第一篇:2013年12月英语6级 翻译汇总
【参考译文】The world-renowned Silk Road is a series of routes connecting the East and the West.The Silk Road represents the ancient Chinese silk trade.The Silk Road trade played an important role in China, South Asia, Europe and Africa.It was through the Silk Road that Chinese papermaking, gunpowder, the compass and the printing press spread all over the world.Similarly, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain also spread all over the world through the Silk Road.And Europe exported all kinds of goods and plants through the Silk Road to meet the needs of the Chinese market.【翻译原文】中国人自古以来就在中秋时节庆祝丰收,这与北美地区庆祝感恩节的习俗十分相似,过中秋节的习俗与唐代早期在中国各地开始流行,中秋节在农历八月十五,是人们拜月的节日,这天夜晚皓月当空,人们合家团聚,共赏明月。2006年,中秋节被列为中国的文化遗产,2008年又被定为公共假日,月饼被视为中秋节不可或缺的美食,人们将月饼作为礼物馈赠亲友或在家庭聚会上享用。传统的月饼上带有“寿”(longevity)、“福”或“和”等字样。
【参考译文】Since ancient times, the Chinese people usually celebrate harvest in the Mid-Autumn, which is similar to the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving in the North America.The tradition of celebrating Mid-Autumn festival became popular throughout China in the early Tang dynasty.The lunar August 15 is a day for people worshiping the moon.On this day, under the dazzling bright moon, families reunite and enjoy the moon’s beauty.In 2006, Mid-Autumn festival was listed as one of China's cultural heritage, and in 2008, it was classified as a public holiday.Moon cakes, as indispensable delicious food of the festival, were gifts people sent to families and friends during the festival and usually eaten on family gatherings.There are characters of “longevity”,“goodfortune”and “harmony” on the Traditional moon cakes.【翻译原文】中国园林是经过三千多年演化而成的独具一格的园林景观。它既包括为皇室成员享乐而建造的大型花园,也包括学者、商人和卸任的政府官员为摆脱嘈杂的外部世界而建造的私家花园。这些花园构成了一种意在表达人与自然之间应有的调和关系的微缩景观。典型的中国园林周围有围墙,园内有池塘、假山、树木、花草以及各种各样由弯曲的小路和走廊衔接的建筑。散步在花园中,人们可以看到一系列精心设计的景观犹如山水画卷一般展示在面前。
【参考译文】Chinese gardens came into being after three thousand years of evolution and unique landscape.It includes both large garden built for the royal family enjoyment, including academics, businessmen, and former government officials to get rid of the noise of the outside world and build private garden.These gardens constituted an intended to express the human and the nature should be harmonious relations between miniature landscape.A typical Chinese garden surrounded by a fence, garden with ponds, rockeries, trees, flowers and plants, and various buildings connected by winding paths and corridors.Stroll in the garden, people can see a series of carefully designed like landscape picture show in front of the landscape.2013年12月英语六级翻译评析
理解下拜月二字到底什么意思?其实,就是崇拜、敬仰月亮对吧。再找不到对应词,就是尊敬月亮对吧。再不行,就是向月亮敬礼总可以了吧。所以,理解中文后,大概这么几个单词就出来了:worship / respect/ salute to„
假山,就是人造山,人工山。对吧。所以,那些翻译成fake hills的亲们,上课告诉大家认真理解中文,你肯定没有做到啊。这样几个单词又出现了:man-made, artificial„
小时候学的人造卫星咋说来着?man-made satellite.有了,不就是corridor-connected buildings吗。大不了,解释性语句:buildings that are connected by corridors.其实六级段落汉译英,大部分词汇都是可以在四六级甚至高考词汇里直接找到对应的英语单词的。只有一些“中国风”的,比较中国特色的词汇才需要大家作如上处理。
Mid-autumn day falls on the fifteenth of the eighth month of the lunar calendar.It is a holiday for people to respect the moon.And moon will shine brightly in the sky on this night.So people gather together and appreciate the moon.“中秋节在农历八月十五(整句),是人们拜月的节日(定语从句),这天夜晚皓月当空(时间状语从句),人们合家团聚,共赏明月。(主句)”
Mid-autumn day, when people show their respect to the moon , falls on the fifteenth of the eighth month of lunar calendar.People always have a reunion to appreciate the moon when it rises and shines brightly across the sky.我们再来看下较难的中国园林的这句话--
The typical Chinese gardens are surrounded by walls.There are ponds, artificial hills, trees , grass and various buildings connected by winding trails and corridors in it.“典型的中国园林四周有围墙(定语从句),园内有池塘、假山、树木、花草以及各种各样由蜿蜒的小路和走廊连接的建筑。(主句)”
Inside the typical Chinese gardens, which are surrounded by walls, there are ponds, artificial hills, trees , grass and various buildings connected by winding trails and corridors.通过上面讲解,大家会发现,不论六级段落汉译英考察中国的文化、历史、经济亦或社会发展,只要掌握了课堂里的做题步骤和方法,考试便可轻松找到突破口。
1.leaders and senior officials from 21 APEC(asia-pacific economic cooperation)member 来自亚太经合组织21个经济体的领导人及高级官员于10月15日汇集上海,参加为期一周的会议,其中包括(APEC)非正式高官会议、部长会议以及最后的经济体领导人会议。会议期间,代表们就新经济、全球化、投资以及根除恐怖主义等方面的问题交换了意见。这对推动各成员之间的进一步合作和地区经济的繁荣有着深远的意义。
2、Apart from the certain knowledge that life exists on earth
3、This is surely the most shortsighted policy you could imagine
4、A regular visitor to the piers of early nineteenth century New York
19世纪早期,纽约码头的人可能会注意到一个面向大海沉思的年轻人。这位沉思者就是华盛顿 欧文、欧文和父亲住在河边地区。年轻的欧文所受的正式教育很有限,而且他在这方面似乎也没有什么抱负。然而,他对未来感到有把握。事实证明,学校生涯的短暂并未影响他日后成为美国乃至世界上最有名望的作家之一。
5、The Wright brothers laid the foundation of modern flying.赖特兄弟奠定了现代飞行的基础。他们举世闻名,但当荣誉雨点般落到他们身上时,他们始终保持着谦虚。他们漠视从科学界得到的勋章,一次又一次地拒绝了做公开演讲。韦伯曾说过,“我知道只有一种会说话的鸟,叫鹦鹉,但鹦鹉是飞不了太高的。”
6、It is an underniable fact that every society is governed by hidden laws 每个社会都由无形的规则和人们没有言明但却深感当然的准则支配着,这是一个不可否认的事实。因此,我们的社会也绝不例外。要弄清楚这些规律和准则是什么,那是社会学家们的事。但是,在一个热衷于打破禁忌却又不能继而从中解脱出来的社会,要弄清这些,绝非易事。
7、Had there been any medals for sportsmanship or golden smiles at the LosAngeles 加入洛杉矶奥运会设立运动员风格奖和灿烂微笑奖,我会把大部分奖牌授予中国运动员。我说的全市真心话。作为世界体坛的新手,他们保持了传统的真正的体育准则,那就是:既要全力以赴,又要尊重对方,服从裁判。
8、Laser beam has been turned to reducing birthmarks.激光束已被用于去除胎记。太极曾经几乎无法治疗。它是一片密集的血管群,呈红色,极易吸收激光束。皮肤表面的正常细胞,吸收激光束的能力很弱,因此在治疗中有助于掩盖胎记。对于那些以前注定终生靠化妆品掩盖胎记的人来说,此手术将能改变他们的生活。
9、A recent study showed a significant role of economics in the incidence of colds.最近一次研究显示,经济条件明显影响着感冒的发病率。随着经济收入的增加,家庭成员患感冒的频率下降。最低收入家庭中,患感冒的次数比最高收入家庭约多三分之一。低收入者普遍被迫居住在比富人住宅拥挤的地区,而拥挤的居住条件则会增加感冒病毒传播的机会。
10、The process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, 个人的成长过程很难说,若下个定义的话,就是一段旅程而非沿着路边的特定路标。这种过程不是路本身,而是人们在遇到新的经历和意想不到的挫折时所持的态度或勇气。这是个永远没有尽头的旅程,因为总有新的方法去体验世界,新的观点去尝试,新的挑战去接受。
11、Nobody can foresee what the future holds for any of us.没有人能够预测未来会带给我们什么。我们将来需要考虑的社会、情感和道德问题都无法预测。但是这个常常让人不愉快的现在社会给了我们一个最重要的教训,那就是进步源于周密的计划。对自己的职业无知并不是一件好事;理智要胜过机会和运气。尽管没有可靠的方法来实现我们的职业规划,但你现在却可以做许多事情为各种可能的职业打下基础。12.Injob evaluation,all of the requirements of each job are defined in a detailed description.在进行工作评价时,对每项工作的细则都有详细的描述。每项要求都要进行评估,通常用“分值”来表示,把所有的分值加在一起就是对整个工作的评价。对于中级和高级管理层,一种特殊的方法被用来评估管理者的业务知识、责任心和解决问题的能力。然而,由于对管工作进行量化存在难度,因此对于管理者工作等级的评定常常没有参照建立在打分基础上的评估体系。
13.There are different types of teaching machines.教学机有不同的种类。有简单的,也有复杂的。简单的只有一个供学生用的旋钮,复杂的是电子计算机。一九二七年帕莱赛发明的教学机室早期教学机中的一种。这种教学机给每一个人问题都提供四种可能的答案。学生按动按键选择一个正确的答案。其他的教学机与帕莱赛教学机相似,但给每个问题提供的可能答案更多。有一种教学机在学生选择了正确答案时发给学生一块口香糖
14.Enery,which is the ability to do work
能量即可以做功的能力,它以两种形式存在:势能和动能。势能被定义为“存储”的或没有激发的能量。势能的一个例子就是存在于电池两级之间的能量。这种以电压形式存在的能量在一个环形电路被接到电池两级的情况下能够让电子运动起来。而电子的运动反过来也可以做功,比如,它能够让灯泡变亮,让铃响起来。由于运动而产生的能量被称为动能 15.When shaking hands,it is proper for the host 握手时,应该让主人、妇女以及级别高的人采取主动。千万不要握着女士的手不放。走路、乘车或是同坐在一起时,最好让客人在你的右边以示对他的尊敬。如果要在女士面前抽烟,应该首先获得许可。敬烟时,应该把烟盒递过去,让他自己取一支。要参加聚会前药避免吃大蒜和洋葱。男式在正式场合通常都穿深色的衣服。夹克要与裤子相配。穿西服要系领带。穿中式长袍要将衣领扣上,而在进屋之前则要把帽子摘下。
16.According to a recent poll,61 percent of American 最近的一次问卷调查显示,有61%的美国高中生承认在考试中至少做过一次弊。有人会反驳说这样的回答可能并不代表什么。毕竟,大多数学生都曾受到过偷窥邻座考卷的诱惑,并且学生对这样的行为也会负责。然而,有迹象表明高中生作弊现象可能正在增加。越来越多的州都规定高中生要取得文凭必须通过能力考试。许多教育工作者担心州都考试的增多会导致作弊现象的相应上升。
17.After the 1996 birth of Dolly,the sheep,the first cloned animal 自从1996年第一只克隆动物——绵羊多利诞生以来,克隆技术得到了飞速发展。产奶更多、肉更鲜嫩的奶牛和山羊,能抵抗疾病的公牛,以及可以捐献器官的猪都已问世。克隆技术的支持者说,这只是开始。比如,喂养能够抵御疾病的公牛和挽救第三世界国家人民的生命。通过克隆濒危的物种,动物就可免于绝迹。然而,反对者则表示动物克隆技术还有许多具体问题有待解决,比如怪胎和妊娠期间的高死亡率。研究人员还发现,看上去正常的克隆动物在以后的成长中会出现反常现象
18.While often praised by foreigners for its emphasis on the basics 尽管外国人经常称赞日本人重视教育基础,日本的教育倾向于把侧重点放在应试能力和机械学习上,而将培养学生的创造力和自我表达能力放在次要位置。个性、能力、勇气或个性由于不能在考试成绩中反映出来,因此被完全忽略了。孩子如果在这些方面遭遇挫折就会辍学,变得野蛮,并引发频繁的学校暴力事件。面对强烈的抗议,许多保守的领导人都主张退回到二战前的教育模式上去,强调道德教育。
19.As the Internet becomes more and more commercialized 随着因特网日趋商业化,普及网络连接可以带来商业利益。毕竟,上网的人越多,潜在的顾客也就越多。由于担心落后,越来越多的政府希望扩充因特网接口。在今后的10年或20年间,这个星球上将有10至20亿人通过网络联系在一块。因特网很有可能成为全球与贫困作斗争的最有力的武器。
20.Today in the United Sates 如今在美国,大约有2,200万成年人上网,他们中大约有一半人每天至少上网一次。与此同时,互联网提供的服务的种类也在以令人惊讶的速度增长。在网上,你可找到有关任何主题的相当有趣的材料。许多这样网站的访问量都非常可观。想买一只狗吗?或者卖股票?或者订购一辆车?请用因特网吧。
21.In fact,some years ago sea water wan found of very little use to man 事实上,就在若干年前,海水还被人类认为没有什么用处。但是现在人们发现海水实际上很有价值。海水对人类没有用处是因为它含盐分。如果我们把里面的盐提取出来,得到的水就可以引用和浇灌植物。把盐从海水中分离出来并不十分困难。我们在厨房就可轻易完成。取一些海水并加热,它将最终变成水蒸汽。用塑料或金属容器把水蒸汽收集起来,然后让容器里的水蒸汽冷却变成水。现在尝一口,我们会发现它再也不咸了。盐分留在了用来加热的容器内。这种利用盐水得到纯净水的方法叫做“蒸馏”。22.Before 1973,most Americans owned big cars.在1973年以前,大多数美国人你都拥有大型轿车。典型的美国车体积很大,并且要消耗掉大量的汽油,但是原油价格的上涨改变了这一切。自1973年以来,越来越多的美国人购买外国产的小型汽车,因为它们耗油量小。正因为如此,美国的汽车工业在随后的六七年间都不景气。美国境内四家主要的汽车公司都在赔钱。他们的汽车设计人员也都在努力设计耗油量小的小汽车。
23.The word “sport” first meant something that people did in their free time.“体育运动”这个词最初指的是人们空闲时做的事情。后来他常指猎杀野生动物和鸟类。大约在一百年前,这个词第一次被用来指代有组织的游戏。这是这个词现在常用的意思。一些人运动是因为他们自己想这样做。一些人从事运动取得报酬。这些人被称为职业运动员,他们中的佼佼者能挣到大笔的钱。
24.I consider myself not only a teacher but also a learner.我把自己不仅看成是一名教师,也是一名学生。做教师允许我——事实上是迫使我成为一名学生。我必须为学生找到有趣的文章或书籍让他们阅读或写读后感。我自己必须通读这些书和文章,并写出感想,学生才有共同语言。我必须设法帮助我的学生理解他们的作业。然后我必须尽量去理解学生的思想,并以一种有益的方式作出反应。
25.More and more ,museumdirectors are realizing that people 博物馆的负责人越来越意识到,但人们以某种方式融入到他们的所见所闻时,可以获得最好的学习效果。比如,许多科学博物馆都不提供导游。参观者被鼓励去触摸、聆听、操作和实验,这样他可以自己发现科学规律。他可以亲身体验到操纵宇宙飞船和电脑的经历。他可以尝试着吹制玻璃和制造纸张。这样做的目的不仅在于提供乐趣,而且还在于使人们在科学的世界里感到随意自在。
26.In social life,time plays a very important part 在社交生活中,时间起着非常重要的作用。在美国,客人若是只提前三到四天接到宴会邀请,他们会感觉到他们没有受到很高的待遇。但是并非所有的国家都是如此。在世界上的其他地方,太早就定下一个约会被认为是愚蠢的,因为提前一个星期就定好的约会容易被忘记。27.Improved reading skills are a great contribution 阅读能力的提高为人类交流的总体进步做出了很大贡献。人们普遍认识到,能够更加有效地交流对于商业、工业、教育以及其他领域都非常重要。由于我们主要通过口语和书面语来进行交流,因此,如果能提高读、写、听、说的技能,我们就可以更好地进行交流。28.There is considerable variety in university classrooms in the United States 美国大学课堂丰富多彩。由于使用形形色色的教学方法,且无标准化的课程,所以没有两个课程是完全相同的。本科生课程和研究生课程大为不同。昂贵的私立大学的课堂气氛与自由宽松的公立大学也不相同。州立大学与教会学校也有着不同的要求和期望。然而,尽管高等教育有各种各样的教育体制,但美国大学课堂也有共同点。
29.There are some students who have read a number of books on grammar 许多学生尽管读了很多有关语法和写作的书却仍然难以写出像样的英语。要用英语写出优美的文章,你不仅要读得多,还要读得仔细。一篇好文章,你不仅要仔细地读,而且要一遍又一遍地大声朗读,知道你把它记住,并且能够把它背诵出来,就好像你背自己写的文章。30.For centuries,some people belived tobacco smoking possessed 数世纪以来,有些人认为吸烟具有医疗作用。它能放松精神,令人愉快。仅仅从20世纪50年代开始,科学家才积累了充分的证据证明抽烟实际上是件带来恶果的事情。如果你吸烟,你 等于每天吸入一克肮脏的棕色柏油。即使你一天只抽几支烟,也会引起很多危险的疾病。一个美国科学家估计,如果你每天平均吸一盒烟,连续吸二十年的话你的寿命就会减少八年左右。
31.Over the years ,jazz has changed and developed 多年以来,爵士乐一直在变化和发展着,但它仍然保持了自身的基本特点。对爵士乐的发展做出贡献的音乐形式之一是蓝调音乐。大约三分之一的爵士乐都采用了蓝调的形式。摇滚乐也有超过二分之一借用了蓝调形式。甚至连美国的一些乡村乐和西部音乐也采取了蓝调的形式。
32.Even among experts there is not complete agreement as to 当我们说“读”一页书的时候,即使是专家也不能完全一致地指出我们想要表达的确切意思是什么。有些人认为它指的是主义和解读这一页上面的大部分单词。其他人似乎认为他只是指“通过快速阅读和挑出重点的方法来处理大量的单词”。大多数的阅读专家都强调提高理解水平的重要性。
33.All birds seek whatever shade they can find.所有鸟类都四处找遮荫处。爬行类动物避免沙漠阳光另有原因。它们都是冷血动物,缺乏皮毛、羽毛和其他降温措施的保护。它们在阳光下暴露相对较短的时间就可能死亡。许多沙漠动物通过分解体内脂肪获得额外的水分。比如,蜥蜴就将脂肪储存在尾巴内。
34.This routinized fear is now so much a part of life 这种习惯性的害怕已经成为美国生活的一部分,以至于许多美国人开始对它习以为常。城市中的很大一部分区域都是我们本能上避之不及的。我们所使用的地图是游客们无从得到的,因为它存在我们的头脑里。就我而言,在东京待了一天之后我才猛然意识到我在自己的国家失去了多少自由。从很多方面讲,日本与美国相比更不适合居住。但是你可以在月光下漫步于东京的公园里,却没有一丝恐惧感,就如果20世纪50年代的美国一样。
35.Getting to know China is more than the work of a lifetime 要认识中国花上一生的时间也还不够。一个人最大的希望就是对在中国部分的经历有部分的了解。并且对这种经历了解得约深刻,就越发显得秘密无穷。蒂哈德·德·查尔丁曾经建议道,“趁着你待的时候不是太长,赶紧写一写中国;时间久了你会写不完的。”
36.It is impossible to know today just what our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants 现在我们不可能知道我们生活在石器时代的祖先对植物了解多少,但从我们所能观察到的来看,我们知道他们也许对植物知道得不少。植物是所有生物生存的基础。它们与人类的幸福一直起着非常重要的作用。不幸的是,工业化的程度越高,我们与植物的直接接触就越少,我们对于植物的了解也变得越发模糊不清。
37.Fridendly conexistence requires a sense of modesty 友好共处需要一种谦逊的精神。民族不论大小,国家不论强弱,都各有长处和短处。即使是高度发达的和实力强大的国家,也需要冷静地想一想自己力量的限度,想一想什么事能干,什么事不能干。考虑考虑何为顺应历史潮流,能够导向成功;何为违反人民意志,会招致失败。一位盛赞日本战后建设成就的美国学者,在他的《日本名列第一》一书中也论及到国与国之间可能发生的悲剧。
38.The nature of technology has always been 技术的性质总是取决于人类对材料的发掘和利用。用石头和兽骨制作刀、斧、矛等工具和武器已有一百万年的历史。随着铁器时代的到来,人类学会了制造比较复杂的工具和更致命的武器。十九世纪,由于发现了钢,这才使交通运输得以迅速发展。至今,医学和空间技术这样一些领域的发展则依赖于合成材料的利用。
39.There are now fewer bookworms around 现在我们身边的书呆子不多了。书呆子指的是那些不停读书的人。他们总是埋在书里,从阅读中找到快乐。他们会拿着书在街道上边走边读,而不去理会身边的人和事。他们无论走到哪儿都带着书。很简单,他们只是酷爱阅读。从前有很多这样的人,但现在他们就快要绝迹了。
40.Fleas live by sucking the blood of warm –blooded 跳蚤靠吸食温血动物的血液为生。它们用特有的嘴刺破皮肤,然后开始吸食血液。它们藏在这些动物的毛发之中,并且可以轻易地从一只动物跳到另一只动物身上。这些小虫的弹跳高度室它们自己身高的100倍!对于人来讲,这相当于跳40层楼那么高。
41.In order to talk about the nature of the universe and to discuss question such as 为了谈论宇宙的本质和讨论诸如宇宙是否有开始和终结之类的问题,你首先得弄清楚什么是科学理论。在此,我采纳了纯朴的观点:即理论就是宇宙的模型,或是宇宙中有限的一部分,再加上一套将模型中的数量与观察到的现象关联起来的法则。它只存在于我们的大脑中,不是现实存在的(不管这意味着什么)。42.Students from different countries may have different kinds of first reactions 来自不同国家的学生可能会有不同的第一反应,但我可以说没有一个外国学生对去美国学习将要受到的冲击有充分的思想准备。我第一次来美国时,熟悉纽约就花了我很长一段时间。商店、高楼大厦、拥挤的交通、速度、活动、噪音,这一切让我觉得难以理解,适应新环境也是非常困难的。
43.If you live in the country in northern 如果你住在北欧国家,你会与各种鸟、动物和昆虫分享你的花园。天气变冷时,有些鸟可能会飞走;雨燕将会飞行8000英里甚至更远的距离迁徙到南非。到了春天,它们又会飞回来。还有一些鸟儿和所有的动物与你待在一起,但你无法在整个冬天都能看见所有的动物。天冷的时候,它们中的一些会冬眠。在温暖的国家,冬天既不很冷也不特别长,冬眠就没有必要。但在北半球的大部分地区,动物都是通过熟睡来挨过每一个寒冬。44.The first man to approach flying on a scientific 每一位在科学的基础上尝试飞翔的人是生活在13世纪的一名英国人。他把浮在我们之上的空气看成是海洋,他相信气球可以漂浮在空中,就如同船可以漂在水面上一样。在将近四百多年后,一名意大利牧师应用了他的有关空气浮动的原理。他设计了一只船,可以在四个气球的帮助下停留在空中。四个球直径设计大约都是20英尺,并且由极薄的铜片制成。但他的船也没有造成,因为在当时的条件下用如此薄的金属造出体积如此大的气球是不可能的。45.Like other sciences 跟其他的科学一样,物理学是通过来自许多国家的兢兢业业的工作人员共同努力而发展起来的。无论是过去还是现在,最伟大的科学家总是工作在当时科学的前沿阵地。我们容易把我们经常用到的牛顿运动定律看成是“从天上掉下来的”而加以接受,但我们却忘记了这样一个事实,即牛顿在18实际早期就在实际上的“现代物理学”中与自然展开了抗争。46.The most important images for human beings are simply words 人类使用的最重要的图像是文字,属于抽象符号。动物没有我们意义上的文字:与人类不同,任何动物的大脑都没有专门的语言神经中枢。这一点至少可以让我们认识到,人类的想象力取决于大脑的某种结构,这种结构仅仅是在过去的一两百万年里菜得到进化的。同一时期,人类的脑前叶在进化过程中明显地增大了。
47.Early man had no towns or villages and he wandered
48.Most westermers think love means educating
49.floods,tidal waves and had storms make people 洪水、海啸和暴风雨使人们感到害怕,它们也很危险。但它们也许并没有像地震那样如此令人担忧,尤其是在现代社会。这其中的原因是我们通常都知道它们即将到来;我们可以得到某种警报。尽管到目前为止还没有一种预测地震的可靠方法,但也许有一天我们也能够做到。50.Many American women are earning money outside their home today 如今,有许多美国女性已经走出家门挣钱。在18岁至64岁的女性中,超过50%的人有工作。大体上讲,有工作的女性比那些待在家里的妇女接受过更多的教育。在这些有工作的女性当中,有32%的人上过大学,而那些没有工作的女性只有20%上过大学。有80%的职业女性开车去上班,有8%去年曾离家度假。她们中的大多数都乘飞机旅行。
When I was young I bedroom where everything is pink, I have two sisters, we have a tiny kitchen, a group of various colors of the pony, and several Bobbi doll.We do not have a toy truck, no toy soldier, no basketball, such as like boys toys.Because of this, some people feel exceeding one's expectations I grew up to be a
mechanical engineer.In fact, I am the only a female engineer in the company.In order to obtain a university degree, I must have to learn many math and science courses.I have some students work together, I participated in a national competition, adapted a
gas-guzzling cars, so I learned to repair.I can proud say, I'm straight A's, my mathematics and design results are always very good, but I don't know those will bring me what kind of results.The family asked me to university, but nobody told me one day I will become an excellent engineer.复习纲要二:
英翻中 作为一个成长在20世纪30年的代年轻女孩,我一直想去坐飞机,但当时女人去做这样的事几乎是闻所未闻的。我初次实现梦想是在2011年,当时我的丈夫因我的生日,为安排我坐热气球。但实际上那感觉很无聊。就在那个时候,我告诉我的丈夫,我想真正的飞翔。所以当我们的退休社区宣布他们正在征文比赛,主题是“你一生想拥有的一个经历”,我决定把我的梦想写出来。
Lucy longed to escape from her mother's bondage, from her teen years, and looking forward to own some day in the future can move out, on the stand on one's own life.When Lucy hit really despise their mothers in school, she even refused to admit her mother.In daughter's eyes, mother is a superstition eccentric, unable to communicate, maternal love is the personality of its own repressed.If the ghost and death spirit often hang in mouth edge, let the daughter and the ghost of exchange.Mother and her daughter's life on the constraint, strict discipline, she forbids her daughter playing on the slide, but Lucy even a broken arm, still feel very proud and excited.Mother not gave daughter more free space to grow, in order to let her daughter go to a good school, she moved, and with daughter to squeeze in a rental house, in order to monitor the daughter.Mother ignored her privacy, peek daughter diary, regardless of where the daughter to hide her diary, she can always find.Lucy had to use slang, Spanish and mother cannot read the language to write the diary, she even wrote: " I hate her, don't get as she is such a horrible mother.”
Buyers always ask how much of an earnest money deposit is required.Typically, there is no set requirement.In California, contracts must contain consideration to be valid, but that amount can be as little as one dollar.Laws in your state may be different.Bear in mind, however, that the amount of your earnest money deposit depends primarily on your marketplace and local custom.What is an Earnest Money Deposit?
It's a good faith deposit but not to be confused with a down payment.When buyers execute a purchase contract, the contract specifies how much money the buyer is initially putting up to secure the contract, to show “good faith,” and how much money all together will be deposited as a down payment.The balance is generally financed as a mortgage or a combination of mortgages.An earnest money deposit says to the seller: “Yes, I am serious enough about buying your house that I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is.”
So, How Much is Enough?
Because there is no set amount, it varies from market to market and across the country.Where I work in California, deposits are generally 1 to 3 percent of the sales price.Buyers here do not often put down more than 3% since most sign a liquidated damages clause that limits the seller to 3% of the purchase price as damages in the event of a default.But it's not unusual for a buyer purchasing a $300,000 home to put down $1,000, especially if the buyer is obtaining 100% financing.In those scenarios, the deposit is most often refunded to the buyer and subsequently used as a credit toward closing costs because the financing makes up the entire purchase price.If it's a seller's market, with many buyers fighting over limited inventory, it makes logical sense for the buyer to put down a much larger earnest money deposit to entice the seller to accept the offer.In buyer's markets, a larger earnest money deposit might entice a seller to accept a much lower purchase price.So you see, it all depends.Be Careful to Whom You Give Your Earnest Money Deposit
A reader from New Brunswick, Canada, Sylvie Schriver, claims she lost her $2,500 earnest money deposit by handing it over to an individual who professed to be a real estate broker.She says the broker stole a brokerage's logo and business supplies to make it appear that he was legitimate;however, he vanished when Sylvie called to ask questions about her mortgage.When she reported the crook to the police, she then discovered that others had filed complaints.Sadly, at that point, Sylvie's money was gone. Never give an earnest money deposit to the seller.Make the deposit payable to a reputable third party such as a well known real estate brokerage, legal firm, escrow company or title company. Verify that the third party will deposit the funds into a separately maintained trust account. Obtain a receipt. It is not advisable to authorize a release of your earnest money(or a pass-through)until your transaction closes.
Is Your Earnest Money Deposit Refundable Upon Cancellation?
First, read your contract.Laws vary from state to state.In California, standard
C.A.R.purchase contracts allow for the return of the earnest money deposit to the buyer within a specified time period, by default 17 days, should the buyer elect to cancel the transaction.If, at that point, the seller refused to return the deposit without cause, the seller could end up paying a $1,000 civil penalty to the buyer.Upon cancellation, the sellers and buyers are asked to sign mutual release instructions.If an agreement cannot be reached, the party holding the earnest money deposit will continue to hold it until an agreement is reached.If no agreement has been reached after a few years, escrow companies then send the parties a certified letter asking for mutual instructions.The letter says if nobody responds within a certain time period, then escrow will return the money to the buyer.If the seller contests the action then, after 3 years, escrow will send the money to the state of California, presumably to help balance our budget deficit.In a thesaurus, a synonym for earnest is sincere.When purchasing real property, the buyer offers a sum of deposited money to be held to indicate their sincerity and intent to go through with the purchase process.The amount offered usually correlates somewhat with the purchase price of the real property, however this can vary by locality and custom.The amount of earnest money is also normally a negotiable item.The seller does not have to accept the initial amount offered by the prospective buyer.Sellers can require an increase in earnest money deposited for various reasons:
Buyer has requested extended period to closing Buyer is offering zero or very low down payment Seller has increased interest or other offers on the property Buyer just offered too little money in the first place
In some cases, sellers may set a minimum earnest money amount in the listing advertisement.New homebuilders may also have certain minimum up-front deposit requirements.Most states have very strict rules regarding the handling of, and accounting for, earnest money deposits.The money is usually held in an escrow company account,title company account, buyers' broker trust account, or sellers' broker trust account.It is always the buyer's money in a transaction that goes through to closing.On the settlement statement it is used to offset the buyers' costs in the transaction.The disposition of earnest money in a dispute and failed transaction is also spelled out in state law and real estate regulations.In many real estate contracts the buyer and seller agree to mediate before going to court and taking further legal action.Mediation usually results in agreement by the parties as to how to distribute earnest money in the failed deal.In many cases just avoiding the cost of mediation will result in an agreement between the parties.In all cases, real estate agents and brokers should place the highest priority on the handling of client funds.Case in Point
A buyer's $1,000 was deposited into escrow two years ago.Unknown to the seller or real estate agent, a week before closing escrow, the buyer decided to buy another property and entered escrow at a different title company.A few days before she was scheduled to close on the first property, the buyer completed her final walk-through and declared there were water stains on the ceiling.There was no evidence of water stains on the ceiling.But that didn't stop the buyer from canceling the escrow.The sellers believe the buyer has forfeited her deposit.The buyer believes it should be returned.Two years later, the money is still sitting in escrow.买家总是问如何一大部分 保证金存款 是必需的。通常情况下,没有设置的要求。在加州,合同必须考虑到有效遏制,但金额可低至一美元。在你的国家法律可能会有所不同。要记住的,但是,你的存款金额保证金,主要取决于对市场和当地的习俗。
这是一个很好的信用保证金支付,但不被混淆了下来。当执行一个买家 购买合同,合同规定多少钱,买主是最初张贴,以确保合同,以示“诚意”,并一起多少钱将存入款项作为定金。结余资金一般是作为抵押权或抵押贷款组合。保证金存款的向卖方说: “是的,我是认真的房子不够买你的,我很愿意把我的钱用在我的嘴。”
这是不可取的授权发布你的保证金(或传递),直到你的交易完成。 是你的定金后取消定金退还?
买方要求延长期限结束 买方提供零或非常低首付 卖方已增加了对财产的权益或其他优惠 买方刚才提出的在第一时间太少钱
What the boy likes to do most is putting together
Building block.2,就先前的工作经验而言,约翰是这个职位的最佳候选人。
In times of previous working experience john is the best choice
For this position.3,我的物理老师经常使用类比来说明一些较难理解的概念。
My physics teacher often use analogies to illustrate a number
Of difficult to understand the concept.4在家人和朋友的帮助下,汤姆经营的出版企业逐渐兴旺起来。
With the help of his family and friends,tom
business publication
Progressive business flourish
Linda was not able to go to that famous college, but she planned to
Start all over again rather than give up the challenge.6,这个公司有着很好的公众形象。人们总是将它的产品与质量和优质服务联系在一起。The company has a good public image ,people always with the quality of its
Products and services to linked.1,孩子们很苦恼,因为他们的家长不允许他们在铁路轨道旁玩耍。
The children are very worried, because their guardian does not allow them to play nearby the railroad track.2,我打赌我只要速度快一点,肯定会比他们先到目的地。
i bet that only if i speed up,surely i'll get to the destination earlier than them.3,这种糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做做运动。
The weather is too bad, makeshuman don,t want to go out , you might as
well do something training at home , or do some sport.4,已经十点半了,你不应该还在睡觉!快赶到飞机场接你表弟!
Have a half past ten, you shouldn't still sleeping!Fast hurried to the airport pick up your cousin!5,是谁想到让迈克来接管这项工程的?
Who is the idea to send mike to take over the project?
The school of different ethnic backgrounds of the students failed to differentiate between.1,他是一个合格的机械师,但他后来却搞起了国际贸易。
He is a qualified mechanic, but he afterwards but eke out her the international trade.2,他在业余时间报名参加计算机基础知识的培训,但没能坚持到底。
In his spare time enrolled in computer basic knowledge of training, but he can't hold on to the end.3,校长经过面试,选择了几个优秀的大学毕业生从事教学工作。
The headmaster after the interview, choose a few excellent college graduates teaching work.4,这份合同对我们公司非常重要,所以写得越具体越好。我要和我的同事们好好谈谈。This contract is very important to our company, so I write have jumped over in detail more.I'm going with my colleagues to talk about.5,那个小男孩患上了严重的白血病,必须转到大医院接受进一步治疗。
The little boy suffered serious leukemia, must turn to big hospital for further treatment.6,当他得知父亲所在的学校已经倒闭后,泪水从他脸颊上滚落下来。
When he heard that his father has gone out of business after school, tears rolling down from his cheeks.1,布鲁斯先生对他不尊重当地传统的行为表示歉意。
Mr brush made an apology for his disrespect for the local traditions.2,在会议上,双方就两国关系方面交换了各自的观点。
At the meeting the uspracies exchange their views on the relationship between the two countries.3,他目前的心情很糟糕,不适合在公共场合露面。
He is in such a ball mood that it is not appropriate for him to appear in public.4,你提水的时候至少应该做到不要把水泼出来呀。
You should at least try not to spill the water when carrying it.5,这位科学家的论点得到了学术界的极大支持。
The argument of this scientist received tremendous support from academic circles.6,无论你遇到什么困难,大家都会帮你度过难关的。
No matter what difficulties you may come across we will pull you through.1,移动通信会取代固定电话成为人们最常用的通讯方法吗?
Mobile communications will replace fixed telephone become people the most commonly used communication method?
I pointed to the wall clock.Daughter got the message, accelerate the speed of clothing.3,在会议期间,请各位关闭手机或将其调整至静音状态。
During the meeting, everyone please close mobile phones or be adjusted to mute state.4,气象学家密切关注台风的发展,以便及时向公众发布警报。
Meteoroloists pay close attention to the development of the typhoon, for timely released to the public alarm.5,小张说中国经济稳定增长,前景好看,所以他决定回国就业。
Zhang said that China's steady economic growth, prospects good-looking, so he decided to return to employment.1,杰米冲到人行道上,捡起钱包,举得高高的,大声喊道:“妈妈,你的钱包掉了!”
Jamie rushed to the sidewalk, picks up a wallet, lifted up and shouted: “mom, you lost his wallet!”2,父亲最近情况不是太好,我这部小说写完后就回北京照顾他。
Father recent situation is not too good, I finished this novels to Beijing to take care of him.3,我突然想起他让我帮他收拾行李,因为他明天要出差。
It suddenly occurred to me that he asked me to help him packing, because he will be on business.4,她收拾好她的东西然后悄悄地离开了家。
She packed her stuff and then quietly left home.5,他谁的话都不听。我不知道该拿他怎么办。
He doesn't listen to anyone.I don't know what to do about him.1,在喝了三罐啤酒之后,玛丽连站都站不起来了。
After drinking three jars ofbeer , marry could hardly get to her feet.2,由于担心房产价格可能会下跌,一些房产商开始急于出售房屋。
Some real estate developers are now eager to sell their houses for fear that the prices might dip.3,当琳达打开房门时,眼前的景象使她惊呆了。橱柜的门都敞开着,地上到处是衣服和书。
When Linda opened the door ,she was shocked by what she saw.all the cupboard doors were wide open.4,迈克早已经对老板每周一次的长篇报告感到厌倦,每次听着听着他总会打起盹来。
Mike has already got tired of the long speech given by his boss everyweek.he always dozed off in the middle of it.5,芬兰是一个以湖泊众多而著称的国家,我曾经去过几次,非常喜欢那个地方。
Finland is remarkable for its large number of lakes.i have been there once or twice ,and I like it very much.6,在贝蒂三岁生日那天,爸爸送给她一只很有意思的盒子。只要你一打开它,一只可爱的兔子便会突然蹦出来。
At bettys birthday , dad gave her an interesting box.Once you opened it ,a lovely rabbit would pop on.1,人类向往登上其他星球而不仅仅是用望远镜和卫星来观测它们。
Human being long to go to other stars rather than just observe them with telescopes and satellites to see them..2,一想到她将与一位不同寻常的著名演员共进晚餐,玛丽感到十分高兴。
Marry brightened up at the thought that she was going to have dinner with an extraordinary and famous actor.3,罗伯特原本打算在公园完成它的油画,但他却发现自己在漫无目的地闲逛。
Robert had planned to finish off his out painting in the park ,but he found himself wondering about.4,道路上积满了雪,很不好走。我走了一会就感到累坏了。
It was tough walking on the snow covered rounds so I was tired out after walking for a while.5,马克已经把自己关在办公室里拼命工作了三天。同事们都认为他必须立刻停止工作,否则就会生病。
Mark shut himself up in his office and worked very hard for three days.all his colleagues thought that he must leave off work.6,在这所学校里,许多学生上课迟到。更糟糕的是,老师对此似乎已经习以为常。
In this school , students are often late for classes.Whats worse , teachers seem to have got used to it.1,他希望在下届奥运会中国能创造出100米短跑世界记录,然后光荣地退役。
He hope in the next Olympic Games China can create the 100 meters dash world record, then honor to retire.2,他不幸患上了癌症,更糟糕的是他没有足够的钱去治疗。
He was unfortunate has cancer, worse is that he didn't have enough money to treatment.3,我相信这些科学家对政府的很多决策有很大的影响力。
I believe these scientists on the government's many decisions have a lot of clout.4,他因闯红灯而出了车祸,不幸致残。
He was a red light and a car accident, unfortunate disability.5,那个搬运工在搬运货物时不小心扭伤了腿,医生建议他每天对腿做一次按摩以辅助治疗。The porter to carry the goods accidentally sprained his leg, the doctor advised him to leg do a massage every day with auxiliary treatment.6,她们的教练虽然非常严厉却受到她们的尊重。
Their coach although very tough but was their respect.1,在孩子个性形成时期,家长要特别关心并注意他们是否有心理问题的迹象。
In children, parents personality forming period and pay attention to their special attention to whether have psychological problems signs.2,天才往往对自己喜爱的事物充满着激情。
Genius often to their favorite things full of passion.3,他不知道简就是他的亲生姐姐,只是觉得她的名字听上去有一点点熟悉
He doesn't know Jane is his biological elder sister, just think her name sounds a bit familiar4,看着稻谷在干燥的阳光下枯死,农民们毫无办法,只是叹息。
Looking at rice in dry sun die, farmers no way, just sigh.5,自从杰克的老板拒绝了他请长假的要求,他一直在考虑辞职。
Since jack boss denied he take a long vacation's request, he has been thinking of quitting the job.6,我不喜欢足球,今天也不例外,我不想和你去看球赛。
I don't like football, today is not exceptional also, I don't want to go to the game with you.1,坐落于中国东部的上海是中国的商业中心。
Shanghai which is located in the east of china , is the business center of the country.2,我购物时一般付现金,避免使用信用卡。
When I shop , I usually pay by cash and avoid using credit card.3,卸货时要小心,别把这些电视机给砸了。
Be careful when discharging , don’t put these tv sets to hit.4,这天可真热。我几乎一整天都在出汗。
This day would be really hot.I almost all day in sweat.5这位拳击手朝小偷打了一拳,小偷应声倒地。
The boxer toward the thiefs face a punch down, the thief hit the floor.6,警察命令卡车司机靠边停车,因为从卡车上落下的甜瓜把路搞的一塌糊涂。
The policeman ordered the truck driver to pull over, because falling from a truck the melon a mess by road.1,他被捕后遭到毒打,但却没有向敌人透露任何有用的信息。
After his arrest were beaten, but no enemy reveal any useful information.2,他们面试了很多人,最后终于找到了令他满意的候选人。
They interviewed many people and finally found to content him candidate.3,他自愿捐助修建了一所学校以使那些穷孩子能读书。
He volunteered to donate built a school to make those poor children can read books.4,为了你我一定会努力训练以争取获得进入决赛的资格。
For you I will work hard to gain access to the final training qualification.5,在那样的情况下他除了勇敢地面对挑战以外没有其他选择。
In that case besides his brave to face challenges outside no other choice.6,如果我们想确保及时到达那里就该早点动身。
If we want to ensure that you arrive there in time should start early.