
时间:2019-05-13 14:03:29下载本文作者:会员上传



英文书信通常由下列五个部分组成: a 信头(heading)包括写信人地址和写信日期,通常写在信笺的右上角。


到大,如:门牌号、街道名、市(县)名、省名、国名(邮政编码通 常写在城市名之后)。这同中文书信的地址写法完全相反。日期写在地址的下方,可以


通常有下列两种定法:(a)月、日、年(美式):如august 15, 200__(b)

日、月、年(英式):如15th august, 200__,月、日的后面用逗号,年份后面不 用标点。

b 称呼(salutation)指写信人对收信人的称呼,如dear xiaojun,写在日期

下一两行,顶格写,称呼后面可用逗号,也可用冒号,一般用dear„或my dear„


c 正文(body)这是书信的主体部分,即写信人要表达的内容。正文一般在称呼下方隔两行处开始写,正文的首行左边一般留约5个字母宽的空白。

最后的“祝好”、“致礼”之类的话语。如 “best wishes”等 e 签名(signature)签名通常签在结束语下方的中间偏右的位置,即使是打



名的上方可根据写信人和收信人的关系写sincerely yours/yours sincerely(用于长 辈或朋友之间),或respectfully yours/yours respectfully(用于对长辈或上级),注意开头字母要大写,末尾要用逗号。








一、英文求学申请信的格式和正文内容(application for admittance)英文求学申请信与普通信函的格式一样,包括信头(写信人的地址和写信日 期)、收信人的姓名和地址、称呼、正文、结束语和签名.求学申请信一般包括如下内容: 1.简单介绍个人的情况,包括学历、工作经历、研究经历等;2.说明所申请的专业和希望入学的时间;3.请学校寄入学申请表和有关资料;4.请学校介绍入学条件和要求;5.若申请经济资助,可要求学校寄经济资助申请表;6.信中要写上申请人的通讯地址和电话,以便对方回复.三、英文求学申请信正文部分的行文技巧

正文部分一般可以从三个方面组织内容: 1.用简短的开场白明确陈述写信的目的,即申请什么专业和学位,从何得知

申请信息等 入学申请应明确说明申请何类性质或何种学位的课程,准备何时入学等;2.主体段用来概述自己的情况,包括年龄、专业、学历、资历、特长、兴趣 等,旨在给

对方留下深刻的印象.即使附有履历也应在主体段总结说明自己的基本情 况,强调自己具备充分的申请资格.3.结束段主要用来敦请对方关照,说明附件.根据需要,还可以在主体段与


能力等.二、英文求学申请信的写作要求 1.应符合英语信件的格式,表达方式符合英语习惯;2.申请人的语气要自信而不傲慢,礼貌而不卑微,即不卑不亢,恰如其分;3.应写得简明流畅,言简意赅.附:求学申请信样信正文部分 dear sir or madam: i am writing to apply for a place in the ma program in economics of your university for the 2003-2004 academic year.i am presently a fourth-year student at the department of economics, beijing university.in the past three years, i have done well and have received quite a number of scholarships and honors.when i graduate and take my bachelors degree in june 2003, i wish to work for my masters degree in economics at your graduate school.i would be grateful if you could send me an application form for graduate admission and a financial aid form as well as information about your university.i am looking forward to hearing from you soon.yours sincerely, l i ming dear sir or madam, i write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in___(信

息来源)of ___(信息发布日期).not only do i have the qualifications for this job, but i also have the right personality for a ___(职位名称).___(原因之一).on the other hand, ___

(原因之二).i would be very grateful if you grant me a personal interview.if you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at___(电话号码).thank you for considering my application.i am looking forward to meeting you.yours sincerely, li ming 常用语: i have learned that you are hiring---i would like to apply for---i am interested in a---position in your firm.i would appreciate an interview at your convenience.i am well qualified to---for the following reasons.my interest and skill in---contribute to my qualification for this job.-----------------------page 1-----------------------letters of application letters of application-1(for a scholarship)61 daizong street tai’an, shandong 271018 china april 10, 2010 the world bank attention: scholarship program 1919 world trade building 10 first avenue new york, ny 10001 u.s.a.dear sirs: i have recently heard that the world bank is offering scholarship for those who are going to study languages at a university.i would like to have you send me an application form.i received a score of 620 on toefl taken october 25, 1990, and would like to improve my english abilities by studying in an english university.although my major is biochemistry, i want to improve my english well enough to translate recent chinese research in my field into english for-----------------------page 2-----------------------publication in the west.thank you for considering me.sincerely yours,(signature)huang houping letter of application-2(for a position)th 338e.44 st.篇二:开证申请书(中英文对照)irrevocable documentary credit application account: with(name of bank)(applicant: name, signature of authorized person)(with seal)开 证 申 请 人 承 诺 书













年 月 日篇三:留学申请书范本 中英文 留学申请书一(中英文)i am a student, graduated from baoyang middle school, nanning, guangxi autonomous region, in 2006.i am still studying in high school now, because i was not enrolled by the ideal university last year.recently, i have a dream to study abroad.then i search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to new zealand for study.first, new zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world.second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which i think is mo re reasonable for me.finally, the climate of new zealand is similar with the climate of the south of china.considering above reasons, i told my parents my plan on going to new zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.as a girl, i like preschool education since i was young.nowadays, chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education.if i study specialized curriculums on preschool education, i will go back china and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.my plan is as follows: first, i plan to study english in language institute for about a half year in new zealand.then, i will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.出国留学计划 我是江苏省南京市xx中学2006年高中毕业生,由于未被理想大学录取,我一直在xx中学复读。自2007年起,我受同学的影响,产生了出国留学的念头,于是我通过上网了解到去新西兰留学有比较多的优势。首先,新西兰是一个多元文化的国家,具有世界先进的教学水平;第二,留学费用比其他国家较低、较合理;第三,气候也与我国南方差不多。因此,我向父母提出拟到新西兰留学的愿望,得到了父母的支持。因为我是女孩子,从小就喜欢幼儿教育。且现代中国的家长对小孩的教育要求比较高,我如果能到新西兰学习幼儿教育专业课程,学成回国后一定能在幼儿教育事业上有作为。所以,我决心到新西兰留学,打算先用半年的时间到语言学院专修英语,过好语言关,再进行幼儿教育专业课程学习。我相信我已经过三年高中课程的学习,又经过一年的复读,在学习能力和知识水平上有了一定的基础。同时我父母都有固定的工作和较丰厚的收入,在留学经费上也会得到父母的全力支持。因此,我一定能较好地完成留学课程。学成回国后,我一定能实现我从事幼儿教育的愿望,并能在幼儿教育事业上实现我的人生价值。


Application for RUSSESU Scholarship

My name is Zhao Ruoyu.I come from UIBE(University of International Business and Economics)as an exchange student.I hope to apply for the RUSSESU scholarship.Firstly, I would like to make a brief introduction of my study of Japan and the Japanese language.Speak of my major, you may be surprised because I major in interpreting between Chinese and Korean.You may wonder why I learned Japanese all by myself for that was absolutely not easy work.That is because I was totally attracted by Japanese culture and society,especially their eating habits which reflects wisdom and attitudes towards life.Through the NHK documentary , I got to feel very proud of Japan ,for the reason that after the second world war, Japanese people’s dream was shattered, but their wisdom ,diligence, sense of responsibility and innovation helped them to rebuilt the economy ,the society and then the whole country.So I spared no efforts learning Japanese by myself.Until now , I have learned Japanese for almost three years andhave passed JLPT N1.Secondly I would like to draw a plan of study at Ritsumeikan University.Although I stay in Japan for only four months, I hope that this period will be the best memory in my life and it can be a plus when I hunt for a job in 2015.As I have learned some courses about economics and marketing before, I will try to connect the knowledge mastered to the courses at Ritsumeikan University, trying to learn more about the history of Japanese economy development.and their modern marketing strategy.At the same time , I will make more communications with our professors without fear or embarrassment.After school ,I will take part in some club activities which is a good chance to get to know more Japanese friends.Thirdly I intend to introduce my plan after completion of the exchange program.I have applied for a position in HR department in Ali-baba,which is a famous Chinese B2B electronic platform through an internship program.I think it will be a great stage for me to turn the knowledge learned at Ritsumeikan University into practice.After that I may start to hunt for a job in Japanese companies in China which can offer me more chances to go between China and Japan.Finally I would like to make an explanation that why I try to apply for the scholarship.Last semester I got to know a friend majoring in interpreting between Chinese and Japanese.She lent me a book on Japanese marketing strategy which could only be bought in Japan.Reading the book is just like listening to a lecture by a Japanese professor which is so fantastic.And I have planned to buy a lot of books in Japan reflecting Japanese society, policy and culture which means that I will have the great honor to be companied by a professor talking to me even when I go back to China.Besides , as Chinese saying goes reading a lot of books and go traveling a lot makes a person wise.So i hope to go outside, trying to find out more which can not be learned through books in classroom.Only when I melt myself in different cities and different groups ,can it widen my horizons.I wish that when I go back to China , I will be able to talk about Japan from various prospects through my owns as a Chinese college student born after 1990.Signature: Zhao RuoyuDate: 2014.03.17


申 请 书









The Case for Support is a self-contained description of the proposed research and contains two parts: ‘Previous Track Record’, and ‘Proposed Research and its Context’.In the Previous Track Record(maximum 2 sides of A4)you should provide a summary of the results and conclusions of recent work in the technological/scientific area covered by your research proposal.Please also outline the specific expertise of the applicants in this subject area, and the expertise available at the UK and China host organisations.In the Proposed Research and its Context section(maximum 6 sides of A4)you should include information on the background, programme and methodology, relevance to beneficiaries, and dissemination.In particular you should:

 Introduce the topic of research and explain its academic and industrial

context, demonstrating how it relates to leading research in the UK, in China and worldwide;

 Identify the overall aims of the project and the individual measurable

objectives against which you would wish the outcome of the work to be


 Detail the methodology to be used in pursuit of the research, and justify this choice;Explain why the proposed project is of sufficient timeliness and novelty to warrant consideration for funding;Describe the programme of work, indicating the research to be undertaken,and the milestones that will be used to measure its progress.You should describe the roles of each member of the research teams in the UK and


 Detail how the proposed project will be managed across the two countries,with particular demonstration of the added benefits to each party due to the collaboration;

 Identify the potential impacts of the project and show who will be the likely beneficiaries of the proposed research;Indicate the proposed dissemination and technology transfer routes that will

be used, and explain how the transfer of knowledge will take place to

beneficiaries and the general public. Identify what mechanisms will be in place to identify, protect and eventually

exploit any exploitable results which may arise from the research(include details of any specific collaborative agreement, where relevant). You should include any illustrations and lists of references within the 6-page

limit of this section.They should not be submitted as separate annexes.Along with your Case for Support you should also submit an Impact Plan(up to two sides of A4).In this section you should describe how the potential impacts of the proposed research will be realised and this should cover the project as a whole.You should also submit a one page Diagrammatic Work Plan(for example, a PERT or Gantt chart).This should cover the project as a whole, detailing significant milestones and showing how different aspects of the project will link together and be managed.You should also include CVs(up to 2 sides of A4 each)for named researchers, visiting researchers and researcher co-investigators, and letters of support from any project partners(no page limit).For more information on documentation please refer to the EPSRC website, at.



Dear Mr.Ben(the name of your boss):


①please accept this letter as formal notification that I am leaving my position with XXX company on August 7.请接受这封辞职信,我将于八月七日正式辞去我在XXX公司的职位。

②I have allowed 30 days prior to my departure for assisting in the transition process.离职之前,我有30天时间来帮助移交工作。

③Although I have enjoyed my job, I have received an offer for another company that I feel is better suited6 to my career objectives.虽然很喜欢日前的工作,但我已得到另一家公司提供的更适合我事业目标的职位。

④Thank you for your kind attention and would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before I leave.感谢您对我的关照,如果您能为我写一封推荐信,我将不胜感激。

⑤I regret having to resign from my position.I wish you and XXX the best of luck and future success.很遗憾我不得不辞职。祝您和XXX公司好运相伴,未来更加兴旺发达。

⑥If I can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know.如果在工作交接期有需要我做的事情,请通知我。

Sincerely,真诚的(your full name)



Dear Mr.Smith,As a graduate of an institution of higher education, I have a few very basic expectations.Chief among these is that my direct superiors have an intellect that ranges above the common ground squirrel.After your consistent and annoying harassment of my co-workers and me during the commission of our duties, I can only surmise that you are one of the few true genetic wastes of our time.Asking me, a network administrator, to explain every little nuance of everything I do each time you happen to stroll into my office is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of precious oxygen.I was hired because I know how to network computer systems, and you were apparently hired to provide amusement to myself and other employees, who watch you vainly attempt to understand the concept of cut and paste for the hundredth time.You will never understand computers.Something as incredibly simple as binary still gives you too many options.You will also never understand why people hate you, but I am going to try and explain it to you, even though I am sure this will be just as effective as telling you what an Ip address is.Your shiny new iMac has more personality than you ever will.You walk around the building all day, shiftlessly looking for fault in others.You have a sharp dressed, useless look about you that may have worked for your interview, but now that you actually have responsibility, you pawn it off on overworked staff, hoping their talent will cover for your glaring ineptitude.In a world of managerial evolution, you are the blue-green algae that everyone else eats and laughs at.Managers like you are a sad proof of the Dilbert principle.Since this situation is unlikely to change without you getting a full frontal lobotomy reversal, I am forced to tender my resignation.However, I have a few parting thoughts.1.When someone calls you in reference to employment, it is illegal for you to give me a bad recommendation.The most you can say to hurt me is I prefer not to comment.I will have friends randomly call you over the next couple of years to keep you honest, because I know you would be unable to do it on your own.2.I have all the passwords to every account on the system, and I know every password you have used for the last five years.If you decide to get cute, I am going to publish your favorites list, which I conveniently saved when you made me back up your useless files.I do believe that terms like Lolita are not usually viewed favorably by the administration.3.When you borrowed the digital camera to take pictures of your Mothers birthday, you neglected to mention that you were going to take pictures of yourself in the mirror nude.Then you forgot to erase them like the techno-moron you really are.Suffice it to say I have never seen such odd acts with a sauce bottle, but I assure you that those have been copied and kept in safe places pending the authoring of a glowing letter of recommendation.(Try to use a spell check please;I hate having to correct your mistakes.)

Thank you for your time, and I expect the letter of recommendation on my desk by 8:00 am tomorrow.One word of this to anybody, and all of your little twisted repugnant obsessions will be open to the public.Never screw with your systems administrator.Why? Because they know what you do with all that free time!

Wishing you a grand and glorious day.



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