第一篇:高中英语必修1 Unit4 中文说课稿
我今天说课的内容是高中英语必修一的Unit4 Earthquakes的 Reading 部分。我将分五个阶段完成说课:
本课是高一必修1第4单元的阅读课型,本单元话题为“地震”,主要描写了1976年唐山大地震,各项语言活动也都是围绕地震展开。Pre-reading 部分设置了两个开放性问题,目的是增加学生的生活常识,提高他们的应变能力。这部分为接下来的阅读作了很好的铺垫,学生可通过参阅有关地震的书籍并运用一些生活常识来回答这两个问题。Reading 部分是一篇新闻报道,介绍了唐山大地震前的预兆、地震造成的城市建筑和人畜损失以及地震后的救援情况。通过本单元学习,掌握如何表达过去的事情,让学生对地震有更多认识,加强自我保护。
b)学习掌握与地震相关的词汇,如:shake,well,rise,smelly,pond,pipe,burst,canal,steam,ruin, injure,destroy,brick,dam,useless,steel,shock,quake,rescue,electricity,disaster,army,organize,bury, coal,mine,shelter,fresh,percent等,以及 right away, at an end, dig out, give out, thousands of以及一些优美句子的赏析。
c)熟练运用that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句 2.技能目标:
根据新颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿)》关于读的技能目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际和对教材内容的科学分析,确定本环节的主要教学重点和难点是: 1.重点
3)重点掌握有关地震的词汇,特别是shake, burst, ruin, injure, destroy, shock, quake, rescue,disaster, army, organize, bury, shelter。
先播放有关05年巴基斯坦地震的可怕MTV画面,学生的注意力马上就会被吸引到课堂上来,学生马上就联想到earthquake这一词,这时教师提出“ What do you think of the earthquake?”,学生会不约而同地回答,地震会给人类带来灾难性的后果。紧接着引导学生“Can you foretell an earthquake so that we can take measures to reduce the damages?” 通过图片,学生更易掌握地震的前兆的知识,为课文的阅读作了很好的铺垫,接着教师引导学生进行进一步探究“What should we do to protect ourselves if an earthquake happened?”通过小组讨论、合作得出结论,教师进行一定的总结。接着呈现文章的标题“A night the earth didn’t sleep”,引导学生解读文章标题、预测文章内容,让学生在阅读过 程中处于主动认知状态。学生可能一下子无法正确理解其所包含的深层含义。但估计在前面所展示的MTV画面及图片的启发下,大部分同学可能很快就能作出正确的理解---about the earthquake。另外,考虑到文章生词较多,且大部分学生对文章的背景知识了解较少。因此,在引导学生预测文章内容的同时,有必要在讨论“What kind of words will be used in the passage? ”这个问题时,引出单词:injure、ruin、destroy、disaster、burst、rescue等。这样既可向学生展示本环节的重点单词,又可为阅读扫清文化背景障碍和语言障碍,又可为突破本文的重难点作好准备。
1.本环节主要是指导学生如何通过略读,在最短的时间内把握文章的大意。要求学生在2分钟之内,重点阅读各段的首句和末句,快速归纳出general idea of the passage。大部分学生很快就能找出文章的大意―――唐山大地震。该环节教师应通过限定阅读时间,及时纠正不良的阅读习惯等教学策略,来帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯,培养快速阅读理解能力。
本环节共设置两个任务,一是让学生复述课文;指导学生以地震前、地震中、地震后的时间线索展开复述,这样把阅读内容和所学的词汇、句型有机地结合。二是采访活动。要求学生根据自己对地震的认识,发挥自己的想象力和创造力,以小组为单位,用英语通过采访唐山大地震幸存者的形式进行活动。为了让学生更顺利地完成任务,教师可以给学生提供一些问题及采访中可能会用到的日常交际用语。本环节旨在引导学生通过读的输人,提取、筛选和重组文章中的重要语言信息,并通过用英语进行交流,达到从课文知识的巩固到自身知识的扩展与创新能力的形成。针对学生在完成任务的过程中,可能会因词汇障碍的影响,而用普通话甚至闽南语进行交流,在这个活动中,教师应贯彻“教师为主导,学生为主体,任务为基础”的教学原则,在课堂教学的不同环节扮演自身作为“设计者,研究者,组织者,促进者,协调者”的角色,并 “动态”地去发现问题,分析问题和解决问题,鼓励、督促学生坚持用英语作为课堂交流的语言。
依据教学目标,对学生的学习过程进行评价,旨在让学生学会反思自己的学习行为与学习效果,并学会通过反思性学习,不断改进自己的学习方法与策略。(五)Homework :课文内容的巩固、延伸与拓展 1.Language focus 分组归纳出每个段落的语言点(引导学生通过上网、字典或参考书等渠道查找所需信息),下节课各组进行交流,教师协助归纳。旨在通过小组合作学习的形式,培养学生的自主学习能力。
2.More language input 本部分设计一篇阅读理解和一篇完型填空,要求学生按老师所给的参考时间,进行限时训练。旨在为学生提供更多与本主题相关的语言材料,通过限时训练的形式进一步提高阅读理解能力。3.Writing task: 每个学习小组可根据自己采访的结果,形成书面文字,尽可能多地用上所学的词汇及句型,进一步提高学生的写作能力。
Unit 1 Friendship-Reading
根据《新课程标准》总目标的描述,结合高一学生实际和本课时的教学内容,按照知识与技能,情感与态度,过程与方法,将本节课的教学目标确定如下: ①知识与技能:
1.掌握重点词汇和短语feeling, German, series, outdoors, crazy, nature, purpose, dare, entirely, power, trust, indoors, suffer, teenager, habit, situation, advise, editor, communicate
go through, set down, a series of, be crazy about, on purpose, in order to, face to face, according to, get along with, fall in love, join in, advise sb.on
重点句子I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to
have a good look at the moon for once by myself,I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.2.通过skimming,careful reading,generalization,inference 等阅读技能训练,提高阅读能力和阅读技能,培养学生获取信息、处理信息、运用信息进行推理、判断的能力。运用本课所学内容完成本文内容的改写。②情感与态度:
通过question-answering, discussion, group work and pair work的形式,实现task-based teaching,促使学生在一定程度上形成自主学习,合作学习的学习策略,并能有效交际,有效处理信息,养成英语思维的习惯。运用Scanning ,skimming and Detail reading的阅读技巧,提高阅读能力和信息处理能力。
a.Does a friend always have to be a person? Tell us about your unusual friends.b.Do you often regard diary as your friend? Why or why not?
c.Look at the pictures and the heading and guess what the text might be about.通过师生间的问答互动切入本课的话题,引起学生的注意力,激发他们的兴趣,同时引发学生发散思维、解读课题。
Play a piece of video and enable students learn the background of the story
This is a true story.It took place in Amsterdam, Holland in the early 1940s after the German Nazis had occupied most of Europe.The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945.One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe.If any persons known to be Jews were found, they would be sent to concentration camps farther east, mostly in Poland.Families were separated and transported in trains.For many days, they went without food, water, sanitation or fresh air.To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish families went into hiding, often with the help of non-Jewish friends This diary was written during the time when Anne and her family moved to escape from being killed by Nazis.通过背景知识的呈现,让学生把已知的纳粹迫害犹太人的历史背景融入英语课堂的学习,使学生在感受外国文化同时,能更加深刻的体会和理解安妮当时的心境和将日记视为朋友的原因。
Try to collect the surface information of the story by filling in the following table The time of the story
The place of the story
The heroine of the story
Anne’s best friend
The length of time they hid away
The date of the diary
Reading method
In this part, let the students read the text for a second time and firstly do the exercise on the page 3 Ex1 and Ex 2.After that try to find the detail information about the story by discussing and answering the following questions
1.What is a true friend like in Anne’s opinion?
2.What is an ordinary diary like according to Anne? What about her diary?
3.Why was she so crazy about things to do with nature?
4.Why did she stay awake on purpose until very late one evening?
Read the dairy again and pay special attention to the boldfaced words.Then discuss in groups the inside meanings of them.Then think of some other words or expressions to describe Anne’s feelings and thoughts.What do the boldfaced parts imply?
What is implied :
natureoutdoorscrazydidn’t darethunderingentirelypower
通过语境加深对文中关键词的理解,为下一节的language points做好铺垫,同时通过对关键词的理解进一步体会安妮的心境和文章的主题。通过小组讨论又能活跃课堂气氛,培养团队意识。
Discuss some interesting and important questions in groups in order to have a good understanding about the textHow would you describe Anne’s feelings when she was looking out into the night sky? 2.What would you miss most if you went into hiding like Anne ?
Explain why?
1.Prepare for the reading task on Page 44 and think about what different ways of showing friendship are in Hawaii
2.Suppose you are Anne, please write another diary to express yourself at that time about 100 words
第三篇:高中英语必修1 Unit2 中文说课稿
我今天说课的内容是高中英语必修一的Unit2 English around the world 的 Reading 部分。我将分五个阶段完成说课:
本课是高中一年级英语上册,unit 2 English around the world 中的Reading.本单元的中心话题是“世界英语”,具体涉及“英语在当今世界范围内人们生活中扮演的不同角色及其重要意义,以及英美语言的差异”。本课的语言知识及语言技能主要是围绕“世界英语”这一中心话题进行设计的。本课时主要分为三部分: 1)Pre-reading.(读前准备)“ 读前准备”部分是Reading的前奏,此部分设计了两个问题,诱发学思考。通过对问题的讨论和比较,让学生明白学好英语的重要性。2)Reading(阅读)“阅读”部分文体为说明文,全文共分三个段落。全文阐述了一个鲜明的观点:英语的确是当今世界范围内使用最广泛的一门语言之一,也是联合国的工作语言之一,它的重要作用是其他语言不可替代的。3)Post-reading(读后)
3、教学重点 1)、让学生熟悉与本话题相关的一些重点单词、短语。2)、发展学生的阅读能力,尤其是归纳总结,猜词和查读(scanning)的能力。3)、使学生通过交际性任务和合作的机会,培养他们用谚语思维和交际的能力。
4、教学难点:Expressing one’s idea on which kind of English one should learn;guess the name of speaker’s country by listening;how to tell the differences between a command and a request;how to change the pronoun when turning the direct speech into indirect speech.5、教学目标
根据课文特点及新课标对高一年级学生英语学习能力的要求,本课的教学目标如下: 1知识目标:
了解英语在世界上的发展状况,认识各种各样带有民族、地域特色的英语;对英国英语和美国英语的差异有所了解,尤其是一些常用词汇,比如 flat和apartment, lift 和 elevator, rubber 和 eraser等;掌握本课中出现的词汇、短语的用法;学会语言交际困难的表达法,如 pardon, I beg your pardon?;掌握祈使句及其间接引语的表达法。2能力目标:
训练学生的阅读技巧(略读、寻读等),形成用英语获取信息、处理分析信息的能力。并鼓 励学生开口说英语。3情感态度目标:
①了解英国英语和美国英语的区别,通过学习激发学生对英语学习的浓厚兴趣; ②使学生在领会语言丰富多彩性的同时更加热爱自己的祖国,从而培养他们的祖国意识。培养他们的跨国文化意识和世界意识。
通过对上一课时Warming up的学习,学生对于“世界英语”有了自己的看法,但是还缺乏对当代语言特别是英语发展趋势的了解。另外,学生对于各国英语这一话题很感兴趣,因此在处理这一堂课时,我会充分调动学生的积极性,在指导学生快速阅读的同时引导学生相互合作,自己发现本单元重点语言结构,让学生自己发现并感悟相关的语言规律,培养他们的语感。
(一)导入:首先在学生对英语是世界上最广泛使用的语言和越来越多的人在学习英语现有情况了解的基础上,引出问题: “Do you know how many countries use English as their mother tongue? Do you know something about English around the world?”
在学生思索时,引出课题English around the world。接着再询问学生: What language has the largest number of speakers in the world? What language is the most widely spoken and used in the world? How many countries do you know use English as their mother tongue? 此环节设计意图是使学生对本节课的话题有进一步了解,而且很有兴趣了解“世界英语”的具体情况。从另一个角度,先给学生一个语言上的输入input。激发学生的兴趣和欲望.(二)Pre-reading(读前准备):
在学生回答了以上问题后,我让学生看这一部分课本上所设的两个问题: 1)How many languages do you speak? Which is your native language? 2)If you speak more than one language, in what situation do you use the languages? 让学生仔细思考后回答。教师不必忙着下结论,诱导他们从书中去思考寻找答案,激发他们 探究的兴趣。(三)Reading:使学生了解英语在当今世界范围内人们生活中扮演的不同角色及其重要意义。任务 1:Listen to the tape,听录音,然后让学生尽力得出大意并且回答问题 1.How many countries are there where the majority of people speak English? 2.How is English used in Hong Kong? 3.What language should we use on the Internet so that we can communicate with people around the world? 任务2:让学生带着问题阅读课文。有目的性阅读是阅读训练一种技巧,并且提醒学生不用太多花大多注意力在地名和新单词上面,集中精力探究文章内容。概括每段段落大意。Paragraph 1: The spread of the English language in the world
Paragraph 2: Native speaker can understand each other but they may not be able to understand everything.Paragraph 3: All languages change when cultures communicate with one another.Paragraph 4: English is spoken as a foreign language or second language in Africa and Asia.任务3:根据课文内容,判断句子对与错。
1、There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English in the world.2、There are more than 37,500,000 people who learn English as a second language.3、New Zealand, South Africa, the Republic of Ireland and the Philippines use English as their mother tongue.4、More than 750,000,000 people learn English as a foreign language.5、English is the only one working language of most international organizational trade and tourism.(此设计是为了检查学生是否理解文章大意和一些重点细节。)任务4:根据课文内容,完成以下五道阅读理解题。
1、According to the text, which is TRUE about those who use English as a second language? A.English is also their mother tongue.B.They use more than two official languages in their country.C.People enjoy talking to their family members at home in their native language.D.They learn English at high school for about five years.2、What’s the situation of English used in China? A.Most Chinese students learn English at school as a foreign language.B.All Chinese students speak English as a foreign language.C.The majority of Chinese students speak English at school as a second language.D.The majority of people in Hong Kong use English as their mother language.3、What’s the main idea of the passage? A.There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English in the world.B.More than 750 million people learn English as a foreign language.C.English is the language of global culture such as popular music and the Internet.D.English is the language which is the most important and widely used in the world today.4、Which is right according to the text? A.Native speakers of English might find it unnecessary for them to learn a foreign language.B.English will be the only English to be used in the future.C.English is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.D.With the development of China’s economy, Chinese will be more and more important than English.5、Which is WRONG to answer the following questions.Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English? A.More and more people will become interested in English.B.English is one of the working languages of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.C.We can communicate with people around the world everywhere through the Internet by using English.D.English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.(此环节帮助学生梳理文章,掌握文章主要细节,概括中心思想。教师对学生的表现要及时给予评价:或表扬、或鼓励。让他们体验到成功的喜悦,努力的收获。因为愉快的体验会化为下一次成功的动力。)
(四)Post-reading(Group-work): 任务5:分小组讨论:
1)Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English? 2)In which countries do we find most native speakers of English? Give the names of three counties.3)Living in China you can use English every day in different situations.Give two examples.给学生五分钟的时间分组讨论,然后让每组的代表给出答案(完成本课教学目标)。教师在布置任务后,应监控各小组的活动,适当的时候可以参与到学生的活动中去。在活动中,教师多用评价性语言:Marvelous /Excellent /Fantastic /Well done/Great„
Through learning this passage, we have got to know that English is becoming more and more popular all over the world now.So English learning seems important to everyone, especially us students of the new century.With China’s entry into WTO, English will play a more important part in business, in tourism, and even in people’s daily life.So it’s no doubt that everyone should have a good knowledge of English.And I hope everyone in our class can make an effort to learn English well.But on the other hand, it doesn’t mean English is better than Chinese.We must keep it in mind that one’s mother tongue is the most beautiful language in the world.The reason why we learn English is that we should thus be more capable of building up our country.这是个很好的机会引导学生在领会学好英语的重要性的同时,更加热爱自己的祖国,从而培养他们的祖国意识。
It’s a good chance to lead the students to love our own country as well as to learn English well.(六)给学生讲解本课的生词。(七)布置作业
2、完成Post-reading Ex.2。
第四篇:人教版高中英语必修三 Unit 2 说课稿
人教版高中英语必修三 Unit 2 说课稿
大家上午好,我是外语组 号和晓鸥。今天我说课的题目是“Healthy Eating”,接下来我会从教材分析、教学目标、教学重难点、教法学法、教学过程、教学反思六个方面来展开我的说课。
教学重点:重点短语ought to、lose weight、get away with、tell a lie、win„„back的含义以及基本用法 教学难点:语言的运用,ought to用法归纳;几个情态动词must、may、might、should、can辨析
3、仔细阅读(20分钟)通过前面的快速阅读,学生们已经对文章有了大致的了解,接下来仔细阅读课文。开始之前我会给学生留下一个问题“what do you think Wang Peng will provide to win his customers back?”让学生带着这个问题精读课文。阅读完成后我会提问之前留下的问题,并且让学生完成PPT上的六道判断正误题和四道选择题,完成后我揭晓答案并解答学生的疑问。这一部分主要培养学生在阅读过程中认真仔细的好习惯。
1.Usually Wang Peng’s restaurant was full of people.2.Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet.3.Wang Peng’s regular customers often became fat.4.Yong Hui’s menu gave customers more emery-giving food.5.Wang Peng’s menu gave customers more protective food.6.Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong Hui by copying her menu.1.Why did Wang Peng go to Yong Hui’s restaurant? He wanted to___.A.know where his customers had gone B.spy on the slim lady Yong Hui C.have lunch with Li Chang D.have something special 2.Wang Peng found the following EXCEPT ___ in Yong Hui’s restaurant.A.There were only raw vegetables, meat and water.B.There were a lot of customers.C.The prices here were higher.D.The only drink here is water.3.What’s wrong with Yong Hui’s menu? The following statements are right EXCEPT ___.A.The food here was too limited.B.It did not give enough energy-giving food.C.The food on the menu was more delicious.D.It offered slimming food only.4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.Wang Peng’s customers often became fat after eating in his restaurant.B.Wang Peng provided a balanced diet.C.Yong Hui could make people thin in 2 weeks by giving them a good diet.D.Wang Peng’s menu gave people food containing enough fiber.4、课堂小结(7分钟)
Wang Peng felt 1____ in an empty restaurant because no eaters have came to his restaurant 2_____ since he got up early in the morning.He wanted to find out why.He hurried out and 3____ Li Chang into a newly-opened restaurant.He found that the owner 4____ Yong Hui was serving slimming foods to make people thin.Driven by 5_____, Wang Peng came 6____ to take a close look at the menu.He could not even 7_____ his eyes.He was 8_____ at what he saw.He hurried outside and got 9_____ to do some 10_____.After a lot of reading, he 11_____ that Yong Hui’s food made people become 12_____ quickly because it was no 13_____ food.Arriving home Wang Peng rewrote his own sign.(Key:1.frustrated 2.ever 3.followed 4.named 5.curiosity 6.forward 7.believe 8.amazed 9.online 10.research 11.realized 12.tired 13.energy-giving)
在对课文有了深入的学习之后,我会问学生这样一个问题:How do you think the story will end?这个故事并没有结束,如果你是作者,你认为事情会如何发展下去呢?让学生分成小组讨论3分钟,挑选代表站起来发言。我会就发言的情况做出陈述性的总结,鼓励发散思维。
Good afternoon, dear teachers.My name is xxxx , I come from Kaifeng,a beautiful and historic city.I got my bachelor’s degree in English two years ago in xxxxUniversity.Now I’m a postgraduate student majoring in translation theory and practice.Since primary school I have a dream of becoming a teacher in the future because most of my teachers were very kind to me.They helped me a lot and I want to be someone like them one day.In this semester I took a part-time job as an English teacher in Zhengzhou University.I find that I am good at getting along with students and they like me very much.So this pleasant teaching experience strengthened my determination to become a teacher after graduation.I am standing here knowing that today’s interview is the basic foundation to be a teacher.I will try my best to perform well.Now I’d like to talk about my teaching ideas.The teaching material I’m going to talk about is taken from NSEFC book one.It’s the reading part of unit one---Anne’s Best Friend.My presentation consists of three parts: Part 1 is analysis of the teaching material, part 2 is my teaching methods and the last part is teaching procedures.Part 1.Analysis of the teaching material In this part, I’ll talk about my understanding of the teaching material, teaching objectives, key and difficult points.a)my understanding of the teaching material
The topic of unit 1 is friendship, a very familiar topic for students.The reading text---Anne’s best friend shows Ss a special kind of friendship, friendship between a girl and her diary.By reading the text, Ss can not only improve their language knowledge and ability, increase their awareness of the importance of friendship but also acquire some cultural and historic knowledge about the Jewish people and German Nazis.teaching objectives According to the teaching material, I set three teaching objectives.Knowledge objective: help Ss memorize and learn the usage of some important words, expressions,and grammatical structures like “it’s the first time that”, and broaden their knowledge of the Jewish people’s sufferings in the history.Ability objective: to train Ss’s reading ability such as fast reading, intensive reading, and information-gathering and summarizing ability.Moral objective: by studying the text, Ss would be able to understand the importance of friendship, learn to cherish and maintain friendship b)Key and difficult points The key point is to get Ss familiar with the usage of important words, expressions and
the difficult point is to help Ss master some complex grammars, such as the word it used as formal subject and present participle used as attributes.Part 2 my teaching theories, methods and aids: Ss should always be put in the predominant position of learning and teachers should play a leading role in instruction.Therefore, I will use question-and-answer activity teaching method, free discussion and pair work method to inspire Ss’s self-learning.During the class, I will draw Ss’s attention to important points by asking them some questions and let them find answers by themselves.They will learn important and difficult points through analyzing, discussion and summarizing.As for teaching aids, I will use OHP(overhead projector), PowerPoint, and tape recorder.Part 3 teaching procedures Step 1: lead-in and pre-reading(Unit 1)First, I’ll ask Ss some questions about their friends---“who is your best friend?” “What do you like most about your friends?” “Are you good to your friends?” then I will ask Ss to do the warming-up exercise.After that I will let them discuss in groups about their answers.After their discussion I will acquaint them with some background knowledge about German Nazis and the Jewish history to get them prepared for reading the text.Then we will move on to: Step 2 while-reading This step is divided into 2 parts---fast reading and careful reading.Before fast reading I will ask them some simple questions about the details in the text.These questions serve as clues for them to follow while reading and will help improve their skimming skills.Then I will ask them to read the texts again and retell or summarize the reading material.Step 3 post-reading and extension In this part students are instructed to focus on language usage and background knowledge.I will explain the usage of some key words, expressions and grammatical structures and also help them better understand the true meaning of friendship.Step 4 homework I will ask Ss to finish the exercise on Page 4 and 5/to consolidate what we have learnt.Also they are required to review the learnt lesson and underline the key words and phrases in the next text.第二课
Now I’d like to talk about my teaching ideas.The teaching material I’m going to talk about is taken from NSEFC book one.It’s the reading part of unit two The Road to Modern English My presentation consists of three parts: Part 1 is analysis of the teaching material, part 2 is my teaching methods and the last part is teaching procedures.Part 1.Analysis of the teaching material In this part, I’ll talk about my understanding of the teaching material, teaching objectives, key and difficult points.a)my understanding of the teaching material
The topic of unit 2 is English language and its development.The reading text---The Road to Modern English tells about the development of English language in history and different English dialects.By reading the text, Ss can not only improve their language knowledge and ability, but also acquire some cultural and historic knowledge about English dialects.teaching objectives According to the teaching material, I set three teaching objectives.Knowledge objective: help Ss memorize and learn the usage of some important words, expressions of racial discrimination in history.the difficult point is to make Ss fully understand the reading text by adding background knowledge
Part 2 my teaching theories, methods and aids: Ss should always be put in the predominant position of learning and teachers should play a leading role in instruction.Therefore, I will use question-and-answer activity teaching method, free discussion and pair work method to inspire Ss’s self-learning.During the class, I will draw Ss’s attention to important points by asking them some questions and let them find answers by themselves.They will learn important and difficult points through analyzing, discussion and summarizing.As for teaching aids, I will use OHP(overhead projector), PowerPoint, and tape recorder.Part 3 teaching procedures Step 1: lead-in and pre-reading First, I’ll give Ss some examples of English dialects, such as football and soccer, shop and store, and let Ss guess whether they belong to British dialect or American dialect.Then I will them videos taken from American and British movies.From the videos Ss could compare and discuss the differences between American accent and British accent.After their discussion I explain to them how these differences occur to get them prepared for reading the text.Then we will move on to : Step 2 while-reading This step is divided into 2 parts---fast reading and careful reading.Before fast reading I will ask them some simple questions about the details in the text.These questions serve as clues for them to follow while reading and will help improve their skimming skills.Then I will ask them to read the texts again and retell or summarize the reading material.Step 3 post-reading and extension In this part students are instructed to focus on language usage and background knowledge.I will explain the usage of some key words, expressions and grammatical structures andalso help them better understand how English language developed throughout the history and its role in modern society Step 4 homework I will ask Ss to finish the exercise on Page 11 and 12to consolidate what we have learnt.Also they are required to review the learnt lesson and underline the key words and phrases in the next text.Untie three
Now I’d like to talk about my teaching ideas.The teaching material I’m going to talk about is taken from NSEFC book one.It’s the reading part of unit three Journey Down the Mekong
My presentation consists of three parts: Part 1 is analysis of the teaching material, part 2 is my teaching methods and the last part is teaching procedures.Part 1.Analysis of the teaching material In this part, I’ll talk about my understanding of the teaching material, teaching objectives, key and difficult points.b)my understanding of the teaching material
The topic of unit 3 is travelling.The reading text---Journey Down the Mekong is taken from a travel journal by a boy named Wang Kun.It describes he and his sister’s dream and their travel plan.By reading the text, Ss can not only improve their language knowledge and ability, but also acquire some geographic knowledge about Mekong River.teaching objectives According to the teaching material, I set three teaching objectives.Knowledge objective: help Ss memorize and learn the usage of some important words, expressions ever since, persuade, make up one’s mind and emphatic pattern
Ability objective: to train Ss’s reading ability such as fast reading, intensive reading, and information-gathering and summarizing ability.Moral objective: by studying the text, Ss would be able to appreciate the beauty of rivers and other landscapes in our country and understand the importance of nature to our life, and therefore enhance their awareness of environmental protection.c)Key and difficult points The key point is to get Ss familiar with the usage of important words, expressions andthe difficult point is to help Ss master some important grammars, such as the emphatic pattern and present participle used as accompany adverbial.Part 2 my teaching theories, methods and aids: Ss should always be put in the predominant position of learning and teachers should play a leading role in instruction.Therefore, I will use question-and-answer activity teaching method, free discussion and pair work method to inspire Ss’s self-learning.During the class, I will draw Ss’s attention to important points by asking them some questions and let them find answers by themselves.They will learn important and difficult points through analyzing, discussion and summarizing.As for teaching aids, I will use OHP(overhead projector), PowerPoint, and tape recorder.Part 3 teaching procedures Step 1: lead-in and pre-reading First, I’ll ask Ss some questions related to the reading text.for example “have you ever travelled to some beautiful rivers in China?” I will spare 3 minutes for them to discuss with each other and answer my questions.Then I will show them some pictures of important rivers in the world and the map of Mekong River to arouse their interest in reading the text.Then we will move on to : Step 2 while-reading This step is divided into 2 parts---fast reading and careful reading.Before fast reading I will ask them some simple questions about the details in the text.These questions serve as clues for them to follow while reading and will help improve their skimming skills.Then I will ask them to read the texts again and retell or summarize the reading material.Step 3 post-reading and extension In this part students are instructed to focus on language usage and background knowledge.I will explain the usage of some key words, expressions and grammatical structures and also, to train their summarizing ability, I will ask them to describe the characteristics of Wang Kun and his sister.Step 4 homework I will ask Ss to finish the exercise on Page 20 and 21
to consolidate what we have learnt.Also they are required to review the learnt lesson and underline the key words and phrases in the next text.Untie four
Now I’d like to talk about my teaching ideas.The teaching material I’m going to talk about is taken from NSEFC book one.It’s the reading part of unit four A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep
My presentation consists of three parts: Part 1 is analysis of the teaching material, part 2 is my teaching methods and the last part is teaching procedures.Part 1.Analysis of the teaching material In this part, I’ll talk about my understanding of the teaching material, teaching objectives, key and difficult points.d)my understanding of the teaching material
The topic of unit 4 is basic knowledge about earthquakes and how to protect oneself and help others in disasters.The reading text---A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep describes the Tangshan earthquake.By reading the text, Ss can not only improve their language knowledge and ability, but also acquire some knowledge about earthquake.teaching objectives According to the teaching material, I set three teaching objectives.Knowledge objective: help Ss memorize and learn the usage of some important words, expressions as if, the number of and attributive clause and enlarge their knowledge of earthquake
Ability objective: to train Ss’s reading ability such as fast reading, intensive reading, and information-gathering and summarizing ability.Moral objective: by studying the text, Ss would be able to encourage Ss to help each other in disaster and recognize the signs of earthquake.e)Key and difficult points The key point is to get Ss familiar with the usage of important words, expressions and1.the the difficult point is to let students master the use of attributive clause Part 2 my teaching theories, methods and aids: Ss should always be put in the predominant position of learning and teachers should play a leading role in instruction.Therefore, I will use question-and-answer activity teaching method, free discussion and pair work method to inspire Ss’s self-learning.During the class, I will draw Ss’s attention to important points by asking them some questions and let them find answers by themselves.They will learn important and difficult points through analyzing, discussion and summarizing.As for teaching aids, I will use OHP(overhead projector), PowerPoint, and tape recorder.Part 3 teaching procedures Step 1: lead-in and pre-reading First, I’ll let Ss watch a video taken from the movie Tangshan Earthquake as an introduction to the topic of the reading text.Then I will ask Ss some questions related to the topic, such as “do you know why earthquake happens?” “What will you do if an earthquake happens?” “What should we do to help those in quake-hit areas?”
I will give Ss 5 minutes to talk about these questions in pairs or in groups.Then we will move on to: Step 2 while-reading This step is divided into 2 parts---fast reading and careful reading.Before fast reading I will ask them some simple questions about the details in the text.These questions serve as clues for them to follow while reading and will help improve their skimming skills.Then I will ask them to read the texts again and retell or summarize the reading material.Step 3 post-reading and extension In this part students are instructed to focus on language usage and background knowledge.I will explain the usage of some key words, expressions and grammatical structures and also let them list the some earthquake precursors, self-rescue measures and measures to help others in disaster.Step 4 homework I will ask Ss to finish the exercise on Page 28 and 29to consolidate what we have learnt.Also they are required to review the learnt lesson and underline the key words and phrases in the next text.Unite five Now I’d like to talk about my teaching ideas.The teaching material I’m going to talk about is taken from NSEFC book one.It’s the reading part of unit five ELIA’S STORY My presentation consists of three parts: Part 1 is analysis of the teaching material, part 2 is my teaching methods and the last part is teaching procedures.Part 1.Analysis of the teaching material In this part, I’ll talk about my understanding of the teaching material, teaching objectives, key and difficult points.my understanding of the teaching material
The topic of unit 5 is the qualities of a great person and the lives of some great people.The reading text---ELIA’S STORY is the self-narration by a man named Elias.He describes how Nelson Mandela helped him and fought for the rights of black people.By reading the text, Ss can not only improve their language knowledge and ability, but also learn the good qualities of Nelson Mandela and how people fought for racial equality.teaching objectives According to the teaching material, I set three teaching objectives.Knowledge objective: help Ss memorize and learn the usage of some important words, expressions and attributive clause and enlarge their knowledge of racial discrimination in history.Ability objective: to train Ss’s reading ability such as fast reading, intensive reading, and information-gathering and summarizing ability.Moral objective: by studying the text, Ss would be able to learn from the great people and cultivate them good qualities and attitudes towards life and work.f)Key and difficult points The key point is to get Ss familiar with the usage of important words, expressions and the difficult point is to let students master the use of attributive clause Part 2 my teaching theories, methods and aids: Ss should always be put in the predominant position of learning and teachers should play a leading role in instruction.Therefore, I will use question-and-answer activity teaching method, free discussion and pair work method to inspire Ss’s self-learning.During the class, I will draw Ss’s attention to important points by asking them some questions and let them find answers by themselves.They will learn important and difficult points through analyzing, discussion and summarizing.As for teaching aids, I will use OHP(overhead projector), PowerPoint, and tape recorder.Part 3 teaching procedures Step 1: lead-in and pre-reading First, I’ll show Ss some pictures of great people in the world and ask them how much do they know about these people.Then I will ask them some questions related to the topic.“Do you know some other famous people?” “Among these great people who do you like best?” “What qualities do these great people have in common?” I will give Ss 5 minutes to talk about these questions in pairs or in groups.Then we will move on to: Step 2 while-reading This step is divided into 2 parts---fast reading and careful reading.Before fast reading I will ask them some simple questions about the details in the text.These questions serve as clues for them to follow while reading and will help improve their skimming skills.Then I will ask them to read the texts again and retell or summarize the reading material.Step 3 post-reading and extension In this part students are instructed to focus on language usage and background knowledge.I will explain the usage of some key words, expressions and grammatical structures and help them summarize the great qualities of Nelson Mandela and explain to them the painstaking efforts that black people made to fight for their rights throughout history.Step 4 homework I will ask Ss to finish the exercise on Page 36 and 37 to consolidate what we have learnt.Also they are required to review the learnt lesson and underline the key words and phrases in the next text.