
时间:2019-05-15 14:14:27下载本文作者:会员上传


The Effects of Compliments

The American writer Mark Twain once said “I can live for two months on a good compliment.” As he said, I believe all of us like the good compliment.Good compliment has many positive effects, we should make full use of it.First, a good compliment can make others become more confident.When I was a child, I had no interests in mathematics.I even couldn’t pass the exam while most of them can get a “B”.How shameful!One day, my friend Lily asked me an easy question in class, and I happened to know the answer, so I did it very well.Lily opened her eyes and said, “Wow, you have just solved a very difficult problem!You have a brilliant talent for mathematics.” From that moment, I didn’t hate the mathematics, on the contrary, I had great confidence to solve any problem about maths.Second, a good compliment can start a conversation with strangers very appropriately.For example, my friend Lily bring her friend LiJing to the party, I didn’t know how to start a talk with LiJing, because I knew nothing about her.Suddenly I found her short skirt is the latest fashion, so I complimented her, “Your skirt is pretty, and you make it look more beautiful.” She smiled and began to talk something about fashion with me very happy.You see a good compliment take an important part in icebreaking.“Flattery will get you everywhere”, but sometimes we also hear of “Flattery will get you nowhere.” A compliment can also make others feel embarrassed when it is misunderstood because of different cultures.For example, an American woman compliment a Chinese girl very sincerely, “You’re very beautiful.” The Chinese girl must reply, “Oh, no, I’m not beautiful at all.” Though this compliment is out of the Chinese modesty, this will make the American woman very embarrassed and unhappy.Because if an American girl hear this compliment, she will just say “Thank you ” instead of some modest words.In short, a good compliment can make others become happy and help them overcome shortcomings, but we must pay attention to different cultures when we compliment others.My Understanding of the Pursuit of Happiness

All of us want to be happy and we pursue happiness in different ways.What’s the real meaning of pursuing happiness? I want share my opinion with you.First, all of us have the right to pursue happiness.We all want to live a happy life, that’s our nature.It seems to us that happiness is subjective, because it is related to our mood.But it is also a objective existence, as long as you want to pursue it and try your best, you will get it nine times out of ten, no matter you are rich or poor.Even a fool has the right to pursue.L.N.Andreev, a Russian writer, argues that “Happiness does not lie in enjoying it, but in striving for and pursuing it.”To pursue happiness and eventually get it, this process makes our life meaningful and makes us happy.You know, happy people make the world better and unhappy people make it worse.So the pursuit of happiness is not only our nature, but also our responsibility to make the world better.Second, we have a right to seek happiness, but this right to happiness should not be pursued at the expense of loyalty, humanity, and honesty.Pursuit of happiness doesn’t mean that man was entitled to pursue happiness by any and every means—including murder, rape, robbery, treason and fraud.No society could be built on such a basis.People don’t have the unlimited “right to happiness”, we should not go against any natural or moral law.Let’s take a simple example, when we listen to music, we are happy, but we should turn down the volume if someone is sleeping.1

In short, the pursuit of happiness is our nature and right, but don’t do something harmful to others.An Ideal World in My Mind

Nowadays, the world is full of contamination, competition and manufacture.Water contamination, soil contamination and atmospheric contamination make us worry about the food we eat everyday and think of whether we will get ill if we breathe the toxic air.The severe competition between countries often causes economical or political friction, wars and unemployment.Manufacture destroys the handiwork, so much of artistic heritage dies out.Now our country’s economy is growing fast but the government is still confronted with many challenges, especially some social problems, including loss of farmland, a widening financial gap between rural and urban areas, a employment problem of university graduates, fake and shoddy products, and so on.High attention needs to be paid to.We must try our best to change the imperfect world into a perfect world.An ideal world in my mind is a peaceful world where people are compassionate for others.We are all happy and we are not in the fear of unemployment, disease, violence, poverty, hunger, wars, murderers, terrorists, robbers or pollution again.There is no anxiety and barrier between countries, we can travel round the world with freedom and talk to different people without wariness.There is no financial gap between rural and urban areas, rural students won’t experience discrimination again.In this world, we all like study and study for the sake of application, then we can find good jobs we like and make contribution to our world after we graduate.In this world, everyone has lots of good food and drink(and it doesn't make you fat or sick), and nice warm luxurious homes without loan.This ideal world in my mind is not just a dream, it can come true as long as the countries unite as one, governments tighten up the management with effective methods, and everyone is strict with himself and tolerant toward others.The True Spirit of the Olympics

Many people regard “higher, faster, and stronger” as the spirit of Olympic Games.And some people believe one of the major objectives of sporting events is to encourage people to participate and do their best.But I think, nothing is more important than fighting for our dreams persistently even if God troubles you many times.For example, Kim Rhode, a 5-Time Olympic medalist of shooting, broke the record of the Olympic Games in London, 2012.Though she is an excellent and experienced athlete who captured the gold medal without doubt, in fact, she overcame all difficulties given by God.This 33 year-old woman was very unlucky before she reached London Olympic stadium.At first, she couldn’t arrive at Danish training base because the plane has been declared off.Then she flied to London without training in Denmark because her dog ate her air ticket, so she didn’t have enough time for training.That was not the most miserable thing, you can’t imagine, her gun which she used in many matches was stolen at the night before the London Olympic qualification match.At last, she had to use the gun which borrowed temporarily from the native community to compete in the Olympic Games.Although God troubled her many times, she could still keep calm and won.She not only broke the record of the Olympic Games, but also became the first medalist who won the medals five times in succession.Never give up and keep calm when troubles trouble you, I think this is the true spirit of the Olympics.


Nothing Succeeds like the Appearance of Success

Everyone's life fills with success and failure from birth to death but some people always get more chances of success.Are they really born to be winners? No, of course not!Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success!

We often make a value judgment about strangers within the initial stages of encounters.Invariably people will take into account the persons appearance, clothing, manners, as well as personal attitudes such as eye contact and verbal aptitude.So, we can see how important a winning image is.I'll tell you why I'm so firm.I have a high school classmate, he did not go to college, but success for his effort.But in the early stages of his new enterprises,he has also repeatedly failed,until he found the key to success.He told me that society is cruel and it wouldn’t give you any encouragement, opposite, it will continue to dent your confidence.When his first interview, his slovenly dress let him lost the job.We have to admit that the first impression mostly base on this base, most people judge people only by the first appearance.Now, he has been a assistant of the manager, a winning image play a good role in his success.I think what he said is reasonable.Success require many factors but winners mostly possess such characters:Active optimism, Dress properly, Keep passionate.I hope that we have all of these qualities already when we come into the society.


With the development of society and economy, human demand for energy is on the increase, but the earth of coal, oil, natural gas and the non-renewable resources but declining, at the same time these fuels also brought great

influence on the environment.So this is pressing for the various countries the line energy reform, the development of new energy.And biological energyits renewable, low pollution advantages become global focus on the

development of new energy.First and foremost, government can solve the problem by invest money toexplore new energy resource。

Furthermore, government can also raise the public consciousness of the

energy conservation.Last but not the least, encouraging and help companies to explore energy-conserving products can make people use resourcereasonably.It 's no doubt that computers are widely used in modern society.We use the computer to work, to watch news ,to connect our friends ,to play games ,it play an more and more important role in our daily life.students often surf the Internet to find something good for their study,by surfing the Internet,they can learn a lot and make a great progress.The computer also offer entertainment to us.there are a lot of

music,movies,books and others.you can get anything you want from internet.Actually we can go shopping on internet as the real world,because many people have business on internet.That’s a good way of some lazy guy to go shopping without going to outside.In one word,computer is really important in our life now,Let's get some fun from computer and enjoy it!



Does Machine Translation will take the place of Literary Translation?

In recent years, all kinds of electronic dictionaries and translation software have been developed.With the development of technology, these electronic dictionaries and softwares can help us translate not only words and phrases, but even sentences and paragraphs.So some people come to the conclusion that machine translation will replace traditional human translation.However, I couldn't agree with this argument.Admittedly,translation machines and softwares bring much convenience for our study.Electronic dictionaries and softwares can assist us find some new words quickly and accurately,especially, some generic terms.It still can provide an alternative choices for our translation though it always translate word by word.What's more , with a translation software we needn't bother to live through the heavy dictionaries.However, machine translation can not take the place of literary translation due to its limitations.First, generally speaking, translation software only can give direct translation, which sometimes don't consonant with the original articles in logic and meaning,let alone the grammar.Second,Literary Translation is more elegant and fluent.Considering the above mentioned, I believe there is no possibility that machine translation can replace Literary translation until the grammatic problem are solved due to the development of artificial intelligence.But machine translation is a good complementary to Literary translation.we should combine machine translation with literary translation effectively.Celebrity effect

Nowadays,why are so many people pay attention to the opinions which are gave by celebrities?It has something to do with celebrity effect—influence which bring about or from famous persons that affect people's tendency and mentality.In my opinion, every coin has two sides, celebrity effect has both positive and negative influence on our society.Celebrities are famous for they have one or few aspects that outdistance ordinary people.Their comments are often positive for the society.Like Thomas Alva Edison once said, “Genius are one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration”As a brilliant scientist, he expresses the importance of diligence in science and inspires countless people working hard to fight for the truth.As for some celebrities their story is a encouragement for us.For instance,Yuminhong the president of New Orient school is a household celebrity.his story encouraged numerous college students to pursuit their dream.Yet, this is not always the case the point is that, not all celebrities tell the truth and they are not perfect role models for the public.we should be careful with their remarks when is comes to their unfamiliar area and negative effect occur when their lie for some reason.For example,when a celebrity who advertise for inferior product.The consequences would be too ghastly to contemplate.Maybe thousands of people will suffer fr

In summary,celebrity effect has both advantages and disadvantages.We should be rational when comes to their comments and look before you leap when we involved in some important issue.What's more celebrities should take responsibility for the whole society and be honest.A stitch in time saves nine

In modern society ,we are always on the go and easily got into mass.To avoid being overwhelmed caught in flurry,we are supposed to patching small things up frequently ,just as the old sings goes:“a stitch in time saves nine”,or in other words ,get your house repaired timely before it rains.When comes to the real world,disorder surrounds us and entropy fills our life according to scientists.we have no choice but make a good preparation for what will happen,or disorder will get better of us.For example,there are always small things which we need to deal with.Maybe ,they won't make any difference to our daily life at the beginning.However,things will turn bad if you let them alone.You will realize that problems are too complicated to solve in the near future.On the other hand,make a good preparation in time will not only help us keep our life in order but also achieve maximum results with little effort.Imagining you will make a presentation to your classmates,you won't be confident or do a good job unless you are fully prepared.Or,it's inevitable that you will be embarrassed when you are on the stage.In summary,it consider wisely to patch up small things regularly and we should always keep in mind:“a stitch in time saves nine”.Man and disasters

In the span of human existence,human beings are continually attacked by and fighting against numerous disasters,both natural and man-made.Disasters seem to be part of human life.Are all disasters that bad?Actually not,on the contrary,disaster is a sharp double-blade-sword for human-being.On one hand,disasters both natural and man-made are all merciless and they always gives us painful lessons.Wen chuan earthquake killed more than 60000 people and one hundred thousand people lost their lives in Port-au-Prince earthquake.Thousands of people became homeless.The 2008 financial tsunamis lead to a global financial crisis.The financial crisis does not have any recovery signs in developed counties with larger government deficits, higher unemployment rate, more banks bankruptcy, more businesses shut down, higher prices and inflation pressure and all society are high unemployment even in 2009.On the other hand,disaster can promote reflection on and our society develops as we conquer one disaster after another.We probably would not appreciate each other so much until we were going through life to death.People will treasure every moment in their rest life when disasters gone.what's more,some disasters unfold important problems for when we are suffer from them.For example The 2008 ice storm in south of china.In addition,disasters can test people's character ,power of endurance,courage and w

Disasters always shoulder to shoulder with unforgettable trauma and suffering even death.Maybe,we are lost sometimes.But it wouldn't be long and we never be defeated by disasters let alone to yield.We were almost destroyed in disasters again and again.However, what's more important is that we are re-birthed in disasters again and again by conquering disasters one by one.Nevertheless, we still look forward to fewer disasters and surviving easier and happier.Career and interest

Currently, the mostly concerned problem is the ideal career and interest.People generally believe that the ideal state of life is being able to do the job that you are interested in.On the contrary,they always conflict with each other in real life.How should we deal with the conflicts between them is crucial,especially for our college student.In my opinion,interest should make way for career when they are at variance.Career is more important than interest for whose family is in poor economic condition.On one hand,The economic base determines the superstructure.The problem which we should first solve is how to survive.Only successful career can promise better life.Perhaps you get lots of reasons that interest should come to the first.You may contend that one can't do a good job without interest for he will not be passionate with his work.But it paled when comes to the reality even you get thousands of pretexts if your interest has nothing to do with your career.On the other hand,we have no choice the reality is cruel.High prices for living goods and houses and fierce competition for jobs provide no alternative choice for us.All we can do is make a good preparation for our career even we engage ourselves in the field that we are not interested in at all.Or,it will be tough.However,the condition really become so terrible that we do not have any chance to retrieve?No,it's not so bad.We can still develop our interests on the condition that your can make a good career for yourself.For instance,we can put the interest as a leisure.We can spend our free time to do the things we interest.In addition, we can choose the career close to our interest.Perhaps this will make our interest more extensive.In summary,We are supposed to consider a rational relationship between interest and career even you are engaged in a area which is boring.As for people who is in poor economic condition,you'd better give first rank to career and the second for interest.My View on Some Problems in China's Higher Education

With the development of our society, higher education has achieved many significant results.But there are some problems in China’s higher education.Some of them need to be solved urgently.Traditional education methods make students think the most important task is learning knowledge in books.So many college students work hard and manage to get high points.They do not care about whether they grasp it or not.It does not mean their abilities to think out creative ideas and to do practice has be improved.In fact students’

abilities to deal with problems are weak.Higher education ignores how important it is to help these young students get harmonious personnel relationship in society.Many students have high IQ but low EQ.It’s hard for these boys and girls to tolerate others’ opinions and behaviors.Many universities have not give students plenty of opportunities to do practice.Graduates find sometimes it is hard to use the knowledge into their jobs.How to solve these problems? It needs the whole society to make great efforts.Society should change their concept about higher education.People should know the destination of higher education is to make students understand how to learn, how to live and how to solve actual problems.Universities should give opportunities to students of do practice and finally solve them by themselves.Professors should conduct them but not to take the place of students.Finally there should be friendly atmosphere on campus.Boys and girls communicate smoothly and help each other.To keep good personnel relationship is very necessary in society.So now they should learn how to do during college life.My view on beauty

The desire for beautiful appearance is one of human natures.Many people operate their appearances so that they can become more beautiful ,so they pay more attention to the outside beauty instead of the inner beauty.I think the true beauty is inner beauty.It can stay long.I don’t think outside beauty is not beauty.If you have both of them ,it is better.Even though you don’t have beautiful appearance,that’s all right ,you simply improve your inner beauty.As we know ,everyone has their own appearances.They are given by God.I think they are all natural beauty.Natural beauty is the most beautiful.Outside beauty is not permanent.However,inner beauty can stay everlasting.Nowadays,many people don’t realize this point.They pursuit outside beauty all the time.Man-made beauty is concerned by people ,especially women.Women spend a lot of money on operation ,and they seek all kinds of ways to make them more beautiful.As we know every coin has two sides ,with the growth of popularity,all sort of problems come.Many women are cheatedby illegal hospital.They not only spend a lot of money but also hurt.I think it’s useless.As a twenty-one century teenager,we should know which one is more important.As far as I’m concerned,it seems necessary for us to regard beauty correctly.Finally,I want to say everyone is beautiful as long as you have eyes that can find beauty.




Nowadays, It is more and more important for us to improve communication, because communication is playing a significant role in our daily life.Our neighborhood is like a big family, communication can help us to solve the conflicts and contradictions in the neighborhood.Firstly, As a chairman of our neighborhood community, I have the responsibility to hold some activities to enrich the lives of members.The opportunity of communication is very important.For example, a cocktail parties can help people to keep conversation flowing.Secondly, numbers should enhance the skills of communication.sometimes, we should use our body language properly and make them lively.For example, a physical, nonverbal gesture by women should be more expressive.Sometimes, Language is the only tool, different speed and cadence of our voices can express different meanings.Someone express themselves in all sincerity and with warmth to show respect to the others.Besides, sense of humor is very important, we should use this skill frequently.Lastly, we should learn more knowledge to enrich our mind.That can help us to communicate with others meaningfully, and When the others talk about anything, we can join in them at once and don't feel embarrassed.The importance of communication among the community members is obvious.However, the suggestion is very simple.Therefore, step up and start to make your life become different.第二单元:最有价值的家庭传统

When I was young, my parents told me:“Where there is a will, there is way ”.They aimed at encouraging me of the importance of diligence.Undoubtedly, the most valuable tradition of my family is diligence, nobody can deny the importance of it, which developed a positive attitude to make my life more meaningful in my growth.The spirit was remembered and it prevented me from quitting easily when I felt precarious.My parents said that if I hoped to make progress, I must try my best to do everything unswervingly.The more diligent we are, the more easily we are to make money, accumulate wealth, create more opportunities, establish career and integrate into society.My mother often took Edison as a case in point, He told us:” Genius need 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”.All in all, at no time can I ignore the importance of the diligence.Furthermore, on my personal level, small success is no excuse for feeling satisfied with myself.I have always believed in success, have always believed that without diligence, I have learned that one person can really make a difference.Only I strive for life in the future, can I obtain a better education, more job stability better income and a more beautiful environment.第三大单元:促使比尔盖茨成功的因素

Factors Contributing to the Success of Bill Gates Everyone is eager to gain success,and everyone has his own interpretation.There are many factors leading to success such as opportunity,intelligence,and ambition,ect.There is no denying that the success of Bill Gates is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world.As far as i am concerned,ambition is the premise.Firstly,you must have an ambition.You ought to know what do you want to do.Bills Gates clearly knows his ambition,so he drop out of school Secondly, opportunity plays the same important as diligent impact on success.There is a saying that:”success is owing to the people who are ready to do everything ”Thirdly is preparation.God always give the chance to someone who make an preparation.The last factor which contributing to the success of Bill Gates is intelligence.As far as i am concerned,intelligence is also play an important impact on success.Someone ought to develop his strength.In conclusion, concerning the importance of seizing the right moment, we college students should make every effort to get fully prepared to lest miss the opportunities.And everyone should have a clear vision of what he really want in life.If you know what you want, then you’ll recognize every opportunity that comes along that fits with your vision, and you’ll be able to grab these opportunities with both hands


In our modern society with material becoming rich and wealth increasing, most people misunderstand the relationship between wealth and happiness.People always regard wealth as happiness, but there really are some differences between them.Happiness isn’t wealth or can’t be equal to wealth completely.To some people ,wealth is regarded as first ,because it can help them to do what they want to do.For example ,with a lot of money ,they can buy house ,car ,clothes ,and so on.Besides ,they even have the idea that they can buy happiness which they like.As far as I’m concerned ,one should not equate wealth with happiness ,Happiness contains all kinds of things.I suppose that sometimes happiness comes from a little case.such as ,when you feel very hungry ,you can have a fine meal.you will be happiness as long as you feel your life being full of value.In a word, keeping health first if you want become wealthy.It is well-known that a person can make a large fortune if he has the right opportunities during his life.But if the person suffers from a terrible illness, then no matter how much money he may earn, he will still lead a miserable life.Therefore, health is much more important than wealth.第五单元:现代科技便利还是麻烦?

With the development of economy, the modern technology becomes more and more important in our daily life.As far as I am concerned , altough the development of technology has aroused many negative effects, yet its advantages and benefits far outweigh the down side Firstly, modern technology has generated a great many innovative machines , which substitute human beings to undertake much labor work.Take computer for example, it can perform calculations in an instant with high accuracy.People have been set free from labors with the help of machines technology.Secondly, technology has bettered people’s health condition, and lengthened human life with advanced medical care and progressive medical research.Finally modern technology has shortened the distance among people, and facilitated communications between people.Some people still hold the argument that life was better when technology was simpler.That may be illustrated by the fact that modern technology has resulted in great damage to natural environment.Great amount of natural resources have been over-exploited, and even disappeared.Yet such a problem should be controllable, and may be prevented if reasonable measures taken by we human beings.第六单元:失败是好的老师吗?

At present,“Is failure a good teacher?”has become one of the most popular topics in our daily lives.There is no doubt that failure indeed happen every now and then, it often accompany with us in our common life.Although,for





ideas.I’m perfectly willing to agree that failure can be a good teacher.Generally speaking,For these people who are optimistic, they always think that “the failure is the mother of success”.They can always find the way to success, according to failure.They will never be afraid of failure , because they have the faith that failure is only the obstacle in the way to success, they may move the stone from the way or find another way to reach success at last.For the other pessimistic people , they may think that failure is not good.They are afraid of failure.If they do meet with failure , they always tell themselves that they are bad and could never be successful , which could destroy their confidence.So they are very afraid of failure.As long as I am concerned , failure is a good teacher.There is some wisdom to be learned from failure.If we can learn to turn a failure to our advantage, we will have learned another secret to success.In a word, Failure is a good teacher and teach us a lot.



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