Introduce myself 自我介绍,英语,外教写作(最终定稿)

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第一篇:Introduce myself 自我介绍,英语,外教写作

Chinese Name:

English Name: Class Number: Student Number:

A unique person—Me There is a unique person in the planet and the unique one is Me.I was born on August 17 in 1989.My Chinese name is Han fei, last year I got the English name Neo Cooperhan.Chongqing municipality is my hometown, which is along the Changjiang River.I love Chongqing and I grow up there.Chongqing is known as a mountainous city.As an old saying goes,“ The Benevolent choose mountain and the wise select river”.So The special atmosphere of Chongqing gives me a broad –mind.I have a happy family, which is comprised of my father, my mother, my grandfather and me.My grandfather is quite old, his age is 80.My father is elder than my mother, and their respective age is 50 and 46.My family member loves each other very much.Of course, my relatives give me all kinds of selfless support all the time.Certainly, when I am free at home, I have a necessary thing to do.The necessary thing is infusing tea leaves for my respectful family members.I have many hobbies.Such as playing PingPong, playing basketball and reading books.I like basketball very much.Unfortunately, I can't play it well, on the one hand I do not have enough time to do it.On the other hand, most of my friends have no time to play with me.As to my disposition, Generally speaking, I am honest, kindhearted, easy-going and broadminded.In the point of mine, I hate hypocrisy and injustice.Fairness is important for me.I will try my best to be fair in everything I do.I appreciate for those people who have physical and spiritual independence.Because of the good character, I have many friends.Of course, the friends include male and female friends.We study in the same place in our library all times, play Pingpong together, sometimes we sit together in our dormitory and exchange our views and ideas about the life.If one of us is faced with the difficult and sadness, we will help each other at any cost.I always consider myself a lucky person.I am lucky enough in my family, I am fortunate in my friendship.Even I am a lucky student in my high school.Long time ago, when I was sixteen, I was grade three in the junior high school in Chongqing.In the eyes of our teachers, I was an excellent student, and they regarded me as a successful boy in the future.At school, I studied hard not only in class but also after class.But faced with the strong pressure to enter a good senior high school,I always can`t sleep well in the night.During the course of my studies, I experienced different negative feelings toward the road of study.These feelings included frustration, annoyance and uncertainty.They affected my study all times and I changed into a nervous and uneasy boy.The situation is not optimistic at all, but I may be a real lucky dog, the god blesses me at last.The strict and eccentric Class sponsor unexpectedly instructed me, he said, “Nobody can avoid pressure and all people will experience frustration, annoyance and uncertainty.Now, the most important thing that you should do is adjusting your state and keeping it calm” then my teacher gave me a joke book, he added“ read a piece of joke each day, make yourself happy and don`t upset” Strangely, the frustration, annoyance and uncertainty vanished so quickly at last.In the year of 2007, I entered the Xiamen University in Fujian Province, during my University undergraduate course, I choose biology as my major.To be frank, I love science, especially the zoology.I was always fascinated with different birds, fish and Echinoderms.I constantly remind myself of be constantly learning and improving.“Where there is a will there is a way” is my motto.This is the unique person.In one word, I am quite lucky in my life.I am really grateful for all these people.









Hello everyone , my name is Li , it is really a great honor to have this opportunity to introduction myself, I would like to introduce whatever you want to know, and I hope I can leave you deep impression today.Now I will introduce myself briefly.I am 22 years old, born in Kaifeng,Henan province ,central of China.And now I am educated in institute of optoelectronic materials and technology, south china normal university.My major is optical engineering and I will receive my postgraduate degree in July,2015.In the coming days, I will spend half years on studying English with you, andIbelieve it will be a wonderful experienceinmylife.Itismy great honourto be one of yourstudents

Sometimes I prefer to staying alone, reading, listening to music, but I am not lonely, I like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is basketball, playing cards, writing or surf online.Through college life, I have learned how to balance between study and entertainment.Thankyouverymuch




我们身边口语好的人无非两种,要么是海归,要么是外企人事。究其原因是他们生活和工作中都会用到英语。知道了问题所在,那么提高口语就很容易了。正所谓“Practice makes perfect!”(熟能生巧)。

我们常说兴趣是最好的老师。学习英语也一样,首先要把学英语当成一件快乐的事。可以通过多途径多角度学习,比如听英语歌,看喜欢的英语电影,试着用英语写日记,在 速恩英语 和外教一对一交流自己感兴趣的话题等等,把英语学习作为生活的一部分。







Nice to meet you

1、Review the content what the students studied last time

2、情景对话T:This is my friend, Amy.S: Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too.T: I’m from China.Where are you from?

A: I’m from America.3、讲解this that these those的用法

4、介绍 teacher student要会读会写


I’m late

S:Mr.,T: ooh....You are late for school today.S:I’m sorry, I got up late

T:It’s ok!/That’s all right.But no next time

S:I know it

T:Ok,good boy/girl!Come in,please.6、根据情景story 学习be late for

get up(起床)come in I’m sorry

7、利用游戏方式让学生两两分组,再来一次情景story 帮助他们记忆

8、由情景story引出Do you want to be a teacher? I want to be a teacher.根据这个写出一个较长的句子,引导出Can you read this? Sure,it’s easy/oh ,no!It’s hard


What do you want to be?


11、总结:be late for(迟到)

get up(起床)

come in(进来)



next time(下一次)


What do you want to be ?(你想成为什么?)

I want to be(我想成为.....)






作业 : 将情景对话会读会用,再将总结中的单词及短语背会

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