public speaking 公共演讲

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第一篇:public speaking 公共演讲

The hardworking blacksmith used to work all day in his shop and he was so hard-working that at times he would make the sparks fly from his hammer.The son of Mr.Smith, a rich neighbor, used to come to see the blacksmith every day.And for hours and hours he would enjoy watching how the man worked.“Young man, why don't you try to learn to make shoe tacks, even if it is only to pass the time?” The blacksmith asked, “One day, it may help you.”

The lazy boy began to see what he could do.But after a little practice, he found that he was becoming very skilled and soon he could make some of the finest tacks.Old Mr.Smith died and the son lost all his goods because of the war.He had to leave home and was forced to take up residence in another

country.It happened in this village, there were numerous shoemakers.They were spending a lot of money to buy tacks for their shoes.Although they paid high prices, they were not always able to get what they wanted, because in that part of the country there was a high demand for soldier shoes.Our young Mr.Smith, who was finding it difficult to earn his daily bread, remembered that once upon a time he had learned the art of making tacks.He had the sudden idea of making a bargain with the shoemakers.He told them that he would make the tacks if they would help to get him settled in his own workshop.The shoemakers were only too glad of the offer.And after a while, Mr.Smith found that he was soon making the finest tacks in the village.“How funny it seems,” he used to say, “Even making tacks can bring a fortune.My trade is more useful to me than all my former riches.”

If the young Smith refused to learn to make tacks, this tiring skill when he was rich, how can he keep alive while he lost everything?

A small decision may change your life.


Hello teacher, my topic today is about reading style, between paper books and computer.Some say “we are in the age of the internet, reading paper books don’t seem as important as it was once.” I don’t agree with the sentence.In my opinion internet and paper books are just like tea and coffee.They are similar with each other.Though, more and more people like to use the internet nowadays, its make things easier.Just like this, I want to prepare my public-speaking-examination;I can open my computer search for “public speaking articles” I will get millions of articles at one second.Then I can choose whichever one I like to use.If I want to prepare it in the library, all the books come out and I have to choose one I like, it needs a lot of time.Maybe you can say at this moment, “Oh, Internet is better, books are no use.” So I have to use Internet.But let's see things in another way.I love traveling a lot.I have much time spend on a bus or plane.I always bring a book with me, I can reading my books when I was having my trip on a bus or on a plane.Actually, whenever it is, wherever you go, whatever you are doing, you can take out a book and read if you feel like doing so.Now who will bother to take a computer and switch it on, search for the Internet, connect, and looking for stories to read.Nobody will do that.Also, when you read a book, you can see every word of it, you can read it slowly, and you can read and think with the development of the story.When you focus on a computer, we tend to read very fast and just know the frame, no details left.I can’t answer which reading style is better, just like what I have said, it is a question about coffee and tea.Different people have different choice.I just want to remind everyone of this”don’t forget paper books” it is still very important nowadays, which should have its own position.After all, paper books have a much longer history than the computer;the internet is just like a baby when facing paper books.If you want to search something quick just like news, lists, common senses and so on.The computer can be the best choice, if you just want to read a book and want to have a deep understanding of it, please get a paper book, find a good place, sit down, and read slowly.I am sure you will start a wonderful trip.That’s all, thank you!



The art of public speaking









演讲最重要的是它的内容和逻辑。前两者与之相比,就只是锦上添花的东西而已。那么如何确保自己的演讲有着很强的逻辑性呢?首先你需要对本国和世界的现实情况有一个具体的了解,这个国际问题的解决需要哪些必备要素,这就又转化为会前准备和知识架构问题了。有一个完整的知识架构,才能了解问题的切入点,才能对问题有透彻的分析。例如会议议题是非洲大湖地区发展问题,我们Motion 的工业发展问题正在讨论,假设你是法国代表,你上台发言就要说明法国表示支持大湖地区工业发展,为什么我们法国会支持,大湖地区发展工业会给双方带来哪些好处,法国将如何帮助大湖地区发展工业……按照这样的顺序来进行你的演讲,会让他国代表觉得你的思路是很清晰的。同时,我要说明一点,有逻辑的演讲往往是言简意赅的,是讲究语言艺术的,而不是长篇大论的。长篇大论的演讲让人没有继续听下去的兴趣,更别提逻辑性了。而如何精简语言、达到感染别人、获取支持的目的,需要我们仔细捉摸和探索,需要投入巨大的精力去练习,需要我们充分的会前准备和人格魅力的展现。我们都还有很长一段路要走。未来我们依旧需要不断努力。



What We Can not Afford to Lose

--Lose ItselfNowadays, many people do not know the meaning of life, they just persue material satisfaction.But what can we not afford to lose? Maybe you never think about this question, but it is very important to answer this question.different people hold different views, in my opinion, what we can not afford to lose is lose itself,just as president franklin d.Roosevelt said,the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.We afraid to lose,we want control everything we have.In fact,however,we we spend our whole life to persue what we want,namely money,power,beautiful clothes,big house,luxury.We just prove we can control life, our fate is decided by ourselves.When we lose somethings, we may feel we are losers, and become self-abused and pessimistic.It is reported that someone committed suicide after they lose their property or lovers.However, if we without these exterior things, our life can still move on.Those people what can not afford to lose is lose itself.To sum up, the only thing we can not afford to lose is lose itself.Lose something can not defeat us, it only the lose itself make us fear.Thank you for your listening.

第五篇:公共演讲public speech

Exercise every day

Some of you may get bored when hearing what I’m going to persuade you today.Exercise, something we have been told throughout our life.Most of the college students don’t even take a damn about it.Why do I have to do the time-consuming and energy-wasting thing when I really have much more interesting things to do? What is the meaning of exercising when I’m in perfect condition? Isn't it something exclusive for senior pople?

Well, that is why I’m here---to clarify all your false impressions.Let’s start with what our body just like a working machine, and exercise is the lubricant.Long-time working machines need lubricant to get the gears to move more smoothly, to keep pressure from the friction.Just like our body need exercise to refresh itself, to get more oxygen, to function better.And the refreshment must be provided regularly.As the saying goes Life lies in the movement.If you fail to exercise regularly, there is a possibility that you get some disease out of blue.Rest breeds rust.It’s not a threaten or curse, it is the fact.It may fall on anyone of us.Although the chance is not so high, but if it strikes you, you’re the one hundred percent person who suffers from it.Now that we know what our body need, then we focus on emotional aspect.exercise every day is not just a healthy way of life, it is also a kind of attitude, a method by which you can release what troubles you.Every day, we meet various of things that are less satisfactory.Every day it happens.Nobody dares to say without hesitation that I have had an absolutely perfect day.Those things affect our emotion and make us upset, which is bad for our health.And that makes exercise efficient to get rid of those negative emotions and be happy.It feels good to get tired from exercising.You feel the heartbeat, the gasp and the sweat.Something like every cell in your body has a shower.The most important thing is, you’ll feel better.Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, what are you waiting for? Come and join the exercise group.Don’t focus your eyes on the computer screen when you have energy to exercise.Don’t exercise in the morning when you can do it in the evening.Spare a little time every day, and you’ll get a brand new life.

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