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论文题目 A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in(英文)


English Study 简析英语学习中的自主学习 A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English Study


Abstract..................................................................................................................................ii 摘要………...........................................................................................................................ii Outline..................................................................................................................................iii 提纲......................................................................................................................................iv 1.Introduction.......................................................................................................................1 1.1 Definition of learner autonomy....................................................................................1 1.2 The importance of developing learner autonomy in English self-study......................2 2.The factors influenced learner autonomy……………………………………………..…3 2.1 Motivation....................................................................................................................3 2.2 Attitude.........................................................................................................................4 2.3 Learning strategy..........................................................................................................5 2.4 Cognitive style.............................................................................................................5 3.The roles in learner autonomy in EFL…………………………………………………….6 3.1 Roles of autonomous learners......................................................................................6 3.2 Teachers’ roles..............................................................................................................6 3.3 Roles of materials…………………………………………………………………….7 3.4 Roles of institutions…………………………………………………………………..7 4.Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………...8 Works Cited…………………………………………………………………………………9

i A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English Study

A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English


Wang Ping Abstract: With China entering into WTO, the development of China’s economy and opening policy brings new challenges to English learning.English has become more and more prevailing.So more and more people will pay attention to English learning.The paper mainly focuses on a brief analysis of self-study in English learning, so as to find out the factors influenced learner in self-study and the roles in learner autonomy

in EFL.Key words: English learning;autonomous;factors;roles



摘要: 随着中国加入WTO,中国经济的发展和对外开放政策给英语学习者带来了新的挑战,当今世界英语变得越来越盛行。所以越来越多的人重视英语学习。学校的教育是十分重要和有效的,但是没有人可以从那里学到一切。由于受到时间、财力、精力或者其他一些个人因素的影响,许多知识我们要靠自己从学校之外获得。所以从某种程度上来说,掌握英语自主学习能力是必不可少的。然而,因为一些因素的影响,大多数人普遍会在英语自学中遇到问题。本文主要对英语学习中的自主学习作简要分析,并找出其影响因素和在自主学习中每个人所扮演的角色。


ii A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English Study

A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English

Study Outline

1.Introduction 1.1 Definition of learner autonomy 1.2 The importance of developing learner autonomy in English self-study 2.The factors influenced learner autonomy 2.1 Motivation 2.2 Attitude 2.3 Learning strategy 2.4 Cognitive style 3.The roles in learner autonomy in EFL 3.1 Roles of autonomous learners 3.2 Teachers’ roles 3.3 Roles of materials 3.4 Roles of institutions 4.Conclusion

iii A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English Study



1.1 学习自主性的定义

1.2 发展英语自主学习性的重要性2.影响英语自主学习性的因素 2.1 动机 2.2 态度 2.3

2.4 学习策略 2.5 感知方式

3.在英语自主学习中的角色 3.1 自主学习者的角色 3.2 老师的角色 3.3 学习材料的角色 3.4 教育机构的角色 4.结语



A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English Study

A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English


FLC 2001(04)(English)Wang Ping

Tutor: Professor 1.Introduction There can be no doubt that English is one of the world's most widely used languages.People use a language in one of three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign language.English is spoken as a native language by over three hundred million people in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some Caribbean countries and South Africa.As a second language, English is often necessary for official business, education, information and other activities in many countries, it is one of the few “working” languages of the United Nations.And with China entering into WTO, the development of China’s economy and opening policy brings new challenges to English learning.English has become more and more prevailing.So more and more people will pay attention to English learning.School education is very important and useful.Yet, no one can learn everything from school.Even a very good teacher cannot teach his students everything they want to know.Because of the limit of the time, money, energy or some other personal reasons, many things will be learned outside school by the students themselves.So to some extent, it is essential for anyone who's relevant to English to master the ability of self-study.Recently, much attention has been paid on the importance of developing English learners' autonomy.Self-study, as a skill of getting knowledge and information, it is extremely essential in such an information-increased and international communication-frequent society.This kind of study skill is not only helpful for us to pursue our educational goal--to get knowledge, also cultivate a learner's independence of autonomy which should be regarded as the end goal.The paper mainly focuses on a brief analysis of self-study in English learning, so as to find out the factors influencing learner in self-study and the roles in learner autonomy in EFL.1.1 Definition of learner autonomy The concept of learner autonomy has been introduced into foreign language teaching over twenty years.Nowadays, autonomy has been widely accepted as an educational goal and few teachers will disagree with the importance of helping language learners become

A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English Study

more autonomous as learners.But as to what learner autonomy really is, various interpretations proposed by different researches and scholars in different contexts.In spite of the various interpretations proposed by different research and scholars in different contexts, even during different periods of time, the definitions of learner autonomy can be classified into the following categories.First, a lot of researches define it in terms of ability or capacity.Holec defines learner autonomy as “the ability to take charge of one’s own learning”.Many researchers agree with Holec that learner autonomy is ability or capacity.For example, D.Little sees learner autonomy as a capacity for “detachment, critical reflection, decision-making and independent action”.Nunan also believes that this ability is extraordinary important.The learners who are able to fix their own aims and produce chances for learning are autonomous learners.Littlewood talks about learner autonomy as “the ability to use the knowledge one has learned without the help of the teacher”.One of the widely accepted of learner autonomy is put forward by Benson who defines it as “the capacity to take control of one’s own learning”.Second, some writer defines it in terms of performance.Huttunen insist that a certain kind of learning behavior is important.Third, some researcher defines it in terms of attitude.Dickinson sees autonomy very much as an attitude to language learning.In his opinion, autonomous learners are ready to take responsibility for their own learning and show their willingness by setting their own goals, selecting their materials, deciding on their own methods, place time and pace for study, monitoring their study and making proper evaluation.Fourth, some researches define it in terms of ability and willingness.They define an autonomous learner as one who has the ability and willingness to act independently and decisively.In this view, attitudes translate into practice, and motivation is a necessary precursor of autonomy.Finally, with the development of researches on learner autonomy, the term autonomy has come to be used in at least five ways: 1)For situations in which learners study entirely on their own;2)For a set of skills which can be learned and applied in self-directed learning;3)For an inborn capacity which is suppressed by institutional education;4)For the exercise of learners’ responsibility for their own learning;5)For the right of learners to determine the direction of their own learning.1.2 The importance of developing learner autonomy in English self-study In general, importance of developing learner autonomy in EFL can be summarized as

A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English Study

follows: 1)It matches our educational goal.The final product of education is an independent learners and cultivating a learner’s independence of autonomy should be regarded as the end goal that teachers or educators try to pursue.And it also meets life-long learning and creative education.2)It helps students to make improvements beyond knowledge.The present epoch is one with an explosion of knowledge and information.So it is impossible for one to adapt to this changing society with the knowledge acquired at school.If learner autonomy is developed, then students become skillful in learning how to learn.And they will be able to master new knowledge, new technology, face new challenges and task.3)It can adapt to students’ individual differences.Different students have different preferred ways of learning.However, every teacher has his or her own relatively stable teaching method and teaching style.Therefore, it is particularly hard for teachers to satisfy the need of each student in traditional language teaching.In autonomous learning, students participate learning by their own volition, make their own decisions on learning goals, learning pace and progression and learning strategies, and self-evaluate their learning outcomes.4)It facilitates personal growth.Once students become autonomous, they have acquired a life-long learning skill and a habit of independent thinking, which will benefit them long after leaving schools.Moreover, it supports individualism but does not exclude collaborative learning.Therefore, in autonomous learning, students learn to how to get along with others.This is also important to them.5)It can lead to better, more effective learning.Learner sets the agenda, learning should be more focused and more purposeful, and thus more effective both immediately and in the longer term.2.The factors influenced learner autonomy Learner autonomy is not an article of faith, a product ready made for use or merely a personal quality or trait.Rather, it should be clarified that autonomous learning is achieved on certain conditions: motivation, attitudes, learning strategies and cognitive styles etc.Therefore, it is very necessary for teachers to pay much attention to these factors for the aim of developing students’ autonomy English learning.2.1 Motivation

Most scholars seem to agree that one of the key factors that influences the rate and success of the second or foreign language learning.And it provides the primary

A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English Study

impetus to initiate learning the foreign language and later the driving force to sustain the long and often tedious learning process.A number of reviews and discussions provide evidence that motivation and learner autonomy go hand in hand.Therefore, no matter from which angle we consider the relationship, we must recognize the important role that motivation plays in learner autonomy.2.1.1 Intrinsic motivation Definitions of intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation means the kind of motivation caused by the interest, pleasure, satisfaction or curiosity directed to the activity.Intrinsic motivation is generally considered as that produces more benefits than extrinsic motivation.Because the intrinsically motivated learners undertake a task from their genuine will but not from some external pressure, they perform the action harder and deeper and sustain their efforts longer than the extrinsically motivated learners do. The factors influencing intrinsic motivation There are various internal and external factors influencing students’ intrinsic motivation.However, it is affected to a great extent by what happens in the classroom, and by students’ personal factors and mood at that time as well.Therefore, we consider factors affecting intrinsic motivation under the heading of interest, learning environment, English teachers’ teaching method and material.2.1.2 Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation, on the hand, derives from an anticipation of rewards such as praise, awards, prizes, evaluation, and fear for punishment.Although extrinsic motivation is also beneficial sometimes, there are some negative aspects of it.They state that learners will lose motivation and reason to do something when rewards are no longer available, and that giving external rewards to them previously with intrinsic motivation can harm the good effect of it.2.2 Attitude Language learning is not merely a cognitive task.And success of a learning activity is, to some extent, contingent upon learner’ stance towards the word and the learning activity in particular, their sense of self, and their desire to learn.The term “attitude” has been defined in many ways.Common to psychological theories on attitudes is the notion that attitudes actually have three components: affect, cognition, and behavior.Affect concerns feelings, moods, and emotions toward the attitudinal object.For example, some learners may agree with the idea that they

A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English Study

should take more responsibility for their learning, while others may prefer to depend on the teacher.Cognition refers to what a person knows about the attitudinal object.In language learning, it refers to “attitudes learners hold about their role in the learning process and their capability as learners”.And the third attitudinal component, behavior has to do with intentions or actions related to the attitudinal object.Learners who hold positive attitudes toward learner autonomy may be more likely to take the responsibility than those who hold negative attitudes.It is these affective reactive reactions, cognitions, and behaviors comprise the overall attitude

toward the language and culture.In general, attitudes have a profound influence on learning behavior.And the attitudes may either contribute to or impede the development of their potential for autonomy.Positive attitude towards learner autonomy can be expected to enhance learning and negative attitudes to impede learning.So for teachers, identifying learners’ attitudes and modifying negative attitudes should be the important step in

autonomous learning.2.3 Learning strategy Language learning strategies were generally defined as specific actions, behaviors, steps or techniques that learners employed to comprehend, store, remember new information, and to use the second language.Unanimous opinions that most researches have been reached are as follows: 1)Strategies refer to both general approaches and specific actions or techniques used

to learn a second language;2)Strategies allow learners to become more self-directed;

3)Strategies are problem oriented;

4)Strategies are flexible;5)Strategies are influenced by a variety of factors;6)Strategies support learning both directly and indirectly;

7)Strategies can be taught or trained.All learners have certain preferred learning strategies and employ them more or less consciously.Learning strategy is firmly believed to be the key to promoting learner autonomy and when students are inhibited to use their preferred strategy, it is impossible for them to learn the English efficiently.We can find that learning autonomy is the most important individual factor relating to learner autonomy and helping students understand the importance of strategies and train them to use some

A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English Study

strategies suited for them is an effective way to enhance their learner autonomy.2.4 Cognitive style

Cognitive style refers to the ways that individuals organize, analyze and recall new

information and experience.Cognitive style has been identified as field dependence vs.field independence.Persons who are more predominantly field independent tend to be generally more independent, competitive, and self-confident while field dependent persons tend to be more socialized, tend to derive their self-identity from persons around them, and are usually more empathic and perceptive of the feelings and thoughts of others.The factors briefly touched on the above are necessary but not sufficient conditions for the development of learner autonomy, and many more factors such as needs, language awareness, teachers, social and cultural influences have to be taken into consideration.Therefore, it is of consequence to note that autonomy is a process, not a

product.3.The roles in learner autonomy in EFL Learner autonomy is characterized by its initiative, independence, effectiveness and relativity.This involves a change both in teachers’ roles and learners’ roles, and even in the roles of educational institutions.The traditional teachers’ roles: the instructor and container of knowledge, and learner’ role: the passive “empty vessels” waiting to be filled with knowledge by the teachers will change dramatically.3.1 Roles of autonomous learners

What are the characteristics of autonomous learner? Do they always do their homework and follow the teachers’ instructions? There are the typical characteristics of traditional good students, and as to autonomous learners.In the relevant literature autonomous learners are defined as those who-understand the purpose of their learning plan;-explicitly accept responsibility for their learning;-share in the setting of learning goals;-take initiatives in planning and executing learning activities;-regularly review learning and evaluate its effectiveness.From the definitions we can conclude that an autonomous learner first should be willing to take responsibility for their own learning, then he/she should be conscious of or aware of the learning process involved and learning strategies needed, finally he should have the ability to carry out his learning activities and the ability to monitor and evaluate

A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English Study

his learning results and effectiveness.3.2 Teachers’ roles The ever-increasing necessity for teaching students how to become independent and autonomous learners has brought new perspectives to the teaching profession and changed traditional ideas about language teachers’ roles.Teachers are traditionally viewed as authority figures, identified with roles like parent, instructor, director, manager, leader, controller, or even doctor who must “cure” the ignorance of the students.But things change now.Teachers assume new functions as a consultant, advisor, coordinator, helper, communicator, guide, facilitator, and organizer.The change in the roles strengthens the teachers’ roles making them varied and more creative.Their status is no longer based on hierarchical authority, but on equality and importance of their relationship with learners.Learner autonomy involves the teacher to become less of an instructor and more of a facilitator, to discourage students from relying on the teacher as the main source of knowledge, to encourage students’ capacity to learn for themselves, to encourage students to make decisions about what they learn, to encourage students’ awareness of their own learning styles, and to encourage students’ to develop their own learning strategies.It is evident that when learners become more and more autonomous, the teachers will not become redundant or even have nothing to do, as some people will imagine.The requirement of the teacher will become more demanding, with not only the contents of teaching to get familiar with but also the skills and knowledge of fostering learner autonomy to master.3.3 Roles of materials The design of good autonomous learning materials is very tricky and can be very different from designing a good traditional face-to-face instructional lesson.One issue that we might face is that teachers have often spent many years coming to grips with classroom teaching and the skills of materials design and adaptation associated with this context.They will initially expect these skills to be immediately transferable into the independent learning environment.If this is not the case, teachers may come to feel threatened.However, autonomous learning materials are not just textbooks cut up and covered with see-through plastic.We need to be careful not just in the choice of the particular material, but in how it is presented as well.People don’t learn much just by reading the fine words of experts.People learn by having a go themselves.They learn by doing.They learn by getting things right.They learn even more by getting things wrong, and getting feedback on what was wrong.7 A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English Study

The creation of material that reflects an autonomous learning philosophy is not an easy task, and it involves a great deal of time and effort for the teachers, not only in selecting and adapting the content of the materials but in the way to present them.Therefore, teachers’ adaptation of materials and way of using them is of vital importance and of great value.And what teachers do with the material is more important than what material is.3.4 Roles of institutions We have already discussed the roles of autonomous learners, teachers, and materials, but what roles should schools or educational system play in fostering learner autonomy? Lots of scholars think that the school should strive to ensure that each student takes responsibility for his or her own learning and for the result of his or her studies, can assess the result of his or her studies and his or her need to develop in relation to the demands in the syllabuses.In order to achieve this, reforms need to be made by the schools and higher educational institutions, including educational policies, teaching syllabuses, and most important, the way of evaluating learning results, and to put it more simply, way of examination.The education policy and guidance of the educational institutions are not only necessary, but also indispensable for learner autonomy.Nevertheless, in terms of carrying them out and putting those into practice, more powers and freedom should be given to learners as well as teachers.4.Conclusion To sum up, there are many factors influencing learner autonomy during the study process.What’ more, the learner themselves, teacher, materials, institutions all will play different roles in autonomous learning.It is really necessary to train and develop the ability of self-study for students.8 A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English Study

Works Cited Benson,P.Teaching and researching autonomy in language learning[M].London: Longman,1997.Candy,V.Self-direction for lifelong learning [M].California: Jowelry, 1999.Dickinson,L.Successful language learners: what do we know about them?[J].EHIG CIL, News Bullction , May,2-3,1978.Little,D.Learner autonomy1:Definitions,issues and problems[M].Dublin: Authentik, 1991.Wenden,A.L.Learner strategies for learner autonomy[M].New York: Prentice Hall International, 1998.邓云娟.大学生英语自主学习能力的构建[J].浙江:学科教育,2007,(3).顾日国.外语教学法[M].北京:外语教育研究, 2001,(4).华烨.浅谈大学英语教学中“学习者训练” [M].湖南:外语界,1999(3):32-38.刘战清.论大学英语教学[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999.戚宏波.学习者自主的理论源[J].山东:山东外语教学,2002,(5):83-86.9


My English Autonomous Learning Report As time goes by, a busy semester has come to an end.Looking back on this semester's College English learning life, I think there is still something to be summed up.As a college student in the new era, learning English is inevitable.Although my English achievement is not very ideal, but I learned some ways to learn English well from this semester's learning process.To learn English well, we must adhere to the following points.First, recite more.In order to prevent words from being forgotten, I spend time every day remembering the words I have learned before.In the ordinary study, I will actively remember the new words and phrases in the textbook, try to understand its usage, and try to use some just words, antonyms contrast, similar words contrast and other methods to strengthen memory.Second, read more.The content of reading aloud is only limited to the contents in textbooks.Reading aloud is not for recitation purposes, but focuses on focusing on its correct pronunciation, continuous tone and so on.So I take time every morning to read the words, phrases and articles in the English textbook.Through reading aloud, I can be familiar with the use of words and words, understand the mood of English, context, and enhance my sense of language.Third, more sum up.Compared with other disciplines, the knowledge points in English are rather fragmented, so we must do a good job of collecting, collating and summarizing the knowledge points.So I usually record some bits and pieces of knowledge that I have heard from my teacher or reference books, so that I can use them later.Fourth, listen more.Listening is not just for listening tests, but also for listening comprehension.Developing a keen sense of language will help enhance discrimination and judgement, which is a very important part of English learning.So I usually listen to English songs and listen to the recording of English listening exercises copied by my teacher.Through this way, my English listening achievement has been greatly improved.Fifth, more practice.By doing a lot of exercises, we can enhance our practical experience.If I have time, I will spare some time to write some exercises, which will help me not to feel nervous during the examination.Moreover, practice makes perfect, and doing more exercises can enable me to find out the rules and cultivate my sense of language better.Learning a language itself has its own rules.These are just a means of strengthening.I think my current English level has not reached my ideal state.To really learn English well, I must start from the language itself, dig deeper into the mysteries, and strengthen the exercises one by one from words, words, sentences and chapters.I insist on doing these points every day, hoping that one day my English can reach a very high level.Finally, I would like to thank my English teacher for teaching and helping me.No matter how difficult or boring English is, I will continue to study English as hard as I can.


摘 要:多媒体网络教学与自主性英语学习方式相结合,可以充分发挥和利用两者的优势。本文从我国的大学英语教学现状出发, 结合相关外语教学理论,论证了多媒体网络教学环境中学生自主学习的必要性和可行性,并且介绍了一些对学生自学能力产生积极影响的教学方法。


Abstract: The combination of the network teaching mode and students' autonomous learning show great advantages on the students' English learning.Beginning from the introduction to the current situation of college English teaching and learning, this paper discusses the necessity of autonomous learning in the context of multimedia network teaching mode.Besides, some teaching approaches that have positive impacts on autonomous learning capability are introduced.

Key words:English teaching;multimedia network;teaching mode;autonomous learning


新的教学模式应以现代信息技术,特别是多媒体网络技术为支撑,使学生在进行英语学习时不受时间和地点的限制,朝着个性化和自主式学习的方向发展。2005年,大学英语教学改革进入全面实施阶段, 各高校开始在英语教学过程中广泛运用多媒体网络技术和网络资源,为英语教学提供了大量丰富多彩的网络教学资源以及多种生动活泼的学习形式。



行为主义强调学生所学的知识是客观的,教学就是教师把知识直接传授给学生的过程。它强调精熟学习(mastery learning), 保证学习者在真正掌握某个学习项目之后才可以进入下一个项目学习。认知主义学习理论更强调学生的认知主体作用,强调教学既要重视外部刺激和外在反应,又要重视学习者内部心理过程的作用,它认为教学就是要通过安排适当的外部刺激来影响和促进学习者的内部心理过程变化。行为主义和认知主义两大学习理论都强调知识的传授和迁移,强调“教”,强调教学过程中教师的中心主导地位。现代建构主义作为“教育中的新认识论”问题,是学习理论中行为主义发展到认知主义以后的进一步发展。[2]建构主义学习理论认为,学生的认知过程存在个性化差异,学习结果是不可预知的,因此教学要促进学习,而不是控制学习。它强调教学的根本任务是营造支持性学习环境,使学生在真实情境中,借助社会交往与周围环境的交互解决实际问题,强调以学生为中心,主张由学生自己控制学习进程,自我建构学习目标。

自主学习是以建构主义认知心理学和人本主义心理学为基础的。自主学习主要具备能动性、有效性和相对独立性三个特征。自主学习作为一种个性化学习,体现了建构主义理论关于学习者在已有知识基础上创建个人意义的理念,以及以罗杰斯为代表的人本主义心理学的重要思想,即强调学习者学习过程的主体地位(以学习者为中心),重视学习者的积极自发学习,强调自我评估的重要性。国内外教育界越来越意识到“语言教学的实质不是向学生机械地传授语言本身的规律,而是要创造适于语言学习的条件和环境,为学生主动地利用语言进行交际提供便利”。教学过程中的自主学习强调学生是语言学习活动的主体,强调学习者的自我监控、自我指导和自我强化,突出学习者的独立性和自主性,强调学习者自己对自己负责。我国大学英语教学长期以来的现状使得自主学习这一学习理念在外语教学领域引发了一场教育变革。Holec 是这样界定的: 学习者自主就是学生自我负责管理语言学习的能力,具体地讲,就是能够自己决定学习目标、确定学习内容和进度、选择学习方法和技巧、监控习得过程及自我评估学习效果。[3]因此,学生在进行自主学习的同时要具备两个前提条件:第一,学习者必须有能力负责管理学习;第二,必须有一个学习机构,从而,学生能够在这个机构里自己支配学习。教师在帮助学习者实现自主学习的过程中起着关键作用。教师从以教授知识为主,变为以指导、辅导学生的学习为主,由舞台上的主角变成幕后导演,成为学生建构意义的帮助者、指导者。这种帮助、指导作用体现在:(1)激发学生兴趣,帮助学生形成持久的学习动机;(2)通过创造符合教学内容要求的情景和提示新旧知识之间的线索,帮助学生建构当前所学知识的意义;(3)为了使意义建构更加有效,教师应在可能的条件下组织合作学习,并对合作学习过程进行引导


目前东北农业大学试点班学生自主学习的教材正是一套基于多媒体网络(Multimedia Network Instruction, MNI)技术的网络交互式视听说自主学习教程, 由学生自己掌握时间登陆校园网进入课程系统进行英语学习。在网络环境下的自主学习中,学习内容更加丰富,学生可以通过超链接获取相应的英语学习辅导材料。在学习过程中,学生还可以参考答案反馈、录音文字和相关语言文化背景, 随时进入个人课程管理档案, 了解自己的学习进度以及成绩等, 并且可以通过网络学习的平台中的“我的问题”向任课教师或同学进行提问。因此,学生只要确定了学习目的,就能够根据自身情况设立学习目标,选择需要的学习内容,逐步完成学习目标,最终达到自己的学习目的。在多媒体网络化的自主学习过程中,教师通过网络能够监督学生的学习过程,及时评价学习结果,给学生提供有利的反馈,从而方便学生调整学习方法,帮助学生逐渐形成高效的个性化的自主学习方式。


这里说的“英语综合应用能力”就是指语言交际能力,主要包括四个方面: 第一,语法能力(grammatical competence),即与某种语言的词汇、语法、音系和语义相关的知识。第二,社会语言学能力(sociolinguistic competence),指关于语言和其非语言环境的关系的知识。学习者应学习如何使用不同的言语行为,如道歉、请求和邀请等,并对其做出相应反应,要知道对不同的说话者在不同情境下采用什么称谓形式等。第三,话语能力(discourse competence),知道如何开始谈话,如何结束谈话。第四,策略能力(strategic competence),即关于交际策略的知识。[5]长期以来,我国大学英语教学中采取的传统教学模式过分强调对学生语法能力的培养,而忽视了其他方面能力的培养,以致学生在实际交流中不知所措。针对这一具体问题, 《要求》提出:“各高等学校应当根据实际情况,确定本校的大学英语教学目标,设计各自的大学英语课程体系”,“以确保不同层次的学生在英语应用能力方面得到充分的训练和提高”[1]5。

以现代教育技术支持的自主学习理念有助于改变传统的“以教师为中心”的教学模式,既能充分体现教师在教学过程中的主导作用,又能发挥学生学习的主体作用,“既有老师课堂上的讲解, 又有自主学习的机会, 我们可以自己练习听说”,“每周的课堂口语活动有利于培养我们的实际交流能力”,“现在教学模式很好, 我们可以根据自己的时间来安排学习”,这些是已经参加试点教学、进行自主学习的学生们的真切体会。


大学英语教学应该为学生提供良好的语言学习环境, 充分利用多媒体网络技术, 改进传统的以教师讲授为主的“填鸭式”课堂教学模式。自主学习是解决我国目前大学英语师资和其他教学资源不足的有效途径,也是培养个性化人才的一个重要手段。自主学习已成为当今教育界一个重要的研究主体,它充分体现了信息时代对大学生学习的要求。它不仅是一种有效的学习方式,也是一种学习能力。在这种学习理论的指导下,充分利用以多媒体网络技术为支持的语言学习环境,已成为我国大学英语教学发展必然趋势。学生自主学习能力的有效提高已经成为衡量大学英语教学和改革成功与否的重要标志。基于我国目前大学英语教学的实际情况,在相当长一段时间里,多种教学模式并存的现象仍然还会存在,这也是正常的现象。但是,在大学英语教学过程中,我们应该注意调整各种教学模式,发挥其优势,帮助学生形成良好的自主学习习惯,树立正确的学习态度,提高学生的自主学习的能力, 使他们真正地掌握英语这门语言,从而达到提高大学英语教学质量和教学效果的目的。





[4]何莲珍.自主学习及其能力的培养[J].外语教学与研究, 2003,35(4):287-289.



1.[A] 12:05 [B] 11:50 [C] 11:35 [D] 10:25



题 2

2.[A] Take four pills.[B] Hesitate to take any pills.[C] Take the doctor's advice.[D] Take eight pills.2、[参考答案]C


题 3

3.[A] 7 years old.[B] 8 years old.[C] 15 years old.[D] 18 years old.3、[参考答案]C


题 4

4.[A] 1.[B] 2.[C] 5.[D] 7.4、[参考答案]D


题 5

5.[A] The woman was late for coming.[B] The woman asked the man to wait for her half an hour ago.[C] The man was annoyed by her late coming.[D] The man was quite all right.5、[参考答案]A5、[题目解释]无


Directions:In this section, you will hear several short passages or monologues.At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only ONCE.After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then select the corresponding letter on the web page.[题数:17;分数:17分;参考时间:11分18秒]

题 612


10.[A] About a year and two months.[B] Three to five months.[C] About four weeks.[D] As a baby.10、[参考答案]A10、[题目解释]无

11.[A] Intelligence.[B] Responsibility.[C] Physical fitness.[D] Speed.11、[参考答案]D


12.[A] How to choose a guide dog.[B] The qualities of a guide dog.[C] The training of a guide dog.[D] How a guide dog helps its blind owner.12、[参考答案]C


题 1319


16.[A] Because history professors are poorly prepared.[B] Because most students are lazy.[C] Because history lectures are not delivered in an interesting way.[D] Because most students feel studying history is a waste of time.16、[参考答案]C


17.[A] In Britain.[B] In Concord.[C] In Lexington.[D] In Boston.17、[参考答案]D


18.[A] That the British would attack by sea.[B] That the British were retreating.[C] That the British were willing to sign a treaty.[D] That the British had won the first battle.18、[参考答案]A


19.[A] In 1774.[B] In 1776.[C] In 1775.[D] In 1777.19、[参考答案]C


题 2026 Section1

23.[A] More work as an instructor.[B] A higher salary.[C] A longer vacation period.[D] A research assignment.23、[参考答案]A

23、[题目解释]观察本题的四个选项,work、salary、vacation和assignment暗示对话很可能与工作相关。而这题选项中出现finish his degree好像又与学习有关,有些矛盾。而当听音时,就会发现原来是学生做兼职工作。对话中女士开门见山地提到Frank的助教工作,接下来对他的工作给与了肯定,提到keep the Teaching Assistant on a little longer,也就是希望Frank继续工作一段时间,后面的对话都是围绕此话题展开。至于salary和vacation对话中没有涉及。

24.[A] He'll start next week.[B] He wouldn't enjoy it.[C] He would like time to decide.[D] He wants his adviser's opinion.24、[参考答案]C

24、[题目解释]顺着第一题的思路,本题考查男士对工作有什么想法。女士征求意见时,男士表示I sure would,接着用but进行转折,表示不确定,又列举了自己的情况,最后要求have a few days to think about it,确定答案为(C)。长对话与短对话的区别之一就是长对话的答案有时可以从多个方面推导,因为长对话更能体现连贯性和一致性。

25.[A] Finish his degree in the fall.[B] Let someone else read his evaluation.[C] Consider taking fewer courses.[D] Get more teaching experience.25、[参考答案]D

25、[题目解释]but后的内容往往很重要,本题考查的重点正在此处。女士说不希望男士耽误学业,但用but进行转折,认为男士应该consider getting more experience in the classroom,这与前面希望他继续当助教的意思是一致的。

26.[A] Frank's talent for teaching.[B] Frank's interesting approach to research.[C] A present he received for graduation.[D] A congratulatory letter from the department.26、[参考答案]A

26、[题目解释]女士赞扬男士You seem to have a real gift,gift一般有两个意思,即礼物(present)和天赋(talent)。整个对话中,女士对男士的能力赞赏有加,不难看出gift表示talent的意思。

题 2733


30.[A] Two hundred dollars.[B] Three hundred dollars.[C] Two thousand dollars.[D] Three thousand dollars.30、[参考答案]C

30、[题目解释]在听录音之前预览所有选项,可以猜测本篇对话涉及的内容很可能与银行有关。本题的问题正是女士问男士的话“how much money do you want to deposit to start with”,只要留意到男士的回答“Two thousand dollars”,就能马上得出答案(C)。

31.[A] To buy some national debt.[B] To open a savings account.[C] To ask the interest rate.[D] To withdraw some money.31、[参考答案]B

31、[题目解释]男士说“I'm on my way to the bank"是为了open a savings account,即选项(B);接下来,女士再次提到open a savings account,这其实是降低了此题的难度。

32.[A] He has to use a password.[B] He has to show his ID card.[C] He on13/ needs to fill out a withdrawal form.[D] He needs to fill out a withdrawal form and hand in the check book.32、[参考答案]D

32、[题目解释]男士问withdraw money是否方便,女士很热心,不但回答他取钱非常easy,而且告诉他如何取钱——need to fill out a withdrawal form and hand in your check book together with it,即选项(D)。

33.[A] Both time deposit and current deposit have the same interest rate.[B] The interest rate is high for current deposit.[C] The interest rate is low for time deposit.[D] The interest rate varies with different kinds of deposit.33、[参考答案]D

33、[题目解释]女士说银行有两种存款方式-time deposit and current deposit。后来,男士问女士是否知道存款的interest rate,女士说 “For current deposit it is very low”,言外之意就是For time deposit it is high。选项(D)是对此的归纳总结。如果知道interest rate、current deposit和time deposit的意思分别是“利率”、“活期存款”和 “定期存款”,根据常识,只看选项就可以排除其他三项。

题 3440


37.[A] To ask for help finding a job.[B] To ask him to give her some advice.[C] To invite him to go shopping with her later.[D] To find out what he's doing during the summer.37、[参考答案]B

37、[题目解释]根据Denise说话的内容,他已经得到了一份管理一个在购物中心的一家服装店的工作,可是他的一个教授告诉他,他可能能参加一个在Wayfarer Hotel的暑期培训计划。这两个机会他都不想错过,可见他是向Kelly征询意见的。而从Kelly最后说if I were you,I'd take it anyway也可判断Ken是在给他提供意见,因此答案选(B)。

38.[A] He might get a good job later.[B] He could stay at a hotel at a discount.[C] He might be able to get course credits for her work.[D] It'd give him a chance to make a tot of money immediately.38、[参考答案]A

38、[题目解释]根据对话中it might lead to something with them after graduation.They're one of the biggest hotel chains in the area,其中lead to something with them after graduation指的是毕业后能得到一份好工作,因此答案选(A)。

39.[A] He'll have to work at the hotel during the school year.[B] He'll have to work long hours.[C] His rent will be expensive.[D] It doesn't pay very well.39、[参考答案]D

39、[题目解释]Denise在谈到暑期的培训项目时说the problem is that I wouldn't be making nearly as much money as 1 would be working in the clothing store,由此可见(D)项正确。

40.[A] Visit the hotel.[B] Work in the clothing store.[C] Continue her job search for a while.[D] Make extra money while taking classes.40、[参考答案]D

40、[题目解释]Kelly最后说如果是她,她就会参加暑期培训,接着说You can always get a job during the school year next year to make a few extra bucks,(D)项是对此的同义转述。


































Dickinson, L.1987.Self-instruction in language learning.Cambridge University Press.Hutten ,I.1986.Towards Learner Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning in Senior Seconary School.Acta Universitats Ouluenss.Little, D.1990.Autonomy in Language Learning.CILT.郑玉琼论自主学习及其能力的培养,中小学外语教学2002年第7期 邓晓芳高中学生反思学习能力的培养,中小学外语教与学2002年第11期


(二)中小学外语教学 2001年第12期。





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