大学英语话剧《a story of a taxi driver》(原创)

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第一篇:大学英语话剧《a story of a taxi driver》(原创)

a story of a taxi driver 编剧:


老外(the robber)

Police officer


This story talks about a poor taxi driver, Tommy, who meets many strange things in one day.First, he carries a foreigner who wants to rob him.Second, he meets a police officer who only manages traffic.Third, he meets a doctor who only understand injection.At last, he......第一幕

(wu....peng!!老外:oh my god!

Tommy:啊,撞车了)(同时)(同时出车门,Tommy:呵,老外,<可以看向观众>)Tommy:I ma sorry!(鞠躬)老外:I am sorry too!Tommy:I am sorry rhree!(鞠躬)老外:What are you sorry for ? Tommy: I am sorry five!If you want money , I have no;if you want life , I have one!(无所谓之势)(老外摊开手,作无奈状)老外:if you are ok,i will go now

Tommy;oh bye bye(转身)(同时,老外掏枪)Robber:Go back yoar car, Get out of here, quickly!Tommy: what,what are you d.....?(打断)Robber: Shut up!Just drive!Tommy: Where do you want to go? Robber: Shut up!drive your car!Tommy: Hey…Hey.Be careful, there's no eye in bullets.Robber: Shut up!Just drive your car.Tommy: Ok!Ok!You are the boss.Robber: Hum…(看Tommy的脖子)your gold necklace is very good looking.If it were on my neck, that would be nice.Tommy: Oh…com…come on, don’t do this to me.This is a fake one.I just try to look tough by wearing it.Robber: Shut up!Don’t treat me like a fool, I warn you!I will shoot you!Tommy: OK!OK!Take it easy.My mouth is sealed.Robber:....I don’t want to do this …really… but I have 6 brothers, 7 sisters、8 sons and 9 daughters to feed.I even have to raise pigs.…I really have no choice.Tommy: Don’t be so sad….Here is tissue(温柔地掏出餐巾纸).Robber: Thank you.Thank you(顿一会儿)Now,give me your gold necklace!Hurry up!Do you want to eat bullets!Tommy: But…but…but….Robber:Shut up!Just hand it to me or I’ll kill you!Tommy: I don’t want to die.第二幕

(警察可作一些交警动作)The police: Beep~Beep~ stop the car.Tommy: OH!Thank God!I am safe now!Hey, cop, a robber wants to rob me and….Police officer: Show me your license.Tommy: But…sir.…there is a robber in my back….Police officer: I only watch out for traffic!The public security is not my business.Tommy: Not your business? …

Police officer: Here’s your ticket.You were speeding.Tommy: But I got a robber in my car!he told me if I couldn’t drive fast enough, he’d shoot me.Police officer: And where is the robber? Police office:Rre you the robber,foreigner friend ? robber:of course not(温柔地摇头)Police officer:what's this?(指枪)robber:jast a toy for my son Police officer:wu,great Tommy:no,no,i must be in the dream

robber:china is a beautiful country,i love here very much,ti's my honor to see chinese Police officer Police officer:me too(骄傲自豪状)robber:but,he has bumped into my car!(指指司机,指指身后的车)Tommy: No!It is him,drove past the red light...Police officer: Has any one been injured?

robber: I feel headache ,mouthache ,armache ,footache , ache very much.(动作)Tommy: I ache all over too.Police officer: Then I'll call an ambulance,you must go to the doctor(O-E-O-E...).第三幕

doctor: Who is injured?

(Both of them say it is themselves at the same time...)

doctor:(拖长声调)foreigner people,i'm glad to see you!are you ok?(robber正要开口,医生抢先开口,语气关怀)

doctor: OK!I'll help you stop the pain first, and.....(司机插话)Tommy: hey doctor,i feel....(被医生打断)doctor:(不高兴被司机打扰,厌恶的表情)you!Go to the corner and sit there.Tommy: what?...(把老外送出门外)doctor: Go!Don't speak any words!Tommy: but I ache all over-headache, mouthache ,armache ,footache , ache very much.Doctor: ok,you should have an injection...Tommy: An injection? no,no,no(摇手)(拿出注射器)

doctor: Where do you want to inject?(司机害怕,颤抖,并摇手...)

Tommy: Well, doctor...that...I don't ache anymore, I...I want to leave.Nurse: Wait!Don't go...Mr.Green: Wow!......That hurts!



(司机和老外一道走出来,司机捂着胳膊,龇牙咧嘴状,警察上前,紧紧握住老外的手)Police officer:hai!robber(一惊,一顿):our country have great deep large friendship,our president Obama love this country very much.(司机捂着胳膊不住摇头)Police officer:of course,but we are friend too,go ,let me show you some place.(警察转身)(同时,老外掏枪)

robber:Shut up!give me all your money(剧终,鞠躬)







The first act(Abruzzi and T-bag coming)Abruzzi: Michael, i didn't see you at class.What wrong with you? Michael: I don't want to study,the college life make me feel confused.There is not care of parents and teachers.After class, the things I can do is only to play computer and sleep.I don't know what kind of person I want to be.Abruzzi: Don't say that, You know your family your friends all hope you can do a successful life.You are only twenty years old, don't you want to realize your dream.Just have a little faith, man.Michael: yeah!you are right.I will try.(Sara is coming)T-bag: Ou, Sara, Why are you wear a face mask.Do you want to rob a rank.Sara: No!I just want to rob you for my dinner.T-bag: It's not a good idea, You know I don't have money pay for a dinner.Sara: Okay!Thanks for gods, I pardon you for this time.Let's go, guys, don't you feel hungry.The second act(Michael and Abruzzi)Abruzzi: Michael, behaving well inside, take care of yourself.Michael: I know I should not do this.I know it's against the law!But I really have no choice.I just want to make a living for my family.(Sara and T-bag are coming)Sara: Are you sure to go there.Michael: What can I do? I'm guilty.If I studied hard that time, the result will be change.So, take care of the family while I'm gone.Thanks.The third act(studying, Michael is coming)Michael: Can I join in your discussion.T-bag: Of course, you can.Sara: What happened? You come there for study.Michael: Nothing, I just figured out about myself.So go on, What are you talking about?

The fourth act

T-bag: Sara and I prepare a play, Are you interested to take a look at them? Abruzzi and Michael: yeah!(Sara and T-bag playing)Sara: Once there is a sincere love putted before my love.曾经有一段真挚的爱情摆在我面前 T-bag: I don’t care.我没有珍惜 Sara: when I lost it.当我失去她时

T-bag: I regretted, but ir was too late,我才后悔莫及

Sara: If god would give me another chance.如果上天给我一个再来一次的机会 T-bag: I will give that girl three words

我会对她说三个字 All: singing!


After 1and3’s 15-day’s waiting,1 finally receive the company’s offer,while 3 is refused.Do you want to know the reason for their success or failure?Now let’s recall the interview scene on that day.Before the interview,1 is really nervous.And this time his friend 2 begins to confort him.1:I am nervous.If I fail,what can I do?

2:Come on,there is no use for you beng nervous.take a deep breath and believe that you are the best,no one can defeat you.I believe you.success is yours.1take a deep breath).Hope so.But I will do my best.I will win.旁白:Also for the same position,3 is talking with his friend 4.3:what do you think of my clothes? Is it fashionable?

4:Great!new shoes,new clothes,and fashionable style.That position must be yours.i am waiting for your treating.haha

3:ya!the time is closing,I must go now.bye!


5:please sit down,and relax yourself.we just have some questions to ask you.From your resume ,I know you are an excellent student in school.Now can you tell us something about yourself.1:My name is xx, a graduate student from zhengzhou University, and will get my degree in March 2012.In the past 4 years, I spent most of my time on studying.I have passed CET4/6 with a ease.Besides, I have also gotten through the Second-level and Third-leveltest for National Computer.As for my character, I think I am optimistic and confident.My favorite pastime areplaying ping-pang , reading books and listening to the music.5: We all know that no one is perfect.what disadvantages do you think you have3:I am not a perfect man.but I am alwayspursuing excellence.And I think that may be one of my advantages.for example,when I provide service for customers,I always consider much to make sure that they feel comfortable and they have no disatisfaction with me.6:to the salary.how much do you think is suitable?: in your resume I learn that you don’t have much experience.Hou can you make sure that you can do well on this work?

1:That’s not a question.Now you do great on your work.You must also have no experience beforeyou do it.And that proves that what important is not experience but your ability.Nou I have the ability ,and I am certain that I also can do well it.5:great!I believe you can.6:can you tell us your salary expectations?

1:As regards salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity.and I am sure that you won’t despair.5:ok!you can go now and reform the next one.6:sit down please!And don’t be nervous.We are just chatting like friends.there is no reason for feeling nervous or frightened.Can you give us a self-introduction? 3:Well , my name is 3,and I graduate from Zhengzhou university.-------(介绍自己的年龄、爱好、工作经验等)

5:I know in your resume that you have practiced in your former company for much time, can you tell me why you want to leave your present job and join us?

3:the boss is too bad!he always givesme a dressing down(训斥)besides,the partners even complain to the manager about me.they are over my bottom my line.I can’t stand them.so I left.6:we have ask you so many questions ?do you have any problem about our company? 3:I think your company is excellent!and there isnot a little problem any more.5:ok!that’s all.now you can go back first.and wait for answer.With 1’s success and 3’s failure,we can clearly know that,when we are interviewing,we should dress formely ,but not fashionable.And we should not only say our name,sex,working experience,but also the technical ability we have,and the successful things we have done when we are giving self-introduction.To the ask of the company’s problem,we shouldn’t say nothing,we may know little about the company,but we can ask some usually problems,such as your promotion system,traiting programs we can take and so on.So when we are interviewing,we should notice these,and avoid these.That’s all!Thank you



为了丰富大学生的文化娱乐生活,提高英语口语的学习能力,给学生提供一个展示自我的机会.我材料学院学习部于2011年12月2日面向大一大二的所有同学,在4C#405举办了一次“英语话剧”比赛.本次比赛以班级为单位,每班一组成员参加比赛.因为是英语话剧比赛,所以在比赛中,要想得冠,参赛者必须得有一口流利的英语,而且参赛者中途不得笑场,否则扣分.我想我部人员又一次验证了“团结就是力量”这句话.晚上6:00下课,而比赛在6:30正式开始,所以我部人员下课后马上到学生会集合,统一分工,集体行动.搬音响,提水,现场布置装饰,买水果,邀请评委嘉宾······ 这些工作竟然在15分钟内神速完成.我部特地邀请了两位外国语学院的评委嘉宾,比赛结束后评委们对本次比赛赞不绝口。首先,同学们的口语表达能力很强,使得他们在场上表演时毫无畏惧,毫不怯场.这也更激发了其他同学学习英语口语的热情;其次,同学们的表演情节迭宕,内容别出心裁,这充分展示出了当代大学生思维的设计创新能力和想象力。





beard is looking good there,A…..1(女)

Don‟t thank me,thank the dice.,they told me what percentage of my face to shave.….2

Why are you still doing this?.....3

Because it‟s working,…in the past few weeks ,not be bothered by trivialities,so and I‟m about

to figuring out why 1+1=2…..2

You forgot,got chafed testicles because you no longer wear underpants…..4

When give,also lost.…..2

Is 5 out with 6 again?...1

Yeah,every night …4

Wow, can‟t believe that he has a girlfriend….1

摇色子 me neither…2

Here‟s some other fun new on the 5 and 6,…..,he gave her a pair of diamond earrings anda car…3

You‟re kidding…..1

You think she‟s taking advantage of him?.....4

Oh ,of course not.She wouldn‟t do something like that…she is deaf….1

无奈的表情 deaf??....deaf woman can‟t be gold diggers?..4,Everyone knows that …..they are nice….1

Yeah, I actually have information about 5 that would be helpful with this discussion…2(不相信的眼神)Could you tell us?…4

Let‟s see 摇色子..(说出多少点).sorry,bud….2

Wait, hang on , two together.roll again…..1

摇色子okay ,listening to me.(都很无奈)…it doesn‟t matter if he buy lots of gifts ,because his families are vastly wealthy….2

What do you mean “vastly wealthy”?...1

Well, “wealthy” means a lot of money……”vastly” means even more…I „m not sure what you

don‟t understand…(都很无奈)...2

OK,I know they have money.i don‟t think it‟s that much….4

No,you‟re wrong…..through my survey in a few decades, his familiers are‟t just rich ,they‟re Richie Rich rich….2

Well,so how much is that?..1

About halfway between xietingfeng and zhangbozhi….2

what?? The last time we went to the zoo….,that son made me buy him ice cream…3

4走出教室(哼着歌)listen,guys, I need to go call 5‟s sister ,who I love so much…..so vastly much….4

OK….,so he is very rich …1

And he pay off all her credit cards…3

What??.damn it ,I could have date 5 for a coulp months….but I „m not that kind of girl….we should really talk to 5….1

He‟s not going to listen…he is in love….3

Can‟t know what to do?.?.....now,excuse me,…I have to….摇色子….stay right here…..2

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