A 6个月
B 3个月
C 2个月
D 10个月
A 贷款检查档案
B 贷款审查档案
C 贷款调查档案
D 贷款展期档案
A 贷款检查档案
B 贷款审查档案
C 贷款调查档案
D 贷款展期档案
A 贷款检查档案
B 贷款审查档案
C 贷款调查档案
D 贷款展期档案
A 贷款检查档案
B 贷款审查档案
C 贷款调查档案
D 贷款展期档案
6、个人贷款跟踪检查表属于哪类个人贷款三查资料档案(A)A 贷款检查档案
B 贷款审查档案
C 贷款调查档案
D 贷款展期档案
A 贷款检查档案
B 贷款审查档案
C 贷款调查档案
D 贷款展期档案
A 个
B 5个
C 3个
D 2个
A 60天
B 30天
C 10天
D 7天
10、在我行申请1年期质押贷款,我行信贷员应该(C)检查一次 A 每月
B 每季
C 每半年
11、借款人在我行有1年期的个人抵押贷款,信贷员应(B)检查一次 A 每月
B 每季
C 半年
12、借款人在我行有1年期的个人保证贷款,信贷员应(B)检查一次 A 每月
B 每季
C 每半年
13、分期付息到期一次性还本方式的1年期个人消费类贷款(C)检查一次 A 每月
B 每季
C 每半年
A 30个
B 15个
C 7个
D 5个
15、按月分期还款的个人贷款逾期2期,我行信贷员应在贷款逾期后应(B)A 电话催收
B 上门催收
C 现场调查
D 采取保全措施
16、借款人在我行的1年期抵押贷款贷款即将到期,如展期最长可选择下列哪一展期期限(B)A 2年
B 11个月
C 6个月
D 3个月
17、借款人与贷款人的借贷业务往来应当遵循(C)平等、诚实和信用的原则 A 自尊
B 自强
C 自愿
D 自信
A、一般保证 B、连带保证 C、任意保证 D、未设立保证
22、代理人在代理权限范围内实施代理行为,其法律后果由(C)承担。A、代理人 B、第三人 C、被代理人 D、代理人的所在单位
1、下列哪些资料属于个人贷款调查档案(ACD)A 借款保证人情况调查表 B 借款合同
C 借款人婚姻状况证明 D 借款人收入证明
2、下列哪些资料属于个人贷款审查档案(BCD)A 借款保证人情况调查表 B 借款合同 C 保证合同 D 抵押物清单
3、下列哪些资料属于个人贷款检查档案(AB)A 个人贷款跟踪检查表 B 季度个人贷款专户报告 C 保证合同 D 抵押物清单
4、下列哪些资料属于个人贷款展期档案(ABD)A 贷款展期协议 B 贷款展期申请书 C 还款计划
D 贷款展期审批通知单
5、个人经营类贷款的首次检查内容主要是(AB)A 客户是否按照合同约定用途使用信贷资金 B 客户对合同限制条款的落实情况 C 是否按时还息 D 经营的状况
6、对1年期的个人房产抵押贷款进行检查,主要内容包括(ACD)A 对借款人个人信息进行检查 B 对保证人个人信息进行检查 C 对借款用途进行检查 D 对抵押品进行检查
7、对个人借款的借款用途进行检查内容主要包括(ABCD)A 信贷资金使用用途的合法性 B 信贷资金使用用途的合规行 C 信贷资金使用用途的真实性
D 监督客户身产、经营和财务状况是否正常
8、下列哪种说法不正确有的(BCD)A 短期贷款展期不能超过原贷款期限。B 短期贷款展期不能超过三个月 C 短期贷款展期可以超过原贷款期限 D 短期贷款展期不能超过2年
9、借款人申请将在我行的1年期抵押贷款展期,请问其可以选择几种展期期限(ABD)A 3个月
D 11个月
10、借款人与贷款人的借贷业务往来应当遵循(ABCD)的原则 A 自愿 B平等 C 诚实 D 信用
11、贷款五级分类包括(正常)、(A)、(次级)、(C)和(损失)五种。A 关注
B 呆滞
C 可疑
D 呆帐
A 关注
B 次级
C 可疑
D 损失
A、一般 B、抵押 C、质押 D、连带
A、信用贷款 B、抵押贷款 C、质押贷款 D、保证担保贷款
1山西联考:张艺谋的《英雄》,《十面埋伏》,《满城尽带黄金甲》,《金陵十三钗》。2辽宁师范:《杨澜访谈录》,采访的山西新绛中学校长宁致义,看片 3湖南师范:《土楼》专题片,看片 4江西师范:《我与地坛》央视专题片,看片
12重庆邮电: 专题片《江南》,编故事有个人收到一条短信,说他中奖啦,只要自助机交费
20许昌学院:《红高粱》,《阳光灿烂的日子 默评
6.以“成为卓越品质的创造者”是中国移动发展的必然,在以下答案中请选择体现 “我必须”的内容是()(3分)
对于借款人存在的“借新还旧” 的贷款现象,要掌握好以下原则:一是借款人生产经营是否基本正常;二是借款人需先归还部分贷款本金和全部欠息;三是贷款期限原则上不超过一年。除自然灾害外,对借款人再次要求办理借新还旧的,原则上不予办理,采取提前收回贷款,到期减少续贷,停止贷款或诉讼的措施,清收贷款本息,建立这种信贷退出机制,为信贷风险的防范创造良好的社会环境。
1.High school students should study abroad, or not?
(5)留学生并不一定能够提升职业竞争能力,留学并不代表成功。positive side:(1)Students abroad can act as messengers for culture exchange.(2)If we live in a foreign language environment, we are able to learn a foreign language more quickly.(3)Studying abroad makes us enjoy the beautiful scenery abroad , expands our horizons and provides an opportunity for us to learn advanced ideas in western countries.(4)Studying abroad can cultivate the students’ ability in self-supporting and help them to establish the spirit of hard.(5)After they returning to their countries, they will have a better competitiveness for the workplace.negative side:(1)Students abroad will have difficulties adapting to the new environment.(2)When we are far away from our hometown and our parents, we may feel lonely and homesick.(3)For the family which is not rich, studying abroad is also a great economic burden undoubtedly.(4)It is not easy to graduate from foreign universities because of their management system of “come in easily,out strictly”.(5)It is not necessary for students abroad to improve their professional competitiveness.Studying abroad doesn’t mean success.Is it good or bad to study abroad?
Attending schools abroad has many advantages.The living experience may teach them to be independent and more adaptable to new environment.They can act as mediators between different peoples, learn much more advanced knowledge and a foreign language more quickly.However, they’ll come across a series of challenges.They’re far away from their parents and don’t have enough Chinese friends.So, they may feel lonely and homesick and deal with everything by themselves.Studying abroad is also a great economic burden to their parents.Moreover, they’re not sure to make a great achievement.Since students can enjoy education of the same quality in China, why should they bother to study abroad?
Therefore, whether it’s good or not to study abroad depends on the individual.2.We should celebrate western festivals,or not? 我们是否应该庆祝西方节日
positive side:(1)Celebrating western festivals is a kind of unavoidable cultural exchange.(2)Western festivals are accepted by more and more people.And it’s the tendency for us to celebrate western festivals.(3)Some western festivals are humanistic and educational.And celebrating western festivals helps to rich people’s life and relax themselves.negative side:(1)Celebrating western festivals to some extent is a kind of behaviour means overlooking our country.(2)Celebrating western festivals may be a great waste and cause some unnecessary consumption.(3)Celebrating our own traditional festivals is the mainstream throughout the time.我认为我们应该尊重我们的传统文化,这些节日是中国文化的一部分。与此同时,我们也可以在欢乐中度过西方节日。有以下几点原因。
As far as I am concerned, we should value our traditional festivals, which have been an part of the Chinese culture, and meanwhile, we can have a taste of the western festivals just for fun.There are several reasons.First of all, the traditional festivals have been the symbol of Chinese culture.They are the most precious intangible cultural heritage.We should shoulder the responsibility of protecting and promoting them.Secondly, the traditional festivals offer us the most important occasions for family reunion and the expansion of social connections.What is more, the traditional festivals provide great opportunities for the travel industry.People like travel in some holidays.Finally, a lot of foreigners are fond of our traditional festivals.It is benefical for intercultural communication.In a word, the world is getting smaller and smaller.We should protect our culture on the one hand and on the other hand, we can also celebrate the western festivals for the sake of intercultural communication.3.Books will be replaced by e-book, or not? 电纸书是否会取代纸质书
(2)看电子书很方便, 如果你有一个像Kindle这样的电子阅读器,你可以随时随地阅读成千上万本书。(3)随着科技的飞速发展,用电子阅读器上看书会使你觉得就像是阅读传统书籍一样。
positive side:(1)E-book is much cheaper than paper-book.(2)E-book is more convenient than paper-book.If you have an electronic reader such as Kindle, you can read thousands of books anytime anywhere.(3)With the rapid development of technology, you will feel you are reading a traditional book on the electronic readers.(4)The e-book is an environmentally friendly product which can reduce the waste of resources.negative side:(1)People have used traditional books to study for a long time.(2)Traditional books have a great variety of books while e-books can be lacking.(3)The technology of the electronic reader is still immature, thus the cost of maintenance is high.随着科技的快速发展,人们被各种各样的电子产品所包围。越来越多的人们倾向于用电脑或者手机看书,而不是到图书馆看书。因此,一场关于电子书是否会取代纸质书的争议展开了。就我看来,我认为电子书终将取代纸质书。原因如下:
With the quick development of technology, people are surrounded by all kinds of electronic devices.And more people are tending to read books by computers or phones rather than go to library to read books.Hence, there is a hot debate on whether e-books will replace paper-books.For my perspective, I think e-book will replace paper-book eventually.Reasons are listed below.Firstly, e-book is much cheaper than paper-book.Secondly,e-book is more convenient than paper-book.If you have an electronic reader such as Kindle, you can read thousands of books anytime anywhere.Thirdly,with the rapid development of technology, you will feel you are reading a traditional book on the electronic readers.And most importantly,the e-book is an environmentally friendly product which can reduce the waste of resources.All in all, e-book will replace paper-book in the near future.4.Live in the dormitory and rent a house during the university,which is better? 大学生住宿舍,在外租房子住,哪个更好? 住宿舍更好:(1)住学校宿舍教育设施齐全,而且住宿费比每月租金便宜很多。
(4)住学校宿舍不利于学习,尤其是进修考研。Living in the dormitory is better:
(1)A lot of educational facilities are at hand on campus and the accommodation fee is much lower than the monthly rent.(2)By sharing a room with others,one learns how to get along with classmates,improves interpersonal skills in the collective life and also gains precious friendship.(3)There may appear some safety problems as you live outside of the school.(4)The students who live outside of the school relax themselves easily because of the lack of supervision.They may be late for school or truancy.Renting a house during the university is better:
(1)Many dormitories are far from comfort because they are small,noisy,stuffy in summer and cold in winter.(2)You can have your own private time,and you may feel more freely.(3)Lack of unnecessary conflicts and suspicion in life saves a lot of time which we can use to do more meaningful things.(4)It is not good for studying in the dormitory ,especially for Advanced Study.Nowadays, some students would not like to live in a dormitory.Instead, they rent houses outside the school.There are advantages for both.Living in a dormitory can increase friendship and cooperation between classmates.And of course, it is safer.A dormitory is more like a society, wich enables students to learn to adapt to each other, thus preparing for the social life later.As for renting houses to live alone, it’s better for study as you can feel free in your own room without being interrupted by others.As a result, you can have more time and devote yourself to studying whole-heartedly.But there may appear some safety problems as you live outside of the school.As is often said,every advantage has its disadvantage.Living outside campus is no exception.Dormitory life,though a bit unsatisfied,is precious to every college student.Therefore,I think that live in the dormitory is more better.5.Do you want to cancel examinations of university? 你想取消大学的考试吗?
Yes, I do:(1)Examinations of university force us to study just for passing tests, not for acquiring knowledge especially.(2)Exams of university cannot truly or fully reflect a person’s ability.(3)Exams of university will bring the students great pressure,which maybe affect their lives.No, I do not:(1)Examinations of university make students concentrate on learning and not negelect their studies.(2)Examination of university can make students know about their learning conditions.(3)A good mark proves one’s study ability to some extent.在绝大多数大学里,考试都是作为衡量学生是否掌握某一课程的主要手段。虽然这很有效,但它也有很大的副作用。
事实上,我们中很少有人承认考试对学生学业的发展有任何真正重要的作用。如果真的是这样的话,为什么我们不取消大学考试,设计出一些比考试更有效更可靠的东西呢? Nowadays the examinations are used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject in most colleges and universities.Although it is efficient, its side effects are also enormous.On the one hand, examinations lower the standards of teaching.Since teachers are often judged by examination results, they are forced to training their students in exam techniques.No subjects can be taught successfully merely through being approached with intent to take examinations.On the other hand, the most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits.the examinations are the only criterion for his academic performance ,students are driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively.Examinations of university force us to study just for passing tests, not for acquiring knowledge especially.What’s more,exams cannot truly or fully reflect students’ ability.In fact, few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to the students’ academic development.If that is the case, why cannot we cancel examinations of university and devise something more efficient and reliable than examinations?
6.Entity shopping and online shopping, which is better? 实体购物和网上购物,哪个更好? 实体购物更好:(1)网上购物的缺点就是我们只能通过图片来了解商品的外形,不能真正看到商品的真伪与好坏,实体店我们可以了解商品的具体情况。(2)当我们在实体店购物时,我们可以试穿衣服或者是鞋子,同时销售人员会给我们提出一些建议,帮助我们做出最好的选择。
(3)我们可以同时在不同的店铺比较相同的商品,不仅节省时间,还避免了尴尬。Entity shopping is better:(1)When we go shopping on the internet,we can only understand the shape of goods by pictures,can not actually see the authenticity of the goods with good or bad.The relative physical store,we can understand the specific situation of the commodity.(2)When we go shopping in a physical store , we can try clothes or shoes in person and the salesman will give us some advice so that we can make the best choices.(3)You can never be sure whether the product is exactly what you see in the picture or read in the descriptions by shopping online.(4)The products may be lost in the express delivery.Online shopping is better:
(1)Relatively speaking,online shopping is relatively cheaper than entity shopping
(2)Online shopping is time and money saving.With plentiful selection options, people can buy whatever they like at any time convenient.(3)We can compare the same kind of products in different stores at the same time, which is able to save your time and avoid embarrassment.Nowadays, it seems more and more popular that people like shopping online.It provides us much convenience.We can choose the style and size online.After all, it has become a quite prevalent way when we do some shopping.There is also a very hot discussion about it.“Should people shop online or in store ?” Different people may hold different views.Some people like online shopping.They think it’s very convenient.All you can do is to click the mouse, then the computer can do the rest thing for you.And the price is much lower than the price in store.Some people hold a opposite view.They think the size online is always changing.There are many problems, like the quality ,also, the size.Few people can buy what they really want.Also, the system of online shopping is not perfect.They think shopping in store is their better choice.Well, as for as I’m concerned, people should choose the right shopping way depending on their own interests.And we can’t force them.These two ways do have their own advantages and disadvantages.All you can do when you’re shopping is to be more and more careful.7.Have young people need to follow the tide? 年轻人是否需要跟随潮流
(2)潮流源于生活,反映生活趋势,充分考虑了消费者的需求。(3)潮流让人们在生活中体验不同角色,同时使世界更加丰富多彩。Yes,they need:(1)When young people pay more attention to following tide, they must be focus less on their work or study.(2)Tide changes too fast.It will waste both time and money if you follow tide blindly.(3)Someone lose his own hobbies and judgment.No,they needn’t:(1)Tide in the new era does not mean high comsuption.(2)Tide roots in daily life , reflecst that life and takes the consumers' demand into account.(3)Tide allows people to try on many roles in life.And meanwhile it make the world in which we live more colourful.In the modern world, following tide is a vital element of life, But as youths,do we need to follow tide? I think following tide is not a wise choice for the youths.I will illustrate my viewpoint with the following two aspects.First of all, I think it could take plenty of time for the young people to follow tide.The significant mission of young people is studying or working, whereas it is unlikely to follow tide without delaying study or work.Consequently, young people do not need to follow the tide.Secondly, following tide will cost money.The economy source of the young people is typically from their parents.So from this angle, saving money for parents is much better than cost money in fashion things.I do not deny that ,human beings desire to be beautiful and fashionable,but I think as a youth , study and work are more important.In summary, it is too early for the youths to follow tide.8.Parents send their children into a famous school is good? 父母把他们的孩子送到名校好吗?
Good:(1)A famous school is equipped with standard facilities and outstanding teachers which create a good platform for the growth of children.(2)The children graduate from famous schools are more confident.(3)There are many chances for children to participate in various activities in famous schools, which can promote the children all-round development.(4)It has higher yield in famous schools Not good:(1)A famous school encourages the children’s proud psychology, and it is unable to build up the children’s psychological quality.(2)The fees is much higher than general schools in famous schools.For the family which is not rich, sending their children into a famous school is also a great economic burden undoubtedly.(3)If children’s learning grade is not good, it will put so much stress on them by sending them to famous schools.They bring about self-abased psychology easily.(4)Studying in a famous school does not guarantee success.With the development of society, more and more parents send their children into a famous school , because the famous school is equipped with standard facilities and outstanding teachers which create a good platform for the growth of children.What’s more, it has higher yield in famous schools.As an old going says: every coin has two sides, both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages.It also has disadvantages by sending children into a famous school.First, the famous school encourages the children’s proud psychology, and it is unable to build up the children’s psychological quality.Second, the fees is much higher than general schools in famous schools.For the family which is not rich, sending their children into a famous school is also a great economic burden undoubtedly.Third, if children’s learning grade is not good, it will put so much stress on them by sending them to famous schools.They bring about self-abased psychology easily.Last but not least, studying in a famous school does not guarantee success.Winning or losing is not just influenced by the school they attend.As far as I am concerned, when the parents plan to send their children to a famous school, they should take something into consideration ,such as the chidren’s learning grade and the economic condition.Parents need to use a rational attitude to treat the famous schools.9.The positive and negative effects of stress.压力的积极作用和消极作用 积极作用:
(1)过度的压力或者是长时间承受压力都会影响我们的健康。(2)压力会使人焦虑、易怒、失眠、注意力不集中。(3)压力会影响学习效率和已有水平的正常发挥。Positive effects :(1)Stress can be changed into a kind of motivation if we handle it well.(2)People can be encouraged to improve efficiency when under stress, they will brave difficulties and strive to achieve their goals.(3)Moderate pressure can stimulate our motivation and inspire our potential.Negative effects:(1)Excessive stress or suffering from stress for a long time does harm to our health.(2)People may feel their stress –being anxious or worried, being easily angered or not being able to sleep or concentrate well.(3)Stress can affect the learning efficiency and the normal performance of existing level.在现代社会,大多数人承受的压力都比以往要多。有些人不懂得正确处理压力,而选择了极端的方式去逃避或了结他们的压力。但是,压力是有害的吗?在我看来,任何事情都有两面性。同样地,我们要从两个方面来认识压力。
In modern society, most people are under the higher pressure than ever before and some people cannot handle the stress well and choose some extreme ways to avoid or settle their stress.However, is stress a bad thing? As far as I am concerned, everything has two coins, and we also need to realize it from two aspects.For one thing, stress is a kind of mental burden caused by nervousness or anxiety.In modern society, stress is mostly caused by the high requirements or heavy burden from surroundings or us, such as stress from peers or stress in economy.If we cannot handle the stress well, we would be easy to be in a negative mood and lost our motivation and courage to keep going or struggle with difficulties.In this aspect, stress is a threat for our body and mind.However, for another, stress can also be changed into a kind of motivation if we handle it well.For example, when you find that you are surpassed by your classmates in an examination, you feel stressful but at the same time, you also tell yourself that you need to work harder to surpass him next time.Under this stress, you will find yourself have more motivation and energy to study.In this point, stress is a propeller for us to get more improvements.Thus, we need to use a dialectical method to treat stress and handle it properly.10.To be a rich man will make you feel more happy, do you think so? 你认为成为一个有钱人会让你更快乐吗? 我认为是的:
(3)有钱人总是担心接近他的人不怀好意,不容易信任别人,经常会感到孤独。(4)有钱人往往为了成功牺牲个人生活、亲情、友情、爱情以及健康。I think so:(1)If I were rich, I could do anything I want.(2)If I were rich , I could travel all over the word.I suppose this is the dream of many people the word over.(3)If I were rich, I could provide a better life for my parents.(4)If I were rich, I could help the people who need help.After giving rose to others,fragrance remains with the hands.I would feel more happy.I don’t think so:(1)The rich are not easy to be satisfied.(2)The process of labour,creation,striving and harvest is a kind of happiness.If you are a rich man, you will not need to struggle for money.You will lose the happiness.(3)The rich always worry whether the person who is close to them has evil intentions.They don’t believe others easily and they always feel lonely.(4)The rich often sacrifice their personal life, family ties, friendship,love and health in order to succeed.Would you be happier if you become a rich man? I think that most people will answered:“Yes,I would”.In fact, I also think so.If I were rich, I could do anything I want.If I were rich , I could travel all over the word.I suppose this is the dream of many people the word over.If I were rich, I could provide a better life for my parents.If I were rich, I could help the people who need help.After giving rose to others,fragrance remains with the hands.I would feel more happy.However, I know that happiness is not just related to money.The personal life, family ties, friendship,love and health are also very important factors.If you live in a inharmonious family and have a poor health, you will not feel happy even if you have lots of money.Money can do many things, but it cannot buy health and the harmony of a family.To sum up, money can add happiness to our life,but it is not happiness.11.Students should learn from books or practice? 学生应该从书本中学习还是在实践中学习学生应该从书本中学习:
(3)通过参与社会实践,同学们可以更紧密地关注社会现状,为将来的工作积累经验。Students should learn from books:(1)Practice usually costs a lot of time.Students can gain knowledge from books without the restrictions of time and space.(2)Based on the experience from predecessors,we can also acquire knowledge from books which we gain from practice.(3)Books can broaden our minds,enrich our thinking,and inform us of many of the things which can’t be learned from practice.Students should learn from practice:(1)Only by applying themselves into social practice, can the students enhance their ability of solving real-world problems and be more independent.(2)Through taking part in kinds of social practice, students can get a closer eye on the present situation of the society, and accumulate experience for future work.(3)We can gain lots of knowledge that the books do not cover by attending social practice.It has been said, “Not every thing that is learned is contained in books.” In your opinion, students should learn from books or practice? Why? “Experience is the best teacher” is an old cliche(陈词滥调), but I agree with it.You can’t learn everything from a book.Of course, learning from books in a formal educational setting is also valuable.And students can gain knowledge from books without the restrictions of time and space.Nevertheless(然而), I think that the most important lessons can’t be taught;they have to be experienced.Only by applying themselves into social practice can the students enhance their ability of solving real-world problems and be more independent.What’s more, through taking part in kinds of social practice, students can get a closer eye on the present situation of the society, and accumulate experience for future work.To sum up, it is true that social practice is a more effective way to enhance students’abilities in all aspects.Knowledge starts with practice.Therefore, students should grasp every chance to practice and perfect them.12.Education or work experience, which one is more important? 学历和工作经验,哪个更重要? 学历更重要:
Education is more important:(1)For a person who just graduates from university ,if he has higher education , there will be a higher opportunity to enter the door of his ideal company(2)In some big companies, the education is the key condition to get a promotion.(3)There are a strict admittance system of education in state-owned enterprises or public institutions.If your education is short of the corresponding level, you have no qualification to apply for these units.Work experience is more important:(1)Now ,education can not represent one’s ability increasingly, and comprehensive abilities get more and more attention by companies.(2)For some companies,If you don’t have enough work experience, you will have no qualification to apply for these units(3)You will have advantages over others in higher position competition with related work experience.(4)The education will become worthless if the person is lack of practical ability.Companies prefer to hire the applicant whose degree is lower, but the experience is more.It is always a hot topic that what should a boss focus on more, someone pay their attention to work experience , but at the same time, some others argue that the opposite one--education is more important.In my opinion, different choice should be made on different occasion.If person the boss faced is a young man who just graduates from universitie, the education should be think about more.As a student ,he has an obligation to do his study well ,and at this point ,a beautiful school report card is great, at least it proves his study ability, which is very essential for the coming days.But if whom the boss faced is a forty old man and just fired a company or be fired by the original corporation , then the boss would think a lot of such things as work ability , experience and so on.Then the education would be seen nothing as it is just a history to him.All in all ,both of them are important, of course ,there are some else are also indispensably, to the boss ,before making a choice, think about what he want most, namely, which person he need most is most important.13.Should we smoking in public area? 我们应该在公共场合吸烟吗? 我们不应该在公共场合吸烟:
(3)在公共场合吸烟危害更大,被动吸烟比吸烟人患病率要高。We should not smoking in public area:(1)Smoking is harmful to the environment.It pollutes environment by giving much poisonous gas off into the air.(2)Smoking does harm to our health.Smoking can lead to many diseases,such as lung cancer.(3)In public places,the harm of smoking is greater.Ratio of passive smokers getting ill is higher than that of smokers.现在,有些单位宣称没有人可以在他们的办公室里吸烟。有些国家已禁止在公共场所吸烟,这种做法很好,尽管它剥夺了我们一些自由。正如我们所知道的,吸烟不仅对健康不利而且对环境也不利。吸烟会导致多种疾病,例如:肺癌。烟气对不吸烟者的影响有甚于对吸烟者本人的影响。被动吸烟比吸烟人患病率要高,所以很多不吸烟的人反对在公共场合吸烟。同时吸烟所产生的大量有害气体会污染环境。因此,在公共场合不吸烟是非常必要的和重要的,这可以保护人类健康和环境。有些人说这会剥夺我们的一些自由。我认为这样的观点是片面的,如果某人想抽烟,可以在私人场合抽烟而不是在公共场合。实际上,烟民仍然有吸烟的自由。不过,我认为不仅仅是私下里,而且,在公共场合,在任何地方烟民最好放弃抽烟,这会有益于每个人。
Some businesses now say that no one can smoke in any of their offices.Some governments have banned smoking in all public places.This is a good idea though it takes away some of our freedom.As we know,smoking is harmful not only to our health but also to the environment.Smoking can lead to many diseases,such as lung cancer.Smoking affects nonsmokers more than it does smokers.Ratio of passive smokers getting ill is higher than that of smokers.So,many nonsmokers are against smoking in public area.And meanwhile, smoking pollutes environment by giving much poisonous gas off into the air.Therefore,no smoking in public area is very necessary and important to us.It is a measure to protect our health and environment.Some people say that it takes away some of our freedom.I think it is a one-sided view.If one wants to smoke,he may smoke in private places,not in the public places.In fact,smokers still have the freedom of smoking.But I think,smokers had better give up smoking,not only in private places,but also in the public places,everywhere.It will be beneficial to all of us.14.Countryside and city, which will make you feel happier? 农村和城市,哪个会让你感觉更快乐?
(3)在农村几乎没有娱乐节目,这会让人们感到无趣。(4)在农村,教育、医疗以及交通落后。Countryside:(1)You can enjoy the fresh air and tranquility of the country.(2)The people who live in the beautiful country is more healthy than citizens.(3)The city is always noisy and polluted seriously.(4)The city dwellers have to suffer from poor housing problems and traffic jams.City:(1)The city has more convenient sources and modern information technology in transportation system ,medical care, education , entertainment and etc.These make people’s life abundant and convenient greatly.(2)We can get to know as many people as they want in the city.(3)There are few entertainment center in the country ,which makes people feel dull.(4)The education ,the medical care and transportation are also backward.Both these two sorts of life have their own supporters who have balanced their advantages and disadvantages.City life makes its supporters on top of the modern world.Compared with country life, city life seems to be more convenient.There are broad roads for traffic, and different shops for his people to buy everything they want.Besides, there’re also more jobs and opportunities for the young to try.When it comes to country life, we know that it can be calm and peaceful.Living in the country with less struggles and temper makes people feel happy and relaxed.Moreover, its clear air and natural food lead people to a healthy life.For me, I prefer to live in the country, for its pure and simple ways.My life needn’t be wealthy or complicated.Green trees and blue sky, a book and a cup of tea, a considerate lover and a warm family, that’s all I want.15.Do you think students should wear school uniform in school? 你认为学生应该在校穿校服吗? 学生应该在校穿校服:
(4)穿校服很不方便,而且穿便服比穿校服好看。students should wear school uniform in school:(1)It is helpful to build up team work ability, enhance the school's entire public image, and boost up the honour of collectiveness by wearing school uniform.(2)School uniform helps students avoid being compared to others about the clothes.It can make students possess health both in body and mind.(3)School uniform is one of the sign and symbol of the school.It reveals students’ identity.(4)Students’ characteristic of vigorousness can be highlighted by wearing monotonous school uniform.students should not wear school uniform in school
(1)It is bad for students’ development of aesthetic and personality by wearing school uniform in this era of respect for individuality.(2)It limits the creativity and imagination of students by wearing school uniform.(3)It is rigid by wearing school uniform ,because the school uniform always does not go with the tide.(4)It is not convenient to wear school uniform.And wearing casual clothes is more beautiful than wearing school uniform.Many high schools,both public and private, require students to wear uniforms.Taking the advantages of wearing school uniforms into consideration, I'm all for it that school uniforms should be a necessity for students.First, uniforms make students equal on an economic level.With uniforms, students from poor families dress the same as students from rich families.This can prevent envy and jealousy about stylish clothes.It can also encourage students to form friendships based on personality, not clothes.Second, uniforms encourage the individual students of a school to feel like part of a bigger group.Their feelings of being together, working together and having something in common are all helped by uniforms.It is helpful to build up team work ability, enhance the school’s entire public image, and boost up the honour of collectiveness by wearing school uniform.Last but not least, school uniform is one of the sign and symbol of the school.It reveals students’ identity and highlights Students’ characteristic of vigorousness.In a word, I think highly of school uniforms.It can always do us good.