
时间:2019-05-15 14:25:57下载本文作者:会员上传


On January 13, Jin Weijie, a teacher from Longhua Chinese-English Experimental School in Baoan rushed to save four primary school students and sacrifice herself.On March 31, a traffic accident happened in Jiangsu province, once again, a primary school teacher, Yin Xuemei, saved six primary school students’ lives, while losing her own.This touched my heart deeply.Who is the greatest? The teacher!If it was me, if I happened to be there, I would do the same thing, because I am a teacher, too.Working as a teacher, maybe there is nothing special in their life.But we have a belief deep within, that is--we must protect our students, keep our children safe, we won’t let any of them get hurt.Just as what the commissioner of education in Jiangsu province said: “The accident happened so quickly, it happened in a flick of an eye, there is no time to think about it or hesitate, saving the others is an instinctive action.She did it only because she was of great stature.She forgot about herself in the heat of the moment.”

There is no doubt, teachers are worth all respect!Teachers are selfless!They impart knowledge to the students, they offer ways and skills of learning to their students, and they offer their lives with no hesitancy when necessary!So I am proud of being a teacher.I like students, teaching will be my life-time career.Choosing the right career is very important, most of us spend a great part of our lives doing jobs.Some of us have become very successful.Mainly because they have chosen appropriate careers which match their talents and stimulate their interests.I prefer teaching English.English is my favorite.In my opinion, teaching English is more wonderful than any other subject.There are thousands of different languages in the world.Which language is the most

important? As we know, English is an international language, and it could be used all over the world.English is becoming more and more important and popular in China.We adults learn English, school students learn English, even the babies in the kindergarten learn English.It’s a necessary language if you want to go abroad, It’s an essential quality for the researchers to get the latest information in the world quickly.In an age of fast communication, if we want to learn about the outside world, English is definitely the language we should know.Let's take a look at a practical viewpoint, if you're looking for a job that can provide you a good position and a high salary, understanding English often makes it much easier.It can't be denied that English is very important if you want to make a good living.English is a very important language no matter what you do or where you go, Millions of people would like to master English, but it’s not a piece of cake.So being an English teacher is good.I am fortunate that I can express my opinions in English.So I am lucky I can teach English.Furthermore, Being an English teacher, I am very content.I am so grateful to have a life that is filled with teenagers’ trust and love.When my students answer my questions correctly, when they discuss passionately, when they communicate with foreigners fluently, when I see the slowest in thought make progress, I know I have done a great job.Nothing can replace my pleasure.So being an English teacher, I have got fantastic pleasure.It is English that makes my life wonderful.It is English that makes me feel confident.It is English that makes me different

If there is another chance for me to choose my occupation, I won’t choose anything except being an English teacher.I enjoy my job, and I love my life.















你怎么理解为人师表? 韩愈云:「师者,所以传道、授业、解惑也。」而一个人获得师长良好的教育,就能发挥一己之长,对国家社会大众有用。不同的阶段,学生经过老师的教导,才能具备常识、拥有技能、培养道德、启发思想,老师对学生的影响,可说是广大又深远。那么,如何做一个老师呢?









我想和孩子一起年轻,和孩子们一起永远有一颗童心,这样才能去理解他们,去走进他们的心灵,和他们一起哭,和他们一起笑。那会是一件很幸福的事情,不是吗? 要知道这样的幸福也不是每个人都能享受的待遇。孩子,是祖国的花朵,是家中的太阳,也是我们幼儿教师的一切。孩子的需要是教师关心的焦点,孩子的进步是教师快乐的源泉。你快乐,所以我开心。


What is One Breath English?

Dear ladies and gentlemen:

Thank you for the warm welcome.It's an honor to be here today.I'm here on a mission.I have an important message.I'm convinced it will change your life.English is everywhere.English is a key to success.We must learn and master it.So many of us study English like hell.So few of us can speak it well.What do you think is the reason?

The problem is right here!(point to your brain)

The problem is remembering.The problem is that we forget what we learn.Luckily,through years of research, we've created a new way to learn.With this specially designed material and method, we can retain what we learn forever.It's called One Breath English.What is One Breath English?

Why should we learn it?

What's it all about?

First,it's a breakthrough technique.It's easy to remember.It's designed to be memorized.Repeat nine lines like crazy.Speak as fast as you can.Say it within five seconds.It will become second natrue.It will be ingrained in your memory.You will remember it for the rest of your life.Second,the material is full of life.It's not boring book English.It's the core essence of daily American speech.The content is uplifting.It's consideraate and polite.people will like what you say.You'll gain confidence.You'll communicate better.You'll become a better person.Third,it's fun to learn.It's a five second test.It's just like playing a game.You challenge yourself.You race against the clock.You will improve every time you try.Speak English to yourself day and night.Speak English to everyone around you.It's fun to impress people.Fourth,One Breath English is very healthy.It's a fountain of youth.It will make you become younger.What makes people grow old?

It's anxiety,stress and loss of hope.Reciting English will cure these problems.Chant it over and over.Say it to yourself again and again.Your anxiety,depression,and loneliness will all go away.The bottom line is that One Breath English gets results.It's organized and systematic.It's efficient learning right away.This is a great discovery.It's totally revolutionary.It's unprecedented in language learning history.The English revolution is NOW!

One Breath English is the way.Let's open our books and begin.


Good morning, everyone.I'm glad to see so many people here.Today's topic is “How to Sell Yourself”.I shall be speaking for about three minutes.There are four main aspects to this topic:firstly, look like a winner;secondly, communicate clearly;thirdly,have a positive and assertive attitude;finally, be prepared.If you have any questions , just interrupt me.I’d like to hear from you.(Thank you for your applause, although you don’t applaud.)

In this competitive society, it is essential to know how to sell yourself in order to get the job you want.As the saying goes: you never get a second chance to make a first impression.That means you must be able to market your best features and present yourself in the best light.After all, a good impression is very important.There are several things you can do to project a good image in an interview.Firstly, look like a winner.Dress conservatively and well, and you'll look like you're going to the top.Dress well to impress and show respect.Dress your best and you'll feel confident and comfortable.Don't overdress yourself , wear something simple but decent.Secondly, communicate clearly.Consider each question carefully and respond with total honesty.Remember to make eye contact and maintain good posture.Try to relax and breathe naturally.Mind your body language.You need to look attentive but also at ease.Thirdly, have a positive and assertive attitude.The old saying goes: the core idea of success is positive mental attitude.It's important to appear confident of your ability and optimistic about your future.Finally, be prepared.Present a professional resume and be ready to explain everything in detail.There is a saying: the good faith is the foundation of the personhood.And you must be honest in the interview.After all, attitude decides everything, detail makes difference.By following the advice above, you are bound to make a good impression on potential employers.Then you will be able to choose the best opportunity for you and take that first step towards success.It is said that opportunity is open to those well prepared for it.Time and opportunity wait for no man.Let's strive together.That’s all.Thank you very much for your attention and your applause.



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