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研究对象:马丰小学402、601、602班学生 研究步骤:



三、研究过程与方法: 1.研究方法:














课堂上教师引导学生运用自己学过的知识进行话题作文,不仅有利于培养学生的语言表达能力(包括说和写),而且有利于培养学生总结运用知识点的能力。例如,就自己熟悉的话题“Introduce myself” 进行课堂话题作文,可以的思维导图进行思考和描述,提高学生写作技巧。思维导图是围绕一个中心将大脑中产生的思想以网状图形记录下来的思维模式,英语写作教学中运用思维导图可分以下五个步骤进行,这种方法能有效地帮助学生提高写作技巧,使其文章结构更加清晰合理。(1)让学生自己选定一个话题。(2)让学生闭目一到二分钟,围绕话题自由想象,把相关要点记下来,英文不会写的用中文代替。然后分小组讨论,由小组拿出由集体修改后的思维导图。(3)教师将学生作品抄在黑板上,学生进一步修改;而不了解思维导图原理的学生可获得直观的学习机会。(4)学生尝试把思维导图作一线性的连贯陈述,确定最佳陈述顺序。(5)动笔写作。












二、研究对象及步骤: 研究对象:闽宁学区五、六年级学生 研究步骤:



四、研究过程与方法: 1.研究方法:(1)理论学习法:深入学习思维导图相关理论;并注意搜集与本课题有关的资料,通过查阅文献、上网搜集等方式,尽可能占有较多的研究资料,领略其文章精髓。





五、实施策略: 1.以思维导图激发兴趣



课堂上教师引导学生运用自己学过的知识进行话题作文,不仅有利于培养学生的语言表达能力(包括说和写),而且有利于培养学生总结运用知识点的能力。例如,就自己熟悉的话题“My weekend plan”。进行课堂话题作文,可以的思维导图进行思考和描述,提高学生写作技巧。思维导图是围绕一个中心将大脑中产生的思想以网状图形记录下来的思维模式,英语写作教学中运用思维导图可分以下五个步骤进行,这种方法能有效地帮助学生提高写作技巧,使其文章结构更加清晰合理。(1)让学生自己选定一个话题。(2)让学生闭目一到二分钟,围绕话题自由想象,把相关要点记下来,英文不会写的用中文代替。然后分小组讨论,由小组拿出由集体修改后的思维导图。(3)教师将学生作品通过展台展示,学生进一步修改;不了解思维导图原理的学生可获得直观的学习机会。(4)学生尝试把思维导图作一线性的连贯陈述,确定最佳陈述顺序。(5)动笔写作。








关于思维导图在小学英语课堂教学中的运用探究 摘要:本文分析了思维导图作为教学工具在小学英语课堂教学中应用的优势,并结合一线课题指导实践,通过具体的教学案例探讨了思维导图在复习导入、单词学习、协作交流、话题作文、快速阅读、课堂内容复习等教学环节的操作方法,试图探寻出一条有效开展小学英语课堂教学的实践之路。


Abstract: this paper analyzes the mind mapping as a teaching tool applied in the primary school English classroom teaching advantages, combined with the subject line to guide practice, through the concrete teaching case a mind map is discussed in the review import, word study, collaboration, communication, topic composition, rapid reading review teaching links such as teaching contents, operation methods, trying to find an effective way for primary school English classroom teaching practice.Key words: mind map;Primary school English;The teaching tool;application Introduction “primary school English new curriculum standard” explicitly pointed out that, teachers should make full use of modern education technology, using computer and multimedia teaching software, explore new teaching mode, improve students study way, improve the learning effect.But how to integrate information technology really effectively integrate elementary school English classroom teaching, improve the efficiency and quality of classroom teaching, is an important topic of the current primary school English teaching research.Literature analysis shows that there are more about mind mapping in the university, high school and junior high school English study, but its study in primary school English level is obviously inadequate.Innovation experiment leap-forward development for the author and the “basic education” program of experiment teachers in the use of mind mapping to promote the primary school English classroom teaching has carried on the continuous exploration, trying to find an effective way for primary school English classroom teaching practice.A, mind mapping profile Mind mapping is a British psychologist Tony Bezen(Tony Buzen)is put forward.He think: radioactive thinking is a kind of new, on the basis of the brain, a senior form of thinking, and a mind map is the natural expression of radioactive thinking form.[11 it is based on the hierarchy and classification of information organization, embarks from the central theme through specific association branch.Branch is identified by an key words or graphics, and make full use of the change of the colors and fonts to radial thought processes and results into visualization tools.“21 mind mapping is the core idea is to use the left brain logic functions, such as words, Numbers, and at the same time using the right color, images, symbols, the function such as spatial awareness, thinking traces with pictures and line form the structure of the divergent, thus the image thinking and abstract thinking very well together.Only use your brain to think about their own language problem can stimulate the brain to the greatest extent of Lenovo and creativity.Compared with manual drawing method, mind mapping tool software has various forms of expression, easy to modify, can use multimedia form, and many other advantages.Commonly used mind mapping tools have Mind Map Editor, Mind Manager, Inspiration Free Mind, Mind Genius, Kid aspiration etc, including Kid aspiration is tailored specifically for children learning, it's in the interface design and graphic library content give full consideration to the cognitive characteristics of children.And equipped with voice prompt in English, is suitable for students learning English.Second, analysis of the advantages of mind mapping as a teaching tool 1.Highlight the key and effective mnemonic, improve the learning efficiency on the one hand, the learners' mind maps mainly focus on the key knowledge points, do not need to waste time on those irrelevant content.Thus save valuable learning time.A mind map, on the other hand, through effective organization and the establishment of the conceptual framework of conceptual meaning to become a powerful mnemonic tools.2.Improve the students' information processing way, to establish reasonable knowledge network, thus promoting the integration of old and new knowledge, improve students thinking ability in the process of construct the mind map, the increase of mind mapping node or the changes of concept structure embodies the information of learners personalized, active T and build process knowledge.The recessive knowledge be made explicit in the brain, mind maps to the visual characteristics of the current new knowledge content orientation and guidance, make the learners see the connection between the old and new knowledge, and found in the substantial contact with old knowledge assimilation and absorption of the current fixation point of new knowledge, thus helping to promote the integration of old and new knowledge structure.New knowledge internalization and thinking ability of ascension.3.Create a meaningful learning environment, the realization of collaborative learning real-time interactive two-way words ”(that is, verbal communication)is sufficient and necessary conditions“ to achieve the listening and speaking skills, foreign language teaching must be ”for the center with verbal communication.Create meaningful situation.Collaborate communication is an essential part of English class teaching link.Mind mapping is built around a central theme branch, present language communication situation, guide the student to carry on the divergent thinking, make students not only have words to say.And know where to start.Therefore, the teacher can use a mind map provides the dialogue between teachers and students or multiply the framework of the dialogue, also can try to let the student through the desk mate, group cooperation, mutual inspiration, creative mind map and performances.Develop the students' ability of collaborative communication.4.Improve the ability of comprehensive information, Lenovo and creative, is beneficial to the development of the creative mind map to the wisdom of all kinds of scattered, views achieve mastery through a comprehensive study to become a system, such as allowing students to free association, not like a traditional education, the demands from concept to the concept of “linear thinking”.But according to the structure of the brain thinking for radioactive ”mesh thinking”.It is greatly stimulated the students' imagination and creativity.5.Encourage students to form a system of learning and thinking habits, met cognitive skills we know that met cognition is the cognition of cognition, specifically is learners' consciousness of his own cognitive process.Is based on their cognitive processing strategies used in efficacy of continuous monitoring for selection, evaluation and correction abilities of cognitive strategies.Mind mapping can help improve the met cognitive learning skills, such as taking notes, understand the text and organize the composition, preparing for the examination, etc Three, case description While the content of the 6 a Unit 3 Interesting Holidays in language expression is not lively, and the paper length is longer, caused difficulties to students understand and grasp the article content, but each article basic are on holiday in a Unit of time, the special significance, food, symbols, activities and so on several aspects.If teachers guide students with the help of mind mapping, around the holiday time, special significance, and several aspects, such as food, symbols, activity, extract the main body of the article, through level can make descriptive text clear line and color become no longer dry, effectively reduce the students' reading comprehension difficulties.1 to 6 a Unit 3 as an example, the text about Halloween, the main of the lesson teaching process is as follows:(1)Teachers using PPT to present Halloween related pictures, activate the students mind related background knowledge and life experience.(2)the teacher to ask questions, read around problems.Questions as follows: When is Halloween? According to the is Halloween, special? What kind of holiday is Halloween? What 's the symbol of Halloween? At the same time, the teacher write on the blackboard keywords associated with the above problems, such as Halloween, the When, according to the Special, Symbol, etc., these words just constitutes the central theme of this class mind mapping and first level.(3)Students through independent reading from the text to find the answer to that question.Teachers according to students' answer the relevant key words written on the blackboard, gradually rich mind mapping branch.(4)Students watch about Halloween Flash animation, image, intuitive understanding of the Halloween, master the ghost and witch the significance of these two words.(5)through the animation intuitive perception after Halloween, the students read the text again, try to answer this question: What do people do on Halloween? Students' independent reading the text and communication within the team, and then to report the feedback in the class.Teachers will students answer key words written on the blackboard, complete the mind map details about Halloween activities in the branches.(6)the problem, through physical teachers guide, help students to understand the jackthe background and significance of the lantern;And then let the students read the text in the jackthe method of making the lantern;Then students according to their own understanding of PPT courseware 4 describe the production steps of sentence order;Teachers according to the student record production steps of key words on the blackboard, such as: cut the top off, carve a face, clean out the seeds, put a based inside and light it.(7)students complete the text after reading tasks, teachers will connect the contents of the blackboard with colored chalk, completion of this class of mind mapping(see figure 1).Then, teachers guide students according to the mind map, with the help of the keywords try to describe the Halloween.Figure 1(8)before the end of this lesson, the teacher guides the student to observe blackboard writing content, understand the method of making the mind map in the process of reading, and talking about holiday topic might involve content;Finally, the teacher to the students with the courseware rendered using Mind Manager software to make a mind map, to introduce students to the software and the use of simple method, suggest students to try.2.On Halloween, the learning process of a class, the students in the teacher's demonstration and explanation based on have a preliminary understanding on mind mapping.The second passage in this unit of Thanksgiving lesson study, teachers guide students to independent mind map drawing, straightening out the article context.The following is the author in two classes have two class teaching situation.(1)The first class teaching situation(1)At the beginning of class, the teacher guides the student to review through question-and-answer activity associated with Halloween content, and according to the student's answer will be the main content of the Halloween present in the form of a mind map on the blackboard.Then, students refer to teacher blackboard writing, according to their own understanding of the text, finishing their Halloween, mind mapping, and on the basis of repeat or recite the text.Most students in blackboard writing, according to your own logical mind maps clearly to retell the text, but has the certain difficulty to recite.(2)Teachers will mind map on the blackboard of Halloween, the term replacement for Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving and teaching words;Then, the students read the text of Thanksgiving, reference Halloween, mind mapping, will own a preliminary understanding of the text structure and content in the form of a mind map display.In the process of students' reading and drawing, inspect the class teachers, and to give guidance to the individual who have difficulty.In order to reduce the difficulty of learning, the teacher in the blackboard writing has kept the general framework of the mind map, but you can prompt students innovation or improvement.Because this is the first time the student independent draw a mind map after reading an article, time consuming, nearly half of the students can't complete.Some students content understanding and structure analysis of difficulties, cannot be accurately in the mind map to use keywords.(3)Use of images, physical objects, such as multimedia courseware to help students learn the new words, to solve the mind map content understanding in the process of production is difficult, for the next class repeat clears the language barrier.(4)Homework, class students to finish their mind map and be perfected.Listen to the tape and read the text after home, next time related resources of their own mind map about Thanksgiving.(2)For the adjustment of the first class teaching process and teaching effect 10 minutes of break time using the class recess, the author of the first class to reflect on the teaching conditions, teaching steps in the next class to do the appropriate adjustment.In the review stage of the teaching, considering the time factor, the teacher not to let the students finish their Halloween, mind mapping, and just stay in the oral review level, the effect not beautiful.After adjustment, the teacher first through the mind map, blackboard writing, present Halloween reference mind mapping, and then students try to retell or recite Halloween related content, this adjustment will help students understand mind mapping in understanding, analysis, and the auxiliary function of memory, the text, etc.From after the adjustment of classroom teaching practice, the change to save some time, but the review retelling of the link is more, make the time slightly nervous of behind.After a preliminary reading for the text of Thanksgiving, nearly half of the students failed to complete the mind map, nearly one third of the students can begin to try to retell it.(3)The second class teaching situation(1)at the beginning of class, I let the students take out their own drawing in the last lesson Thanksgiving mind mapping, voluntary under the physical projection display, and refer to Thanksgiving of the related contents of introduction of mind mapping.Out the author's expectation, student reaction to this activity is cold, only 2 ~ 3 students to actively participate in.Thankfully, only participate in the display of three students work better, and can repeat the full text, the other students to express their appreciation and surprised they show the work.According to the reaction of the students, the author has carried on the reflection after class, the analysis is probably the most students to the text also is not very familiar with, can't read or don't say the individual words in the text, so can't show in the class.(2)the author to student A's works as an example, to explain in detail the method of making the mind map, and organize the students in the class again within the scope of full text analysis in the form of questions and answers, and blackboard writing to present this lesson mind mapping framework, especially improve the Symbol introduced in Turkey part of physical characteristics.Figure 2 for the students in the first class hour finishing the first draft of A:

Figure 2(3)Students continue to improve their mind map, and from the text involves three parts of a part of the practice narrative refer to make your own mind map.Activities of the steps as follows: exercise itselfteacher checks.Assignments, students are consciously to participate in the text, study and improve their mind map, or two people sharing, or teachers, please check.Nearly four 5 of the students can complete the mind map, and can refer to the main content of mind mapping to retell the text.The author found some problems in student activities.For example, some students way of thinking of problems in the mind map.There are two main reasons why: one is the method of making the students to mind mapping also does not very understand, the second is students can't clearly analysis the structure of the text., as most students retelling is in accordance with order to recite the text, mainly because the students understanding of meaning and purpose of mind map production is not clear, can't really make good use of it.The author also observed that nearly one 5 of the students still can't complete the mind map, there may be three reasons: one is the part of students knowledge base is weak, the second is they don't read the text, the third is they don't make a mind map.(4)Students after-school practice independently, and then in the kernel of the whole class the answer.(5)Homework.The homework of this class include two parts: one is to listen to the tape to read the text;2 it is to continue to sorting, perfect the mind map about Thanksgiving, and according to the mind map to retell the text.Figure 3 is A student.A modified mind maps:

Figure 3(4)Adjustment of the second class teaching process and teaching effect After 10 minutes, the author is of the same teaching content in the second class and conducted a classroom teaching practice, teaching methods and steps with the first class is roughly same, aiming at the problems appeared in the process of the first class teaching quickly made a reflection, and the appropriate adjustments.Through reflection and analysis found that the first class in the review phase cool response may be the cause of the students are not familiar with the text, may also can't read also can't say the word, and due to fear of error can't show in the class.In the second class teaching, the author to lead the students to read the text first 1 ~ 2 times, to help students fully familiar with the text content, vocabulary barrier for subsequent repeat activities;Then, review the last lesson content, both teachers and students and teachers on the blackboard writing from the central theme of Thanksgiving mind mapping and backbone.From the point of the effect of classroom practice, increase the reading part, after the student participation in the subsequent activities and completion are better than the first class.Four, enlightenment and thinking Does the mind mapping in the reading teaching how to use? Is given priority to with students' autonomous learning in the new teaching, or arrange part use review after class? The subsequent four passage in this unit and the second semester, another about the festival of unit teaching, to continue the practice of mind mapping and research, found some proper use mind mapping to improve the effectiveness of the method in reading teaching.1.In the reading much longer and more new words, complex structure and hierarchical, or not too clear, first by the teacher presents the mind map, full text summary to introduce the effect, help students to understand the articles;Then, according to the central theme and the main questions, students with questions part, hierarchical reading, highlight the focus and attention to detail, to deepen understanding;After reading, can let students sharing and communication within the team, at this time the teacher use mind maps to present the answer in the multimedia courseware of keywords, help students combing knowledge;Finally, the teacher guides the student according to clew to retell the text content of mind mapping.Considering the class time is limited, and the length and difficulty of the text, teachers can encourage students to choose their interested in part to retell or description.2.The length is moderate, less words, structure and clear text reading teaching, the level of the learning process mainly for students' independent reading and making a mind map is given priority to.In this process, the teachers only play the role of inspiration and help.Activities should include three levels:(1)Reading preparation In order to help students smoothly and accurately understand the text, and draw out of mind mapping, the teacher should be around in front of the students to read the previous lessons or the content of the same topic, assisted by a mind map to review, again, to help students familiar with finishing and draw the text basic ideas and methods of the mind map.(2)And exchanges, deepen understanding Students according to their own understanding of the text after the mind map of production activities, namely the fight in the class to share and exchange activities.In this activity, the teacher can help students deepen understanding, adjust the mind mapping framework and structure, and complete the main knowledge teaching.These activities can be: teacher questions, students according to their own mind mapping vie to answer first and complementary;Students according to their own mind mapping is put forward and the text related problem, other students answer.In order to increase the fun, all of these activities can be used in a team competition.(3)To review the consolidated, and language output Students according to their own mind map to retell the text, you can repeat the full text, can repeat fragment, according to their ability and interest in retelling.Five, the conclusion In English reading teaching in the elementary school higher grades using mind mapping can stimulate students' interest in learning, to improve the students' comprehension, summary, analysis and finishing ability and memory, and repeat ability has significant help, in the development of students' thinking and improve the classroom efficiency at the same time.At present, the application of mind map in the primary school English teaching is not common, there are many difficulties, but if can adhere to the practice and research, constantly changing the methods of teaching the use of mind mapping, mind map will be promising in English reading teaching in the elementary school higher grades.



摘 要:本文主要论述了思维导图的内涵、绘制方法及其在高职高专课堂教学中的应用。作为新的教学工具,思维导图在我国高等职业教育教学改革中起到积极作用。将思维导图引入课堂教学,即培养了学生的发散性思维和创造性思维,提高了学生的学习效率,又提高了课堂教学质量,值得在高职高专院校课堂教学中广泛推广应用。





科学研究表明:人类思维呈放射状,进入大脑的每一条信息、每一种感觉、思想或记忆都可作为一个球体表现出来,呈现放射性立体结构。基于大脑的这种工作机理,英国“记忆之父”托尼?巴赞(Tony Busan)于20世纪60年代发明了“思维导图”[1]。它结合了全脑的概念,包括左脑的文字、数字、逻辑、顺序以及右脑的图像、想象、颜色、空间等,运用图文并茂的技巧,把各级主题间的关系用隶属与相关的层级图来表现,把主题关键词与颜色、图像等建立起记忆链接,充分运用左右脑机能,利用记忆、阅读、思维的规律,协助人们在逻辑与想象、科学与艺术之间平衡发展,开启人类大脑的无限潜能。思维导图创始人托尼?巴赞先生认为思维导图主要具有四个基本特征:“(1)问题中心清晰地集中于中央图形上;(2)主题主干作为分支从中央向四周放射;(3)分支由一个关键图形或者由写于线条上的容易产生联想的关键词组成,相对不重要的话题也以分支形式表现,附着在较高层次分支上;(4)其表现形式为树状发散,各分支形成一个连接的结点结构。”





















摘要:在现阶段的高中生物课堂教学中存在很多弊端,导致课堂教学效率和教学质量低下。传统的教学方法以教师讲授为主,忽视了学生的主体性,严重影响学生的创造性思维,使高中生物课堂教学一直处于困境。思维导图作为一种组织性思维工具,有效地结合了全脑的概念,可以将学生发现问题、解决问题和发散想象的思路和过程合理配置、有效表达出来,优化高中生物课堂教学。关键词:思维导图 高中生物教学 应用中图分类号: G633.91

文献标识码: C














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