
时间:2019-05-13 19:56:48下载本文作者:会员上传


Dear Sirs,Hope you have a nice day!This is Jack zhang, a sale Representative of Yangzhou Xianglong Import & Export Co., Ltd,(Jiangsu China).we collected your name card from the 120th,Guangzhou Trade Fair which was held in Guangzhou from October 31 to November 4, 2016.I am glad to send E-mail to you.I have learned you are interest in socks.Thank for you interest in our product ,Here I’d like to give you a brief of introduce of our company and main product for you reference.Yangzhou Xianglong Import & Export Co.,Ltd is specialized in socks ,gloves hats and other textile products.we mainly produce short sock,anklet socks ,knee sock, tight stocking ,fishnet ,silk stocking ,cotton sock ,toe sock ,low cut sock ,knitted gloves ,we have about 20 years of experience in manufacture, import and export.our clients are all over the,Japanese,Europe,American,Australian,Russia.Yangzhouxianglong devote itself in development of textile in a long period of time.we paid much attention in improving the quality management and recommending advanced technology.Hope you will be interested in our product ,you can contact with me at any time if you want to get any detailed information Wish you good healthy and prospers business Looking forward to hearing from you Best regards Sincere yours Jack zhang

Xianglong Import &Export Co., Ltd




Founded in July,2013,as a subsidiary company to Tian Yi Electric Machinery Corporation,Li Ming Automation Science Co.Ltd is a high-tech enterprise with all vitality , potentialand comprehensive strength.The company is located in the Dong Guan Ao Bo Science &Technology zone ,a unique place with beautiful scenery and gifts of nature.On the basis of technology development , the company has taken in a group of experienced personnels who are talented in senior management ,marketing and skills of producing.In the company ,great attention is paid to basic management ,stable quality ,continuously improving pre-sale services,sale and after-sale services,and enhancing

the market competitiveness of our products.Main products of our company :TECO electric machinery series,KH gear,WEG high-efficiency motor ,etc.Since its foundation ,the company keeps living up to the belief of :”honest selling ,best quality ,people-orientation and benefits to customers.”

We are doing everything to offer our customers with best services and best products.We promise that we’ll be responsible all the way to the end once our services begin.


Since 1993, Wuxi Changhong Masterbatches Co.,Ltd manufactures high technology color masterbatches and performance additives.In order to satisfy the expectations of rapidly growing and developing plastic industry, Wuxi Changhong Masterbatches Co.,Ltd improves its world-integrated technology continuously and owns the broadest plastic coloring and performance improving masterbatches portfolio in the region.Also founding another branch in Anhui province since 2005, named Langxi Changhong Masterbatches Co.,Ltd.With years of pragmatic striving and innovation, our annual capacity reaches 50,000MT masterbatches.As a first-class masterbatch supplier and manufacturer in China, we are a leading company integrating production, research, and marketing with service.Furthermore, our company provides several overseas corporations with OEM service in addition to stable and long-term business relationships with foreign masterbatch dealers and customers for packaging, house wares, commodities, building materials, communication, appliances, medical treatments, and auto parts.Our first-rank products at competitive price are constantly selling well at home and abroad.With strict management, powerful technical capability, advanced processing facilities and complete detection, our factory are complying with the ISO9001 standards.


介绍客人啥顺序? 介绍客人啥顺序?
在聚会上介绍不认识的 人互相认识时应该遵循怎样 的顺序?如果在某些聚会场 合需要每个人轮着自我介绍,应该遵循怎样的顺序?自我 介绍在内容及时间掌握等方 面应该注意哪些问题?

在聚会上介绍不认识的 人互相认识时,应该遵循这样 的顺序:把男士介绍给女士;把职位低的人介绍给职位高的人;把晚辈介绍给长辈;把未婚 者介绍给已婚者;把主人介绍给客人;把非官方人士介绍给官方人士。即要遵守受尊敬的一 方有优先了解对方的权利。如果要每个人轮着自我介绍时,如果无较大年龄差距及职位差距,可以按照顺时针的方向依次进行自我介绍。自我介绍时要根据不同场合、不同对象和不同的 需要来把握介绍的内容和时间,应酬式的介绍应该简单明了,介绍姓名即可; 工作式的介绍,还应介绍工作单位和从事的具体工作;社交式的介绍,需要在这些基础上进一步介绍兴趣、爱好、经历以及同交往对象的某些熟人关系等。注意要选择恰当的时机,在对方有兴趣、有 需要、干扰少、情绪好时介绍自己,用的时间越短越好。

宴会礼节 餐桌上谈生意是许多中国企业形成已久的风俗。因此,餐桌上的礼节,历来受到企业重视。作为有公关招待工作职责的文员,对此不可不知。

1、订餐 一般企业都有专门招待客户的固定宴会场所。确定客户将赴宴后,负责订餐的人员应了解以 下几点内容,确保符合要求。(1)、了解客户的重要性,以决定订餐的标准。(2)、了解宴会人数,包括客户、本公司陪同人员和其他人员,以决定座席数量。(3)、了解参宴人员的级别,以方便安排入席。

2、座次 宴会座次的安排是宴会礼节中的重要内容,它直接关系到参宴者的身份,对宴会的成功与否 起着直接的作用。

一般社交宴会的座席安排,通常遵循以下原则:正门对面的为第一主人(宴请者,主陪),坐在第一主人对面的是第二主人(副陪),坐在第一主人左、右的分别是第一客户(被宴请 者,主宾)和第二客户(副宾),坐在第二主人左、右的分别是第三主人和第四主人,其它 座次可便宜行事。但很多地区为表示对客户的尊重,通常这样安排座次:正门对面的为第一客户(被宴请者职 位最高者),第一客户对面的为第二主人(副陪),第一客户左、右分别为第一主人(宴请 者职位最高者,主陪)和第二客户,其它座次可便宜行事。

3、入席 如果文员作为宴请方参与宴会,在入席时应注意以下几点问题:(1)、了解参宴人员的职位和职务。一是便于寻找合适自己位置的座席;二是便于

宴会过 程中的交流。(2)、客户和领导未入席前,文员不要提前入席。(3)、确定自己的座席,客户和领导入席后,自己从椅子的左侧入席。

4、席间 席间应着重注意个人举止、与人交流、敬酒等方面的礼仪。(1)、将餐巾放在膝盖上,不可用餐巾擦脸或嘴。完餐后,将餐巾叠好,不可揉成一团。(2)、照顾他人时,要使用公共筷子和汤匙。(3)、喝汤用汤匙,不出声。(4)、嘴里有食物时,不张口与人交谈;嘴角和脸上不可留有食物残余。(5)、剔牙时用手挡住嘴;咳嗽、打喷嚏或打哈欠时,应转身到侧背低头用手绢或餐 巾纸捂着。(6)、尽量只与平级人员交流;说话时不可喷出唾沫,嘴角不可留有白沫;不可高声 谈话,影响他人。(7)、敬酒时,用双手举杯敬酒,眼睛注视对方,同时说祝语;碰杯时,酒杯不要高于对 方,喝完后再举杯表示敬意。(8)、席间禁忌 A、忌用筷子敲打桌面或餐饮器具。B、忌把筷子架在盘子或杯子上,忌把筷子插在饭碗或菜盘里。C、忌讳筷子交叉放置、放反了、一头大一头小。D、谈话时不要挥舞筷子,也不要把筷子当牙签用。E、不要把筷子伸到他人面前,也不要插入菜盘深处。F、不要翻覆挑拣,也不要使筷子在菜盘上游动,不知夹什么菜。G、夹菜时不要一路滴汤,筷子不要粘满了食物,也不要用嘴吮吸筷子。H、忌在席间做出不雅声音。不知道以上是不是你想要的,那是我自己写的书的内容。另外:

二、介绍礼 介绍礼是指通过第三者介绍人们相互认识的过程。文员在日常工作中,需要经常对不同来访 者和本公司人员进行介绍。所以,介绍礼是文员必备的礼仪常识之一。介绍礼的过程和要点 如下: 介绍者站于待介绍两者中间外侧位置,介绍甲方时,靠近甲方的手臂手指并拢、手掌向上、手臂伸直,指尖指向甲胸部位置;同时,上身微侧向乙方,面带微笑注视乙方,并介绍甲方 情况。介绍乙方时亦然。整个过程介绍者大方得体。

握手礼是见面礼中最常见的礼节(见面礼还包括:拱手礼、鞠躬礼、拥抱礼、亲吻礼、合十 礼等),一般在相互见面、离别、祝贺、慰问等情况下使用。正确的握手姿势是:与对方距 离一米左右距离时,身体呈站立姿势,上身微向前倾,同时伸出右手,手指稍用力握住对方 手掌持续轻摇 1-3 秒钟,双目注视对方,面带微笑。握手礼看似简单,但许多问题需要注意:




3、戴手套握手(女士可以例外)、坐着握手(残疾人除外)、握手时心不在焉或嚼着食物 等问题,都是不尊重别人的表现。

4、如果你的手较脏、很凉或者有水、汗,不宜与人握手,只要主动向对方说明 不握手的原因就可以了。


在社交场合,我们往往有为不相识者彼此引见一下的义务,这便是为他人作介绍。为他人作介绍,有三点 应作得合乎礼仪: * 是介绍人的问题。在公务交往中,介绍人应由公关礼仪人员、秘书担任;在社交场合,介绍人则应由女主人或被介绍的双方均有一定交情者充任。* 是被介绍者的先后顺序问题。礼仪规定:尊者有权先了解情况,因此男士应被介绍给女士、晚辈应被介 绍给长辈、下级应被介绍给上级、客人应被介绍给主人、迟到者应被介绍给先到者。熟悉的人介绍给不熟 悉的人,把未婚者介绍给已婚者,把家人介绍给同事、朋友。* 是介绍的内容问题。为他人介绍的内容,大体与自我介绍的内容相仿,可酌情在三项要素的基础上进行 增减。作为第三者介绍他人相识时,要先向双方打一声招呼,让被介绍的双方都有所准备。他人介绍 他人介绍是经第三者为彼此不相识的双方引见、介绍的一种介绍方式。他人介绍通常是双向的,即将被介 绍者双方各自均作一番介绍。遇到下列情况,有必要进行他人介绍。* 与家人外出,路遇家人不相识的同事或朋友。* 本人的接待对象遇见了其不相识的人士,而对方又跟自己打了招呼。* 在家中或办公地点,接待彼此不相识的客人或来访者。

* 打算推介某人加入某一方面的交际圈。* 受到为他人作介绍的邀请。* 陪同上司、长者、来宾时,遇见了其不相识者,而对方又跟自己打了招呼。* 陪同亲友前去拜访亲友不相识者。


ƪһ£º¹«Ë¾Ó¢Îļò½é~ ¼±£¡£¡£¡£¡ÄÄÀïÓÐÊÀ½ç500Ç¿ÆóÒµÖеÄËæÒâ5¸öÆóÒµÓ¢Îļò½é 2008-9-11 12:14 ÌáÎÊÕߣºchenjuan511| ä¯ÀÀ´ÎÊý£º1380´Î 2008-9-11 12:59 ×î¼Ñ´ð°¸ ±¦½à¹«Ë¾ p&g has operations in more than 80 countries, with more than 300 brands on market in 160 countries.these include beauty care, fabric and home care, household care and family health care products.three billion times a day, p&g brands touch the lives of people around the world.Ç¿Éú¹«Ë¾ operating room.he called them, with grim aptness, the invisible assassins.medical science was beginning to understand, however imperfectly, the need for greater care in protecting the wound area.yet, this concept of myriad living organisms, unseen and deadly, remained beyond the grasp of many surgeons in the 19th century who were doubtful or even contemptuous of listers work.robert wood johnson one man who did not question his theory of antisepsis was robert wood johnson, who heard lister speak in 1876.for years afterward robert wood johnson nurtured the idea of a practical application of listers teachings.what he had in mind was a new type of surgical dressing, ready-made, sterile, wrapped and sealed in individual packages and suitable for instant use without the risk of contamination.prior to listers discoveries, the postoperative mortality rate was as high as 90 percent in some hospitals.surgeons could not bring themselves to believe they were contaminating their own patients by operating ungloved with unsterile instruments.surgeons operated in street clothes and wore a blood-spattered frock coat like a badge of honor.p&g greater china business includes mainland china, hong kong and taiwan, which were established in 1988, 1987 and 1985 respectively.Âóµ±À͵ÄÓ¢Îļò½é mcdonalds corporation(nyse: mcd)is the worlds largest chain of fast-food restaurants, primarily selling hamburgers, chicken, french fries, milkshakes and soft drinks.more recently, it also offers salads, fruit and carrot sticks.the business began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by siblings dick and mac mcdonald in san bernardino, california.their introduction of the speedee service system in 1948 established the principles of the modern fast-food restaurant.the present corporation dates its founding to the opening of a franchised restaurant by ray kroc, in des plaines, illinois on april 15, 1955, the ninth mcdonalds restaurant overall.kroc later purchased the american way of life.its prominence also made it a frequent subject of public debates about obesity, corporate ethics and consumer responsibility.´óÖÚÆû³µ¹«Ë¾Ó¢Óï¼ò½éliterally, the word volkswagen means peoples germany, the idea of a peoples car wasnt exactly a new one.before the 1930s, there had been many efforts to create simple cars that everyone could afford, but none met with profound success.almost all cars before 1930, even if they were designed to be simple enough for the average person, ended up costing more than the average workers yearly wage.meanwhile, the year is 1930, and ferdinand porsche had just set up an designated the type 12.z¨¹ndapp wanted to put in a 1.2 liter radial engine from one of their motorcycles...this was the end of the line for this design, as it didnt make it any further.¿É¿Ú¿ÉÀÖ¹«Ë¾ in may, 1886, coca cola was invented by doctor john pemberton a pharmacist from atlanta, georgia.john pemberton concocted the coca cola formula in a three legged brass kettle in his backyard.the name was a suggestion given by john pembertons book keeper frank was a prohibition law, enacted in atlanta in 1886, that persuaded physician and chemist dr.john stith pemberton to rename and rewrite the formula for his popular nerve tonic, stimulant and headache remedy, pembertons french wine coca, sold at that time by most, if not all, of the citys when the new coca-cola debuted later that yearpemberton advertised it not only as a delicious, exhilarating, refreshing and invigorating soda-fountain beverage but also as the ideal temperance is said coke was discovered when deluise, a 19th century american soda jerk accidentally hit the soda water spigot, adding carbonated water to the syrup in the glass.the result was a happy accident: the invention of coca-cola.though pemberton died just two years laterthe trademark he and his partners created more than one hundred years ago can claim wider recognition today than that of any other brand in the world.ƪ¶þ£ºÆóÒµÓ¢ÓïÑݽ²¸å ÆóÒµÓ¢ÓïÑݽ²¸å the motherland destiny also is each chineses destiny, the the pursuit of happiness this film makes me understand that the chance will always favor the person who prepared get a good fortune, you have to pay more perspiration and persistence for your dream up to success, regardless of poverty or difficulty.thank you again.



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