
时间:2019-05-15 14:35:59下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 1

Sales and marketing

ARead the following passage from a book.Pay attention to the words and phrases in blue.Before a company starts making a new product, they must do market research—they must collect and analyse information about what people want and need.The sales & marketing department will present the results of their market research to the head of the company.The company can then choose the right product to produce, the one that is expected to be most popular with consumers—people who buy and use the product.One of the most important pieces of information is the market share—the percentage of a market that the product has.Also important are the sales targets—the amount which they think they will sell in a future period.Once the product goes on the market, its sales figures—the amount which has been sold—should be reported every day, so the company can check the progress of their product.BMr Carter;the head of a car company, is talking with his sales & marketing managerMs Jones.Use the blue words or phrases from above to complete the dialogue.Each word or phrase should be used only once.Mr Carter:Our new product has been on the market for one month.What is itsMs Jones:(1)____________________ now?

We have about a 15 per cent share of the market at the moment.The

(2)____________________ rose by 5 per cent across the whole country,and are continuing to rise.Mr Carter: That is quite encouraging.I think it is because(3)______________________

really like our unique design.I would like you to do some further

(4)____________________ about young people's views on the product.The(5)_____________________ should also finish the report on the next

month's(6)__________________________ by Monday.Ms Jones: We're doing it right now.I'll present it to you in one or two days.Mr Carter:That's great.If we want to be themarketleader,weneed tomakea

good plan.


高中内容目录 高一 必修一

1.直接引语间接引语direct speech and indirect speech(陈述句和疑问句)

2.直接引语间接引语direct speech and indirect speech(命令和请求语气)3.现在时行时表将来

4.定语从句1(that, which, who, whose)5.定语从句2(where when which prep+which/whom)必修二

定语从句(restrictive and non-restrictive)被动语态-将来时passive voice future 被动语态-完成时passive voice present perfect 被动语态-进行时passive voice present progressive 定语从句:介词+whom which 必修三:

1.情态动词一modal verb 2.情态动词二

3.表语从句和宾语从句object and predicative 4.主语从句subject 5.同位语从语appositive 必修四

1.主谓一致(subject-verb agreement)2.动名词做主语和宾语 3.动名词做表,定,宾补 4.动名词做定语和状语 5.构词法word formation

高二: 必修五

1.过去分词做定语和表语 2.过去分词做宾补足语 3.过去分词做状语和定语 4.倒装句 5.省略句


1.虚拟语气subjunctive mood 1 2.虚拟语气subjunctive mood 2 3.It 的用法1 4.It 的用法2 5.复习动名词

选修七: 复习

1.不定式一infinitive 2.不定式被动语态

3.现代分词被动语态passive voice 4.限性定语从句attributive 5.非限性定语从句

选修八: 复习


3.过去分词做定语,表语和宾补 4.过去分词做状语




Unit 1 Good friends


Listen to the two friends arguing.Situation 1


Jame:Peter,I am not happy about this.This is the third time,you are late for football practice.You have to do something about this.Peter:Er...I am sorry,Jame.Er...What's the big deal?So I am a few minutes late.What difference does it make?

Jame:What difference does it make?We have to wait for you.Look,everybody is here and ready to play.We don't like waiting for you.Please try to be on time in the future.Peter:Ok,I will try.Situation 2

Mary:Hi,Ann.Have you seen my calculator?

Ann:Hi,Mary.Oh,I forgot to tell you,I needed calculator yesterday, and I borrow yours.I hope you don't mind.Mary:What?You borrowed my calculator without asking.How could you do that?

You always do this borrowing things from me without asking.In any dorverting thing sometime either.Ann:I am sorry.I didn't know you were so upset about it.Situation 3

Idem:Hi,John.John:Hi,Idem.How is going?

Idem:Pretty good.Look!I have something I need to tell you.John:OK,what's up?

Idem:Well,you know I borrowed your CD Player yesterday? John:Yes.Idem:Well...em I think it's broken.John:What?broken?What happened?

Idem:I didn't do anything.I was just listening this music when suddenly it stopped.I can't make it play again.John:Em...that's strange.I'v never had any problems with it before.Are you sure you didn't do anything to it?

John:Ye,I just listen to it.But don't worry.I'll ask my Uncle that fix it when he comes back.Speaking

John:I'm 15 years old and I love football.I also like reading,especially stories about people from other countries.I don't enjoy singing,nor do I like computers.I think that rock music is terrible.Ann:Hi,I'm Ann.I'm 16 and I like dancing and computers.I also like rock music I hate hiking and I'm not into classical music.I don't enjoy reading too much.Steve:I'm 14 years old and I love skiing.Other favorite hobbies are reading and singing.I don't like hiking.I think that rock music is too loud,and I think that football is boring.Peter:I'm from Australia.I'm 15 and I'm fond of singing.I sing a lot,and when I'm not singing,I listen to rock music or use my computer.I don't like football and I think that classical music is terrible.I hate dancing!

Sarah:My name is Sarah and I'm 14 years old.My interests are reading novels,playing football and singing songs.I think that rock music is terrible,and I don't like dancing.I don't enjoy computers either.Joe:Hi there.I'm Joe.I really like computers.I surf the Internet all the time and I like play computer games.I don't enjoy football and I hate hiking.Rock music is OK,and so is skiing.Reading CHUCK'S FRIEND

In the movie Cast Away

Tom Hanks plays a man named Chuck No land.Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy

that he has little time for his friends.He is a successful manager in a company that sends mail all over the world.One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean

when suddenly his plane crashes.Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island.On the island.Chuck has to learn to survive all alone.He has to learn how to collect water,hunt for food,and make fire.Perhaps the most difficult challenge is how to survive without friends.In order to survive,Chuck develops a friendship with an unusual friend--a volleyball he calls Wilson.Chuck learns a lot about himself when he is alone on the island.He realizes that he hasn't been a very good friend

because he was always been thinking about himself.During his five years on the island.Chuck learns how to be a good friend to Wilson.Even though Wilson is just a volleyball,he becomes fond of him.He talks to him and treats him as a friend.Chuck learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow,and that it is important to have someone to care about.He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.When he makes friends with Wilson,he understands that friendship is about feelings.and that we must give as much as we take.A volleyball is certainly an unusual friend.Most of our friends are human beings,but we also make friends with animals and even things.For example,many of us have pets,and we all have favourite objects such as a lucky pen or a diary.The lesson we can learn from Chuck

and all the others who have unusual friends is that friends are teachers.Friendship helps us understand who we are,why we need each other and what we can do for each other.INTEGRATING SKILLS

Reading and writing

Do you know that you can use the Internet to make friends?

you may know that a pen friend,or penal,is someone you write letters to.But what is an e-pal? or key pal?yes,you guessed it!

An e-pal is someone you write e-mail to e-mail is faster and cheaper than letters,so you can write to your e-pals every day

and you don't have to wait for a letter to arrive.Just write your message and click it away!

Read the following e-pal ads.write an e-mail to one of them.Hello everyone,I'm Jane.I live in South Carolina.I like painting.I'm 15 and I'm a student.I like talking and joking around and I like to listen to rock music!

I am looking for e-pals from any country.Hi.My name is Jack.I am tall and I have blue eyes.I like sports.I play soccer.I love to make people laugh.I love singing and dancing.I am honest and I like to have fun.I like talking to people.If you're interested in being friends, drop me a line.Words and expressions Unit one


brave loyal wise






Steve fond

fond of

Sarah Joe


mirror fry gun

hammer saw rope


movie cast

Tom Hanks

Chuck Noland


deserted hunt

hunt for

in order to




care about


such as


parachute lie




scared e-pal

South Carolina

drop sb a line

formal error



























vt.幸免于;从......中生还 vi.幸存






vt.&vi.分享;共有;分配 n.共享;份额



















Karl Marx was born in Germany, and German was his native language.When he was still a young man, he was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons.He stayed in Belgium for a few years;then he went to France.Before long he had to move on again.In 1849, he went to England and made London the base for his revolutionary work.Marx had learned some French and English at school.When he got to England, he found that his English was too limited.He started working hard to improve it.He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper.In fact, his English in one of these articles was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it.Marx wrote back to say that Engels' praise had greatly encouraged him.However, he went on to explain that he was not too sure about two things--the grammar and some of the idioms.These letters were written in 1853.In the years that followed, Marx kept on studying English and using it.When he wrote one of his great works, The Civil War in France, he had mastered the language so well that he was able to write the book in English.In the 1870s, when Marx was already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian.At the end of six months he had learned enough to read articles and reports in Russian.In one of his books, Marx gave some advice on how to learn a foreign language.He said when people are learning a foreign language, they should not translate everything into their own language.If they do this, it shows they have not mastered it.When they used the foreign language, they should try to forget all about their own.If they cannot do this, they have not really learned the spirit of the foreign language and cannot use it freely.LESSON 2 AT HOME IN THE FUTURE 未来的家

A medical examination without a doctor or nurse in the room? Doing shopping at home? Borrowing books from the library without leaving your home? These ideas may seem strange to you.But scientists are working hard to turn them into realities.Let us suppose we can visit a home at the end of this century.We will visit a boy named Charlie Green.He is not feeling well this morning.His mother, Mrs Green, wants the doctor to see him.That is, she wants the doctor to listen to him.She brings a set of wires to Charlie's room.These wires are called sensors.She places one sensor in his mouth and one on his chest.She puts another one around his wrist and one on his forehead.Then she plugs the sensors into a wall outlet.She says the code “TCP”.This means “telephone call placed.” A little light flashes on the wall.The Green's wireless telephone is ready for a call.Mrs Green says “2478”, the doctor's telephone number.From a speaker on the wall comes the doctor's voice: “Good morning.” “Good morning, Dr Scott,” answers Mrs Green.“Charlie isn't feeling too well this morning.I've put the sensors on him.I wonder if you can examine him now.” “Sure,” the doctor's voice says.“Well, he doesn't have a fever.And his pulse is fine.Now, breathe deeply, Charlie.” Charlie does so.“Just a little cold,” says the doctor.“Better stay inside today, Charlie.And take it easy.” “Thank you, Doctor,” says Mrs Green.“TCC(telephone call completed).” The light on the wall turns off.The phone call and the examination are finished.“Charlie,” says Mrs Green,“ since you have to stay at home, why don't you do some shopping? You can pick out your new bicycle.After all, your birthday is only two weeks away.” “Great,” Charlie answers.Charlie and his mother sit in front of one of the visionphones.There are several in their house.“TCP,” says Charlie.The word ready appears on the screen of the visionphone.“New Forest Bicycle Shop,” a voice says.“May I help you?” Charlie answers, “I'd like to see your ten-speed bicycles.” In the next few minutes, pictures of many models of the bicycles are flashed on the creen.The price of each model is also shown.Then the voice asks, “Are you interested in any of these models?” “Yes, I'm interested in model 6.” “Do you wish to place an order at this time?” “Not just yet,” answers Mrs Green.“My son's birthday is in two weeks' time.Thank you.TCC.” The visionphone shuts off.Such would be our home in the future.LESSON 3 THE BLIND MEN AND THE ELEPHANT 盲人和象

Once upon a time there were six blind men who lived in a village in India.Every day they went to the road nearby and stood there begging.They had often heard of elephants, but they had never seen one, for , being blind, how could they? One morning an elephant was led down the road where they stood.When they heard that an elephant was passing by, they asked the driver to stop the beast so that they could have a “look”.Of course they could not look at him with their eyes, but they thought they might learn what kind of animal he was by touching and feeling him.For, you see, they trust their own sense of touch very much.The first blind man happened to place his hand on the elephant's side.“Well, well, ” he said.“This beast is exactly like a wall.” The second grasped one of the elephant's tusks and felt it.“You're quite mistaken,” he said.“He's round and smooth and sharp.He's more like a spear than anything else.” The third happened to take hold of the elephant's trunk.“You're both completely wrong,” he said.“This elephant is like a snake, as anybody can see.” The fourth opened both his arms the closed them around one of the elephant's legs.“Oh, how blind you are!” he cried.“It's very clear that he's round and tall like a tree.” The fifth was a very tall man, and he caught one of the elephant's ears.“Even the blindest person must see that this elephant isn't like any of the things you name.” he siad.“He's exactly like a huge fan.” The sixth man went forward to feel the elephant.He was old and slow and it took him quite some time to find the elephant at all.At last he got hold of the beast's tail.“Oh, how silly you all are!” cried he.“The elephant isn't like a wall, or a spear, or a snake, or a tree;neither is he like a fan.Any man with eyes in his head can see that he's exactly like a rope.” Then the driver and the elephant moved on, and the six men sat by the roadside all day, quarrelling about the elephant.They could not agree with one another, because each believed that he knew just what the beast looked like.It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes.People who can see sometimes act just as foolishly.LESSON 4 GALILEO AND ARISTOTLE 伽利略和亚里斯多德

About 2300 years ago, there lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle.He observed that feathers fell to the ground slowly, while stones fell much faster.He thought it over carefully and concluded that heavy objects always fell faster than light ones.His conclusion certainly sounded reasonale.But we now know that it is not true.In those days people seldom did experiments to test their ideas.When they observed anything that happened, they thought about it and then drew a conclusion.Once Aristotle made up his mind that heavy objects always fell faster than light objects, he taught it as a truth to his students.And because he was Aristotle, the great thinker, no one questioned his idea for almost 2000 years.Then, almost 400 years ago, an Italian scientist named Galileo began to question Aristotle's theory of falling objects.He was not ready to believe something just because Aristotle said so.He decided to do some experiments to test Aristotle's theory.Galileo lived in the city of Pisa, where there is a leaning tower about 180 feet high.From the top of the tower Galileo dropped a light ball and a heavy ball at exactly the same time.They both fell at about the same speed and hit the ground together.He tried the experiments again and again.Every time he got the same result.At last, he decided that he had found the truth about falling objects.As we know now, heavy objects and light objects fall at the same speed unless air holds them back.A feather falls slower than a stone only because the air holds the feather back more than it does the stone.When Galileo told people of his discovery, no one would belive him.But Galileo was not discouraged.He went on doing experiments to test the truth of other old ideas.He built a telescope through which he could study the skies.He collected facts that proved the earth and all the other planets move around the sun.Today we praise Galileo and call him one of the founders of modern science.He observed things carefully and never took anything for granted.Instead, he did experiments to test and prove an idea before he was ready to accept it.An experiment was done on the moon in July, 1971.One of the US astronauts who made the first deep space walk on the moon dropped a hammer and a feather together.They both landed on the surface of the moon at the same time.This experiment proved that Galileo's theory of falling objects is true.LESSON 5 THE LOST NECKLACE 丢失的项链

Place: a park in Paris Time: a summer afternoon in 1870 People: Mathilde Loisel, wife Pierre Loisel, husband Jeanne Forrestier, their friend(Jeanne is sitting in the park.Mathilde walks towards her, she stops and speaks to Jeanne.)Mathilde: Good afternoon, Jeanne.Jeanne:(Looking at the other woman)I'm sorry, but I don't think I know you.Mathilde: No, you wouldn't, but many years ago you knew me well.I'm Mathilde Loisel.Jeanne: Mathilde!My old school friend.Is it possible? But yes, of course it is.Now I remember.Where have you been all these years, Mathilde? I hope you weren't ill.Mathilde: No, Jeanne, I wasn't ill.You see here an old woman.But it's because of hard work221 B.C.), more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms.In 221 B.C., the kingdom of Qin united the different parts of China into one empire.To keep the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shi Huang had all the walls joined up.Thus the Great Wall came into being.Since then, it has often been added to, rebuilt and repaired, especially during the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644).The Great Wall, which is called in Chinese “The Ten-thousand-li Great Wall”, is actually more than 6,000 kilometres long, 6-7 metres high and 4-5 metres wide.In most places it is wide enough for five horses or ten men to walk side by side along the top.It has great gateways which connect the main roads of north China.Every few hundred meters along the Wall there are watchtowers, where soldiers used to keep watch.When the enemy came, fires were lit and at the same time guns were fired to warn soldiers at other towers.One column of smoke with one gunshot meant an enemy troop of about 100, two columns with two shots meant 500.In this way, a warning message could be sent 500 kilometres within a few houra.It was very difficult to build and rebuild such a great wall over wild and distant country without any modern machines.All the work had to be done by hand.Many people were forced to work on the wall far away from their homes.They lifted earth in baskets, assed bricks from hand to hand and dragged heavy stones with ropes over their shoulders.Their living conditions were terrible.Thousands of men died and were buried under the wall they built.The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.After the Great Wall were rebuilt hundreds of years ago, no more work was done on it until the People's Republic of China was founded.After that, parts of the Wall were repaired.On both sides of it new cities appeared, trees were planted, and desrets became grasslands.The old Great Wall took on a new look.Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest not only to the Chinese people, but also to people from all over the world.Many of them have come to know the famous Chinese saying:“ He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.” LESSON 11 AT A TAILOR'S SHOP 在服装店(选自《百万英镑》)

I was wandering through the streets when I caught sight of a tailor's shop.I wanted very much to get a new suit and throw off my old clothes.But...I had nothing in the world but a million-pound note.However, I could not resist the temptation.I went in and asked if they had a cheap suit.The fellow I spoke to made no answer at first, looked me up and down, noticed that I was almost in rags, then said, “Just a minute.” I waited till he had finished his work.Then he took me into a back room, where the rejected suits were kept.He looked through the suits and selected the cheapest one for me.I put it on.It didn't fit, but it was new and I was anxious to have it, so I said shyly: “Could you wait a few days for the money? I haven't any small change on me.” The fellow looked at me coldly and said, “Oh, you haven't? Well, of course, I know that gentlemen like you carry only large notes.” I was hurt and said, “My friend, you shouldn't judge a stranger always by the clothes he wears.I'm quite able to pay for this suit.I simply didn't wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note.” “Why do you think we can't change your note? On the contrary, we can.” I handed the note to him and said: “Oh, very well, I apologize.” He received it with a smile, and then as he looked at the note, his smile froze.Holding the note in his hand, he stood there dumbfounded.The owner of the shop came up to see what was the matter.I said, “There isn't any trouble.I'm just waiting for my change.” “Come, come;get him his change, Tod;get him his change.” Tod answered, “Get him his change!It's easy to say, sir;but look at the bill yourself.” The owner took a look, gave a low whistle, then made a dive for the rejected clothing and began to snatch it this way and that, talking all the while excitedly, as if to himself.“To sell such a suit as that to a millionaire!Tod's a fool.Ah, here's the thing I'm after.Please get those things off, sir, and throw them into the fire.Do me the favor to put on this shirt, and this suit.Ah, it's just the thing, the very thing!The trousers are all right;now the waistcoat;aha, right again!Now the coatthe whole thing!” I expressed my satisfaction.“Quite right, sir, quite right.But wait till you see what we'll make for you to your own measure.” Before I could get in a word he had measured me, and was giving orders for evening suits, morning suits, shirts and all sorts of things.“They will be ready the day after tomorrow,” he said.“But I can't give these orders, unless you can wait some time, or change the note.” “I can wait all my life, sir.Tod, you will send these things to the gentleman's address.Put down the gentleman's address and...” “I'm changing my hotel.I'll drop in and leave the new address,” I said.“Quite right, sir, quite right.One momentnothing else.” “How far away?” “About a mile and a half.They're standing still.” “What else do you see?” asked the captain after a moment of silence.The boy looked to the right.after a while he said: “Near the cemetery, between the trees, there's something shining, perhaps bayonets.” “Do you see any soldiers?” “No, if there are any,they must be hidden among the trees.” Just then there was the sharp whistle of a bullet which passed near the boy.“Get down!” said the captain.Another bullet whistled by.“They're shooting at me,” said the boy.“but don't worry.Let me tell you what's to the left.Well, there's a church and I think I see...” A third bullet passed, and at almost the same moment the boy was seen to fall suddenly fom the tree.He struck the gound heavily.Blood was trickling from his mouth.The captain ran to him and tore open the boy's shirt.A bullet had passed through his chest on the left.The boy opened his eyes for a moment, looked at the captain, and then died.“Poor boy!” said the captain over and over.He looked at the boy for a minute.He ordered a soldier to bring a national flag and covered the bot's body with it, leaving only his face exposed.The captain collected the boy's cap,shoes, knife, and the branch he had been cutting, and placed them near the boy's body.“We'll send somone to pick him up,” said the capyain.“He died like a soldier and we must bery him like a soldier.” The captain and his group moved on, but the story of the little boy spread quickly.Later that afternoon other groups of soldiers movrd up to the front.When they passed the place where the dead boy lay, each soldier saluted.Some of them placed flowers on the boy's body.Soon it was covered with flowers.On the boy's pale face there was a half-smile that seemed to suggest that he was happy to have given his life to his country.English--Book Two--1984年版高中英语课本



The night before last, just before dinner, while my father was looking through the evening paper, he suddenly let out a cry of surprise.Later he explained:“ I had thought that he had died at least twenty years ago.But can you believe that my first teacher, Mr.Crossett, is still living? He is eight-four years old and yesterday the Department of Education gave him a medal for having completed sixty years of teaching.Sixty years!Can you imagine it? He gave up teaching only two years ago.He lives in Deleville, which is only about an hour's ride from here.Henry, tomorrow is Saturday.Let's drive over there and say hello to him.”

The next afternoon my father and I drove over to Deleville to see Mr.Crossett.Everyone in the town knew him so we had no trouble in finding his house.When he came to the door, my father recognized him at once though, of course, he was now a very old man.“Mr.Crossett,” said my father, “will you permit an old pupil to shake hands with you?”

Mr.Crossett looked at us curiously.“An old pupil? I'm sorry but...your name?”

My father told him his namea tall tree? Bamboo is this kind of grass.It grows up straight and thin with branches at the top.Although bamboo is really a kind of grass, it looks more like a treebamboo? LESSON 2-03


ANSWERED FOR(Ⅰ)所有这一切都是要偿还的(选自《双城记》)

The following account was written by Alexandre Manette, a French doctor, in 1767 when he was a prisoner in the Bastille in France.In his account Dr.Manette told the story of the great wrong done to him.When he was walking by the river Seine one night in December 1757, two noblemen forced him into their carriage and took him to a lonely house.There, in a room upstairs, he found a young and beautiful girl, who kept shouting and crying, obviously mad.He did what he could to calm her, and then he was taken down to another room, where he found a wounded peasant boy, who was dying.The boy told him his story and also that of the girl upstairs, who was his sister, and of the terrible wrongs that had been done them by the two noblemen.The boy died, and a week later, so did his sister.The doctor wrote a letter to the Minister disclosing the whole affair.The next day he was kidnapped and thrown into the Bastille.The following is taken from Dr.Manette's account of his meeting with the boy and of what the boy told him.The older of the two noblemen took a light and led me into a back room.There on some hay on the ground lay a peasant boy of not more than seventeen.He lay on his back, his teeth set, his right hand clenched on his breast, and his glaring eyes looking straight upward.I could not see where his wound was as I knelt on one knee over him, but I could see that he was dying.“I am a doctor, my poor fellow,” said I.“Let me examine you.”

“I do not want to be examined,” he answered.“Let me be.”

The wound was under his hand, and I persuaded him to let me move his hand away.It was a sword-thrust, received from twenty to twenty-four hours before, but nothing could have saved him even if he had been tended without delay.He was then dying fast.“How did this happen, monsieur?”

“A serf, He forced my brother to draw upon him, and fell by my brother's sword,” said the nobleman.The boy's eyes had slowly moved to the nobleman as he spoke, and they now moved to me..Slowly, he spoke out:

'He is lying, Doctor.I have a sister.She was engaged to a young man, a tenant of his.We were all tenants of hisI say, we were so robbed, and were made so poor, that our father told us it was a dreadful thing to bring a child into the world.“

I had never before seen the feeling of being oppressed, bursting forth like a fire.I had supposed that it must be latest somewhere in the people, but I had never seen it break out until I saw it in the dying boy.”Doctor, my sister married the man she was engaged to.He was ill at the time, and she married him so that she might tend and comfort him in our cottage.She had not been married many weeks when that man's younger brother saw her and was struck by her beauty.Then with that man's permission and even with his help, he seized her and took her away.I saw them pass me on the road.When I told our father about this, his heart burst.Then, last night I followed him here, and climbed in, sword in hand.“My sister heard me, and ran in.Then that man's brother came in.He first threw me some pieces of money, then struck me with a whip.As I fought back, he drew his sword and thrust it at me.”Now, lift me up, Doctor;lift me up, where is he?“

”He is not here,“ I said, supporting the boy.I thought he was referring to the younger of the two noblemen.”Ha!Proud as these nobles are, he is afraid to see me.Where is the man who was here? Turn my face to him.“

I did so, raising the boy's head against my knee.But, filled for the moment with extraordinary strength, he raised himself completely, obliging me to rise too, or I could not have supported him.”Marquis,“ said the boy, turning to the man, and his right hand raised, ”in the days when all these things are to be answered for, I summon you and yours, to the last of your bad race, to answer for them.In the days when all these things are to be answered for, I summon your brother, the worst of your bad race, to answer for them separately.“

He stood there for an instant with his hand still raised.Then, as it dropped, he dropped with it, and I laid him down dead.LESSON 2-05


Some birds will fly away to the south when the weather turns cold.Other birds and all animals stay with you but you, will not see all the animals all through the winter.In the cold weather some of them hibernate.They go to sleep in all kinds of places.Red squirrels disappear inside trees, bears use caves, frogs go deep under the mud, and many other animals dig tunnels in the earth.A good many animals sleep under the snow.There is a lot of air in loose snow, and this helps to keep the cold out.Some warm-blooded animals, like the cat, the dog or the wolf, do not need to hibernate;they lead an active life which keeps up their normal body temperature even in very cold winter weather.But for a cold-blooded animal such as a frog or a snake it is a different matter.When the air temperature is below freezing, the creature's body temperature drops too.It cannot move about in its usual way.Then it has no choice but to lie down and sleep.To do that, it must find a place where it can keep fairly warm;and it must be a place where its enemies cannot find it.Hibernation is more than sleep.It is a very deep sleep.The animal’s temperature drops to just over zero centigrade, and its heart beats very slowly.People who find hibernating animals asleep often think that they are dead: the body feels very cold, and the animal may breathe only once every five minutes.A hibernating animal cannot feel any pain.You can touch it, or even pull its tail, without causing it to move or wake up.In its hibernating state it can even live in a poisonous atmosphere for a long time without any ill effect.Hibernating in that way, the animal can sleep all through the winter.You might wonder how it manages to live without eating for so many months.The answer lies in two facts.The first is that it has stored supplies of fat in its body during the summer and autumn.The second is connected with the main use the body makes of foodas if it had been electrified.He was short.His clothes seemed to be just pulled on to keep him covered, like a blanket to keep one warm.He had a big nose, a short, thick moustache, and deep-set eyes.He was staring, thinking.He almost knocked me down before he saw me.He gave me a friendly smile, then he walked on and went on thinking.I noticed he had on bedroom slippers.He had forgotten to put on his shoes.He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairy tales and had passed me like a spirit.That night at dinner when I told my family about the strange, funny man I had seen, my father put down his knife and fork, looked at me and said, 'My child, remember this.Today you saw the greatest man in the world!'”

That man was Elbert Einstein.How and why he had come to Princeton, New Jersey is a story of struggle, success, and sadness.Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879.When he was a boy, he liked to ask questions.By the time he was fourteen years old, he had learned advanced mathematics all by himself.By then he knew what he wanted to be when he grew up.He wanted to be physicist and devoted himself to abstract research.The Einsteins, however, could not pay for the advanced education that young Albert needed.But the family did manage to send him to a technical school and later to the Federal Institute of Technology in Switzerland.After graduation, he went to work, first as a teacher, then in a government office.With the pay that he received and saved, he was later able to go on with his education at the University of Zurich, where he received a doctor's degree in 1905.This was the period when he first began the research and studies which led to his famous Theory of Relativity.His theory was so advanced that few people could understand it at that time and even fewer would accept it.Many scientist laughed at it.But Einstein stuck to his theory and went on with his research.LESSON 2-07

ALBERT EINSTEIN(Ⅱ)阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(续)

As time went on, Einstein's theory proved to be correct and by 1914 he had become famous all over the world.His work was stopped, however, by the First World War.The war and the suffering that it caused affected him greatly.He lost interest in much of his research.Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get happily back to work.During the postwar years in Germany, many honors were given to Einstein.He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.In 1929 a great celebration was held on his fiftieth birthday in Berlin.Being a shy man, Einstein did not attend, but he received several baskets full of cards, flowers and telegrams of congratulation.The gifts to him would have filled a railway car.When Hitler came into power in Germany, Einstein, who was a Jew, found the doors of study closed to him.Not only was everything that he had taken away from him, but also his German citizenship.He became a man without a country.Fleeing Germany, Einstein went first to France, then to Belgium, and then to Britain.There he received a letter inviting him to go to the United States to teach at a well-known research institute in Princeton.He accepted, but asked for a very small salary.Einstein cared little for money, though he could have been very rich.He once refused to speak on the radio for $1000 a minute.Another time he was seen using a check for $1500 as a bookmark.Then he lost the book!

Like many scientists, Einstein loved music;he played the violin fairly well.In Princeton, he lived quietly, working at the institute and enjoying himself by playing his violin in his simple home.Often there were visitors like the twelve-year-old girl who, for a time, formed the habit of visiting him on her way home from school.After some time, the puzzled mother met Dr.Einstein and asked him what he and her daughter talked about.The doctor smelled and explained:“ Oh, she brings me cookies and I do her arithmetic homework for her.”

Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man of great achievements.LESSON 2-08


INVENTION 教授和他的发明 Characters PMary Hunter, his daughter GMr Rose, men from London ISergeant Bull

Scene 1

(Mary Hunter and Miss Green are in the professor's roomwhich was the total of their incomesomething worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim.There was a mirror between the windows of the room.Suddenly she whirled from the window and stood before the glass.Her eyes were shining brilliantly, but soon her face lost its color.Rapidly she pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length.Now, Della and Jim had two possessions in which they both took very great pride.One was Jim's gold watch, which had been his father's and his grandfather's.The other was Della's hair.It fell about her, rippling and shining like a brown waterfall.It reached below her knees and almost made a garment for her.She did her hair up again nervously and quickly.She hesitated for a minute and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet.On went her old brown jacket.On went her old brown hat.With a whirl of skirts and with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes, she ran out the door and down the stairs into the street.She stopped at a sign that read: “Madame Sofronie.We Buy Hair Goods of All Kinds.” One flight up Della ran, and paused for a moment, panting.She opened the door.“Will you buy my hair?” asked Della.“Take your hat off and let's have a look at it,” said Madame.Down came the long brown waves.“Twenty dollars,” said Madame, lifting the mass of hair with a practised hand.“Give it to me quickly,” said Della.The next two hours sped by in a whirl of happiness.She searched shop after shop for Jim's present.She found it at last.It surely had been made for Jim and no one else.It was a gold watch chain.It was even worthy of The Watch.As soon as she saw it she knew that it must be Jim's.It was just right for him.Twenty-one dollars they took for it, and she hurried home with the remaining 87 cents.When Della reached home she looked at what was left for her poor hair and started to work on it.Within forty minutes her head was covered with tiny curls that made her look wonderfully like a naughty schoolboy.She looked at herself in the mirror long, carefully, and critically.At 7 o'clock the coffee was made and the frying-pan was on the back of the stove, hot and ready to cook the supper.LESSON 2-15



Jim was never late.Della held the gold chain tightly in her hand and sat on the corner of the table near the door by which he always entered.Then she heard his step on the stairs, and she turned pale for just a moment.The door opened and Jim stepped in and closed it.He looked thin and very serious.Poor fellow, he was only twenty-twoyou won't mind, do you? I just had to do it.My hair grows very fast, you know.Say `Merry Christmas!' Jim, and let's be happy.You don't know what a nicesold and gone.It's Christmas Eve, Jim.Be good to me, for it went for you.“

Jim seemed quickly to wake out of his trance.He drew a package from his overcoat pocket and threw it upon the table.”Don't make any mistake about me, Della,“ he said, ”I don't think there's anything about a haircut that could make me love you any less.But if you unwrap that package you will see why I was upset at first.“

Della's fingers tore at the string and paper.Then an excited scream of joy, and then, alas!a quick change to tears.For there lay The Combsjust the colour to wear in her beautiful hair.They were expensive combs, she knew, and her heart had longed for them without the least hope of possession.And now they were hers, but with her hair gone their could be no use for them.But she hugged them to her chest, and at last she was able to look up with tearful eyes and a smile and say: ”My hair grows so fast, Jim!“

Them Della remembered something else and cried, ”Oh, oh!“

Jim had not yet seen his beautiful gift.She held it out to him eagerly in her open hand.”Isn't it lovely, Jim? I hunted all over town to find it.You'll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now.Give me your watch.I want to see how it looks on it.“

Instead of obeying, Jim dropped onto the couch, put his hands under the back of his head and smiled.”Della,“ said he, ”let's put our Christmas gifts away and keep them a while.They're too nice to use just at present.I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs...And now, let's have our supper.LESSON 2-16


A snowstorm can be exciting.But too much snow can cause trouble.I learned this in a way I will never forget.My name is Tom Johnson.I'm a bus driver.At five o'clock one morning I turned my bus onto Highway 66.It was snowing.But I was used to driving in all kinds of weather.Maybe the storm wouldn't last long, I thought.As I drove, I counted my passengers.There were 14“Bus stuck on Highway 66.Road blocked.Passengers in danger.” When help did not come, I began to worry.Snow was still falling.It had grown colder, much colder.“We're in real trouble.” I said to myself.“There's still enough gas, and while it lasts the motor will keep the bus warm.When it's gone, everyone will be freezing cold.That poor little boy!” I told the passengers, “ I'm going up the road.I'll get gas and food.When it gets cold in here, let the motor run a while.You'll be warm enough.I'll get back as soon as I can.” Then I stepped out of the bus and into the snowstorm.Fighting the Storm

It was snowing much harder now.The whiteness hurt my eyes.Snowdrifts gad covered the highway in many places and I kept falling down and bumping my knees.I stayed on the road by following the telephone poles.As it was growing dark, I came to a car stuck in a drift.There were people in itand shortened too, if necessary.My second answer to this question of diffcult vocabulary is, I think, a much better one.Don't stop every time you come to a word or phrase you don't know.Read the whole chapter quickly.Quite often you'll find the unknown word comes again, perhaps several times, and by the end of the chapter you've have guessed its meaning.That's how we learn the meaning of words in our own language, isn't it? When we're children, I mean.When I'm telling a story to children, they seldom stop to ask what a word means.Even when they read, they don't turn to the dictionary every time they see an unknown word.Read a chapter quickly, and then go back and read it more slowly.This time, use your reference books when necessary.But try to judge what is worth looking up and what is not.You'll tell me it's diffcult, very often, for oyu to judge whether an unknown word is important or not.I agree that this is often true.But it's not always difficult.You're going to be an architect, so words used in architecture are important to you.If they're new to you, you'll look them up.But the reader is not interested in architecture, he could pass them by.They're not always necessary for his enjoyment of the book.When I read my Times these days I often find articles about the uses of atomic energy.There are sometimes words Idon't knowsimply by meeting them so often.Well, that's my advice to you.I hope you'll find it helpful.It isn't perfect, I know.There will be times when, if you decide not to look up a reference, you'll miss something that may be important.But I feel I'm right in advising you not to be too thorough in your use of reference booksthe Olympic Games.The next race was the woemn's relay race, and it promised to be an exciting one.Teams from six countries were entered.The winning team would be champions of the world.The crowd became silent as the teams took their places.Many eyes turned to a tall, 20-year-old black girl on the U.S.team.She was Wilma Rudolph, the fourth and the last runner for the United States.At the sound of the gun, the first runners shot from their starting points.Relay sticks in their hands, they raced to the second runners.The second runners, already moving, grabbed the sticks and raced on.Now the third runners had the sticks.And the runners for the U.S.team was in the lead!She dashed toward Wilma.Already running, Wilma reached for the stick.But her teammate almost dropped it.Wilma had to stop to get a good hold on the stick.That moment's stop cost the U.S.its lead.A girl of the German team was flying two steps ahead of Wilma.Wilma urged herself “Faster!Faster!” Bit by bit she closed the gap.She caught up with the German girl.Then she pulled ahead.At the finishing line Wilma breasted the tape.She and her teammates had taken first place!

It was a wonderful victory, even more wonderful than you might think.For Wilma hadn't even been able to walk for one third pf her life!

Wilma Rudolph was the youngest child in a big family.Both parents worked in order to have enough money to raise the children.The older boys and girls were healthy, but Wilma was sick most of the time.She was barely walking at the age of four.Then she became seriously ill and for weeks was near death.She managed to pull through, but she couldn't move her left leg.It appeared that the little girl would probably never walk.But Wilma's mother was determined to give her a chance.She wrapped Wilma on a blanket and took her by bus to a hospital 45 miles away.The doctors give the little girl all kinds of tests.Finally they said that rubbing the little girl's leg might help.But she would have to be treated every day..And it might take years!

“I can't bring her here every day,” Wilma's mother said.“Can you teach me?”

The doctors showed Mrs Rudolph what to do.“But you'll still have to bring her here to the hospital once a week, ”they said.Wilma's mother followed the doctors' orders.Every day after supper she rubbed Wilma's leg.She rubbed and eubbed until long after Wilma had fallen asleep.And on her day off once a week, she and Wilma made the 90-mile round trip to the hospital.'After a year the doctors said, “We think the leg is better, but it's hard to tell.”

That night Mrs Rudolph taught her three older children how to rub Wilma's leg.From then on, Wilma's leg got treated four times a day.“She's going to walk,” Mrs Rudolph said.In another year, Wilma could manage a sort of hop.And at the age of eight she was walking a bit with the aid of a leg brace.That summer the doctors changed the brace for a special heavy shoe.In the fall, Wilma limped off to school.Wilma's brother Wesley liked to play basketball.He had put up a basket on a pole in the back yard.To the family's surprise, Wilma was soon out in the yardand rolling wildly.His face was as gray as ashes.I stopped.Al's eyws warned me.then his lips moved.I crawled close and heard his whisper.“Snake!”

My eyes followed Al's--down to the lump over his stomach.My blood froze.A snake was in Al'a sleeping bag.Another sound from me and the snake might strike.I inched backwaod.Then I turned and tiptoed toward the Indian and Vargas and in a whisper told them what I had seen.We stared at one another, not daring to speak out loud.“It's our own fault,” I thought bitterly.“We should have cut away the jungle brush.There's always a chance of a snake hiding there.” But we had talked it over and decided we should be safe on the top of the hill.How wrong we were!

The three of us tiptoed toward Al.We stared silently at the lump the snake made in the bag.From its shape, it could be a bushmastera deadly bushmaster!

The head turned this way and that.Then the ugly brown body poured itself through the neck of the sleeping bag.It slid past Al's face and moved toward a nearby bush.Vargas pulled out his gun.Crack!The snake was blown to pieces.LESSON 6 MY TEACHER 我的老师(选自海伦·凯勒《我的一生》)

Before Anne Sullivan came to our house, one or two people had told my mother that I was an idiot.I can understand why.Here was a seven-year-old girl who at the age of 19 months had become deaf and blind.And because I was deaf, I could not learn to speak.Struggling in a world of silence and darkness, I did seem like an idiot.But this was before Annie sullivan came to stay.She was a lively young woman with patience and imaginaion.A born teacher, she dreamed of turning a deaf-blind creature into a useful human being.What a challenge I must have been to this young teacher!I remember the many times she tried to spell words into my small hand.But neither words nor letters meant anything to me.I thought her finger movements were some kind of game.But at last, on April 5, 1887, she reached my understanding.About a month after her arrival, she taught me the word “water.”

It happened at the well where I was holding a jar while Annie pumped.As the water splashed onto my hand, she kept spelling w-a-t-e-r into my other hand with her fingers.Suddenly I understood!

It was the first joy I had known for years.I reached out to Annie’s hand.She understood I was begging for new words, for the names of the things I touched.The wordsflew from her hand to mine.Those first words were to change my world.One of the first things Annie did was to teach me to play.I had not laughed since I became deaf.One day she came into my room laughing merrily.Putting my hand on her face, she spelt l-a-u-g-h.Then she tickled me into a burst of laughter.Next Annie took me by the hand and taught me how to hop and skip.She then immediately spelt the words h-o-p and s-k-i-p for me.In a few days I was learninglike any child.Annie kept some pigeons in a cage so that when they were let out I might feel the air from their wings.In this way I found out how birds could fly.The pigeons would land on my head and shoulders.I learned to feed them and understand their ways.That is why birds, though I could not see them, have always been as much a part of my world as flowers and stones.Teacher would not let the world about me be silent.Through my hands and fingers, I “heard” the sounds that one hears on a farm, the noise made by cows, horses, chickens, pigs.She brought me into touch with everything that could be reached or felt-sunlight, the rustling of silk, the noises of insects, the creaking of a door, the voice of a loved one.Annie treated me exactly as if I were a seeing and hearing child.As soon as I had enough words to know the difference between right and wrong, I was put to bed whenever I did something wrong.How wonderful to be treated like a normal child, even when I was bad!

As I look back upon those years, I am struck by Annie's wisdom.Perhaps she understood me because she herself had always had very weak eyes.Annie was born in a poor family, on April 4, 1866.Her mother died when she was eight years old.Two years later, her father dissappeared, never to be heard from again.Annie and.her brother were sent to a house for orphans.There the boy died.No one outside the orphans' home was interested in Annie, who was almost blind.But finally, after four years, she managed to escape by crying out to a group of visitors, “I want to go to school!”

At an institution for the blind, Annie learned braille.This is a kind of printing for blind people so that they can read by touch.She also learned a kind of alphabet for the blind, in which different finger positions stand for different letters of the alphabet.Later, an operation helped her to get back part of her sight, but she remained at her institution for six years more.There she studied about teaching deaf-blind children.One day a letter from my father arrived at the school.It asked a teacher for me.Annie considered the challenge just the one she wanted.That is how Annie came to with us.Annie was among the first to realize that a blind person never knows his hidden strength until he is treated like a normal human being.She never pitied me;she never praised me unless what I did was as good as that of the best of a normal person.And she encouraged me when I made up my mind to go to college.During my years in school, Annie sat beside me every class.She spelled out the things that the teachers taught.And, because most books were not printed in braille, she herself read them to me by spelling into my hand what was written in the books.Teacher's eyes were always a problem.“I can't see an inch ahead, ” she once told me.A doctor was shocked when he heard that she read to me five or more hours every day.Because of this, I often pretended to remember parts of books that I had forgotten, so that she wouldn't have to reread them to me.It took great imagination as well as patience for Annie to teach me to speak.Putting both my hands on her face when she spoke, she let me feel all the movements of her lips nad throat.Together we repeated and repeated words and sentences.My speech was clumsy and not pleasant to hear.But I was delighted to be able to say words that my family and a few friends could understand.For Annie I owe thanks for this priceless gift of speech.It has helped me to serve others.Teacher's inpiration lived on after her death.She had believed in me.I must always keep on trying to do my best.“No matter what happens, ” she often said, “keep on beginning.Each time you fail, atart all over again.You will grow stronger each time, until you can doand finish what you started out to do.” Who could count the times Annie tried, failed, and then conquered?

What a great teacher!What a great person!LESSON 7 THE TRIAL 审判(选自《威尼斯商人》)

Antonio, a merchant in Venice, was liked by everyone because he was always ready to help others.He had many ships which traded with other countries.Now his ships were all at sea.Bassanio, Antonio's best friend, was in love with Portia, a rich and beautiful lady who also loved him.But he was sad because he could not ask Portia to marry him while he himself had no money.So he asked Antonio to lend him three thousand ducats.Antonio did not have any money just then.He went to Shylock, a cruel moneylender, who hated him, because he had often publicly scolded him for his greed.Shylock agreed to lend Antonio the money on condition that Antonio must promise to give him a pound of his flesh and allow him to cut the flesh from any part of his body if he did not pay back the money at the end of three months.Antonio agreed, took the three thousand ducats and gave the money to Bassanio.Bassanio and Portia arranged to get married.It so happened that Bassanio's servant Gratiano had fallen in love with Portia's maid Nerissa.These two also decided to get married.As the two couples were discussing the wedding arrangements, a letter arrived from Antonio, saying that all his ships were all lost at sea and he would have to give Shylock a pound of his flesh.He wished to see Bassanio before he died.After the couples got wedding, Portia told Bassanio to go at once to his friend.When Bassanio and Gratiano had gone, Portia thought of a clever plan to save Antonio.She had a good friend who was a doctor of laws.She asked him to lend her some of his lawyer's clothes and notes.She pretended to be a lawyer and Nerissa dressed herself like a lawyer's clerk.They went to Vinice.When they arrived, Antonio and Shylock had been brought before the Duke, and the trial had begun.*


* Duke: Have mercy on Antonio.Everyone thinks that you will pretend to be cruel until the last minute.Then you will show your mercy.Shylock: I've promised to take my pound of flesh.If you do not let me have it, that will be bad for Venice.No one will trust your laws any more.The greatness of Venice will soon be lost.Antonio is my enemy, I hate him.Bassanio: Do all men kill the things they do not love? Antonio: It is useless trying to talk to Shylock.Don't wait any longer.Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants.Bassanio: I'll pay you six thousand ducats for the three thousand ducats that Antonio borrowed.Shylock: If you offered me six times the amount that you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh.Give me my pound of flesh!Duke: How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? Shylock: I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgement.Give me my pound of flesh!(As the Duke is wondering what to do, Nerissa, dressed like a lawyer's clerk, arrives with a letter from the famous lawyer whom Portia has visited.While the Duke is talking to Nerissa, Shylock begins to get ready to cut his pound of flesh from Antonio.Then the letter is read out for all the court to hear: “I am very ill.When your letter reached me, I had with me a learned young doctor from Rome.I told him about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio.We studied many lawbooks and he knows what I would say.I ask you to let him stand in my place and give judgment.He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.”

After the letter has been read to the court, Portia, in lawyer's clothes, enters the room.She takes her seat as judge.)Portia: Are you Antonio?--And is this your agreement with Shylock? Antonio: It is.Portia: Then Shylock must be merciful;he must have mercy on Antonio.Shylock: Why must I have mercy on him? Tell me that!Portia: Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth.It blesses him who gives it, and him who receives it.We should learn to show mercy to others.Do you still ask for this pound of flesh? Shylock: I ask for what is mine by law!Bassanio: I offer ten times the amount of money that Antonio has borrowed.Please change the law a little so that we may save Antonio.Portia: We cannot change a law.If one law is changed, then other men will later want to change other laws.Shylock: Oh, wise young judge!Portia: Let me see this agreement, this promise of Antonio to you.Shylock: Here it is.Portia: Yes, by law Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut off by him nearest to Antonio's heart.Be merciful!Let me destroy this paper.--No? Then, Antonio, be ready;and Shylock, take your knife.Shylock: Oh, learned judge!Oh, wise young man!Portia: Have you brought anything to weigh the flesh? Shylock: Yes.I have everything ready here.Portia: Do you have a doctor, Shylock, to stop Antonio's blood? Shylock: That is not in the agreement.Portia: Do you wish to say anything, Antonio? Antonio: Only a little.Goodbye, Bassanio.Don't be sad for me.Tell your wife about me and how much I loved you.If Shylock cuts deep enough, I'll pay him back with all my heart.Bassanio: I love you more than my own life, more than my wife, and more than all the world.(He cries.)Portia: Your wife wouldn't like that offer if she were present to hear you.Gratiano: I have a wife, whom I love very much.But I wish that she were dead and in heaven, so that she would be able to ask God to help Antonio.NerissAntonio: It is good that you make this wish when she is not here.If she were present, there would be trouble in your home.Shylock: We are wasting time.Portia: Take your pound of flesh.The court allows it and the law gives it to you.(Shylock begins to move towards Antonio, and is ready to act.)Portia: Wait!There is something else.Antonio has promised to give you a pound of his flesh.But he has not promised to give you any of his blood.If you let one drop of his blood fall, you will lose


必修一 UNIT1 survey 调查

add up



adj.心烦意乱的 不安的 ignore

不理睬,忽视 calm

vt.vi平静平静的 calm …down

使平静下来; have got to 不得不


担忧;涉及;关系 be concerned about

关心 walk the dog 遛狗 loose

松的;松开的 vet 兽医

go through



n.纳粹党人adj.纳粹党的 set down 记下 放下 series

连续;系列 a series of 一连串的 outdoors

在户外 spellbinding

迷住 on purpose 故意 in order to 为了… dusk 黄昏;傍晚

at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thunder



整个的;完全的 entirely

整个地;完全地 power 能力;力量;权力 face to face 面对面地 curtain 窗帘 幕布 dusty 积满灰尘的

no longernot…any longer 不再 partner

伙伴;合伙人 settle


suffer 遭受

suffer from 患病 loneliness

;寂寞 highway 公路; recover

痊愈 恢复

getbe tired of 对…厌烦

pack 捆扎;包装;小包;包裹 pack sth up 将(东西)装箱打包 suitcase 手提箱 overcoat 外套

teenager 十几岁的青少年

get along with 与…相处; gossip 闲话

fall in love 相爱 爱上 exactly 确切地 disagree 不同意 grateful 感激的 dislike 不喜欢 join in 参加


n.揭示 技巧 尖端 倾斜 secondly 第二;其次 swap


item 项目;条款


subway 地下人行道 elevator 电梯 直升机 petrol



汽油;气体;煤气;毒气 official 官方的;正式的 voyage 航海


征服;占领 because of 因为


adj.本国的;本地的;n本地人;本国人come up 走近;上来;提出 apartment 公寓住宅 actually 实际上 AD 公元

base 以…为根据;n 基部;基地;基础 at present 现在;目前 gradual 逐渐的 gradually 逐渐地

enrich 富裕;充实;改善

vocabulary 词汇;词汇量;词表 Shakespeare 莎士比亚 make use of 使用 spelling 拼写

latter 较后的;后半的 identity 本身 身份 fluent 流利的 fluently 流利地 such as

例如 frequent

频繁的 usage



命令;指令;掌握 request

请求;要求 dialect 方言

expression 词语;表达 midwestern 中西部的

African 非洲的 ;非洲人的;非洲语言的 play a part(in)

扮演一个角色;参与 eastern



东南方的;来自东南方的 northwestern 西北方的;来自西北的 recognize

辨认出;承认;公认 lorry


lightning 闪电


直接;挺直 笔直的 block






prefer 更喜欢;选择某事物 disadvantage不利条件


route 路线.路途

flow 流动 流出 流量

ever since 从那以后



graduate 毕业 n 大学毕业生


schedule 时间表;进度表

fond宠爱的 喜爱的 be fond of 喜爱;喜欢

short coming缺点

stubborn顽固的;固执的organize 组织

care about 关心;忧虑;

detail 细节 source

来源;水源 determine 确定;下定决心

change one’s mind改变主意

journey 旅行

altitude 海拔高度

make up one’s mind 下决心.决定

give in 投降 屈服 让步



glacier 冰河;冰川

Tibetan 西藏

rapids 急流 valley 山谷;流域

waterfall 瀑布

pace 速度;步调 bend 拐角 弯曲 弯腰 delta 三角洲 attitude 看法

Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰 boil


forecast 预测

parcel 包裹

insurance 保险

wool 羊毛.毛织品

as usual


reliable 可靠的view

风景 注视 观点 pillow 枕头

midnight 午夜

flame火焰 光芒

热情 beneath 在…下面

temple 寺庙

cave 洞穴



quake 地震

right away 立刻马上

well 井

crack 裂缝 劈啪声 破裂 farmyard 农场 pipe 导管 burst爆发

million 百万


as if 仿佛.好像

at an end 结束;终结


canal 运河.水道

steam 蒸汽


ruin 废墟 毁灭

in ruins 严重受损 破败不堪suffering苦难.痛苦

extreme极度的injure 损害


destroy 破坏 消灭

brick 砖块


track轨道.足迹 useless无用的.无效的shock 震动 震惊 休克

rescue 援救

trap 陷阱;困境



disaster 灾难

dig out 掘出.发现

bury 埋葬.隐藏

mine 矿山 矿井


shelter 掩蔽.掩蔽处

a(great)number of许多


reporter 记者 bar 条;棒;条状物 damage 损害

frighten 惊吓;吓唬

congratulation 祝贺

judge 判断 判决 裁判员 sincerely真诚地

express表示 表达 快递

outline 要点;大纲

headline报刊的大字标题 cyclist 骑自行车的人

UNIT5 quality质量

warm-hearted 热心肠的 mean 吝啬的;自私的active 积极的.活跃的generous 慷慨大方的easy-going 随和的self 自我selfish自私的

selfless无私的.忘我的selflessly 无私地;忘我地devote献身.专心于

devoted 忠实的;深爱的 Bible

《圣经》 invader 侵略者 found建设 republic 共和国

principle法则 原则 原理

nationalism 民族主义;国家主义


谋生 peaceful和平的 安宁的giant 巨大的mankind人类



legal 法律的.fee费用

out of work 失业

helpful有希望的youth 青年

league同盟 联合会

Youth League青年团

stage舞台 阶段 时期

vote 投票 表决

attack攻击 抨击


as a matter of fact 事实

blow up 充气;爆炸

equal 相等的.平等的

in trouble 在危险、痛苦、忧虑的处境中willing 乐意的 自愿的unfair 不公正的.不公平的turn to 求助于;致力于 release 释放;发行

lose heart 丧失勇气或信心

escape逃走 泄露


educate 教育

educated 受过教育的.有教养的come to power 当权;上台

beg 请求 乞求


terror恐怖 恐怖时期 恐怖活动


reward报酬 奖金

set up 建立

sentence 判决 宣判

be sentenced to 被判处……(徒刑)anti-【前缀】反;抗;阻 anti-black 反黑人的 president总统 校长


看法 主张

必修二 UNIT1 cultural文化的relic遗物.遗迹

rare 稀有的valuable

有价值的survive 幸免 幸存

vase 花瓶

dynasty 朝代

ivory 象牙 dragon 龙

amber 琥珀;琥珀色 in search of 寻找

amaze 吃惊





design设计 构思

fancy 奇特的 异样的style风格 类型

decorate 装饰.装修

jewel 珠宝


belong属于 belong to 属于

in return 作为回报

troop 群


reception 接待 接收

at war 处于交战状态

remove 移动

less than 少于

wooden 木制的doubt怀疑 疑惑

mystery 神秘

former以前的worth值得的 rebuild重建

local 本地的apart分离地

take apart 拆开

painting绘画 castle城堡

trial审判 试验

eyewitness 目击者 evidence 根据,证据


entrance 入口


sink 下沉



think highly of 看重;器重



ancient adj 古代的 古老的compete vi 比赛 竞争

competitor n 竞争者

take part in 参加

medal n 奖章

stand for 代表 象征

mascot n 吉祥物



adj 巫术的 魔术的 有魔力的volunteer志愿者

homeland 祖国

regular adj 规则的 定期的 常规的basis 基础,根据

athlete n 运动员


slave 奴隶

nowadays 现今 现在gymnastics 体操;体能训练

athletics 体育运动.竞技

stadium 大体育场


as well 也 又 还

host 做东 招待 n 主人

responsibility n 责任.职责

olive 橄榄树 橄榄叶 橄榄枝 橄榄色

wreath 花圈

replace 取代

motto 座右铭

swift 迅速的

similarity 相像性:相似点

Athens 雅典(希腊首都)

charge 收费.控诉

in charge主管 看管


adj 物理的.身体的fine 罚款 poster 海报

advertise 广告

princess 公主 prince王子

glory 光荣

bargain 便宜货 讨价还价 hopeless 绝望的foolish

adj 愚蠢的goddess 女神

pain 痛苦

one after another 一个接一个地

deserve 应受.值得


UNIT3 abacus n 算盘

calculate n 计算器

PC(= personal comPuter)个人电脑 laptop 手提电脑

PDA(personal digital assistant)掌上电脑 个人数码助理

analytical adj 分析的calculate计算

universal adj 普遍的 宇宙的simplify 简化

sum 总数

operator 操作员;接线员

logical 逻辑的;合情理的logically 逻辑上;合逻辑地、technology 科技.技术

technological adj 科技的revolution革命

artificial 人造的.假的intelligence 智力 聪明 智能

intelligence adj 智能的solve 解决

mathematical数学的from … on 从时起

reality 真实 现实

designer 设计师

personal 私人的 亲自的personally 就个人而言,亲自

tube 管子

chip 碎片;芯片

as a result 结果


adj 总的 n 总数.合计

so … that … 如此



web 网

application 应用 用途 申请


mobile 可移动的 rocket 火箭

explore 探索


anyhow(也作 anyway)无论如何goal 目标 球门 得分

happiness 幸福;快乐

human rare人类

supporting adj 支持的download 下载

programmer 程序员


android 机器人

signal发信号 信号

teammate同伴 type 打字

in a way 在某种程度上

coach 教练


with the help of 在 的帮助下

electronic adj 电子的appearance 外貌;出现

character 性格.特点

mop 拖把

deal with 处理

watch over 看守

naughty 顽皮的

niece 侄女

spoil 损坏

UNIT4 wildlife 野生动植物

protection 保护

wild 野生的 未开发的 荒凉的 habitat 栖息地 threaten 恐吓;威胁

decrease 减少 变小 endanger 危害 使受到危险 die out 灭亡 loss 损失 丧失 reserve 保护区

hunt 打猎

zone 空间 地带

in peace 和平地

in danger(of)在危险中 species 种类

carpet 地毯

respond 回答 distant

远处的fur 毛皮

antelope 羚羊

relief 减轻痛苦

in relief 如释重负

laughter 笑 笑声

burst into laughter 突然笑起来

mercy 仁慈

certain 确定的 一定

importance 重要性



protect…from 保护…不受…(危害)mosquito 蚊子

millipede 千足虫

insect 昆虫

contain 包含 容忍

powerful 强大的 有力的affect 影响 感动 侵袭

attention 注意 关注

pay attention to 注意

appreciate 鉴赏 感激 意识到

succeed 成功 ;接替;继任 secure 安全的

income 收入

employ 雇佣

harm 损害 危害

bite 叮,咬

extinction 灭绝

dinosaur 恐龙

come into being 形成,产生

county 县;郡 inspect 检查

unexpected 没料到的 意外的incident 事件 事变

dust 灰尘

according to 按照 根据

disappearance 消失 fierce 凶猛的so that 以致于 ending结尾


classical 古典的roll 滚动 摇摆

orchestra 管弦乐队

rap 说唱乐

folk 民间的jazz 爵士乐

choral 合唱队的musician 音乐家

dream of 梦见 梦想

pretend 假装

to be honest 说实在的,说实话attach 系上 附加 连接

attach to 认为有

form 组成fame名声

passer-by 过路人.行人


extra 额外的instrument 工具 乐器

perform表演 执行

pub酒馆 酒吧

cash 现金

in cash 用现金


millionaire 百万富翁;富豪

play jokes on 戏弄

actor 男演员 行动者


rely on 依赖 依靠

broadcast 播放

humorous 幽默的familiar常见的 亲近的

be /get familiar with


or so 大约

break up 分裂 解体

attractive吸引人的 addition 增加;加法 sort out 分类

excitement 兴奋.刺激

ballad 歌谣;情歌;民谣 overnight 在晚上 一夜之间 dip浸;蘸

tadpole 蝌蚪 lily百合花

confident 自信的 brief 简短的devotion投人;热爱

afterwards 然后;后来 invitation 邀请;招待 sensitive v / adj 敏感的 灵敏的 painful adj 痛苦的 疼痛的above all 最重要;首先


UNIT1 take place 发生

beauty 美;美人

harvest 收获

celebration 庆祝 starve 饿得要死

origin 起源;由来

religious 宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的seasonal 季节的;季节性的ancestor 祖先


grave 坟墓

incense 熏香;熏香的烟

in memory of 纪念

Mexico 墨西哥(拉丁美洲国家)

feast 节日;盛宴

skull 头脑;头骨

bone 骨头

Halloween 万圣节前夕;诸圣日前夕

belief 信任;信心;信仰

dress up 打扮 装饰

trick 诡计 恶作剧

play a trick on 搞恶作剧 开玩笑

poet 诗人

Columbus Day 哥伦布日

arrival 到达 到达者

gain 获得

independence 独立

independent 独立的gather 搜集

agriculture 农业

agricultural 农业的award 奖品

produce 产品

rooster 雄禽;公鸡

admire 赞美 钦佩

energetic 充满活力的 积极的look forward to 期望 盼望

carnival 狂欢节

lunar 月亮的;阴历的Easter(耶稣)复活节

parade 游行;阅兵

day and night 日夜;昼夜;整天

clothing 衣服

Christian 基督徒 基督教的 信基督教的Jesus 耶稣

cherry 樱桃;樱桃树

blossom 花


as though 好象

have fun with 玩得开心

custom 风俗

worldwide 遍及全世界的;世界性的rosebud 玫瑰花蕾

fool 白痴 愚弄 欺骗 开玩笑

necessity 必要性;需要

permission 许可;允许

predection 预言


fashion 样式 时尚


parking lot 停车场

turn up 出现 到场 后来证明结果是 keep one's word 守信用

hold one's breath 屏息

apologize 道歉

drown 淹死

sadness 悲哀 obvious 明显的 wipe


weave 编织 迂回前进

herd 牧群;兽群

the Milky Way 银河

magpie 喜鹊

weep 哭泣

announcer 广播员 告知者

set off 出发 动身 使爆炸

remind 提醒

remind..of..使..想起..forgive(forgave forgiven)原谅

UNIT2 diet n.日常饮食 nut n.坚果;果仁 muscle n.肌肉 瘦肉

protective adj.给予保护的;保护的bean n.豆;豆科植物 pea n.豌豆

cucumber n.黄瓜 eggplant n.茄子

pepper n.辣椒;辣椒粉 mushroom n.蘑菇 peach n.桃子 loemn 柠檬

balance vt.平衡n.天平

balanced diet平衡膳食 barbecue vt.& n.烧烤;烤肉 mutton n.羊肉

roast adj.烤制的 烘烤

stir vt.摇动;搅和


vt.& vi.油煎;油炸

stir-fry vt.用旺火炒

ought v.应当;应该 ought to 应当;应该 bacon n.熏咸肉;腊肉 cola n.可乐饮料

sugary adj.含糖的;甜的 sign n.牌示;标记;符号

lose weight 减肥

slim adj.苗条的 纤细的

curiosity n.好奇心

hostess n.女主人;女主持人 raw adj.生的 vinegar n.醋

get away with 做坏事不受惩罚 lie n.谎言 说谎

tell a lie 说谎

customer n.顾客;消费者 discount n.折扣 win … back 赢回

weakness n.缺点 虚弱 弱点 strength n.强项 长处 力量 consult vt.咨询 fibre n.纤维

digest vi.& vt.消化


poisonous adj.有毒的 carrot n.胡萝卜

earn one’s living 谋生 debt n.债;债务

in debt 欠债

bring up 抚养 教育 glare vi.怒目而视


vi.& vt.监视 间谍 侦探 spy on 暗中监视;侦查 limit vt.限制n.界限 limited adj.有限的

benefit n.利益 好处 有助于 breast n.胸部;乳房 garlic n.大蒜

sigh vi.叹气 叹息

combine vt.& vi.联合 结合 cut down 削减;删节 before long 不久以后 put on weight 增加体重 cooperation n.合作;协作

ingredient n.(烹调用的)材料;原料;成分 flavour n.(食物的)味道与气味;特性

Unit 3

novel n.小说;长篇故事 boyhood n.少年时代 adventure n.奇遇;冒险

phrase n.短语;词组;惯用语 author n.著者;作家 scene n.现场 场面 景色 bet n.赌;打赌 赌钱

make a bet 打赌 penniless adj.贫困的

wander vi.漫游;漫步;漂泊 pavement n.人行道 businessman n.商人

permit vt.& vi.许可 允许n.通行证 ahead adv.向前;提前

go ahead 前进(用于祈使句)可以;往下说 by accident 偶然;无意中;不小心 bay n.海湾 stare vi.凝视

stare at 凝视 nightfall n.黄昏

fault n.过错 缺点 故障 spot vt.发现;认出


passage n.船费(包括食宿);通道;


△unpaid adj.未付款的 不受报酬的 account

认为 说明 计算 帐目

account for 导致;做出解释 embassy n.大使馆;大使及其官员

seek vt.& vi.(sought, sought)探索 寻求 patience n.耐性;忍耐 contrary n.反面 相反的

on the contrary 与此相反;正相反 charity n.慈善团体 施舍 envelope n.信封

unbelievable adj.难以置信的 steak n.肉块 鱼排 牛排

pineapple n.菠萝 dessert n.餐后甜点 amount n.数量 take a chance 冒险 rude adj.粗鲁的

manner n.礼貌 举止 方式 scream vi.尖叫 尖叫声 genuine adj.真诚的

issue vt.& vi.发行 发布 出版 fake n.假货;欺骗

rag n.破布;碎布

in rags 衣衫褴褛 indeed adv.确实 实在 as for 关于;至于

bow vi.& n.鞠躬;弯腰

barber n.理发师

Unit 4

astronomy n.天文学

solar adj.太阳的;日光的 system n.系统

solar system 太阳系

religion n.宗教;宗教信仰 theory n.学说;理论 atom n.原子

billion 万亿;<美>十亿 globe n.球体 地球仪 地球

global adj.全球性的;全世界的 violent adj.激烈的;强暴的 in time 及时;终于 carbon n.碳

△nitrogen n.氮

△vapour n.蒸气;水蒸气 atmosphere n.大气层;气氛 unlike

prep.不同 不像

fundamental adj.基本的;基础的presence n.出席 到场

dissolve vt.& vi.溶解;解散 harmful adj.有害的 acid n.酸

chain n.链子 锁链 reaction n.反应

multiply vi.& vt.乘;增加 oxygen n.氧 lay eggs 下蛋 dinosaur n.恐龙 exist vi.存在;生存 mammal n.哺乳动物 give birth to 产生;分娩 thus adv.因此;于是

in one’s turn 轮到某人;接着 dioxide n.二氧化物

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

prevent...from 阻止 puzzle n.谜;难题 迷惑 biology n.生物学

biologist n.生物学家 gravity n.万有引力;重力 satellite n.卫星;人造卫星 gentle adj.温和的;文雅的 extinct adj.灭绝的

climate n.气候 comet n.慧星

crash vi.& vt.碰撞;坠落 Isaac Newton 艾萨克 牛顿

Albert Einstein 陈尔伯特

爱因斯坦 Stephen Hawking 斯蒂芬 霍金 spaceship n.宇宙飞船 pull n.& vt.拉力 牵引力 lessen vi.& vt.减少;减轻 cheer up 感到高兴;感到振奋 float vi.& vt.浮动 漂浮


△weightlessly adv.失重地 △cabin n.小屋;船舱

mass n.质量;团;块;大量;

now that 既然

get the hang of 熟悉 掌握 break out 突发;爆发 exhaust vt.用尽

watch out 密切注视;当心;提防

Unit 5

Canadian n.加拿大人

polar adj.极地的;近极地的

prime adj.首要的 主要的 基本的 minister n.大臣;部长

prime minister 首相;丞相 governor n.州长;总督 rather than 与其;不愿 continent n.洲;大陆 baggage n.行李 chat vi.& n.聊天 scenery n.风景 eastward adv.向东 westward adv.向西 upward adv.向上

surround vt.& vi.包围;围绕 measure vi.& vt.测量

aborad prep.& adv.在船飞机火车或公共汽车上settle down 定居;平静下来 manage to do 设法做 catch sight of 看见 eagle n.鹰

cowboy n.牛仔

have a gift for 对……有天赋 within prep.在……之内

border n.边界;国界 接壤 slight adj.轻微的acre n.英亩

urban adj.城市的;市镇的 location n.位置;地方 topic n.话题

mix vt.& vi.混合 mixture n.混合物 frost n.霜;霜冻

confirm vt.证明;批准 wealthy adj.富有的 distance n.距离;远方

in the distance 在远处 mist n.薄雾

misty adj.有薄雾的;模糊的 schoolmate n.同学;校友

booth n.公用电话间;货摊;售货亭 downtown adj.市区的 adv.在市区 pearl n.珍珠

approximately adv.接近;大约 dawn n.黎明 拂晓

workplace n.工作场所;工作地点 buffet n.自助餐;饮食柜台 broad adj.宽阔的;广泛的 nearby adv.在附近tradition n.传统;风俗 terrify vt.恐怖 恐吓

terrified adj.恐惧的;受惊吓的 pleased adj.高兴的 impress vt.印象深刻

impressive adj.给人深刻印象的;感人的

必修4 Unit 1

achievement n.成就

welfare n.福利;福利事业 project n.项目;工程;规划 institute n.学会;学院;协会 specialist n.专家

specialize vi.专攻 专注于 connection n.连接 human being 人类

campaign n.运动;战役 作战 参加运动 organization n.组织 机构 团体 behave vt.& vi.行为表现


shade n.阴凉处

move off 离开 出发

worthwhile adj.值得的;值得做的 nest n.巢;窝 bond n.联系 纽带

observe vt.观察 观测 遵守

observation n.观察;观测 childhood n.童年

outspoken adj.直言的;坦诚 respect vt.& n.尊敬

argue vt.& vi.讨论 争论

argument n.争论 争吵 entertainment n.款待;娱乐 lead a … life 过着……的生活 crowd n.人群 挤满 拥挤

crowd in(想法、问题等)涌上心头 inspire vt.鼓舞;激发;启示 inspiration n.灵感;鼓舞 support n.& vt.支持;拥护

look down upon/on 蔑视;瞧不起 refer vi.谈到;查阅;参考

refer to 查阅;参考;谈到 audience n.观众 听众 读者 by chance 碰巧 come across 遇见 career n.事业;生涯 rate n.比率;速度 sickness n.疾病;恶心 intend vt.计划;打算

emergency n.突发事件;紧急情况 generation n.一代;一辈 determination n.决心;果断 kindness n.仁慈;好意 considerate adj.考虑周到的consideration n.考虑;体谅

deliver vt.递送 生小孩儿 接生 发表演说carry on 继续;坚持

modest adj.谦虚的 适度的

Unit 2 statistic n.数据 统计资料 sunburnt adj.晒黑的

struggle vt.& vi.斗争 拼搏 努力 decade n.十年;十年期 super adj.特级的;超级的 △hybrid adj.混合的;杂种的n.杂交种;混血儿 output n.产量;输出

△strain n.(植物的)品种;种类 crop n.庄

hunger n.饥饿

disturbing adj.引起烦恼 expand vt.& vi.变大;伸展 circulate vt.& vi.循环;流传 thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为 battle n.战斗 奋斗 rid vt.摆脱;除去

rid… of 摆脱;除去

be satisfied with 对……感到满意 freedom n.自由 would rather 宁愿

therefore adj.因此;所以 equip vt.& vi.配备 装备 △sorghum n.高粱

grain n.谷物;粮食;颗粒 △peanut n.花生 export vt.& vi.出口 nationality n.国籍

occupation n.工作 职业 personality n.性格 人格 confuse vt.迷惑 regret vt.遗憾

chemical adj.化学的;关于化学的 organic adj.有机的 器官的 组织的 fertile adj.肥沃的;富饶的 fertilizer n.肥料;化肥 production n.生产;制造 pest n.害虫;害兽;害鸟 build up 增强;建立;开发 lead to 导致

nutrition n.营养;滋养;食物 mineral n.矿物;矿石 discovery n.发现;发觉

focus n.焦点;中心点;聚集

focus on 集中注意力于 soil n.土壤 reduce vt.减少

keep … free from/of 使……免受(影响;害等);root n.根;根源 skim vt.浏览

underline vt.画底线标出;强调 summary n.总结 摘要

comment n.评论;议论 producer n.生产者;制片人 industrial adj.工业的;产业的

Unit 3

humour n.幽默;滑稽 up to now 直到现在

brighten vt.使更愉快;使更有希望 depressed adj.忧愁的;沮丧的 content adj.满足的

feel/be content with 对……满足 performer n.表演者 astonish vt.惊诧

astonishing adj.令人感到惊讶的 fortunate adj.幸运的

unfortunately adv.不幸地 badly off 穷的

teens n.十几岁(13至19岁的年龄)ordinary adj.平常的;普通的 bored adj.厌烦的

subtle adj.微妙的;精巧的;技艺精湛的entertain vt.& vi.使欢乐;款待 entertaining adj.愉快的;有趣的 charming adj.迷人的;有魅力的 △tramp n.流浪汉;行乞者 throughout prep.遍及;贯穿

adv.到处;始终;全部 homeless adj.无家的;无家可归的 moustache n.小胡子

worn adj.用旧的;用坏的;破烂的 △worn-out adj.磨破的;穿旧的 △stiffly adv.僵硬地 failure n.失败(者)

optimism n.乐观;乐观主义

overcome vt.& vi.(overcame,overcome)


underdog n.失败者;处于劣势的一方 snowstorm n.暴风雪 leather n.皮革

pick out 挑出;辨别出 lace n.饰带;花边;鞋带 cut off 切断;断绝

chew vt.& vi.嚼碎;咀嚼(食物)△mouthful n.一口;满口

enjoyment n.享受;欢乐;乐趣 convince vt.使信服

convincing adj.令人信服的

direct vt.& vi.导演 指挥 直接的star in


△Oscar n.奥斯卡

outstanding adj.突出的;杰出的;显著的 confidence n.信心 costume n.服装 gesture n.姿态

particular adj.特殊的

particularly adv.特殊地地 occasion n.时刻;场合 budget n.预算;开支 actress n.女演员

slide vt.& vi.滑动 滑行 幻灯片 amuse vt.使发笑;使愉快

amusing adj.好笑的;有趣的 pancake n.烙饼;薄饼

explanation n.解释;讲解;说明 detective n.侦探

mountainous adj.多山的;山一般的 whisper n.耳语 小声说 vast adj.巨大的;辽阔的 rhythm n.节奏

mess n.脏或乱的状态

react vi.作出反应 porridge n.粥;麦片粥 drunk adj.醉的

Unit 4

statement n.陈述;说明 greet vi.& vt.迎接;问候 represent vt.代表;象征

association n.社团;联系;联想 dormitory n.宿舍 canteen n.食堂

flight n.飞行;航班 curious adj.好奇的

approach vt.& vi.接近靠近方法 途径

cheek n.面颊 defend vt.保护

defend against 保卫……以免受

defence n.防御 major adj.主要的

misunderstand vt.(misunderstood,misunderstood)


misunderstanding n.误解;误会 dash vi.猛冲;突进 adult n.成人;成年人

simply adv.简单地;只

△Muslim n.& adj.穆斯林(spoken adj.口语的

unspoken adj.未说出口的;非口语的 posture n.姿态;体态 likely adj.可能的

be likely to 很可能…… in general 总的来说;通常 crossroads n.十字路口 employee n.雇员 frown vi.皱眉;蹙额 misread vt.读错;误解 facial adj.面部的

function n.功能 运转 ease n.安逸

at ease 舒适;快活

truly adv.真实地;真诚地 false adj.错误的;假的 anger n.怒气;怒火 lose face 丢脸

turn one’s back to 背对;背弃 fist n.拳头

yawn vi.打呵欠

respectful adj.恭敬的 subjective adj.主观的 hug vi.& vt.拥抱 rank n.等级;军衔 cassette n.磁带

Unit 5

theme n.题目 主题 central adj.中心的

various adj.不同的;各种各样的 cartoon n.漫画;动画片 be famous for 以……而闻名 roller coaster n.过山车

whichever pron.无论哪一个;任何一个 pirate n.海盗;盗版

△fairy tale 神话故事;童话 fantasy n.幻想

amusement n.消遣;娱乐 swing n.秋千;摇摆

attraction n.有吸引力的事物

no wonder 难怪;不足为奇 tourism n.旅游业

wherever pron.无论在什么地方;各处 unique adj.独一无二的 carpenter n.木匠

craftsman n.匠人;能工巧匠 engine n.引擎;发动机 bald adj.秃头的

preserve vt.保存 n.保护区 length n.长度 deed n.行动 事迹

△knight n.骑士;爵士

be modeled after 根据……模仿;仿造 sword n.剑

tournament n.锦标赛;联赛 settler n.移民;殖民者 athletic adj.运动的

translator n.译员;翻译 minority n.少数;少数民族 cloth n.布 jungle n.丛林 diver n.潜水员

creature n.生物;动物 sunlight n.阳光

advance vt.& vi.前进;促进;提前

in advance 提前

advanced adj.高级的;先进的 brand n.商标;牌子 get close to 接近

come to life 活跃起来

outing n.外出;短途旅行;远足 admission n.允许进入

shuttle n.往返汽车;航天飞机 freeway n.高速公路 souvenir n.纪念品 sneaker n.运动鞋

brochure n.小册子;指南


Unit 1


n.特征 radium n.镭

painter n.画家;油漆匠 put forward

提出 scientific

adj.科学的 conclude

vt.& vi.推断出



draw a conclusion

提出结论 analyse

vt.分析 infect vt.传染;感染

△infections adj.传染的 △cholera n.霍乱 defeat

vt.战胜n.失败 expert

adj.熟练的n.专家 attend

vt.照顾 参加 physician n.医生;内科医师 expose

vt.暴露 expose…to 暴露 deadly adj.致命的


n.治愈;痊愈vt.治愈;治疗 outbreak n.爆发;发作 challenge

挑战 victim n.受害者 absorb



vt.怀疑;嫌疑犯 enquiry n.询问



adj.严重的 严厉的 clue adj.线索;提示 pump n.泵;抽水机 △ Cambridge 剑桥大街 foresee vt.预见;预知 investigate vt.& vi.调查 investigation n.调查 blame vt.责备;谴责 pollute vt.污染;弄脏 handle

n.柄;把手 germ

n.微生物 link

vt.& n.连接;联系

link…to… 将……和……联系或连接起来announce

vt.宣布 certainty n.确信;确实 instruct

vt.命令;指示 responsible adj.负责的 construct vt.建设


n.建筑物 contribute vt.& vi.捐献 贡献 apart from

除……之外 firework n.烟火 chart n.图表

creative adj.有创造力的 cooperative

adj.合作的 positive


(be)strict with… 对……严格的 revolutionary adj.革命的; movement n.移动;运动;动作 make sense

讲得通;有意义 backward adv.& adj.向后地 loop n.圈;环

privately adv.私下地;秘密地 spin vi.& vt.旋转

brightness n.明亮;亮度;聪颖 enthusiastic adj.热情的 cautious adj.小心的 reject

vt.拒绝 抛弃 universe


Unit 2


vi.& vt.联合;团结 kingdom



vi.组成;在于;一致 consist of 由……组成 province

n.省;行政区 divide…into 把……分成 clarify vt.澄清;阐明 accomplish

vt.完成 conflict

n.矛盾;冲突 unwilling adj.不愿意 break away(from)挣脱 脱离 union n.联合;联盟 credit n.信任;学分;赞扬

to one’s credit 为……带来荣誉;值得赞扬;currency

n.货币;通货 institution

n.制度;机制 educational adj.教育的 convenience

n.便利;方便 rough

adj.粗糙的;粗暴的 roughly adv.粗略地;粗糙地 nationwide


全国范围的 attract vt.吸引;引起注意 historical adj.历史(上)的;

有关历史的 architecture n.建筑学;建筑艺术

△Roman n.(古)罗马人


n.收藏品;珍藏;收集 administration

n.管理;行政部门 port n.港口(城市)countryside n.乡下;农村 enjoyable adj.令人愉快的 leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑 opportunity n.机会 description

n.描写;描述 fax n.传真


n.可能性 plus

prep.加上 正的 零上的 quarrel



adj.相同的;类似的 take the place of

代替 break down

损坏;破坏 arrange vt.安排;整理 wedding

n.婚礼 fold vt.折叠 sightseeing

n.游览 delight

n.快乐 使高兴


adj.王室的;皇家的;高贵的 uniform


splendid adj.壮丽的;辉煌的;极好的statue


imaginary adj.想象中的 虚构的 navigation n.导航;航行 communism n.共产主义 original adj.最初的;原始的; thrill vt.使激动;使胆战心惊 pot n.罐;壶 error

n.错误;过失 tense n.时态 consistent

adj.一致的 Unit 3 aspect

n.方面;层面 impression n.印象

take up 拿起;接受;开始;继续 constant adj.时常发生的 constantly adv.不断地 jet n.喷气式飞机 △jet lag 飞行时差反应 △flashback n.闪回;倒叙 previous adj.在前的;早先的


adj.不确切的 guide

n.指导 导游 tablet

n.药片 expertise n.专家意见

capsule n.太空舱;胶囊 steward n.乘务员;服务员 stewardess n.女乘务员 opening

n.通路;开口;开端 surrounding n.周围的事物;环境 tolerate

vt.容忍;忍受 combination

n.结合;组合 lack vi.& vt.缺乏 adjustment n.调整 mask

n.面具 伪装

be back on one’s feet(困境后)恢复;完全复原hover vi.盘旋

carriage n.运输工具;四轮马车;客车 press

vi.& vt.按;压;逼迫 印刷;新闻 fasten

vt.系牢;扎牢 belt n.腰带;皮带

safety belt 安全带 lose sight of… 看不见…… sweep up 打扫;横扫 flash

vt.& vi.闪光 闪现 switch n.开关;转换 timetable n.时间表;时刻表 exhausted adj.筋疲力尽的; slide into 溜进…… optimistic

adj.乐观的 pessimistic adj.悲观的 speed up


△pedal n.踏板;脚蹬

alien n.外星人;外国人adj.陌生的 mud


n.沙漠 enormous

adj.巨大的 imitate vt.模仿;仿造 moveable adj.可移动的 citizen

n.居民;市民 typist n.打字员 typewriter n.打字机 postage n.邮资 postcode n.邮政编码 button n.钮锃;按钮

instant n.瞬间 立刻的


n.接受者;接收器;电话听筒 efficiency n.效率;功效

efficient adj.效率高的;有能力的 ribbon n.丝带;带状物 dustbin n.垃圾箱 dispose

vt.布置;安排 disposal n.清除;处理 ecology n.生态;生态学 greedy

adj.贪吃的;贪婪的 swallow

vt.吞下 material n.原料;材料 recycle

vt.回收利用;再利用 △manufacture vt.大量生产;成批制造 goods n.货物

△etc abbr.诸如此类;等等



n.定居;解决 motivation n.动机

Unit 4 journalist n.记者;新闻工作者 involve





n.照片 照相

photographer n.摄影师 △photography n.摄影 unforgettable abj.难忘的assignment n.任务;分配 delighted adj 快乐的 admirable

adj.令人钦佩的 unusual

adj.不同寻常的;独特的 assist

vt.帮助 assistant

n.助手 submit vt.递交


n.职业;专业 professional

adj.专业的;职业的 colleague n.同事


adj.渴望的;热切的 concentrate

vt.集中;聚集 concentrate on

集中;全神贯注于 amateur n.业余爱好者 update vt.更新 acquire



vt.评估;评定 inform

vt.通知 deadline



n.参加面试者;接受采访者 meanwhile adv.其间;同时 depend on 依靠;依赖 case

n.情况;病例;案例 accuse


accuse…of 因……指责或控告……

accusation n.指责;谴责;控告 deliberately adv.故意地 so as to(do sth)为了(做)…… deny vt.否认;拒绝 sceptical

adj.怀疑的 guilty

adj.有罪的 dilemma

n.困境 demand n.需求;要求

△demanding adj.要求很高的 费力的 publish

vt.出版;发表;公布 scoop

n.抢先获得的新闻;勺子;铲子 section

n.部分;节 concise

adj.简明的;简练的 imaginative adj.富于想象力的 technical adj.技术的

technically adv.技术上;工艺上 thorough

adj.彻底的;详尽的 gifted

adj.有天赋的 △idiomatic adj.惯用的housewife n.家庭主妇 crime

n.罪行;犯罪 edition

n.版本 ahead of 在……前面 department n.部门 accurate adj.精确的 senior adj.年长的 polish



adj.主要的;首席的 首领;长官 approve

vt.赞成;认可 process

vt.加工 过程 程序 negative 消极的

appointment n.约会;任命

Unit 5


n.& vt.帮助

first aid 急救


adj.暂时的;临时的 fall ill 生病


n.损伤;伤害 bleed

vi.& vt.(bled,bled)流血 nosebleed n.鼻出血;流鼻血 sprain vt.扭伤 sprained adj.扭伤的 ankle n.踝(关节)choke vi.& vt.噎住 窒息 cupboard

n.橱柜;衣柜 skin



adj.最重要的 基础的 organ

n.器官 layer

n.层;层次 barrier

n.屏障;障碍 poison n.毒药;毒害 ray n.光线;射线 complex

adj.复杂的 variety n.变化;多样化 liquid



n.辐射;射线 mild

adj.轻微的;温和的 mildly adv.轻微地;温和地 pan

n.平底锅;盘子 stove

n.炉子;火炉 heal vi.& vt.康复;化解 tissue

n.(生物)组织;手巾纸 electric shock 触电;电休克 swell vi.& vt.膨胀

swollen adj.肿胀的 △watery adj.(似)水的 △char vi.烧焦 △nerve n.神经;胆量 scissors n.(pl.)剪刀 unbearable

adj.难以忍受的; basin n.盆;盆地 squeeze vt.& vi.压榨 squeeze out 榨出;挤出 over and over again 反复;多次 bandage n.绷

in place

在适当的位置;适当 △ointment n.药膏;油膏 △infection n.传染;传染病;感染


adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的 symptom

n.症状;征兆 label

vt.标签 分类 标记 kettle n.水壶


vt.& vi.倒;灌;注;涌 wrist n.手腕 damp adj.潮湿的 △Casey 凯西(姓)sleeve n.袖子 blouse n.女衬衫 tight

adj.牢的;紧的 tightly adv.紧地;牢牢地 firm


firmly adv.坚固地;稳定地 throat

n.咽喉;喉咙 △Janson 詹森(姓)ceremony

n.典礼;仪式 bravery n.勇敢;勇气 △Slade 斯莱德(姓)stab vt.& vi.刺;戳;刺伤 a number of 许多 put one’s hands on 找到 treat vt.& vi.治疗 款待 招待 apply

vt.涂;敷;搽;应用;申请 pressure

n.压力 ambulance

n.救护车 scheme n.方案;计划 △Southerton 萨瑟顿(姓)

make a difference 区别对待 起重要作用 △bruise n.& vi.瘀伤;擦伤


Unit 1


adj.现实主义的 逼真的;实的abstract

adj.抽象的;深奥的 sculpture n.雕塑

sculptor n.雕刻家;雕塑家 gallery n.美术陈列室;画廊 faith n.信任;信心;信念

faithfully adv.忠实地 consequently adv.所以;因而 aim


vi.& vt.瞄准;(向某方向)努力 conventional




evident adj.明显的;明白的 renaissance

n.新生;复兴;复活 adopt

vt.采纳;收养 humanistic adj.人道主义的 possess

vt.拥有 支配 possession n.财产 superb

adj.卓越的 technique

n.技术 coincidence

n.巧合 by coincidence 巧合地 a great deal

大量 shadow n.阴影;影子 ridiculous adj.荒谬的;可笑的 controversial

adj.争论的;争议的 attempt n.努力;尝试;企图

on the one hand ···on the other hand一方面


predict vt.预告;预测 landscape



adj.确切的;特定的 figure

n.画像;身材;数字 clay n.黏土 critic n.评论家 marble n.大理石 carve



adj.脆弱的 精致的 café



adj.过敏性的;对……过敏的 effectively

adv.有效地 exhibition



adj.敢作敢为的;侵略的; scholar

n.学者 flesh


in the flesh 活着的;本人 bunch



n.林荫道;道路;大街 preference



vt.展示;陈列;显露 appeal

vi.呼吁 appeal to 有吸引力; fragile

adj.精细的 脆弱的 circular adj.圆形的 循环的 reputation





adj.视觉的;看得见的 fragrant

adj.香的;令人愉快的 contemporary adj.当代的; permanent

adj.永久的 district

n.区域;行政区 committee

n.委员会 signature n.署名;签字

Unit 2




rhyme n.韵;押韵;押韵的词


vt.传达;运送 emotion

n.感情 nursery n.托儿所

nursery rhyme 童谣 concrete adj.具体的 repetition n.重复 diamond n.钻石;菱形 flexible adj.灵活的;


n.图案 样式 cottage n.村舍;小屋 sparrow n.麻雀 kitten n.小猫

take it easy 轻松;不紧张;从容 run out of 用完

be made up of

由……构成 tease

vi.& vt.取笑;招惹;戏弄salty

adj.咸的 droop vi.低垂 萎靡 dread

vi.& vt.害怕;畏惧 endless

adj.无穷的;无止境的 minimum

n.最低限度 最小数 translation n.翻译;译文 branch

n.枝条;支流;部门 melt vi.融化;溶化;软化 brimful adj.盈满的;满到边际的in particular 尤其;特别 eventually adv.最后;终于 await vt.等候

transform vi.& vt.转化;转换 revolve

vi.& vt.旋转 sorrow n.悲伤


adj.赤裸的;光秃的 forever

adv.永远 stem

n.茎;干 cement

n.水泥 section

n.部分;节 appropriate

adj.适当的 exchange n.交换


n.毕业文凭;学位证书 sponsor

n.赞助商 发起人

vt.发起;举办;倡议 blank adj.空白的;茫然的 compass

n.指南针 bride n.新娘 bridegroom n.新郎 championship


rhythmic adj.有节奏的;有规律的darkness

n.黑暗 warmth

n.温暖 try out


scholarship n.奖学金

pianist n.钢琴家;钢琴演奏者 violinist n.小提琴演奏者 let out 发出;放走 load n.负担

Unit 3 cigarette

n.香烟;纸烟 alcohol


alcoholic adj.酒精的 abuse

n.& vt.滥用;虐待 fitness n.健康

sexual adj.性的;性别的 stress n.压力;重音

vt.加压力于;使紧张 stressful adj.产生压力的 紧张的 obesity n.过度肥胖 肥胖症 adolescent n.青少年 青春期的adolescence

n.青春期 ban


due adj.欠款的;预定的;到期的due to


tough adj.困难的;强硬的 addicted

adj.上了瘾的 addicted to 对……有瘾 △nicotine n.尼古丁

accustom vt.使习惯于 accustomed

adj.惯常的 accustomed to习惯于……


n.收回;撤退;戒毒 bad-tempered adj.脾气暴躁的;易怒的 automatic

adj.无意识的;自动的automatically adv.无意识地 自动地 mental

adj.精神的;智力的mentally adv.精神上;智力上 quit vt.停止 离开 effect

n.结果;效力 lung



adj.怀孕的 abnormal adj.畸形的


adj.气喘吁吁的;屏息的 unfit

adj.不健康的 不合格的 strengthen

vt.加强 resolve n.决心

decide on 对……作出决定 packet

n.小包;小盒 feel like(doing)

想要做…… relaxation

n.放松,松弛 desperate adj.绝望的,拼命的 chemist n.药剂师;化学家 chewing gum 口香糖


adj.失望的;沮丧的 weaken

vi.动摇;减弱 ashamed adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的 comprehension

n.理解力 in spite of 不顾;不管 take risks(a risk)

冒险 get into


etc(et cetera)adv.诸如此类的事物 等等 illegal

adj.不合法的 pill n.药片

robbery n.抢劫;盗窃 slippery adj.滑的

at risk

处境危险;遭受危险 immune

adj.有免疫力的 survival

n.幸存者 sex

n.性;性别 fluid n.液体;流体 inject vt.注射

△injection n.注射;注射剂 needle n.针;(注射器的)针头 spill(spilt, spilt)vi.溢出;酒落 male

adj.男性的;雄性的 female adj.女性的;雌性的 condom n.避孕套 homosexual n.同性恋


n.偏见;成见 judgement n.看法;判决;判断 △disco n.迪斯科舞会;迪斯科舞厅 abortion

n.流产;中途失败 cigar n.雪茄烟

embarrassed adj.尴尬的;陷入困境的awkward adj.局促不安的;笨拙的Unit 4 consume vt.消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完 renewable

adj.能再生的;可更新的 greenhouse

n.温室;花房 come about 发生;造成


n.图表;坐标图;曲线图 random adj.胡乱的;任意的 phenomenon(复数-ena)n.现象 subscribe


subscribe to 同意;赞成;订购 fossil n.化石 fuel n.燃料 quantity n.数量 quantities of



vi.趋向 易于;照顾 护理 go up

上升;增长;升起 per

prep.每;每一 data

n.资料;数据 result in

导致 trend n.趋势 走向 catastrophe n.大灾难;浩劫 flood

n.洪水;水灾 drought

n.旱灾;干旱 famine

n.饱荒 oppose vt.反对;反抗 opposed adj.反对的;对立的 be opposed to 反对…… mild



n.后果;影响 state


range n.种类;范围 even if

即使 keep on 继续 glance vi.看一下 steady

adj.平稳的 steadily adv.平稳地 tendency n.倾向;趋势


adj.分布广的;普遍的 on the whold


economical adj.节约的;经济的 average

adj.平均的 existence n.生存;存在 outer

adj.外部的;外面的 on behalf of 代表……一方;

individual n.个人;个体 单独的;个别的 advocate

vt.拥护;提倡;主张 commitment

n.承诺 信奉 put up with

忍受;容忍 pollution

n.污染;弄脏 growth


electrical adj.电的;与电有关的 appliance

n.工具 so long as 只要


adj.随便的;漫不经心的 an so on

等等 motor n.发动机 can n.容器;罐头

circumstance n.环境;情况 microwave n.微波炉;微波 refresh

vt.恢复 振动 educator

n.教育工作者 contribution

n.贡献 imperative n.祈使语气;命令 heading n.标题 slogan n.标语;口号 presentation


nuclear adj.核的;核能的;原子核的 disagreement


Unit 5


n.图解;图表;示意图 volcano




eruption n.火山爆发;(战争等)爆发20


n.灰;灰末 hurricane

n.飓风;风暴 questionnaire

n.问卷;调查表 alongside



n.设备;装备 appoint


△observatory n.观象台;天文台;气象台 database n.数据库;资料库 evaluate

vt.评估;评价 burn to the ground 全部焚毁 wave 波浪 波动;起伏;挥手 molten adj.熔化的;熔融的 fountain 喷泉;源泉


adj.绝对的;完全的 absolutely adv.绝对地;完全地 spaceman n.宇航员;航天专家 suit vt.适合;使适宜n.衣;套装 helmet n.头盔 boot

n.靴子 make one’s way


potential n.潜在性 可能性 潜能

adj.可能的 潜在的 actual

adj.实在的;实际的 sample n.样品;样本 candidate n.候选人;候补者 threat

n.恐吓;威胁 bungalow n.平房;小屋 tornado n.龙卷风;旋风 typhoon n.台风 thunderstorm n.雷暴 precious adj.贵重的;珍贵的 novelist

n.小说家 fog n.雾

document n.文件;证件 rainbow



adj.不舒服的 balcony n.阳台


adj.失去知觉的 未察觉的 shoot(shot, shot)vt.射中;射伤 shot

n.射击;枪炮声 tremble

vi.摇晃 颤抖 sweat n.汗 出汗

anxious adj.忧虑的;不安的anxiety


panic(panicked, panicked)vi.& vt.惊慌 恐慌 tsunami n.海啸;地震海啸 glance through 匆匆看一遍 Manchu adj.满族的满人 vary from…to…

由……到……不等 diverse

adj.多种多样的 leopard n.豹


adj.引人入胜的 壮观的 bathe

vi.洗澡;游泳 arouse vt.激发;唤醒 appreciation

n.欣赏;感激 △peak n.山顶;顶峰


n.信服;说服 guarantee vt.保证;担保

选修7 Unit 1


n.伤残 无能

disabled adj.伤残的 hearing

n.听力;听觉 eyesight n.视力

lap n.跑道的一圈;重叠部分 大腿的上方 ambition n.雄心;野心

ambitious adj.有雄心的;有野心的 dictation n.口授;听写(的文字)noisy

n.吵闹的;嘈杂的 suitable

adj.适合的entry n.项目 入口 beneficial adj.有益的in other words 换句话说 clumsy adj.笨拙的 bump



adj.外向的;友好的adapt vt.使适应;改编

adapt to 适合 bench n.长凳

cut out


microscope n.显微镜

out of breath

上气不接下气 absence


fellow adj.同伴的;同类的 同伴 annoy vt.使……不悦;惹恼

annoyed adj.颇为生气的 △annoyance n.烦恼 all in all 总而言之


坚固的;坚定的 公司software

n.软件 sit around 闲坐着 as well as

和;也 parrot n.鹦鹉 tank


tortoise n.陆龟;龟

in many ways

在很多方面 psychology n.心理学

make fun of 取笑




n.行为 品行 指挥 管理 主持 mainstream n.主流;主要倾向

fulfilling adj.令人满意的;令人愉快的 never mind 不必担心 politics n.政治(学)abolish



vi.& vt.辞职

slavery n.奴隶制

literature n.文学作品

companion n.同伴;伙伴 assistance n.协助;援助 congratulate vt.祝贺;庆贺


n.祝贺;贺词 bowling n.保龄球


n.毕业;毕业典礼 certificate n.证书

all the best

祝你一切顺利 architect n.建筑师


adj.足够的;充分的 access n.方法;通路;可接近性

accessible adj.可接近的 可进入的 可使用的wheelchair n.轮椅


adj.方便的;有用的 earphone n.耳机


vt.削弱;损伤 row n.一行;一排 划船 basement n.地下室 outwards

adv.向外 exit


meet with



n.赞成;认可 dignity


profit n.收益

community n.社区;团体;社会

Unit 2

household adj.家庭的;家用的 一家人;家庭 fiction


desire n.渴望



test out

试验;考验 bonus n.奖金 alarm vt.警觉 apron n.围裙

sympathy n.同情心

overweight adj.超重的;体重超常的 elegant adj.优雅的favour



n.堆起;积聚 scan vt.看

fingernail n.手指甲

absurd adj.荒谬的;可笑的 haircut n.发型;理发 makeup n.化妆品


vt.陪伴;伴奏 cushion n.垫子

bedding n.寝具;铺盖 necklace n.项链 clerk n.职员

counter n.柜台;计数器 ring up 给……打电话 turn around 转向;回转 awful



n.事务;事情;暖昧关系 armchair




cuisine n.烹饪(风味);菜肴 envy vt.忌妒




digital adj.数字的;数码的;手指的; mailbox n.(美)邮筒;信箱 state vt.陈述;宣布



set aside 将……放在一边


adj.大的;豪华的;雄伟的 in all



n.喜爱;爱;感情 bound

adj.一定的;密切相关的 be bound to 一定做……

biography n.(由他人撰写的)传记;传






想物 △transfusion n.输血 part-time adj.兼职的

△master’s degree 硕士学位 staff

n.全体员工;手杖 navy n.海军;海军部队 junior

adj.较年幼的biochemistry n.生物化学 talent n.天才 才干


n.(书中的)章;篇;回 empire n.帝国


adj.理论上的;假设的 framework n.框架;结构 thinking





vt.& vi.服从;顺从

disobey vt.& vi.不服从;违抗 assessment


Unit 3 annual


migration n.迁徙;迁居;移居 witness

目击者;证人 accommodation n.住所 shore


offshore adv.&adj.近海(的);离岸(的)opposite prep.在对面 相对的;相反的 yell



vi.& n.暂停;中止 △oar n.桨;橹 telescope n.望远镜

teamwork n.协作;配合 dive

vi.& n.跳水 潜水 俯冲 flee vi.(fled, fled)逃避 逃跑 逃离 drag vt.拖;拉;扯 depth n.深度 深处

meantime adv.其间;同时

in the meantime 在此期间;与此同时 lip n.一片嘴唇 边,口 urge vt.催促;极力主张


vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃 shark


Help(…)out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难

relationship n.关系 交往 conservation n.保存;保护 iceberg n.冰山


n.& adj.海边 net

n.网 网络


n.目标 受批评的对象 tide


reflect 映射;反射;思考 pure

adj.纯粹的;纯洁的 cell n.细胞;巢室 aware


be/become aware of 明白 意识到……vivid

adj.生动的;鲜明的 neat adj.整齐的;匀称的 seaweed

n.海草;海藻 narrow

adj.狭窄的 flashlight n.闪光灯 upside down 上下翻转 suck vt.& vi.吮吸


adj.锐利的;锋利的 tasty

adj.好吃的;可口的 giant

adj.巨人的;巨大的grey adj.& n.灰色(的)scare

vt.恐吓 受惊吓

(be)scared to death 吓死了 shallow adj.肤浅的 steep adj.陡峭的 boundary

n.分界线 Antarctic adj.南极的 the Antarctic 南极洲


adj.使人敬畏的 leap 跳跃

seal n.海豹;封条;印章 refund vt.退还 偿还 退款 pension


pensioner n.领取养老金者

Unit 4

airmail n.航空邮件 fortnight

n.两星期 hear from 接到……的信(be)dying to

极想;渴望 roof n.屋顶;车顶 muddy adj.泥泞的 textbook

n.教科书 concept


bucket n.水桶;吊桶;提桶 the other day

不久前的一天 weekly

adj.& adv.每周(的)bubble vi.起泡;沸腾 relevant adj.有关的


adj.遥远的;偏僻的 ridge n.山脊;屋脊 weed n.杂草

hut n.棚屋;小屋

rectangle n.矩形;长方形

rectangular adj.长方形的;矩形的adjust vi.& vt.调整 platform

n.台;平台 broom n.扫帚 sniff

vt.& vi.嗅 participate vi.参加

grill n.烤架;大平底锅


dry out

完全变干 leftover n.剩余物 evil adj.邪恶的 dry up


otherwise conj.否则;不然 privilege



n.文书工作 arrangement n.安排;排列 comb



n.宇航员 angle n.角;角度 catalogue n.目录 donate vt.捐赠


adj.自愿的 in need 在困难中 purchase

vt.& n.购买 anniversary

n.纪念日 seed



n.贷款 sew


sewing machine 缝纫机



trunk library 箱式(柜式)图书馆 tractor n.拖拉机;牵引机 click vi.& vt.咔嗒声


adj.经济的;经济学的 political adj.政治的;政党的 distribute


distribution n.分配


adj.财务的;金融的;财政的 security


operate vi.工作 运转 操作 clinic n.门诊部;小诊所

Unit 5

adjust to


keep it up

保持优秀成绩;继续干下去 fit in

相适应;相融合 motherland

n.祖国 visa n.签证

queue n.队列;行列


n.自助食堂;自助餐厅 lecture

n.& vi.演讲;讲课 qualification

n.资格;资历 preparation n.准备;预备 recommend vt.推荐;建议 shopkeeper n.店主 idiom n.习语;成语 comfort

n.舒适;安慰 substitute


academic adj.学校的;学术的 requirement

n.需要;要求 essay

n.文章;散文 tutor




revision n.复查;修正;复习draft

n.草稿;草案 numb

adj.麻木的 acknowledge


as far as one is concerned

就……而言 contradict



adj.自主的 独立的 occupy

vt.占领 占据

be occupied with 忙着做 enterprise

n.事业;事业心 apology

n.道谦 seminar


videophone n.可视电话

bachelor n.获学士学位的人;未婚男子

bachelor’s degree 学士学位 routine


minibus n.小型公共汽车

optional adj.可选择的;随意的 day in and day out 日复一日 cage n.鸟笼;兽槛



battery n.电池(组);电瓶;炮台 site n.地方;地点;现场


vi.& vt.钻孔n.钻;钻机 oilfield n.油田



travel agent

旅行代办人;旅行代理人 geographical adj.地理(学)的

parallel adj.平行的;相同的;类似的 abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的 govern

vt.& vi.统治;支配;管理 onwards adv.向前地;前进地 destination

n.目的地 inn


out of the question不可能的;不值得讨论的hike

vi.& n.远足;徒步旅行 tomb n.坟墓 settle in安顿下来

选修8 Unit 1 illustrate

vt.说明;阐明 distinct


distinction n.差别;区分;卓著 immigrant n.移民

live on

继续存在;继续生存 strait


Arctic adj.北极的;北极区的 the Arctic 北极

means n.手段;方法

by means of… 用……办法;借助…… prehistoric adj.史前的 majority n.大多数;大半

make a life

习惯于新的生活方式、工作等 despite

prep.尽管;不管 hardship

n.苦难;困苦 elect


federal adj.联邦制的;联邦政府的 rail

n.铁路;扶手;(护栏的)横条 percentage

n.百分比;百分率 keep up 坚持 boom n.繁荣

aircraft n.飞行器;航空器;飞机 immigrate vi.移入(外国定居)

immigration n.移民;移居入境




n.横渡;横越;十字路口 vice n.& adj.代理;副职 nephew n.侄子;外甥 pole n.地极;电极;磁极 applicant


customs n.海关;关税;进口税 socialist


socialism n.社会主义 occur

vi.发生;出现 indicate

vt.表明;暗示 back to back 背靠背 luggage

n.行李 shave

vt.& vi.刮;剃



apparently adv.显然地;显而易见地 brake n.闸;刹车;制动器


n.售票员;列车员 乐队指挥slip

vi.滑动;滑行 wharf n.码头

bakery n.面包房;面包厂 ferry n.渡船;渡口 渡运

team up with

与……合作或一起工作 hire

vt.& n.租用;雇用


adj.迷人的;吸引人的 mark out

划线;标出……界线 seagull n.海鸥

take in

吸收 理解 欺骗 angle n.角;角度

a great/good many 许多;很多 apply for 申请

nowhere adv.无处;到处都无 miserable

adj.痛苦的;悲惨的 punishment

n.处罚 justice n.公正;公平

mourn vt.& vi.哀悼;悼念 civil adj.公民的


n.权威;权力 当局;官方 reform vt.& vi.改革;革新


vt.& n.抓住 掌握 thoughtful adj.体贴的

thankful adj.感激的;感谢的 insert vt.插入;嵌入 Unit 2







adj.成对的;成双的 identical



adj.商业的;贸易的 straightforward adj.简单的;直接的;坦率的 complicated adj.复杂的;难懂的 undertake

vt.着手;从事;承担 pay off

得到好结果 breakthrough

n.突破 procedure n.程序;步骤 nucleus n.原子核;中心

somatic adj.躯体的 肉体的 细胞体的 embryo n.胚胎


n.搬运工;运输工具 cast vt.(cast, cast)扔;投;掷

cast down

沮丧;不愉快 altogether adv.总共;完全地 arbitrary adj.任意的 fate n.命运;天命


n.改正;纠正;修正 object vi.反对;不赞成

objection n.不赞成;反对;异议 impact n.撞击;冲击;巨大的影响 medium n.媒介;手段;工具

the media 大众传播媒体(如电视、报纸等)obtain vt.获得;赢得

attain vt.获得;到达(水平、年龄、状况等)moral


conservative adj.保守的;守旧的 forbid

vt.禁止;不准 accumulate vt.积累 in favour of


side road 旁路;支线;岔道(<美>sidewalk)constitution



adj.必须做的;义务的;强迫的opera n.歌剧;歌剧团;歌剧院 chorus n.合唱;合唱队 loaf n.一条面包 flour n.面粉


vt.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于…… shortly adv.立刻;不久 retire

vi.退休;离开 bother


(be)bound to(do)一定或注定(做)…… assumption n.假定;设想


n.规则;规章;法规 strike vi & vt.打击;罢工

strike…into one’s heart 使……刻骨铭心 from time to time 不时;偶尔 bring back to life

复生;复活 initial



adj.虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的in vain

白费力气;枉费心机 resist vt.抵抗;对抗

drawback n.缺点;不利条件 merely


restore vt.恢复;使恢复原状;重建 decoration n.装饰


adj.不能的;不会的 feather n.羽毛

fairly adv.公平地;相当地

in good/poor condition


情况很好(坏)turkey n.火鸡

dye vt.染色 染色剂 claw n.爪;脚爪 adore

vt.崇拜 喜爱

hatch vt.& vi.孵出;孵卵;孵化 reasonable adj.合情理的;讲道理的 Unit 3

patent n.专利证书;专利权 call up


courtyard n.院子;庭院;天井 now and then 偶尔;有时 walnut n.胡桃;胡桃木


vi.& vt.差别 辨别 merciful




n.粉末;火药 set about

开始;着手 perfume n.香水;香味

stainless adj.无锈的;不锈的;没有污点的jelly n.果冻;果冻状物 cube n.立方体;立方 cubic adj.立方的

abrupt adj.突然的;意外的 convenient adj.方便的;就近的 caution

n.小心;谨慎 expectation

n.期待;期望 passive


adj.愉快的;高兴的 seize vt.抓住;捉住;夺

recognition n.认出;认可;承认

criterion n.标准;尺度

claim n.& vt.要求;声称;主张 valid

adj.有效的;确凿的 file n.文件;档案;文件夹



string n.线;绳子;一串 glue

胶水 粘贴

△rod n.杆;棒



greengrocer n.果蔬商 蔬菜水果店 identification

n.鉴定;辨认;确定 directory n.电话簿;商行名录 dial

vt.拨电话 rainfall


courtroom n.法庭;审判室 innocent adj.清白的;无罪的 lantern n.灯笼

bear vt.忍受;忍耐


n.堵塞;阻塞;果酱 microphone n.麦克风;话筒 forehead n.额头

beaten track 被踩出来的路;常规;惯例 occasionally adv.偶然地;不时地 dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 dynamic

adj.充满活力的 动态的 set out(to do)开始(做)multiple adj.多种多样的 dot n.小圆点


vt.轻打 水龙头 wire n.金属丝;电线

straw n.稻草;麦秆;饮料吸管 reproduce vt.复制

current adj.现在的;当前的n.水流 气流 电流helicopter

n.直升飞机 triangle n.三角形 stable

adj.稳固的 invaluable

adj.无价的 associate vt.联想 伙伴 practical adj.实际的 refrigerator n.冰箱


n.法庭;法院;朝廷 extension


hang on 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住 out of order 次序颠倒;发生故障 get through 设法联系上 做完 通过 ring back 回复电话

ring off 挂断电话 version


competence n.能力;胜利;本领

competent n.能胜任的 jeep n.吉普车


n.人力资源;人事部;全体人员 Unit 4

adaptation n.适应(性);改编本 classic


caption n.字幕 标题 说明文字


n.情节;阴谋 professor

n.教授 fateful adj.重要的 garment n.衣服 服装

woollen adj.毛纺的;纯毛的 hesitate vi.犹豫

uncomfortable adj.不舒服的 troublesome adj.人心烦的 wallet n.钱包


n.结果;效果 thief



n.手帕 纸巾 disguise vt.伪装

in disguise 伪装的 mistaken adj.错误的;

brilliant adj.光辉灿烂的 杰出的 classify

vt.分类 remark

n.言论 betray vt.背叛

upper adj.级别较高的 extraordinary

adj.非凡的 condemn


△gutter n.排水沟;阴沟;贫民区 properly




acquaintance n.相识;了解;熟人

make one’s acquaintance 结识 handful n.一把 少量 amazement n.惊讶

in amazement 惊讶

fortune n.机会;运气;大笔的钱 authentic

adj.真实的 可靠的 generally speaking

一般来说 status n.身份;地位;职位


adj.优秀的;较高的 上级;长官 in terms of… 就……来说;从……角度

disapprove vt.& vi.不赞成 rob



adj.古时的 珍贵的 古董 musical

adj.音乐的 stocking


believer n.信徒;教徒 Buddhism n.佛教 cookie

n.饼干 teapot n.茶壶

cream n.奶油;面霜 nail n.指甲;钉子 show…in 领……进来 wax n.蜡 disk n.磁盘

wax disk 旧式唱片


adj.破旧的;寒酸的 referee n.裁判员

compromise ni.& vi.妥协 horrible


laundry n.洗衣店;洗衣房 bathtub n.浴缸;澡盆 sob

vi.啜泣 waist


vest n.背心;内衣 disgusting adj.反感的 once more

再一次 in need of 需要……

heartily adv.尽情地 痛快地 overlook vt.俯视;忽视 alphabet n.字母表 effective adj.有效的

fade vi.& vt.褪色;减弱;逐渐消失

fade out逐渐模糊 Unit 5 identify vt.确认 鉴别 alternative n.其他的



tentative adj.试探性的;不确定的 accuracy

n.精确;准确 interrupt vt.& vi.中断 中止


adj.敏锐的;严重的;深刻的assume vt.假定;设想 regardless


regardless of

不管;不顾 mat n.席子;垫子 quilt


beast n.野兽

at most

至多;最多 centimetre n.厘米

sharpen vi.& vt.锋利;尖锐;清晰 cut up


ample adj.充足的




adj.原始的;远古的 botany n.植物学 analysis

n.分析 seashell n.海贝壳 ripen

vt.& vi.成熟 category n.种类

significance n.意义 重要性



systematic adj.有系统的;有计划的spit

vt.吐出 吐痰 delete



n.相册;集邮册;唱片 scratch

n.痕迹 搔挠


academy n.学院;学会;学术团体;院校receptionist n.接待员;招待员 onion n.洋葱


n.幼儿园 skateboard

n.滑板 fed up with 受够了 厌烦 yogurt n.酸奶

radioactive adj.放射性的 division

n.分割 分配 分界线 BC 公元前

melon n.各种瓜 wrinkle n.皱纹

pulse vi.跳动;搏动 脉搏;节拍 applaud vi.& vt.鼓掌欢迎

look ahead



vt.& vi.吼叫


vi.& vt.加速;促进 spear n.矛;枪



dizzy adj.晕眩的axe n.斧;斧子



adj.熟练的date back 追溯到…… punctuation n.标点符号 worship vt.& vi.崇拜



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