Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to our “Speech Corner”.Now it’s my turn to give my speech on the end of the world.As the sun has started to expand into a red giant consuming the earth in flames, the earth is doomed to reach the end of its life span.Yes, it is the end of the world.But you don’t need to rush to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to board the Noah’s ark or rack your brains about the philosophical question that which dies first, your body or your spirit.All you need to do is wait for a ship which will take you to another world in 24 hours and carry one bag with you.Well, as for myself, what shall I do in such a short time and what shall I take and leave behind? Firstly, I will carry a camera with me to keep minutes of what I have done in the 24 hours.Then, I will prepare a nutritional breakfast and share with my family in a harmonious atmosphere.After the breakfast, I will do something that I dare not do in the previous years and break the barriers which prevent me from living my life to the fullest.Maybe I will do a “dine and dash”.Finally, I will pay a visit to some special persons in my life.I will visit my best friends to speak out the words I should have told rather than bury them deep in my heart.I will visit those who have misunderstood me to clear up the unpleasurable cloud which has lasted for years.I will visit those who have hurt but taught me how to live a life to show my appreciation.They have marked on my history of life and I will cherish them even when I’m
not on this planet.When the evening closes in, I’ll go back home and pack my bag.I can spare anything but my photos, which are the most priceless treasure in my life.I cannot afford to leave them behind.Besides my photos, I will take the book Jane Eyre into my bag, which teaches me that dignity and love are the value of a person.And I hope that the next generation will have a chance to read this masterpiece.After I pack my bag, I’ll board the ship without any regret, because I do believe that we human beings will create another beautiful world when we are united as a whole.
What 2012 means to you ? A blockbuster? A number?
Doomsdays? Believe it or not, a large quantity of people’s answer would be the last one.why? Do you really believe 2012 will be the end of the world?
After watching the movie 2012, we never failed to forget the
scenes of catastrophes.Maybe wecan comfort ourselves that a film is just a film, but look around, why a serious of earthquakes volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, droughts took place on our planet lately? Just a coincidence? Or omens? Furthermore, the Long Count in the
Mayan calendar predicted that the world will end on Dec.21th, 2012.The Mayans were extremely good at math and astronomy, and their prophecies always turned out to be precise.Do you believe doomsday now? However, there are also many
non-believers who hold the opposite view, Dr Morrison, for axample, an astronomer at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif, said,” I get angry at the way people are being manipulated and frightened to make money.There is no ethical right to frighten children to make a buck.” Furthermore, the old folks of Maya claimed that some people have mistaken their prediction, and the truth were that 2012 was the end of the old calendar 5, 125-year cycle and the start of the new calendar, but not the end of civilization.Last but not the least.Both NASA(the National Aeronautics and Space Administration)and CERN(the European Center for Nuclear Research)assure us that everything is fine.Are you confused? Which side of view do you take? On my point of view, it makes nonsense to figure out what is true or what is not ,or worry about the unknown.What really matters is that we cherish the moment and hope for future without giving up forever.No matter what happens, we stay together to be prepared for the future, create miracles, love each other and avoid man-made disaster ,like environmental
pollution, excessive exploitation of resources, terrorist attacks, nuclear war and hatred.Facing the strength of nature, we are so small and
helpless.But if we, people all over the world, Unite as a wall to confront disaster, we will come around-------reborn!Just as Days to See>,which is written by Helen Keller, said,” sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorro 看到书上说,地球环境污染很厉害,这样下去,在很多年后,地球会毁灭,世界末日演讲稿。 如果今天就是世界末日,我会做些什么呢? 如果今天是世界末日,那么,就是说,我还有24小时,我不会恐惧,一点也不会,我要做我要做的事,就算是死去,也不要有太多的遗憾。 如果把24小时分成六份,那么,第一份,我要去找他,告诉他,一直一直,我都在爱他,从来没有变过,我需要他的陪伴,只是四个小时,就是永远了。我要给他做饭,我要抱他,如抱自己心爱的孩子一样紧紧地抱住他。 第二份,我要给我的那些真诚的朋友,四个小时,够了吧,吃饭,唱歌,我要跟他们一起疯一起闹,我们要唱《世界末日》那首歌,我要喝很多的酒,很多很多的,要不然就没有机会了,我爱他们,他们那样真诚,那样好,如果有下辈子,我们还要做朋友,还要做朋友。 第三份,我想,我是留给徐徐的,可是,我找不到他了,他去了哪里呢?去了哪里呢?在北京?可是QQ也没有上,手机也换号了,我不该打扰他的生活的,他是不想让我打扰他的生活的,六年了,他下定了决心要重新生活的,没有我,原来,他也可以生活得这么好。可是,我仍然怀念他,所以,这四个小时,让我去找他,无论用什么方法,无论结果如何,这四个小时,去找他。 第四份,我要去找伊伊,告诉她,她是我唯一玩了十六年的朋友,亲爱的朋友,虽然我们之间有那么多的不快,可是,亲爱的,我们仍然生活了十六年,我们彼此是那样的了解,只有我们,才能疯得那样尽兴,闹得如疯子,演讲稿《世界末日演讲稿》。我不会忘记那一年的快乐,还有建哥哥,还有小汪,还有孟歌还有……永远,永远不会忘记那一段单纯快乐的日子。 第五份,我要留给自己,我要睡觉,一个小时思考,三个小时睡觉,希望自己做些美梦,最美最美的梦,在这四个小时里,我只想自己,只为自己着想,做一个真正的自己,我要大声地哭泣,还要大声笑。 第六份,也就是最后一份了,我要留给我的家人,到世界末日的最后四个小时里,我要跟他们在一起,我要拥抱他们,每一个人,然后在一个房间里,聊天,我要告诉他们我爱他们,非常地非常地爱,我要亲吻他们每一个人,我要告诉他们,我以生在这个家里而骄傲,下辈子,如果还有下辈子,让我做爸爸妈妈的父母,我一定好好地爱他们疼他们宠他们,一定…… 那么,所有的时间都过了,24小时过去了,毁灭开始了,一切都不存在了,过去了,都过去了,地球变得荒芜,慢慢地,有了生命,那些植物,那些小小的动物,然后,又有一种动物开始进化,再然后……我不知道,因为我,已经不存在了。 明天就是传说中的“世界末日”,地球真的会毁灭吗?中国会有“诺亚方舟”吗?一切都是一个神秘的未知数。你相信有世界末日吗?我可是很相信的,那可是神通广大的马雅人的预言啊!但妈妈说那是“世纪末日”而不是“世界末日”,是后人把预言的意思理解错了。 我不但相信“世界末日”还相信神话故事和传说,像牙仙、独角兽什么的,尤其是和蔼可亲的圣诞老人!我确定以及肯定他曾来到我的床头,把一个个惊喜放入挂在床头的袜子里,我也一定听到过他雪橇上那最甜美清脆的铃铛声和驯鹿好听的叫声。每年的圣诞节,我都能从袜子里淘到我最想要的东西,虽然我知道那是真心懂我的父母放的,但我宁愿相信这是圣诞老人的杰作! 你可能不会相信,牙线和独角兽也拜访过我的家呢!牙仙挥动着银色的小小翅膀,从枕头下取走了我的乳牙,并且送了一个精致的帆船模型给我,我一蹦三尺地向小伙伴炫耀!而独角兽带给我的印象最深,我至今仍然清楚的记得它那温柔的眼神和闪着星光的犄角,它慢慢地飞进我的梦里身边被珍珠般的星雾所笼罩,丝绸般的鬃毛熠熠生辉…… 在我们必须面对的现实,请不要忘记我们每个人的心里还有一个童话,一个最纯洁的、金光闪闪的梦。如果你累了,要记得走进童话,走回童话…… 世界末日计划书 我的世界末日计划书 眼看2012 世界末日日益临近,我们这些人之中有99.999…%的人会死,如 果你想做活下来的那一少部分人,请认真看完此文,我将以专业的角度教大家 如何在末日中自救。 有二个方法,【一】买票,什么票?预计在末日的时候全球 会建造一种称为“诺亚方舟”的宇宙飞船,全球将有数百万人乘坐该机器逃离地 球,乘客是各国领导人,科学家,各行业顶尖精英,为的是在末日后回地球或 到其它星球后,重新发展文明,保存物种,由于建造方舟费用昂贵,剩余座位 票将出售给有钱买票的富豪,售价为二十亿欧元(人民币二百亿),看到此处你 是不是认为你死定了呢?错,穷人有穷办法。我们不能放弃,因为你有幸看到我 的计划,请看第二种方法。 【二】自救,既然是世界末日,自然不是盖的。首 先我们要根据末日时的环境做出有针对性的计划,根据本人的资料收集和长期 研究得出 2012 年地球的情况基本是这样的:a 磁极颠倒(地球失去磁场的保护,会受到宇宙射线种太阳风暴袭击),b 大地震频繁,大家知道地球已到了地震活 跃期,2012 时震极会越来越大,大地震将会引发全球性的火山集体*,海啸等。c 行星撞地球,海啸冲击力会环形状向全球扩展,首先日本会消失,地震,火 山*,然后高温持续珠峰会消融。三天后全球一片火海,大量火山灰遮挡太阳,地球将是高温黑夜。海水会慢慢干枯,若干年后气温开始下降,接着空中的水 蒸气开始下雨,又过若干年,由于遮挡住太阳,气温低下,水化成冰,全球将 是冰雪世界,正式进入“冰河时期”。当然我们是不可能生活在这个时期了。我 说的是在行星撞上地球的这些年的生存方案,那时方舟已经飞到了其它星球。留在地球上的人该如何自救。大家有好的方法不妨拿出来一起讨论,为了能够 活着这个目标,大家一定要团结。首先准备锄头一把,我决定明天回就开始在 我家后山挖山洞,往地下挖,一天挖三米,2012 年挖到3000 左右深处。估计 就可以挡太阳风暴,高温和海啸了。再次准备食物,预计明年食品价格会大涨,我家有土地有田,自己种,城里人就等死吧!解决了住的和吃的,最后是幸福 与生活了,我的地下山洞除了我的家人外,我会在全球范围内挑选一个女人做 我的老婆和我一起住在3000 米地下山洞(可以带上女方的家人)。不想死的都应 该会来参选,这将是一个庞大的选妻活动,预计全球有二十亿女性参加,活动 名称我定为“快乐老婆”或“越级堂客”。 赶紧报名参加吧!我们将在地下山洞生 活三年到十年时间,每隔几个月我会爬到二千米位置,看下地球上的情况,当 我们出来时,世界将由我和看到我的这篇计划书的人重新发展。 你会是末日后 存活下来的那少部分人吗?第三篇:世界末日演讲稿