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选手抽签决定说课顺序和教学内容,独立准备1小时,英文说课8 分钟,评委提问、选手作答2分钟。教学内容从小学教材中选取。















第一卷 英语语言技能部分(70分,共八大题)Part I 1—5 BCADB Part II

6.Honolulu.7.Palm trees and hula dancing.8.In June or July.9.An umbrella.10.Because they don’t want the rain to keep visitors away.Part III 11.history 12.major 13.1993 14.computer 15.reserve Part IV

16.rewarding 17.open doors 18.cultures 19.similarities 20.a great deal Part V

21—25 CDADD 26—30 BBADC Part VI

31.spends 32.with 33.afternoons 34.both 35.volunteers 36.on 37.build

38.hours 39.well 40.average Part VII Text A.41—45 TTFFT Text B.46.because 47.lend 48.next / following 49.using 50.clubs Text C.51.It means a mistake in which you forget something or do not notice something.52.the coursebooks do not deal with speaking by breaking it down into micro-skills work.53.Yes, it is.54.本文认为直接的讲授策略可用来帮助学习者发展口语技能,特别是能帮助他们了解互动模式。55.学生在双向沟通方面的成功不仅取决于输出的内容,也取决于他们参与到会话交流中的有效程度。Part VIII.Omitted.第二卷 教学技能部分(80分;共三个部分)A.隐性素质制约的技能:判断正误

1—5 √ √ × √ √ 6—10 √ × √ × × 11—15 √ × × √ × 16—20 √ √ × × × 21—25 √ √ × √ × 26—30 √ × √ √ × B. 显性素质制约的技能

1—5 AACCC 6—10 BBCBA 11—15 BABBB 16—20 CCACA 21—25 CCACA 26.课程和教学改革,创新教育观念、教学内容、教学方法 27.计划、行动、观察、反思 28.学习能力、实践能力、创新能力 29.在什么时间、地点、如何对谁说什么话 30.感性经验认识阶段和理性思考认识阶段 31.关爱学生,严谨笃学、淡泊名利,自尊自律,以人格魅力和学识魅力教育感染学生 32.语言、数学-逻辑、空间、身体运动、音乐、人际、自我认知、自然认知智能 33.语言习得机制,或LAD 34.稳步推进

35.语言知识,运用语言 C. 综合性技能 略。


选修八 Unit 1 A Land of Diversity

Teacher: Liu Rong

Subject: English reading Time: 45 minis

Date: 2014.12.13.Three main parts: Teaching material analysis;

Studying analysis;

Teaching procedure analysis. Teaching material analysis A.Reading material:

1.The topic of this unit is “a land of diversity”——USA,the multicultural country.So the reading material chooses “California”, the most multicultural state, as a typical case to embody the special characteristic “diversification”.2.The reading material is closely related to the knowledge of geography and history which the students have learnt during their senior period.So with the assist of what they have known, I believe they will have a better understanding about the material.B Teaching aims:

The knowledge aim: to help students learn the immigrant culture in the

history of California;

The ability aim:Enable the students to retell the important events in the

history of California

The emotional aim: to broaden their horizons and cultivate the

cross-culture communication awareness of the students.C.Teaching important points and difficult points:

1, help my students master the reading skills skimming and scanning to get information quickly;

2, enable my students to talk about the important events in California history using the information they get from the text.Of course, the latter is also the teaching difficult points.D.Teaching methods:

Communicative teaching methods;task-based teaching method;computer-assisted method;situational teaching method.E.Teaching aids:

The multimedia;the text book;a quiz paper;the blackboard. Studying analysis.As senior students, they have known more about the background information and have a better language foundation, so it is not so difficult for them to learn the content of the passage and master the reading skills.However, they are not so active to speak in class.So the design of my class is to combine the reading with thinking and speaking. Teaching procedure analysis

Step1.Warming up

Divide the students into three or four parts and then start a competition by racing to answer my questions about American which relevant to the background information of the content.The purpose is to create a relaxing and active atmosphere and recall the students’ memory about the knowledge they have learnt before, making better preparation for the next part——reading。

Step2.Pre-reading Before reading, I will let my students make a guesstimate and point out students sharing their guess with class: “combine the title of this unit with the headline, subtitle and the picture of the passage, could you make a guess what the text want to talk about? Why? ”

We can always get some important information by reading the title of the article, quick and convenient.So it is a good approach for students to start reading.Step3.Fast reading

① read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of the whole passage ②underline the special times in California history ③circle the immigrant cultural groups The purposes: 1.Check the answer of their guess

2.insire the students read quickly Step 4.Careful reading ①put forward questions first according to the content of each paragraph.②reading and answer﹙continue the game :race to answer ﹚ ③finish the comprehending exercise 1 and 2 The purpose: enable the students master the skimming and scanning skills;cooperative learning can raise students’ interests and create an atmosphere of achievement.Step 5.Oral practice With the basis of the information they get from reading and summarizing, I will design an activity: role play.The students will have a pair work.Student A is a reporter of a magazine, student B is an American student.A is interviewing B in the hall about California.The purpose is to let the students have a better understanding of the text and take an oral practice.Step 6.rapping up Finish the comprehending exercise 3, have a group discussion and tell their ideas to the class.This step can also regard as a summary of the text.At the same time, it can cultivate the students’ cooperation ability and arouse their cross-cultural communication awareness.



第一卷 英语语言技能部分(共八大题,70分)

Listening Section(20 points)

Part I(5 points)5 short conversations with 5 multiple-choice test questions

Part II(5 points)1 conversation with 5 matching test questions

Part III(5 points)1 conversation with 5 gap-filling test questions

Part IV(5 points)1 passage with 5 information-transfer test questions

Written Section(50 points)

Part V Multiple-choice(10 points): 8 vocabulary and grammar test questions, 2 general knowledge test questions

Part VI Cloze(10 points): 1 passage with 10 gap-filling test questions in three ways: according to the context, using the correct form of the words and according to the first letters of the words

Part VII Reading comprehension(15 points): 3 passages with 15 test questions in different ways: short-answer questions, gap filling, information transfer, matching, translation, etc.(Note: Passage 1 & 2 are designed for both junior and senior middle school teachers, Passage 3 is designed for junior only, Passage 4 is designed for senior only)

Part VIII Writing(15 points): Two writing tasks with no more than 200 words.One is designed for junior middle school teachers only, the other for senior.第二卷 教学技能部分



B. 显性素质制约的技能(含B1-B7共五项,每项5题,选作4题,打▲之题为高中教师必选。每题1分,共28分)











Recycle 2 A Farewell Party

主讲人:韩堂堂 2014年12月5日

Good afternoon everyone.How are you ?I’m very glad to present my lesson here today.The lesson plan I’m going to talk about is Farewell Party.I will divide my instruction into six parts.There are Teaching materials analysis, Teaching aims, Teaching key points, and difficulties, Teaching methods, Learning methods and Teaching procedures.Ok,let’ begin our class

Ⅰ(The first part is)Teaching material analysis It is the last unit in primary school.So it plays an important role in this term.I take the lesson as a review class.This lesson shows deeply human approach.As I see, we should learn the lesson by review and design.Ⅱ(The second part is)Teaching aims

I have three objects.There knowledge objects ability object , and moral object.Knowledge objects:

Review the grammar we have learned and teach the students to learn more expressions.Ability object:

Know how to communicate with others and

train the students’ listening and speaking.Moral object:

Let students recognize the importance of friendship as well as let them cherish friendship.Ⅲ(The following is)Teaching key points and difficulties Key points: know the modal verb(Such can, should, need etc.)and future tense.(Be going to do sth)use the sentence “what can you do?” “I can…” “I like doing…” “I am going to…”

——For example: What can you do ? I can dance.I like dancing.I am going to have a party.Difficulties: The structure of these sentences and how to express oneself

Ⅳ(Next is)Teaching methods We have known the key points and difficulties.So I decide to use communicative approach.In this class, situational teaching is used mainly and activity method of teaching is additional.We can train students’ ability on understanding, expressing and thinking in English.In the procedures, I will use my way to organize the activities to improve their ability of self-study.Ⅴ Learning methods.What can students learn form the lesson?

The students can learn this lesson using the method of discussing, cooperation, summarizing.Ⅵ Teaching procedures(This section contains five parts)1(The first is)Warm up Let’s have a free talk.What’s the date today?

It’s December 4th

What’s your hobby? Riding

the purpose is to review what can you do for the farewell party ? I can…

The purpose is to lead in the new lesson.2(The second is)Learning Review: “Can you …” Yes, I can /No I can’t.Can you dance ? Yes ,I can.Teach the new words(farewell)and grammar(I like …

We are going to …)I like fishing.We are going to fish.3(The third is)Practice

1)Listen to the tape and read the dialogue together.(Pick one or two students read it by themselves.Correct it)

2)Act out the dialogue.(pair work)(Cooperation is important to children’ education Choose three pairs of students.Act the dialogue out In the end of the game, all student together to elect winning group.)4(The fourth is)Consolidation and Extension 1)Write an invitation.2)Express one’s wishes

(Good luck.Take care.Keep in touch.)3)(At last)Discuss and design the plan for the farewell party 5(The fifth is)homework What can you do for the farewell party ? Ask students to write about it.Reflection This class we’ve reviewed the grammar we learnt before.I think the theme of this class is clear.Students can communicate with others easily.In the meanwhile, they can develop their interests to study English.Thank you for your listening..



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