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Module 7 Revision 重难点解析(1)




Where are the other students?


This is the head of our delegation.这是我们代表团的团长。

Did you go to the opening ceremony?


Let's go and water the vegetable plots.咱们去给菜地浇水吧。

He put the paper aside and turned on the radio.他把报纸搁在一边,打开无线电。

We must catch the next bus.我们必须赶下一班公共汽车。

She couldn't go, so she returned the ticket.她不能去,所以把票退掉了。

分析:例1中的“同学”不是指随便哪些同学,而是指某几个特定的同学。反过来说,如果不是指特定的某个或某些人或东西,就不宜加定冝词,这时或者不加冝词,或者需加a, some, a few这样的词。试比较下面的句子:(1.特指;2.泛指)

1.Give me the book.把那本书给我。

2.Give me a book.给我一本书(不拘是什么书)。

1.Take the medicine.把这药吃掉。

2.Take some medicine.吃点药吧。

第 1 页 1.Did you hear the talk given by Dr.Li? 你听了李博士做的报告了吗?

2.Do you often hear talks by foreign friends? 你常听外国朋友做的报告吗?

1.I liked the children's performances.我喜欢那些孩子们的表演。2.I like children's performances.我喜欢看儿童演出。


She goes to the theatre every week.她每星期都去看戏。

What's in the papers(on the radio)?


Let's meet at the railway station.咱们火车站见吧。


There's an interesting play on(the)television.c.在第二次提到某东西(甚至和它有关的东西)时常常需加定冝词:

He bought a TV and a video recorder, but he returned the video recorder.他买了一台电视机和一台录象机,但把录象机退了。

She bought a bicycle, but when she rode it one of the wheels came off.她买了一辆自行车,她骑上去时一个轮子掉了。

He saw a house in the country, isolated and far away from the nearest town.He stood outside the house for a while before going in.In the front room there was a fire burning in the fireplace.The room was clean, small and very warm.他在田野里看到一栋房子,孤零零的,离最近的城镇也很进。他在房子外面站了一会儿才迚去。在前面房间的壁炉里燃着炉火。房间窄小却很干净暖和。

第 2 页 d.在某些词组中,表示身体部位的名词前常加the, 如:

They pulled her by the hair.他们扯她的头发。

He gave me a pat on the back.他拍了一下我的背。

He hit me on the chin.他冲我下巴打了一拳。


The Chinese people are industrious and brave.中国人民勤劳勇敢。

Life was hard for the working class.那时工人阶级生活是苦的。For years she lived among the peasants.她在农民中间生活了许多年。the proletariat 无产阶级

the bourgeoisie 资产阶级

the intelligentsia(intellectuals)知识分子

the peasantry(peasants)农民阶级

the petty-bourgeoisie 小资产阶级

the aristocracy(nobility)贵族

the landlord class(landlords)地主阶级


We must have faith in the masses.我们应当相信群众。

the science circles 科学界

the government employees 政府雇员

第 3 页 the railway workers 铁路工人

the London dockers 伦敦码头工人

f.某些河流、海洋、山脉、群岛、海峡、海湾等专有名词前,常加定冝词。例如: the Yangtze, the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋), the Alps(阿尔卑斯山), the Philippines(菲律宾群岛), the English Channel(英吉利海峡), the Persian Gulf(波斯湾)


The burnt child dreads the fire.挨过烫的孩子害怕火。(谚)

The careful writer should avoid it.仔细的作家应避免这样做。

The transistor is small in size and highly reliable.半导体体积小而且极为可靠。

The lion is found in Africa.狮子出在非洲。

The rose is my favourite flower.玫瑰是我最喜欢的花。

分析:这里说的“孩子”,“半导体”不是指哪一个具体东西,而是指整个类属。在这种情况下多以加定冝词的办法表示这类东西。如果用一个人或东西能说明整个类属的特点,则也可以加不定冝词来表示类属。有时两种办法都可以用,也可用名词的复数形式表示类属。A horse is a useful animal.The horse is a useful animal.Horses are useful animals.马是有用的动物。


第 4 页 The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.老虎有绝种的危险。

就不能改为“A tiger...”。


The sun is down.太阳已经落山。

The moon moves round the earth.月亮绕着地球转。

The sky is quite blue and cloudless.天空蔚蓝,明净无云。

这类名词还有the globe(地球),the Equator(赤道),the universe(宇宙),the atmosphere(大气层),the outer space(外层空间)等。


Soon he would be among the unemployed.不久他将加入失业大军。

Take care of the wounded.注意照顾受伤人员。

You can't expect them to do the impossible.你不能指望他们做出不可能的事。

This was nothing out of the ordinary.这没有什么异乎寻常的地方。

此外还有the rich(富人),the poor(穷人),the deaf(聋人),the blind(盲人),the dead(死者),the oppressed(受压迫的人)等。

j.在序数词、形容词的最高级和表示方位的名词前加定冝词。例如: The second tax is for the state government.第二种税是州政府征收的。

The simplest kind of advertising is the classified ad.最简单的一种广告是分类广告。

The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。

第 5 页


in the morning, afternoon or evening(在上午,下午或晚上),by the way(顺便说),for the time being(暂时),on the whole(总的来说),out of the question(毫无可能的)

第 6 页



Module 1 1.What are the main differences between Junior High school and

Senior High school? 初中和高中的主要不同是什么?

difference 可用作可数名词亦可用作不可数名词,常与介词 between 连用,表两者间的不同。

典例 : 初中和高中的主要不同是什么?

It's hard to see many differences between the two parties.很难看出两党之间有多少不同。(两党之间并没有很多差异。)

What is the difference between American food and Chinese food?


There is not much difference in price.在价格上没有太大差异。

拓展 : different 形容词

different from 与 …… 不同; different in 在某方面不同

典例 :

The two boys are very different from each.这两个男孩有很大不同。

Our bags are different in color.我们的书包颜色不同。


1.-----Can you see any differences __________________(这两幅画之间)?

-----Yes, I can see __________________________{ 有两点不同 }.2.The color of her skirt is different _____ that of mine.A.in B.with C.between D.from

答案 :

1.between the two pictures;there are two differences 2.D 2.Are Senior High teachers similar to Junior High teachers?


similar 形容词 相似的 , 类似的 表与 …… 相似时,常与介词 to 搭配。


We have similar tastes in music.我们在音乐上有相似的爱好。

They are all similar.他们都类似。

My opinions on the matter are similar to Mary's.我在这件事上的观点与玛丽相似。

拓展 :

1.be similar to 与 be different from 构成反义词组

similarity [U ; C] 相似之处




答案: This book is similar to that one 3.The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the

classrooms are amazing.老师们很热情友好,教室也(好的)令人惊奇。

(1)enthusiastic 热心的; 热情的;感兴趣的 表示对某事热心,感兴趣时常与 about 连用


The football star got an enthusiastic reception.那位足球明星受到了热情的招待。

All teachers in our school are enthusiastic.我们学校所有的老师都很热情。

Xiao'ming is very enthusiastic about the concert.小明对这场音乐会很感兴趣。

(2).friendly 友好的 表对某人友好时通常与 to 连用


My classmates are all very friendly.我的同学都很友好。

There was a friendly smile on her face.她脸上挂着友好的微笑。

People in Qingdao are always friendly to visitors.青岛人对游客很友好。(3)amazing 形容词(好到)令人惊奇的; 令人吃惊的; 难以相信的 典例:

He is an amazing player to watch.他是一个(好的)让人惊奇的运动员。

Something amazing happened last night.昨天晚上发生一件令人惊奇的事情。




答案: Tom told us a lot of amazing stories.4.The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen.老师是一个非常热情的姓申的女士。

called 在此处为过去分词作定语,修饰 the woman ;同 named;可译为“被称 / 叫做 …… ; 名叫 …… ”


A girl named Wangping won the game.一个叫王萍的女孩赢了比赛。

Do you know a person named John Wilson? 你知道一个叫约翰。威尔逊的人吗?




答案: They have a three-year-old son called Pengpeng.5.We are using a new textbook and Ms Shen's method is nothing like

that of the teachers at my Junior High school.我们用新的教科书,而且申老师的教学方法和我们初中老师的一点也不同。

nothing like



He is nothing like his brother.他和他的弟弟一点也不像。Your mobile phone is nothing like mine.你的手机和我的一点也不像。



There is nothing like a hot bath after a day's work.一天工作之后,没什么比洗个热水澡更舒服的了。

There is nothing like music when you are tired.当你疲劳的时候,没有什么比音乐更好的了。

that 可用来代替前面提到的物体,避免重复。(注意,当指代物为复数名词时,用 those)

典例 :

The climate of Beijing is quite different from that of Qingdao.北京的气候与青岛(的气候)有很大不同。

The size of my shoes is larger than that of yours.我的鞋的号码比你的大。反馈练习:


His way of life is nothing like his father's.2;______________________________________.我家乡的建筑和北京的一点也不同。

答案 :


2;The buildings in my village are nothing like those in Beijing.6 . And we have fun.我们很开心。

fun 不可数名词 乐趣; 玩笑; 娱乐(在美语中有时可用作形容词,表“有趣的”)


What fun it is to do sth!做某事是多么快乐的事啊!

What fun it is to visit Suzhou gardens!参观苏州园林是多么令人开心的事啊!

---We are going to have a party.我们计划开一个晚会。

---Have fun!玩的开心一点。

We do this in a fun way.我们以一种有趣的方式



答案: What fun it is to learn something new every day!7.In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys.换句话说,女生是男生的三倍。

(1).in other words 换句话说

I don't want to leave you here.In other words, I want you to run

away with us too.我不想让你留在这儿。换句话说,我想让你和我们一起逃走。

拓展 :

that is to say 也就是说 in a word 总之; 总起来说

(2)倍数表达法 表示 A 是 B 的几倍时,可用下列几种方法表达

① A+ B + 倍数 + as B

典例 :

There are half as many students in this school as in that one.这所学校的学生数是那所学校的一半。

The husband is twice as old as the wife.丈夫年龄是妻子的两倍。

② A + B + 倍数…than B


The population in this town is three times more than it was in 1980.这个小镇的人口是它在 1980年时的三倍。

The laptop is three times more expensive than that desktop.这台手提电脑比那台台式电脑贵三倍。

③ A + be + 倍数 + the size/length/height/width…of B


Our school is three times the size of yours.我们的学校面积是你们学校的三倍。


1: ______________________________________.---------这所房子(面积)是那所的两倍大。


This house is twice as big as that one.(This house is twice the size of that one.)8.I'm looking forward to doing it!


look forward to 期待; 期望; 期盼(注意其中的to为介词,其后需接名词或动名词)


We are looking forward to your arrival.我们正期盼着你的到来。

I'm looking forward to receiving your letter.我期待着收到你的来信。


• ______________________________________.很多学生期盼着去参观长城。


Many students are looking forward to visiting the Great Wall.9.So have I.我也是。

So + 助动词 + 主语 表”某人也……”


He is sixteen, so am I.他十六了,我也是。

Tom likes playing football, so do I.汤姆喜欢踢足球,我也是。

注意: 助动词及其时态的选择要根据前句确定

He has finished his homework, so has Mary.(so have the other


The teacher will go to America, so will the students.老师要去美国,学生们也要去。


So + 主语 + 助动词 表示对前一说话者的意思进行肯定


---Mary is good at music.玛丽音乐很好。

---So she is.(是的,的确很好。)

--They have moved away.(他们已搬走了。)

--So they have.(是的,他们已搬走了。)

10.Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years, grades six

to twelve.美国中学通常要上七年,从六年级到十二年级。

cover在本句中作及物动词 意为“涵盖(内容); 覆盖(面积,长度,宽度等); 包含; 包括”,有时也作“报导”讲


The city covers 50 square miles.这座城市(覆盖)面积为50平方公里。

The book covers all the information you want.这本书包含有所有你想要的信息。

They covered 100 miles yesterday.他们昨天走了100英里。

The plan would cover only a few of the three million people without

jobs.这项计划只涉及到 300万失业人口中的少数人。

Qingdao Daily has sent a reporter to cover the event.《青岛日报》已了一名记者去报导(采访)此事。


1. ____________________________________.我们的学校占地两百亩。



1;Our school covers 200 mu.2;His answer covered most of the key points.

第三篇:外语教学与研究出版社高中英语必修 2Module 2 No Drugs重难点解析

Module 2 No Drugs重难点解析(1)

1.Facts About Smoking关于吸烟的事实

吸烟可以导致死亡,而在英语中表达死亡的用法有很多种,可以用die,也可以用cause death,be killed等,因患病而死,可以使用die from illnesses。


During the 1990 s,(21 thousand/21 million)people died as a result of smoking cigarettes.20世纪90年代,(2,100/21,000,000)人因为吸烟而死亡。

A quarter of young people who smoke more than(10/20)cigarettes a day will die prematurely as a result of smoking.每天吸烟(10支/20支)的年轻人,有四分之一的人会因吸烟而夭折。

In the United Kingdom,smoking causes(12,000/121,000)deaths a year.在英国,吸烟每年造成(12,000/121,000)人死亡。

Thirteen people die(every hour/every day)from illnesses related to smoking tobacco,such as cancer,bronchitis and heart disease.(每小时/每天)有十三个人死于与吸烟有关的疾病,如癌症、支气管炎和心脏病。

Every year,about(20/200)people are killed and(200/2,000)are seriously injured in fires caused by smoking.吸烟引起的火灾每年造成大约(20/200)人死亡、(200/2,000)人严重受伤。

2.Thirteen people die(every hour/every day)from illnesses related to smoking tobacco,such as cancer,bronchitis and heart disease.(每小时/每天)有十三个人死于与吸烟有关的疾病,如癌症、支气管炎和心脏病。

1)英语中,表示“与什么有关”的短语有:be related to,be connected with,be associated with等。例如:

This case was related to drug dealers.这一案例与贩毒者有关。

Language teaching is connected with the nature of language and the nature of language learning.语言教学与语言属性和语言学习属性有关。

This is a phenomenon associated with physical change.这是一个与物理变化有关的现象。

2)for example与such as的用法及区别:

①for example和such as都可当作“例如”解。但such as用来列举事物,插在被列举事物之间。


The farm grows various kinds of crops,such as wheat,corn,cotton and rice.


要特别注意:such as一般不宜与and so on连用,对前面的复数名词部分起列举作用,一般不全部列出。如不可以说He knows four languages,such as Chinese,English,French and German.在这种情况下,应将such as改成namely,后面加逗号。

②for example用来举例说明,有时可作为独立语,插在句中,不影响句子其他部分的语法关系。例如:

A lot of people here,for example,Mr John,would rather have coffee.这儿的许多人,例如约翰先生,宁愿喝咖啡。

第 1 页

3)heart disease心脏病

心脏病还可以用heart attacks来表示。英语中表示疾病的常用词汇有:have a(cold患感冒:have a toothache牙痛;have a headache头痛;have a fever发烧;等等。除了与have连用外,表示疾病的名词还通常与suffer from和die of连用。例如:

He suffers from a chest cancer.他患有胃癌。

He died of a heart disease last year.他去年死于心脏病。

3.I'm 19 years old and I used to be a drug addict.我19岁,过去是一个吸毒者。

used to和be used to的用法与区别:

1)be used to为被动语态。意为“被用来……”,to为动词不定式符号,其后跟动词原形。例如:

Golden trumpets are used to express public opinion here.这儿金喇叭是用来表达公共舆论的。

Bamboo can be used to carry water.竹子可用来输水。

2)“used to”后接动词原形,意思是“过去惯常”,表示过去经常发生的动作(或存在的状态)现在已不再发生(或存在)了。


People used to think the sun travelled round the earth.人们过去曾经认为太阳绕地球转动。(暗指人们现在并不这样认为了。)

used to的否定式可用didn't use to,也可以用used not to(缩写为usedn't to或 usen't to读音为[ju:snt])。

2)若“be used to+名词或v-ing"意思是“习惯于”。试比较:

He used to walk to school.他过去总是步行到校。

He is used to walking to school.他现在习惯于步行上学了。


①used to只用于过去时,不能用于别的时态;be used to则可用于各种时态。例如:

He is(was,will be,has been,etc.)used to walking to school.

②be used to中的be可以用get,become,grow代替,用这些动词构成的动词词组表示由不习惯到习惯的过程。如:

You'll soon get used to the life in the countryside.你很快就会习惯乡下的生活的。

4.I continued to buy cannabis from the same man for about six months.我继续不停地从那个人那里买了大约6个月的大麻。


We made up our minds to continue the experiment.我们下决心继续进行这项实验。

He continued his study of Chinese in some college.他继续在某所大学学中文?

She continued to teach us English then.她那时继续教我们英语。

They continued walking along the river after a short rest.他们休息了一下,继

第 2 页 续沿着小河散步。

The hot weather continued for a long time this year.今年炎热的天气持续了好长一段时间。(本句中continue用作不及物动词,意为“延续”。)

5.One day.he offered me some crack cocaine.一天,他给了我一些强效纯可卡因。

offer用作动词,意为“提出,表示提供”,可以说“offer(sb.)sth.”(提供某 物),offer to do sth.(提出/主动做某事)。例如:

When they arrived at our school,we offered them warm reception.当他到达我校时,我们热情接待了他们。

I offered him a cup of tea.我给他上了一杯茶。

When we meet with difficulties he always offers his help.当我遇到困难时,他总是提供帮助。

He offered to help me with my English, and I made great progress.他主动帮助我学英语,我进步很大。

When she gets home from school she offers to do housework.当她放学回家时,就主动做家务活。

6.Users who inject the drug are also in more danger if they share needles with other users.注射毒品者,如果与其他人共用注射针头,他们将更加危险了。

1)in danger意为“处境危险”。例如:

The little girl is not in danger now.这个小女孩脱离了危险。

While in danger you may ask the police for help.处于危险情况时,可向警察求助。

注意比较以下短语:be in great danger处境极其危险;be in no danger处境不危险;be out of danger脱险(脱离险境);be in danger of处于……危险之中;be in safety(处境)安全;cannot do sth.with safety做某事不可能没有危险。


He has been out of danger,that is to say,he is in no danger or he is in safety.他已经脱离了危险,也就是说,他的处境不危险了,或者说他处于安全之中了。


Users become addicted to crack cocaine much more easily if they smoke it.如果吸毒者吸了这种强效可卡因,他们将更容易吸毒上瘾。

If you call wait two minutes,you won't want to smoke.如果你能等上两分钟,你就不想吸烟了。

If you're sitting down,take a short walk.如果你在坐着,就起来走走。

If you drink water.you reduce the need to have something in your mouth.如果你喝水的话,你就减少了吸烟的需求。


He shared the food left with his father.他和他爸爸分享了剩下的食物。

I don't want to share the room with a stranger.我不想和一个陌生人同居一室。

第 3 页

Now that there are not enough seats for everyone;we can share some of them.


They share the same interests.他们的兴趣相投。

Who can share(in)my troubles as well as my joys?谁能和我同甘共苦?

7.Remember to record these “topic” sentences carefully in order to understand the main idea of the passage.为了理解段落大意,记住要仔细记录主题句。

1)本句是一个祈使句,表示指令性。其中,remember to do sth.意为“记住去做

某事”(事情还没有做),注意区别于remember doing sth.


Please remember to post the letter for me.请记住为我寄封信。

I remember posting the letter for you.我记得为你寄了那封信。

2)in order to是固定词组,后接动词原形。既可用在句首,也可用于句中,表示目 的。例如:

She went to the hall early in order to get a good seat.她很早就到大厅去了,以便找到一个好座位。

3)in order that相当于so that,用来引导目的状语从句,句中常用的情。态动词can,may,could,might,will等。例如:

She got up early in order that she could catch the first bus.她起床很早,以便能赶上第一班汽车。

注意:in order that引导的从句的主语如果和主句的主语一致,那么可改为in order to引导的状语短语。上个例句可改为:She got up early in order to catch the first bus.

8.But he asked me for a lot of money.但是他向我索要大量的钱。

ask for意为“要求得到”,在不同情况下有不同译法。例如:

You can write to VOA English and ask for any information you need.你可以写信给VOA英语询问一些你所需要的资料。

If you get into trouble,don't hesitate to ask for help.你要是碰到麻烦,要赶快向人求助。

She sent me a postcard asking for your address.她寄给我一张明信片,要你的地址。

9.I was in terrible pain.我痛苦得要命。

1)pain用作名词,指“痛苦”时,常用作不可数名词。但有时可与不定冠词“a” 连用,指“辛苦”“努力”时,常用其复数形式“pains”。例如:

You will forgive me if I have given you pain.如果我给你带来痛苦,请原谅我。

第 4 页

He has been in pain since he returned from Hong Kong.自从香港回来,他一直处于痛苦之中。

He is in pare since he was injured in that accident.自从在那次事故中受伤以来,他一直在痛苦之中。

I have a pain in my head.我头痛。

I have a continued pain in stomach.我腹部连续的疼痛。

No wonder he has taken the first place.for he has been at the pains of learning.他一直学习刻苦,难怪获得第一名。

No pains,no gains.(No gains without pains)不劳则无获。

You may save your pains.你不必费心。

It was done with pains.它是艰辛所为。

We have been demanded to spare no pains to finish it.要求我们不遗余力地完成这项任务。


She was pained to hear of his death.听到他的死讯,她很痛苦。

His head pained this morning.他今天早晨头痛。


I was absent from school because of my headache.因为头痛,我没有去上学。

Not all persons think that toothache is a serious illness.并不是所有的人都认为牙痛是一种严重的病症。







Since he had a headache,he have been in pain from time to time.自从他患了头痛病以后,他不时地处于痛苦之中。

He went on fighting though he was badly wounded.他受了伤,但仍然继续坚持战斗。

I was sorry to hear that he had been badly injured in that accident.听到他在事故中受了重伤我很难过。

He hurt his leg when he fell from the ladder.他从梯子上摔下来伤了腿。

What he said hurt me.他的话伤了我的心。

-What's wrong with your legs?你的腿怎么了?

-They hurt much.疼得很厉害。

How I wish I hadn't injured her.我是多么希望我没有伤害她的感情啊!

What you have said has wounded me.你所说的话已经伤害了我。[考试要点]

第 5 页 1.May this country never again know the ______of war.




D.wound 2.Chocolate gives me ______.


B.tooth hurt

C.tooth wound

D.tooth pain 3.His unkind behaviour caused his parents ______(许多痛苦). 4.A hibernating animal can not feel any ______(疼痛). 5. ______(他腿部受了伤)when he was shot at. 6. ______(受伤的人)lay on the carts.

7.Since the old man's daughter died,he has always been in ______.




D.pains 8.My feelings ______(hurt)when he didn't invite me to the party.

[答案1.B 2.A 3.a great deal of pain 4.pain 5.He received a bad wound in the leg或He was badly wounded in the leg.

6.The wounded,或The wounded men 7.C 8.were hurt] Module 2 No Drugs重难点解析(2)

10.The next day,I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder.第二天,我闯进一户人家,偷了一台电视机和一部录像机。

1)break into意为“强行而入;闯入”。例如:

The robbers broke into his house and robbed him of many possessions. 强盗们闯入他的家里,抢走了许多财物。

A house was broken into between midnight and 5 a.m. 在午夜到早上五点这段时间内,有人强行进入一家房子。They broke into the prison and set free more than 200 prisoners. 他们攻入监狱,释放了200多名犯人。2)break into还可以表示“突然开始”。例如:

Everybody broke into roars of laughter. 大家哄堂大笑起来。

On hearing the terrible news,they broke into tears. 一听到这一可怕的消息,他们都哭了起来。The people broke into loud cheers at the news. 人们听了这个消息,都大声欢呼起来。


My bike was stolen while I was in the shop. 我进了商店后,自行车被偷了。

She used to steal money from her father's desk drawer. 她以前常从父亲的办公抽屉里偷钱。

He stole a look at the pretty girl across the table. 他偷偷地看了一眼桌子那边那个漂亮的女孩。


第 6 页

He was arrested for stealing.他因偷窃被拘捕。

It's wrong to steal.偷窃是错误的。

He stole into the room.他溜进了房问。[注意]

①偷东西的结构为steal sth.from sb./some place或steal sb.'s sth.;②steal sb.sth.的含义并不是“偷了某人的××东西”,而是“偷××东西来给某人”;③rob(robbed,robbed,robbing)意为抢劫。常用于结构:rob sb./some place of sth.或sth.+be+robbed of(即“偷”的宾语是“物”,“抢劫”的宾语是“人/地点”)。[考试要点]1)steal与rob含义上的区别

2)二者结构上的区别 1.Jean had his purse ______on the back home from work.



C.robed of

D.robbed 2.The little boy used to be made ______from the store.

A.use of stealing

B.to use stealing

C.use of to steal

D.to rob of 3.She looked down and found the purse gone,not knowing when it was ______.

A.robbed of


C.stolen from


[答案:1.B 2.C 3.D]

11.Using cocaine increase the user's heart rate and blood pressure.使用可卡因增加了使用者的心律和血压。


The number of tigers in India has greatly increased in recent years.

在最近几年中,印度老虎的数量有了很大的增长。(increase用作不及物动词)Reading books can help you to increase your knowledge. 读书可使人增长知识。(increase用作及物动词)There was a good talk about the increase of the world's population. 有一个很好的关于世界人口增长的谈话。(increase用作名词)The increase of population will cause a lot of social problems. 人口的增加将会引起许多社会问题。

12.Smoking cack cocaine also causes anti-social behaviour.




anti-social behaviour反社会行为,即违法犯罪行为

They fought against the Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War.在抗日战争期间,他们曾经同日本人打过仗。

For five minutes the three girls tried their best to give out anti-sickness pills and comfort the passengers.三位姑娘用5分钟时间,将晕车药片分发给乘客并安慰他们。


unhappy不快乐的,discourage泄气,illegal不合法的,impossible不可能的,第 7 页 irregular不规则的,misunderstand误解。

13.He told me that I could die if I didn't stop taking crock cocaine.So I took his advice and stopped immediately.他告诉我如果我不停止吸强效纯可卡因我就要死掉了,因此,我接受了他的建议,并立刻停止吸毒。

advice是不可数名词,“一条建议”为a piece of advice。advice前常用的修饰词有some,any,much,pieces of,one's等。常与advice连用的动词或短语有:give,ask for,take,follow,offer等。如:

Ask for Lao Wang's advice and he'll give you some good advice. 征求老王的意见,他会给提出些很好的建议的。

In one of his books,Marx gave some advice on how to learn a foreign language. 马克思在他的一本书里对如何学习外语提出了一些建议。

14.How many of them break the law in order to pay for their drugs? 为了购买毒品,他们有


so as to/in order to常用来表示目的,构成动词不定式短语,其否定形式是so as not to/in order not to。例如:

He worked very hard in order to catch up with the top student in our class. 他学习很努力,以便赶上我班最好的同学。

I'm going to make an early start so as not to get stuck in the traffic. 我要早点动身,以免碰上交通堵塞。

He came in quietly in order not to wake his wife. 他轻轻地进来,为了不把他妻子吵醒。

I took the doctor's advice in order not to continue taking drugs. 为了不继续吸毒我接受了医生的建议。

I refused to take the drug so as not to become addicted. 我拒不吸毒,以防成瘾。

15.About 21 million people died during the 1990s as a result of smoking. 20世纪90年代,大约2,100万人由于吸烟而死亡。

as a result(of)是一个介词短语,意为“由于……的结果”,常用在有上下文(表示


She had so much cold drink yesterday.As a result,she fell ill and had a high fever today.


As a result I have to wash all the plates and things after meals,and do a lot of work in the garden.


第 8 页 As a result of the flood,thousands of parents lost their food. 由于洪涝灾害,成千上万的农民没有粮食吃。

As a result of his absence,we had to put off the meeting. 由于他的缺席,我们只好推迟会议。

16.Which word refers to somewhere that you can buy things? 哪个单词指的是你可以买到东西的某个地方?

refer to的具体用法如下:

① 论及,谈到。例如:

His name was referred to in the meeting.他的名字在会议中被提及。

② 参考,参照。例如:

He cooked dinner by referring to a cookbook.他的晚餐是参考一本食谱做的。

③ 和……有关,涉及。例如:

What do these numbers refer to?这些数字表示什么意思? ④ refer to sth.as sth.将……称为……。例如:

California is referred to as the “Golden State”.加利福尼亚被称作“黄金之州”。

refer sb.to…叫某人去……。例如:

He referred the student to the counselor.他叫那名学生去找辅导员。


The problem was referred to the committee.该问题已交付委员会处理。

17.Which one means that something is against the law?哪一个意思是与法律相违背的?

1)be against作“反对”解,虽是介词却有动词意味,相当于object to(“反对,不


Those who are against the plan may put up your hands. 反对这项计划的人请举起手来。

I will speak against anything I know to be wrong. 我对自己认为不正确的事情是从来不说好话的。

All the workers on strike voted against going back to work. 所有进行罢工的工人都投票反对复工。

I won't say anything against you.我是不会讲对你不利的话的。


We'd fight/struggle against our bad fate.我们应当与我们不幸的命运抗争。

Everyone should fight against pollution to protect our surroundings against(from)being polluted.每人都应当与污染作斗争,以保护我们的环境不受污染。

第 9 页 3)be against表示位置关系“靠着,顶着、迎着、对着”。例如:

Please lean the ladder against the wall.That will be a bit safer.请将梯子依在墙上,这样更安全一点。

The picture looks good against that light wall.衬着那色彩明快的墙壁,这幅画看上去很漂亮。

The pine tree were black against the morning sky.黑黑的松树映衬在清早的天空下。

It's hard to boat against the wind.逆风行船是很艰难的。

[注意]be against(反对)的反义词组是be for(支持、赞同)。例如:

You are against the idea while I am for it.你反对这个主意,但我却很支持它。


18.Some people feel so nervous that they call the police.有些人感到如此紧张,以致于他们给警察打电话。

so…that引起表示程度或结果的状语从句,作“如此……以致(因而)”解,常用在下列结构中:①so+adj.(+a/an)+n.+that; ②so+adj./adv.

+that clause其中so是副词,用以修饰其后的形容词或副词,说明其程度的大小。


I'm always so busy with my work that I have no time to see my mother.我总是工作很忙,没有时间去看望母亲。

We worked so hard that we didn't go home even on Sundays.我们工作是如此努力,连星期天都没有回家。

They were so deeply moved that they couldn't fall asleep that night.他们深受感动,以致当天晚上睡不着觉。

He is so clever a boy that he call solve any problem himself.他是个那么聪明的一个孩子,他能独立解决一切问题。

The weather is so fine that we decide to go out for an outing.天气很好,我们决定外出郊游。


①so+ adj.(+a/an)+n. +that-clause.

②such[+(a/an)+adj.]+ n. +that-clause.

He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper.他进步很快,不久就开始用英文给一家美国报纸撰稿。

They are such boys that we all like them.他们是一群这样(可爱的)的孩子,我们都喜欢他们。

She is such a lovely girl that we all like her.她是一个活泼可爱的女孩,我们大家都喜欢她。

2)so that可引导目的状语,也可引导结果状语,但such that仅能引导结果状语。


第 10 页 4)引导结果状语从句时,so…/such…可以放在句首,这时主句谓语动词或谓语的一部分必须倒装放在主语前。


So interesting was the novel that I read it four times.这部小说如此兴趣盎然,我都读四遍了。

[考试要点]主要考查上述三点注意事项及so as to和in order to的位置问题。1. ______get up late,he went to bed early last night.

A.So as to

B.In order not to

C.Not so as to

D.Not in order to 2.He is so kind ______help anyone who needs help.

A.so as to

B.as to

C.in order to

D.that he 3.Swimming in hot summer is ______ that we all enjoy it.

A.such fun

B.so fun

C.such a great fun

D.so funny 4.“I want to buy so large a tank ______I Can store more water for future,”said Tom.

A.so that

B.such that


D.in order 5.They were ______little children that they couldn't live on their own.




D.this 6.She told us ______story that we all forgot about the time.

A.such all interesting

B.such interesting

C.so an interesting

D.a so interesting 7. ______that he was greatly praised.

A.So good deeds Tom did

B.So Tom did good deeds

C.Such good deeds did Tom do

D.Such good deeds that Tom did 8. ______times have I seen the film that I could almost recite it.

A.So few

B.Such many

C.So many


[答案1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C] 19.In fact,I think it would be a good idea to ban smoking in parks as well.事实上,我认为在公园里也禁止吸烟是一个好主意。

it用作形式主语的句型是:It is/was+adj./n.+(for sb.)to do sth.在这一句子


It is possible for us to learn English well in ten years.我们在10年内学好外语是可能的。

It is well-known that it is necessary to develop agriculture and industry.众所周知,发展工农业是必要的。

It is possible I should return this afternoon.我今天下午返回是可能的。

Is it important that he should improve his method of study?他改进学习方法是重要的吗?

It is very good for us to put some powder on the soil.我们在田地里洒些肥粉是很好的。

It is difficult for them to employ more men for the harvest.他们很难雇到更多的人收庄稼。

It is important for the students to read English every day.同学们每天读英语是很

第 11 页 重要的。

It is a good idea to protect wild animals in the forest.保护森林野生动物是一个好主意。

Module 2 No Drugs重难点解析(3)

20.Do you think you would follow this advice if you were a smoker?如果你是吸烟者,你是否认为应该接受这一建议?


If I were you.I would go there immediately.如果我是你的话,我就马上去那儿了。

If I had your brain.I would take part in the competition.如果我有你的好脑袋的话,我就参加比赛了。


The have followed some of my advice on the new textbook.他们已经接受了我的一些关于新教材的建议、Finally we made our decision to follow her suggestion.最后我们决定按照她的建议行事。

21.Participants learn to recognise smoking triggers(things that start them smoking)and they try to set a date in the future when they will stop smoking.参与者学会认清吸烟的引发因素(造成他们吸烟的因素),他们试图设定将来戒烟的日期。

1)stop doing sth.意为“不做某事了(停止做某事)”;stop to do sth.意为“停下(正在进行的行为而开始)做某事”。例如:

It has stopped raining.雨停了。

When the teacher came into the classroom,the students stopped talking.老师一走进教室,学生们就停止了谈话。

-The baby has stopped cuing.那个婴儿已经停止了哭声。

-Who stopped it(from)cuing and what did it stop to do?是谁阻止他哭叫,而他停下来后又开始了些什么呢? 2)跟短语stop sb.(from)doing sth.意思相同的还有prevent sb.(from)doing sth.(from可以省略)和keep sb.from doing sth.



There was nothing to prevent us serving the people.什么也无法阻止我们为人民服务。(We can never be prevented/stopped from serving the people.)

That matter did not prevent us getting on very well together.那件事没有阻止我们彼此之间的融洽相处。

第 12 页

Your quick thinking prevented a serious accident happening in time.你敏捷的思维及时地阻止了一场严重事故的发生。

(=Thanks to your quick thinking,a serious accident was prevented,in time,from happening.)

We'd keep the little children from entering the classroom.我们应阻止小孩子进入教室。

(=Little children must be kept from entering the classroom.)

keep sb.from doing sth.≠keep sb.doing sth.前者是阻止/禁止某人干某事,后者是使/让某人(不停地)一直干某事。又如:

I wonder what kept her crying.我不知道什么事使得她哭个不停。

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.让你久等了,真抱歉。

22.Look at your watch and wait for a couple of minutes.看看手表,等上几分钟。

wait for等待。例如:

Can you wait for me for some time,I'll be back soon.你能等我一会儿吗?我马上就回来。

We'll wait for no one after time.我们不等那些迟到的人。

It is important to wait for his invitation before we can attend the conference.重要的是我们要等他的邀请才能去参加会议。

23.If you drink water,you reduce the need to have something in your month.如果你喝水的话,你就减少了吸烟的需求。


The only way to do that is to reduce expenses.做到这一点的唯一办法是减少开支。

I bought the book because it was reduced from 15 yuan to 5 yuan.我买这本书,是因为它从15元降到5元。

The price of the computer has been reduced 30 per cent this year.今年,电脑的价格已经降了百分之三十。

The wages of the teachers have been increased by 20%recently.最近,教师的工资增加了百分之二十。

The population of the city has increased from less than half a million in 1949 to over two million.这座城市的人口从1949年的不到50万人增长到200万人。

Goats and sheep have increased by more than 5,000 in this small village.这个村子的羊的数量增加了5,000多只。

His words only increased the anger of the workers.他的话仅仅增加了工人的愤怒。

24.Breathe in slowly and deeply.Count to five when your lungs are full.Then breathe out slowly.慢慢地进行深呼吸。数数到5时,肺中就吸满了气。然后慢慢呼出。

breathe为动词,breath为名词。breathe in/breathe out吸入/呼出。例如:

When he got to the top of the hill,he was quite out of breath.当他到达山顶时,第 13 页 他已经是气喘嘘嘘了。

“Breathe deeply,”said the doctor.医生说:“深呼吸。”

25.And here are some ideas to help people to give up smoking.这儿有一些帮助人们戒烟的主张。

短语动词give up作“停止,放弃”讲,在句中作及物动词用,它的宾语可以是名词,代词或v-ing形式。当宾语是名词或v-ing形式时,宾语通常放在give up之后,当宾语是代词时,宾语通常可以放在give与up之间。“to give up smoking”也可以说“to stop smoking”,因为“to give up doing sth。”和“to stop doing sth.”都有“不再做某事”的意思。例如:

Don't give up your plan for experiment.不要放弃你的实验计划。

Your idea is good.Don't give it up.你的想法很好,不要放弃它。

You'd better give up drinking.There's something wrong with your stomach.你最好把酒戒了,你的胃有毛病。

He isn't in good health;he has given up playing football.他身体不好,已经不再踢足球了。

26.Make a list of friends who smoke and places where you smoke.列出吸烟的朋友和你吸



I know the man who lives in the next door.我认识住在隔壁的那个人。

Luckily only a few of the people whom I know were injured lightly.幸运的是,我认识的人中只有几个受了轻伤。

The student whose handwriting is the best in our class is admired by the classmates.同学们都羡慕我班那个书法最好的学生。

They live in a house whose door faces north.他们住在一幢门朝北的房子里。(face是及物动词“面向、面对着”)

Do you know the woman who came to see Mr.Li?你认识来看李先生的那个妇女吗?

He is just the man whom we are looking for.他正是我们要找的人。

Liu Ying is the girl whose parents have passed away.刘影就是那个父母双亡的女孩。

The police have surveyed the building whose glasses were all broken.警察已察看了玻璃全部破损的那幢大楼。

27.Choose a time when you will be relaxed but also too busy to think about smoking.选定一个你忙于放松、而忘记吸烟的时间。



第 14 页

The room is too small to hold so many people.房间太小,容不下这么多人。

One can never be too old to learn.[谚]活到老学到老。

The water is too dirty for people to drink.这水太脏了,人不能饮用。

They ran too slowly to catch up with others.他们跑得太慢了,赶不上别人。



This book is too easy to read.这本书读起来太容易了。

Mary is too easy to be annoyed.玛丽太容易生气了。

Saturday is drawing near,and we are all too anxious/eager to go home.星期六将近了。我们大家都很急着想回家。

She is only too happy to see her mother at the airport.在机场看到她母亲,她真是太高兴了。

You were too ready to give up your idea.你也太轻易地放弃你自己的主张了。

He is only too frightened to see the snake.看到这条蛇,他简直是害怕极了。

注意在下列情况下,该句型常表示肯定。例如: ① only/but too...to意为“非常(十分)……”,表示肯定c 例如:

He is only too pleased to help you.他非常乐于帮助人。

② too…not to…意为“太……不能不”,表示肯定。例如:

You are too angry not to say it.你在气愤之下,不免要说出这样的话来。

He is too careful not to have noticed it.他那么细心,不会不注意到这一点的。

③@not too…to…意为“并非太……而不能”,表示肯定。例如:

His grandfather is not too old to do so.他祖父并非老到不能做这事。

③ ready,eager,prepared,anxious等形容词用于该句型,也表肯定。例如:

The girl is too eager to see the film star.She has been waiting outside for 3 hours.这个女孩太想见到这位明星了,她已经在外面等了三个小时了。

2)think about sth.动词短语意为“考虑……”。think about doing=think of doing sth.意为“考虑,打算干某事”。例如:

He thought about the problem and found the answer to it.他思考了一下这个问题便找到了答案。

He thought about/of building a new house next spring.他打算明年春天建一座新房子。

[注意]think about sth.和think over sth.的区别:think about sth.意为“考虑……”,其中about为介词,所以其宾语只能放在about后,无论是名词还是人称代词;think over sth.意为“仔细/反复考虑……”,其中over为副词,如果其宾语是普通名词,可以放在over的前边或后边。但如果宾词是人称代词就只能放在over的前边。例如:

He thought the question over and over.他反复思考这个问题。

第 15 页

He thought over the advice before he accepted it.他仔细考虑了这个建议然后才接受了。

Don't accept something before you think it over.在仔细考虑之前,不要轻意接受任何观点。

[考试要点]考查think about和think over的区别。

1.Don't ______any more,I think you've already ______.

A.think about it,thought over it

B.think about it,thought it over

C.think it over,thought about it

D.think over it,thought about it 2.I'm ______going to Beijing tomorrow.

A.thinking of

B.thinking about

C.think over

D.A or B

[答案1.B 2.D]

28.Instead of smoking,make a phone cell,take a short walk,talk with a friend.用打电话、短程散步、与朋友交谈来取代吸烟。

instead of是介词短语,它的前后是并行的成分,表示取前者而舍后者,所以它一般被译为“代替,而不是”。其后可接动名词、不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语。例如:

When water freezes,it becomes larger in volume instead of smaller.当水结冰时,它的体积变得更大而不是更小。

We have made up our mind to stick to the plan instead of to give it up.我们已下决心把那计划坚持下去,而不是放弃它。

Instead of working,he idles away his time.他无所事事,虚度光阴。

We'd better go there on foot instead of by bus.我们别乘车了,还是步行去为好。

You should be out instead of in on such a fine day.天气这么好,你应当出去走走,不要呆在家中。

Module 2 No Drugs重难点解析(4)




He broke into the house to steal something.

Many drug addicts are now in treatment centres to stop taking drugs.

He's saving up to buy a new car.

He uses a computer to send emails.

2)有时候在不定式前面加上in order to或so as to,否定式为in order not to和so as not to:

Let's hurry so as to go to school in time.

Let's hurry so as not to be late for school.

She studied very hard in order to catch up with others.

She studied very hard in order not to lag behind.

3)不定式表示目的时,通常它的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,但如果不是的话,第 16 页 就要用for…


Mom opened the door for Jane and Betty to come in.

We are now using the series “New Standard English” for students to make great progress.


It is so kind of you to come and help us.

(这时,you既是to come and help us又是kind的逻辑主语)


It's rude of him to say so.



What have I done to get all this?

She went abroad never to return.

He was so.late as to miss half of the lecture.

She is such a good student as to be respected by all her classmates.

The house is large enough to hold two hundred people.

He is too young to do the job.


She was surprised to see us in the street of London.

He laughed to hear the news.

The old lady rejoiced to learn that her son was the champion of the match.



Some of them behave so badly that people call the police.

It was such a dangerous drug that he nearly died.

It was such loud music that we couldn't hear ourselves speak.


The night scene of the lake was so beautiful that we didn't want to come back at all.

They played so happily that they forgot the time.


They were such dangerous drug dealers that people had to ask the police for help.

It is such an interesting story that all of them like it.


He was so late as to miss half of the lecture.

She is such a good student as to be respected by all her classmates.

The house is large enough to hold two hundred people.

He is too young to do the job.


He was so late that he missed half of the lecture.

She is such a good student that she is respected by all her classmates.

第 17 页

The house is so large that it can hold two hundred people.

He is so young that he can't do the job.

第 18 页


物理必修一第一章知识要点解析及训练 第一章 运动的描述

第一节 质点 参考系和坐标系



飞驰的汽车 旋转的乒乓球 地球绕太阳转动 地球的自转 体操运动员的动作是否优美

解析:能 不能 能 不能 不能


要描述一个物体的运动状态,必须先选取参考系 要比较两个物体的运动状态,必须在同一参考系下






前3秒钟 最后3秒 3秒末 第3秒初 第3秒内 解析:时间 时间 时刻 时刻 时间


4,运动员绕操场跑一周(400跑道)时的位移的大小和路程各是多少? 解析:0 400米


速度定义:位移与发生这个位移所用时间的比值表示物体运动的快慢叫做速度。定义式:v=Δx/Δt 适用于所有的运动 单位:米每秒(m/s)千米每小时(km/h)速度是矢量,既有大小,又有方向。




1.物体沿直线向同一方向运动,通过两个连续相等的位移的平均速度分别为v1=10m/s和v2=15m/s,则物体在这整个运动过程中的平均速度是多少? 解析:设每段位移为x,由平均速度的定义有 v=

2x2x2vv12=12m/s t1t2x/v1x/v2v1v2第四节 用打点计时器测速度


1、实验目的 用打点计时器测速度







v=Δx/Δt 点迹密集 速度小 点迹稀疏 速度大









C.使用打点计时器打出的纸带相邻两个点的时间间隔为0.02s D.使用打点计时器打出的纸带相邻两个点的时间间隔为0.1s 解析:BC 2,使用打点计时器时应注意()


B.使用打点计时器时,应先接通电源,再拉动纸带 C.使用打点计时器时,拉动纸带的方向应与限位孔平行 D.使用打点计时器时,应将打点计时器先固定在桌子上 解析:BCD 3,利用打点计时器打出的纸带()

A.能准确地求出某点的瞬时速度 B.只能粗略地求出某点的瞬时速度 C.能准确地求出某段时间内的平均速度 D.可以任意地利用某段时间内的平均速度代表某点的瞬时速度 解析:AC 4,用接在50Hz交流电源上的打点计时器,测定小车的运动情况。某次实验中得到一条纸带,如图所示,从比较清晰的点起,每五个打印点取一个记数点,分别标明0、1、2、3„„,量得0与1两点间距离x1=30mm,2与3两点间的距离x2=48mm,则小车在0与1两点间平均速度为v1= m/s,在2与3两点间的平均速度v2= m/s。据此可判定小车做。

解析:v1 =0.03m/0.1s=0.3m/s v2 =0.048/0.1=0.48m/s 加速运动

第五节 加速度

定义:速度的变化量与发生这一变化所用时间的比值。定义式:a =Δv/Δt =vtv0 t2,单位:米每二次方秒(m/s)



速度 加速度 速度变化量和时间之间的关系,由定义式分析。

判断物体加速还是减速的依据:a v 同向做加速运动,a v反向做减速运动

第五篇:外语教学与研究出版社高中英语必修5Module 4 同步练习

Module 4 同步练习

Section A Reading and Vocabulary



1.I've b_________ a table for two at Beijing Restaurant tonight.2.The c_____ showed that Christmas fell on a Tuesday.3.In the Torch Festival, the Yi people danced in their national c_____.4.This kind of apples is more expensive because they are i_________ from abroad.5.After breaking out of jail, he h____ from the police in a deserted farmhouse.6.Abraham Lincoln a____ slavery in the United States.7.The Earth was here long before the _________(起源)of the human species.8.The guests were deeply impressed with the girl’s _________(优雅的)manners.9.I have pleasant __________(记忆)of our friendship.10.The land __________(延伸)for more than 10 miles.11.She was very angry with her husband because he made their rooms in ________(混乱).12.The flowers will _________(复活)if you water them at once.1.— What means of _____ do you have?

— I go by car.2.The company has been __________ in cotton with a foreign one.3.Women have gained the __________ to decide whether to marry or not.4.Now man has entered the __________ of space travel.5.His feet left dirty __________ all over the floor.6.What great pleasure it is to _________through the ancient town.7.The two words have a lot in common in meaning, and as a result, we often _________the two when using them.8.A committee __________of nine members has been sent there to look into the matter.9.Little Tom stood up, opened his note-book and _______ that he had understand everything.In fact, it was quite difficult.10.He was _____ in Corean clothes, looking like a sailor.翻译

1.在演戏时.他不得不装成一个小丑。(dress up)

2.去年的七八月间一连几个星期没有下雨。(on end)

3.他自称有很多关于这个学科的知识。(pretend to)

4.他今天带了一定很奇怪的帽子,他的朋友拿他开玩笑。(make fun of)

5.这次旅途大约需要十天的时间。(more or less)

6.这种汤由西红柿、肉和豌豆构成。(consist of)

Section B Grammar


1.Customers are asked to make sure that they_____ the right change before leaving the shop.(2006重庆)

A.will giveB.have been given

C.have givenD.will be given

2.The construction of the two new railway lines __________by now.(2006陕西)

A.has completedB.have completed

C.have been completedD.has been completed

3.Although the causes of cancer ____, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it.(2006山东)

A.are being uncoveredB.have been uncovering

C.are uncoveringD.have uncovered

4.Millions of pounds' worth of damage _____ by a storm which swept across the

north of England last night.(2005 重庆)

A.has been causedB.had been causedC.will be causedD.will have been caused.5.— Don't you think it necessary that he _______ to Miami but to New York?

— I agree, but the problem is ________ he has refused to.(2005江苏)

A.will not be sent;thatB.not be sent;that

C.should not be sent;whatD.should not send;what

6.—What do you think of the speech?

—The speaker said almost nothing worth _______.A.listeningB.being listened to

C.listening toD.being listening

7.The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people to eat more fruit and vegetables.A.persuadeB.will persuadeC.be persuadedD.are persuaded

8.The car which ______ my cousin was lost last week.A.was belonged toB.belonging to

C.was belonging toD.belonged to

9.—According to the agreement, you must finish the work by this month.—Don’t worry.We’re trying hard and it _______ that long.A.doesn’t lastB.won’t last

C.won’t be lastedD.isn’t lasted

10.The bank is reported in the local newspaper ______ in broad daylight yesterday.A.being robbedB.having been robbed

C.to have been robbedD.robbed

11._______ that he would make greater progress in his study of French.A.He was hopedB.It was hoped

C.He is hopedD.It is hoping

12.A library with five thousand books ______ to the nation as a gift.A.have offeredB.has offered

C.is offeredD.are offered

Section C Everyday English


Expressing likes, dislikes and preferences

Jerry: I really love pop music.What about you, Tony?

Tony: To be frank, pop music is OK, but __1__.Jerry: So what’s your favorite kind of music?

Tony: Er, in fact, __2__.I like sports better.Jerry: Why!So do I!And __3__.Tony: Oh, no!I hate volleyball!It’s so boring.__4__.Jerry: Football!__5__.It’s sometimes dangerous.You can easily get hurt in a football match.And I think all the players and their fans are crazy.Tony: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.Football is exciting and it’s probably the most popular sport in the world.I guess it has attracted the largest number of people.Jerry: Maybe, but …

A.I am crazy about volleyball

B.I like anything but football

C.It runs in my blood

D.I don’t go wild about it

E.I prefer football

F.I don’t think much of music

G.I can stand it.Section D Challenge Yourself



M: I wonder if you could give me some about active holidays.W: Active holidays, sir? Can you tell mewhat you mean, please?

M: Well, you see, when I go on holidays, I like to get plenty of.I don' t like sitting around and doing nothing.What I mean is that I'm the sort of man who enjoy swimming, water skiing, thoseof things.W: Yes, sir, very interesting.Um...active holidays, let me see.Oh, yes.What about diving, sir? We can you two weeks off the coast of Cornwall: one week diving and one week fishing with the local.It' s a very good bargain.M: Fishing? Is there anyof getting in a bit of sailing?

W: I’m sorry we don’t do many sailing holidays, sir.They’re mostly by the sailing school.But rowing, yes.Are youin rowing, sir?

M: Well, I did a lot of rowing when I was at university.W: Why don’t you lookthese brochures(小册子), sir, and see if there’s anything that

interests you?

M: OK.Thanks.参考答案


I.1.booked2.calendar3.costumes4.imported5.hid6.abolished 7.origin


II.1.transportation / transport2.trading3.freedom4.era5.marks



1.He had to dress up as a clown in the play.2.There was no rain for weeks on end during July and August last year.3.He pretended to great knowledge on this subject.4.Today he wore such a strange hat that his friends made fun of him.5.This trip will take ten days, more or less.6.The soup consists of tomatoes, meat and peas.语法专练 1-6 BAAABC7-12 DDBCBC

情景对话1-5 DFAEB


1.information 2.exactly 3.exercise 4.sorts5.offer

6.fishermen 7.chance 8.organized 9.interested10.through



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