第一篇:拓展性课程;第一课 我会读英语绘本故事(大全)
《Guess, How Much I Love You》:是一本世界经典图画书。小兔子和大兔子在比较谁更爱谁,最后,两个人都获得了胜利。
1.操练句型“I love you this much.”
学习单词“much”: mu-ch-much-this much-I love you this much.T: Who can act?(表演)
T: But I love you this much.(but)
T: Who want to PK with me?(T/S, S/S act)2.练习句型“I love you as as I can.”的运用。T: Now, What will the baby rabbit say?
S: I love you as high as I can.S: I love you as as I can.三、活动技巧
1.模仿游戏“请你跟我一起做”,激发学生的学习兴趣。引出话题:“你会做什么?”来复习一些简单的动词。为后面“I can ….”句型练习做铺垫。
2.Lily这一人物的出现是为了引出“rabbit”一词,通过问“ Lily, Lily, What can you do ?”知道Lily会扮演小兔子。再问“Rabbit, rabbit, What can you do ? ”来学习单词reach、hop。为后面的句型练习做准备。
1.一星级作业:对父母说一声“I love you”。
2.二星级作业:对父母说一声“I love you”,同时做手语动作。3.三星级:试着讲一讲这个故事。
光盘附录:1.教学微课 2.教具学具照片及使用说明3.课件
一、“快乐英语” 校本课程开发的背景
我校地处偏远山区,根据学生生理和心理特征,学生英语综合能力有待提高,在实际教学中教师发现学生英语实际运用十分困难,在目前的教学状况下,教师必须调整教学策略。在我校开发“快乐英语”锻炼学生的综合能力,营造“课上学英语 课下用英语 生生爱英语”的英语学习氛围。
(一)儿童期是学习外语的关键期,切实利用好这一关键期的意义之重大是不言而喻的。从生理学和心理学的角度上看,幼儿阶段是人类语言学习的关键期。儿童对任何语言都具有极大的敏感性,他们的语言感受能力极强,模仿能力也极强,听觉敏锐,心理障碍少。而儿童又活泼好动,因此必须创造良好的学习环境,必须使学习过程充满欢乐,适应儿童的心理、认知及年龄特点,充分体现“ 基础-轻松-有趣-实用”的特色,这样儿童才会愿意一再重复。在教的过程中要创设轻松愉快、生动活泼的课堂气氛,培养学习兴趣,因为兴趣是最好的老师。
校本课程的主要内容包括以下几个方面,1——2年 儿歌 律动操 歌曲 用语 3——4年 游戏 短剧表演 5——6年 课本剧 情景表演
(2)校 外语教学应突出其工具性作用。为使学生有更多的机会接触外语,使用外语,我们将在原实验基础上进一步探索和完善教学模式。我校英语教师结合学生学习生活实际,采用了《低年级校园英语100句》、《中年级校园英语100句》、《高年级校园英语100句》和《英语小对话及韵律诗歌》。从新学期起,我们的学生在每天的20分钟英语小课时间将学习这些我校的自编课程。这将丰富学生的校园生活及英语学习,使学生乐讲、能讲、有内容可以讲。
六、校本课程的成果展示 开发有特色的环境课程,我们主要通过这几方面给学生展示的舞台。
1.英语朗读大赛 2.英语作业评比 3.课间英语会话 4.英语墙报、小报及校刊 5.英语合唱比赛
英语节目大赛成为我校英语年段成果的综合性汇报,节目短小精悍,精彩纷呈:有优雅悦耳饿英语歌曲大合唱、有轻松愉快的歌谣表演、有充满童趣的课本剧表演、有活泼轻快的音乐短剧„„ 在舞台上,孩子们用纯正的英语尽情展示课堂学习的成果,把书本语言与口语实践很好地结合起来,充分展现了昆阳七小学生学习英语的热情和风采,每年的英语大赛也获得了来自学校和社区的一致好评。
三只小猪英语绘本故事 1
Once there was a mother pig who had three little pigs.She was so poor, however, that she could no longer take care of the young pigs.So she decided to send them away。
It is time for you to go out into the world now.You are old enough to live on your own.Remember that hard work never hurts a pig.But I warn you, if you are lazy and get fat, than you will be too slow to run away from you know who.The hungry old wolf!The three pigs were scared and shouted.So the three little pigs left their safe home and went out into the world.They each went a different way, and they each built themselves a new home.The first little pig was very nice and happy, but he was also very lazy.He didn’t like hard work.He always looked for the easy way to do things.Knowing he had to build a house for himself, the first little pig went go the market to look for supplies.When he saw a man selling straw, he said to himself, how easy it would be to build a house out of straw!
How much is that straw, sir? I will sell it to you for two cents, little pig.I’ll take it.So the first little pig bought the straw, and he built his house.Well, that was easy.I didn’t have to work very hard, and now I have a new house.This is great!The first little pig went inside and relaxed in his new home。
Now, the second little pig was a little different from the first.Because he liked to have lots of time to play, he always looked for the ffastest way to do things.The second little pig also went to the market in search of supplies for his new house.When he saw a man selling sticks, he said to himself。
I could really build a house quickly with those sticks.Sir, how much for those sticks? I will sell them to you for three cents.Great!I’ll buy them.So the second little pig bought the sticks and started to build his house。
Mom said that we would have to work so hard, but this is so easy.Look how quickly I built my house with these sticks.Now I will have plenty of time to play。
The third little pig was very different from his brothers.He was a very hard worker.He wasn’t worried about finding the easiest way or the fastest way.He wanted things done the right way.When he went to market to buy supplies for his house, he looked for something sturdy that would last。
Wow!You have some really good bricks here, sir.I bet they would make a strong house.These bricks will help you build the finest house money can buy.How much for all of them? I will sell them to you for five dollars.Oh, I don’t have enough money right now.Can you wait until tomorrow? Okay, I will wait until tomorrow, but not any longer。
The third little pig quickly left to find work so that he could earn enough money for the bricks.He worked very hard that day.When he was finished, he had the money he needed.Early the next morning, he took his money and bought the bricks, and began building his house.It took him a long time, but he knew the bricks would make his house strong and safe。
When his house was finally finished, the third pig called his two brothers over to see his new home.They came and admired his work.Your house looks great.Now you have to come and play with us.Yeah!Let’s go into the forest to play.You two go on ahead.I still have some work to do.Wow, I get tired just WATCHING him work。
Remember, mother pig warned us not to get fat and lazy.Oh, he is so silly, he loves to work, and he never plays.So the first little pig and the second little pig went into the forest to play while the third little pig stayed home and worked.What the pigs did not know was that in that same forest there was a scary, smart and very hungry old wolf。
三只小猪英语绘本故事 2
The wolf usually ate squirrels, chickens, chipmunks, and other small animals.But today he was hungry for something different.Today he wanted a tender, delicious pig.BACON!PORK CHOPS!HAM!That’s what I want for dinner。
Wait!What is that I smell? Could it be a tender, delicious pig? Just then, the scary, smart and very hungry wolf saw the two little pigs playing.He was a sneaky wolf and decided to try to join in their game.Hello, little pigs.I am a friendly wolf and would like to play with you。
I … I… I don’t think so.Yeah, our mother warned us about you.The two little pigs stopped what they were doing and quickly ran back to their homes.The wolf followed them and came to the first little pig’s house.Little pig, little pig, let me in please.Never!No!No!No!No!No!You will never get in here!Then I will huff, and I will puff, and I will BOLW your house down!
So the wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the house down.The first little pig was so afraid.He ran as fast as he could to the second little pig’s house and began banging on the door.Help me!Help me!The hungry old wolf is coming after me。
Come inside, brother pig.We will be safe in my house.Shortly after the first little pig was safely inside, they heard a knock on the door.Little pigs, little pigs, let me in.it’s the nice wolf.Never!No!No!No!No!We will never let you in.Then I will huff, and I will puff, and I will BLOW your house down!So the wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the house down.The two little pigs were really afraid now。
They ran as fast as they could to the third little pig’s house, so the wolf would not eat them.Little brother!Little brother!Help us!The wolf is trying to eat us.I thought this would happen.Come into my house.Hurry!No, little brother.We should run away.The hungry old wolf will blow this house down!He isn’t going to blow MY house down.It’s made of bricks。
The two little pigs went inside the third little pig’s house, and moments later, they heard a knock on the door.Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in.it’s the nice wolf.Never!No!No!No!No!We will never let you in!Then I will huff, and I will puff, and I will BLOW your house down.So the wolf huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed, but he just couldn’t blow the house down!The three pigs cheered, and the wolf went home without a delicious pig in his stomach.I must have those pigs to eat.I will have to think of a new plan.I am a smart wolf, and I will just go back to their house tomorrow and trick them。
三只小猪英语绘本故事 3
The next day, he went back to the third little pig’s house with a really big, friendly smile。
Little pigs, you are so smart.You are much smarter than me.I am sorry I tried to hurt you.Let’s be buddies.I know a really good field with lots of carrots.Do you want to go with me? Hmmm.That sounds nice.Where is the field, and when do you want to go? The field is very close.It’s on the side of farmer jack’s barn.I will come back tomorrow at six in the morning。
When the wolf left, the first little pig and the second little pig turned to their brother and said.Are you crazy? He is going to eat you!He doesn’t want to eat carrots, he wants to eat you!The wolf will have to find me first.Don’t worry.Just wait and see.That night, the wolf was thinking to himself, finally, tomorrow I will be able to eat a tender, delicious pig.He fell asleep dreaming of pork chops, bacon and ham。
主题: 坐上神奇校车穿越城市水系统
【科普启蒙】神奇校车的奇妙旅行:水的世界 推荐书名:神奇校车—水的故事
(Stories in the nature park)活动方案计划
评委老师:除英语 老师以外,再邀请综合组教师及学校领导参加
方案撰写 成绩汇总: 活动摄影、评分表、颁发奖状