
时间:2019-05-13 09:15:57下载本文作者:会员上传



1.As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some


2.As far as I am concerned, I am really/completely in favor of the


3.In my opinion/view, we should....我认为我们应该……。4.As for me, I....至于我,我……。

5.From my point of view,....我认为……。6.Personally, I think....我个人认为……。7.My view is that....我的观点是……。

8.I hold a negative/positive view of....我对……持反对/肯定态度。9.Contrary to generally accepted views, I argue that...与普遍的观点


10.It would be natural to think that..., but it would be absurd to claim

that...人们很自然地认为,……,但据此就以为……却是很愚蠢的。11.At first thought, it may seem an attractive idea, but on second

thought, we find that...乍一看,这个观点很有吸引力,但再一想,我们发现……。





1.A proverb says “…”有句谚语说…….As the proverb says…如谚语说……

3.It goes without saying that… 不用说……

4.It is(quite)clear that… because…很明显地…… 因为

5.It is often said that … 常有人说……7.at present 现在,此刻8.first 首先

9.firstly 首先10.in the beginning 起初(的一段时间)11.now 现在,此刻

12.to begin with 首先,第一


1.Everybody knows that… 每个人都知道……2.It is true that… ……是真实的3.similarly 同样地4.so 所以5.soon 不久6.still 仍然7.then 然后

8.third 第三9.thirdly 第三10.truly 事实上

11.We have reasons to believe that…我们有理由相信……

12.(Now that)we know that … 既然我们知道……

13.What is more serious is that…更严重的是……

14.in a few days 几天之后15.in a while过了一会儿 16.also 并且,又

17.at the same time 同时18.unlike… 不像……,和……不同

19.what is more…而且,此外20.besides(this)此外21.by this time 此时

22.certainly 无疑地,确然地23.for example 例如24.for instance 例如

25.from now on 从此26.in fact事实上27.in other words 换句话说

28.in particular 特别地29.in the same manner 同样的30.of course 当然

31.second 第二,第二点32.secondly 第二


1.after all 毕竟个2.all the same(虽然……)还是,仍然

3.anyway 无论如何4.at the same time 然而5.but但是

6.by this time 此时7.conversely 相反地8.especially 特别地

9.fortunately 幸运地10.however 然而,无论如何11.in other words 换句话说

12.in particular 特别地13.in spite of… 尽管……,虽然

14.in the same way 同样地15.luckily 幸运地16.no doubt 无疑地

17.on the contrary 相反地18.on the other hand 另一方面19.otherwise 否则

20.perhaps… 或许……21.unfortunately 不幸地

22.unlike… 不像……,和……不同23.yet 仍,然而,但是


1.In a word… 总而言之,……2.The result is dependent on… 结果视……而定

3.Thus, this is the reason why we must… 因此,这就是我们为什么必须……

4.To sum up, 总而言之,……5.above all 最重要,首先 6.as a result 结果

7.as has been noted 如前所述8.as I have said 如我所述9.at last 最后

10.by doing so籍此,由此11.finally 简言之12.in brief 简言之

13.in conclusion 最后,总之14.in short 简言之15.in sum 总之,简言之

16.in summary 简单来说17.on the whole 就全体而论,整个来看


三段式作文经典表达句型 ·1.开头部分


When it comes to TOPIC, some think/hold/believe…对于某话题,一些人认为… There is a public debate today that TOPIC.今天关于某话题有一场公众讨论。Recently, TOPIC has been brought into focus.最近,某话题已经成了焦点。

In recent years, TOPIC has become a hot topic both on and off campus.最近,某话题成了一个校园内外的热点话题。

These days, we often hear about TOPIC.这些天来,我们经常听到关于某话题的消息。

Like a coin has two sides, there is a positive aspect and a negative aspect to TOPIC.如同一个硬币有两面一样,某话题也有其积极和消极的两个方面。

It has long been a contentious issue as to TOPIC.某话题是很久以来的一个有争议的问题。

Nowadays, it is a heatedly discussed topic to many families that TOPIC.现在许多家庭对某话题讨论很热烈。

TOPIC has aroused much public concern in China.某话题已经引起了中国公众的关注。

A common ground has been reached that TOPIC.关于某话题,已经达成了共识。There is no denying the fact that TOPIC.不可否认的事实是某话题。

It is a common scene in big cities that TOPIC.大城市里常见的一幕是某话题。Now there is a growing awareness that TOPIC.现在愈加认识到某话题。

It is time we explore the truth of TOPIC.现在是我们探究某话题真相的时候。Nowhere in history has TOPIC been more visible.历史上从未像现在这样重视某话题。


In my opinion/Personally, ARGUMENT.我认为,论点。

From my Point of view, I think/believe/hold ARGUMENT.从我的观点出发,我认为/相信/持论点。

My view is that ARGUMENT.我的看法是论点。

As for myself/For my part, I would like to ARGUMENT.对于我自己来说,我愿意论点。

My answer is ARGUMENT.我的回答是论点。

I cannot agree more with ARGUMENT.我非常同意论点。

As far as I am concerned, I would prefer to ARGUMENT.就我而言,我更愿意论点。

·2.主体部分 1)给出多条理由

First(ly), … Second(ly), … Third(ly), …Last(ly), …第一点,理由1,…;第二点,理由2,…;第三点,理由3,…;最后,…

To begin with, … 首先,理由(经常用于给出第一条理由)First of all, … 首先,理由(经常用于给出第一条理由)The first and most important reason is that … 首先一个最重要的理由是…

On the other hand … 另一方面,理由(经常用于在给出一条理由后,给出其他的理由)

Another equally important aspect is … 另一个同样重要的方面是…(经常用于在给出一条理由后,给出其他的理由)Besides, other reasons are … 除此之外,另外的理由是…(经常用于在给出一条理由后,给出其他的理由)For one thing …, for another …一方面…, 另一方面…(给出两条理由)Last but not least,…最后但也很重要,…(经常用于给出最后一条理由)2)提出假想例子的方式

We can assume …我们可以假定… Let’s assume that…假使… Suppose that…假定…

Just imagine what would be like if…如果…,考虑会怎么样 It is reasonable to expect…预计…是可能合理的 It is not surprising that… „并不奇怪 3)举普通例子

For example(instance),„例如„

„such as A,B,C and so on(so forth)如A,B,C等等 A good case in point is „ 一个相关的很好的例子是,„ Consider the case of „考虑„的例子

Let’s take … as an example ,…让我们以… 为例,… 4)引用

One of the greatest early writers/thinkers said …一个伟大的作家/思想家曾说过,… “…”, such is the remark of somebody … „是出自„的一句名言

“„”That is how somebody comment(criticize/praise„)… „是这样评价/批评/夸奖„r : “„” “„”How often we hear such words like there.我们经常听到这样的话:“„” 5)提出原因

There are many reasons for...对于„,可能有许多原因。

The answer to this problem involves many factors.这个问题的回答可能涉及到多方面的因素。

Any discussion about this problem would inevitably involves„任何对此问题的讨论都不可避免地涉及„

The first reason can be obviously seen.第一个原因是显而易见的。Most people would agree that „大多数人同意,„

Some people may neglect that in fact „一些人可能忽略了事实上„ Others suggest that „其他人建议„

Part of the explanation is „部分的解释原因是„ 6)进行对比

The advantages of A outweigh the disadvantages of B.A的优点超过了B的缺点。

Although „ enjoys a distinct advantage „ 尽管„具有明显的优势,但是„ Indeed, A carries much weight than B when something is concerned就某事而言,A的重要性要超过B.„ maybe …, but it suffers from the disadvantage that … „可能会„,但它有一个缺点„

In comparison/contrast,„比较/对比说来,„ 7)承上启下

To understand the truth of „, it is also important to see...为了清楚„的真相,也就需要看一下„

A study of...will made this point clear.对„进行研究就会把这一点弄清楚。8)让步

Certainly/Admittedly, B has its own advantages, such as...当然,B有其自己的优点,例如„

I do not deny that A has its own merits.我没有否认A有其自己的优点。·3 结尾部分

In summary,„总结说来,„ In short,„ 概括说来,„ In brief,„ 概括说来,„ To sum up,„ 总结全文,„

In conclusion,„ 得出的结论是„ All in all,...总而言之„ On the whole, 总体说来,„

On account of this, „ 针对于此,„ In view of„ 鉴于„

From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that „根据上面的讨论,我们就可以得出结论„

Thus, it can be concluded that...这样,可以得出结论„

If all these factors are contemplated, therefore, I think...如果所有这些因素都考虑进来,我认为„

Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that...考虑了这些所有的因素,我们可以得出结论„

We can conclude from the foregoing reasons and examples that...从前述理由和例子我们可以推断出„

Now, after close examination, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that...现在经过了仔细研究之后,就不难得出结论„










传统传媒都有那些特点呢?下面将从报纸、广播、电视的覆盖域、并读性、感染力、实时性、持久性等五个方面进行逐一分析。1.传播覆盖区域 任何传媒都有自己的覆盖区域,只不过大小不同而已。2.并读性3.感染力4.实时性传统媒体中,广播和电视是最具有时效性的媒体,报纸则稍次之,杂志的时效性是最差的。5.持久性


网络传媒的异军突起,改变了人们培养起来的生活、接受信息的习惯,网络已经深入社会生活的方方面面。在几年前,如果人们要查找资料首先想到的应该是图书馆,而现在你要是问某个人,哪里去找某方面材料,得到的答案肯定是“你上网找找吧!” 网络成了人们生活中不可分割的一部分成为继报纸、杂志、广播、电视等传统传媒之后的又一大传播工具,而且一出现就表现出了巨大的生命力,朝着主流媒体的方向迅速发展。

网络媒体被誉为“第四媒体”,其反应快速、灵活,而且可长时间工作,读者由被动地位成为主动地位,可以选择自己 想看的,因此曾有人认为,网络媒体很快就可以替代传统媒体,但实际操作起来,人们发现网络媒体在很多方面还无法与传统媒体相比,更不要说取代传统媒体了。网络媒体到底有什么优势和不足?













1:英语作文中常用关联词: both …and furthermore

nevertheless / in spite of, despite, instead of, in the end… finally, first, then, next, as soon as … hand…as…as.,the same as, such..as generally speaking… instance, such as …

因果关系: as a result, so, thus, therefore… 议论和高级句型 plane. ticket.

the train window.

cost.children.down(使父母失望).15.Running, biking and swimming are popular in summer.This pen just costs five yuan.I only paid five yuan for this pen.pressure you have, the worse result you will get.1、There is no denying that + S + V...(不可否认的...)

2、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~


4、An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子(...的优点是...)


7、It is time + S + 过去式(该是...的时候了)

8、That is the reason why ~~~(那就是...的原因)

9、Spare no effort to + V(不遗余力的)

10、Get into the habit of + Ving = make it a rule to + V(养成...的习惯)

11、Have a great influence on …(对...有很大的影响)

12、sth do good to sb(对...有益),do harm to(对...有害);sb benefit from sth13、do one‘s utmost to + V = do one‘s best(尽全力去...)

并列关系: and, as well as, also, not only …but also, 12.What I want to emphasize is the fact that they are only递进关系:besides, in addition, moreover, what’s more, 13.Being a senior III student, he will never let his parents转折关系: but, yet, however, although, otherwise/or, 14.Having finished his homework, he went to bed.时间顺序: while, when, soon after, before, afterwards, 16.It took us only five hours to finish the experiment.比较、对比:like, unlike, on the contrary, on the other…I only spent five yuan on /(in)buying this pen.总结 : in a word, in general, in short, above all, after all..., 17.It is said/reported/considered/thought that the more 进一步阐述:in other words, that is to say, for example, for...英语经典句型

① In my opinion, I prefer traveling by train rather than by3、There is no doubt that + 句子~~(毫无疑问的...)② For one thing, a train ticket is much cheaper than a plane5、The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子③ For another, you can enjoy the beautiful views outside6、By +Ving, ~~ can ~~(借着...,..能够..)④ Above all, it's safer traveling on a train than traveling in a plane.

⑤ In a word, I will always travel by train if I'm not in a great hurry.6.I hold the view that we should wear school uniform all day

7.From this passage we can draw a conclusion that drinking a lot is bad for our health.8.From this diagram we can infer/it can be inferred that in 2008 the number of mobile phones will be twice as big as that now.9.There are 95% of the studentsthink it is not useful to stay up to study at night because the next day they will feel very tired.10.The fact leads us to believe most of us do get a good result in the NMET this year.11.I am not for /am against/ oppose/ don’t agree to /object to the idea of building a new highway because of the great



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