halt the violence that's killed at least 1,000 people in the past two weeks.But fighting has continued and Bor forces loyal to the rebel leader Riek Machar are reported to be backing control of the strategic town of Bor.James Copnall is in the capital Juba.The talks are due to take place in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa once both delegations arrive.The first priority should be agreeing on the terms of a cessation of hostilities.Next would come the potentially more challenging issue of resolving the political fractures that created this crisis.President Salva Kiir has already told the BBC that he will not contemplate sharing power with his rival Riek Machar.Meanwhile the fighting continues.Earlier today, Mr.Machar said his forces had taken the town of Bor.Aid workers in Syria say hospitals in the country's biggest city Aleppo have been overwhelmed by civilian casualties following intense bombardment by government forces, They say barrel bombs improvised explosives have been dropped on densely populated areas including schools and markets.Aitor Zabalgogeazkoa of the charity Medecins Sans Frontieres has just returned from Aleppo, he said about 4 or 5 barrel bombs a day are been dropped and their impact has been devastating.“Really, it's probably the most difficult time for the people for the civilians in Aleppo.Everybody is terrified, and you know, paradoxically everybody terrified thinking that good weather would come back tomorrow and everybody are afraid of expecting there more extra to gain.”

Three journalists working for the Al-Jazeera television network have been remanded in custody for 15 days by the Egyptian authorities.The men were arrested on Sunday at a hotel in Cairo.They include the former BBC correspondent Peter Greste who's Australian.Bethany Bell reports from Cairo.A statement from the Egyptian public prosecutor's office said the journalists were accused of joining an illegal terrorist group.It said they broadcast false news which undermined the Egypt's reputation.Al-Jazeera has condemned the arrests and called for the immediate and unconditional release of its team.The Egyptian authorities have accused Al-Jazeera of bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood since the army overthrew president Mohammed Morsi in July.Last week, the Muslim Brotherhood was declared a terrorist organization.The United States says it has released the last three Chinese Muslim Uighur prisoners from a detention center at Guantanamo Bay.They have arrived in Slovakia which has agreed to take them in.The three men were held at the US prison for more than a decade after being captured in Afghanistan.The Pentagon said their transfer to Slovakia was a milestone in its efforts to close Guantanamo.World News from the BBC Doctors treating the German motor racing star Michael Schumacher say there has been a slight improvement in his condition.The seven times Formula 1 champion suffered serious head injuries in a skiing accident in the French Alps on Sunday.Neurosurgeons at the university hospital in Grenoble carried out a second operation overnight relieve pressure on his brain.They say Schumacher, who's been kept in a medically induced coma is not out of danger yet.France has given details of sharp cut in the number of troops in Mali.The French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian who's visiting Mali said there has been a 60% reduction over the next three months leaving 1,000 in place.In January this year, French soldiers defeated Islamist rebels who've taken over northern Mali but the insurgent attacks have continued.The Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Russia will continue to fight terrorists until their complete annihilation.The comments in a New Year's Eve speech were his first public remarks after two deadly suicide bombings on consecutive days in the city of Volgograd which killed 34 people.Islamist militants from Russia's Caucasus region have been widely blamed for attacks which have raised security concerns ahead February's Winter Olympics.And millions of people around the world are celebrating the new year.In Dubai fireworks exploded from the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building while revelers in central Moscow watched the spectacular display over the Kremlin.China counted down to midnight with light shows at the Great Wall near Beijing and in Shanghai.Also fireworks displaced in Auckland in New Zealand and Sydney in Australia.And in Hong Kong, fireworks exploded over Victoria Harbour.BBC News

词汇解释[/page] 1.cessation n.停止;中止;中断

He would not agree to a cessation of hostilities.他不会同意敌对状态的停止。

2.paradoxically adv.自相矛盾地;似非而是地;反常地

To speak paradoxically, the existence of insignificant people has very important consequences in the world.说来似乎近于怪论,天地间那些无足轻重之人往往产生万分重大的影响。3.remand vt.还押,还押候审;遣回

Carter was remanded in custody for seven days.卡特被取保候审了7天。

4.undermine vt.破坏,渐渐破坏;挖掘地基 She undermined him and destroyed his confidence in his own talent.她动摇了他的地位,摧毁了他对自己才能的信心。5.neurosurgeon n.神经外科医生

I must talk over his problem with the neurosurgeon and decide what to do.我要先和神经外科医生商量后,再作决定。

6.coma n.[医] 昏迷;[天] 彗形像差 She was in a coma for seven weeks.她昏迷了七周。

7.annihilation n.灭绝;消灭

They were to surrender immediately or face total annihilation.他们要么立刻投降,要么面临全歼的命运。

8.reveler n.欢宴者,狂欢者;饮酒狂欢者;摆设酒宴者 The clubs attract revelers as young as thirteen.俱乐部吸引了大批狂欢者,最年轻的才13岁。内容解析

1.The Pentagon said their transfer to Slovakia was a milestone in its efforts to close an effort to 企图(努力想);试图要

But insurgents are now focusing on spectacular assaults in an effort to affect the political situation.但是,叛乱者目前正集中精力进行大规模袭击,以期影响政治局势。She stopped smoking in an effort to control weight.为了控制体重,她戒了烟。

2.In January this year, French soldiers defeated Islamist rebels who've taken over northern Mali but the insurgent attacks have continued.take over 接管;接收

I'm going to take over the company one day.我总有一天会接管这家公司。

The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate.比利时人在一项国际联盟的授权下接管了卢旺达。


南苏丹冲突双方同意在埃塞俄比亚会谈以试图终止这场过去两周导致至少1000人丧生的暴力,但战斗仍在继续,据悉效忠于怕军领袖Riek Machar的博尔军队再次控制战略重镇博尔。James Copnall在首都朱巴报道。

一旦两方代表达到,会谈将在埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴举行。第一个重要问题将是就停止敌对状态达成协议,下一个提议可能更具挑战,那就是解决制造这场危机的政治分裂问题。总统萨尔瓦·基尔告诉BBC,他不会考虑与对手Riek Machar共享权力。同时战斗仍在继续。今天早些时候,Machar说他的部队已夺取博尔镇。



半岛电视台三名记者被埃及当局在押候审15天,他们是周日在开罗一家酒店被捕的,其中包括BBC前记者澳大利亚人彼得·奎斯特。Bethany Bell在开罗报道。








campus situations 和librarian 1.找资料困难

On reserve:限馆内阅读,不外借 Reference section:参考书库 Electronically:电子 Database:数据库

Narrow your search down:缩小研究范围 Abstract:摘要

Durable:持久的,耐用的 Review:评论 Critic 批评

Controvertial 有争议的 Fuss 混乱 Premier 首映 Stack 书架

Progess in any sort of logical manner 没有逻辑 Real ending 真正的结尾 Orientation 培训

Transfer student 转学生 Loan peroid 借期 Hook up 锁 Plug in 充电

Photocopy 复印机 Insert in 插入

Rare books 稀有书籍


Extended privilege service 延期借书服务 Circumstances 环境 Suspend 终止

Check out 把书借出图书馆 Political science 政治 Short of staff 少人 Replacement 替代

3.退书(书店)Full refund 全额退款 Merchandise 商品 For gear 设定了 Withdraw 退 Rigid 严格的

Syllabus 教学大纲 Store credit 商店积分


elementray school:小学 observation:观察 interdisipline:多学科 mythology 神话

Greek and Roman 希腊的和罗马的 Research skills:调查研究技能


Climate variation 气候变化 Data 数据 Expert 专家

Research project 研究项目

General or casual idea 大致的想法 Rule of thumb 凭经验的方法 Research journal 研究日记

Evolution in thought 想法的进化 Meteorological records 气象记录 Statistical tests 统计检验 Reference section 参考文献 Jot down 随便写下 Note Pad 笔记本 Draft version 草稿 Prerequisite 先决条件 Term paper 课程论文 Dialect 方言

Manageable 可操控的 Proposal 设计

Food-born bacteria 食物上长的细菌 Preliminary 初步的 Carton board 纸板 Flavor 味道 Dairy 牛奶场 Swamped 忙死了

Scope of the assignment 作业的范围 Stick to 坚持

Tangential 外围的 Mid-summer dream 仲夏夜之梦 Video collection 录像集 Track down 找到 Ironic 讽刺的

Transient 瞬息万变的

3.报名项目 Assume 假设 Introductory 导论 Relief 轻松

Main lecture hall 教学主楼 Excavate 开掘 Barn 谷仓

Artifact 手工艺品 Button 纽扣

Clay pottery 泥质陶 Extra credit 额外的分数 Tough time 困难 Incentive 动力 Retirement party Dean 系主任

Anthropology 人类学 Pitch in 加入

Versatile 多才多艺的 Hiring process 招聘过程

Qualified applicant 合格的候选者 Sample lecture 样板课堂 Academic interest 学科兴趣 Student representative 学生代表 Candidate 候选人 Perspective 观点

4.小组活动 Due 到期

Supreme court 最高法庭

Municipal land use cases 市政土地使用案例 Owning disputes 所有权争议 Stress out 压力大 Free-rider 搭便车 Split up 分割

Goof off 打发时间

Go down the drain 泡汤 Personal liberty 个人自由 Start from scratch 重新开始 Synthesis 总和 Congnitive 认知的 Couch 沙发


Strategic marketing 营销策略 High end 高端的 Aerobics 有氧体操 Gallery 画廊 Context 背景 Monsoon 季风 At stake 濒于险境 Surrender 放弃


Track meet 径赛

Lab project 实验室项目 Exmplary 杰出的

Cell division 细胞分裂 Blank out 空白

Fresh in my mind 新鲜 Medieval 中世纪

Take-home exam 带回去做的考试 Speculate 推断

两个students Register 选课

Contemporary literature 当代文学 Seminar 研讨班 Junior high 初中 Theory class 理论课

Till the end of the month 直到月末 Thesis 毕业论文 Revise 修改

Short of credits 学分不够

和receptionist at the registrar’s office 1.课被取消了

Room assinment sheet 教室分配表格 Bulletin board 公告板 Cancel 取消 Junk mail 垃圾邮件

Mailing address 通信地址

Administration office 行政办公室 Practical 实际的 Instructor 指导者 Sign up 报班 Enroll 注册

Physics depatment 物理系 Info 信息

Time slot 时间空档

2.毕业要求 Diploma 文凭 Intermediate 中等 Issue 发布

Chairperson 主席,导师 Field work 实地考察 Verify 证实

和counselor/ faculty advisor 1.在学校不习惯

Overwhelmed 吓到了 Culture shock 文化震惊 Understatement 低估 Keep pace with 跟上 Cello 大提琴

String quartet 弦乐团四重奏 Audition 面试

2.工作招聘会 Shoot 说

Career fair 工作招聘会 Flyer and post 传单和海报 Accounting firm 会计公司 Zillion 庞大的数字


Teacher the year 教室 Byline 署名

Specialize in 专业化 District court 地区法庭 Resume 简历

Prospective 预选的,准。。的 News editor 新闻编辑 Submission 上交的文件 Follow up 跟进 Enrollment 注册 adjust 调整

和学校的employee 1.体育馆

Gym pass 体育馆通行证 Indoor courts 室内场地 Entitle

2.教授秘书 Deposits 存款 Odd 奇怪的 Payroll 工资表 Retrieve 收回 Owed 应得的 Count on 依赖

3.设施管理 Choir 合唱团

Singing group 乐队 Rehearsal 彩排 Bulldozer 推土机

Jazz ensemble 爵士乐队 Acoustics 声音 Auditorium 礼堂

4.食堂经理 Flexible 灵活的 Food-prep 准备食物 Greens 蔬菜

Academic lectures 1.Archaeology Hieroglyph 象形文字 Engender 引起,造成

2.Art and history Bleak:凄凉的 Blurry:模糊不清的 Vibrant 鲜明的

Accessible平易近人的 Category 分类 Mollusk 软体动物 Uncanny 不寻常的 Suspicious 可疑的 Innovator 创新者 Pipe out 尖叫 Torches 火炬 Charcoal 木炭 Vitality 活力 Rhinocero 犀牛

Utter 完全的,彻底的 Subsidy 津贴补贴

Endowment 资助,捐助 Patron 资助人

Plaque 匾额,纪念碑 Formula 原则

Inciting 刺激的,煽动的 Obligatory 必须的 Denouement 结局 Press 印刷机 Quartz 石英 Knack 本领

Nightshade 茄属植物 Mandrake 曼德拉草 Belladonna 颠茄

Secularization 凡俗化 Clergy 牧师 Vernacular 方言 Plaza 广场

Chivalry 骑士制度 Parchment 羊皮纸 Scribe 抄书员 Monastery 修道院 Palimpsest 重写本 Decipher 破译本

Archimedes 阿基米德 Papyrus 莎草纸 Clarinet 单簧管 Quill 羽毛琴拨 Harp 竖琴 Recital 独奏会 Virtuoso 艺术大师 Paradigmatic 典型的 Lamp shade 灯罩 Hood 面罩 Barley 大麦

3.Geology Dating techniqques 测年技术 Grand canyon 大峡谷 Solidify 固化

Uranium lead dating 铀铅测年 Refinement 改进 Zircon 锆石

Radioactive 放射性 Lake bed 河床 Bulldozer 推土机 Theorize 总结,推断 Vibrate 震动 Tilt 倾斜

Rubricant 润滑剂 Brittle 易碎的 Shatter 碎裂 Crevasse 裂缝

Torrential 猛烈的,如注的 Pleistocene 更新世 Holocene 全新世

4.Archaeology Near east近东 Obsidian 黑曜石 Flake 成薄片状

Rectangular 长方形的 Hatchway 天花板出入口 Wooden ladder 木梯 Diagonal 斜的 Hearth 壁炉

Plaster 用石灰抹墙 Soot 煤烟 5.Biology Marmot 土拨鼠 Hibernate 冬眠 Reside 居住 Bizarre 古怪的 Meadow 草地

Manila hemp 马尼拉麻 Exceptionally 格外地 Moor 停泊

Steel cable 钢索 Zinc 锌

Stainless 不锈的 Preen 整理羽毛 Displacement Groom 清洁 Inhibit 阻止 Ruffle 弄皱了 Thrush 画眉鸟 Perch 栖木

Infrasound 次声波 Ultrasound 超声波

Recap 简要重述,概述 Pluver 珩

Fledgeling 刚长毛的鸟 Orangutan 猩猩 Prairie dog 土拨鼠 Coyote:野狼 Muffle lay 行话 Telomere 端粒 Unravel 解开 Pant 喘气

Unwittingly 不知情的 Hydrothermal 热水的 Tube worm 管虫 Aspen 山杨 Ash tree 梣木 Lug 吃力地搬 Haul 拉

Pros and cons 利弊 Octopus 章鱼

6.Psychology Manifestation 表现 Overt 公开的 Covert 隐蔽的

Ideomotor 观念运动的 Barricade 障碍 Cognition 认知 Cortex 皮层 Syllable 音节

7.Philosophy Aristotle 亚里斯多德 Attainment 达到 Comtemplation 冥想

8.Astronomy Decimal 小数 Uranus 天王星 Validity 可信度 Faint 微弱的

Asteroid belt 小行星带 Bloom 变得有活力 Spectroscopy 光谱学 Prism 棱镜 Beam 一束

Take a stab 尝试 Helium 氦

Planetory 行星的 Meteor 流星

Perpetually 永久地 Meteorite 陨石 Partition 分开 Zenith 天顶星

9.Environmental science/ ecology Hummingbird 蜂鸟

Banding study 系放研究 Citric 柠檬的 Subscribe 赞同 Calcite 方解石

10.Literature/ creative writing Ralph Waldo Emerson 爱默生 Conviction 信念

Dismiss 退去,解散,不再考虑 Conformity 遵从,一致 Attest 证实 Genre 体裁

Communal 共有的

Cousin 堂(表)兄弟姊妹 Dorminant attibutes 主要特点 Defer 拖延,推迟 Cliche 陈腐的说法 Ragged 破破烂烂的 Terminology 专用术语 Deed 行为 Contest 竞赛 Patriotic 爱国的 Synonym 同义词

11.Sociology Alligator 短吻鳄 Sewer 下水道,阴沟 Meme 文化基因 Fecundity 多产 Fidelity 忠实

12.Chemistry Curator 管理者 Infrared 红外线 Touchup Proton 质子 Discredit 不承认

Cyclotron 回旋加速器

13.Economics Boom and bust 经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环 Hysterical 歇斯底里的 Nomad 流浪汉 Craze 时尚 Specimen 标本 Bloom 开花

Promissory 应允的,承诺的 Hectares 公顷 Plum 李子树

Remnant 残留部分

14.Environmental science/ecology Granary 谷仓

Hippopotamus 河马 Giraffe 长颈鹿

15.Anthropology Pliable 易弯的,柔韧的 Cord 绳

Sturdy 强壮的,坚硬的 Maneuverable 可操纵的 Alliance 联盟

16.Architecture/city planning Detour 绕道 Pedestrian 行人

Denominator 共同特性 Hub 中心 Layout 布局

17. Business Billboard 广告牌

Prattle 闲扯,东拉西扯


[00:04.49]Egypt’s Supreme Election Commission says the new constitution has been approved by almost 64% of voters.埃及最高选举委员会称新宪法以近64%的支持率通过。

[00:12.41]Announcing the official results of the referendum, Judge Samir Abul al-Maati said the commission had investigated all the complaints of irregularities.Bethany Bell is in Cairo.Judge Samir Abul al-Maati宣布了公投的官方结果,称委员会已调查有关违规行为的诉讼。Bethany Bell在开罗报道。

[00:23.54]Almost two years after the fall of Egypt’s authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak, Egypt has a new constitution.就在埃及独裁统治者侯赛尼·穆巴拉克倒台两年后,埃及终于有了一部新宪法。

[00:30.79]It’s a victory for President Mohammed Morsi and his Islamist supporters.He says it will bring stability to the country.这对总统穆罕默德·穆尔西及其支持者来说是场胜利,他说新宪法将给埃及带来稳定,[00:38.76]It paves the way for parliamentary elections in the next two months.并为两个月后的议会选举铺平道路。

[00:43.32]But it’s very controversial, critics say it has an Islamist agenda and allows Muslim clerics too greater say in determining legislation.但公投导致诸多争议,批评者称这是伊斯兰的议程,使得穆斯林阿訇在立法上拥有更大话语权。

[00:53.78]The opposition says it will continue to fight against the constitution in parliament.反对派称将继续在议会反对这部宪法。

[00:58.92]Opposition sources in Syria have said the commander of Syria’s military police Major General Abdulaziz al-Shalal has defected to join the rebels.There’s been no independent confirmation.来自叙利亚反对派的消息称,叙利亚军队警察少将Abdulaziz al-Shalal已叛变加入叛军。目前尚无对此消息的独立确认,[01:11.98]He would be the highest ranking military police officer to defect since the beginning of the conflict in Syria nearly two years ago.这是自两年前叙利亚冲突开始以来变节的最高军阶的军官。

[01:18.80]Security forces in Northern Nigeria say gunmen have opened fire in a predominantly Christian village, killing 5 people and injuring 4 others.尼日利亚北部安全部队称武装人员在一个基督教为主的村庄开枪,杀死5人,伤及另外4人。

[01:28.84]A military spokesman told the BBC the attackers fired at worshippers in a small local church during midnight mass on Christmas Eve.Tomi Oladipo reports from Lagos.军队发言人告诉BBC,袭击者在平安夜子夜弥撒时对当地一座小教堂的礼拜者开火。Tomi Oladipo在拉各斯报道。

[01:39.47]Nigerian security services had given indications that were scaling up their operations this festive of season, 尼日利亚安全部队表示将在这个节日季节加大军事行动,[01:45.15]but it appears these plans have not prevented another attack from happening.但事实看来这些计划并未阻止任何袭击的发生。

[01:49.09]Residents of Peri village in Yobe state say a group of gunmen came to the village and headed straight to the church where they opened fire on worshippers.约贝州佩里村居民称一群武装人员来到村子,径直走向教堂并向礼拜者开枪。

[01:57.11]Local officials say some residents of the village fled their homes during the attack and have not returned.当地官员称一些村民在袭击发生时逃离家园,至今未归。

[02:02.52]It’s not clear who was behind the attack, but Yobe state has been one of the scenes of violence in northern Nigeria led by the Islamist group Boko Haram.尚不清楚袭击者的来历,但约贝州一直是伊斯兰博科圣地组织在尼日利亚的入侵地。

[02:10.61]A military plane with 27 people on board has crashed in Kazakhstan near the border with Uzbekistan.一架承载27人军用机在与乌兹别克斯坦接壤的哈萨克斯坦境内坠毁。

[02:18.00]A senior figure in the Kazakh emergencies department told the media that the plane had burnt up and that only fragments remained.BBC’s Abdujalil Abdurasulov reports from Almaty.哈萨克紧急部门一名高级人员告诉媒体,这架飞机已烧毁,只剩碎片。BBC记者Abdujalil Abdurasulov在阿拉木图报道。

[02:29.00]The Antonov 72 plane was taking 20 soldiers from the capital Astana to their duty station in the southern city of Shymkent.这架安东诺夫72飞机载着20名士兵从首都阿斯塔纳到他们在南部城市奇姆肯特的工作地。[02:36.90]The acting head of the border services agency was among the passengers.边境服务处主任是机上乘客之一,[02:40.84]It is not clear if any of them has survived, but Russian news agency Interfax reports they all died.尚不清楚是否有人幸存,但俄罗斯新闻机构国际传真社报道称机上人员全部遇难。

[02:47.57]The plane crashed some 20 kilometers away from its destination as it was descending to land.这架飞机坠落在将要降落时坠毁在据目的地20公里处。

[02:53.70]A local citizen told Kazakh TV that the plane exploded like a bomb.BBC World News 当地人告诉哈萨克电视台,称这架飞机像炸弹一样爆炸了。

[03:00.54]Queen Elizabeth has given her traditional Christmas address to the Commonwealth speaking of 2012 as a year of fellowship, friendship and the spirit of togetherness.伊丽莎白女王向英联邦发表传统的圣诞致辞,称2012年是充满友谊和团结精神的一年。[03:11.23]In a televised speech, the Queen said those qualities had been demonstrated in the celebrations for her diamond jubilee, which marked the 60th year of her reign.女王在电视讲话中称,这些品质在她的钻石庆典即60年登记纪念中得到体现。[03:20.73]“The enthusiasm which greeted the diamond jubilee was a course, especially memorable for me and my family.对于我和我的家人来说,登基60周年钻石纪念日的热情庆祝尤其值得纪念。[03:27.57]It was humbling that so many chose to mark the anniversary of a duty which passed to me 60 years ago.如此多的人选择庆祝我继承女王使命六十周年,我感到十分惶恐。

[03:35.01]People of all ages took the trouble to take part in various ways and in many nations.各个国家,各个年龄段的人不辞烦劳,以各种形式参与庆祝。

[03:41.79]But perhaps most striking of all was the witnesses of strength of fellowship and friendship among those who would gather together on these occasions.” 然而,最让人印象深刻的,是看到在这些场合聚集在一起的人身上友谊的力量。

[03:51.98]Polices in New York state have given more details of the killing of two volunteer firefighters shot dead on Monday after being lured to a place set as a trap by a man who then killed himself.周一,纽约两名志愿消防员被一名男子引诱来到一个地方然后被杀,目前纽约警方对这场谋杀案透露了更多细节。

[04:05.09]The Webster Police Chief Gerald Pickering said the assailant William Spengler left a note saying he wanted to do what he liked best, killing people.韦伯斯特警长杰拉尔德·皮克林称袭击者威廉·斯宾格勒留下字条称希望随心所欲地杀人。[04:13.81]He said William Spengler had serious mental health problems and had been armed with three guns.他说威廉·斯宾格勒患有严重的心理疾病,身上带了三把枪。

[04:19.10]The Interior Ministry in Ukraine says one of its helicopters has crashed, killing 5 people on board.乌克兰内政部称一架直升机坠毁,机上5人遇难。

[04:27.12]Three of the dead were crew and the other two were engineers.其中三人是机组人员,另外两人是工程师。

[04:30.93]The aircraft came down shortly after takeoff in the city of Olexandriya in the Kirovograd region.这架飞机在基洛沃格勒地区Olexandriya市起飞后不久即坠毁,[04:37.02]The interior ministry said the cause of the crash’s being investigated.内政部称目前仍在调查事故原因。[04:40.74]One of Britain’s most versatile composers Sir Richard Rodney Bennett has died in New York.Aged 76.英国最具才华的作曲家理查德·罗德尼·班尼特爵士在纽约去世,享年76岁。

[04:48.24]He had a distinguished career in classical music.He was also a prolific writer of film and television scores, earning 3 Oscar nominations.BBC world news 他在经典音乐上的成就举世瞩目,他还是一名多产的电影和电视配乐作家,获得三次奥斯卡提名。

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