
时间:2019-05-13 07:07:17下载本文作者:会员上传



Unit1 Man in the Realm of Nature

Alexander Spirkin Human beings live in the realm of nature.They are constantly surrounded by it and interact with it.Man is constantly aware of the influence of nature in the form of the air he breathes, the water he drinks, and the food he eats.We are connected with nature by “blood” ties and we cannot live outside nature.人在自然界



Man is not only a dweller in nature, he also transforms it.Humanity converts nature's wealth into the means of the cultural, historical life of society.Man has subdued and disciplined electricity and compelled it to serve the interests of society.Not only has man transferred various species of plants and animals to different climatic conditions, he has also changed the shape and climate of his environment and transformed plants and animals.人类不仅生活在大自然之中,同时也在改变着大自然。人类把自然资源转变为各种文化,社会历史的财富。人类降服并控制了电,迫使它为人类社会的利益服务。人类不仅把各种各样的动植物转移到不同的气候环境,也改变了他生活环境的地貌和气候并使动植物因之而发生转变。

As society develops, man tends to become less dependent on nature directly, while indirectly his dependence grows.Our distant ancestors lived in fear of nature's destructive forces.Very often they were unable to obtain the merest daily necessities.However, despite their imperfect tools, they worked together stubbornly, collectively, and were able to attain results.Nature was also changed through interaction with man.Forests were destroyed and the area of farmland increased.Nature with its elemental forces was regarded as something hostile to man.The forest, for example, was something wild and frightening and people tried to force it to retreat.This was all done in the name of civilisation, which meant the places where man had made his home, where the earth was cultivated, where the forest had been cut down.随着社会的发展,人类对大自然的直接依赖越来越少,而间接的依赖却越来越多。我们远古的祖先生活在大自然的威胁及破坏力的恐惧之中,他们常常连基本的生活物资都无法获取。然而,尽管工具不甚完备,他们却能同心协力,顽强工作,并总是有所收获。在与人类的相互作用中,大自然也发生了改变。森林被破坏了,耕地面积增加了。大自然及其威力被看成是和人类敌对的东西。譬如,森林被认为是野性的和令人恐惧的,因此人类便想方设法使其面积缩小。这一切都是打着“文明”的旗号进行的,所谓“文明”,就是人类在哪里建立家园,耕耘土地,哪里的森林就被砍伐。

But as time goes on mankind becomes increasingly concerned with the question of where and how to obtain irreplaceable natural resources for the needs of production.Science and man's practical transforming activities have made humanity aware of the enormous geological role played by the industrial transformation of the earth.然而,随着岁月的流逝,人类越来越关注的是在何处得到和如何得到生产所需的不可替代的自然资源的问题。科学与人类改变大自然的实践活动已经使人类意识到了工业在改变地球的进程中对地质产生的重大影响。

At present the previous dynamic balance between man and nature and between nature and society as a whole, has shown ominous signs of breaking down.The problem of the so-called replaceable resources of the biosphere has become particularly acute.It is getting more and more difficult to satisfy the needs of human beings and society even for such a substance, for example, as fresh water.The problem of eliminating industrial waste is also becoming increasingly complex.目前,人与自然以及自然与社会整体之间过去存在的动态平衡,已呈现崩溃的迹象。生物圈中所谓可替代资源的问题变得极为尖锐。人类和社会的需求,即便是简单得像淡水一样的物质,也变得越来越难以满足。清除工业废物的问题也变得日益复杂。

Modern technology is distinguished by an ever increasing abundance of produced and used synthetic goods.Hundreds of thousands of synthetic materials are being made.People increasingly cover their bodies from head to foot in nylon and other synthetic, glittering fabrics that are obviously not good for them.Young people may hardly feel this, and they pay more attention to appearance than to health.But they become more aware of this harmful influence as they grow older.现代技术的特征是生产和使用日益丰富的人工合成产品。人们生产成千上万的人工合成材料。人们越来越多地用尼龙和其他人造纤维把自己从头到脚地包裹起来,这些绚丽的织物显然对他们无益。年轻人或许很少注意到这一点,他们更关注的是外表,而不是健康。但是上了年岁之后,他们就会感受到这种有害的影响。

As time goes on the synthetic output of production turns into waste, and then substances that in their original form were not very toxic are transformed in the cycle of natural processes into aggressive agents.Today both natural scientists and philosophers are asking themselves the question: Is man's destruction of the biosphere inevitable?


The man-nature relation — the crisis of the ecological situation — is a global problem.Its solution lies in rational and wise organization of both production itself and care for Mother Nature, not just by individuals, enterprises or countries, but by all humanity.One of the ways to deal with the crisis situation in the “man-nature” system is to use such resources as solar energy, the power of winds, the riches of the seas and oceans and other, as yet unknown natural forces of the universe.人与大自然的关系 —— 生态环境的危机 —— 已经成为一个全球性问题。这一问题的解决之道在于理性而明智地协调生产和对大自然的关爱之间的关系,这不仅要依靠个人、企业或者某些国家的力量,而且要依靠全人类的力量。解决人与大自然关系危机的方法之一,就是使用太阳能、风能、海洋能等资源,以及其他尚不为人所知的宇宙中的自然能。

But to return to our theme, the bitter truth is that those human actions which violate the laws of nature, the harmony of the biosphere, threaten to bring disaster and this disaster may turn out to be universal.How apt then are the words of ancient Oriental wisdom: live closer to nature, my friends, and its eternal laws will protect you!


Unit2 Technology and Happiness

James Surowiecki In the 20th century, Americans, Europeans, and East Asians enjoyed material and technological advances that were unimaginable in previous eras.In the United States, for instance, gross domestic product per capita tripled from 1950 to 2000.Life expectancy soared.The boom in productivity after World War II made goods better and cheaper at the same time.Things that were once luxuries, such as jet travel and long-distance phone calls, became necessities.And even though Americans seemed to work extraordinarily hard, their pursuit of entertainment turned media and leisure into multibillion-dollar industries.技术与幸福 詹姆斯·萨洛维奇


By most standards, then, you would have to say that Americans are better off now than they were in the middle of the last century.Oddly, though, if you ask Americans how happy they are, you find that they are no happier than they were in 1946(which is when formal surveys of happiness started).In fact, the percentage of people who say they are “very happy” has fallen slightly since the early 1970s — even though the income of people born in 1940 has, on average, increased by 116 percent over the course of their working lives.You can find similar data for most developed countries.那么,根据大多数标准衡量,你会说,现在的美国人比上个世纪中叶富裕多了。不过,奇怪的是,如果你问美国人有多幸福,你会发现,他们并不比1946年时幸福(1946年正式开始对幸福状况进行调查)。事实上,那些说自己“非常幸福”的人所占的比例自20世纪70年代以来一直稳中有降 —— 尽管20世纪40年代出生的人的收入在他们的工作生涯中平均增长了116%。你可以在大多数发达国家找到相似的数据。

The relationship between happiness and technology has been an eternal subject for social critics and philosophers since the advent of the Industrial Revolution.But it's been left largely unexamined by economists and social scientists.The truly groundbreaking work on the relationship between prosperity and well-being was done by the economist Richard Easterlin, who in 1974 wrote a famous paper entitled “Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot?” Easterlin showed that when it came to developed countries, there was no real correlation between a nation's income level and its citizens' happiness.Money, Easterlin argued, could not buy happiness — at least not after a certain point.Easterlin showed that though poverty was strongly correlated with misery, once a country was solidly middle-class, getting wealthier did not seem to make its citizens any happier.自工业革命开始以来,幸福与技术之间的关系一直是社会批评家和哲学家们长期研究的课题,然而,基本上还没有受到经济学家和社会学家们的关注。经济学家理查德·伊斯特林在经济繁荣和幸福的关系方面进行了具有开拓性的研究,并于1974年发表了一篇题为“经济增长改变人类命运吗?”的著名论文。伊斯特林表明,就发达国家而言,一个国家的收入和国民的幸福之间没有真正的相互关系。伊斯特林认为,金钱买不到幸福,至少在(金钱)达到了一定程度以后是如此。伊斯特林认为,尽管贫穷与苦难密不可分,但是,一个国家一旦达到稳定的中产阶级水平,富有似乎并没有让其国民感到更多的幸福。

This seems to be close to a universal phenomenon.In fact, one of happiness scholars' most important insights is that people adapt very quickly to good news.Take lottery winners for example.One famous study showed that although winners were very, very happy when they won, their extreme excitement quickly evaporated, and after a while their moods and sense of well-being were indistinguishable from what they had been before the victory.这好像几乎是一种普遍现象。实际上,研究幸福的学者们最重要的观点之一是:人们对好消息很快便习以为常。拿彩票中奖者为例。一项重要的研究表明,尽管买彩票中奖的人中奖时会感到非常非常幸福,可这种兴奋很快就消逝了。一段时间之后,他们的心情和幸福感与中奖之前没有什么两样。

So, too, with technology: no matter how dramatic a new innovation is, no matter how much easier it makes our lives, it is very easy to take it for granted.You can see this principle at work in the world of technology every day, as things that once seemed miraculous soon become common and, worse, frustrating when they don't work perfectly.It's hard, it turns out, to keep in mind what things were like before the new technology came along.人们对待技术的态度也是一样的:无论一种新事物多么引人注目,也无论它使我们的生活变得多么舒适,人们都认为这是理所当然的事情。在技术世界,你每天都会看到这一原则起作用。曾经一度被视为非常神奇的东西很快就变得习以为常,更糟的是,当这些东西运转不正常时,还会令人沮丧。要把新技术问世之前的情形牢记在心原来是如此困难!

Does our fast assimilation of technological progress mean, then, that technology makes no difference? No.It just makes the question of technology's impact, for good or ill, more complicated.Let's start with the downside.There are certain ways in which technology makes life obviously worse.Telemarketing, traffic jams, and identity theft all come to mind.These are all phenomena that make people consciously unhappy.But for the most part, modern critiques of technology have focused not so much on specific, bad technologies as the impact of technology on our human relationships.那么,我们对技术进步的快速吸收是否意味着技术没有发挥什么作用呢?不,决非如此。不论好歹,这只是把技术影响的问题变得更加复杂。我们先从负面影响谈起。在某些方面,技术显然使得生活更加糟糕了。譬如,我们马上会想到电话推销、交通阻塞以及身份资料失窃等情况。这些都是让人们明显意识到不幸福的现象。可是,现代的技术评论文章多半都没有把焦点集中在具体的、有害的技术上,而是集中在了技术对人际关系的影响上。

Privacy has become increasingly fragile in a world of linked databases.In many workplaces, technologies like keystroke monitoring and full recordings of phone calls make it easier to watch workers.The notion that technology disrupts relationships and fractures community gained mainstream prominence as an attack on television.Some even say that TV is chiefly responsible for the gradual isolation of Americans from each other.Similarly, the harmful effects of the Internet, which supposedly further isolates people from what is often called “the real world”.在联了网的数据库世界里,隐私变得越来越脆弱。在许多工作场所,诸如按键监控和电话全程录音之类的技术使得对员工的监视变得更加容易。人们对电视的攻击主要集中在以下方面:技术扰乱了人际关系、破坏了社区交往。一些人甚至说,电视是美国人逐渐相互疏远的罪魁祸首。同样也有人认为,互联网的负面影响进一步使人远离了我们常说的“真实世界”。

This broad criticism of technology's impact on relationships is an interesting one and is especially relevant to the question of happiness, because one of the few things we can say for certain is that the more friends and the closer relationships people have, the happier they tend to be.这种广义上关于技术影响人际关系的批评颇有趣味,尤与幸福的问题相关,因为我们真正有把握说清楚的事情没有几件,但其中之一是:人们的朋友越多,关系越密切,就越幸福。

Today, technological change is so rapid that when you buy something, you do so knowing that in a few months there's going to be a better, faster version of the product, and that you're going to be stuck with the old one.Someone else, in other words, has it better.It's as if disappointment were built into acquisition from the very beginning.今天的技术变化异常神速,购买某种产品时你就知道,再过几个月,比这个产品性能更好、运作更快的款式就会问世,而你却还得使用旧款式的产品。换句话说,别人买到的产品要比你的好。这种失望感仿佛从开始购买这件产品时就已经存在了。

Daily stress, an annoying sense of disappointment, fear that the government knows a lot more about you than you would like it to — these are obviously some of the ways in which technology reduces people's sense of well-being.But the most important impact of technology on people's sense of well-being is in the field of health care.Before the Industrial Revolution, two out of every three Europeans died before the age of 30.Today, life expectancy for women in Western Europe is almost 80 years, and it continues to increase.The point is obvious: the vast majority of people are happy to be alive, and the more time they get on earth, the better off they feel they'll be.But until very recently, life for the vast majority of people was nasty, rough, and short.Technology has changed that, at least for people in the rich world.As much as we should worry about the rising cost of health care and the problem of the uninsured, it's also worth remembering how valuable for our spirits as well as our bodies are the benefits that medical technology has brought us.日常生活的压力,一种令人烦恼的失望感、对政府知道你的情况超出你所希望程度的恐惧感 —— 这些显然都是技术降低了人们幸福感的几个方面。然而,技术对人们的幸福感最重要的影响是在医疗保健方面。工业革命以前,每三个欧洲人就有两个的寿命不足30岁。今天,西欧妇女的寿命差不多是80岁,而且还会继续提高。道理很清楚:绝大多数人很乐意活下去,他们在地球上生活的时间越长,感觉就越好。可是,不久前,绝大多数人还过着龌龊不堪、畜生般的生活,而且生命非常短暂。技术改变了这种状况,至少对于富裕国家的人们来说是如此。我们在该为医疗保健费用的提高和没有参加保险的人们的问题而担忧的同时,也应该记住,医疗技术带给我们身体上和精神上的好处是多么有价值。

On a deeper level, what the technological improvement of our health and our longevity emphasizes is a paradox of any discussion of happiness on a national or a global level: even though people may not be happier, even though they are wealthier and possess more technology, they're still as hungry as ever for more time.It's like that old joke: the food may not be so great, but we want the portions to be as big as possible.从更深的层次上说,我们在健康和长寿方面所取得的进步却强调了在国家和全球层面讨论幸福问题的一个自相矛盾的说法。即使人们不会更幸福,即使他们更加富裕并拥有更多技术,他们还会像以前那样渴望长寿。这就像那个古老的笑话一样:食品也许并不好,可我们都想让自己得到的那一份尽量大。


新世纪大学英语B2U1 Quiz

姓名_________________学号_________________成绩_________________ Part I Translation

1. In life, our stupidest course of action is __________________________________ ______________________________(太执着自己的东西,不愿放弃).2. Many people are aware of ____________________________________________ _______________(与大自然和谐相处的重要性).3. _________________________________________________(随着岁月的流逝), he became increasingly interested in Chinese culture.4. I never understand _________________________________________________(什么事情使她烦心).5. Problems like the generation gap ______________________________________ _______________________(是不可以被掩盖起来的).6. Though we have been successful in our work so far, _______________________ _________________________(我们要准备好处理难题)in the days to come.7. Unfortunately, a continuing rise in the oil price has ___________________________________________(使这个国家的经济瘫痪).8. _________________________________________________(对生命的意义没有统一的看法);different people have different understanding.9. I know you are both proud and find it difficult to forgive each other after such a bad argument, but _________________________________________________(必须有人走出第一步).10. His wife was always complaining at home and he was ____________________________________________(厌倦了她不停的抱怨).Part II: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Human relationships would become difficult without forgiveness.It’s a 1_______ for building harmonious relationships and 2_______ our own well-being.Very often we may think that we’ve been hurt too deeply to forgive.But 3_______, it’s those of us who’ve been most hurt that really need to forgive.For the truth is that unless we can forgive, we can never 4_______.For some people forgiveness seems 5_______ because they have no idea how to go about it.The first and most important thing you need to 6_______ is that the act of forgiveness is not going to be easy.In fact, it will probably be the hardest thing most of us ever have to do.It seems totally 7_______ that we should have to forgive when we are the ones who have been hurt.And that’s the central and most important part of forgiveness.That’s why, sometimes, the 8_______ act of forgiveness may seem relatively easy, but dealing with the 9_______ can be harder.True forgiveness is not a one-off act, it’s a 10_______ emotional confrontation.So if you think you are right and can’t find it in yourself to forgive, ask yourself this question: would you rather be right or happy?





Part III Answer the questions according to both Text A and Text B.1)Why does the writer say “forgive and forget” miss the whole point of forgiveness? What is the real point of forgiveness?

2)What made the jailer’s eyes filled with tears?

Part IV Compound dictation.President Bush has proposed to increase the study of foreign languages in American schools.The new plan is called the National[S1] _______ Language Initiative.It will[S2] ______ the departments of State, Education and Defense, and the[S3] _______ of National Intelligence.The plan [S4] ____ for teaching foreign languages to more children, as early as at the age of four.It also[S5] ____ to increase foreign language[S6] _________ in college and[S7] ________ school.The hope is to bring more foreign language speakersinto government [S8] ______.And [S9] _________________________________________________ to increase the number of military officers who speak foreign languages.Officials say

[S10] _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________.The plan also calls for sending more American students to other countries for part of their college studies.And [S11] ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________.


Unit one

The offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground Our troops engaging the enemy at the front were faced with strong resistance.The division commander instructed our battalion to take a gamble.We started under cover of darkness and pressed on in spite of great difficulties.By a stroke of luck, the temperature at night suddenly dropped to 20 degrees celsiusand the marsh froze over.Thanks to the cold weather, we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear.This turned the tide of the battle.The enemy ,caught off guard, soon surrendered.Unit three

Well begun is half done, as the saying goes.It is extremely important for a job applicant to do his homework while seeking employment.From my standpoint, whether or not one has done his homework clearly makes a difference in his chance of success.I have a friend who is earning somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 thousand dollars a year in a large computer software prepared.Those who make no endeavor to learn as much about his prospective employer as possible don’t have much of chance of success.Unit four

Professor Huntington’s paper greatly inspired me.According to him, in a pluralistic society, this will inevitably be different opinions.The key is to deal with them in such a way that they can play a constructive rather than destructive role.He argues that in a plural society we must stress importance to interpersonal relationships, cooperation, and looking at issues from the perspective of other people.If some groups regard themselves as superior and treat other ethnic groups or religions with disrespect, the whole society may be paralyzed.I am convinced that if we put into practice the ideas mentioned above, then there is the possibility of creating a new civilization.Unit seven

A severe earthquake occurred all of a sudden at 10 a.m.yesterday in a rural area,about 200 kilometers east of the city.Initial reports coming out of the region indicate the earthquake has caused widespread damage and heavy casualties.Many adolescents were among those injured or killed.Yet it remains obscure exactly how many people were hurt and killed as the entire area has been enveloped in rubble.However , one thing is certain: many face years of pain and suffering.Local people were clearly shaken by this reminder of their mortality.Some religious ones have gathered to pray that it will never recur.


Unit 1

Man has a blood tie with nature and nobody can live outside nature.Nature provides us with everything we need: the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.For quite a long time after man began to live in the r____________(1)of nature, he lived in fear of its destructive forces.He used to regard nature with its e____________(2)forces as something hostile to him.And even the forest was something wild and frightening to him.Very often, he was unable to o____________(3)the merest daily necessities though he worked together with others s____________(4)and collectively with his imperfect tools.Through his interaction with nature, man changed it gradually.He cut down forest, cultivated land, t____________(5)various species of plants and animals to different climatic conditions, changed the shape and climate of his environment and t ____________(6)plants and animals.He s____________(7)and disciplined electricity and compelled it to serve the interests of society.Nonetheless, with the constant e____________(8)of agriculture and industry, man has robbed nature too much of its i____________(9)resources, polluted his own living environment and caused about 95% of the species that have existed over the past 600 million years to become e ____________(10)and still many others to be endangered.The previous d(11)balance between man and nature is on the v ____________(12)of breaking down.Man is now faced with the problem of how to stop, or at least to m ____________(13)the destructive effect of technology on nature.The crisis of the e ____________(14)situation has become a global problem.The solution to the problem depends on r ____________(15)and wise organization both of production itself and care for Mother Nature.This can only be done by all humanity, rather than by individuals, enterprises or separate countries.realm 2 elemental 3 obtain 4 stubbornly 5 transferred 6 transformed 7 subdued 8 expansion 9 irreplaceable 10 extinct 11 dynamic 12 verge 13 moderate 14 ecological 15 rational

Unit 2

Technology is a “hot” issue nowadays.The defenders of technology stress its advantages while the opponents e ____________(1)its disadvantages.Neither side has ever taken the time to look at the o ____________(2)point of view.The defenders of technology hold that with technology, people's living conditions have been greatly i ____________(3).For example, the boom in productivity has made goods better and cheaper.Therefore, things that were once l ____________(4), such as jet travel and long-distance phone calls, have become necessities.Medical technology, in particular, has b ____________(5)us a lot, especially in prolonging life expectancy.On the other hand, the opponents of technology argue that technology makes life o____________(6)worse.Telemarketing, traffic jams, and identity theft are all phenomena that make people c____________(7)unhappy.In addition, many people believe technology disrupts relationships and f____________(8)community.Ever since the Industrial Revolution, the relationship between happiness and technology has been an e____________(9)subject for social critics and philosophers, though economists and social scientists have seldom touched on the topic.However, in 1974 the economist Richard Easterlin did g____________(10)work on the relationship between prosperity and well-being.In his famous paper e____________(11)“Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot?”, Easterlin showed that there was no real c ____________(12)between a nation's income level and its citizens' happiness in the developed countries.In fact, technology is neither good nor bad.It d____________(13)on what we want to do with it.Therefore, the responsibility belongs e ____________(14)to humans who have to acquire a social conscience, to respect human beings, nature and its balances.emphasize 2 opposite 3 improved 4 luxuries 5 benefited 6 obviously 7 consciously 8 fractures 9 eternal 10 groundbreaking 11 entitled 12 correlation 13 depends 14 exclusively

Unit 3

According to Craig Russell, when we make an initial effort in our personal quests for knowledge, we may not even know that a certain field of learning exists.But, after we have done some reading, we will get to know more about the t____________(1).At the same time, we may feel that all the reading c ____________(2)more questions rather than answers them.We then realize how little we r____________(3)know and how much more we need to read and think and write.Russell suggests that we write after reading each time.His experience tells him that it is his writing that has led him to acquire a better g ____________(4)of the topic he studies.People may think that only those who know and who are s____________(5)of themselves write.For

Russell, however, it's just the o____________(6), for writing doesn't close things off – it opens things up.To say that the more we know, the more we know we don't know seems c____________(7).According to Russell, modern physics tells us that r ____________(8)itself is contradictory.The more closely scientists look into our p ____________(9)reality, the more it slips away from them.In a way, the more they learn, the less they know.Craig Russell believes that a proper understanding will inevitably lead us away from the force and r____________(10)of dogmatism and toward the flexibility and freedom of the i____________(11).Therefore, we must temper our pride in knowing with the h ____________(12)of not knowing.The truth always exists there, but, it is like the r ____________(13)because we can never really grasp it, never hold it in our hands and truly know it.We can only, as William James said, “live today by what truth we can get today and be ready to call it f ____________(14)tomorrow”.topic 2 creates 3 really 4 grasp 5 sure 6 opposite 7 contradictory 8 reality 9 physical 10 rigidity 11 individual 12 humility 13 rainbow 14 falsehood

Unit 4

Most people have work to do.With work, they can e____________(1)their lives.However, people who did p____________(2)labor were looked down upon in the past.Many people were c ____________(3)to take manual labor because it was an absolute n____________(4)for them to earn a living and to s____________(5)their families.By contrast, people who did m____________(6)work were highly respected.Under the influence of this idea, even today some people still i____________(7)their future when making choices for their career.What they care most about is whether the job can give them enough social s____________(8)rather than whether they can realize their v____________(9)in it.In their eyes, those who do manual labor should still be c____________(10)as inferior in social status.In fact, there is no e ____________(11)difference between those who work with their hands and those who work with their m ____________(12).Whether a job is labor or work does not depend on the job itself but on people's a____________(13)towards it.As long as you like your job, you will think you are f____________(14)enough to take it and you will do it enthusiastically.enjoy 2 physical 3 compelled 4 necessity 5 support 6 mental 7 idealize 8 status 9 values 10 classified 11essential 12 mind 13 attitude 14 fortunate

Unit 5

What does success mean to you? Does it mean wealth, fame, power or something else? Different people have different pursuits in life so they understand success in different ways.Some people c____________(1)money their whole lives.To them, more money means more success.Some people run after fame.With fame and r____________(2), they can gain the admiration and love of many others.However, some people d____________(3)themselves to the well-being of society.Doubtlessly, money is something that can be used as a r ____________(4)to those who have done valuable work.Those who perform their work excellently should be paid s____________(5).But success cannot be m____________(6)in monetary terms, nor in terms of the amount of power one may exercise over others.After all, money and power can a____________(7)people neither of happiness nor of respect from others.Fame, too, is a flawed measure of success.M ____________(8)fame can bring great joy to those who have it for a time.But they are very likely to become the slaves of their c ____________(9)because of the public’s demands.In addition, they will easily become the t____________(10)of everyone who disagrees with them and of the media as well.To be f ____________(11), if one is unable to fully enjoy life and l ____________(12), the short-lived success is nothing but i ____________(13).Therefore, to achieve the right kind of success is vitally important.As long as one can combine his own material needs and spiritual satisfaction with those of the well-being of society, he should be held in high r ____________(14).chase 2 reputation 3 dedicate 4 reward 5 sufficiently 6 measured 7 assure 8 Momentary 9 celebrity 10 target 11 frank 12 liberty 13 illusory 14 regard

Unit 6

Truth is a fact accepted as true, for which proof exists.Truth is a great principle, without which beauty may fade and love may w ____________(1).Those who uphold truth have a strong s____________(2)of responsibility.Those who hold firmly to truth are f____________(3)to their duty and the people they serve.They c ____________(4)themselves to the well-being of others.With a ____________(5)to make a contribution to society, they are ready to correct their own mistakes, if any.It can be said that they are men of moral integrity who never ask for g ____________(6)in return.Truth d ____________(7)upon us slowly but surely.In the long quest for truth, people have a____________(8)precious knowledge and experience.However, truth also needs n ____________(9)just as plants need water, because many people are too p____________(10)with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the great beauty of truth when it f____________(11)or they frequently fail to appreciate truth when it is t ____________(12).In short, truth is an invaluable asset to the whole of humanity.Stick to the truth and we will w____________(13)a timeless pattern, and earn the respect and esteem of others, e____________(14)the world today above its present imperfections and place ourselves in the proud position of promoting the good of the humanity.wither 2 sense 3 faithful 4 commit 5 aspirations 6 gratitude 7 dawns 8 accumulated 9 nourishment 10 preoccupied 11 flowers 12 tendered 13 weave 14 elevate

Unit 7

We often hear people say, “Time is money.” But today many Americans have come to realize that the crazy pursuit of money is leaving them too little time to enjoy life.They are tired of working just for the l____________(1)of life and are beginning to change their fast-paced lifestyles for a simple and f____________(2)one, hoping to keep family, friends, work and play all of a piece.For some people, creating a more balanced life involves changing jobs or locations.For others, it means t____________(3)two incomes for one, in which case they must c____________(4)expenses.So some have sold out their s____________(5)homes and moved into smaller houses.They have given up the extra cars, unnecessary modern conveniences, and expensive h ____________(6).They now do things by themselves to avoid paying for the services of others.They resist the temptation to purchase things on i ____________(7)and spend money only on b____________

(8)necessities and things that do not make w____________(9)use of the earth's resources.However, they do not d____________(10)themselves what they like or enjoy.The change in their lifestyle is not one involving d____________(11);it is just simplification.They believe that they can still live a happy and fulfilling life on less money.Indeed, whether we can m ____________(12)a healthy lifestyle or not does not depend on how wealthy we are but on whether we have the r____________(13)and courage to discard our old c____________(14)habits.luxuries 2 frugal 3 trading 4 curtail 5 splendid 6 hobbies 7 impulse 8 bare 9 wasteful 10 deny 11 deprivation 12 maintain 13 resolve 14 consumption

Unit 8

The Story of an Hour

leaves us much to think about.In the story, when Richards, who worked in the newspaper office, learned that his friend Brently Mallard had been killed in a railroad d____________(1), he was greatly shocked.He only waited until he was a____________(2)by a second telegram and then he h ____________(3)to go to Josephine, sister of Brently's wife, and asked her to break the news as g____________(4)as possible to her sister because he knew Mrs.Mallard was a____________(5)with a heart trouble.He was afraid that if someone less t____________(6)brought the message to her ahead of him, there might be dreadful consequences.People usually expect a wife to accept such sad news with a p____________(7)inability, but Mrs.Mallard did not.At the news, she wept at once, with sudden, wild a____________(8)in her sister's arms, and then she went to her own room, forbidding anyone else to go in.When she was alone, she felt something s____________(9)coming to her, which gradually came to her mind, beginning to p____________(10)her.Hard as she tried, she couldn't get rid of the feeling.What was it? She didn't know.However, a clear and excited p____________(11)occupied her which made her regard her husband's death no longer as something important, because beyond that bitter moment she saw a long p ____________(12)of years to come that would belong to her absolutely, during which her husband would not i ____________(13)his will upon her any more.Just at that moment, her husband came back, t____________(14), carrying his briefcase and umbrella.Seeing him, she died of a sudden heart attack.disaster 2 assured 3 hastened 4 gently 5 afflicted 6 tender 7 paralyzed 8 abandonment 9 subtle 10 possess11 perception 12 procession 13 impose 14 travel-stained






















④乐观的态度不是奢侈品,它是我们生活的必需品。你看待生活的方式将决定你的感受、你的表现,以及你与他人相处得怎样。反过来,悲观的想法、态度和期待也会自成因 果:它们是能自我实现的预言。


⑤多年前,我驱车去一个加油站加油。那天天气很好,我的心情也不错。当我走进加油站付油钱时,服务员问我: “你感觉怎样?”这问题有点古怪,不过,我感觉很好,于是便照实回答了他。“你脸色不好,”他回答。这话让我大吃一惊。我告诉他我的感觉从未像现在这么好,但已不像开始那么底气十足了,而他则毫无顾忌地继续大讲我的气色如何 差,还说我肤色发黄。




⑨乐观不意味着幼稚。在保持乐观的同时,你仍然能意识到问题的存在,意识到有些问题非常棘手。乐观带来的改变在于面对问题的态度。比方说,这些年我总是听到有人抱怨用于太空计划的钱是被白白浪费了。他们会说:“与其花4亿5千5百万美元把一个人送上月球,为什么不把这些钱用来解决地球上的贫穷问题呢?”但当你追问他们打算如何用这些钱来消除贫困时,大多数人又会无言以对。我对他们说: “告诉我一个解决办法,我会为你们筹到钱。”以积极的方式思考如何解决问题,而不是对花在别的项目上的金钱妄加挑剔。实际上,美国的太空计划带来了许多有价值的发现,全人类都从中受益。

⑩乐观精神使我们的注意力从消极的否定态度转向积极 的、建设性的思考。乐观主义者更关心如何解决问题,而不是毫无意义地怨天尤人。事实上,如果没有乐观精神,像贫穷这样严重而且现正存在的问题是无望解决的。解决这样的问题需要一个梦想家——一个拥有九死不悔的乐观、矢志不移的坚韧和无限信心的人。何去何从,由你决定。


Three Days to See

All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live.Sometimes it was as long as a year;sometimes as short as twenty-four hours.But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours.I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly delimited.Such stories set us thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances.What events, what experiences, what associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings? What happiness should we find in reviewing the past, what regrets?

Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow.Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life.We should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come.There are those, of course, who would adopt the Epicurean motto of “Eat, drink, and be merry,” but most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death

Most of us, however, take life for granted.We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future.When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable.We seldom think of it.The days stretch out in an endless vista.So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.The same lethargy, I am afraid, characterizes the use of all our faculties and senses.Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight.Particularly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult life.But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make

the fullest use of these blessed faculties.Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sounds hazily, without concentration and with little appreciation.It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not being conscious of health until we are ill.I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life.Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight;silence would tech him the joys of sound.Now and them I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see.Recently I was visited by a very good friends who had just returned from a long walk in the woods, and I asked her what she had observed..“Nothing in particular, ” she replied.I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such reposes, for long ago I became convinced

that the seeing see little.How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest me

through mere touch.I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf.I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough, shaggy bark of a pine.In the spring I touch the

branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud the first sign of awakening Nature after her winter's sleep.I feel the delightful, velvety texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable convolutions;and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me.Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently on a small tree and feel the happy

quiver of a bird in full song.I am delighted to have the cool waters of a brook rush thought my open finger.To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.To me the page ant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.At times my heart cries out with longing to see all these things.If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight.Yet, those who have eyes apparently see little.the panorama of color and action which fills the world is taken for granted.It is human, perhaps, to appreciate little that which we have and to long for that which we have not, but it is a great pity that in the world of light the gift of sight is used only as a mere conveniences rather than as a means of adding fullness to life.Oh, the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for three days.看见东西的三天















2-5 Why Character Counts Stephen R.Covey

close1 Some time ago I was asked to consult for a bank that was having a problem with employee morale.“I don't know what's wrong,” complained their young president sadly.Bright and attractively capable, he'd risen through the ranks only to see his institution faltering.Productivity and profits were down.He blamed his employees.“No matter what incentives I provide,” he said, “they won't shake off this gloom and doom.”





2RT He was right.The atmosphere seemed poisoned with suspicion

and lack of trust.For two months I ran workshops, but nothing helped.I was stumped.他说得不假,空气中似乎充满了怀疑和不信任的毒气。我花了两个月的时间举办各种研讨会,但全都无济于事。我无计可施了。close 3RT Finally, in more casual conversations, the truth emerged.The boss, who was married, was having an affair with an employee.And everyone knew it.最后,在闲谈中真相浮现了。老板已经结婚,却与一名员工有染,这件事公司上下尽人皆知。close 4RT It was obvious now that the company's poor performance was caused by his conduct.But the greatest damage this man was doing was to himself.He was thinking only of his own pleasure and satisfaction disregarding long-term consequences.Moreover, he had violated a sacred trust with his wife.如此看来,公司业绩欠佳,显然是他的行为所造成的。但这个人所造成的最大损害,是对他自己。他只顾自己一时的享乐和满足,不管长远的后果,而且,他也亵渎了与妻子之间神圣的信任。close 5RT In a word, his failing was one of character.简而言之,他错在品行不端。close 6RT What Really Matters

Character is made up of those principles and values that give your life direction, meaning and depth.These constitute your inner sense of what's right and wrong based not on laws or rules of conduct but on who you are.品德是由原则和价值观组成,能够为你的生活指引方向,赋予你的生活以意义和深度。这些构成了你内心判断正误的标准,不是基于法律或行为准则,而是基于你个人。close 7RT They include such traits as integrity, honesty, courage, fairness

and generosity which arise from the hard choices we have to make in life.So, wrong is simply in doing wrong, not in getting caught.它们包括了正直、诚实、勇气、公平、慷慨等特点,来自于我们在生活中必须做出的艰难抉择。所以做错了就是做错了,而不在于有没有被人发现。close 8RT Yet some people wonder if our inner values matter anymore.After all, hasn't our noted bank executive succeeded in every visible way, despite his moral failing?

然而,有些人会怀疑,我们的内在价值还重要吗?毕竟,我们这位有名的银行主管尽管品行不端,还不是照样在各方面很成功?close 9RT This question demonstrates a dilemma of our modern life.Many have come to believe that the only things we need for success are talent, energy and personality.But history has taught us that who we are is more important than who we appear to be.这个问题反映了现代生活的一个困境。很多人已经开始相信:要成功,只要有天分、精力和个性就够了。然而,回顾历史,我们会发现,内在品质比外在特征更加重要。close 10RT During the nation's first century and a half, almost everything in the literature of success and self-help focused on what could be called the character ethic.Such eminent figures as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson made clear their belief that we can only experience true success and happiness by making character the guideline of our lives.在我国历史最初的150多年中,几乎所有关于成功与自励的文献都聚焦在可称为品德标准方面。本杰明·富兰克林和托马斯·杰斐逊等杰出人物很清楚地表明了他们的看法:只有让品德成为我们的指南,才能体验真正的成功与幸福。close 11RT After we moved into the industrial age and after World War I, the basic view of success shifted to what we could call the personality ethic.Success became more a function of charm, skills and techniques that lubricate the process of human interaction.Rather than struggle with difficult issues of right and wrong, we turned to making things run smoothly.close12RT Some of that philosophy expressed itself with harmless but superficial mottoes, such as “smiling wins more friends than frowning”.Other ideas were even deceptive, faking interest in others' hobbies so they will like you, for instance.这种哲学可以从一些无害然而浅薄的说法中看出端倪,比如,“微笑能比皱眉赢得更多朋友。”其他的想法甚至带有欺骗性质,例如假装对别人的爱好感兴趣好让他们喜欢你。close 13RT With a value system based solely on skill and personality, we find heroes in athletes, musicians and in powerful business executives.But despite the admiration we feel for these achievers, we shouldn't necessarily look upon them as role models.While skill is certainly needed for success, it can never guarantee happiness and fulfillment.These come from developing character.在这种完全基于技能与个性的价值体系指导下,我们视运动员、音乐家或有权有势的商界主管为偶像。不过,尽管我们钦羡这些成功人士,我们倒也未必要奉他们为楷模。技巧固然是成功所必需的,但技能从来无法保证一个人的幸福和满足感。这二者有赖于品德的塑造。close

14RT Start at Home

You can begin to build character at any age.The key is learning how to look within to work inside out.品德的塑造是可以从任何年龄段开始的,关键是要学会如何内省,然后由内而外,推己及人。close 15RT With the inside-out approach, private victories precede public victories.These private victories are simply promises you make to yourself and others and then keep.由内而外,个人生活中的成就便能引发公共生活的成就,而个人生活的成就无非是坚守你对自己和他人的承诺而已。close 16RT Day by day, as you make and keep increasingly challenging

promises, you will be making deposits in your “character account”.What begins as great effort will eventually become a habit.And as you get into the habit of building character in the smaller areas of your life, your ability to develop character strength in more important spheres will grow.日复一日,你许下并恪守越来越有挑战性的诺言,你也同时在往你的“道德账户”上存“钱”。一开始需要很努力去做的事情,最终将成为习惯。逐步养成了在生活中一些较次要的方面塑造品德的习惯之后,你在更重要的领域培养品德力量的能力也会随之增强。close 17RT Private victories therefore lead to your larger public victories.For instance, to gain more freedom to think and act in your job, you must first be a more responsible employee.To create a happy marriage, first be the kind of person who generates love, generosity, dependability and trust.个人生活的成功因此能造就更大的公众生活的成功。比如说,要在工作中获得更高的职位,你首先得是一个责任心更强的员工。要缔造幸福的婚姻,自己首先就要做一个有爱心、慷慨、可靠而又诚实的人。close 18RT There's no more essential ingredient for character growth than trust.Whether it is trust we earn from colleagues or a spouse, it is built slowly over time in an infinite variety of circumstances.在品德成熟的过程中,没有哪一种因素会比信任更加关键的了。不管是同事的信任还是配偶的信任,都是在无穷变化的环境中日积月累而沉淀下来的。close 19RT Another way to build character is to admit your mistakes.Character is revealed in how we handle things that go wrong.另一个塑造品德的方法就是承认自己的错误。处理错误的方式也能体现我们的品德。close 20RT The best opportunities to build character, however, are within our families, where we are constantly tested and most vulnerable to lapses.True character begins at home.然而,塑造品德的最佳机会是在家庭内部,在家里我们时时经受考验,也最容易犯错。真正的品德始于家庭。close 21RT Often we sense that we can get away with things around those who know us best, who will love us regardless of our conduct.This can end up destroying our character and our relationships.How often have we heard of someone who is an excellent employee but treats his or her spouse like a piece of furniture? 我们常常会觉得,跟最了解我们、不管我们做了什么都会依然爱我们的人在一起,总是能免受惩罚。结果呢,我们的品德受损,关系也遭到了破坏。我们会不会经常听说这样的人,比如一个很出色的员工,却把自己的配偶当作一件家具那样对待?close 22RT All our relationships follow the patterns of life;they have ups and downs.This is why our families provide a critical measure of our character and the opportunity, again and again, to nurture it.我们所有的关系都遵循着生活的规律;都是有起有落的。这就是为什么我们的家庭能为我们的品德提供一个重要的量度,而且不断提供机会滋养它。close 23RT What became of the bank president who was involved sexually with an employee? When I confided to him what I knew of his affair and the effect it was having on his staff, he ran his fingers through his hair.“I don't know where to begin,” he said.那个与员工有染的银行总裁后来怎么样了呢?我向他透露,我已经知道他的外遇,以及这件事对员工的影响,他用手指挠着头发。“我不知道从何说起,”他说。close 24RT “Is it over?” “结束了吗?”close

25RT He looked me directly in the eye.“Yes.Absolutely.” 他直视着我的眼睛。“结束了。绝对结束了。”close

26RT “Then begin by talking with your wife,” I answered.“那就先跟你妻子谈谈,”我说。close 27RT He told his wife, who forgave him.Then he called a meeting of his staff and addressed their morale problem.“I have found the cause of the problem,” he said.“It is me.I am asking you to give me another chance.” 他跟妻子说了,妻子原谅了他。接着,他召开了员工会议,讨论士气问题。他说:“我已经找到问题的根源了,问题就出在我自己身上。我现在请求大家再给我一个机会。”close

28RT It took time, but eventually the employees' morale, a sense of openness, optimism and trust improved.In the end, however, the

executive was doing himself the greatest favor.He was finding his own path to character.慢慢地,员工的士气、开诚布公的气氛、乐观的情绪还有相互的信任最终都有了改观。不过,说到底,这位主管自己是最大的受益者。他找到了修炼自己品德的道路。close

2-6 The Creative Personality Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi close1RT I have devoted 30 years of research to how creative people live and work.If I had to express in one word what makes their personalities different from others, it's complexity.They contain contradictory extremes;instead of being an “individual”, each of them is a “multitude”.创意性格


我花了30年的时间研究富有创意的人是如何生活和工作的。如果要用一个词来概括他们的性格与常人的差别所在,那就是“复杂”。他们身上有着极其矛盾的特征,他们不是 “个体”,每个有创意的人都是“复合体”。close 2RT Here are some traits that are often found in creative people.These traits are integrated with each other in a dialectical


close 3RT 1.Creative people have a great deal of physical energy, but they are also often quiet and at rest.They can work long hours with great concentration while

remaining fresh and enthusiastic all the time.This does not mean that creative people are always active.In fact, they rest often and sleep a lot.The important thing is that they know how to control their energy, which is not ruled by the calendar, the clock or an external schedule.When necessary, they can focus it like a laser beam;when not, creative types immediately recharge their batteries.This is not a biorhythm inherited with their genes;it was learned by trial and error as a strategy for achieving their goals.1.富有创意的人精力充沛,但也经常安静地休息。他们可以注意力高度集中地工作很长时间,而始终神采奕奕、兴致勃勃。这并不是说富有创意的人超级亢奋。事实上,他们经常休息,睡得也很多。重要的是,他们知道如何掌控自己的精力,而人 的精力并不是由日历、时钟或外在的日程安排来控制的。有必要时,他们就能像激光一样专注;没必要时,富有创意的人就会立刻开始充电。这不是得自遗传基因的生物节奏;而是为达到目标而通过反复尝试掌握的一种策略。close 4RT 2.Creative people tend to be smart yet naive at the same time.Another way of expressing this dialectic is the contrasting poles of wisdom and childishness.As Howard Gardner reveals in his study of the major creative geniuses of the 20th century, a certain immaturity, both emotional and mental, can go hand in hand with deepest


要创意天才进行了研究,结果表明,最深邃的洞察力可能与某种程度的不成熟(包括情感和思维方面的)共生共存。close 5RT Earlier studies on superior mental abilities show that children with very high IQs do well in life, but after a certain point, IQ does not seem to be correlated any longer with superior performance in real life.Later studies suggest that it might be difficult to do creative work with a lower IQ, but an IQ beyond 120 does not necessarily imply

higher creativity.以前对于卓越的思维能力的研究也表明,高智商儿童生活很成功,但过了一定的数值,智商似乎不再与卓越的现实生活表现成正比。后来的研究也说明,智商太低的人要做富有创意的工作可能比较困难,但


close 6RT Furthermore, creative people seem able to use well two opposite ways of thinking: the convergent and the divergent.Convergent thinking is measured by IQ tests, and it involves solving well-defined, rational problems that have one correct answer.Divergent thinking leads to no agreed-upon solution.It involves the ability to generate a great quantity of ideas;flexibility, or the ability to switch from one perspective to another;and originality in picking unusual associations of ideas.Yet divergent thinking is not much use without the ability to tell a good idea from a bad one, and for

this, we must rely on convergent


close 7RT 3.Creative people alternate between imagination and a deeply-rooted sense of reality.Great art and great science involve a leap of imagination into a world that is different from the present.In fact, the whole point

of art and science is to go beyond what we now consider real and create a new reality.3.富有创意的人既有丰富的想象力,也有根深蒂固的现实感。伟大的艺术和伟大的科学都是借助想象,跃进与现实迥异的世界中去。事实上,艺术与科学的核心所在,便是超越我们目前所认识的现实而创造出一个新的现实。close 8RT 4.Creative people tend to be both extroverted and introverted.We're usually one or the other, either preferring to be in the thick of crowds or sitting on the sidelines and observing the passing show.In fact, in current psychological research, extroversion and introversion are considered to be the most stable personality traits that distinguish people from each other.Creative

individuals seem to exhibit both traits at the same time.4.富有创意的人往往既外向又内向。我们一般都二者居其一,要么偏爱呆在人群之中,要么独坐一旁,冷眼看戏。事实上,在目前的心理研究中,外向和内向被视为能区分彼此的最稳定的性格特点,但富有创意的个体似乎同时显示这两种特点。

close 9RT 5.Creative people are humble and proud at the same time.These individuals stand “on the shoulders of giants”.Their respect for the area in which they work makes them aware of the long line of previous contributions to it.And they're usually so focused on future projects and current challenges that past accomplishments, no

matter how outstanding, are no longer very interesting to them.5.他们既谦虚又傲气。这些个体站在“巨人的肩膀上”。他们尊重自己工作的领域,因而能意识到前人的大量贡献。他们通常如此专注于未来的工程和当前的挑战,过往的成就,不论多么出色,都无法再引起他们太多的兴趣。close 10RT 6.Creative people are both rebellious and conservative.Being only traditional leaves an area unchanged;constantly taking chances without regard to tradition rarely leads to novelty.But the willingness to take risks is absolutely necessary.The economist George Stigler is very emphatic in this regard, “I'd say one of the most common failures of able people is a lack of nerve.They just play safe games.In

innovation, you have to play a less safe game, if it's going to be interesting.It's not predictable

that it'll go well.” 6.富有创意的人既叛逆又保守。一味传统,会令一个领域殊无变化,而时时冒险、罔顾传统亦鲜有创新,但冒险精神是绝对必要的。经济学家乔治•施蒂格勒特别强调这个方面:“我会说,有能力的人之所以失败,大多都是由于缺少冒险精神,凡事四平八稳。要创新,你就不能太求稳,结果才可能有意思。结果是否会顺利是无

法预测的。”close 11RT 7.Most creative people are very passionate about their work, yet they can be extremely objective about it as well.Without the passion, we soon lose interest in a difficult task.Yet without being objective about it, our work

is not very good and lacks


可信度。close 12RT 8.Creative people's openness and sensitivity often exposes them to suffering and pain, yet also to a great deal of enjoyment.Inventors have a low threshold of pain.Things bother them.A badly designed machine causes pain to an inventive engineer, just as the creative writer is hurt when reading bad


感觉受伤。close 13RT Being alone at the forefront of a discipline also leaves you exposed and vulnerable.Eminence invites criticism and often vicious attacks.When an artist has invested years in making a sculpture, or a scientist in developing a theory, it is devastating if nobody cares.居于学科前沿,也会令你暴露于众人视线中,易受攻击。卓越会招致批评,甚至往往是恶毒攻击。艺术家倾注多年心血终于完成一件雕塑作品,科学家皓首穷年提出一种理论,到头来若是无人问津,这种打击无疑是灾难性的。close 14RT Perhaps the most difficult thing for creative individuals to

bear is the sense of loss and emptiness they experience when, for some reason, they cannot work.This is especially painful when a person feels his or her creativity drying out.对于富有创意的个体而言,最难以忍受的事情莫过于由于某种原因而无法工作的那种失落感和空虚感。如果一个人自觉创意枯竭,或许就更加痛苦不堪了。close 15RT Yet when a person is working in the area of his or her expertise, worries and cares fall away, replaced by a sense of happiness.Perhaps the most important quality, the one that is most consistently present in all creative individuals, is the ability to enjoy the process of creation for its own sake.Without this trait, poets would give up striving for

perfection and would write commercial jingles;economists would work for banks where they would earn at least twice as much as they do at universities;and physicists would stop doing basic research and join industrial laboratories where the conditions are better and the expectations

more predictable.而当一个人在自己擅长的领域里工作时,他的一切担心和忧虑都会消失,取而代之的是一种愉悦感。也许最重要的品质,在一切富有创意的人身上最常见的一种品质,就是能够享受创造过程本身。没有这种品质,诗人将不再追求完美而写些商业性的喧嚣之作;经济学家将会去银行任职,收入至少会是大学里的两倍;物理学家也会停止基础研究而加入工业实验室,那里条件优越而且结果也容易预测。


7-What Does Teamwork Really


Sharon Saw

close1RT In many job interviews, a common question is whether the interviewee is a “team player”.More often than not(unless the interviewee is particularly stupid, or maybe particularly honest but doesn't want the job), he or she will say “yes”.But what does being a team player really mean?



面试中常会问到的一个问题就是,接受面试者是否具有团队精神。通常情况下,回答是肯定的,除非接受面试者特别愚蠢,或者特别诚实而且不想要这份工作。但团队精神的真正含义是什么呢?close 2RT On the most basic level, a team player is someone who can work within a group of people.This group is a number of people greater than one.Even if there are only two people in the group, they can be called

a “team”.Therefore it is an essential requirement of any employment that any potential employee is a team player.在最基本的层面上,有团队精神的人就是能够与群体合作的人。只要有两个或两个以上的个体在一起就可以称为 “团队”。因此,未来的员工是否具备团队精神,对任何工作而言都是一个至关重要的必备条件。close 3RT On a deeper level, a team player is someone who can play a role in the team, to achieve and support the goals set and agreed upon by the team.The simplest analogy to the corporate team would be a sports team.There are two main aims of the football team.One is to score goals and the other is to prevent the opposition team from scoring.In football, there are eleven players per side, and almost the same number of players in reserve.There are also other vital members of the team in the background, such as the coach, the doctor, etc.从较深层次而言,具备团队精神的人能够在团队中扮演特定的角色,能支持和达成团队协定的目标。打个最简单的比方,一个企业团队就好比一个运动队。足球队有两个主要目标,一是进球,一是阻止对手进球。足球运动中,每一方有十一名队员,还有差不多相同数量的替补队员。场外还有其他不可或缺的成员,如教练和队医等。close 4RT Every member of the team has a very specific role — as a captain, goalkeeper, striker, midfielder or defender.Every member of the team is vital to the success of the team.If there is one player missing, the team is handicapped.If one player does not perform to the best of his or her ability, the team is handicapped.球队的每一个成员都扮演着特定的角色,如队长、守门员、前锋和中场防守球员。每一个队员对整个球队的成功都有至关重要的意义。任何一名队员缺阵,全队表现都会受到影响。任何一名队员不全力以赴,全队也会受到拖累。close 5RT The captain is there to give direction to the team, in strategy, motivation and inspiration.But he or she also has to play as part of the team.Egos do not play any part in teamwork.If one's ego gets in the way, such as if one player wants to score a goal and be a hero, he or she may take rash actions instead of maybe letting another person score or helping to create the opportunity to score.队长的作用是给全队提供方向,包括战略、动力和灵感方面的,但他/她同时也应该是整队的一分子。自我主义在团队合作中没有立足之地。如果一个人的自我意识干扰了他她的思维,比如某个队员想要进球、出风头,他她可能会鲁莽行动,而不是助攻或让队友射门。close 6RT Similarly in the corporate world, each company has its clearly defined goals.Usually these are not as easily specified as in a football match.And it is the job of every employee to ensure that these goals are met.Every member of the corporate team should have specific roles and responsibilities in view of achieving these goals.企业界的情况也类似,每一个公司都应该有清晰界定的目标,不过这些目标通常不会像足球比赛中那么清楚具体。每个员工都有责任去确保实现这些目标,公司团队的每个成员应该相应地有具体的目标和责任范围。close 7RT There can only be one captain of the company, and he or she should be responsible for giving leadership and guidance to the team members.The leader should also continuously communicate the overall business strategy, as well as providing motivation and inspiration to the team.The leader has to have the loyalty of the team.If the team is not loyal or has no respect for the leader, the members of the team will not listen to the captain and the objectives of the company would not be achieved.公司里只能有一个“队长”,其责任就是领导和指挥团队成员,不断地与团队就整体策略进行沟通,并为成员提供动力与灵感。领导应该能令整个团队忠实于他。如果团队不忠心或不尊重领导,团队成员就不会听从“队长”指挥,公司的目标也就无从实现。close 8RT In every action of the team, the objectives of the company, and / or, business strategy, MUST be first and foremost.The success of the team relies completely on every member of the team carrying out their roles and responsibilities in line with the direction of the leader.There has to be a “oneness” of the corporate culture.There is no room in the company for anyone who does not share the same corporate goals or objectives.在团队的每个行动中,务必将公司的目标或商业策略放在首要位置。团队能否成功,完全取决于团队每个成员是否能完成自己的角色任务和责任,能否与领导的指挥保持一致。企业文化中必须有“一致性”,公司中绝不允许某个人的目标或目的与公司的共同目标不一致。close 9RT Being a team player does not mean that you do not have any ideas of your own.It does not mean you should always agree with the rest of the team.It does not mean that you should merely follow the herd.There are times when your vision may differ from the vision of the company, the leader or the rest of the team.It may be a valid vision and if you believe in it strongly enough, you should share it with the rest of the team.Your idea may complement the corporate objectives and goals.Or it may not.If the leader is a competent one, he or she will assess it on its merits and not let ego get in the way.However, should the team not agree with your vision, don't take it personally.具有团队精神并不意味着你不可以有自己的想法,也不意味着你应该总是附和其他队员或者只是随大流。有时,你的想法也许与公司、领导或是团队的其他成员的看法不一致。也许是一个值得一试的想法,如果你很有信心,就应该与团队其他成员分享。你的想法也许可以补充公司的目的与目标,也许不可以。如果领导称职的话,他/她就会客观评价这个想法,而不会令自我意识在那里作祟。不过,要是团队不赞同你的想法,也不要觉得是人身攻击。close

10RT They may find the idea inappropriate, not YOU personally.Don't take it as a sign of personal rejection.A good leader should be able to communicate this to a team member, but if he or she doesn't, and it turns out as appearing to be a rebuff, don't lose heart.If the team found YOU inappropriate, you would be the first to know.If your leader or team members see that you can handle rejection of your ideas in a mature manner, it is only to your own credit.他们也许觉得这个想法不合适,而不是觉得你这个人不行,所以你不要觉得这是针对个人的。一个优秀的领导应该能够将这种情况与队员沟通,但就算他/她没有这么做,让你感觉受到了冷落,也不要灰心。如果团队觉得你不行,那你自己肯定会最先察觉。要是领导或团队成员看到你能成熟地应对自己的想法被拒绝,那只能对你有好处。close 11RT Don't be afraid to offer new ideas even seemingly crazy ones.Everyone in the team should feel free to offer ideas and not worry about them being dismissed.Usually when ideas are not taken up, people may take it as a personal rejection.Don't.Just accept it, and move on.There is work to be done.不要害怕提出新的想法,哪怕是表面看来有些疯狂的也不要紧。团队的每一个成员都应该无拘无束地提出想法而不担心是否会被拒绝。通常情况下如果想法没有被采纳,人们会认为是针对个人的。不要这么想。接受事实,然后继续前进。工作总是要做的。close 12RT The pleasure of working in an environment where every member of the team is a team player is unparalleled.If you are not enjoying your working environment, chances are high that your team is also not working well.Ask yourself this: 在每个成员都有团队协作精神的环境里工作,那种愉悦是无与伦比的。如果你不喜欢现在的工作环境,多半是因为你的团队运作不好,问问你自己:close 13RT Are you a team player?

你有团队合作精神吗?close 14RT Are your own objectives in line with those of the team?

你与团队的目标一致吗?close 15RT Are your team objectives in line with those of the company? If not, why not? 你的团队与公司的目标一致吗?如果不一致,原因在哪里?close

2-8 Did You Have a Tough Childhood? Jill Ammon-Wexler close1RT Many claim unhappy and terrible childhood experiences “damage” people in their adult years.But is this necessarily true? Actually, just the opposite seems to be true.Intense difficulties, hardships and major obstacles are actually often major contributors to success.It's true that difficult childhoods do leave some people wounded and disadvantaged.But for others, a tough childhood actually drives them to remarkable achievement and success!你经历了不幸的童年吗?


很多人声称,童年时代的严重创伤,会对成年生活造成灾难性影响。果真如此吗?其实,事实刚好相反!重大的困难、艰辛和障碍,往往能造就成功。的确,不幸的童年会使一些人伤痕累累,处于不利的位置。但对另外一些人而言,不幸的童年反而会促使他们取得异乎寻常的成就!close 2RT In a classic book entitled Cradles of Eminence, researchers reviewed the childhood family life of 700 of the world's most successful people.Their goal was to identify the early experiences that contributed to the remarkable achievements of these successful people.All of their “research subjects” are widely known for their personal accomplishments.Their names are easily recognizable: Franklin D.Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, etc.在经典作品《伟人的摇篮》一书中,研究者们考查了全球最为突出的700名成功人士的童年生活。他们的目标是要找出哪些早期经历有助于这些成功人士取得非凡成就。他们所有的“研究对象”都是因个人成就而蜚声全球的。这些名字都广为人知:富兰克林•D•罗斯福,海伦•凯勒,温斯顿•丘吉尔,阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦,西格蒙德•弗洛伊德,等等。close 3RT What they discovered is truly fascinating!Three-quarters of these successful people(525 of the 700)came from deeply troubled childhoods.They had endured extreme poverty, broken homes, and even parental abuse.Over one-fourth(199 of the 700)had to deal with very serious physical handicaps such as deafness, blindness or crippled limbs.And over 80% of those who became successful writers and playwrights had watched their own parents struggle with intense psychological dramas.研究结果真的非常有意思!700名成功人士中,有四分之三(525名)有过极其不幸的童年。他们经历过极端的贫困,破碎的家庭,甚至父母的虐待。超过四分之一的人(700人当中有199名)有严重的生理残障如失聪、失明或肢体残障。成功的作家及剧作家中,有80%曾目睹了自己的父母经历失和的一些戏剧性场面。close 4RT Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, a former US “First Lady” provides an excellent example.Anna lost her parents at the age of 10, and had a very unpleasant childhood.As a young girl she was painfully aware of being very homely.And her childhood writings reveal she never had a sense of “belonging” anywhere, or to anyone.But as she matured, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

refused to remain “disadvantaged”.She hauled herself up by her own bootstraps and began to strive for a higher, more powerful consciousness.安娜•埃莉诺•罗斯福,前美国“第一夫人”,就是一个极好的例子。安娜10岁时失去了双亲,童年痛苦不堪。少女时,她就痛苦地意识到自己长相平庸。她童年的习作表明,她从来没有“归属感”,觉得自己不属于任何地方或任何人。但随着她慢慢成熟,安娜•埃莉诺•罗斯福拒绝一直“处于劣势”。她依靠自己的努力,着手提高自身的觉悟。close 5RT After marrying Franklin D.Roosevelt, she ended up courageously nursing her husband through crippling polio.Then when he was elected to the US Presidency in the depth of the Great Depression, Mrs.Roosevelt quickly transformed the position of First Lady.As First Lady, she became an outspoken supporter for the disadvantaged people of all races, religions and countries.At the same time, she helped her husband manage the White House and raised six children.嫁给富兰克林•罗斯福后,她需要照料小儿麻痹性后遗症的丈夫,她一直坚强地面对。后来,他临危受命,在经济大萧条最严重时当选美国总统,罗斯福夫人迅速完成了“第一夫人”的角色转换。作为第一夫人,她公开发言支持所有被践踏的种族、宗教和国家,同时还打理着白宫,并抚育六个子女。close 6RT After her husband's death, she spent the remainder of her life as a highly respected American spokesperson to the United Nations.At her death, this shy, disadvantaged, homely and withdrawn young woman had become one of the most loved and respected women of her entire generation.丈夫去世后,她就一直作为美国在联合国的发言人,极其受人尊重,直到生命结束。她辞世时,这位年轻时一度腼腆羞涩、身处困境、长相平平、性格内向的女性,已成为她那一代人中最受爱戴的女性之一。close 7RT Why did this happen? Eleanor Roosevelt made a personal choice to lift herself beyond her perceived “limitations”.She displayed a tough, unyielding courage, tempered by remarkable self-control and self-discipline.事情为什么会变成这样呢?埃莉诺•罗斯福做出了自己的选择,要用自己的力量超越想象中的“局限”。她非凡的自控和自律造就了坚强不屈的勇气。close 8RT Obstacles and hardships do NOT have to lead to failure.Scientific evidence has proven that “well-being” is NOT always an advantage for either plants or animals.Where there is no challenge, obstacle or hardship, growth and development is often limited.Biologists refer to this as the “adversity principle”.障碍和困难未必一定会导致失败!科学证据表明,“安逸”并不一定总是优势,动植物都是如此。没有挑战、障碍或困难,成长和发展常常会受到限制。生物学家称之为“逆境原则”。close 9RT Consider Lou Gehrig: Lou was such a clumsy kid that the boys in his neighborhood wouldn't let him play on their baseball team.But he tapped into his resources of inner courage and determination.Lou Gehrig is today listed in the baseball “Hall of Fame” as one of the greatest ball players of all time.试看卢•格里克:卢小时候笨手笨脚,附近的男孩都不让他参加自己的棒球队,但他转而找到内在的勇气和决心。如今,卢•格里克名列棒球“名人堂”,被视为有史以来最伟大的球类运动员之一。close 10RT Then there was Woodrow Wilson, who couldn't read until he was ten years old.Wilson went on in his life to become the twenty-eighth President of the United States.Thomas Edison was deaf.Booker T.Washington was born in slavery, and a “club foot” crippled Lord Byron.The famous writer Robert Louis Stevenson had tuberculosis.Alexander Pope had a hunchback.Yet each of these individuals became famous historic figures in spite of their handicaps.还有伍德罗•威尔逊,十岁才开始识字。威尔逊后来成了美国第二十八任总统。托马斯•爱迪生是聋子。布克•T•华盛顿生而为奴,拜伦爵士天生足部畸形。著名作家罗伯特•路易斯•史蒂文森身患结核病。亚历山大•蒲柏是驼背。但尽管残疾在身,这些人每一个都青史留名。close 11RT Helen Keller, who could not hear or see, transformed an entire nation when she graduated with honors from college.She is still a source of inspiration for millions.Then there's Ludwig van Beethoven.Beethoven began to lose his hearing in his 20s, and was completely deaf by 50.Yet he created some of the world's most beautiful music.Beethoven was once overheard shouting at the top of his voice, “I will take life by the throat!” 海伦•凯勒,既聋又盲,以优异成绩从大学毕业时,举国轰动。数以百万计人至今仍视她为灵感的源泉。还有路德维希•凡•贝多芬。贝多芬二十多岁时听力就开始下降,50岁时完全失聪,但他创造了世界上最美妙的音乐。有人曾听见贝多芬高喊,“我要扼住命运的咽喉!”close 12RT Your attitude toward any perceived personal “handicap” determines its impact on your life.This IS your life!Why not make it all it can be? To become all we can be, we MUST stop making excuses.Use any personal adversity or perceived limitations to do what Beethoven did: Grab life by the throat!And this is a good day to take action to claim more of your true potential.Get past your “old stuff”, my friend, and fire yourself up!If not now, when? 不管你有任何“残障”,它对你生活的影响将取决于你的态度。这就是你的生活!为什么不尽自己所能呢?要发掘我们的全部潜力,我们就不能再编造借口。面对任何逆境或想象中的局限,以贝多芬为榜样:攫住命运的咽喉!今天就是一个好日子,开始行动,实现更多真正的潜能。忘记“旧事”,我的朋友,让自己振奋起来!此时不动,更待何时?close



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