高考英语作文:地震同题作文大PK 1

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第一篇:高考英语作文:地震同题作文大PK 1

你想在英语网站上写一个贴子,你在观看中央台四川地震播报新闻某个片断时的感受。内容如下表所示: 注意:

1.合理组织表中所列内容,不要逐字逐句翻译; 2.词数:150;

3.相关词语:碎石:rubble;震中:epicenter;解放军战士:People’s Liberation Army soldier;嘶哑:hoarse;余震:aftershocks。例文:

My eyes blurred with tears when I saw on TV the survival of a 65-year-old man after 70 hours in the rubble of his home in Dujiangyan City near the epicenter.A People's Liberation Army soldier carried him all the way to the nearest ambulance, followed by his daughter who cried out hoarse thanks to everyone.No one cares about the man's name, or whether he is a peasant or a professor.All we care about is that he's back in the land of the living.The man himself might not know how dozens of PLA soldiers worked for five and a half hours in the ruins — some were bleeding themselves after they were injured by falling stones, triggered by aftershocks.But their pains paid off when the man was saved.The earthquake crushed our buildings, but it could never crush our will.Instead, it made all our hearts linked together.I hold a strong belief that we Chinese people can conquer whatever difficulty we are facing.

第二篇:高考英语作文:地震同题作文大PK 2





4、美好家园可以重建,希望你们要看到希望、充满信心。参考词汇:捐款 make a donation to 例文: Dear friends, I'm awfully sorry to hear that a horrible and severe earthquake unexpectedly hit your hometown.Faced with such a rarely-seen disaster, you remain so calm and strong-willed that we are all moved to tears.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Thinking about your present situation, we can not wait a minute to make every bit of our effort to help you.I, as the chairman of student union, on behalf of all my schoolmates, express our most sincere pity and care for you.Besides, we make a donation of 120 thousand yuan to you, expecting that it can help you go through the difficulty.A better hometown can be rebuilt.Therefore, never give up whatever happens.Remember we won’t be far away when you need any help!Yours Sincerely, Li Hua





no1: 选香港义工黄福荣废墟中舍命救人的占43%

no2:选为恢复灾区供电,电力职工劳累过度因公殉职的占24% no3:选深圳街头卖艺老人两次捐款灾区的占20%



a strong earthquake hit yushu and destroyed it seriously.which event in yushu do you think is the most moving?there is a survey about this recently.the results can be listed as follows.43 percent of the people choose the event that huangfurong who came from hongkong sacrificed his own life to save the students and teachers in ruins.24% support the electricity worker who died of overwork to restore the electricity supply owing to public service.20% are in favor of an old man who made a living by performing in the street in shenzhen but donated his money to the disaster area twice.13% choose the event that the school at which nobody was injured in the earthquake resumed classes quickly and was called the proudest one.different people have different ideas.i will choose the event concerned with huangfurong.it is my honor to introduce some backgrounds about him.he once participated in the rescue of wenchuan earthquake in 2008.he himself was not healthy enough.but he insisted on public service diligently without any payment for many years.though not rich, he tried his best to help the people who need help,especially the poor.he was awarded the honorary citizen of hongkong after his death by government of the hong kong special administrative region.to spread his spirit,the young in hong kong form an organization named after him now.he is called afu, according to chinese custom and he will be remembered by all the chinese people.in my view,afu is a hero who can move me to tears.only by learning from him and doing something to help others,can we make contributions to a better society.







No1: 选香港义工黄福荣废墟中舍命救人的占43%







A Strong earthquake hit YuShu and destroyed it seriously.Which event in YuShu do you think is the most moving?There is a survey about this recently.The results can be listed as follows.43 percent of the people choose the event that HuangFurong who came from HongKong sacrificed his own life to save the students and teachers in ruins.24% support the electricity worker who died of overwork to restore the electricity supply owing to public service.20% are in favor of an old man who made a living by performing in the street in ShenZhen but donated his money to the disaster area twice.13% choose the event that the school at which nobody was injured in the earthquake resumed classes quickly and was called the proudest one.Different people have different ideas.I will choose the event concerned with

HuangFurong.It is my honor to introduce some backgrounds about him.He once

participated in the rescue of WenChuan earthquake in 2008.He himself was not healthy enough.But he insisted on public service diligently without any payment for many

years.Though not rich, he tried his best to help the people who need help,especially the poor.He was awarded the honorary citizen of HongKong after his death by Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.To spread his spirit,the young in Hong Kong form an organization named after him now.He is called Afu, according to Chinese custom and he will be remembered by all the Chinese people.In my view,Afu is a hero who can move me to tears.Only by learning from him and doing something to help others,can we make contributions to a better society.













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