Movie Review of the Truman Show
Born as a TV star, Truman is living in a small island called Seahaven for the first half of his life.But he doesn’t know that everyone and everything happened around him is fake.Nor dose he know that the place he lives for so many years is actually a huge studio.With the plot spreading, Truman gradually realizes that there is something wrong with his life;It seems that everybody and everything is focused on him.Leading by his dream, he managed to get out;leaving the world that was created for him and went to that unknown outside, dark and dangerous.Freedom is an eternal topic in western movies and is also very important for all of us.How can a people live without freedom and privacy? I see that Truman lives in such an amazing environment that everybody in the world can see him and there is no privacy for him at all.But after he finds that he is living in a fictitious world, he makes up his mind to leave the studio to live a life that belongs to him.To get the girl he loves and his freedom back, he overcomes his psychological barrier and fights with the storms and lightening made by the chief conductor of the movie---the Truman Show.Finally, Truman makes it and get out of the fictitious world although he knows that there maybe many unknown obstacles waiting for him.This is the power of freedom and love.Another thing I’d like to mention is that when reporters ask why Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of his world
until now, and then the answer is that we accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.I was shocked when I heard this.In our daily life, we get used to what is happening around us so we never ask why this just happens.Although we live our lives everyday, life itself is the thing easiest forgotten by us.If we pay more attention to our life, we may find that there are so many things for us to do to enhance our life.We are usually getting numb with time going by.So be curious about the things happened in our life and you may find that life is interesting and happy.Cherishing your life and enjoying your life, you can make a big difference.
My thought about Truman
All the people can know about Truman, such as his life.For 10,909 days, it has been on the air, using more than 5000 cameras to show every moment in every day of the life of him.But unfortunately, it is he that didn’t know.Around the world, everyday there were millions of people watching his life which had already been set.I thought it may be terribly sorrowful of him to accept such a truth.Thus he got mad, and nothing can hold back his heart for freedom.We know his name is Truman, which stands for truth.But his life is full of falsehood.No one told him that until he finally got it.The director said, the life in the island is the truth.Truman used his action to prove it a lie, a total lie.Freedom is the thing that exceeds everything in the world, nothing can be in place of it.Of course, if he chose to live in the island, he can be original pop star, he can get many things comfortably.Yet as a bird, we choose to fly in the sky.As a man, we also need to our own sky.The movie might tell us this moral.Although Truman was born to be a man losing freedom, he was still a man.His option is himself, not making fun of others.The ending of movie, audiences were touched by his perseverance, and then switch the TV channel.It’s so ironical about their behaviors.However, the society is just this look.So what we should do is to pursue our own bliss.If Truman gave up himself, the god will also abandon him.We are what we do, and we need our freedom and perseverance.
Life is starting to imitate satire.“The Truman Show” was only made seven years ago, but it predates the current mania for so-called “reality” television shows such as “Big Brother”.The idea behind such shows is that they present the viewer with a slice of actual reality-real people in real situations with real emotions-rather than the simulated reality of drama or the edited reality of documentaries.The flaw in this idea is that nothing is more unreal than a reality show.The presence of the cameras has a distorting effect, inducing artificial behaviour patterns in those who appear in front of it, and the sort of people who star in such programmes are almost invariably eccentric exhibitionists.“The Truman Show” takes the central concept of reality TV shows one stage further in order to overcome this flaw: what would happen if we made a reality programme about a person who has absolutely no idea that he is appearing on television? Truman Burbank is an insurance executive, living in a small American seaside town called Seahaven, and happily married to a nurse named Meryl.Or at least he thinks he is.What Truman doesn't know is that he is the central character in a soap opera and that his whole life is a fiction.The company he works for does not exist.Seahaven, the island it stands on and the surrounding ocean are all part of a gigantic set, specially created for the programme and sealed off from the outside world in a gigantic geodesic dome.Everyone in Truman's life-Meryl, his mother, his colleagues at work, his best friend Marlon-are actors playing out their roles in his drama.For thirty years Truman has accepted his world unquestioningly, but at the beginning of the film a series of incidents-a light falling from the sky, the reappearance of his father, who was supposed to have drowned in a boating accident when Truman was a boy, strange messages picked up on his car radio-awaken his doubts.Although members of the cast make strenuous attempts to dissuade him, he decides to try and explore the world outside Seahaven;in particular he wants to travel to Fiji where he has been told that his former girlfriend Sylvia now lives.(Sylvia was written out of the show when the scriptwriters decided that he should marry Meryl instead).The film has certain similarities with another film from the late nineties, “Pleasantville”, which dealt with an inverted version of the same idea;two teenagers from the real world are magically transported into the world of a fifties television show.In my view, however, “The Truman Show” is the better of the two.“Pleasantville” deals with its political themes in a heavy-handed way with some very obvious symbolism.“The Truman Show”, although it deals with some weighty issues, is never ponderous or excessively serious;indeed, it is often very humorous.The main source of humour is the contrast between the naïve, trusting Truman and the behaviour of those around him, all living a lie and desperately trying to prevent Truman from finding out that it is a lie.I had previously thought of Jim Carrey as a rather annoying actor whose appeal was based upon the idea that manic overacting is in itself funny, but here as Truman he is very good indeed, both amusing and touching.I was also impressed by Ed Harris as Christof, the show's enigmatic producer.Another factor in the success of the film is its visual look.Seahaven(like the town in “Pleasantville”)appears as an eerily perfect, not-quite-real version of the typical American small town, but was actually filmed in a real place, the purpose-built village of Seaside, Florida.There are similarities with the cult British sixties television series “The Prisoner”, which was also filmed in an eerily perfect seaside village, Portmeirion in North Wales.Critics have been lavishing enormous praise on this movie since it opened in America last June, and probably rightly so because it is a superbly crafted piece of work.Weir's direction is outstanding, frequently viewing events from the point of view of hidden spy cameras, such as the one in Truman's car radio.One stunning shot has the town's main street full of motionless extras, waiting for Truman to turn the corner.Jim Carrey's performance has been singled out for particular praise, and though his acting is of a much higher standard that his usual comedy antics, it is not exactly Laurence Olivier.This said, an Oscar nomination would have been well deserved.The film is obviously a satire on the intrusiveness and obsession with celebrity of the modern media;added relevance was given by the fact that it came out shortly after the death of Princess Diana.There is, however, more to it than that.Much has been made of the film as religious allegory;it has been pointed out that Christof whose name is clearly, and quite deliberately, similar to “Christ”, is a God-figure, whereas Truman(the “True Man”)is a symbolic Everyman.It has even been claimed that the film is an anti-religious allegory, with Truman's final escape from Seahaven symbolic of man's need to break away from outdated religious dogmas.This is not an interpretation with which I would agree-if one is trying to put across a “God is dead” message, it seems odd to provide a God-figure who is very much real, not mythical or illusory.The imagery of the final scenes – the calm after the storm, the ascent up a flight of stairs into the sky and clouds-also struck me as religious rather than secular.Moreover, the film seems too complex to be reduced to any single allegorical meaning, although it certainly deals with the relationship between man and God.It also touches on man's need to explore-both to explore new places and also to explore new ideas and to break away from established ways of life and ways of thought-and on the nature of reality.Truman's world may seem unreal to us, but as Christof says, “we accept the reality we are presented with”.This is a brilliant, multi-layered film, part comedy, part satire, part philosophical speculation, and in my view one of the two best movies of the late nineties.(The other was “American Beauty”).I felt it should have taken the “Best Picture” Oscar for 1999-“Shakespeare in Love” is a good film, but “The Truman Show” is a great one.It confirms my view that Peter Weir is one of the best directors currently working
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Movie Review of
The Truman show was really a very good movie, we can learn some truths from it, the lively perform and the touching story let us moving, I feel very happy about at last Truman run out the ‘truth’ world by other make, in spite of other attitude and choose his life.Born as a TV star, Truman is imprisoned in a small island called Seahaven for the first half of his life.Of course Truman don’t know he is a star, at first we all think Truman was a man, ordinary, like the life around us, he has many desires and very easy to meet, he has work、wife、parents、friend and so on, live a normal life, everything look normal, but with the develop of the plot, we know everything is arranged, his work、wife、parents and everybody around him are all actor, when we know it , all the audiences care about him ,Truman start to find his friends, his wife and everybody, everything are focus on him, And at last, he finally realized that there was something wrong with the world he lived in.Leading by his dream, he managed to get out, leaving the world that was created for him and went to that unknown outside, dark and dangerous.Audience see the Truman’s ‘truth’ live, the director aim to attract the audience’s eye, when Truman happy he would give him time to create some trouble, when in its depressed, then size the opportunity to open it alive.The most moving is the end of the movie, Truman is awake, and he told the camera, really the ‘God’ strike played out.Panic talented director, he will lose the audience, he strove to retain Truman, the director told him to leave the control of the world is very dangerous, but Truman was out of the door, walks over to the dark unknown world, he said that the world waiting for him no matter what, he did not care, Buddhism, the ‘epiphany’ one said, and that a complete self-sufficiency of human nature is dead in the dust covering it, it lost, Truman is the insight it seems, he should get back the lost self, the self-contained complete and carefree nature.The audiences are cry, they feel very happy just because Truman , He get truth life with his struggle, no matter how the world was, the importance is that he choose his life , he decide his friends、wife and so on about himself, no one can make Truman’s life.Not only the story was very good, but also the dialogue was worth to remember, such as first, Good morning, and in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
Second, I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life.The world, the place you live in, is the sick place.Third, I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life.The world, the place you live in, is the sick place, of course these only part of the wonderful dialogue, but I very like these dialogue.We can learn some thing from the movie, actually life is like a show, no matter in virtual world or fact life , we all play role in different part, we all should bravery in the fact of new life, new challenge, we should let us life become funny and live a meaning life.Weather we may give up something or not, I think life should make by you, no one can do it except you, I hope everybody can do it.
这部电影说的是一个庞大的电影公司领养了一个婴儿,在他的身边安插了无数的摄影机,让他从小在一个巨大的摄影棚里长大而自己却不知。这个婴儿就是楚门,一个电视长剧的主角,他的一生都被摄影机记录下来,在全球220个国家 24小时滚动播出,整个电视中间没有广告,一秒不停歇。本来一切都在天才导演克里斯托的掌握之中,但忽然有一天,曾经饰演楚门已过世父亲的演员的再度出现,改变了一切,它让楚门发现了这个骗局并离开了这个谎言。